/* * FreeRTOS+FAT V2.3.3 * Copyright (C) 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * https://www.FreeRTOS.org * https://github.com/FreeRTOS * */ /** * @file ff_fat.h * @ingroup FAT **/ #ifndef _FF_FAT_H_ #define _FF_FAT_H_ #ifndef PLUS_FAT_H #error this header will be included from "ff_headers.h" #endif /*---------- ERROR CODES */ /*---------- PROTOTYPES */ /* HT statistics Will be taken away after testing: */ #if ( ffconfigFAT_USES_STAT != 0 ) struct SFatStat { unsigned initCount; unsigned clearCount; unsigned getCount[ 2 ]; /* Index 0 for READ counts, index 1 for WRITE counts. */ unsigned reuseCount[ 2 ]; unsigned missCount[ 2 ]; }; extern struct SFatStat fatStat; #endif /* if ( ffconfigFAT_USES_STAT != 0 ) */ #if ( ffconfigWRITE_BOTH_FATS != 0 ) #define ffconfigBUF_STORE_COUNT 2 #else #define ffconfigBUF_STORE_COUNT 1 #endif typedef struct _FatBuffers { FF_Buffer_t * pxBuffers[ ffconfigBUF_STORE_COUNT ]; uint8_t ucMode; /* FF_MODE_READ or WRITE. */ } FF_FATBuffers_t; uint32_t FF_getClusterPosition( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulEntry, uint32_t ulEntrySize ); uint32_t FF_getClusterChainNumber( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulEntry, uint32_t ulEntrySize ); uint32_t FF_getMajorBlockNumber( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulEntry, uint32_t ulEntrySize ); uint32_t FF_getMinorBlockNumber( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulEntry, uint32_t ulEntrySize ); uint32_t FF_getMinorBlockEntry( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulEntry, uint32_t ulEntrySize ); /* A partition may define a block size larger than 512 bytes (at offset 0x0B of the PBR). * This function translates a block address to an address based on 'pxIOManager->usBlkSize', * which is usually 512 bytes. */ static portINLINE uint32_t FF_getRealLBA( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t LBA ) { return LBA * pxIOManager->xPartition.ucBlkFactor; } uint32_t FF_Cluster2LBA( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulCluster ); uint32_t FF_LBA2Cluster( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulAddress ); uint32_t FF_getFATEntry( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulCluster, FF_Error_t * pxError, FF_FATBuffers_t * pxFATBuffers ); FF_Error_t FF_putFATEntry( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulCluster, uint32_t ulValue, FF_FATBuffers_t * pxFATBuffers ); BaseType_t FF_isEndOfChain( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulFatEntry ); uint32_t FF_FindFreeCluster( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, FF_Error_t * pxError, BaseType_t aDoClaim ); uint32_t FF_ExtendClusterChain( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulStartCluster, uint32_t ulCount ); FF_Error_t FF_UnlinkClusterChain( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulStartCluster, BaseType_t xDoTruncate ); uint32_t FF_TraverseFAT( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulStart, uint32_t ulCount, FF_Error_t * pxError ); uint32_t FF_CreateClusterChain( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, FF_Error_t * pxError ); uint32_t FF_GetChainLength( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t pa_nStartCluster, uint32_t * piEndOfChain, FF_Error_t * pxError ); uint32_t FF_FindEndOfChain( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t Start, FF_Error_t * pxError ); FF_Error_t FF_ClearCluster( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulCluster ); #if ( ffconfig64_NUM_SUPPORT != 0 ) uint64_t FF_GetFreeSize( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, FF_Error_t * pxError ); #else uint32_t FF_GetFreeSize( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, FF_Error_t * pxError ); #endif /* WARNING: If this prototype changes, it must be updated in ff_ioman.c also! */ uint32_t FF_CountFreeClusters( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, FF_Error_t * pxError ); FF_Error_t FF_ReleaseFATBuffers( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, FF_FATBuffers_t * pxFATBuffers ); static portINLINE void FF_InitFATBuffers( FF_FATBuffers_t * pxFATBuffers, uint8_t ucMode ) { pxFATBuffers->pxBuffers[ 0 ] = NULL; #if ffconfigBUF_STORE_COUNT > 1 pxFATBuffers->pxBuffers[ 1 ] = NULL; #endif #if ffconfigBUF_STORE_COUNT > 2 #error Please check this code, maybe it is time to use memset #endif pxFATBuffers->ucMode = ucMode; /* FF_MODE_READ/WRITE */ #if ffconfigFAT_USES_STAT { fatStat.initCount++; } #endif } #endif /* ifndef _FF_FAT_H_ */