
1076 lines
48 KiB

* FreeRTOS+FAT V2.3.3
* Copyright (C) 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @file ff_format.c
* @ingroup FORMAT
* @defgroup FAT Fat File-System
* @brief Format a drive, given the number of sectors.
#include "ff_headers.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined( __BORLANDC__ )
#include "ff_windows.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h" /* For FreeRTOS date/time function */
/*=========================================================================================== */
#define OFS_PART_ACTIVE_8 0x000 /* 0x01BE 0x80 if active */
#define OFS_PART_START_HEAD_8 0x001 /* 0x01BF */
#define OFS_PART_START_SEC_TRACK_16 0x002 /* 0x01C0 */
#define OFS_PART_ID_NUMBER_8 0x004 /* 0x01C2 */
#define OFS_PART_ENDING_HEAD_8 0x005 /* 0x01C3 */
#define OFS_PART_ENDING_SEC_TRACK_16 0x006 /* 0x01C4 = SectorCount - 1 - ulHiddenSectors */
#define OFS_PART_STARTING_LBA_32 0x008 /* 0x01C6 = ulHiddenSectors (This is important) */
#define OFS_PART_LENGTH_32 0x00C /* 0x01CA = SectorCount - 1 - ulHiddenSectors */
#define OFS_PTABLE_MACH_CODE 0x000 /* 0x0000 */
#define OFS_PTABLE_PART_0 0x1BE /* 446 */
#define OFS_PTABLE_PART_1 0x1CE /* 462 */
#define OFS_PTABLE_PART_2 0x1DE /* 478 */
#define OFS_PTABLE_PART_3 0x1FE /* 494 */
/*=========================================================================================== */
#define OFS_BPB_jmpBoot_24 0x000 /* uchar jmpBoot[3] "0xEB 0x00 0x90" */
#define OFS_BPB_OEMName_64 0x003 /* uchar BS_OEMName[8] "MSWIN4.1" */
#define OFS_BPB_BytsPerSec_16 0x00B /* Only 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 */
#define OFS_BPB_SecPerClus_8 0x00D /* Only 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 */
#define OFS_BPB_ResvdSecCnt_16 0x00E /* ulFATReservedSectors, e.g. 1 (FAT12/16) or 32 (FAT32) */
#define OFS_BPB_NumFATs_8 0x010 /* 2 recommended */
#define OFS_BPB_RootEntCnt_16 0x011 /* ((iFAT16RootSectors * 512) / 32) 512 (FAT12/16) or 0 (FAT32) */
#define OFS_BPB_TotSec16_16 0x013 /* xxx (FAT12/16) or 0 (FAT32) */
#define OFS_BPB_Media_8 0x015 /* 0xF0 (rem media) also in FAT[0] low byte */
#define OFS_BPB_FATSz16_16 0x016
#define OFS_BPB_SecPerTrk_16 0x018 /* n.a. CF has no tracks */
#define OFS_BPB_NumHeads_16 0x01A /* n.a. 1 ? */
#define OFS_BPB_HiddSec_32 0x01C /* n.a. 0 for nonparitioned volume */
#define OFS_BPB_TotSec32_32 0x020 /* >= 0x10000 */
#define OFS_BPB_16_DrvNum_8 0x024 /* n.a. */
#define OFS_BPB_16_Reserved1_8 0x025 /* n.a. */
#define OFS_BPB_16_BootSig_8 0x026 /* n.a. */
#define OFS_BPB_16_BS_VolID_32 0x027 /* "unique" number */
#define OFS_BPB_16_BS_VolLab_88 0x02B /* "NO NAME " */
#define OFS_BPB_16_FilSysType_64 0x036 /* "FAT12 " */
#define OFS_BPB_32_FATSz32_32 0x024 /* Only when BPB_FATSz16 = 0 */
#define OFS_BPB_32_ExtFlags_16 0x028 /* FAT32 only */
#define OFS_BPB_32_FSVer_16 0x02A /* 0:0 */
#define OFS_BPB_32_RootClus_32 0x02C /* See 'iFAT32RootClusters' Normally 2 */
#define OFS_BPB_32_FSInfo_16 0x030 /* Normally 1 */
#define OFS_BPB_32_BkBootSec_16 0x032 /* Normally 6 */
#define OFS_BPB_32_Reserved_96 0x034 /* Zeros */
#define OFS_BPB_32_DrvNum_8 0x040 /* n.a. */
#define OFS_BPB_32_Reserved1_8 0x041 /* n.a. */
#define OFS_BPB_32_BootSig_8 0x042 /* n.a. */
#define OFS_BPB_32_VolID_32 0x043 /* "unique" number */
#define OFS_BPB_32_VolLab_88 0x047 /* "NO NAME " */
#define OFS_BPB_32_FilSysType_64 0x052 /* "FAT12 " */
#define OFS_FSI_32_LeadSig 0x000 /* With contents 0x41615252 */
#define OFS_FSI_32_Reserved1 0x004 /* 480 times 0 */
#define OFS_FSI_32_StrucSig 0x1E4 /* With contents 0x61417272 */
#define OFS_FSI_32_Free_Count 0x1E8 /* last known free cluster count on the volume, ~0 for unknown */
#define OFS_FSI_32_Nxt_Free 0x1EC /* cluster number at which the driver should start looking for free clusters */
#define OFS_FSI_32_Reserved2 0x1F0 /* zero's */
#define OFS_FSI_32_TrailSig 0x1FC /* 0xAA550000 (little endian) */
#define RESV_COUNT 32
#define MX_LBA_TO_MOVE_FAT 8192uL
#define SIZE_512_MB 0x100000uL
#ifdef ffconfigMIN_CLUSTERS_FAT32
#define MIN_CLUSTER_COUNT_FAT32 ( 65525 )
#ifdef ffconfigMIN_CLUSTERS_FAT16
#define MIN_CLUSTERS_FAT16 ( 4085 + 1 )
#ifndef ffconfigFAT16_ROOT_SECTORS
#define ffconfigFAT16_ROOT_SECTORS 32
/** A set of variables needed while formatting a disk, it is passed to the helper functions. */
struct xFormatSet
uint32_t ulHiddenSectors; /**< Space from MBR ( Master Boot Record ) and partition table. */
uint32_t ulFSInfo; /**< Sector number of FSINFO structure within the reserved area. */
uint32_t ulBackupBootSector; /**< Sector number of "copy of the boot record" within the reserved area. */
BaseType_t xFATCount; /**< Number of FAT's, which is fixed as 2. */
uint32_t ulFATReservedSectors; /**< Space between the partition table and FAT table. */
int32_t iFAT16RootSectors; /**< Number of sectors reserved for root directory ( FAT16 only ). */
int32_t iFAT32RootClusters; /**< Initial amount of clusters claimed for root directory ( FAT32 only ). */
uint8_t ucFATType; /**< Either 'FF_T_FAT16' or 'FF_T_FAT32'. */
uint32_t ulVolumeID; /**< A pseudo Volume ID. */
uint32_t ulSectorsPerFAT; /**< Number of sectors used by a single FAT table. */
uint32_t ulClustersPerFATSector; /**< # of clusters which can be described within a sector ( either 256 or 128 ). */
uint32_t ulSectorsPerCluster; /**< Size of a cluster ( # of sectors ). */
uint32_t ulUsableDataSectors; /**< Usable data sectors ( = SectorCount - ( ulHiddenSectors + ulFATReservedSectors ) ). */
uint32_t ulUsableDataClusters; /**< equals "ulUsableDataSectors / ulSectorsPerCluster". */
uint32_t ulNonDataSectors; /**< ulFATReservedSectors + ulHiddenSectors + iFAT16RootSectors. */
uint32_t ulClusterBeginLBA; /**< Sector address of the first data cluster. */
uint32_t ulSectorCount; /**< The total number of sectors in the partition. */
uint8_t * pucSectorBuffer; /**< A buffer big enough to contain the contents of one sector ( see pxIOManager->usSectorSize ). */
FF_SPartFound_t xPartitionsFound; /**< An array of descriptors of partitions. */
FF_Part_t * pxMyPartition; /**< A pointer to the partition descriptor for the disk to be formatted. */
FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager; /**< The IO-manager. */
/** A set of variables needed while partitioning a disk, it is passed to the helper functions. */
struct xPartitionSet
uint32_t ulInterSpace; /**< Hidden space between 2 extended partitions. */
FF_Part_t pxPartitions[ ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS ]; /**< A short description of all partitions. */
BaseType_t xPartitionCount; /**< The number of partitions wanted by the caller. */
FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager; /**< The +FAT IO-manager. */
/* Five helper functions for FF_FormatDisk(). */
static FF_Error_t prvFormatGetClusterSize( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
BaseType_t xPreferFAT16,
BaseType_t xSmallClusters );
static void prvFormatOptimiseFATLocation( struct xFormatSet * pxSet );
static FF_Error_t prvFormatWriteBPB( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
const char * pcVolumeName );
static FF_Error_t prvFormatInitialiseFAT( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
int32_t lFatBeginLBA );
static FF_Error_t prvFormatInitialiseRootDir( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
int32_t lDirectoryBegin,
const char * pcVolumeName );
/* And two helper functions for FF_Partition(). */
static FF_Error_t prvPartitionPrimary( struct xPartitionSet * pxSet );
static FF_Error_t prvPartitionExtended( struct xPartitionSet * pxSet,
FF_PartitionParameters_t * pParams );
static portINLINE uint32_t ulMin32( uint32_t a,
uint32_t b )
uint32_t ulReturn;
if( a <= b )
ulReturn = a;
ulReturn = b;
return ulReturn;
* @brief: Decide whether FAT32 or FAT16 shall be used and try to find an optimum cluster size.
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
* @param[in] xPreferFAT16: When pdTRUE, it will use FAT16 in stead of FAT32.
* @param[in] xSmallClusters: When pdTRUE, it will make the cluster size as small as possible.
* @return A standard +FAT error code ( not an errno ).
* @note In order to get the best speed, use pdFALSE, pdFALSE: to get FAT32 with large clusters.
static FF_Error_t prvFormatGetClusterSize( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
BaseType_t xPreferFAT16,
BaseType_t xSmallClusters )
FF_Error_t xReturn = FF_ERR_NONE;
/* Either search from small to large or v.v. */
if( xSmallClusters != 0 )
/* The caller prefers to have small clusters.
* Less waste but it can be slower. */
pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster = 1U;
if( pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 )
pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster = 64U;
pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster = 32U;
for( ; ; )
int32_t groupSize;
/* Usable sectors */
pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors = pxSet->ulSectorCount - pxSet->ulNonDataSectors;
/* Each group consists of 'xFATCount' sectors + 'ulClustersPerFATSector' clusters */
groupSize = pxSet->xFATCount + pxSet->ulClustersPerFATSector * pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster;
/* This amount of groups will fit: */
pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT = ( pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors + groupSize - pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster - pxSet->xFATCount ) / groupSize;
pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters = ulMin32(
( uint32_t ) ( pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors - pxSet->xFATCount * pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT ) / pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster,
( uint32_t ) ( pxSet->ulClustersPerFATSector * pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT ) );
pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors = pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters * pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster;
if( ( pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT16 ) && ( pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters >= MIN_CLUSTERS_FAT16 ) && ( pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters < 65536U ) )
if( ( pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 ) && ( pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters >= 65536U ) && ( pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters < 0x0FFFFFEFU ) )
/* Was this the last test? */
if( ( ( xSmallClusters != pdFALSE ) && ( pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster == 32U ) ) ||
( ( xSmallClusters == pdFALSE ) && ( pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster == 1U ) ) )
FF_PRINTF( "FF_Format: Can not make a FAT%d (tried %d) with %u sectors\n",
pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 ? 32 : 16,
xPreferFAT16 ? 16 : 32,
( unsigned ) pxSet->ulSectorCount );
/* No it wasn't, try next clustersize */
if( xSmallClusters != pdFALSE )
pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster <<= 1;
pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster >>= 1;
} /* for( ;; ) */
return xReturn;
* @brief: Optimise FAT location: for bigger disks, let the FAT start at 4MB.
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
static void prvFormatOptimiseFATLocation( struct xFormatSet * pxSet )
if( ( pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 ) &&
( pxSet->ulSectorCount >= SIZE_512_MB ) &&
( pxSet->pxMyPartition->ulStartLBA < MX_LBA_TO_MOVE_FAT ) )
uint32_t ulRemaining;
* Putting the FAT-table into the second 4MB erase block gives
* a higher performance and a longer life-time.
* See e.g. here:
pxSet->ulFATReservedSectors = MX_LBA_TO_MOVE_FAT - pxSet->ulHiddenSectors;
pxSet->ulNonDataSectors = pxSet->ulFATReservedSectors + pxSet->iFAT16RootSectors;
ulRemaining = ( pxSet->ulNonDataSectors + 2U * pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT ) % 128U;
if( ulRemaining != 0U )
/* In order to get ClusterBeginLBA well aligned (on a 128 sector boundary) */
pxSet->ulFATReservedSectors += ( 128U - ulRemaining );
pxSet->ulNonDataSectors = pxSet->ulFATReservedSectors + pxSet->iFAT16RootSectors;
pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors = pxSet->ulSectorCount - pxSet->ulNonDataSectors - 2 * pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT;
pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters = pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors / pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster;
* @brief: Write the so-called BIOS Parameter Block ( BPB ). It describes the FAT partition.
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
* @return A standard +FAT error code.
static FF_Error_t prvFormatWriteBPB( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
const char * pcVolumeName )
FF_Error_t xReturn;
char pcName[ 12 ];
( void ) strncpy( pcName, pcVolumeName, sizeof( pcName ) - 1 );
pcName[ sizeof( pcName ) - 1 ] = 0;
/* Clear all fields that aren't set explicitely. */
( void ) memset( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
( void ) memcpy( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer + OFS_BPB_jmpBoot_24, "\xEB\x00\x90" "FreeRTOS", 11 ); /* Includes OFS_BPB_OEMName_64 */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_BytsPerSec_16, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize ); /* 0x00B / Only 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_ResvdSecCnt_16, ( uint32_t ) pxSet->ulFATReservedSectors ); /* 0x00E / 1 (FAT12/16) or 32 (FAT32) */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_NumFATs_8, 2 ); /* 0x010 / 2 recommended */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_RootEntCnt_16, ( uint32_t ) ( pxSet->iFAT16RootSectors * 512 ) / 32 ); /* 0x011 / 512 (FAT12/16) or 0 (FAT32) */
/* For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains the count of 32- */
/* byte directory entries in the root directory */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_Media_8, 0xF8 ); /* 0x015 / 0xF0 (rem media) also in FAT[0] low byte */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_SecPerTrk_16, 0x3F ); /* 0x18 n.a. CF has no tracks */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_NumHeads_16, 255 ); /* 0x01A / n.a. 1 ? */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_HiddSec_32, ( uint32_t ) pxSet->ulHiddenSectors ); /* 0x01C / n.a. 0 for nonparitioned volume */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_SecPerClus_8, ( uint32_t ) pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster ); /* 0x00D / Only 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 */
FF_PRINTF( "FF_Format: SecCluster %lu DatSec %lu DataClus %lu pxSet->ulClusterBeginLBA %lu\n",
pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster, pxSet->ulUsableDataSectors, pxSet->ulUsableDataClusters, pxSet->ulClusterBeginLBA );
/* This field is the new 32-bit total count of sectors on the volume. */
/* This count includes the count of all sectors in all four regions of the volume */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_TotSec16_16, 0 ); /* 0x013 / xxx (FAT12/16) or 0 (FAT32) */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_TotSec32_32, pxSet->ulSectorCount ); /* 0x020 / >= 0x10000 */
if( pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 )
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_FATSz32_32, pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT ); /* 0x24 / Only when BPB_FATSz16 = 0 */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_ExtFlags_16, 0 ); /* 0x28 / FAT32 only */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_FSVer_16, 0 ); /* 0x2A / 0:0 */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_RootClus_32, ( uint32_t ) pxSet->iFAT32RootClusters ); /* 0x2C / Normally 2 */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_FSInfo_16, pxSet->ulFSInfo ); /* 0x30 / Normally 1 */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_BkBootSec_16, pxSet->ulBackupBootSector ); /* 0x32 / Normally 6 */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_DrvNum_8, 0 ); /* 0x40 / n.a. */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_BootSig_8, 0x29 ); /* 0x42 / n.a. */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_32_VolID_32, ( uint32_t ) pxSet->ulVolumeID ); /* 0x43 / "unique" number */
( void ) memcpy( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer + OFS_BPB_32_VolLab_88, pcName, 11 ); /* 0x47 / "NO NAME " */
( void ) memcpy( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer + OFS_BPB_32_FilSysType_64, "FAT32 ", 8 ); /* 0x52 / "FAT12 " */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_16_DrvNum_8, 0u ); /* 0x024 / n.a. */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_16_Reserved1_8, 0 ); /* 0x025 / n.a. */
FF_putChar( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_16_BootSig_8, 0x29 ); /* 0x026 / n.a. */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_16_BS_VolID_32, ( uint32_t ) pxSet->ulVolumeID ); /* 0x027 / "unique" number */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, OFS_BPB_FATSz16_16, pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT ); /* 0x16 */
( void ) memcpy( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer + OFS_BPB_16_BS_VolLab_88, "MY NAME ", 11 ); /* 0x02B / "NO NAME " */
( void ) memcpy( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer + OFS_BPB_16_FilSysType_64, "FAT16 ", 8 ); /* 0x036 / "FAT12 " */
pxSet->pucSectorBuffer[ FF_FAT_MBR_SIGNATURE + 0 ] = 0x55;
pxSet->pucSectorBuffer[ FF_FAT_MBR_SIGNATURE + 1 ] = 0xAA;
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, pxSet->ulHiddenSectors, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0u );
if( ( pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 ) &&
( FF_isERR( xReturn ) == pdFALSE ) )
/* Store a backup copy of the boot sector. */
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, pxSet->ulHiddenSectors + pxSet->ulBackupBootSector, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
return xReturn;
* @brief: Initialise and clear the File Allocation Table ( FAT ).
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
* @param[in] lFatBeginLBA: The number of first sector of the FAT.
* @return A standard +FAT error code.
static FF_Error_t prvFormatInitialiseFAT( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
int32_t lFatBeginLBA )
FF_Error_t xReturn;
( void ) memset( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
switch( pxSet->ucFATType )
case FF_T_FAT16:
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, 0xFFF8U ); /* First FAT entry. */
FF_putShort( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 2, 0xFFFFU ); /* RESERVED alloc. */
case FF_T_FAT32:
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, 0x0FFFFFF8U ); /* FAT32 FAT sig. */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 4, 0xFFFFFFFFU ); /* RESERVED alloc. */
FF_putLong( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 8, 0x0FFFFFFFU ); /* Root dir allocation. */
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, ( uint32_t ) lFatBeginLBA, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
if( FF_isERR( xReturn ) == pdFALSE )
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, ( uint32_t ) lFatBeginLBA + pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
FF_PRINTF( "FF_Format: Clearing entire FAT (2 x %lu sectors):\n", pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT );
int32_t addr;
( void ) memset( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
for( addr = lFatBeginLBA + 1;
( addr < ( lFatBeginLBA + ( int32_t ) pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT ) ) &&
( FF_isERR( xReturn ) == pdFALSE );
addr++ )
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, ( uint32_t ) addr, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
if( FF_isERR( xReturn ) == pdFALSE )
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, ( uint32_t ) addr + pxSet->ulSectorsPerFAT, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
FF_PRINTF( "FF_Format: Clearing done\n" );
return xReturn;
* @brief: Initialise and clear the root directory.
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
* @return A standard +FAT error code.
static FF_Error_t prvFormatInitialiseRootDir( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,
int32_t lDirectoryBegin,
const char * pcVolumeName )
FF_Error_t xReturn = FF_ERR_NONE;
int32_t lAddress;
int32_t lLastAddress;
BaseType_t xHasCleared = pdFALSE;
( void ) memset( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
( void ) memcpy( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, pcVolumeName, 11 );
pxSet->pucSectorBuffer[ 11 ] = FF_FAT_ATTR_VOLID;
if( pxSet->iFAT16RootSectors != 0 )
lLastAddress = lDirectoryBegin + pxSet->iFAT16RootSectors;
lLastAddress = lDirectoryBegin + pxSet->ulSectorsPerCluster;
FF_PRINTF( "FF_Format: Clearing root directory at %08lX: %lu sectors\n", lDirectoryBegin, lLastAddress - lDirectoryBegin );
for( lAddress = lDirectoryBegin;
( lAddress < lLastAddress ) && ( FF_isERR( xReturn ) == pdFALSE );
lAddress++ )
xReturn = FF_BlockWrite( pxSet->pxIOManager, ( uint32_t ) lAddress, 1, pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0u );
if( xHasCleared == pdFALSE )
xHasCleared = pdTRUE;
( void ) memset( pxSet->pucSectorBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
return xReturn;
* @brief Now deprecated, please use the new function 'FF_FormatDisk()'.
* @param[in] pxDisk: The disk object.
* @param[in] xPartitionNumber: the numer of the partitioned that must be FAT-formatted.
* @param[in] xPreferFAT16: When pdTRUE, it will use FAT16 in stead of FAT32.
* @param[in] xSmallClusters: When pdTRUE, it will make the cluster size as small as possible.
* @return A standard +FAT error code ( not an errno ).
FF_Error_t FF_Format( FF_Disk_t * pxDisk,
BaseType_t xPartitionNumber,
BaseType_t xPreferFAT16,
BaseType_t xSmallClusters )
return FF_FormatDisk( pxDisk, xPartitionNumber, xPreferFAT16, xSmallClusters, "MY_DISK " );
/*_RB_ Candidate for splitting into multiple functions? */
* @brief Format a partition of a disk, either as FAT16 or FAT32. It assumes that
* is has already been partitioned.
* @param[in] pxDisk: The disk object.
* @param[in] xPartitionNumber: the numer of the partitioned that must be FAT-formatted.
* @param[in] xPreferFAT16: When pdTRUE, it will use FAT16 in stead of FAT32.
* @param[in] xSmallClusters: When pdTRUE, it will make the cluster size as small as possible.
* @param[in] pcVolumeName: A string of 11 characters representing the name of the disk.
* @return A standard +FAT error code ( not an errno ).
FF_Error_t FF_FormatDisk( FF_Disk_t * pxDisk,
BaseType_t xPartitionNumber,
BaseType_t xPreferFAT16,
BaseType_t xSmallClusters,
const char * pcVolumeName )
struct xFormatSet xSet;
int32_t lFatBeginLBA;
int32_t lDirectoryBegin;
FF_Error_t xReturn = FF_ERR_NONE;
memset( &( xSet ), 0, sizeof xSet );
xSet.ulFSInfo = 1; /* Sector number of FSINFO structure within the reserved area */
xSet.ulBackupBootSector = 6; /* Sector number of "copy of the boot record" within the reserved area */
xSet.xFATCount = 2; /* Number of FAT's */
xSet.pxIOManager = pxDisk->pxIOManager;
FF_PartitionSearch( xSet.pxIOManager, &xSet.xPartitionsFound );
/* Introducing a do {} while(false) loop for easy exit without return. */
if( xPartitionNumber >= xSet.xPartitionsFound.iCount )
xSet.pxMyPartition = xSet.xPartitionsFound.pxPartitions + xPartitionNumber;
xSet.ulSectorCount = xSet.pxMyPartition->ulSectorCount;
xSet.ulHiddenSectors = xSet.pxMyPartition->ulStartLBA;
if( ( ( xPreferFAT16 == pdFALSE ) && ( ( xSet.ulSectorCount - RESV_COUNT ) >= 65536 ) ) ||
( ( xSet.ulSectorCount - RESV_COUNT ) >= ( 64 * MIN_CLUSTER_COUNT_FAT32 ) ) )
xSet.ucFATType = FF_T_FAT32;
xSet.iFAT32RootClusters = 2;
xSet.ulFATReservedSectors = RESV_COUNT;
xSet.iFAT16RootSectors = 0;
xSet.ucFATType = FF_T_FAT16;
xSet.iFAT32RootClusters = 0;
xSet.ulFATReservedSectors = 1u;
xSet.iFAT16RootSectors = ffconfigFAT16_ROOT_SECTORS; /* 32 sectors to get 512 dir entries */
/* Set start sector and length to allow FF_BlockRead/Write */
xSet.pxIOManager->xPartition.ulTotalSectors = xSet.pxMyPartition->ulSectorCount;
xSet.pxIOManager->xPartition.ulBeginLBA = xSet.pxMyPartition->ulStartLBA;
/* TODO: Find some solution here to get a unique disk ID */
xSet.ulVolumeID = ( rand() << 16 ) | rand(); /*_RB_ rand() has proven problematic in some environments. */
/* Sectors within partition which can not be used */
xSet.ulNonDataSectors = xSet.ulFATReservedSectors + xSet.iFAT16RootSectors;
/* A fs dependent constant: */
if( xSet.ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 )
/* In FAT32, 4 bytes are needed to store the address (LBA) of a cluster.
* A FAT sector of 512 bytes can contain 512 / 4 = 128 entries. */
xSet.ulClustersPerFATSector = xSet.pxIOManager->usSectorSize / sizeof( uint32_t );
/* In FAT16, 2 bytes are needed to store the address (LBA) of a cluster.
* A FAT sector of 512 bytes can contain 512 / 2 = 256 entries. */
xSet.ulClustersPerFATSector = xSet.pxIOManager->usSectorSize / sizeof( uint16_t );
FF_PRINTF( "FF_Format: Secs %lu Rsvd %lu Hidden %lu Root %lu Data %lu\n",
xSet.ulSectorCount, xSet.ulFATReservedSectors, xSet.ulHiddenSectors, xSet.iFAT16RootSectors, xSet.ulSectorCount - xSet.ulNonDataSectors );
/* Try to find the optimum sector size, and choose betwee FAT16 and FAT32.
xReturn = prvFormatGetClusterSize( &( xSet ), xPreferFAT16, xSmallClusters );
if( FF_isERR( xReturn ) != pdFALSE )
/* Optimise FAT location: for bigger disks, let the FAT start at an offset of 4MB,
* because that memory is optimised for FAT purposes ( i.e. frequent changes ).
prvFormatOptimiseFATLocation( &( xSet ) );
xSet.ulClusterBeginLBA = xSet.ulHiddenSectors + xSet.ulFATReservedSectors + 2 * xSet.ulSectorsPerFAT;
/* Allocate a buffer space to hold a full sector. */
xSet.pucSectorBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) ffconfigMALLOC( xSet.pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
if( xSet.pucSectorBuffer == NULL )
/* Write the so-called BIOS parameter block (BPB). It describes the FAT partition. */
xReturn = prvFormatWriteBPB( &( xSet ), pcVolumeName );
if( FF_isERR( xReturn ) != pdFALSE )
if( xSet.ucFATType == FF_T_FAT32 )
/* FAT32 stores extra information in the FSInfo sector, usually sector 1. */
( void ) memset( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, 0, xSet.pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
FF_putLong( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, OFS_FSI_32_LeadSig, 0x41615252 ); /* to validate that this is in fact an FSInfo sector. */
/* OFS_FSI_32_Reserved1 0x004 / 480 times 0 */
FF_putLong( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, OFS_FSI_32_StrucSig, 0x61417272 ); /* Another signature that is more localized in the */
/* sector to the location of the fields that are used. */
FF_putLong( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, OFS_FSI_32_Free_Count, xSet.ulUsableDataClusters ); /* last known free cluster count on the volume, ~0 for unknown */
FF_putLong( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, OFS_FSI_32_Nxt_Free, 2 ); /* cluster number at which the driver should start looking for free clusters */
/* OFS_FSI_32_Reserved2 0x1F0 / zero's */
FF_putLong( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, OFS_FSI_32_TrailSig, 0xAA550000 ); /* Will correct for endianness */
FF_BlockWrite( xSet.pxIOManager, xSet.ulHiddenSectors + xSet.ulFSInfo, 1, xSet.pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
FF_BlockWrite( xSet.pxIOManager, xSet.ulHiddenSectors + xSet.ulFSInfo + xSet.ulBackupBootSector, 1, xSet.pucSectorBuffer, pdFALSE );
lFatBeginLBA = xSet.ulHiddenSectors + xSet.ulFATReservedSectors;
/* Initialise the FAT. */
xReturn = prvFormatInitialiseFAT( &( xSet ), lFatBeginLBA );
if( FF_isERR( xReturn ) != pdFALSE )
lDirectoryBegin = lFatBeginLBA + ( 2 * xSet.ulSectorsPerFAT );
#if ( ffconfigTIME_SUPPORT != 0 )
FF_SystemTime_t str_t;
int16_t myShort;
FF_GetSystemTime( &str_t );
myShort = ( ( str_t.Hour << 11 ) & 0xF800 ) |
( ( str_t.Minute << 5 ) & 0x07E0 ) |
( ( str_t.Second / 2 ) & 0x001F );
FF_putShort( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, 22, ( uint32_t ) myShort );
myShort = ( ( ( str_t.Year - 1980 ) << 9 ) & 0xFE00 ) |
( ( str_t.Month << 5 ) & 0x01E0 ) |
( str_t.Day & 0x001F );
FF_putShort( xSet.pucSectorBuffer, 24, ( uint32_t ) myShort );
#endif /* ffconfigTIME_SUPPORT */
/* Initialise and clear the root directory. */
xReturn = prvFormatInitialiseRootDir( &( xSet ), lDirectoryBegin, pcVolumeName );
while( pdFALSE );
/* Free the sector buffer. */
ffconfigFREE( xSet.pucSectorBuffer );
return xReturn;
* @brief Create primary and extended partitions.
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
* @return A standard +FAT error code.
static FF_Error_t prvPartitionPrimary( struct xPartitionSet * pxSet )
FF_Error_t xReturn = FF_ERR_NONE;
FF_Buffer_t * pxSectorBuffer;
uint8_t * pucBuffer;
uint32_t ulPartitionOffset; /* Pointer within partition table */
BaseType_t xPartitionNumber;
pxSectorBuffer = FF_GetBuffer( pxSet->pxIOManager, 0, ( uint8_t ) FF_MODE_WRITE );
if( pxSectorBuffer == NULL )
pucBuffer = pxSectorBuffer->pucBuffer;
( void ) memset( pucBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
( void ) memcpy( pucBuffer + OFS_BPB_jmpBoot_24, "\xEB\x00\x90" "FreeRTOS", 11 ); /* Includes OFS_BPB_OEMName_64 */
ulPartitionOffset = OFS_PTABLE_PART_0;
for( xPartitionNumber = 0; xPartitionNumber < ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS; xPartitionNumber++ )
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ACTIVE_8, pxSet->pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ucActive ); /* 0x01BE 0x80 if active */
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_START_HEAD_8, 1 ); /* 0x001 / 0x01BF */
FF_putShort( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_START_SEC_TRACK_16, 1 ); /* 0x002 / 0x01C0 */
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ID_NUMBER_8, pxSet->pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ucPartitionID ); /* 0x004 / 0x01C2 */
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ENDING_HEAD_8, 0xFE ); /* 0x005 / 0x01C3 */
FF_putShort( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ENDING_SEC_TRACK_16, pxSet->pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount ); /* 0x006 / 0x01C4 */
FF_putLong( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_STARTING_LBA_32, pxSet->pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ulStartLBA ); /* 0x008 / 0x01C6 This is important */
FF_putLong( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_LENGTH_32, pxSet->pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount ); /* 0x00C / 0x01CA Equal to total sectors */
ulPartitionOffset += 16;
pucBuffer[ FF_FAT_MBR_SIGNATURE + 0 ] = 0x55;
pucBuffer[ FF_FAT_MBR_SIGNATURE + 1 ] = 0xAA;
FF_ReleaseBuffer( pxSet->pxIOManager, pxSectorBuffer );
FF_FlushCache( pxSet->pxIOManager );
return xReturn;
* @brief Create primary and extended partitions.
* @param[in] pxSet: A set of parameters describing this format session.
* @param[in] pParams: A set of variables describing the partitions.
* @return A standard +FAT error code.
static FF_Error_t prvPartitionExtended( struct xPartitionSet * pxSet,
FF_PartitionParameters_t * pParams )
/* Create at least 1 extended/logical partition */
FF_Error_t xReturn = FF_ERR_NONE;
int index;
/* Start of the big extended partition */
unsigned extendedLBA = pParams->ulHiddenSectors;
/* Where to write the table */
uint32_t ulLBA = 0;
/* Contents of the table */
FF_Part_t writeParts[ 4 ];
BaseType_t xPartitionNumber;
FF_Buffer_t * pxSectorBuffer;
uint8_t * pucBuffer;
uint32_t ulPartitionOffset; /**< Pointer within partition table */
for( index = -1; index < pxSet->xPartitionCount; index++ )
uint32_t ulNextLBA;
( void ) memset( writeParts, 0, sizeof( writeParts ) );
if( index < 0 )
/* We're at sector 0: */
/* Write primary partitions, if any */
/* Create big extended partition */
uint32_t ulStartLBA = pParams->ulHiddenSectors;
for( xPartitionNumber = 0; xPartitionNumber < pParams->xPrimaryCount; xPartitionNumber++ )
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulStartLBA = ulStartLBA;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount = pxSet->pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ucActive = 0x80;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ucPartitionID = 0x0B;
ulStartLBA += writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount;
/* _HT_ index = 0, 1, or 2. index < xPrimaryCount. */
/* _HT_ xPartitionNumber == pParams->xPrimaryCount. */
/* Now define the extended partition. */
extendedLBA = ulStartLBA;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulStartLBA = ulStartLBA;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount = pParams->ulSectorCount - ulStartLBA;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ucActive = 0x80;
writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ucPartitionID = FF_DOS_EXT_PART; /* 0x05 */
ulNextLBA = ulStartLBA;
/* Create a logical partition with "ulSectorCount" sectors: */
writeParts[ 0 ].ulStartLBA = pxSet->ulInterSpace;
writeParts[ 0 ].ulSectorCount = pxSet->pxPartitions[ index ].ulSectorCount;
writeParts[ 0 ].ucActive = 0x80;
writeParts[ 0 ].ucPartitionID = 0x0B;
if( index < pxSet->xPartitionCount - 1 )
/* Next extended partition */
writeParts[ 1 ].ulStartLBA = pxSet->ulInterSpace + ulLBA - extendedLBA + writeParts[ 0 ].ulSectorCount;
/* Compilers may warn about the out-of-bounds indexing 'pxSet->pxPartitions[index+1]'. */
writeParts[ 1 ].ulSectorCount = pxSet->pxPartitions[ index + 1 ].ulSectorCount + pxSet->ulInterSpace;
writeParts[ 1 ].ucActive = 0x80;
writeParts[ 1 ].ucPartitionID = 0x05;
ulNextLBA = writeParts[ 1 ].ulStartLBA + extendedLBA;
pxSectorBuffer = FF_GetBuffer( pxSet->pxIOManager, ( uint32_t ) ulLBA, ( uint8_t ) FF_MODE_WRITE );
if( pxSectorBuffer == NULL )
pucBuffer = pxSectorBuffer->pucBuffer;
( void ) memset( pucBuffer, 0, pxSet->pxIOManager->usSectorSize );
( void ) memcpy( pucBuffer + OFS_BPB_jmpBoot_24, "\xEB\x00\x90" "FreeRTOS", 11 ); /* Includes OFS_BPB_OEMName_64 */
ulPartitionOffset = OFS_PTABLE_PART_0;
for( xPartitionNumber = 0; xPartitionNumber < ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS; xPartitionNumber++, ulPartitionOffset += 16 )
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ACTIVE_8, writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ucActive ); /* 0x01BE 0x80 if active */
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_START_HEAD_8, 1 ); /* 0x001 / 0x01BF */
FF_putShort( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_START_SEC_TRACK_16, 1 ); /* 0x002 / 0x01C0 */
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ID_NUMBER_8, writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ucPartitionID ); /* 0x004 / 0x01C2 */
FF_putChar( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ENDING_HEAD_8, 0xFE ); /* 0x005 / 0x01C3 */
FF_putShort( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_ENDING_SEC_TRACK_16, writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount ); /* 0x006 / 0x01C4 */
FF_putLong( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_STARTING_LBA_32, writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulStartLBA ); /* 0x008 / 0x01C6 This is important */
FF_putLong( pucBuffer, ulPartitionOffset + OFS_PART_LENGTH_32, writeParts[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount ); /* 0x00C / 0x01CA Equal to total sectors */
pucBuffer[ FF_FAT_MBR_SIGNATURE + 0 ] = 0x55;
pucBuffer[ FF_FAT_MBR_SIGNATURE + 1 ] = 0xAA;
FF_ReleaseBuffer( pxSet->pxIOManager, pxSectorBuffer );
FF_FlushCache( pxSet->pxIOManager );
ulLBA = ulNextLBA;
return xReturn;
* @brief Create/initialise the partitions of a disk.
* @param[in] pxDisk : The definition of the disk.
* @param[in] pParams : A description of how the partitions shall be formatted.
* @return A standard +FAT error code ( not an errno ).
FF_Error_t FF_Partition( FF_Disk_t * pxDisk,
FF_PartitionParameters_t * pParams )
FF_Error_t xReturn = FF_ERR_NONE;
struct xPartitionSet xSet;
BaseType_t xNeedExtended; /* When more than 4 partitions are requested, extended partitions are needed. */
uint32_t ulAvailable; /* The number of sectors available. */
BaseType_t xPartitionNumber;
uint32_t ulSummedSizes; /* Summed sizes as a percentage or as number of sectors. */
uint32_t ulReservedSpace; /**< Space needed for the extended partitions. */
memset( &( xSet ), 0, sizeof( xSet ) );
/* Hidden space between 2 extended partitions */
xSet.ulInterSpace = pParams->ulInterSpace ? pParams->ulInterSpace : 2048;
/* The +FAT IO-manager. */
xSet.pxIOManager = pxDisk->pxIOManager;
/* Clear caching without flushing first. */
FF_IOMAN_InitBufferDescriptors( xSet.pxIOManager );
/* Avoid sanity checks by FF_BlockRead/Write. */
xSet.pxIOManager->xPartition.ulTotalSectors = 0;
/* Get the sum of sizes and number of actual partitions. */
for( xPartitionNumber = 0; xPartitionNumber < ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS; xPartitionNumber++ )
if( pParams->xSizes[ xPartitionNumber ] > 0 )
ulSummedSizes += pParams->xSizes[ xPartitionNumber ];
/* xSet.xPartitionCount is at most 'ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS' */
if( xSet.xPartitionCount == 0 )
xSet.xPartitionCount = 1;
/* 'ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS' must be 1 or more. */
if( pParams->eSizeType == eSizeIsSectors )
pParams->xSizes[ 0 ] = pParams->ulSectorCount;
pParams->xSizes[ 0 ] = 100;
ulSummedSizes = pParams->xSizes[ 0 ];
/* Correct PrimaryCount if necessary. */
if( pParams->xPrimaryCount > ( ( xSet.xPartitionCount > 4 ) ? 3 : xSet.xPartitionCount ) )
pParams->xPrimaryCount = ( xSet.xPartitionCount > 4 ) ? 3 : xSet.xPartitionCount;
/* Now see if extended is necessary. */
xNeedExtended = ( xSet.xPartitionCount > pParams->xPrimaryCount ) ? pdTRUE : pdFALSE;
if( xNeedExtended != pdFALSE )
if( pParams->ulHiddenSectors < 4096 )
pParams->ulHiddenSectors = 4096;
ulReservedSpace = xSet.ulInterSpace * ( xSet.xPartitionCount - pParams->xPrimaryCount );
/* There must be at least 1 hidden sector. */
if( pParams->ulHiddenSectors < 1 )
pParams->ulHiddenSectors = 1;
ulReservedSpace = 0;
ulAvailable = pParams->ulSectorCount - pParams->ulHiddenSectors - ulReservedSpace;
/* Check validity of Sizes */
switch( pParams->eSizeType )
case eSizeIsQuota: /* Assign a quotum (sum of Sizes is free, all disk space will be allocated) */
case eSizeIsPercent: /* Assign a percentage of the available space (sum of Sizes must be <= 100) */
if( ulSummedSizes > 100 )
ulSummedSizes = 100;
case eSizeIsSectors: /* Assign fixed number of sectors (512 byte each) */
if( ulSummedSizes > ulAvailable )
uint32_t ulRemaining = ulAvailable;
uint32_t ulLBA = pParams->ulHiddenSectors;
/* Divide the available sectors among the partitions: */
for( xPartitionNumber = 0; xPartitionNumber < xSet.xPartitionCount; xPartitionNumber++ )
if( pParams->xSizes[ xPartitionNumber ] > 0 )
uint32_t ulSize;
switch( pParams->eSizeType )
case eSizeIsQuota: /* Assign a quotum (sum of Sizes is free, all disk space will be allocated) */
case eSizeIsPercent: /* Assign a percentage of the available space (sum of Sizes must be <= 100) */
ulSize = ( uint32_t ) ( ( ( uint64_t ) pParams->xSizes[ xPartitionNumber ] * ulAvailable ) / ulSummedSizes );
case eSizeIsSectors: /* Assign fixed number of sectors (512 byte each) */
default: /* Just for the compiler(s) */
ulSize = pParams->xSizes[ xPartitionNumber ];
if( ulSize > ulRemaining )
ulSize = ulRemaining;
ulRemaining -= ulSize;
xSet.pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ulSectorCount = ulSize;
xSet.pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ucActive = 0x80;
xSet.pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ulStartLBA = ulLBA; /* ulStartLBA might still change for logical partitions */
xSet.pxPartitions[ xPartitionNumber ].ucPartitionID = 0x0B;
ulLBA += ulSize;
if( xNeedExtended == pdFALSE )
xReturn = prvPartitionPrimary( &( xSet ) );
xReturn = prvPartitionExtended( &( xSet ), pParams );
return xReturn;