/* A FreeRTOS+TCP demo program: A simple example of a TCP/UDP iperf server, see https://iperf.fr It uses a single task which will store some client information in a: List_t xTCPClientList; The task will sleep constantly by calling: xResult = FreeRTOS_select( xSocketSet, xBlockingTime ); Command examples for testing: iperf3 -c --port 5001 --bytes 100M iperf3 -c --port 5001 --bytes 100M -R iperf3 -c fe80::8d11:cd9b:8b66:4a80 --port 5001 --bytes 1M iperf3 -c fe80::8d11:cd9b:8b66:4a81 --port 5001 --bytes 1M iperf3 -c fe80::6802:9887:8670:b37c --port 5001 --bytes 1M ping fe80::8d11:cd9b:8b66:4a80 ping fe80::8d11:cd9b:8b66:4a81 iperf3 -s --port 5001 iperf3 -c zynq --port 5001 --bytes 1024 iperf3 -c laptop --port 5001 --bytes 1024 fe80::8d11:cd9b:8b66:4a80 TCP : iperf3 -c --port 5001 --bytes 1024 UDP : iperf3 -c --port 5001 --udp --bandwidth 50M --mss 1460 --bytes 1024 */ /* Standard includes. */ #include #include /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include #include "task.h" #include "timers.h" /* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h" #include "FreeRTOS_TCP_IP.h" #include "iperf_task.h" /* Put the TCP server at this port number: */ #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_TCP_ECHO_PORT /* 5001 seems to be the standard TCP server port number. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_TCP_ECHO_PORT 5001 #endif /* Put the TCP server at this port number: */ #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_UDP_ECHO_PORT /* 5001 seems to be the standard UDP server port number. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_UDP_ECHO_PORT 5001 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_STACK_SIZE_IPERF_TASK /* Stack size needed for vIPerfTask(), a bit of a guess: */ #define ipconfigIPERF_STACK_SIZE_IPERF_TASK 340 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_PRIORITY_IPERF_TASK /* The priority of vIPerfTask(). Should be lower than the IP-task and the task running in NetworkInterface.c. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_PRIORITY_IPERF_TASK 3 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE /* Only used when ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY = 0. Buffer size when reading from the sockets. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ( 4 * ipconfigTCP_MSS ) #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_LOOP_BLOCKING_TIME_MS /* Let the mainloop wake-up so now and then. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_LOOP_BLOCKING_TIME_MS 5000UL #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP /* A TCP server socket will be created. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP 1 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP /* A UDP server socket will be created. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP 1 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_DOES_ECHO_UDP /* By default, this server will echo UDP data as required by iperf. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_DOES_ECHO_UDP 1 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY #define ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY 1 #endif #ifndef ipconfigIPERF_TX_BUFSIZE #define ipconfigIPERF_TX_BUFSIZE ( 65 * 1024 ) /* Units of bytes. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_TX_WINSIZE ( 4 ) /* Size in units of MSS */ #define ipconfigIPERF_RX_BUFSIZE ( ( 65 * 1024 ) - 1 ) /* Units of bytes. */ #define ipconfigIPERF_RX_WINSIZE ( 8 ) /* Size in units of MSS */ #endif #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (BaseType_t)(sizeof(x)/sizeof(x)[0]) #endif void vIPerfTask( void *pvParameter ); /* As for now, still defined in 'FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP\FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN.c' : */ extern void vListInsertGeneric( List_t * const pxList, ListItem_t * const pxNewListItem, MiniListItem_t * const pxWhere ); static portINLINE void vListInsertFifo( List_t * const pxList, ListItem_t * const pxNewListItem ) { vListInsertGeneric( pxList, pxNewListItem, &pxList->xListEnd ); } #if( ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 ) typedef enum { eTCP_0_WaitName, /* Expect a text like "osboxes.1460335312.612572.527642c36f" */ eTCP_1_WaitCount, eTCP_2_WaitHeader, eTCP_3_WaitOneTwo, eTCP_4_WaitCount2, eTCP_5_WaitHeader2, eTCP_6_WaitDone, eTCP_7_WaitTransfer } eTCP_Server_Status_t; #endif typedef struct { Socket_t xServerSocket; #if( ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 ) struct { uint32_t bIsControl : 1, bReverse : 1, bTimed : 1, /* Reverse role, limited time. */ bTimedOut : 1, /* TIme is up. */ bHasShutdown : 1; } bits; eTCP_Server_Status_t eTCP_Status; uint32_t ulSkipCount, ulAmount; uint32_t xRemainingTime; TimeOut_t xTimeOut; #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 */ #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) struct freertos_sockaddr6 xRemoteAddr; #else struct freertos_sockaddr xRemoteAddr; #endif uint32_t ulRecvCount; struct xLIST_ITEM xListItem; /* With this item the client will be bound to a List_t. */ } TcpClient_t; #if( ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY != 0 ) struct xRawBuffer { char pcBuffer[ ipconfigIPERF_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ]; } *pxRawBuffer; #define pcSendBuffer ( pxRawBuffer->pcBuffer ) static char *pcRecvBuffer; #else struct xRawBuffer { char pcBuffer[ ipconfigIPERF_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ]; } *pxRawBuffer; #define pcRecvBuffer ( pxRawBuffer->pcBuffer ) #define pcSendBuffer ( pxRawBuffer->pcBuffer ) #endif #if( ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 ) char pcExpectedClient[ 80 ]; TcpClient_t *pxControlClient, *pxDataClient; /*{"cpu_util_total":0,"cpu_util_user":0,"cpu_util_system":0,"sender_has_retransmits":-1,"streams":[{"id":1,"bytes":8760,"retransmits":-1,"jitter":0,"errors":0,"packets":0}]} */ #endif static List_t xTCPClientList; #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) static uint32_t ulUDPRecvCount = 0, ulUDPRecvCountShown = 0, ulUDPRecvCountSeen = 0; #endif static SocketSet_t xSocketSet; static TaskHandle_t pxIperfTask; void vIPerfInstall( void ) { if( pxRawBuffer == NULL ) { pxRawBuffer = ( struct xRawBuffer * ) pvPortMalloc( sizeof *pxRawBuffer ); if( pxRawBuffer == NULL ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vIPerfInstall: malloc %u bytes failed.\n", (unsigned)sizeof *pxRawBuffer ) ) ; return; } } if( pxIperfTask == NULL ) {printf("start iperf\r\n"); /* Call this function once to start the test with FreeRTOS_accept(). */ xTaskCreate( vIPerfTask, "IPerf", ipconfigIPERF_STACK_SIZE_IPERF_TASK, NULL, ipconfigIPERF_PRIORITY_IPERF_TASK, &pxIperfTask ); } } static void vIPerfServerWork( Socket_t xSocket ) { struct freertos_sockaddr xAddress; socklen_t xSocketLength; Socket_t xNexSocket; xNexSocket = FreeRTOS_accept( xSocket, &xAddress, &xSocketLength); if( ( xNexSocket != NULL ) && ( xNexSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET ) ) { char pucBuffer[ 16 ]; TcpClient_t *pxClient; pxClient = ( TcpClient_t * )pvPortMalloc( sizeof *pxClient ); memset( pxClient, '\0', sizeof *pxClient ); pxClient->xServerSocket = xNexSocket; listSET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( &( pxClient->xListItem ), ( void* ) pxClient ); #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) FreeRTOS_GetRemoteAddress( xNexSocket, ( struct freertos_sockaddr6 * ) &pxClient->xRemoteAddr ); #else FreeRTOS_GetRemoteAddress( xNexSocket, ( struct freertos_sockaddr * ) &pxClient->xRemoteAddr ); FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( pxClient->xRemoteAddr.sin_addr, pucBuffer ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vIPerfTask: Received a connection from %s:%u\n", pucBuffer, FreeRTOS_ntohs( pxClient->xRemoteAddr.sin_port ) ) ); #endif FreeRTOS_FD_SET( xNexSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_READ ); vListInsertFifo( &xTCPClientList, &( pxClient->xListItem ) ); } } static void vIPerfTCPClose( TcpClient_t *pxClient ) { if( pxControlClient == pxClient ) { pxControlClient = NULL; } if( pxDataClient == pxClient ) { pxDataClient = NULL; } /* Remove server socket from the socket set. */ if( pxClient->xServerSocket != NULL ) { char pucBuffer[ 16 ]; #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 == 0 ) FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( pxClient->xRemoteAddr.sin_addr, pucBuffer ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vIPerfTCPClose: Closing server socket %s:%u after %lu bytes\n", pucBuffer, FreeRTOS_ntohs( pxClient->xRemoteAddr.sin_port ), pxClient->ulRecvCount ) ); #endif FreeRTOS_FD_CLR( pxClient->xServerSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_ALL ); FreeRTOS_closesocket( pxClient->xServerSocket ); pxClient->xServerSocket = NULL; } /* Remove client socket from the socket set. */ { if( pxClient->xServerSocket == NULL ) { /* Remove this socket from the list. */ uxListRemove( &( pxClient->xListItem ) ); vPortFree( ( void * ) pxClient ); } } } static int vIPerfTCPSend( TcpClient_t *pxClient ) { BaseType_t xResult = 0; do { size_t uxMaxSpace = (size_t) FreeRTOS_tx_space( pxClient->xServerSocket ); size_t uxSize = (size_t)FreeRTOS_min_uint32( uxMaxSpace, ( int32_t )sizeof( pcSendBuffer ) ); if( pxClient->bits.bTimed != pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) { if( xTaskCheckForTimeOut( &( pxClient->xTimeOut ), &( pxClient->xRemainingTime ) ) != pdFALSE ) { /* Time is up. */ if( pxClient->bits.bTimedOut == pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) { FreeRTOS_shutdown( pxClient->xServerSocket, FREERTOS_SHUT_RDWR ); pxClient->bits.bTimedOut = pdTRUE_UNSIGNED; } break; } } uxSize = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( uxSize, pxClient->ulAmount ); if( uxSize <= 0 ) { break; } xResult = FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xServerSocket, (const void *)pcSendBuffer, uxSize, 0 ); if( xResult < 0 ) { break; } if( pxClient->bits.bTimed == pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) { pxClient->ulAmount -= uxSize; if( pxClient->ulAmount == 0ul ) { /* All data have been sent. No longer interested in eSELECT_WRITE events. */ FreeRTOS_FD_CLR( pxClient->xServerSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_WRITE ); } } if( uxSize > 0 ) { xResult += uxSize; } } while( 0 ); return xResult; } #if( ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 ) static void handleRecvPacket( TcpClient_t *pxClient, char *pcReadBuffer, BaseType_t xRecvResult ) { BaseType_t xRemaining = xRecvResult; if( pxClient->eTCP_Status < eTCP_7_WaitTransfer ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "TCP[ port %d ] recv[ %d ] %d\n", FreeRTOS_ntohs( pxClient->xRemoteAddr.sin_port ), ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status, ( int )xRecvResult ) ); } /* 2016-04-11 09:26:55.533 16.926.349 [] TCP recv[ 1 ] 4 2016-04-11 09:26:55.539 16.926.365 [] TCP skipcount 83 xRecvResult 4 2016-04-11 09:26:55.546 16.926.402 [] TCP recv[ 2 ] 4 2016-04-11 09:26:55.552 16.927.015 [] ipTCP_FLAG_PSH received 2016-04-11 09:26:55.560 16.927.085 [] TCP recv[ 2 ] 83 */ switch( pxClient->eTCP_Status ) { case eTCP_0_WaitName: { int rc; if( pcExpectedClient[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { /* Get a string like 'LAPTOP.1463928623.162445.0fbe105c6eb', where 'LAPTOP' is the hostname. */ rc = strncmp( pcExpectedClient, pcReadBuffer, sizeof( pcExpectedClient ) ); } else { rc = -1; } { unsigned char tab[ 1 ] = { '\t' }; FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xServerSocket, (const void *)tab, 1, 0 ); } if( rc != 0 ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Got Control Socket: rc %d: exp: '%s' got: '%s'\n", rc, pcExpectedClient, pcReadBuffer ) ); strncpy( pcExpectedClient, pcReadBuffer, sizeof( pcExpectedClient ) ); pxControlClient = pxClient; pxClient->bits.bIsControl = pdTRUE_UNSIGNED; pxClient->eTCP_Status = ( eTCP_Server_Status_t ) ( ( ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status ) + 1 ); } else { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Got expected client: rc %d: '%s'\n", rc, pcExpectedClient ) ); pcExpectedClient[ 0 ] = '\0'; pxDataClient = pxClient; if( pxControlClient != NULL ) { /* Transfer all properties to the data client. */ memcpy( &( pxDataClient->bits ), &( pxControlClient->bits ), sizeof( pxDataClient->bits ) ); pxDataClient->ulAmount = pxControlClient->ulAmount; pxDataClient->xRemainingTime = pxControlClient->xRemainingTime; vTaskSetTimeOutState( &( pxDataClient->xTimeOut ) ); if( pxDataClient->bits.bReverse != pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) { /* As this socket will only write data, set the WRITE select flag. */ FreeRTOS_FD_SET( pxClient->xServerSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_WRITE ); } pxControlClient->bits.bIsControl = pdTRUE_UNSIGNED; pxDataClient->bits.bIsControl = pdFALSE_UNSIGNED; } pxDataClient->eTCP_Status = eTCP_7_WaitTransfer; } } break; case eTCP_1_WaitCount: if( xRemaining < 4 ) { break; } { pxClient->ulSkipCount = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 0 ] ) << 24 ) | ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 1 ] ) << 16 ) | ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 2 ] ) << 8 ) | ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 3 ] ) << 0 ); /* Receive a number: an amount of bytes to be skipped. */ FreeRTOS_printf( ( "TCP skipcount %u xRecvResult %d\n", ( unsigned )pxClient->ulSkipCount, ( int )xRemaining ) ); pcReadBuffer += 4; xRemaining -= 4; pxClient->eTCP_Status = ( eTCP_Server_Status_t ) ( ( ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status ) + 1 ); } if( xRemaining == 0 ) { break; } /* fall through */ case eTCP_2_WaitHeader: { if (xRemaining > 0) { char *pcPtr; pcReadBuffer[ xRemaining ] = '\0'; FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Control string: %s\n", pcReadBuffer ) ); for( pcPtr = pcReadBuffer; *pcPtr; pcPtr++ ) { if( strncmp( pcPtr, "\"reverse\"", 9 ) == 0 ) { pxClient->bits.bReverse = pcPtr[ 10 ] == 't'; } else if( strncmp( pcPtr, "\"num\"", 5 ) == 0 ) { uint32_t ulAmount; if( sscanf( pcPtr + 6, "%lu", &( ulAmount ) ) > 0 ) { pxClient->ulAmount = ulAmount; } } else if( strncmp( pcPtr, "\"time\"", 6 ) == 0 ) { uint32_t ulSeconds; if( sscanf( pcPtr + 7, "%lu", &( ulSeconds ) ) > 0 ) { pxClient->xRemainingTime = ulSeconds * 1000ul; pxClient->bits.bTimed = pdTRUE_UNSIGNED; } } } if( pxClient->bits.bReverse != pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Reverse %d send %lu bytes timed %d: %lu\n", pxClient->bits.bReverse, pxClient->ulAmount, pxClient->bits.bTimed, pxClient->xRemainingTime ) ); } } if( pxClient->ulSkipCount > ( uint32_t ) xRemaining ) { pxClient->ulSkipCount -= ( uint32_t ) xRemaining; } else { unsigned char newline[ 1 ] = { '\n' }; unsigned char onetwo[ 2 ] = { '\1', '\2' }; FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xServerSocket, (const void *)newline, sizeof( newline ), 0 ); FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xServerSocket, (const void *)onetwo, sizeof( onetwo ), 0 ); pxClient->ulSkipCount = 0; pxClient->eTCP_Status = ( eTCP_Server_Status_t ) ( ( ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status ) + 1 ); } } break; case eTCP_3_WaitOneTwo: { unsigned char ch = pcReadBuffer[ 0 ]; unsigned char cr[ 1 ] = { '\r' }; FreeRTOS_printf( ( "TCP[ port %d ] recv %d bytes: 0x%02X\n", FreeRTOS_ntohs( pxClient->xRemoteAddr.sin_port ), ( int )xRecvResult, ch ) ); ch = ch; FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xServerSocket, (const void *)cr, sizeof( cr ), 0 ); pxClient->eTCP_Status = ( eTCP_Server_Status_t ) ( ( ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status ) + 1 ); } break; case eTCP_4_WaitCount2: if( xRemaining < 4 ) { break; } { pxClient->ulSkipCount = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 0 ] ) << 24 ) | ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 1 ] ) << 16 ) | ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 2 ] ) << 8 ) | ( ( ( uint32_t ) pcReadBuffer[ 3 ] ) << 0 ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "TCP skipcount %lu xRecvResult %ld\n", pxClient->ulSkipCount, xRemaining ) ); pcReadBuffer += 4; xRemaining -= 4; pxClient->eTCP_Status = ( eTCP_Server_Status_t ) ( ( ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status ) + 1 ); } if( xRemaining == 0 ) { break; } /* fall through */ case eTCP_5_WaitHeader2: { if( pxClient->ulSkipCount > ( uint32_t ) xRemaining ) { pxClient->ulSkipCount -= xRemaining; } else { char pcResponse[ 200 ]; uint32_t ulLength, ulStore, ulCount = 0; if( pxDataClient != NULL ) { ulCount = pxDataClient->ulRecvCount; } ulLength = snprintf( pcResponse + 4, sizeof( pcResponse ) - 4, "{" "\"cpu_util_total\":0," "\"cpu_util_user\":0," "\"cpu_util_system\":0," "\"sender_has_retransmits\":-1," "\"streams\":[" "{" "\"id\":1," "\"bytes\":%lu," "\"retransmits\":-1," "\"jitter\":0," "\"errors\":0," "\"packets\":0" "}" "]" "}\xe", ulCount ); ulStore = FreeRTOS_htonl( ulLength - 1 ); memcpy( pcResponse, &( ulStore ), sizeof ( ulStore ) ); FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xServerSocket, (const void *)pcResponse, ulLength + 4, 0 ); pxClient->ulSkipCount = 0; pxClient->eTCP_Status = ( eTCP_Server_Status_t ) ( ( ( int ) pxClient->eTCP_Status ) + 1 ); } } break; case eTCP_6_WaitDone: break; case eTCP_7_WaitTransfer: break; } } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 */ static void vIPerfTCPWork( TcpClient_t *pxClient ) { BaseType_t xRecvResult; //#warning take away //BaseType_t xLogged = pdFALSE; if( pxClient->xServerSocket == NULL ) { vIPerfTCPClose( pxClient ); return; } #if( ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 ) /* Is this a data client with the -R reverse option ? */ if( ( pxClient->bits.bIsControl == pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) && ( pxClient->bits.bReverse != pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) ) { if( ( pxClient->bits.bTimed == pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) && ( pxClient->bits.bHasShutdown == pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) && ( pxClient->ulAmount == (uint32_t)0u ) ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Shutdown connection\n" ) ); FreeRTOS_shutdown( pxClient->xServerSocket, FREERTOS_SHUT_RDWR ); pxClient->bits.bHasShutdown = pdTRUE_UNSIGNED; } } #endif for( ;; ) { #if( ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY != 0 ) { const BaseType_t xRecvSize = 0x10000; xRecvResult = FreeRTOS_recv( pxClient->xServerSocket, /* The socket being received from. */ &pcRecvBuffer, /* The buffer into which the received data will be written. */ xRecvSize, /* Any size is OK here. */ FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY ); } #else { const BaseType_t xRecvSize = sizeof pcRecvBuffer; xRecvResult = FreeRTOS_recv( pxClient->xServerSocket, /* The socket being received from. */ pcRecvBuffer, /* The buffer into which the received data will be written. */ sizeof pcRecvBuffer, /* The size of the buffer provided to receive the data. */ 0 ); } #endif if( xRecvResult <= 0 ) { break; } pxClient->ulRecvCount += xRecvResult; #if( ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 ) if( pxClient->eTCP_Status < eTCP_6_WaitDone ) { handleRecvPacket(pxClient, pcRecvBuffer, xRecvResult); } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_VERSION == 3 */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY != 0 ) { FreeRTOS_recv( pxClient->xServerSocket, /* The socket being received from. */ NULL, /* The buffer into which the received data will be written. */ xRecvResult, /* This is important now. */ 0 ); } #endif } /* for( ;; ) */ if( ( xRecvResult == 0 ) && ( pxClient->bits.bIsControl == pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) && ( pxClient->bits.bReverse != pdFALSE_UNSIGNED ) ) { xRecvResult = vIPerfTCPSend( pxClient ); } if( ( xRecvResult < 0 ) && ( xRecvResult != -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EAGAIN ) ) { vIPerfTCPClose( pxClient ); } } #if( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 0 ) && ( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) static void vIPerfUDPWork( Socket_t xSocket ) { BaseType_t xRecvResult; struct freertos_sockaddr xAddress; uint32_t xAddressLength; #if( ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY != 0 ) { xRecvResult = FreeRTOS_recvfrom( xSocket, ( void * ) &pcRecvBuffer, sizeof( pcRecvBuffer ), FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY, &xAddress, &xAddressLength ); } #else { xRecvResult = FreeRTOS_recvfrom( xSocket, ( void * ) pcRecvBuffer, sizeof( pcRecvBuffer ), 0, &xAddress, &xAddressLength ); } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY */ if( xRecvResult > 0 ) { ulUDPRecvCount += xRecvResult; #if( ipconfigIPERF_DOES_ECHO_UDP != 0 ) { FreeRTOS_sendto( xSocket, (const void *)pcRecvBuffer, xRecvResult, 0, &xAddress, sizeof( xAddress ) ); } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_DOES_ECHO_UDP */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY != 0 ) { FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer( pcRecvBuffer ); } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_USE_ZERO_COPY */ } } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 0 */ #if( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS != 0 ) && ( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) static BaseType_t xOnUdpReceive( Socket_t xSocket, void * pvData, size_t xLength, const struct freertos_sockaddr *pxFrom, const struct freertos_sockaddr *pxDest ) { ( void ) pvData; ( void ) pxFrom; ulUDPRecvCount += xLength; #if( ipconfigIPERF_DOES_ECHO_UDP != 0 ) { FreeRTOS_sendto( xSocket, (const void *)pcRecvBuffer, xLength, 0, pxFrom, sizeof( *pxFrom ) ); } #else /* ipconfigIPERF_DOES_ECHO_UDP */ { ( void ) xSocket; } #endif /* Tell the driver not to store the RX data */ return 1; } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS != 0 */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP != 0 ) static Socket_t xCreateTCPServerSocket() { BaseType_t xBindResult, xListenResult; struct freertos_sockaddr xEchoServerAddress; Socket_t xTCPServerSocket; TickType_t xNoTimeOut = 0; xTCPServerSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_STREAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_TCP ); configASSERT( ( xTCPServerSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET ) && ( xTCPServerSocket != NULL ) ); memset( &xEchoServerAddress, '\0', sizeof xEchoServerAddress ); xEchoServerAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( ipconfigIPERF_TCP_ECHO_PORT ); /* Set the receive time out to portMAX_DELAY. Note that any TCP child connections will inherit this reception time-out. */ FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xTCPServerSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO, &xNoTimeOut, sizeof( xNoTimeOut ) ); { WinProperties_t xWinProperties; memset(&xWinProperties, '\0', sizeof xWinProperties); xWinProperties.lTxBufSize = ipconfigIPERF_TX_BUFSIZE; /* Units of bytes. */ xWinProperties.lTxWinSize = ipconfigIPERF_TX_WINSIZE; /* Size in units of MSS */ xWinProperties.lRxBufSize = ipconfigIPERF_RX_BUFSIZE; /* Units of bytes. */ xWinProperties.lRxWinSize = ipconfigIPERF_RX_WINSIZE; /* Size in units of MSS */ FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xTCPServerSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_WIN_PROPERTIES, ( void * ) &xWinProperties, sizeof( xWinProperties ) ); } xBindResult = FreeRTOS_bind( xTCPServerSocket, &xEchoServerAddress, sizeof xEchoServerAddress ); xListenResult = FreeRTOS_listen( xTCPServerSocket, 4 ); FreeRTOS_FD_SET( xTCPServerSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_READ ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vIPerfTask: created TCP server socket %p bind port %u: %ld listen %ld\n", xTCPServerSocket, ipconfigIPERF_TCP_ECHO_PORT, xBindResult, xListenResult ) ); xBindResult = xBindResult; xListenResult = xListenResult; return xTCPServerSocket; } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) static Socket_t xCreateUDPServerSocket() { BaseType_t xBindResult; struct freertos_sockaddr xEchoServerAddress; TickType_t xNoTimeOut = 0; Socket_t xUDPServerSocket; xUDPServerSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_DGRAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_UDP ); configASSERT( ( xUDPServerSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET ) && ( xUDPServerSocket != NULL ) ); xEchoServerAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( ipconfigIPERF_UDP_ECHO_PORT ); FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xUDPServerSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO, &xNoTimeOut, sizeof( xNoTimeOut ) ); xBindResult = FreeRTOS_bind( xUDPServerSocket, &xEchoServerAddress, sizeof xEchoServerAddress ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vIPerfTask: created UDP server socket %p bind port %u: %ld\n", xUDPServerSocket, ipconfigIPERF_UDP_ECHO_PORT, xBindResult ) ); xBindResult = xBindResult; #if( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 0 ) { FreeRTOS_FD_SET( xUDPServerSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_READ ); } #else { F_TCP_UDP_Handler_t xHandler; memset( &xHandler, '\0', sizeof ( xHandler ) ); xHandler.pOnUdpReceive = xOnUdpReceive; FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xUDPServerSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_UDP_RECV_HANDLER, ( void * ) &xHandler, sizeof( xHandler ) ); } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS */ return xUDPServerSocket; } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP */ void vIPerfTask( void *pvParameter ) { #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP != 0 ) Socket_t xTCPServerSocket; #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) Socket_t xUDPServerSocket; #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP */ ( void ) pvParameter; xSocketSet = FreeRTOS_CreateSocketSet( ); vListInitialise( &xTCPClientList ); #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP != 0 ) { xTCPServerSocket = xCreateTCPServerSocket(); } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) { xUDPServerSocket = xCreateUDPServerSocket(); (void)xUDPServerSocket; } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP */ FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Use for example:\n" ) ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "iperf3 -c %lxip --port %u --bytes 100M [ -R ]\n", FreeRTOS_htonl( FreeRTOS_GetIPAddress() ), ipconfigIPERF_UDP_ECHO_PORT ) ); #define HUNDREDTH_MB ( ( 1024 * 1024 ) / 100 ) for( ;; ) { BaseType_t xResult; const TickType_t xBlockingTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ipconfigIPERF_LOOP_BLOCKING_TIME_MS ); /* Wait at most 5 seconds. */ xResult = FreeRTOS_select( xSocketSet, xBlockingTime ); #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP != 0 ) if( xResult != 0 ) { const MiniListItem_t* pxEnd; const ListItem_t *pxIterator; pxEnd = ( const MiniListItem_t* ) listGET_END_MARKER( &xTCPClientList ); vIPerfServerWork( xTCPServerSocket ); /* Check all TCP clients: */ for( pxIterator = ( const ListItem_t * ) listGET_NEXT( pxEnd ); pxIterator != ( const ListItem_t * ) pxEnd; ) { TcpClient_t *pxClient; pxClient = ( TcpClient_t * ) listGET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( pxIterator ); /* Let the iterator point to the next element before the current element removes itself from the list. */ pxIterator = ( const ListItem_t * ) listGET_NEXT( pxIterator ); vIPerfTCPWork( pxClient ); } } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_TCP */ #if( ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP != 0 ) #if( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 0 ) if( xResult != 0 ) { vIPerfUDPWork( xUDPServerSocket ); } else #endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS */ { if( ulUDPRecvCountSeen != ulUDPRecvCount ) { /* The amount is still changing, do not show it yet. */ ulUDPRecvCountSeen = ulUDPRecvCount; } else if( ulUDPRecvCountShown != ulUDPRecvCount ) { uint32_t ulNewBytes = ulUDPRecvCount - ulUDPRecvCountShown; uint32_t ulMB = (ulNewBytes + HUNDREDTH_MB/2) / HUNDREDTH_MB; FreeRTOS_printf( ( "UDP received %lu + %lu (%lu.%02lu MB) = %lu\n", ulUDPRecvCountShown, ulNewBytes, ulMB / 100, ulMB % 100, ulUDPRecvCount ) ); ulUDPRecvCountShown = ulUDPRecvCount; ulMB = ulMB; } } #endif /* ipconfigIPERF_HAS_UDP */ } } //·ÉÒ×ͨWiFi¶¨Æµ²âÊÔ #define IPERF_BUFSZ (4 * 1024) typedef unsigned int u32_t; static TaskHandle_t iperf_task_handle = NULL; static int flag_start_iperf = 0; static char gaddr[4] = {0}; static int gport = 0; static u32_t sys_now(void) { return xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS; } static void iperf_client(const char * ipaddr, int port) { Socket_t sock; int i; //struct sockaddr_in client_addr; struct freertos_sockaddr client_addr; uint8_t* send_buf; u32_t tick1, tick2; uint64_t sentlen; (void)ipaddr; (void)port; send_buf = (uint8_t *) pvPortMalloc(IPERF_BUFSZ); if (!send_buf) return ; for(i = 0; i < IPERF_BUFSZ; i ++) send_buf[i] = i & 0xff; while(flag_start_iperf) { sock = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_STREAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_TCP ); if (sock == FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Socket error\r\n"); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); continue; } client_addr.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( gport ); client_addr.sin_addr = FreeRTOS_inet_addr_quick( gaddr[0], gaddr[1], gaddr[2], gaddr[3] ); //memset(&(client_addr.sin_zero), 0, sizeof(client_addr.sin_zero)); if (FreeRTOS_connect(sock, &client_addr, sizeof( struct freertos_sockaddr )) != 0) { printf("Connect failed!\r\n"); FreeRTOS_closesocket(sock); vTaskDelay(10); continue; } printf("Connect to iperf server successful!\r\n"); tick1 = sys_now(); while (flag_start_iperf) { tick2 = sys_now(); if(tick2 - tick1 >= configTICK_RATE_HZ * 5) { float f; f = (float)(sentlen * configTICK_RATE_HZ/125/(tick2 - tick1)); f /= 1000.0f; printf("\r\nsend speed = %.4f Mbps!\r\n", f); tick1 = tick2; sentlen = 0; } if(FreeRTOS_send(sock, send_buf, IPERF_BUFSZ, 0) < 0) { printf("FreeRTOS_send failed\r\n"); break; } else { sentlen += IPERF_BUFSZ; } } FreeRTOS_closesocket(sock); } if (send_buf) { vPortFree(send_buf); } } static void iperf_task_proc(void* arg) { iperf_client(NULL, 0); vTaskDelete(NULL); } void start_iperf_client(const char* ip, int port) { if (flag_start_iperf) { printf("iperf client has been started"); return; } if (iperf_task_handle == NULL) { sscanf(ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (int*)&gaddr[0], (int*)&gaddr[1], (int*)&gaddr[2], (int*)&gaddr[3]); gport = port; flag_start_iperf = 1; xTaskCreate(iperf_task_proc, "iperf task task", 512, NULL, configMAX_PRIORITIES / 3, &iperf_task_handle); } }