#include #include "co_log.h" #include "gap_api.h" #include "gatt_api.h" #include "fdb_app.h" #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "timers.h" #include "portable.h" #include "btdm_mem.h" #define SP_SVC_UUID 0xFFF0 #define SP_CHAR1_UUID 0xFFF3 #define SP_CHAR2_UUID {0xba, 0x5c, 0xFF, 0xF4, 0x04, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xb5, 0x35, 0x85, 0x3e, 0xb0, 0x83, 0x07} // Element index of gatt service table enum { SP_IDX_SERVICE, SP_IDX_CHAR1_DECLARATION, SP_IDX_CHAR1_VALUE, SP_IDX_CHAR1_CFG, SP_IDX_CHAR1_USER_DESCRIPTION, SP_IDX_CHAR2_DECLARATION, SP_IDX_CHAR2_VALUE, SP_IDX_CHAR2_USER_DESCRIPTION, SP_IDX_NB, }; // Simple GATT Profile Service UUID: 0xFFF0 static const uint8_t sp_svc_uuid[] = UUID16_ARR(SP_SVC_UUID); /******************************* Characteristic 1 defination *******************************/ // Characteristic 1 UUID: 0xFFF3 // Characteristic 1 data #define SP_CHAR1_VALUE_LEN 20 static uint8_t sp_char1_value[SP_CHAR1_VALUE_LEN] = {0}; #define SP_CHAR1_USER_DESC_LEN 17 static char sp_char1_user_desc_data[] = "Characteristic 1"; static uint8_t desc_data[2] = {0}; /******************************* Characteristic 2 defination *******************************/ // Characteristic 2 UUID: 0xBA5C-FFF4-04A3-4071-A0B5-3585-3EB0-8307 // Characteristic 2 data #define SP_CHAR2_VALUE_LEN 5 static uint8_t sp_char2_value[SP_CHAR2_VALUE_LEN] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55}; #define SP_CHAR2_USER_DESC_LEN 17 static char sp_char2_user_desc_data[] = "Characteristic 2"; static const gatt_attribute_t simple_profile_att_table[] = { // Simple gatt Service Declaration [SP_IDX_SERVICE] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ, /* Permissions */ UUID_SIZE_2, /* Max size of the value */ /* Service UUID size in service declaration */ (uint8_t*)sp_svc_uuid, /* Value of the attribute */ /* Service UUID value in service declaration */ }, /******************************* Characteristic 1 defination *******************************/ // Characteristic 1 Declaration [SP_IDX_CHAR1_DECLARATION] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(GATT_CHARACTER_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ, /* Permissions */ 0, /* Max size of the value */ NULL, /* Value of the attribute */ }, // Characteristic 1 Value [SP_IDX_CHAR1_VALUE] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(SP_CHAR1_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ | GATT_PROP_NOTI | GATT_PROP_WRITE_REQ, /* Permissions */ SP_CHAR1_VALUE_LEN, /* Max size of the value */ NULL, /* Value of the attribute */ /* Can assign a buffer here, or can be assigned in the application by user */ /* When the buffer is null, if a read request is received, * the lower layer will report a read event to the gatt callback. * The user must assign a value to the data pointer in the callback event * to reply to the read request */ }, // Characteristic 1 client characteristic configuration [SP_IDX_CHAR1_CFG] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ | GATT_PROP_WRITE_REQ, /* Permissions */ 2, /* Max size of the value */ desc_data, /* Value of the attribute */ /* Can assign a buffer here, or can be assigned in the application by user */ }, // Characteristic 1 User Description [SP_IDX_CHAR1_USER_DESCRIPTION] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(GATT_CHAR_USER_DESC_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ, /* Permissions */ SP_CHAR1_USER_DESC_LEN, /* Max size of the value */ (uint8_t *)sp_char1_user_desc_data, /* Value of the attribute */ }, /******************************* Characteristic 2 defination *******************************/ // Characteristic 2 Declaration [SP_IDX_CHAR2_DECLARATION] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(GATT_CHARACTER_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ, /* Permissions */ 0, /* Max size of the value */ NULL, /* Value of the attribute */ }, // Characteristic 2 Value [SP_IDX_CHAR2_VALUE] = { { UUID_SIZE_16, SP_CHAR2_UUID }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ , /* Permissions */ SP_CHAR2_VALUE_LEN, /* Max size of the value */ sp_char2_value, /* Value of the attribute */ /* Can assign a buffer here, or can be assigned in the application by user */ /* When the buffer is null, if a read request is received, * the lower layer will report a read event to the gatt callback. * The user must assign a value to the data pointer in the callback event * to reply to the read request */ }, // Characteristic 2 User Description [SP_IDX_CHAR2_USER_DESCRIPTION] = { { UUID_SIZE_2, UUID16_ARR(GATT_CHAR_USER_DESC_UUID) }, /* UUID */ GATT_PROP_READ, /* Permissions */ SP_CHAR2_USER_DESC_LEN, /* Max size of the value */ (uint8_t *)sp_char2_user_desc_data, /* Value of the attribute */ }, }; static void app_ble_start_advertising(void); static char local_device_name[] = "30xx_Ble_Periphreal"; static adv_handle adv; /* * Advertising data, max size is 28 bytes */ static uint8_t adv_data[] = { /* gatt service information */ 0x03, //length of this AD GAP_ADVTYPE_16BIT_MORE, //16bit service uuid AD type 0xff, 0xf0, //value.service uuid:0xFFF0 /* local device name information */ 0x14, //length of this AD GAP_ADVTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE, //complete name AD type '3','0','x','x','_','B','l','e','_','P','e','r','i','p','h','r','e','a','l', //value.local device name }; /* * Advertising scan response data, max size is 31 bytes */ static uint8_t adv_scan_rsp_data[] = { /* local device name information */ 0x14, //length of this AD GAP_ADVTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE, //complete name AD type '3','0','x','x','_','B','l','e','_','P','e','r','i','p','h','r','e','a','l', //value.local device name }; uint8_t service_id; static uint16_t gap_callback(struct gap_event *event) { // printf("gap_callback: type = %d\r\n", event->type); switch(event->type) { case GATT_EVT_PROFILE_ADDED: { printf("gap_callback: GATT_EVT_PROFILE_ADDED: 0x%02X\r\n", event->param.profile_added_status); /* service profile has been added successfully, then the advertising can be started */ app_ble_start_advertising(); } break; case GAP_EVT_ADV_SET_PARAM: printf("adv param set: 0x%02X\r\n", event->param.adv_set_param.status); break; case GAP_EVT_ADV_SET_ADV_DATA: printf("adv data set: 0x%02X\r\n", event->param.adv_set_adv_data.status); break; case GAP_EVT_ADV_SET_SCAN_RSP: printf("adv scan rsp data set: 0x%02X\r\n", event->param.adv_set_scan_rsp.status); break; case GAP_EVT_ADV_START: printf("adv start :0x%02X\r\n", event->param.adv_start.status); break; case GAP_EVT_ADV_END: printf("adv end: 0x%02X\r\n", event->param.adv_end.status); break; case GAP_EVT_SLAVE_CONNECT: { //gap_get_link_version(event->param.connect.conidx); //gap_get_link_rssi(event->param.connect.conidx); //gap_get_link_features(event->param.connect.conidx); printf("slave connect[%d], connect num: %d\r\n", event->param.connect.conidx, gap_get_connect_num()); gatt_mtu_exchange_req(service_id, event->param.connect.conidx, 247); } break; case GAP_EVT_DISCONNECT: { printf("gap_callback: GAP_EVT_DISCONNECT, conidx:%d, reason:0x%02X\r\n", event->param.disconnect.conidx, event->param.disconnect.reason); gap_adv_start(adv, 0, 0); } break; case GATT_EVT_MTU: printf("gap_callback: conidx: %d, GATT_EVT_MTU: %d\r\n", event->param.mtu_ind.conidx, event->param.mtu_ind.mtu); break; case GAP_EVT_NAME_REQ: { gap_name_req_rsp(event->param.name_req.conidx, event->param.name_req.token, sizeof(local_device_name), (uint8_t *)local_device_name); } break; case GAP_EVT_APPEARANCE_REQ: { gap_appearance_req_rsp(event->param.appearance_req.conidx, event->param.appearance_req.token, GAP_APPEARE_UNKNOWN); } break; case GAP_EVT_LINK_PARAM_REQ: { struct gap_link_param_update_rsp rsp; rsp.accept = true; rsp.conidx = event->param.link_param_update_req.conidx; rsp.ce_len_max = 2; rsp.ce_len_min = 2; gap_param_update_rsp(&rsp); } break; case GAP_EVT_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE: { printf("conn param update,conidx:%d, con_int:%d, latency:%d, timeout%d\r\n", event->param.link_param_update.conidx, event->param.link_param_update.con_interval, event->param.link_param_update.con_latency, event->param.link_param_update.sup_to); } break; case GAP_EVT_LINK_RSSI: printf("gap_callback: conidx: %d, GAP_EVT_LINK_RSSI: %d\r\n", event->param.gap_link_rssi.conidx, event->param.gap_link_rssi.link_rssi); break; case GAP_EVT_PHY_IND: printf("gap_callback: conidx: %d, GAP_EVT_PHY_IND: %d\r\n", event->param.gap_phy_ind.conidx, event->param.gap_phy_ind.tx_phy); break; case GAP_EVT_PHY_REJECT: printf("gap_callback: conidx: %d, GAP_EVT_PHY_REJECT, status: %d\r\n", event->param.gap_phy_update_reject.conidx, event->param.gap_phy_update_reject.status); break; case GAP_EVT_LINK_VER: printf("gap_callback: conidx: %d, GAP_EVT_LINK_VER\r\n", event->param.gap_link_ver.conidx); break; case GAP_EVT_LINK_FEATURE: printf("gap_callback: conidx: %d, GAP_EVT_LINK_FEATURE:%d\r\n", event->param.gap_link_feature.conidx, event->param.gap_link_feature.features[0]); break; default: break; } return 0; } static uint16_t gatt_callback(struct gatt_msg *p_msg) { uint8_t uuid_temp[16]; uint16_t uuid_2 = 0; switch(p_msg->msg_evt) { case GATTC_MSG_CMP_EVT: { switch(p_msg->param.gatt_op_cmp.operation) { case GATT_OP_NOTIFY: /*opearation of notification is complete */ printf("notify cmp, conidx:%d, status:0x%02X\r\n", p_msg->conn_idx, p_msg->param.gatt_op_cmp.status); break; default: break; } } break; /* Received a read request from the peer device */ case GATTS_MSG_READ_REQ: { printf("GATTS_MSG_READ_REQ, conidx:%d, att idx:%d\r\n", p_msg->conn_idx, p_msg->att_idx); if(p_msg->att_idx == SP_IDX_CHAR1_VALUE) { /* * Because the buffer pointer of SP_IDX_CHAR1_VALUE is NULL, * read requests will be report to the application layer for user response */ uint8_t read_rsp_data[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}; memcpy(p_msg->param.gatt_data.p_msg_data, read_rsp_data, sizeof(read_rsp_data)); /* Return the length of response data */ return (sizeof(read_rsp_data)); } } break; /* Received a write request from the peer device */ case GATTS_MSG_WRITE_REQ: { printf("GATTS_MSG_WRITE_REQ, conidx:%d, att idx:%d\r\n", p_msg->conn_idx, p_msg->att_idx); if(p_msg->att_idx == SP_IDX_CHAR1_VALUE) { printf("recv data: 0x"); for(uint8_t i=0; iparam.gatt_data.msg_len; i++) printf("%02X", p_msg->param.gatt_data.p_msg_data[i]); printf("\r\n"); } else if(p_msg->att_idx == SP_IDX_CHAR1_CFG) { uint8_t data[2]; memcpy(data, p_msg->param.gatt_data.p_msg_data, 2); if(data[0] & 0x01) { /* peer device enable notify */ printf("ntf enable, att_idx:%d\r\n", p_msg->att_idx); uint8_t send_data[5] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05}; struct gatt_send_event ntf; ntf.conidx = p_msg->conn_idx; ntf.att_idx = SP_IDX_CHAR1_VALUE; ntf.p_data = send_data; ntf.data_len = sizeof(send_data); ntf.svc_id = service_id; /* Send a notification to the peer device */ gatt_notification(&ntf); } } } break; case GATTC_MSG_LINK_CREATE: printf("gatt linkk create, conidx:%d\r\n", p_msg->conn_idx); break; case GATTC_MSG_LINK_LOST: printf("gatt linkk lost, conidx:%d\r\n", p_msg->conn_idx); break; default: break; } return 0; } static void app_ble_add_service(void) { struct gatt_service service; service.att_nb = SP_IDX_NB; service.p_att_tb = simple_profile_att_table; service.gatt_msg_handler = gatt_callback; //set GATT event callback service_id = gatt_add_service(&service); } static void app_ble_start_advertising(void) { /* creat a handle of advertising*/ adv = gap_adv_create(); gap_adv_param_t adv_param = { .own_addr_type = GAP_ADDR_TYPE_STATIC, //own address type .adv_mode = GAP_ADV_MODE_UNDIRECT, .disc_mode = GAP_ADV_DISC_MODE_GEN_DISC, .adv_chnl_map = GAP_ADV_CHAN_ALL, .filt_policy = GAP_ADV_FILTER_SCAN_ANY_CON_ANY, //Policy for filtering scanning or connection requests from peer devices .phy_mode = GAP_PHY_TYPE_LE_1M, .adv_intv_min = 160, //advertising min interval, in unit of 0.625ms .adv_intv_max = 160, //advertising max interval, in unit of 0.625ms }; /* set advertising param */ gap_adv_set_param(adv, &adv_param); /* set advertising data */ gap_adv_set_adv_data(adv, adv_data, sizeof(adv_data)); /* set advertising scan response data */ gap_adv_set_scan_rsp(adv, adv_scan_rsp_data, sizeof(adv_scan_rsp_data)); /* start sadvertising */ gap_adv_start(adv, 0, 0); } void app_ble_init(void) { printf("app_ble_init\r\n"); /* set GAP event callback*/ gap_set_cb_func(gap_callback); /* set security param */ struct gap_security_param smp_param; smp_param.mitm = true; smp_param.secure_connection = false; smp_param.bond = true; smp_param.rsp_mode = ENABLE_AUTO_RSP; smp_param.oob_used = GAP_OOB_AUTH_DATA_NOT_PRESENT; smp_param.io_cap = GAP_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT; gap_security_param_init(&smp_param); /* add service profile, The GAP callback event is GATT_EVT_PROFILE_ADDED*/ app_ble_add_service(); }