
533 lines
22 KiB

#ifndef _GATT_API_H
#define _GATT_API_H
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <stdint.h>
#include "gatt_defines.h"
#include "gatt_sig_uuid.h"
#include "ble_api_error.h"
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
enum gatt_msg_evt {
GATTS_MSG_READ_REQ, //!< GATT service received read request
GATTS_MSG_WRITE_REQ, //!< GATT service received write request
GATTS_MSG_ATT_INFO_REQ, //!< GATT service received get att information request
GATTC_MSG_NTF_REQ, //!< GATT client notification received
GATTC_MSG_IND_REQ, //!< GATT client indication received
GATTC_MSG_READ_IND, //!< GATT client read response received
GATTC_MSG_CMP_EVT, //!< GATT client message complete event
GATTC_MSG_LINK_CREATE, //!< A Link is established
GATTC_MSG_LINK_LOST, //!< A Link is lost
GATTC_MSG_SVC_REPORT, //!< GATT client received report of service discovery
GATTC_MSG_CHAR_REPORT, //!< GATT client received report of characteristic discovery
GATTC_MSG_CHAR_DESC_REPORT, //!< GATT client received report of characteristic describtion discovery
enum gatt_event_type {
ENABLE_TYPE_NTF, //!< notification type
ENABLE_TYPE_IND, //!< indication type
#define UUID_SIZE_2 2 //!< 16-bits UUID, usually SIG assigned UUID.
#define UUID_SIZE_4 4 //!< 32-bits UUID, usually assigned by users.
#define UUID_SIZE_16 16 //!< 128-bits UUID, usually assigned by users.
/** @defgroup GATT_PROP_BITMAPS_DEFINES GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields
* @{
#define GATT_PROP_BROADCAST (1<<0) //!< Attribute is able to broadcast
#define GATT_PROP_READ (1<<1) //!< Attribute is Readable
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE_CMD (1<<2) //!< Attribute supports write with no response
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE_REQ (1<<3) //!< Attribute supports write request
#define GATT_PROP_NOTI (1<<4) //!< Attribute is able to send notification
#define GATT_PROP_INDI (1<<5) //!< Attribute is able to send indication
#define GATT_PROP_SIG_WRTIE (1<<6) //!< Attribute supports authenticated signed write
#define GATT_PROP_EXTEND_PROP (1<<7) //!< Attribute supports extended properities
#define GATT_PROP_READ_UNAUTH (1<<8) //!< Attribute read requires Unauthentication(Just work pairring method)
#define GATT_PROP_READ_AUTHEN (2<<8) //!< Attribute read requires Authentication(Legacy mode. Pass key or OOB pairring method)
#define GATT_PROP_READ_SECURE_CONN (3<<8) //!< Attribute read requires Secure Connection(Secure connect mode. Pass key\OOB\Numbric Comparision pairing method)
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE_UNAUTH (1<<10) //!< Attribute write requires Unauthentication
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE_AUTHEN (2<<10) //!< Attribute write requires Authentication
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE_SECURE_CONN (3<<10) //!< Attribute write requires Secure Connection
#define GATT_PROP_NI_UNAUTH (1<<12) //!< Attribute notification or indication requires Unauthentication
#define GATT_PROP_NI_AUTHEN (2<<12) //!< Attribute notification or indication requires Authentication
#define GATT_PROP_NI_SECURE_CONN (3<<12) //!< Attribute notification or indication requires Secure Connection
/** @defgroup GATT_OPERATION_NAME_DEFINES GATT operation name define, used with GATTC_MSG_CMP_EVT
* @{
#define GATT_OP_NOTIFY 0x01 //!< GATT notification operation
#define GATT_OP_INDICA 0x02 //!< GATT indication operation
#define GATT_OP_PEER_SVC_REGISTERED 0x03 //!< Used with GATTC_CMP_EVT, GATT peer device service registered
#define GATT_OP_WRITE_REQ 0x05 //!< GATT wirte request operation
#define GATT_OP_WRITE_CMD 0x06 //!< GATT wirte command operation, write without response
#define GATT_OP_READ 0x07 //!< GATT read operation
#define GATT_OP_PEER_SVC_DISC_END 0x08 //!< Used with GATTC_CMP_EVT, GATT peer device service discovery is ended
#define GATT_OP_PEER_CHAR_DISC_END 0X09 //!< Used with GATTC_CMP_EVT, GATT peer device characteristic discovery is ended
#define GATT_OP_PEER_DESC_DISC_END 0X0A //!< Used with GATTC_CMP_EVT, GATT peer device characteristic describtion discovery is ended
struct gatt_msg {
enum gatt_msg_evt msg_evt; //!< The event that message come with
uint8_t conn_idx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t svc_id; //!< service id of this message
uint16_t att_idx; //!< Attribute index of in the service table or client uuid table
uint16_t handle; //!< Attribute handle number in peer service
union {
struct {
uint8_t operation; //!< GATT request type, see @GATT_OPERATION_NAME_DEFINES
uint8_t status; //!< Status of the request
uint16_t arg_len; //!< Parameter length
void * arg; //!< Parameter pointer
} gatt_op_cmp; //!< Value of GATTC_MSG_CMP_EVT
struct {
uint16_t msg_len; //!< GATT message length
uint16_t offset; //!< GATT message data offset
uint8_t *p_msg_data;//!< GATT message data pointer
} gatt_data;
} param;
typedef uint16_t (*gatt_msg_handler_t)(struct gatt_msg *p_msg);
typedef struct gatt_uuid {
uint8_t size; //!< Length of UUID (2 or 16 bytes UUIDs: UUID_SIZE_2 or UUID_SIZE_16).
uint8_t p_uuid[16]; //!< Pointer to uuid, could be 2 or 16 bytes array.
typedef struct gatt_attribute {
struct gatt_uuid uuid; //!< Attribute UUID
uint16_t prop; //!< Attribute properties, see @GATT_PROP_BITMAPS_DEFINES
uint16_t max_size; //!< Attribute data maximum size
uint8_t *p_data; //!< Attribute data pointer
typedef struct gatt_service {
const struct gatt_attribute *p_att_tb; //!< Service's attributes table to add to system attribute database.
uint8_t att_nb; //!< Service's attributes number.
gatt_msg_handler_t gatt_msg_handler; //!< Read request callback function.
typedef struct gatt_client {
const struct gatt_uuid *p_att_tb; //!< Characteristics UUID.
uint8_t att_nb; //!< Characteristic number.
uint8_t att_tb_initialized; //!<
gatt_msg_handler_t gatt_msg_handler; //!< Read request callback function.
typedef struct gatt_multi_att {
uint8_t length; //The length of each attribute to read, cannot to be 0. The total length should be less than (MTU - 1).
uint16_t handle; //Peer attribute handle
typedef struct gatt_client_write_param {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint8_t att_idx; //!< Attribute index in client uuid table registed when calling gatt_add_client.
uint8_t *p_data; //!< Data pointer to be written
uint16_t data_len; //!< Data length to be written
typedef struct gatt_client_write_param_handle {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint16_t handle; //!< peer device characteristic handle
uint8_t *p_data; //!< Data pointer to be written
uint16_t data_len; //!< Data length to be written
typedef struct gatt_client_read_param {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint8_t att_idx; //!< Attribute index in client uuid table registed when calling gatt_add_client.
typedef struct gatt_client_read_param_handle {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint16_t handle; //!< peer device attribute handle
uint16_t offset; //!< Value offset
typedef struct gatt_client_read_param_uuid {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint16_t start_hdl; //!< Start handle of the peer specified service, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
uint16_t end_hdl; //!< End handle of the peer specified service, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
struct gatt_uuid uuid; //!< Attribute UUID
typedef struct gatt_client_read_multiple_param {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint8_t att_nb; //!< Number of attribute to read
gatt_multi_att_t *p_atts; //!< param of multiple read request
typedef struct gatt_client_enable_event {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t client_id; //!< Client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
uint8_t att_idx; //!< Attribute index in client uuid table registed when calling gatt_add_client.
typedef struct gatt_send_event {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t svc_id; //!< Server index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_server.
uint8_t att_idx; //!< Attribute index in service attribute table registed when calling gatt_add_service.
uint8_t *p_data; //!< Data to be sent as notification.
uint16_t data_len; //!< Data length
typedef struct gatt_send_event_handle {
uint8_t conidx; //!< Connection index
uint8_t svc_id; //!< Server index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_server.
uint16_t handle; //!< Attribute handle
uint8_t *p_data; //!< Data to be sent as notification.
uint16_t data_len; //!< Data length
typedef struct gatt_svc_report {
uint16_t start_hdl; //!< Discovery service start handle
uint16_t end_hdl; //!< Discovery service end handle
struct gatt_uuid uuid; //!< Service UUID
typedef struct gatt_char_report {
uint16_t char_hdl; //!< characteristic declaration handle
uint16_t val_hdl; //!< characteristic value handle
uint8_t prop; //!< characteristic properties, see ref@GATT_PROP_BITMAPS_DEFINES bit0 - bit7
struct gatt_uuid uuid; //!< characteristic uuid
typedef struct gatt_desc_report {
uint16_t desc_hdl; //!< describtion handle
struct gatt_uuid uuid; //!< describtion uuid
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
* @fn gatt_add_service
* @brief Addding a services & characteristics into gatt database.
* @param[in] p_service : service data to be added.
* @return Assigned svc_id.
uint8_t gatt_add_service(struct gatt_service *p_service);
* @fn gatt_delete_user_service
* @brief Delete a user-defined services into gatt database.
* @param[in] service_id : service id, this is return value after calling gatt_add_service.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t
ble_api_err_t gatt_delete_user_service(uint8_t service_id);
* @fn gatt_delete_gap_gatt_svc
* @brief Delete gap and gatt services into gatt database, should be called before adding user service. Can only be called once.
* @param[in] None.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t
ble_api_err_t gatt_delete_gap_gatt_svc(void);
* @fn gatt_get_local_svc_hdl
* @brief Get the start and end handles of the specified service.
* @param[in] service_id : service id, this is return value after calling gatt_add_service.
* @param[in] start_hdl : Pointer to the value of the specified service start handle.
* @param[in] end_hdl : Pointer to the value of the specified service end handle.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t
ble_api_err_t gatt_get_local_svc_hdl(uint8_t service_id, uint16_t *start_hdl, uint16_t *end_hdl);
* @fn gatt_add_client
* @brief Addding a GATT client in the system.
* @param[in] p_client : client information.
* @return Assigned client_id.
* @par Sample
* @code
* example1 :
* const struct gatt_uuid client_att_tb[] =
* {
* [0] =
* [1] =
* };
* func()
* {
* struct gatt_client client;
* client.p_att_tb = client_att_tb;
* client.att_nb = 2;
* client.gatt_msg_handler = client_msg_handler;
* }
* example2 : //in this case, there will no be uuids being registed.
* func()
* {
* struct gatt_client client;
* client.p_att_tb = NULL;
* client.att_nb = 0;
* client.gatt_msg_handler = client_msg_handler;
* }
* @endcode
uint8_t gatt_add_client(struct gatt_client *p_client);
* @fn gatt_discovery_all_peer_svc
* @brief Discover all peer device services.
* @param[in] client_id : client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
* @param[in] conidx : connection index
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_discovery_all_peer_svc(uint8_t client_id, uint8_t conidx);
* @fn gatt_discovery_peer_svc
* @brief Discover assigned peer device service.
* @param[in] client_id : client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
* @param[in] conidx : connection index
* @param[in] uuid : assigned service
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_discovery_peer_svc(uint8_t client_id, uint8_t conidx, struct gatt_uuid *uuid);
* @fn gatt_discovery_peer_char
* @brief Discover peer device characteristic when only the peer specified service handle range is known.
* @param[in] client_id : client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
* @param[in] conidx : connection index
* @param[in] start_hdl : start handle of the peer specified service, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
* @param[in] end_hdl : end handle of the peer specified service, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_discovery_peer_char(uint8_t client_id, uint8_t conidx, uint16_t start_hdl, uint16_t end_hdl);
* @fn gatt_discovery_peer_char_by_uuid
* @brief Discover peer device characteristic by UUID when only the service handle range is known and the peer specified characteristic UUID is known.
* @param[in] client_id : client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
* @param[in] conidx : connection index
* @param[in] start_hdl : start handle of the peer specified service, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
* @param[in] end_hdl : end handle of the peer specified service, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
* @param[in] uuid : uuid of the specified characteristic
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_discovery_peer_char_by_uuid(uint8_t client_id, uint8_t conidx, uint16_t start_hdl, uint16_t end_hdl, struct gatt_uuid *uuid);
* @fn gatt_discovery_peer_desc
* @brief Discover peer device describtion when only the peer specified characteristic handle range is known.
* @param[in] client_id : client index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client.
* @param[in] conidx : connection index
* @param[in] start_hdl : start handle of the peer specified characteristic value handle + 1, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
* @param[in] end_hdl : end handle of the specified characteristic, shall be set in the range of 0x0001 - 0xffff
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_discovery_peer_desc(uint8_t client_id, uint8_t conidx, uint16_t start_hdl, uint16_t end_hdl);
* @fn gatt_client_write_req
* @brief request write operation with ATT_WRITE_REQUEST
* @param[in] write_att : write operation parameter.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_write_req(struct gatt_client_write_param *write_att);
* @fn gatt_client_write_cmd
* @brief request write operation with ATT_WRITE_COMMAND
* @param[in] write_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_write_cmd(struct gatt_client_write_param *write_att);
* @fn gatt_cilent_write_req_with_handle
* @brief request write operation with ATT_WRITE_REQUEST by handle
* @param[in] write_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_cilent_write_req_with_handle(struct gatt_client_write_param_handle *write_att);
* @fn gatt_cilent_write_cmd_with_handle
* @brief request write operation with ATT_WRITE_COMMAND by handle
* @param[in] write_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_cilent_write_cmd_with_handle(struct gatt_client_write_param_handle *write_att);
* @fn gatt_client_read
* @brief Read request.
* @param[in] read_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_read(struct gatt_client_read_param *read_att);
* @fn gatt_client_read_with_handle
* @brief Read request by handle.
* @param[in] read_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_read_with_handle(struct gatt_client_read_param_handle *read_att);
* @fn gatt_client_read_with_uuid
* @brief Read request by uuid.
* @param[in] read_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_read_with_uuid(struct gatt_client_read_param_uuid *read_att);
* @fn gatt_client_read_multiple_with_handle
* @brief Read multiple request by handle. Only attribute values that have a known fixed size can be read.
* @param[in] read_att : client information.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_read_multiple_with_handle(struct gatt_client_read_multiple_param *read_att);
* @fn gatt_client_enable_ntf_ind
* @brief enable notification or indication.
* @param[in] event_enable : client information.
* type : event type.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_client_enable_ntf_ind(struct gatt_client_enable_event *event_enable, enum gatt_event_type type);
* @fn gatt_notification
* @brief Sending notification.
* @param[in] ntf_att : in which service and which attribute the notification will be sent
* This parameter contains servcie ID and attribute ID
* to indicate exact which attribute will be used to send notification.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_notification(struct gatt_send_event *ntf_att);
* @fn gatt_notification_with_handle
* @brief Sending notification.
* @param[in] ntf_att : in which service and which attribute the notification will be sent
* This parameter contains servcie ID and attribute handle
* to indicate exact which attribute will be used to send notification.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_notification_with_handle(struct gatt_send_event_handle *ntf_att);
* @fn gatt_indication
* @brief Sending indication.
* @param[in] ind_att : in which service and which attribute the indication will be sent
* This parameter contains servcie ID and attribute ID
* to indicate exact which attribute will be used to send indication.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_indication(struct gatt_send_event *ind_att);
* @fn gatt_indication_with_handle
* @brief Sending indication.
* @param[in] ind_att : in which service and which attribute the indication will be sent
* This parameter contains servcie ID and attribute handle
* to indicate exact which attribute will be used to send indication.
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_indication_with_handle(struct gatt_send_event_handle *ind_att);
* @fn gatt_mtu_exchange_req
* @brief Exchange MTU with peer device.
* @param[in] user_id : client index or service index, this is return value after calling gatt_add_client() or gatt_add_service().
* @param[in] conidx : connection index
* @param[in] mtu :
* @return @ref ble_api_err_t.
ble_api_err_t gatt_mtu_exchange_req(uint8_t user_id, uint8_t conidx, uint16_t mtu);
#endif // _GATT_API_H