Instructions 32 Bit Version Copy dhry_1.c, dhry_2.c and dhry.h to a new folder and the following cpuida.o, cpuidc.o and cpuidh.h from common_32bit. Line 31 in dhry_1.c change options to "No Opt", "Opt 2" or "Opt 3". Compile and link using one or more of the following commands in Terminal pointing to the new folder. gcc dhry_1.c dhry_2.c cpuidc.o cpuida.o -lrt -lc -lm -o dhry2 gcc dhry_1.c dhry_2.c cpuidc.o cpuida.o -lrt -lc -lm -O2 -o dhry22 gcc dhry_1.c dhry_2.c cpuidc.o cpuida.o -lrt -lc -lm -O3 -o dhry23 Execute using ./dhry2, ./dhry22 or ./dhryt23. Results should be displayed and saved in Dhry.txt. Instructions 64 Bit Version Copy dhry_1.c, dhry_2.c and dhry.h to a new folder and the following cpuida64.o, cpuidc64.o and cpuidh.h from common_64bit. Line 31 in dhry_1.c change options to "No Opt 64", "Opt 2 64" or "Opt 3 64". Compile and link using one or more of the following commands in Terminal pointing to the new folder. gcc dhry_1.c dhry_2.c cpuidc64.o cpuida64.o -m64 -lrt -lc -lm -o dhry2_64 gcc dhry_1.c dhry_2.c cpuidc64.o cpuida64.o -m64 -lrt -lc -lm -O2 -o dhry22_64 gcc dhry_1.c dhry_2.c cpuidc64.o cpuida64.o -m64 -lrt -lc -lm -O3 -o dhry23_64 Execute using ./dhry2_64, ./dhry22_64 or ./dhry23_64. Results should be displayed and saved in Dhry.txt. The execution files can be renamed later.