129 lines
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129 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020, Armink, <armink.ztl@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief TSDB samples.
* Time series log (like TSDB) feature samples source file.
* TSL is time series log, the TSDB saved many TSLs.
#include <flashdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FDB_LOG_TAG "[sample][tsdb]"
struct env_status {
int temp;
int humi;
static bool query_cb(fdb_tsl_t tsl, void *arg);
static bool query_by_time_cb(fdb_tsl_t tsl, void *arg);
static bool set_status_cb(fdb_tsl_t tsl, void *arg);
void tsdb_sample(fdb_tsdb_t tsdb)
struct fdb_blob blob;
FDB_INFO("==================== tsdb_sample ====================\n");
{ /* APPEND new TSL (time series log) */
struct env_status status;
int test_data[15]={'h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d'};
test_data[12] =0;
fdb_tsl_append(tsdb, fdb_blob_make(&blob, test_data, sizeof(test_data)));
/* append new log to TSDB */
// status.temp = 36;
// status.humi = 85;
// fdb_tsl_append(tsdb, fdb_blob_make(&blob, &status, sizeof(status)));
// FDB_INFO("append the new status.temp (%d) and status.humi (%d)\n", status.temp, status.humi);
// status.temp = 38;
// status.humi = 90;
// fdb_tsl_append(tsdb, fdb_blob_make(&blob, &status, sizeof(status)));
// FDB_INFO("append the new status.temp (%d) and status.humi (%d)\n", status.temp, status.humi);
// { /* QUERY the TSDB */
// /* query all TSL in TSDB by iterator */
// fdb_tsl_iter(tsdb, query_cb, tsdb);
// }
// { /* QUERY the TSDB by time */
// /* prepare query time (from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to 2020-05-05 00:00:00) */
// struct tm tm_from = { .tm_year = 1970 - 1900, .tm_mon = 0, .tm_mday = 1, .tm_hour = 0, .tm_min = 0, .tm_sec = 0 };
// struct tm tm_to = { .tm_year = 2020 - 1900, .tm_mon = 4, .tm_mday = 5, .tm_hour = 0, .tm_min = 0, .tm_sec = 0 };
// time_t from_time = mktime(&tm_from), to_time = mktime(&tm_to);
// size_t count;
// /* query all TSL in TSDB by time */
// fdb_tsl_iter_by_time(tsdb, from_time, to_time, query_by_time_cb, tsdb);
// /* query all FDB_TSL_WRITE status TSL's count in TSDB by time */
// count = fdb_tsl_query_count(tsdb, from_time, to_time, FDB_TSL_WRITE);
// FDB_INFO("query count is: %zu\n", count);
// }
// { /* SET the TSL status */
// /* Change the TSL status by iterator or time iterator
// * set_status_cb: the change operation will in this callback
// *
// * NOTE: The actions to modify the state must be in order.
// * The intermediate states can also be ignored.
// */
// fdb_tsl_iter(tsdb, set_status_cb, tsdb);
// }
static bool query_cb(fdb_tsl_t tsl, void *arg)
struct fdb_blob blob;
struct env_status status;
fdb_tsdb_t db = arg;
char my_log[12];
fdb_blob_read((fdb_db_t) db, fdb_tsl_to_blob(tsl, fdb_blob_make(&blob, &status, sizeof(status))));
FDB_INFO("[query_cb] queried a TSL: time: %ld, temp: %d, humi: %d\n", tsl->time, status.temp, status.humi);
return false;
static bool query_by_time_cb(fdb_tsl_t tsl, void *arg)
struct fdb_blob blob;
struct env_status status;
fdb_tsdb_t db = arg;
fdb_blob_read((fdb_db_t) db, fdb_tsl_to_blob(tsl, fdb_blob_make(&blob, &status, sizeof(status))));
FDB_INFO("[query_by_time_cb] queried a TSL: time: %ld, temp: %d, humi: %d\n", tsl->time, status.temp, status.humi);
return false;
static bool set_status_cb(fdb_tsl_t tsl, void *arg)
fdb_tsdb_t db = arg;
FDB_INFO("set the TSL (time %ld) status from %d to %d\n", tsl->time, tsl->status, FDB_TSL_USER_STATUS1);
fdb_tsl_set_status(db, tsl, FDB_TSL_USER_STATUS1);
return false;
#endif /* FDB_USING_TSDB */