/* * FreeRTOS+TCP V2.3.2 LTS Patch 1 * Copyright (C) 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /** * @file FreeRTOS_UDP_IP.c * @brief This file has the source code for the UDP-IP functionality of the FreeRTOS+TCP * network stack. */ /* Standard includes. */ #include #include /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" #include "semphr.h" /* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h" #include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h" #include "FreeRTOS_UDP_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_ARP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_DHCP.h" #include "NetworkInterface.h" #include "NetworkBufferManagement.h" #if ( ipconfigUSE_DNS == 1 ) #include "FreeRTOS_DNS.h" #endif /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) /** @brief Part of the Ethernet and IP headers are always constant when sending an IPv4 * UDP packet. This array defines the constant parts, allowing this part of the * packet to be filled in using a simple memcpy() instead of individual writes. */ /*lint -e708 (Info -- union initialization). */ UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { /* .ucBytes : */ { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Ethernet source MAC address. */ 0x08, 0x00, /* Ethernet frame type. */ ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE, /* ucVersionHeaderLength. */ 0x00, /* ucDifferentiatedServicesCode. */ 0x00, 0x00, /* usLength. */ 0x00, 0x00, /* usIdentification. */ 0x00, 0x00, /* usFragmentOffset. */ ipconfigUDP_TIME_TO_LIVE, /* ucTimeToLive */ ipPROTOCOL_UDP, /* ucProtocol. */ 0x00, 0x00, /* usHeaderChecksum. */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* Source IP address. */ } }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Process the generated UDP packet and do other checks before sending the * packet such as ARP cache check and address resolution. * * @param[in] pxNetworkBuffer: The network buffer carrying the packet. */ void vProcessGeneratedUDPPacket( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * const pxNetworkBuffer ) { UDPPacket_t * pxUDPPacket; IPHeader_t * pxIPHeader; eARPLookupResult_t eReturned; uint32_t ulIPAddress = pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress; size_t uxPayloadSize; /* memcpy() helper variables for MISRA Rule 21.15 compliance*/ const void * pvCopySource; void * pvCopyDest; /* Map the UDP packet onto the start of the frame. */ pxUDPPacket = ipCAST_PTR_TO_TYPE_PTR( UDPPacket_t, pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ); #if ipconfigSUPPORT_OUTGOING_PINGS == 1 if( pxNetworkBuffer->usPort == ( uint16_t ) ipPACKET_CONTAINS_ICMP_DATA ) { uxPayloadSize = pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength - sizeof( ICMPPacket_t ); } else #endif { uxPayloadSize = pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength - sizeof( UDPPacket_t ); } /* Determine the ARP cache status for the requested IP address. */ eReturned = eARPGetCacheEntry( &( ulIPAddress ), &( pxUDPPacket->xEthernetHeader.xDestinationAddress ) ); if( eReturned != eCantSendPacket ) { if( eReturned == eARPCacheHit ) { #if ( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM == 0 ) uint8_t ucSocketOptions; #endif iptraceSENDING_UDP_PACKET( pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress ); /* Create short cuts to the data within the packet. */ pxIPHeader = &( pxUDPPacket->xIPHeader ); #if ( ipconfigSUPPORT_OUTGOING_PINGS == 1 ) /* Is it possible that the packet is not actually a UDP packet * after all, but an ICMP packet. */ if( pxNetworkBuffer->usPort != ( uint16_t ) ipPACKET_CONTAINS_ICMP_DATA ) #endif /* ipconfigSUPPORT_OUTGOING_PINGS */ { UDPHeader_t * pxUDPHeader; pxUDPHeader = &( pxUDPPacket->xUDPHeader ); pxUDPHeader->usDestinationPort = pxNetworkBuffer->usPort; pxUDPHeader->usSourcePort = pxNetworkBuffer->usBoundPort; pxUDPHeader->usLength = ( uint16_t ) ( uxPayloadSize + sizeof( UDPHeader_t ) ); pxUDPHeader->usLength = FreeRTOS_htons( pxUDPHeader->usLength ); pxUDPHeader->usChecksum = 0U; } /* memcpy() the constant parts of the header information into * the correct location within the packet. This fills in: * xEthernetHeader.xSourceAddress * xEthernetHeader.usFrameType * xIPHeader.ucVersionHeaderLength * xIPHeader.ucDifferentiatedServicesCode * xIPHeader.usLength * xIPHeader.usIdentification * xIPHeader.usFragmentOffset * xIPHeader.ucTimeToLive * xIPHeader.ucProtocol * and * xIPHeader.usHeaderChecksum */ /* Save options now, as they will be overwritten by memcpy */ #if ( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM == 0 ) { ucSocketOptions = pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSOCKET_OPTIONS_OFFSET ]; } #endif /* * Offset the memcpy by the size of a MAC address to start at the packet's * Ethernet header 'source' MAC address; the preceding 'destination' should not be altered. */ /* * Use helper variables for memcpy() to remain * compliant with MISRA Rule 21.15. These should be * optimized away. */ pvCopySource = xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader.ucBytes; /* The Ethernet source address is at offset 6. */ pvCopyDest = &pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ]; ( void ) memcpy( pvCopyDest, pvCopySource, sizeof( xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader ) ); #if ipconfigSUPPORT_OUTGOING_PINGS == 1 if( pxNetworkBuffer->usPort == ( uint16_t ) ipPACKET_CONTAINS_ICMP_DATA ) { pxIPHeader->ucProtocol = ipPROTOCOL_ICMP; pxIPHeader->usLength = ( uint16_t ) ( uxPayloadSize + sizeof( IPHeader_t ) + sizeof( ICMPHeader_t ) ); } else #endif /* ipconfigSUPPORT_OUTGOING_PINGS */ { pxIPHeader->usLength = ( uint16_t ) ( uxPayloadSize + sizeof( IPHeader_t ) + sizeof( UDPHeader_t ) ); } pxIPHeader->usLength = FreeRTOS_htons( pxIPHeader->usLength ); pxIPHeader->ulDestinationIPAddress = pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress; #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) { /* LLMNR messages are typically used on a LAN and they're * not supposed to cross routers */ if( pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress == ipLLMNR_IP_ADDR ) { pxIPHeader->ucTimeToLive = 0x01; } } #endif #if ( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM == 0 ) { pxIPHeader->usHeaderChecksum = 0U; pxIPHeader->usHeaderChecksum = usGenerateChecksum( 0U, ( uint8_t * ) &( pxIPHeader->ucVersionHeaderLength ), ipSIZE_OF_IPv4_HEADER ); pxIPHeader->usHeaderChecksum = ~FreeRTOS_htons( pxIPHeader->usHeaderChecksum ); if( ( ucSocketOptions & ( uint8_t ) FREERTOS_SO_UDPCKSUM_OUT ) != 0U ) { ( void ) usGenerateProtocolChecksum( ( uint8_t * ) pxUDPPacket, pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength, pdTRUE ); } else { pxUDPPacket->xUDPHeader.usChecksum = 0U; } } #endif /* if ( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM == 0 ) */ } else if( eReturned == eARPCacheMiss ) { /* Add an entry to the ARP table with a null hardware address. * This allows the ARP timer to know that an ARP reply is * outstanding, and perform retransmissions if necessary. */ vARPRefreshCacheEntry( NULL, ulIPAddress ); /* Generate an ARP for the required IP address. */ iptracePACKET_DROPPED_TO_GENERATE_ARP( pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress ); pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress = ulIPAddress; vARPGenerateRequestPacket( pxNetworkBuffer ); } else { /* The lookup indicated that an ARP request has already been * sent out for the queried IP address. */ eReturned = eCantSendPacket; } } if( eReturned != eCantSendPacket ) { /* The network driver is responsible for freeing the network buffer * after the packet has been sent. */ #if defined( ipconfigETHERNET_MINIMUM_PACKET_BYTES ) { if( pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength < ( size_t ) ipconfigETHERNET_MINIMUM_PACKET_BYTES ) { BaseType_t xIndex; for( xIndex = ( BaseType_t ) pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength; xIndex < ( BaseType_t ) ipconfigETHERNET_MINIMUM_PACKET_BYTES; xIndex++ ) { pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ xIndex ] = 0U; } pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength = ( size_t ) ipconfigETHERNET_MINIMUM_PACKET_BYTES; } } #endif /* if defined( ipconfigETHERNET_MINIMUM_PACKET_BYTES ) */ iptraceNETWORK_INTERFACE_OUTPUT( pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength, pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ); ( void ) xNetworkInterfaceOutput( pxNetworkBuffer, pdTRUE ); } else { /* The packet can't be sent (DHCP not completed?). Just drop the * packet. */ vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxNetworkBuffer ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Process the received UDP packet. * * @param[in] pxNetworkBuffer: The network buffer carrying the UDP packet. * @param[in] usPort: The port number on which this packet was received. * * @return pdPASS in case the UDP packet could be processed. Else pdFAIL is returned. */ BaseType_t xProcessReceivedUDPPacket( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer, uint16_t usPort ) { BaseType_t xReturn = pdPASS; FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket; configASSERT( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL ); configASSERT( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer != NULL ); /* Map the ethernet buffer to the UDPPacket_t struct for easy access to the fields. */ const UDPPacket_t * pxUDPPacket = ipCAST_CONST_PTR_TO_CONST_TYPE_PTR( UDPPacket_t, pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ); /* Caller must check for minimum packet size. */ pxSocket = pxUDPSocketLookup( usPort ); if( pxSocket != NULL ) { /* When refreshing the ARP cache with received UDP packets we must be * careful; hundreds of broadcast messages may pass and if we're not * handling them, no use to fill the ARP cache with those IP addresses. */ vARPRefreshCacheEntry( &( pxUDPPacket->xEthernetHeader.xSourceAddress ), pxUDPPacket->xIPHeader.ulSourceIPAddress ); #if ( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 1 ) { /* Did the owner of this socket register a reception handler ? */ if( ipconfigIS_VALID_PROG_ADDRESS( pxSocket->u.xUDP.pxHandleReceive ) ) { struct freertos_sockaddr xSourceAddress, destinationAddress; void * pcData = &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] ); FOnUDPReceive_t xHandler = ( FOnUDPReceive_t ) pxSocket->u.xUDP.pxHandleReceive; xSourceAddress.sin_port = pxNetworkBuffer->usPort; xSourceAddress.sin_addr = pxNetworkBuffer->ulIPAddress; destinationAddress.sin_port = usPort; destinationAddress.sin_addr = pxUDPPacket->xIPHeader.ulDestinationIPAddress; /* The value of 'xDataLength' was proven to be at least the size of a UDP packet in prvProcessIPPacket(). */ if( xHandler( ( Socket_t ) pxSocket, ( void * ) pcData, ( size_t ) ( pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength - ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ), &( xSourceAddress ), &( destinationAddress ) ) != 0 ) { xReturn = pdFAIL; /* xHandler has consumed the data, do not add it to .xWaitingPacketsList'. */ } } } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS */ #if ( ipconfigUDP_MAX_RX_PACKETS > 0U ) { if( xReturn == pdPASS ) { if( listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( &( pxSocket->u.xUDP.xWaitingPacketsList ) ) >= pxSocket->u.xUDP.uxMaxPackets ) { FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "xProcessReceivedUDPPacket: buffer full %ld >= %ld port %u\n", listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( &( pxSocket->u.xUDP.xWaitingPacketsList ) ), pxSocket->u.xUDP.uxMaxPackets, pxSocket->usLocalPort ) ); xReturn = pdFAIL; /* we did not consume or release the buffer */ } } } #endif /* if ( ipconfigUDP_MAX_RX_PACKETS > 0U ) */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 1 ) || ( ipconfigUDP_MAX_RX_PACKETS > 0U ) if( xReturn == pdPASS ) /*lint !e774: Boolean within 'if' always evaluates to True, depending on configuration. [MISRA 2012 Rule 14.3, required. */ #else /* xReturn is still pdPASS. */ #endif { vTaskSuspendAll(); { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); { /* Add the network packet to the list of packets to be * processed by the socket. */ vListInsertEnd( &( pxSocket->u.xUDP.xWaitingPacketsList ), &( pxNetworkBuffer->xBufferListItem ) ); } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } ( void ) xTaskResumeAll(); /* Set the socket's receive event */ if( pxSocket->xEventGroup != NULL ) { ( void ) xEventGroupSetBits( pxSocket->xEventGroup, ( EventBits_t ) eSOCKET_RECEIVE ); } #if ( ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION == 1 ) { if( ( pxSocket->pxSocketSet != NULL ) && ( ( pxSocket->xSelectBits & ( ( EventBits_t ) eSELECT_READ ) ) != 0U ) ) { ( void ) xEventGroupSetBits( pxSocket->pxSocketSet->xSelectGroup, ( EventBits_t ) eSELECT_READ ); } } #endif #if ( ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_SEMAPHORE == 1 ) { if( pxSocket->pxUserSemaphore != NULL ) { ( void ) xSemaphoreGive( pxSocket->pxUserSemaphore ); } } #endif #if ( ipconfigUSE_DHCP == 1 ) { if( xIsDHCPSocket( pxSocket ) != 0 ) { ( void ) xSendDHCPEvent(); } } #endif } } else { /* There is no socket listening to the target port, but still it might * be for this node. */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_DNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS == 1 ) /* A DNS reply, check for the source port. Although the DNS client * does open a UDP socket to send a messages, this socket will be * closed after a short timeout. Messages that come late (after the * socket is closed) will be treated here. */ if( FreeRTOS_ntohs( pxUDPPacket->xUDPHeader.usSourcePort ) == ( uint16_t ) ipDNS_PORT ) { vARPRefreshCacheEntry( &( pxUDPPacket->xEthernetHeader.xSourceAddress ), pxUDPPacket->xIPHeader.ulSourceIPAddress ); xReturn = ( BaseType_t ) ulDNSHandlePacket( pxNetworkBuffer ); } else #endif #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) /* A LLMNR request, check for the destination port. */ if( ( usPort == FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipLLMNR_PORT ) ) || ( pxUDPPacket->xUDPHeader.usSourcePort == FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipLLMNR_PORT ) ) ) { vARPRefreshCacheEntry( &( pxUDPPacket->xEthernetHeader.xSourceAddress ), pxUDPPacket->xIPHeader.ulSourceIPAddress ); xReturn = ( BaseType_t ) ulDNSHandlePacket( pxNetworkBuffer ); } else #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 ) /* a NetBIOS request, check for the destination port */ if( ( usPort == FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipNBNS_PORT ) ) || ( pxUDPPacket->xUDPHeader.usSourcePort == FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipNBNS_PORT ) ) ) { vARPRefreshCacheEntry( &( pxUDPPacket->xEthernetHeader.xSourceAddress ), pxUDPPacket->xIPHeader.ulSourceIPAddress ); xReturn = ( BaseType_t ) ulNBNSHandlePacket( pxNetworkBuffer ); } else #endif /* ipconfigUSE_NBNS */ { xReturn = pdFAIL; } } return xReturn; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/