From 3ccab2c6011355236007ddc714d85bf3d67e9154 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yangjie <> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 15:42:58 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] amap_location_fluttify --- .gitignore | 43 + | 128 + LICENSE | 13 + | 56 + analysis_options.yaml | 9 + android/build.gradle | 70 + android/settings.gradle | 1 + android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 29 + .../ | 154 + .../sub_handler/ | 5730 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6172 +++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 4681 +++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/custom/ | 192 + example/.gitignore | 43 + example/ | 0 example/analysis_options.yaml | 29 + .../.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock | 0 .../dependencies-accessors.lock | 0 .../7.4/dependencies-accessors/ | 0 .../.gradle/7.4/fileChanges/last-build.bin | 0 .../.gradle/7.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock | 0 example/android/.gradle/7.4/ | 0 .../buildOutputCleanup.lock | 0 .../buildOutputCleanup/ | 2 + example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ | 0 example/android/app/build.gradle | 66 + .../android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml | 0 .../android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 0 .../plugins/ | 0 .../ | 0 .../res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml | 0 .../main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml | 0 .../src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png | 0 .../src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png | 0 .../src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png | 0 .../main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | 0 .../main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | 0 .../app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml | 0 .../app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml | 0 .../app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml | 0 example/android/build.gradle | 0 example/android/ | 3 + .../android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar | 0 .../gradle/wrapper/ | 6 + example/android/gradlew | 0 example/android/gradlew.bat | 0 example/android/ | 3 + example/android/settings.gradle | 0 example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist | 0 example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig | 0 example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig | 0 example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig | 0 .../ios/Flutter/ | 0 example/ios/Podfile | 0 example/ios/Podfile.lock | 0 example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 0 .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 0 .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 0 .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 0 .../xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme | 0 .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 0 .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 0 .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 0 example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h | 0 example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json | 0 .../Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png | 0 .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png | 0 .../Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png | 0 .../LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json | 0 .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png | 0 .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png | 0 .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png | 0 .../LaunchImage.imageset/ | 0 .../Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard | 0 example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard | 0 .../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h | 0 .../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m | 0 example/ios/Runner/Info.plist | 0 example/ios/Runner/main.m | 0 example/lib/main.dart | 192 + example/pubspec.lock | 241 + example/pubspec.yaml | 26 + example/test/widget_test.dart | 0 ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h | 15 + ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.m | 61 + .../AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + .../AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m | 106 + .../AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + .../AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m | 224 + .../SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h | 13 + .../SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m | 23 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m | 5214 ++++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m | 2616 +++++++ ios/amap_location_fluttify.podspec | 44 + lib/amap_location_fluttify.dart | 9 + lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart | 23 + .../com/amap/api/fence/DistrictItem.g.dart | 307 + .../com/amap/api/fence/GeoFence.g.dart | 1084 +++ .../com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceClient.g.dart | 494 ++ .../amap/api/fence/GeoFenceListener.g.dart | 67 + .../android/com/amap/api/fence/PoiItem.g.dart | 699 ++ .../com/amap/api/location/AMapLocation.g.dart | 2215 ++++++ .../api/location/AMapLocationClient.g.dart | 558 ++ .../location/AMapLocationClientOption.g.dart | 1613 +++++ .../AMapLocationMode.g.dart | 30 + .../AMapLocationProtocol.g.dart | 28 + .../AMapLocationPurpose.g.dart | 30 + .../GeoLanguage.g.dart | 30 + .../api/location/AMapLocationListener.g.dart | 67 + .../location/AMapLocationQualityReport.g.dart | 479 ++ .../com/amap/api/location/APSService.g.dart | 167 + .../com/amap/api/location/CoordUtil.g.dart | 167 + .../api/location/CoordinateConverter.g.dart | 223 + .../CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart | 38 + .../com/amap/api/location/DPoint.g.dart | 216 + .../amap/api/location/UmidtokenInfo.g.dart | 167 + lib/src/android/constants.g.dart | 10 + lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart | 272 + lib/src/facade/amap_location.dart | 784 +++ lib/src/facade/enums.dart | 26 + lib/src/facade/extensions.dart | 131 + lib/src/facade/models.dart | 135 + lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart | 15 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.g.dart | 35 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion.g.dart | 103 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion.g.dart | 93 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.g.dart | 44 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManager.g.dart | 611 ++ .../ios/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.g.dart | 91 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePOIRegion.g.dart | 93 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion.g.dart | 103 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegion.g.dart | 161 + .../ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.g.dart | 32 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.g.dart | 35 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionType.g.dart | 35 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationAccuracyMode.g.dart | 30 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCircleRegion.g.dart | 129 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCoordinateType.g.dart | 38 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationDistrictItem.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationErrorCode.g.dart | 59 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManager.g.dart | 630 ++ .../ios/AMapLocationManagerDelegate.g.dart | 201 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPOIItem.g.dart | 281 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPoint.g.dart | 147 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPolygonRegion.g.dart | 129 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocode.g.dart | 361 + .../ios/AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.g.dart | 32 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegion.g.dart | 185 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegionState.g.dart | 32 + lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart | 17 + lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart | 47 + lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart | 30 + lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart | 232 + pubspec.lock | 226 + pubspec.yaml | 39 + 170 files changed, 40779 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 create mode 100644 LICENSE create mode 100644 create mode 100644 analysis_options.yaml create mode 100644 android/build.gradle create mode 100644 android/settings.gradle create mode 100644 android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml create mode 100644 android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/ create mode 100644 android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ create mode 100644 android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ create mode 100644 android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ create mode 100644 android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ create mode 100644 example/.gitignore create mode 100644 example/ create mode 100644 example/analysis_options.yaml create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/7.4/dependencies-accessors/dependencies-accessors.lock create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/7.4/dependencies-accessors/ create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/7.4/fileChanges/last-build.bin create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/7.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/7.4/ create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/buildOutputCleanup.lock create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ create mode 100644 example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ create mode 100644 example/android/app/build.gradle create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify_example/ create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png create mode 100644 example/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml create mode 100644 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example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/Info.plist create mode 100644 example/ios/Runner/main.m create mode 100644 example/lib/main.dart create mode 100644 example/pubspec.lock create mode 100644 example/pubspec.yaml create mode 100644 example/test/widget_test.dart create mode 100644 ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h create mode 100644 ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.m create mode 100644 ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h create mode 100644 ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m create mode 100644 ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h create mode 100644 ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m create mode 100644 ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h create mode 100644 ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m create mode 100644 ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h create mode 100644 ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m create mode 100644 ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h create mode 100644 ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m create mode 100644 ios/amap_location_fluttify.podspec create mode 100644 lib/amap_location_fluttify.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/DistrictItem.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFence.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceClient.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceListener.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/PoiItem.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocation.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClient.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationMode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationProtocol.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationPurpose.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/GeoLanguage.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationListener.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationQualityReport.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/APSService.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordUtil.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/DPoint.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/UmidtokenInfo.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/constants.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/facade/amap_location.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/facade/enums.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/facade/extensions.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/facade/models.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManager.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePOIRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationAccuracyMode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCircleRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCoordinateType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationDistrictItem.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationErrorCode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManager.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManagerDelegate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPOIItem.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPoint.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPolygonRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegionState.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart create mode 100644 pubspec.lock create mode 100644 pubspec.yaml diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8b9e87 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +## 0.13.2 +- fix: regecode空安全 +- enhance: 添加监听定位的最小更新距离. + +## 0.13.1 +- enhance: 简化导出 + +## 0.13.0 +- enhance: 提升依赖 + +## 0.12.0 +- enhance: 更新底层依赖 +- fix: android超时时间单位为毫秒 + +## 0.11.0 +- enhance: [breaking change] timeout类型换为更直观的Duration类 +- enhance: Location类增加speed字段 [#48] + +## 0.10.0 +- enhance: 更新底层依赖 + +## 0.9.0 +- enhance: [breaking change] 使用原始值代替Future返回, 简化使用 +- roll engine #939e12d7 + +## 0.8.11 +- roll engine #481e45c1 + +## 0.8.10 +- roll engine #dbad1c35 (#53) +- fix: 直接调用stopLocation时, 对client的空判断 + +## 0.8.9 +- roll engine #0a5ab5f (#39) + +## 0.8.8 +- roll engine #b356b08 + +## 0.8.7 +- roll engine #1053dca + +## 0.8.6 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.8.5 +- docs: apk下载链接修正 +- docs: 去重重复的信息 + +## 0.8.4 +- enhance: 加入打包的key +- docs: README加入apk下载二维码 +- roll engine #107df19 + +## 0.8.3 +- roll engine #4d92ce0. 主要解决type_op冲突的问题. + +## 0.8.2 +- roll engine #5c1b957 + +## 0.8.1 +- feat: Location增加accuracy字段 (#38) + +## 0.8.0 +- enhance: 提升依赖 +- roll engine #ea37ae9 + +## 0.7.0 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.6.0 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.5.1 +- enhance: 增加bearing(设备移动方向属性), 此属性需要较长时间时间才能获取到数据, 建议在连续定位中使用. +- enhance: 提供仅在android端有效的DeviceSensor枚举 + +## 0.5.0 +- enhance: 导出amap_core_fluttify +- roll engine #a918944 +- 适配flutter 1.12.13 + +## 0.4.2 +- fix: 连续定位空指针异常 + +## 0.4.1 +- fix: 单次定位防止重复订阅 + +## 0.4.0 +- enhance: [breaking change] 单次和连续定位单独实现,并返回Future和Stream + +## 0.3.2 +- 解决依赖冲突 + +## 0.3.1 +- 更新依赖 + +## 0.3.0 +- 更新底层 + +## 0.2.7 +- doc: 增加`await`的说明 +- feat: 增加ios端requireAlwaysAuth的处理 + +## 0.2.6 +- fix: dispose时,置空_androidClient和_iosClient,防止在页面级别的State中释放了client之后,重新定位时,client不为空而没有去重新创建原生client导致的原生client为空。 + +## 0.2.5 +- enhancement: 经纬度统一使用LatLng +- enhancement: 调整设置回调的位置 + +## 0.2.4 +- fix: 导出enums.dart; 删除utils.g.dart + +## 0.2.3 +- fix: 高德的key不应该放在library模块里 + +## 0.2.2 +- fix: 释放原生对象时, 只释放当前插件创建的对象 + +## 0.2.1 +- 更新README +- 更新引擎版本 38df15a + +## 0.2.0 +- setLocationListener -> startLocation + +## 0.1.0 +- 单次定位; 连续定位 diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fde5f --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Copyright 2020 yohom + +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6d9023 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +![Logo]( + +# 高德 `定位`组件 + +[![pub package](]( + +Dart接口基于[fluttify](引擎生成. dartdoc[接口文档]( + +## DEMO 与 社区 + +安装: +```yaml +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + amap_location_fluttify: ^x.x.x +``` + +导入: +```dart +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; +``` + +使用: +```dart +/// !注意: 只要是返回Future的方法, 一律使用`await`修饰, 确保当前方法执行完成后再执行下一行, 在不能使用`await`修饰的环境下, 在`then`方法中执行下一步. +/// 初始化 iOS在init方法中设置, android需要去AndroidManifest.xml里去设置, 详见 +await AmapCore.init('ios key'); + +// 单次定位 +if (await requestPermission()) { + final location = await AmapLocation.fetchLocation(); + setState(() => _location = location); +} + +// 连续定位 +if (await requestPermission()) { + AmapLocation.listenLocation() + .listen((location) => setState(() => _location = location)); +} +``` + +## LICENSE +> Copyright 2020 yohom +> +> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at +> +> +> +> Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +> distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +> WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +> See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +> limitations under the License. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fd1517 --- /dev/null +++ b/analysis_options.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.yaml + +linter: + rules: + camel_case_types: false + camel_case_extensions: false + omit_local_variable_types: false + prefer_single_quotes: false + unnecessary_this: false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/android/build.gradle b/android/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07ac0f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +group 'me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify' +version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' + +buildscript { + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + + } + + dependencies { + classpath '' + } +} + +rootProject.allprojects { + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + + } +} + +apply plugin: '' + +android { + if ("namespace")) { + namespace = "me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify" + } + compileSdkVersion 31 + + sourceSets { + += 'src/main/kotlin' + main.jniLibs.srcDir 'libs' + } + defaultConfig { + minSdkVersion 16 + testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" + } + lintOptions { + disable 'InvalidPackage' + } + compileOptions { + targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + } + packagingOptions { + merge 'res/values/values.xml' + merge 'AndroidManifest.xml' + merge 'R.txt' + merge 'classes.jar' + merge 'proguard.txt' + } + buildTypes { + release { + consumerProguardFiles "" + } + } +} + +dependencies { + implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar']) + implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.1.0' + implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0' + compileOnly rootProject.findProject(":foundation_fluttify") + // flutter plugin dependency + + // sdk dependency + api 'com.amap.api:location:6.1.0' +} diff --git a/android/settings.gradle b/android/settings.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08520ab --- /dev/null +++ b/android/settings.gradle @@ -0,0 +1 @@ = 'amap_location_fluttify' diff --git a/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6912231 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86f43f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/ @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; +import; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityAware; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityPluginBinding; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.sub_handler.*; +import me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.sub_handler.custom.SubHandlerCustom; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin implements FlutterPlugin, MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler, ActivityAware { + + private static List> handlerMapList; + + // v1 android embedding for compatible + public static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) { + final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(registrar.messenger(), "me.yohom/amap_location_fluttify", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + + AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin plugin = new AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin(); + + BinaryMessenger messenger = registrar.messenger(); + PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry = registrar.platformViewRegistry(); + Activity activity = registrar.activity(); + + plugin.messenger = messenger; + plugin.platformViewRegistry = platformViewRegistry; + + handlerMapList = new ArrayList<>(); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler0.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler1.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler2.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandlerCustom.instance.getSubHandler(messenger, registrar.activity())); + + channel.setMethodCallHandler(plugin); + + // register platform view + + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry; + + // v2 android embedding + @Override + public void onAttachedToEngine(FlutterPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin::onAttachedToEngine@" + binding); + } + + final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(binding.getBinaryMessenger(), "me.yohom/amap_location_fluttify", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + + messenger = binding.getBinaryMessenger(); + platformViewRegistry = binding.getPlatformViewRegistry(); + + handlerMapList = new ArrayList<>(); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler0.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler1.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler2.getSubHandler(messenger)); + + channel.setMethodCallHandler(this); + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromEngine(FlutterPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromEngine@" + binding); + } + } + + @Override + public void onAttachedToActivity(ActivityPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin::onAttachedToActivity@" + binding); + } + Activity activity = binding.getActivity(); + + handlerMapList.add(SubHandlerCustom.instance.getSubHandler(messenger, activity)); + + // register platform view + + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromActivity() { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromActivity"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onReattachedToActivityForConfigChanges(ActivityPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin::onReattachedToActivityForConfigChanges@" + binding); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromActivityForConfigChanges() { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromActivityForConfigChanges"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onMethodCall(@NonNull MethodCall methodCall, @NonNull MethodChannel.Result methodResult) { + Handler handler = null; + for (Map handlerMap : handlerMapList) { + if (handlerMap.containsKey(methodCall.method)) { + handler = handlerMap.get(methodCall.method); + break; + } + } + if (handler != null) { + try { +, methodResult); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + methodResult.error(e.getMessage(), null, null); + } + } else { + methodResult.notImplemented(); + } + } + + @FunctionalInterface + public static interface Handler { + void call(Object args, MethodChannel.Result methodResult) throws Exception; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..655f682 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5730 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler0 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // getter + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Boolean __result__ = __this__.OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Long __result__ = __this__.SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Boolean __result__ = __this__.OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Long __result__ = __this__.SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setLocationOption", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::setLocationOption(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationOption(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setLocationListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::setLocationListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::startLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::startLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::stopLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getLastKnownLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::getLastKnownLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLastKnownLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopAssistantLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::stopAssistantLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopAssistantLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::getVersion(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyShow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyShow(" + var0 + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.updatePrivacyShow(var0, var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyAgree", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyAgree(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.updatePrivacyAgree(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setApiKey", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setApiKey(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.setApiKey(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::isStarted", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::isStarted(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isStarted(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::unRegisterLocationListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::unRegisterLocationListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.unRegisterLocationListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::enableBackgroundLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::enableBackgroundLocation(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.enableBackgroundLocation(var1.intValue(), var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::disableBackgroundLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@" + __this__ + "::disableBackgroundLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.disableBackgroundLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getDeviceId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getDeviceId(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.getDeviceId(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setHost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setHost(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.setHost(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.APSService::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.APSService __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.APSService) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.APSService@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.APSService::onStartCommand", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Intent var1 = (android.content.Intent) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.APSService __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.APSService) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.APSService@" + __this__ + "::onStartCommand(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.onStartCommand(var1, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.APSService::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.APSService __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.APSService) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.APSService@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@" + __this__ + "::getLongitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@" + __this__ + "::setLongitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@" + __this__ + "::getLatitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@" + __this__ + "::setLatitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::from", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.CoordType var1 = com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.CoordType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter@" + __this__ + "::from(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.from(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::coord", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter@" + __this__ + "::coord(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.coord(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::convert", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter@" + __this__ + "::convert(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.convert(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable(" + var0 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.isAMapDataAvailable(var0.doubleValue(), var2.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::calculateLineDistance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var0 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::calculateLineDistance(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.calculateLineDistance(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::convertToGcj", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + double[] var0 = (double[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + double[] var1 = (double[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::convertToGcj(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil.convertToGcj(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::isLoadedSo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::isLoadedSo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil.isLoadedSo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::setLoadedSo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::setLoadedSo(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil.setLoadedSo(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol::getValue", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol@" + __this__ + "::getValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::getUmidtoken", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::getUmidtoken(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo.getUmidtoken(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setLocAble", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setLocAble(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo.setLocAble(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setUmidtoken", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setUmidtoken(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo.setUmidtoken(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getGpsAccuracyStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getGpsAccuracyStatus(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGpsAccuracyStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setGpsAccuracyStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setGpsAccuracyStatus(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGpsAccuracyStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLocationType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLocationType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationDetail", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLocationDetail(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationDetail(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationDetail", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLocationDetail(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationDetail(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getErrorCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setErrorCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getErrorInfo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setErrorInfo(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCountry", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getCountry(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCountry", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setCountry(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getRoad", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setRoad", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvince", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvince", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDistrict", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDistrict", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCityCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCityCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAdCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAdCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getPoiName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getPoiName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setPoiName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setPoiName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLatitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLatitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLongitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLongitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSatellites", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getSatellites(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSatellites(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSatellites", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setSatellites(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSatellites(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getStreet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setStreet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setStreet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStreet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreetNum", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getStreetNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreetNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setNumber", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setOffset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setOffset(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOffset(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isOffset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::isOffset(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOffset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAoiName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getAoiName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAoiName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setAoiName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAoiName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBuildingId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getBuildingId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuildingId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBuildingId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setBuildingId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuildingId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getFloor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getFloor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFloor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isFixLastLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::isFixLastLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isFixLastLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFixLastLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setFixLastLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFixLastLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFloor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setFloor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFloor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isMock", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::isMock(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMock(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setMock", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setMock(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMock(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDescription", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getDescription(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDescription(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDescription", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setDescription(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDescription(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::toStr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::toStr(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toStr(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAccuracy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getAccuracy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAccuracy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setBearing(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getBearing(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAltitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setAltitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAltitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAltitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getAltitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAltitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setSpeed(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getSpeed(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setProvider(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvider(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getProvider(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvider(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setExtras", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setExtras(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtras(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getExtras", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getExtras(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.os.Bundle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtras(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationQualityReport", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLocationQualityReport(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationQualityReport(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationQualityReport", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLocationQualityReport(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationQualityReport(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCoordType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getCoordType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCoordType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setCoordType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCoordType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setTrustedLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setTrustedLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrustedLevel(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getTrustedLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getTrustedLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrustedLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getConScenario", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::getConScenario(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getConScenario(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setConScenario", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@" + __this__ + "::setConScenario(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConScenario(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBack", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setCacheCallBack(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheCallBack(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBack", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getCacheCallBack(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCacheCallBack(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBackTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setCacheCallBackTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheCallBackTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBackTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getCacheCallBackTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCacheCallBackTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheTimeOut", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setCacheTimeOut(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheTimeOut(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheTimeOut", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getCacheTimeOut(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCacheTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getAPIKEY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getAPIKEY(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.getAPIKEY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isMockEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isMockEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMockEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setMockEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setMockEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setMockEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getInterval", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getInterval(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setInterval", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setInterval(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setInterval(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isOnceLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOnceLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setOnceLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setOnceLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isNeedAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isNeedAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isNeedAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setNeedAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setNeedAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setNeedAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiActiveScan", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isWifiActiveScan(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isWifiActiveScan(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiActiveScan", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setWifiActiveScan(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setWifiActiveScan(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiScan", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isWifiScan(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isWifiScan(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiScan", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setWifiScan(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setWifiScan(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getLocationMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setLocationMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLocationMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationProtocol", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getLocationProtocol(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationProtocol(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationProtocol", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol var0 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var0")]; + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationProtocol(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setLocationProtocol(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isKillProcess", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isKillProcess(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isKillProcess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setKillProcess", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setKillProcess(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setKillProcess(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isGpsFirst", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isGpsFirst(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGpsFirst(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirst", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setGpsFirst(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGpsFirst(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirstTimeout", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setGpsFirstTimeout(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGpsFirstTimeout(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGpsFirstTimeout", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getGpsFirstTimeout(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGpsFirstTimeout(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getHttpTimeOut", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getHttpTimeOut(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHttpTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setHttpTimeOut", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setHttpTimeOut(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setHttpTimeOut(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOffset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isOffset(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOffset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOffset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setOffset(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setOffset(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isLocationCacheEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isLocationCacheEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isLocationCacheEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationCacheEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setLocationCacheEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLocationCacheEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocationLatest", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isOnceLocationLatest(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOnceLocationLatest(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocationLatest", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setOnceLocationLatest(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setOnceLocationLatest(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isSensorEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::isSensorEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isSensorEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setSensorEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setSensorEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setSensorEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLastLocationLifeCycle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setLastLocationLifeCycle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLastLocationLifeCycle(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLastLocationLifeCycle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getLastLocationLifeCycle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLastLocationLifeCycle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGeoLanguage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getGeoLanguage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.GeoLanguage __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGeoLanguage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGeoLanguage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.GeoLanguage var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.GeoLanguage.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setGeoLanguage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGeoLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getDeviceModeDistanceFilter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getDeviceModeDistanceFilter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDeviceModeDistanceFilter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDeviceModeDistanceFilter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setDeviceModeDistanceFilter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDeviceModeDistanceFilter(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationPurpose", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationPurpose var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationPurpose.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::setLocationPurpose(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLocationPurpose(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationPurpose", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getLocationPurpose(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationPurpose __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationPurpose(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOpenAlwaysScanWifi", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOpenAlwaysScanWifi(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.isOpenAlwaysScanWifi(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOpenAlwaysScanWifi", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOpenAlwaysScanWifi(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setOpenAlwaysScanWifi(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setScanWifiInterval", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setScanWifiInterval(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setScanWifiInterval(var0.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getScanWifiInterval", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@" + __this__ + "::getScanWifiInterval(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScanWifiInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setWifiAble", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setWifiAble(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWifiAble(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGpsStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setGpsStatus(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGpsStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGPSSatellites", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setGPSSatellites(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGPSSatellites(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isWifiAble", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::isWifiAble(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isWifiAble(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::getGPSStatus(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGPSStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSSatellites", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::getGPSSatellites(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGPSSatellites(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetworkType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::getNetworkType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNetworkType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetworkType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setNetworkType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNetworkType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetUseTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::getNetUseTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNetUseTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetUseTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setNetUseTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNetUseTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setInstallHighDangerMockApp", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setInstallHighDangerMockApp(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstallHighDangerMockApp(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isInstalledHighDangerMockApp", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::isInstalledHighDangerMockApp(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInstalledHighDangerMockApp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setLocationMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::setLocationMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getAdviseMessage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@" + __this__ + "::getAdviseMessage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdviseMessage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getCitycode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::getCitycode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCitycode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setCitycode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::setCitycode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCitycode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getAdcode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::getAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setAdcode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getPolyline", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setPolyline", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getDistrictName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::getDistrictName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setDistrictName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@" + __this__ + "::setDistrictName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::createPendingIntent", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::createPendingIntent(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.createPendingIntent(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setActivateAction", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::setActivateAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setActivateAction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setGeoFenceListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener var1 = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::setGeoFenceListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeoFenceListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::addGeoFence(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2.floatValue(), var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__List_com_amap_api_location_DPoint___String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::addGeoFence(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__int__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var3 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + String var6 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::addGeoFence(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + var5 + var6 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2, var3, var4.floatValue(), var5.intValue(), var6); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__String__int__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::addGeoFence(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + var5 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2, var3, var4.intValue(), var5); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::addGeoFence(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::removeGeoFence(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence var1 = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::removeGeoFence(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.removeGeoFence(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39d90c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6172 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler1 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::getAllGeoFence", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::getAllGeoFence(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAllGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setGeoFenceAble", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::setGeoFenceAble(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeoFenceAble(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::pauseGeoFence", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::pauseGeoFence(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.pauseGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::resumeGeoFence", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::resumeGeoFence(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resumeGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::isPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@" + __this__ + "::isPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getFenceId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getFenceId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFenceId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setFenceId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setFenceId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFenceId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCustomId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getCustomId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCustomId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setCustomId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntentAction", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getPendingIntentAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPendingIntentAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntentAction", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setPendingIntentAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPendingIntentAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntent", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getPendingIntent(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPendingIntent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntent", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setPendingIntent(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPendingIntent(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPoiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getPoiItem(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiItem(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPoiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem var1 = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setPoiItem(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiItem(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getDistrictItemList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getDistrictItemList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictItemList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setDistrictItemList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setDistrictItemList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictItemList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPointList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List> var1 = (java.util.List>) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setPointList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPointList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getRadius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getRadius(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setRadius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setRadius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getExpiration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getExpiration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExpiration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setExpiration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setExpiration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExpiration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getActivatesAction", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getActivatesAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getActivatesAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setActivatesAction", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setActivatesAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setActivatesAction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getStatus(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setStatus(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getEnterTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getEnterTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEnterTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setEnterTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setEnterTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnterTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setCenter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMinDis2Center", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getMinDis2Center(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinDis2Center(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMinDis2Center", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setMinDis2Center(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMinDis2Center(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMaxDis2Center", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getMaxDis2Center(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxDis2Center(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMaxDis2Center", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setMaxDis2Center(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxDis2Center(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::isAble", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::isAble(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isAble(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setAble", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setAble(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAble(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCurrentLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::setCurrentLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCurrentLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCurrentLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@" + __this__ + "::getCurrentLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurrentLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getLatitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setLatitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getLongitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setLongitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getPoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setPoiId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getPoiType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setPoiType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTypeCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getTypeCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTypeCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setTypeCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getTel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setTel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getProvince", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setProvince", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAdname", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getAdname(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdname(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::getPoiName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setPoiName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAdname", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@" + __this__ + "::setAdname(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdname(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setLocationOption_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationOption(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::startLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getLastKnownLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLastKnownLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopAssistantLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopAssistantLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyShow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.updatePrivacyShow(var0, var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyAgree_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.updatePrivacyAgree(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setApiKey_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.setApiKey(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::isStarted_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isStarted(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::enableBackgroundLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.enableBackgroundLocation(var1.intValue(), var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::disableBackgroundLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.disableBackgroundLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getDeviceId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.getDeviceId(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setHost_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient.setHost(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.APSService::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.APSService __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.APSService) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.APSService::onStartCommand_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Intent var1 = (android.content.Intent) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.APSService __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.APSService) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.onStartCommand(var1, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.APSService::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.APSService __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.APSService) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::from_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.CoordType var1 = com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.CoordType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.from(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::coord_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.coord(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::convert_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.convert(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.isAMapDataAvailable(var0.doubleValue(), var2.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::calculateLineDistance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var0 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter.calculateLineDistance(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::convertToGcj_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + double[] var0 = (double[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + double[] var1 = (double[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil.convertToGcj(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::isLoadedSo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil.isLoadedSo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::setLoadedSo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil.setLoadedSo(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol::getValue_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::getUmidtoken_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo.getUmidtoken(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setLocAble_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo.setLocAble(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setUmidtoken_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo.setUmidtoken(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getGpsAccuracyStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGpsAccuracyStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setGpsAccuracyStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGpsAccuracyStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationDetail_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationDetail(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationDetail_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationDetail(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorInfo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorInfo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCountry_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCountry_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getRoad_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setRoad_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAddress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAddress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvince_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvince_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDistrict_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDistrict_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCityCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCityCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAdCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAdCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getPoiName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setPoiName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSatellites_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSatellites(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSatellites_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSatellites(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setStreet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStreet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreetNum_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreetNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setNumber_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setOffset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOffset(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isOffset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOffset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAoiName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAoiName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAoiName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBuildingId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuildingId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBuildingId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuildingId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getFloor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFloor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isFixLastLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isFixLastLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFixLastLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFixLastLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFloor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFloor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isMock_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMock(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setMock_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMock(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDescription_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDescription(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDescription_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDescription(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr__int_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toStr(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAccuracy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAccuracy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAltitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAltitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAltitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAltitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvider_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvider(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvider_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvider(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setExtras_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtras(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getExtras_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.os.Bundle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtras(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationQualityReport_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationQualityReport(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationQualityReport_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationQualityReport(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCoordType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCoordType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCoordType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setTrustedLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrustedLevel(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getTrustedLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrustedLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getConScenario_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getConScenario(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setConScenario_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConScenario(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBack_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheCallBack(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBack_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCacheCallBack(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBackTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheCallBackTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBackTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCacheCallBackTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheTimeOut_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheTimeOut(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheTimeOut_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCacheTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getAPIKEY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.getAPIKEY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isMockEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMockEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setMockEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setMockEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getInterval_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setInterval_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setInterval(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOnceLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setOnceLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isNeedAddress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isNeedAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setNeedAddress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setNeedAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiActiveScan_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isWifiActiveScan(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiActiveScan_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setWifiActiveScan(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiScan_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isWifiScan(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiScan_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setWifiScan(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLocationMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationProtocol_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationProtocol(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationProtocol_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol var0 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationProtocol.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var0")]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setLocationProtocol(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isKillProcess_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isKillProcess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setKillProcess_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setKillProcess(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isGpsFirst_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGpsFirst(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirst_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGpsFirst(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirstTimeout_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGpsFirstTimeout(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGpsFirstTimeout_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGpsFirstTimeout(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6955523 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,4681 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler2 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getHttpTimeOut_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHttpTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setHttpTimeOut_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setHttpTimeOut(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOffset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOffset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOffset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setOffset(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isLocationCacheEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isLocationCacheEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationCacheEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLocationCacheEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocationLatest_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isOnceLocationLatest(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocationLatest_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setOnceLocationLatest(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isSensorEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isSensorEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setSensorEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setSensorEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLastLocationLifeCycle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLastLocationLifeCycle(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLastLocationLifeCycle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLastLocationLifeCycle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGeoLanguage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.GeoLanguage __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGeoLanguage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGeoLanguage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.GeoLanguage var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.GeoLanguage.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGeoLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getDeviceModeDistanceFilter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDeviceModeDistanceFilter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDeviceModeDistanceFilter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDeviceModeDistanceFilter(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationPurpose_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationPurpose var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationPurpose.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLocationPurpose(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationPurpose_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationPurpose __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationPurpose(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOpenAlwaysScanWifi_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.isOpenAlwaysScanWifi(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOpenAlwaysScanWifi_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setOpenAlwaysScanWifi(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setScanWifiInterval_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.setScanWifiInterval(var0.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getScanWifiInterval_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScanWifiInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setWifiAble_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWifiAble(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGpsStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGpsStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGPSSatellites_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGPSSatellites(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isWifiAble_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isWifiAble(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGPSStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSSatellites_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGPSSatellites(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetworkType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNetworkType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetworkType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNetworkType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetUseTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNetUseTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetUseTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNetUseTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setInstallHighDangerMockApp_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstallHighDangerMockApp(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isInstalledHighDangerMockApp_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInstalledHighDangerMockApp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setLocationMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode var1 = com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption.AMapLocationMode.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getAdviseMessage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __this__ = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdviseMessage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getCitycode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCitycode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setCitycode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCitycode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getAdcode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setAdcode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getPolyline_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setPolyline_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getDistrictName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setDistrictName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::createPendingIntent_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.createPendingIntent(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setActivateAction_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setActivateAction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__String_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2.floatValue(), var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__List_com_amap_api_location_DPoint___String_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__int__String_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var3 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + String var6 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2, var3, var4.floatValue(), var5.intValue(), var6); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__String__int__String_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2, var3, var4.intValue(), var5); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addGeoFence(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence var1 = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.removeGeoFence(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::getAllGeoFence_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAllGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setGeoFenceAble_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeoFenceAble(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::pauseGeoFence_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.pauseGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::resumeGeoFence_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resumeGeoFence(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::isPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getFenceId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFenceId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setFenceId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFenceId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCustomId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCustomId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntentAction_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPendingIntentAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntentAction_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPendingIntentAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntent_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPendingIntent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntent_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPendingIntent(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPoiItem_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiItem(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPoiItem_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem var1 = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiItem(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getDistrictItemList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictItemList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setDistrictItemList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictItemList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPointList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List> var1 = (java.util.List>) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPointList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getRadius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setRadius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getExpiration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExpiration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setExpiration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExpiration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getActivatesAction_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getActivatesAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setActivatesAction_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setActivatesAction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getEnterTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEnterTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setEnterTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnterTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.DPoint var1 = (com.amap.api.location.DPoint) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMinDis2Center_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinDis2Center(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMinDis2Center_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMinDis2Center(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMaxDis2Center_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxDis2Center(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMaxDis2Center_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxDis2Center(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::isAble_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isAble(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setAble_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAble(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCurrentLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation var1 = (com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCurrentLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCurrentLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurrentLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTypeCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTypeCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAddress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAddress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getProvince_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setProvince_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getCity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setCity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAdname_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdname(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAdname_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdname(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onLocationChanged(com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onLocationChanged(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onLocationChanged", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onGeoFenceCreateFinished(java.util.List var1, int var2, String var3) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onGeoFenceCreateFinished(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onGeoFenceCreateFinished__", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_APSService", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.APSService); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_DPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.DPoint); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_CoordUtil", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFence", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_PoiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + android.content.Intent var2 = (android.content.Intent) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_APSService__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_APSService__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.APSService __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.APSService(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_DPoint__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.DPoint(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__double"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.DPoint(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_CoordUtil__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__android_location_Location", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__android_location_Location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.location.Location var1 = (android.location.Location) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFence__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_PoiItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + android.content.Intent var2 = (android.content.Intent) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_APSService__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.APSService __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.APSService(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.DPoint(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__double", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.DPoint __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.DPoint(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_CoordUtil__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__android_location_Location", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.location.Location var1 = (android.location.Location) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport __obj__ = new com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFence__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_PoiItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57d148c --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.sub_handler.custom; + +import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; +import android.content.IntentFilter; +import; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence; +import com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient; +import com.amap.api.location.DPoint; + +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandlerCustom { + static final String GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION = "com.location.apis.geofencedemo.broadcast"; + + public static final SubHandlerCustom instance = new SubHandlerCustom(); + + private SubHandlerCustom() { } + + public Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger, activity) { + IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); + filter.addAction(GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION); + + final BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { + @Override + public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { + if (GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) { + Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); + Log.d(GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION, "收到围栏消息: " + bundle); //获取Bundle + //获取围栏行为: + int status = bundle.getInt(GeoFence.BUNDLE_KEY_FENCESTATUS); + //获取自定义的围栏标识: + String customId = bundle.getString(GeoFence.BUNDLE_KEY_CUSTOMID); + //获取围栏ID: + String fenceId = bundle.getString(GeoFence.BUNDLE_KEY_FENCEID); + //获取当前有触发的围栏对象: + GeoFence fence = bundle.getParcelable(GeoFence.BUNDLE_KEY_FENCE); + + Map arguments = new HashMap<>(); + arguments.put("status", status); + arguments.put("customId", customId); + arguments.put("fenceId", fenceId); + arguments.put("fence", fence); + + new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFenceX::Callback", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())) + .invokeMethod("Callback::com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFenceX", arguments); + } + } + }; + + activity.registerReceiver(receiver, filter); + + return new HashMap() {{ + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addCircleGeoFenceX", (rawArgs, methodResult) -> { + // args + Map args = (Map) rawArgs; + + GeoFenceClient __this__ = (GeoFenceClient) args.get("__this__"); + int activeAction = (int) args.get("activeAction"); + DPoint center = (DPoint) args.get("center"); + Double radius = (Double) args.get("radius"); + String customId = (String) args.get("customId"); + + // invoke native method + try { + __this__.setActivateAction(activeAction); + __this__.createPendingIntent(GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION); + __this__.addGeoFence(center, radius.floatValue(), customId); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + methodResult.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + methodResult.success("success"); + }); + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addPoiGeoFenceX", (rawArgs, methodResult) -> { + // args + Map args = (Map) rawArgs; + + GeoFenceClient __this__ = (GeoFenceClient) args.get("__this__"); + int activeAction = (int) args.get("activeAction"); + String keyword = (String) args.get("keyword"); + String poiType = (String) args.get("poiType"); + String city = (String) args.get("city"); + int size = (int) args.get("size"); + String customId = (String) args.get("customId"); + + // invoke native method + try { + __this__.setActivateAction(activeAction); + __this__.createPendingIntent(GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION); + __this__.addGeoFence(keyword, poiType, city, size, customId); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + methodResult.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + methodResult.success("success"); + }); + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addPolygonGeoFenceX", (rawArgs, methodResult) -> { + // args + Map args = (Map) rawArgs; + GeoFenceClient __this__ = (GeoFenceClient) args.get("__this__"); + int activeAction = (int) args.get("activeAction"); + + List polygon = (List) args.get("polygon"); + + String customId = (String) args.get("customId"); + + // invoke native method + try { + __this__.setActivateAction(activeAction); + __this__.createPendingIntent(GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION); + __this__.addGeoFence(polygon, customId); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + methodResult.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + methodResult.success("success"); + }); + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addDistrictGeoFenceX", (rawArgs, methodResult) -> { + // args + Map args = (Map) rawArgs; + + GeoFenceClient __this__ = (GeoFenceClient) args.get("__this__"); + int activeAction = (int) args.get("activeAction"); + String keyword = (String) args.get("keyword"); + String customId = (String) args.get("customId"); + + // invoke native method + try { + __this__.setActivateAction(activeAction); + __this__.createPendingIntent(GEOFENCE_BROADCAST_ACTION); + + __this__.addGeoFence(keyword, customId); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + methodResult.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + methodResult.success("success"); + }); + put("com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::unregisterBroadcastReceiver", (rawArgs, methodResult) -> { + try { + activity.unregisterReceiver(receiver); + if (getEnableLog()) Log.d("GeoFenceClient", "取消注册围栏广播"); + methodResult.success("success"); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + methodResult.error(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()); + } + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/example/.gitignore b/example/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/example/ b/example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/analysis_options.yaml b/example/analysis_options.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61b6c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/analysis_options.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to +# check for errors, warnings, and lints. +# +# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled +# IDEs ( The analyzer can also be +# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`. + +# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps, +# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices. +include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml + +linter: + # The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the + # section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml` + # included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints + # and their documentation is published at + # + # + # Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the + # section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code + # or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and + # `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file + # producing the lint. + rules: + # avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule + # prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule + +# Additional information about this file can be found at +# diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/dependencies-accessors/dependencies-accessors.lock b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/dependencies-accessors/dependencies-accessors.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/dependencies-accessors/ b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/dependencies-accessors/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/fileChanges/last-build.bin b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/fileChanges/last-build.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/ b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/buildOutputCleanup.lock b/example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/buildOutputCleanup.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ b/example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aedec7e --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#Sat Nov 16 20:14:26 CST 2024 +gradle.version=7.4 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ b/example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/build.gradle b/example/android/app/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..161a273 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +def localProperties = new Properties() +def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') +if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) { + localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> + localProperties.load(reader) + } +} + +def flutterRoot = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk') +if (flutterRoot == null) { + throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the file.") +} + +def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') +if (flutterVersionCode == null) { + flutterVersionCode = '1' +} + +def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') +if (flutterVersionName == null) { + flutterVersionName = '1.0' +} + +apply plugin: '' +apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' +apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle" + +android { + compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion + ndkVersion flutter.ndkVersion + + compileOptions { + sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + } + + defaultConfig { + applicationId "me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify_example" + minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion + targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion + versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() + versionName flutterVersionName + } + + signingConfigs { + release { + keyAlias 'amap_location_test' + keyPassword 'amap_location_test' + storeFile file('../amap_location_test.jks') + storePassword 'amap_location_test' + } + } + + buildTypes { + debug { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + release { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + } +} + +flutter { + source '../..' +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify_example/ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_location_fluttify_example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/build.gradle b/example/android/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/ b/example/android/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94adc3a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M +android.useAndroidX=true +android.enableJetifier=true diff --git a/example/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar b/example/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/gradle/wrapper/ b/example/android/gradle/wrapper/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc5527d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/gradle/wrapper/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#Fri Jun 23 08:50:38 CEST 2017 +distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME +distributionPath=wrapper/dists +zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME +zipStorePath=wrapper/dists +distributionUrl=https\:// diff --git a/example/android/gradlew b/example/android/gradlew new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/gradlew.bat b/example/android/gradlew.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/ b/example/android/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de0dd04 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +sdk.dir=C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk +flutter.sdk=D:\\futter\\flutter +flutter.buildMode=debug \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/android/settings.gradle b/example/android/settings.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist b/example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/ b/example/ios/Flutter/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile b/example/ios/Podfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile.lock b/example/ios/Podfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h b/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m b/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist b/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/main.m b/example/ios/Runner/main.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/lib/main.dart b/example/lib/main.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..887a15c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/main.dart @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; + +void main() async { + WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); + + await AmapLocation.instance.updatePrivacyShow(true); + await AmapLocation.instance.updatePrivacyAgree(true); + await AmapLocation.instance.init(iosKey: 'f6422eadda731fb0d9ffb3260a5cf899'); + runApp(MyApp()); +} + +class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState(); +} + +class _MyAppState extends State { + Location? _location; + String? _fenceStatus; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return MaterialApp( + home: Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Plugin example app')), + body: Padding( + padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), + child: Column( + crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, + mainAxisAlignment:, + children: [ + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + final location = + await AmapLocation.instance.fetchLocation(); + setState(() => _location = location); + } + }, + child: Text('获取单次定位'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + await AmapLocation.instance.enableBackgroundLocation( + 10, + BackgroundNotification( + contentTitle: 'contentTitle', + channelId: 'channelId', + contentText: 'contentText', + channelName: 'channelName', + ), + ); + AmapLocation.instance + .listenLocation() + .listen((event) => setState(() => _location = event)); + } + }, + child: Text('获取连续定位'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + await AmapLocation.instance.stopLocation(); + setState(() => _location = null); + } + }, + child: Text('停止定位'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + AmapLocation.instance + .addCircleGeoFence( + center: LatLng(29, 119), + radius: 1000, + customId: 'testid', + ) + .listen((event) { + setState(() { + _fenceStatus = + '状态: ${event.status}, 围栏id: ${event.fenceId}, 自定义id: ${event.customId}'; + }); + }); + } + }, + child: Text('添加圆形围栏'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + AmapLocation.instance.addPolygonGeoFence( + pointList: [ + LatLng(29.255201, 119.353437), + LatLng(28.974455, 119.508619), + LatLng(29.172496, 119.560804), + LatLng(29.306707, 119.422101), + ], + customId: 'testid', + ).listen((event) { + setState(() { + _fenceStatus = + '状态: ${event.status}, 围栏id: ${event.fenceId}, 自定义id: ${event.customId}'; + }); + }); + } + }, + child: Text('添加多边形围栏'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + AmapLocation.instance + .addPoiGeoFence( + keyword: '肯德基', + customId: 'testid', + city: '兰溪', + aroundRadius: 10000, + ) + .listen((event) { + setState(() { + _fenceStatus = + '状态: ${event.status}, 围栏id: ${event.fenceId}, 自定义id: ${event.customId}'; + }); + }); + } + }, + child: Text('添加poi围栏'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + if (await requestPermission()) { + AmapLocation.instance + .addDistrictGeoFence(keyword: '兰溪') + .listen((event) { + setState(() { + _fenceStatus = + '状态: ${event.status}, 围栏id: ${event.fenceId}, 自定义id: ${event.customId}'; + }); + }); + } + }, + child: Text('添加行政区划围栏'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapLocation.instance.dispose(); + }, + child: Text('释放资源'), + ), + Expanded( + child: SingleChildScrollView( + child: Column( + children: [ + if (_location != null) + Center( + child: Text( + _location.toString(), + textAlign:, + ), + ), + if (_fenceStatus != null) + Center( + child: Text( + _fenceStatus.toString(), + textAlign:, + ), + ), + ], + ), + ), + ), + ], + ), + ), + ), + ); + } +} + +Future requestPermission() async { + final permissions = await Permission.locationWhenInUse.request(); + + if (permissions.isGranted) { + return true; + } else { + debugPrint('需要定位权限!'); + return false; + } +} diff --git a/example/pubspec.lock b/example/pubspec.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd070ec --- /dev/null +++ b/example/pubspec.lock @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +# Generated by pub +# See +packages: + amap_core_fluttify: + dependency: transitive + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\amap_core_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.17.0" + amap_location_fluttify: + dependency: "direct dev" + description: + path: ".." + relative: true + source: path + version: "0.22.0" + async: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: async + sha256: "947bfcf187f74dbc5e146c9eb9c0f10c9f8b30743e341481c1e2ed3ecc18c20c" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.11.0" + boolean_selector: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: boolean_selector + sha256: "6cfb5af12253eaf2b368f07bacc5a80d1301a071c73360d746b7f2e32d762c66" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.1" + characters: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: characters + sha256: "04a925763edad70e8443c99234dc3328f442e811f1d8fd1a72f1c8ad0f69a605" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.3.0" + clock: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: clock + sha256: cb6d7f03e1de671e34607e909a7213e31d7752be4fb66a86d29fe1eb14bfb5cf + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.1.1" + collection: + dependency: transitive + description: + 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"3f87a60e8c63aecc975dda1ceedbc8f24de75f09e4856ea27daf8958f2f0ce05" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "10.0.5" + leak_tracker_flutter_testing: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: leak_tracker_flutter_testing + sha256: "932549fb305594d82d7183ecd9fa93463e9914e1b67cacc34bc40906594a1806" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.0.5" + leak_tracker_testing: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: leak_tracker_testing + sha256: "6ba465d5d76e67ddf503e1161d1f4a6bc42306f9d66ca1e8f079a47290fb06d3" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.0.1" + matcher: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: matcher + sha256: d2323aa2060500f906aa31a895b4030b6da3ebdcc5619d14ce1aada65cd161cb + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.12.16+1" + material_color_utilities: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: material_color_utilities + sha256: f7142bb1154231d7ea5f96bc7bde4bda2a0945d2806bb11670e30b850d56bdec + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.11.1" + meta: + dependency: 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term_glyph + sha256: a29248a84fbb7c79282b40b8c72a1209db169a2e0542bce341da992fe1bc7e84 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.2.1" + test_api: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: test_api + sha256: "5b8a98dafc4d5c4c9c72d8b31ab2b23fc13422348d2997120294d3bac86b4ddb" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.7.2" + vector_math: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vector_math + sha256: "80b3257d1492ce4d091729e3a67a60407d227c27241d6927be0130c98e741803" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.4" + vm_service: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vm_service + sha256: "5c5f338a667b4c644744b661f309fb8080bb94b18a7e91ef1dbd343bed00ed6d" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "14.2.5" +sdks: + dart: ">=3.5.3 <4.0.0" + flutter: ">=3.18.0-18.0.pre.54" diff --git a/example/pubspec.yaml b/example/pubspec.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74e2031 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/pubspec.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +name: amap_location_fluttify_example +description: Demonstrates how to use the amap_location_fluttify plugin. +publish_to: 'none' + +environment: + sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" + +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + permission_handler: ^7.1.0 + +#dependency_overrides: +# foundation_fluttify: +# path: /Users/yohom/Github/Me/All/fluttify/fluttify_infra/foundation_fluttify +# core_location_fluttify: +# path: /Users/yohom/Github/Me/All/fluttify/fluttify_infra/core_location_fluttify + +dev_dependencies: + flutter_test: + sdk: flutter + amap_location_fluttify: + path: ../ + +flutter: + uses-material-design: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/test/widget_test.dart b/example/test/widget_test.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h b/ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..522a11e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import + +typedef void (^Handler)(NSObject *, id, FlutterResult); + +@interface AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.m b/ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b48f7f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.m @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler0.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler1.h" +#import "SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin { + NSMutableDictionary* _handlerMap; +} + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + // 处理方法们 + _handlerMap = @{}.mutableCopy; + + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler0]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler1]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandlerCustom]]; + } + + return self; +} + ++ (void)registerWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:@"me.yohom/amap_location_fluttify" + binaryMessenger:[registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + [registrar addMethodCallDelegate:[[AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar] + channel:channel]; + + // 注册View + +} + +// Method Handlers +- (void)handleMethodCall:(FlutterMethodCall *)methodCall result:(FlutterResult)methodResult { + if (_handlerMap[methodCall.method] != nil) { + _handlerMap[methodCall.method](_registrar, [methodCall arguments], methodResult); + } else { + methodResult(FlutterMethodNotImplemented); + } +} + +@end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7594b87 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5816866 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)amapGeoFenceManager : (AMapGeoFenceManager*)manager doRequireLocationAuth: (CLLocationManager*)locationManager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::amapGeoFenceManager_doRequireLocationAuth"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapGeoFenceManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + CLLocationManager* arglocationManager = locationManager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapGeoFenceManager_doRequireLocationAuth" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"locationManager": arglocationManager == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocationManager}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapGeoFenceManager : (AMapGeoFenceManager*)manager didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished: (NSArray*)regions customID: (NSString*)customID error: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::amapGeoFenceManager_didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished_customID_error"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapGeoFenceManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argregions = regions; + // ref callback arg + NSString* argcustomID = customID; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapGeoFenceManager_didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished_customID_error" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"regions": argregions == nil ? [NSNull null] : argregions, @"customID": argcustomID == nil ? [NSNull null] : argcustomID, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapGeoFenceManager : (AMapGeoFenceManager*)manager didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion: (AMapGeoFenceRegion*)region customID: (NSString*)customID error: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapGeoFenceManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* argregion = region; + // ref callback arg + NSString* argcustomID = customID; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"region": argregion == nil ? [NSNull null] : argregion, @"customID": argcustomID == nil ? [NSNull null] : argcustomID, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7099a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6ef3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager doRequireLocationAuth: (CLLocationManager*)locationManager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_doRequireLocationAuth"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + CLLocationManager* arglocationManager = locationManager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_doRequireLocationAuth" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"locationManager": arglocationManager == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocationManager}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager didFailWithError: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_didFailWithError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_didFailWithError" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager didUpdateLocation: (CLLocation*)location +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + CLLocation* arglocation = location; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"location": arglocation == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocation}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager didUpdateLocation: (CLLocation*)location reGeocode: (AMapLocationReGeocode*)reGeocode +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + CLLocation* arglocation = location; + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationReGeocode* argreGeocode = reGeocode; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"location": arglocation == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocation, @"reGeocode": argreGeocode == nil ? [NSNull null] : argreGeocode}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus: (CLAuthorizationStatus)status +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // enum callback arg + NSNumber* argstatus = @((NSInteger) status); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"status": argstatus == nil ? [NSNull null] : argstatus}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization: (CLLocationManager*)locationManager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + CLLocationManager* arglocationManager = locationManager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"locationManager": arglocationManager == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocationManager}]; + }); + +} + +- (BOOL)amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration : (AMapLocationManager*)manager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration" + arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager} + result:^(id result) {}]; // 由于结果是异步返回, 这里用不上, 所以就不生成代码了 + }); + + // 由于flutter无法同步调用method channel, 所以暂不支持有返回值的回调方法 + // 相关issue + NSLog(@"暂不支持有返回值的回调方法"); + + ////////////////////////////如果需要手写代码, 请写在这里///////////////////////////// + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + return NO; +} + +- (void)amapLocationManager : (AMapLocationManager*)manager didUpdateHeading: (CLHeading*)newHeading +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::amapLocationManager_didUpdateHeading"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + CLHeading* argnewHeading = newHeading; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"amapLocationManager_didUpdateHeading" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"newHeading": argnewHeading == nil ? [NSNull null] : argnewHeading}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab53d57 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin (SubHandlerCustom) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandlerCustom; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2863765 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandlerCustom.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin (SubHandlerCustom) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandlerCustom { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f685965 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler0) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler0; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2d0d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m @@ -0,0 +1,5214 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler0.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler0) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler0 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter : center radius: radius customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates : coordinates count: count customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keyword = (NSString*) args[@"keyword"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + // jsonable arg + NSInteger size = [args[@"size"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword : keyword POIType: type city: city size: size customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* locationPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"locationPoint"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D locationPoint; + if (locationPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) locationPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [locationPointValue getValue:&locationPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"locationPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + NSInteger aroundRadius = [args[@"aroundRadius"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* keyword = (NSString*) args[@"keyword"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + // jsonable arg + NSInteger size = [args[@"size"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint : locationPoint aroundRadius: aroundRadius keyword: keyword POIType: type size: size customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* districtName = (NSString*) args[@"districtName"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName : districtName customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::statusWithGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::statusWithGeoFenceRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus result = [ref statusWithGeoFenceRegion: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref pauseTheGeoFenceRegion: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::startTheGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::startTheGeoFenceRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref startTheGeoFenceRegion: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::removeTheGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::removeTheGeoFenceRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeTheGeoFenceRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID : customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::removeAllGeoFenceRegions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::removeAllGeoFenceRegions(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeAllGeoFenceRegions ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationRegion::initWithIdentifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationRegion::initWithIdentifier(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationRegion* result = [ref initWithIdentifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationRegion::containsCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationRegion::containsCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref containsCoordinate: coordinate]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationCircleRegion::initWithCenter_radius_identifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationCircleRegion::initWithCenter_radius_identifier(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationCircleRegion* ref = (AMapLocationCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationCircleRegion* result = [ref initWithCenter: center radius: radius identifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::initWithCoordinates_count_identifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationPolygonRegion::initWithCoordinates_count_identifier(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* ref = (AMapLocationPolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* result = [ref initWithCoordinates: coordinates count: count identifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [AMapLocationManager headingAvailable]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingHeading": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingHeading(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startUpdatingHeading ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingHeading": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingHeading(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopUpdatingHeading ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::requestLocationWithReGeocode_completionBlock": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::requestLocationWithReGeocode_completionBlock(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL withReGeocode = [args[@"withReGeocode"] boolValue]; + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref requestLocationWithReGeocode: withReGeocode completionBlock: ^(CLLocation* location, AMapLocationReGeocode* regeocode, NSError* error) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapLocatingCompletionBlock::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + CLLocation* arglocation = location; + // ref callback arg + AMapLocationReGeocode* argregeocode = regeocode; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"AMapLocatingCompletionBlock__" arguments:@{@"location": arglocation == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocation, @"regeocode": argregeocode == nil ? [NSNull null] : argregeocode, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingLocation(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startUpdatingLocation ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingLocation(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopUpdatingLocation ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::startMonitoringForRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::startMonitoringForRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationRegion* region = (AMapLocationRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startMonitoringForRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::stopMonitoringForRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::stopMonitoringForRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationRegion* region = (AMapLocationRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopMonitoringForRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::requestStateForRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::requestStateForRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationRegion* region = (AMapLocationRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref requestStateForRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus = (AMapPrivacyShowStatus) [args[@"showStatus"] integerValue]; + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus = (AMapPrivacyInfoStatus) [args[@"containStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapLocationManager updatePrivacyShow: showStatus privacyInfo: containStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus = (AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus) [args[@"agreeStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapLocationManager updatePrivacyAgree: agreeStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lat = [args[@"lat"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lon = [args[@"lon"] floatValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationPoint* result = [AMapLocationPoint locationWithLatitude: lat longitude: lon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter : center radius: radius customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates : coordinates count: count customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keyword = (NSString*) args[@"keyword"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + // jsonable arg + NSInteger size = [args[@"size"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword : keyword POIType: type city: city size: size customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* locationPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"locationPoint"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D locationPoint; + if (locationPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) locationPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [locationPointValue getValue:&locationPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"locationPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + NSInteger aroundRadius = [args[@"aroundRadius"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* keyword = (NSString*) args[@"keyword"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + // jsonable arg + NSInteger size = [args[@"size"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint : locationPoint aroundRadius: aroundRadius keyword: keyword POIType: type size: size customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* districtName = (NSString*) args[@"districtName"]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName : districtName customID: customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::statusWithGeoFenceRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::statusWithGeoFenceRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus result = [ref statusWithGeoFenceRegion: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref pauseTheGeoFenceRegion: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID: customID]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::startTheGeoFenceRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::startTheGeoFenceRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref startTheGeoFenceRegion: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::removeTheGeoFenceRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::removeTheGeoFenceRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoFenceRegion* region = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeTheGeoFenceRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID : customID]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::removeAllGeoFenceRegions_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoFenceManager::removeAllGeoFenceRegions(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeAllGeoFenceRegions ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationRegion::initWithIdentifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationRegion::initWithIdentifier(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationRegion* result = [ref initWithIdentifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationRegion::containsCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationRegion::containsCoordinate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref containsCoordinate: coordinate]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationCircleRegion::initWithCenter_radius_identifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationCircleRegion::initWithCenter_radius_identifier(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationCircleRegion* ref = (AMapLocationCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationCircleRegion* result = [ref initWithCenter: center radius: radius identifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::initWithCoordinates_count_identifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationPolygonRegion::initWithCoordinates_count_identifier(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* ref = (AMapLocationPolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* result = [ref initWithCoordinates: coordinates count: count identifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [AMapLocationManager headingAvailable]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingHeading_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingHeading(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startUpdatingHeading ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingHeading_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingHeading(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopUpdatingHeading ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingLocation(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startUpdatingLocation ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingLocation(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopUpdatingLocation ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::startMonitoringForRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::startMonitoringForRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationRegion* region = (AMapLocationRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startMonitoringForRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::stopMonitoringForRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::stopMonitoringForRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationRegion* region = (AMapLocationRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopMonitoringForRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::requestStateForRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::requestStateForRegion(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationRegion* region = (AMapLocationRegion*) (args[@"region"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"region"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref requestStateForRegion : region]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus = (AMapPrivacyShowStatus) [args[@"showStatus"] integerValue]; + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus = (AMapPrivacyInfoStatus) [args[@"containStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapLocationManager updatePrivacyShow: showStatus privacyInfo: containStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus = (AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus) [args[@"agreeStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapLocationManager updatePrivacyAgree: agreeStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lat = [args[@"lat"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lon = [args[@"lon"] floatValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationPoint* result = [AMapLocationPoint locationWithLatitude: lat longitude: lon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + // top constant + @"getAMapGeoFenceErrorDomain": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __AMapGeoFenceErrorDomain__ = AMapGeoFenceErrorDomain; + + methodResult(__AMapGeoFenceErrorDomain__); + }, + // top constant + @"getAMapLocationErrorDomain": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __AMapLocationErrorDomain__ = AMapLocationErrorDomain; + + methodResult(__AMapLocationErrorDomain__); + }, + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_activeAction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_activeAction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoFenceActiveAction result = ref.activeAction; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::get_identifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationRegion::get_identifier"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.identifier; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnEntry": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnEntry"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.notifyOnEntry; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnExit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnExit"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.notifyOnExit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationCircleRegion* ref = (AMapLocationCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationCircleRegion* ref = (AMapLocationCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_coordinates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_coordinates"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* ref = (AMapLocationPolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D* result = ref.coordinates; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D*)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* ref = (AMapLocationPolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_identifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_identifier"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.identifier; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_customID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.customID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_fenceStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_fenceStatus"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus result = ref.fenceStatus; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_regionType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_regionType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoFenceRegionType result = ref.regionType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_currentLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_currentLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocation* result = ref.currentLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_coordinates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_coordinates"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D* result = ref.coordinates; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D*)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFencePOIRegion::get_POIItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFencePOIRegion::get_POIItem"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFencePOIRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFencePOIRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationPOIItem* result = ref.POIItem; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion::get_districtItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion::get_districtItem"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationDistrictItem* result = ref.districtItem; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_distanceFilter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_distanceFilter"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = ref.distanceFilter; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_desiredAccuracy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_desiredAccuracy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationAccuracy result = ref.desiredAccuracy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_locationTimeout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_locationTimeout"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.locationTimeout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeTimeout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeTimeout"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.reGeocodeTimeout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_locatingWithReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_locatingWithReGeocode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.locatingWithReGeocode; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeLanguage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeLanguage"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage result = ref.reGeocodeLanguage; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_locationAccuracyMode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::get_locationAccuracyMode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationAccuracyMode result = ref.locationAccuracyMode; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_formattedAddress": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_formattedAddress"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.formattedAddress; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_country"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_township": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_township"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.township; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_neighborhood": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_neighborhood"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.neighborhood; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_building"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_street": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_street"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.street; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_number": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_number"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.number; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_POIName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_POIName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.POIName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_AOIName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_AOIName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.AOIName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::get_latitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPoint::get_latitude"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.latitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::get_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPoint::get_longitude"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_pId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_pId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.pId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_typeCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_typeCode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.typeCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapLocationPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_tel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_tel"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_cityCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_cityCode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.cityCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_districtCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_districtCode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.districtCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_activeAction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoFenceActiveAction result = ref.activeAction; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::get_identifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.identifier; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnEntry_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.notifyOnEntry; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnExit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.notifyOnExit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationCircleRegion* ref = (AMapLocationCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationCircleRegion* ref = (AMapLocationCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDistance result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_coordinates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* ref = (AMapLocationPolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D* result = ref.coordinates; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D*)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* ref = (AMapLocationPolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_identifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.identifier; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.customID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_fenceStatus_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus result = ref.fenceStatus; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_regionType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoFenceRegionType result = ref.regionType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_currentLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocation* result = ref.currentLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDistance result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_coordinates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D* result = ref.coordinates; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D*)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFencePOIRegion::get_POIItem_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFencePOIRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFencePOIRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapLocationPOIItem* result = ref.POIItem; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion::get_districtItem_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapLocationDistrictItem* result = ref.districtItem; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_distanceFilter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDistance result = ref.distanceFilter; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_desiredAccuracy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationAccuracy result = ref.desiredAccuracy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_locationTimeout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.locationTimeout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeTimeout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.reGeocodeTimeout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_locatingWithReGeocode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.locatingWithReGeocode; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeLanguage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage result = ref.reGeocodeLanguage; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::get_locationAccuracyMode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapLocationAccuracyMode result = ref.locationAccuracyMode; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_formattedAddress_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.formattedAddress; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_township_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.township; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_neighborhood_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.neighborhood; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_street_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.street; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_number_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.number; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_POIName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.POIName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::get_AOIName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.AOIName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::get_latitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.latitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::get_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_pId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.pId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_typeCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.typeCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapLocationPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_tel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_cityCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.cityCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_districtCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.districtCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_activeAction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_activeAction"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapGeoFenceActiveAction activeAction = (AMapGeoFenceActiveAction) [args[@"activeAction"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.activeAction = activeAction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = [args[@"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = [args[@"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL detectRiskOfFakeLocation = [args[@"detectRiskOfFakeLocation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation = detectRiskOfFakeLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnEntry": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnEntry"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL notifyOnEntry = [args[@"notifyOnEntry"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.notifyOnEntry = notifyOnEntry; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnExit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnExit"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL notifyOnExit = [args[@"notifyOnExit"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.notifyOnExit = notifyOnExit; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_fenceStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_fenceStatus"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus fenceStatus = (AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus) [args[@"fenceStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.fenceStatus = fenceStatus; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_regionType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_regionType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapGeoFenceRegionType regionType = (AMapGeoFenceRegionType) [args[@"regionType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.regionType = regionType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_currentLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_currentLocation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + CLLocation* currentLocation = (CLLocation*) (args[@"currentLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"currentLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.currentLocation = currentLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec3f99e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler1) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler1; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8503744 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m @@ -0,0 +1,2616 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler1.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler1) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler1 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapLocationManager::set_distanceFilter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_distanceFilter"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance distanceFilter = [args[@"distanceFilter"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distanceFilter = distanceFilter; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_desiredAccuracy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_desiredAccuracy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = [args[@"desiredAccuracy"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.desiredAccuracy = desiredAccuracy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = [args[@"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = [args[@"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_locationTimeout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_locationTimeout"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger locationTimeout = [args[@"locationTimeout"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationTimeout = locationTimeout; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeTimeout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeTimeout"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger reGeocodeTimeout = [args[@"reGeocodeTimeout"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reGeocodeTimeout = reGeocodeTimeout; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_locatingWithReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_locatingWithReGeocode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL locatingWithReGeocode = [args[@"locatingWithReGeocode"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locatingWithReGeocode = locatingWithReGeocode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeLanguage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeLanguage"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage reGeocodeLanguage = (AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage) [args[@"reGeocodeLanguage"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reGeocodeLanguage = reGeocodeLanguage; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL detectRiskOfFakeLocation = [args[@"detectRiskOfFakeLocation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation = detectRiskOfFakeLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_locationAccuracyMode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationManager::set_locationAccuracyMode"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapLocationAccuracyMode locationAccuracyMode = (AMapLocationAccuracyMode) [args[@"locationAccuracyMode"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationAccuracyMode = locationAccuracyMode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_formattedAddress": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_formattedAddress"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* formattedAddress = (NSString*) args[@"formattedAddress"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.formattedAddress = formattedAddress; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_country"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_township": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_township"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* township = (NSString*) args[@"township"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.township = township; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_neighborhood": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_neighborhood"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* neighborhood = (NSString*) args[@"neighborhood"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.neighborhood = neighborhood; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_building"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_street": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_street"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* street = (NSString*) args[@"street"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.street = street; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_number": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_number"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* number = (NSString*) args[@"number"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.number = number; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_POIName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_POIName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* POIName = (NSString*) args[@"POIName"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.POIName = POIName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_AOIName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_AOIName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* AOIName = (NSString*) args[@"AOIName"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.AOIName = AOIName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::set_latitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPoint::set_latitude"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat latitude = [args[@"latitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.latitude = latitude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::set_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPoint::set_longitude"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat longitude = [args[@"longitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.longitude = longitude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_pId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_pId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* pId = (NSString*) args[@"pId"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pId = pId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_type"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_typeCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_typeCode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* typeCode = (NSString*) args[@"typeCode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.typeCode = typeCode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationPoint* location = (AMapLocationPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_tel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_tel"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tel = (NSString*) args[@"tel"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = tel; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_cityCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_cityCode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* cityCode = (NSString*) args[@"cityCode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cityCode = cityCode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_districtCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_districtCode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* districtCode = (NSString*) args[@"districtCode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districtCode = districtCode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_activeAction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapGeoFenceActiveAction activeAction = (AMapGeoFenceActiveAction) [args[@"activeAction"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.activeAction = activeAction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = [args[@"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = [args[@"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL detectRiskOfFakeLocation = [args[@"detectRiskOfFakeLocation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceManager* ref = (AMapGeoFenceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation = detectRiskOfFakeLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnEntry_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL notifyOnEntry = [args[@"notifyOnEntry"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.notifyOnEntry = notifyOnEntry;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnExit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL notifyOnExit = [args[@"notifyOnExit"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationRegion* ref = (AMapLocationRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.notifyOnExit = notifyOnExit;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_fenceStatus_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus fenceStatus = (AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus) [args[@"fenceStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.fenceStatus = fenceStatus;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_regionType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapGeoFenceRegionType regionType = (AMapGeoFenceRegionType) [args[@"regionType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.regionType = regionType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_currentLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + CLLocation* currentLocation = (CLLocation*) (args[@"currentLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"currentLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapGeoFenceRegion* ref = (AMapGeoFenceRegion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.currentLocation = currentLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_distanceFilter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance distanceFilter = [args[@"distanceFilter"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distanceFilter = distanceFilter;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_desiredAccuracy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = [args[@"desiredAccuracy"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.desiredAccuracy = desiredAccuracy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = [args[@"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = [args[@"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_locationTimeout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger locationTimeout = [args[@"locationTimeout"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationTimeout = locationTimeout;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeTimeout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger reGeocodeTimeout = [args[@"reGeocodeTimeout"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reGeocodeTimeout = reGeocodeTimeout;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_locatingWithReGeocode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL locatingWithReGeocode = [args[@"locatingWithReGeocode"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locatingWithReGeocode = locatingWithReGeocode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeLanguage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage reGeocodeLanguage = (AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage) [args[@"reGeocodeLanguage"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reGeocodeLanguage = reGeocodeLanguage;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL detectRiskOfFakeLocation = [args[@"detectRiskOfFakeLocation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.detectRiskOfFakeLocation = detectRiskOfFakeLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationManager::set_locationAccuracyMode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapLocationAccuracyMode locationAccuracyMode = (AMapLocationAccuracyMode) [args[@"locationAccuracyMode"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationManager* ref = (AMapLocationManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationAccuracyMode = locationAccuracyMode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_formattedAddress_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* formattedAddress = (NSString*) args[@"formattedAddress"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.formattedAddress = formattedAddress;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_township_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* township = (NSString*) args[@"township"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.township = township;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_neighborhood_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* neighborhood = (NSString*) args[@"neighborhood"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.neighborhood = neighborhood;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_street_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* street = (NSString*) args[@"street"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.street = street;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_number_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* number = (NSString*) args[@"number"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.number = number;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_POIName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* POIName = (NSString*) args[@"POIName"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.POIName = POIName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationReGeocode::set_AOIName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* AOIName = (NSString*) args[@"AOIName"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationReGeocode* ref = (AMapLocationReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.AOIName = AOIName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::set_latitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat latitude = [args[@"latitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.latitude = latitude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPoint::set_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat longitude = [args[@"longitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPoint* ref = (AMapLocationPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.longitude = longitude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_pId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* pId = (NSString*) args[@"pId"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pId = pId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_typeCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* typeCode = (NSString*) args[@"typeCode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.typeCode = typeCode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationPoint* location = (AMapLocationPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_tel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tel = (NSString*) args[@"tel"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = tel;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationPOIItem::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationPOIItem* ref = (AMapLocationPOIItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_cityCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* cityCode = (NSString*) args[@"cityCode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cityCode = cityCode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_districtCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* districtCode = (NSString*) args[@"districtCode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districtCode = districtCode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationDistrictItem* ref = (AMapLocationDistrictItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoFenceManager class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationCircleRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationCircleRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationPolygonRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationPolygonRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoFenceRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFencePOIRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoFencePOIRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationManager class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationReGeocode class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationPoint class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationPOIItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationPOIItem class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationDistrictItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationDistrictItem class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceManager"); + } + + AMapGeoFenceManager* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceManager alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceManager alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationRegion"); + } + + AMapLocationRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationCircleRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationCircleRegion"); + } + + AMapLocationCircleRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationCircleRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationCircleRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPolygonRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPolygonRegion"); + } + + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationPolygonRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationPolygonRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceRegion"); + } + + AMapGeoFenceRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion"); + } + + AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion"); + } + + AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFencePOIRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFencePOIRegion"); + } + + AMapGeoFencePOIRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFencePOIRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFencePOIRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion"); + } + + AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationManager"); + } + + AMapLocationManager* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationManager alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationManager alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationReGeocode"); + } + + AMapLocationReGeocode* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationReGeocode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationReGeocode alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPoint"); + } + + AMapLocationPoint* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationPoint alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPOIItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPOIItem"); + } + + AMapLocationPOIItem* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationPOIItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationPOIItem alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationDistrictItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationDistrictItem"); + } + + AMapLocationDistrictItem* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationDistrictItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationDistrictItem alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoFenceManager* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceManager alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceManager alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationCircleRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationCircleRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationCircleRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationCircleRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationPolygonRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationPolygonRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationPolygonRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationPolygonRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoFenceRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFencePOIRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoFencePOIRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFencePOIRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFencePOIRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationManager* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationManager alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationManager alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationReGeocode* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationReGeocode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationReGeocode alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationPoint* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationPoint alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationPOIItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationPOIItem* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationPOIItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationPOIItem alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationDistrictItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationDistrictItem* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationDistrictItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationDistrictItem alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationManagerDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[AMapLocationManagerDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationCoordinateConvert::AMapLocationCoordinateConvert": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationCoordinateConvert::AMapLocationCoordinateConvert(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // enum arg + AMapLocationCoordinateType type = (AMapLocationCoordinateType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = AMapLocationCoordinateConvert(coordinate, type); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate::AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate::AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate(coordinate); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/amap_location_fluttify.podspec b/ios/amap_location_fluttify.podspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afed8e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/amap_location_fluttify.podspec @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# +# To learn more about a Podspec see +# do |s| + = 'amap_location_fluttify' + s.version = '0.0.1' + s.summary = 'An `Amap Location` Map Component, Powered By `Fluttify`, A Compiler Generating Dart Bindings For Native SDK.' + s.description = <<-DESC +A new flutter plugin project. + DESC + s.homepage = '' + s.license = { :file => '../LICENSE' } + = { 'yohom' => '' } + s.source = { :path => '.' } + s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*' + s.public_header_files = ['Classes/**/*.h', 'Vendors/*.h'] # 只接收顶层的.h文件, 防止framework下面的.h文件被包含 + s.dependency 'Flutter' + s.dependency 'foundation_fluttify' + # flutter plugin dependency + + # sdk dependency + s.dependency 'AMapLocation-NO-IDFA', '2.8.0' + + s.static_framework = true + s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0' + # include project framework + s.vendored_frameworks = 'Vendors/*.framework' + # include project .a + s.vendored_libraries = 'Vendors/*.a' + # ios system framework + s.frameworks = [ + + ] + # ios system library + s.libraries = [ + + ] + # resources + s.resources = 'Vendors/**/*.bundle' + # s.resource_bundles = { + # 'amap_location_fluttify' => ['Vendors/*.framework/*.bundle'] + # } +end + diff --git a/lib/amap_location_fluttify.dart b/lib/amap_location_fluttify.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64c9997 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/amap_location_fluttify.dart @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +library amap_location_fluttify; + +export 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; + +export 'src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +export 'src/facade/amap_location.dart'; +export 'src/facade/enums.dart'; +export 'src/facade/models.dart'; +export 'src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart b/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f607f3d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +export 'type_op.g.dart'; +export 'constants.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationProtocol.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationPurpose.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/GeoLanguage.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationMode.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/CoordUtil.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/APSService.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/UmidtokenInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationQualityReport.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClient.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/location/DPoint.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/fence/DistrictItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/fence/PoiItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceClient.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/fence/GeoFence.g.dart'; +export '../facade/shared.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/DistrictItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/DistrictItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e26230c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/DistrictItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCitycode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::getCitycode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getCitycode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCitycode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::setCitycode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setCitycode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::getAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getAdcode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setAdcode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getPolyline', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setPolyline', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistrictName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::getDistrictName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getDistrictName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrictName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem@$refId::setDistrictName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setDistrictName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCitycode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getCitycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCitycode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setCitycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getAdcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setAdcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getPolyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setPolyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistrictName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::getDistrictName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrictName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.DistrictItem::setDistrictName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFence.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFence.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dccae1b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFence.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + static final String BUNDLE_KEY_FENCEID = "fenceid"; + static final String BUNDLE_KEY_CUSTOMID = "customId"; + static final String BUNDLE_KEY_FENCESTATUS = "event"; + static final String BUNDLE_KEY_LOCERRORCODE = "location_errorcode"; + static final String BUNDLE_KEY_FENCE = "fence"; + static final int ADDGEOFENCE_SUCCESS = 0; + static final int ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 1; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CONNECTION = 4; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_PARSER = 5; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_AUTH = 7; + static final int ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN = 8; + static final int ERROR_NO_VALIDFENCE = 16; + static final int ERROR_CODE_EXISTS = 17; + static final int STATUS_IN = 1; + static final int STATUS_OUT = 2; + static final int STATUS_STAYED = 3; + static final int STATUS_LOCFAIL = 4; + static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; + static final int TYPE_ROUND = 0; + static final int TYPE_POLYGON = 1; + static final int TYPE_AMAPPOI = 2; + static final int TYPE_DISTRICT = 3; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFence__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFence__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFenceId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getFenceId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getFenceId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFenceId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setFenceId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setFenceId', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCustomId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getCustomId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCustomId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setCustomId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCustomId', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPendingIntentAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getPendingIntentAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntentAction', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPendingIntentAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setPendingIntentAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntentAction', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPendingIntent() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getPendingIntent([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntent', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPendingIntent(android_app_PendingIntent var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setPendingIntent([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntent', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiItem() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getPoiItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPoiItem', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPoiItem(com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setPoiItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPoiItem', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getDistrictItemList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getDistrictItemList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getDistrictItemList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setDistrictItemList(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setDistrictItemList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setDistrictItemList', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPointList(List> var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setPointList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPointList', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRadius() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getRadius([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getRadius', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRadius(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setRadius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setRadius', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExpiration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getExpiration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getExpiration', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExpiration(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setExpiration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setExpiration', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getActivatesAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getActivatesAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getActivatesAction', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setActivatesAction(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setActivatesAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setActivatesAction', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStatus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getStatus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getStatus', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStatus(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setStatus([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setStatus', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEnterTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getEnterTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getEnterTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEnterTime(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setEnterTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setEnterTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCenter(com_amap_api_location_DPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCenter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMinDis2Center() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getMinDis2Center([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMinDis2Center', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMinDis2Center(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setMinDis2Center([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMinDis2Center', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMaxDis2Center() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getMaxDis2Center([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMaxDis2Center', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxDis2Center(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setMaxDis2Center([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMaxDis2Center', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isAble() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::isAble([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::isAble', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAble(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setAble([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setAble', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCurrentLocation(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::setCurrentLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCurrentLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCurrentLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence@$refId::getCurrentLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCurrentLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFenceId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getFenceId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFenceId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setFenceId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCustomId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCustomId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCustomId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPendingIntentAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntentAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPendingIntentAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntentAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPendingIntent_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPendingIntent_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPendingIntent_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPendingIntent_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiItem_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getPoiItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiItem_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPoiItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDistrictItemList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getDistrictItemList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrictItemList_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setDistrictItemList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPointList_batch(List>> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setPointList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadius_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getRadius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRadius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setRadius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExpiration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getExpiration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExpiration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setExpiration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getActivatesAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getActivatesAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setActivatesAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setActivatesAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStatus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStatus_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEnterTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getEnterTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEnterTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setEnterTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMinDis2Center_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMinDis2Center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMinDis2Center_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMinDis2Center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxDis2Center_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getMaxDis2Center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxDis2Center_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setMaxDis2Center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isAble_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::isAble_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAble_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setAble_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCurrentLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::setCurrentLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCurrentLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFence::getCurrentLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceClient.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceClient.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aea539 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceClient.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + static final int GEOFENCE_IN = 1; + static final int GEOFENCE_OUT = 2; + static final int GEOFENCE_STAYED = 4; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future createPendingIntent(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::createPendingIntent([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::createPendingIntent', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setActivateAction(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::setActivateAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setActivateAction', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGeoFenceListener(com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::setGeoFenceListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setGeoFenceListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addGeoFence__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__String(com_amap_api_location_DPoint var1, double var2, String var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::addGeoFence([\'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__String', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addGeoFence__List_com_amap_api_location_DPoint___String(List var1, String var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::addGeoFence([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__List_com_amap_api_location_DPoint___String', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addGeoFence__String__String__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__int__String(String var1, String var2, com_amap_api_location_DPoint var3, double var4, int var5, String var6) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::addGeoFence([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var4\':$var4, \'var5\':$var5, \'var6\':$var6])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__int__String', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addGeoFence__String__String__String__int__String(String var1, String var2, String var3, int var4, String var5) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::addGeoFence([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3, \'var4\':$var4, \'var5\':$var5])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__String__int__String', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addGeoFence__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::addGeoFence([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeGeoFence() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::removeGeoFence([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence(com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::removeGeoFence([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getAllGeoFence() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::getAllGeoFence([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::getAllGeoFence', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setGeoFenceAble(String var1, bool var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::setGeoFenceAble([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setGeoFenceAble', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future pauseGeoFence() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::pauseGeoFence([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::pauseGeoFence', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future resumeGeoFence() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::resumeGeoFence([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::resumeGeoFence', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient@$refId::isPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::isPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> createPendingIntent_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::createPendingIntent_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setActivateAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setActivateAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGeoFence__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__String_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__String_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGeoFence__List_com_amap_api_location_DPoint___String_batch(List> var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__List_com_amap_api_location_DPoint___String_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGeoFence__String__String__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__int__String_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5, List var6) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__com_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__int__String_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGeoFence__String__String__String__int__String_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String__String__int__String_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGeoFence__String__String_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFence__String__String_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeGeoFence_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getAllGeoFence_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::getAllGeoFence_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGeoFenceAble_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::setGeoFenceAble_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> pauseGeoFence_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::pauseGeoFence_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> resumeGeoFence_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::resumeGeoFence_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::isPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc5ab3f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/GeoFenceListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onGeoFenceCreateFinished__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onGeoFenceCreateFinished?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onGeoFenceCreateFinished?.call((args['var1'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['var2'], args['var3']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(List? var1, int? var2, String? var3)? onGeoFenceCreateFinished; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/PoiItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/PoiItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f03c380 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/fence/PoiItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,699 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_fence_PoiItem__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_fence_PoiItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLatitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getLatitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLatitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLatitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setLatitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLatitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLongitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getLongitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLongitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLongitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setLongitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLongitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getPoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setPoiId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiId', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getPoiType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setPoiType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTypeCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getTypeCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTypeCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTypeCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setTypeCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTypeCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAddress', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAddress(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setAddress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAddress', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getTel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTel(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setTel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getProvince', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setProvince', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getCity', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setCity', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdname() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getAdname([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAdname', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::getPoiName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setPoiName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdname(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem@$refId::setAdname([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAdname', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLatitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLongitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLongitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTypeCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTypeCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTypeCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTypeCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getTel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setTel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdname_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getAdname_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::getPoiName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setPoiName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdname_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.fence.PoiItem::setAdname_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a4bec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,2215 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation extends android_location_Location with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + static final int LOCATION_SUCCESS = 0; + static final int ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 1; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_WIFI_INFO = 2; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION_PARAMETER = 3; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CONNECTION = 4; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_PARSER = 5; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION = 6; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_AUTH = 7; + static final int ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN = 8; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_INIT = 9; + static final int ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_FAIL = 10; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CELL = 11; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION_PERMISSION = 12; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_NOWIFIANDAP = 13; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_NOENOUGHSATELLITES = 14; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_SIMULATION_LOCATION = 15; + static final int ERROR_CODE_AIRPLANEMODE_WIFIOFF = 18; + static final int ERROR_CODE_NOCGI_WIFIOFF = 19; + static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_COARSE_LOCATION = 20; + static final int ERROR_CODE_NO_COMPENSATION_CACHE = 33; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_GPS = 1; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_SAME_REQ = 2; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FAST = 3; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FIX_CACHE = 4; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_WIFI = 5; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_CELL = 6; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_AMAP = 7; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_OFFLINE = 8; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LAST_LOCATION_CACHE = 9; + static final int LOCATION_COMPENSATION = 10; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_COARSE_LOCATION = 11; + static final String COORD_TYPE_WGS84 = "WGS84"; + static final String COORD_TYPE_GCJ02 = "GCJ02"; + static final int GPS_ACCURACY_GOOD = 1; + static final int GPS_ACCURACY_BAD = 0; + static final int GPS_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN = -1; + static final int TRUSTED_LEVEL_HIGH = 1; + static final int TRUSTED_LEVEL_NORMAL = 2; + static final int TRUSTED_LEVEL_LOW = 3; + static final int TRUSTED_LEVEL_BAD = 4; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String(String var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__String', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__android_location_Location(android_location_Location var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__android_location_Location', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_location_Location(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation__android_location_Location', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getGpsAccuracyStatus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getGpsAccuracyStatus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getGpsAccuracyStatus', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGpsAccuracyStatus(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setGpsAccuracyStatus([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setGpsAccuracyStatus', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLocationType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getLocationType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocationType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setLocationType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLocationDetail() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getLocationDetail([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationDetail', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocationDetail(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setLocationDetail([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationDetail', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getErrorCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setErrorCode(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setErrorCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getErrorInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorInfo', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setErrorInfo(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setErrorInfo([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorInfo', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCountry() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getCountry([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCountry', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCountry(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setCountry([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCountry', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getRoad', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setRoad', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAddress', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAddress(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setAddress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAddress', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvince', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvince', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCity', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCity', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDistrict', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrict(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setDistrict([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDistrict', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCityCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCityCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAdCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAdCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getPoiName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getPoiName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setPoiName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setPoiName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getLatitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLatitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLatitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setLatitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLatitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLongitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getLongitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLongitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLongitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setLongitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLongitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSatellites() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getSatellites([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSatellites', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSatellites(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setSatellites([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSatellites', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStreet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getStreet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreet', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStreet(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setStreet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setStreet', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStreetNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getStreetNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreetNum', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNumber(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setNumber([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setNumber', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOffset(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setOffset([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setOffset', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isOffset() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::isOffset([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isOffset', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAoiName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getAoiName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAoiName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAoiName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setAoiName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAoiName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBuildingId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getBuildingId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBuildingId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBuildingId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setBuildingId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBuildingId', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFloor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getFloor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getFloor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isFixLastLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::isFixLastLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isFixLastLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFixLastLocation(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setFixLastLocation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFixLastLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFloor(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setFloor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFloor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isMock() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::isMock([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isMock', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMock(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setMock([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setMock', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDescription() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getDescription([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDescription', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDescription(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setDescription([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDescription', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future toStr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::toStr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future toStr__int(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::toStr([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr__int', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAccuracy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getAccuracy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAccuracy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBearing(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setBearing([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBearing', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBearing() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getBearing([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBearing', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAltitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setAltitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAltitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAltitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getAltitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAltitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpeed(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setSpeed([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSpeed', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSpeed() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSpeed', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvider(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setProvider([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvider', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvider() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getProvider([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvider', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtras(android_os_Bundle var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setExtras([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setExtras', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtras() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getExtras([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getExtras', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLocationQualityReport() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getLocationQualityReport([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationQualityReport', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLocationQualityReport(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setLocationQualityReport([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationQualityReport', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCoordType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getCoordType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCoordType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCoordType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setCoordType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCoordType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTrustedLevel(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setTrustedLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setTrustedLevel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTrustedLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getTrustedLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getTrustedLevel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getConScenario() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::getConScenario([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getConScenario', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setConScenario(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation@$refId::setConScenario([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setConScenario', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getGpsAccuracyStatus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getGpsAccuracyStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGpsAccuracyStatus_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setGpsAccuracyStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocationType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocationDetail_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationDetail_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationDetail_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationDetail_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setErrorCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getErrorInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setErrorInfo_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setErrorInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCountry_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCountry_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCountry_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCountry_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getRoad_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setRoad_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDistrict_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrict_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDistrict_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCityCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCityCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAdCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAdCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getPoiName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setPoiName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLongitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLongitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSatellites_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSatellites_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSatellites_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSatellites_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStreet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStreet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setStreet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStreetNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getStreetNum_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOffset_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isOffset_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAoiName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAoiName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAoiName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAoiName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBuildingId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBuildingId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBuildingId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBuildingId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFloor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getFloor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isFixLastLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isFixLastLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFixLastLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFixLastLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFloor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setFloor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isMock_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::isMock_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMock_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setMock_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDescription_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getDescription_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDescription_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setDescription_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> toStr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> toStr__int_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::toStr__int_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAccuracy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAccuracy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBearing_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBearing_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAltitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setAltitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAltitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getAltitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpeed_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSpeed_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvider_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setProvider_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvider_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getProvider_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtras_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setExtras_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtras_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getExtras_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocationQualityReport_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getLocationQualityReport_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationQualityReport_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setLocationQualityReport_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCoordType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getCoordType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCoordType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setCoordType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrustedLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setTrustedLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTrustedLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getTrustedLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getConScenario_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::getConScenario_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setConScenario_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocation::setConScenario_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClient.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClient.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44fcaea --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClient.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent(android_content_Context var1, android_content_Intent var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient__android_content_Context__android_content_Intent', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setLocationOption(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::setLocationOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setLocationOption', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocationListener(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::setLocationListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setLocationListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::startLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::startLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::stopLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLastKnownLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::getLastKnownLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getLastKnownLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future stopAssistantLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::stopAssistantLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopAssistantLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getVersion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::getVersion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getVersion', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyShow(android_content_Context var0, bool var1, bool var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyShow([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyShow', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyAgree(android_content_Context var0, bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyAgree([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyAgree', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setApiKey(String var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setApiKey([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setApiKey', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isStarted() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::isStarted([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::isStarted', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future unRegisterLocationListener(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::unRegisterLocationListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::unRegisterLocationListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future enableBackgroundLocation(int var1, android_app_Notification var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::enableBackgroundLocation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::enableBackgroundLocation', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future disableBackgroundLocation(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient@$refId::disableBackgroundLocation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::disableBackgroundLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getDeviceId(android_content_Context var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getDeviceId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getDeviceId', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setHost(String var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setHost([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setHost', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setLocationOption_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setLocationOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::startLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLastKnownLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getLastKnownLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopAssistantLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::stopAssistantLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getVersion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getVersion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyShow_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyShow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyAgree_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::updatePrivacyAgree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setApiKey_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setApiKey_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isStarted_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::isStarted_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> enableBackgroundLocation_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::enableBackgroundLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> disableBackgroundLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::disableBackgroundLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getDeviceId_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::getDeviceId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setHost_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClient::setHost_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e79fa2b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1613 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL", ); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setCacheCallBack(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setCacheCallBack([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBack', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCacheCallBack() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getCacheCallBack([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBack', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCacheCallBackTime(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setCacheCallBackTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBackTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCacheCallBackTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getCacheCallBackTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBackTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCacheTimeOut(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setCacheTimeOut([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheTimeOut', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCacheTimeOut() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getCacheTimeOut([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheTimeOut', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getAPIKEY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getAPIKEY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getAPIKEY', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isMockEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isMockEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isMockEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMockEnable(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setMockEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setMockEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getInterval() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getInterval([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getInterval', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInterval(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setInterval([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setInterval', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isOnceLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isOnceLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnceLocation(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setOnceLocation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isNeedAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isNeedAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isNeedAddress', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNeedAddress(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setNeedAddress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setNeedAddress', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isWifiActiveScan() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isWifiActiveScan([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiActiveScan', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWifiActiveScan(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setWifiActiveScan([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiActiveScan', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isWifiScan() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isWifiScan([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiScan', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWifiScan(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setWifiScan([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiScan', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLocationMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getLocationMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationMode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode(); + } + + + Future setLocationMode(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setLocationMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationMode', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLocationProtocol() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getLocationProtocol([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationProtocol', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol(); + } + + + static Future setLocationProtocol(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationProtocol([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationProtocol', {"var0": var0.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isKillProcess() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isKillProcess([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isKillProcess', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setKillProcess(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setKillProcess([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setKillProcess', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isGpsFirst() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isGpsFirst([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isGpsFirst', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGpsFirst(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setGpsFirst([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirst', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setGpsFirstTimeout(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setGpsFirstTimeout([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirstTimeout', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getGpsFirstTimeout() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getGpsFirstTimeout([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGpsFirstTimeout', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getHttpTimeOut() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getHttpTimeOut([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getHttpTimeOut', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setHttpTimeOut(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setHttpTimeOut([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setHttpTimeOut', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isOffset() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isOffset([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOffset', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOffset(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setOffset([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOffset', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isLocationCacheEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isLocationCacheEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isLocationCacheEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocationCacheEnable(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setLocationCacheEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationCacheEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isOnceLocationLatest() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isOnceLocationLatest([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocationLatest', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnceLocationLatest(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setOnceLocationLatest([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocationLatest', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isSensorEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::isSensorEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isSensorEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSensorEnable(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setSensorEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setSensorEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLastLocationLifeCycle(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setLastLocationLifeCycle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLastLocationLifeCycle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLastLocationLifeCycle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getLastLocationLifeCycle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLastLocationLifeCycle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getGeoLanguage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getGeoLanguage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGeoLanguage', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage(); + } + + + Future setGeoLanguage(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setGeoLanguage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGeoLanguage', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(bool var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDeviceModeDistanceFilter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getDeviceModeDistanceFilter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getDeviceModeDistanceFilter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDeviceModeDistanceFilter(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setDeviceModeDistanceFilter([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDeviceModeDistanceFilter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLocationPurpose(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::setLocationPurpose([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationPurpose', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLocationPurpose() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getLocationPurpose([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationPurpose', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose(); + } + + + static Future isOpenAlwaysScanWifi() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOpenAlwaysScanWifi([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOpenAlwaysScanWifi', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setOpenAlwaysScanWifi(bool var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOpenAlwaysScanWifi([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOpenAlwaysScanWifi', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setScanWifiInterval(int var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setScanWifiInterval([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setScanWifiInterval', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getScanWifiInterval() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption@$refId::getScanWifiInterval([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getScanWifiInterval', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_OPEN_ALWAYS_SCAN_WIFI_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::get_SCAN_WIFI_INTERVAL_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setCacheCallBack_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBack_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCacheCallBack_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBack_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCacheCallBackTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheCallBackTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCacheCallBackTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheCallBackTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCacheTimeOut_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setCacheTimeOut_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCacheTimeOut_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getCacheTimeOut_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getAPIKEY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getAPIKEY_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isMockEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isMockEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMockEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setMockEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInterval_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getInterval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInterval_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setInterval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isOnceLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOnceLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isNeedAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isNeedAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNeedAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setNeedAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isWifiActiveScan_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiActiveScan_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWifiActiveScan_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiActiveScan_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isWifiScan_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isWifiScan_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWifiScan_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setWifiScan_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocationMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocationProtocol_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationProtocol_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol()).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setLocationProtocol_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationProtocol_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isKillProcess_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isKillProcess_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setKillProcess_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setKillProcess_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isGpsFirst_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isGpsFirst_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGpsFirst_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirst_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGpsFirstTimeout_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGpsFirstTimeout_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getGpsFirstTimeout_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGpsFirstTimeout_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHttpTimeOut_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getHttpTimeOut_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setHttpTimeOut_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setHttpTimeOut_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isOffset_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOffset_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isLocationCacheEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isLocationCacheEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationCacheEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationCacheEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isOnceLocationLatest_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOnceLocationLatest_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOnceLocationLatest_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOnceLocationLatest_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isSensorEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isSensorEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSensorEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setSensorEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLastLocationLifeCycle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLastLocationLifeCycle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLastLocationLifeCycle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLastLocationLifeCycle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getGeoLanguage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getGeoLanguage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGeoLanguage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setGeoLanguage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDeviceModeDistanceFilter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getDeviceModeDistanceFilter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDeviceModeDistanceFilter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setDeviceModeDistanceFilter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationPurpose_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setLocationPurpose_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocationPurpose_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getLocationPurpose_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose()).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isOpenAlwaysScanWifi_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::isOpenAlwaysScanWifi_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setOpenAlwaysScanWifi_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setOpenAlwaysScanWifi_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setScanWifiInterval_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::setScanWifiInterval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getScanWifiInterval_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationClientOption::getScanWifiInterval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationMode.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationMode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a6216f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationMode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode { + Battery_Saving /* null */, + Device_Sensors /* null */, + Hight_Accuracy /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationModeToX on com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.Battery_Saving: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.Battery_Saving.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.Device_Sensors: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.Device_Sensors.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.Hight_Accuracy: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.Hight_Accuracy.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationModeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationProtocol.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationProtocol.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4108746 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationProtocol.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol { + HTTP /* null */, + HTTPS /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocolToX on com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol.HTTP: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol.HTTP.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol.HTTPS: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol.HTTPS.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocolFromX on int { + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationProtocol.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationPurpose.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationPurpose.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03a9b36 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/AMapLocationPurpose.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose { + SignIn /* null */, + Transport /* null */, + Sport /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurposeToX on com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.SignIn: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.SignIn.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.Transport: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.Transport.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.Sport: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.Sport.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurposeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationPurpose.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/GeoLanguage.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/GeoLanguage.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9458a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationClientOption/GeoLanguage.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage { + DEFAULT /* null */, + ZH /* null */, + EN /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguageToX on com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.DEFAULT: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.DEFAULT.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.ZH: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.ZH.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.EN: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.EN.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguageFromX on int { + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage tocom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_GeoLanguage.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94abbd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onLocationChanged': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onLocationChanged?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onLocationChanged?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation? var1)? onLocationChanged; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationQualityReport.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationQualityReport.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f6d0e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/AMapLocationQualityReport.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + static final int GPS_STATUS_OK = 0; + static final int GPS_STATUS_NOGPSPROVIDER = 1; + static final int GPS_STATUS_OFF = 2; + static final int GPS_STATUS_MODE_SAVING = 3; + static final int GPS_STATUS_NOGPSPERMISSION = 4; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setWifiAble(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setWifiAble([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setWifiAble', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGpsStatus(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setGpsStatus([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGpsStatus', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGPSSatellites(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setGPSSatellites([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGPSSatellites', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isWifiAble() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::isWifiAble([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isWifiAble', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getGPSStatus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::getGPSStatus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSStatus', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getGPSSatellites() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::getGPSSatellites([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSSatellites', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNetworkType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::getNetworkType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetworkType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNetworkType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setNetworkType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetworkType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNetUseTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::getNetUseTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetUseTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNetUseTime(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setNetUseTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetUseTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInstallHighDangerMockApp(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setInstallHighDangerMockApp([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setInstallHighDangerMockApp', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isInstalledHighDangerMockApp() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::isInstalledHighDangerMockApp([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isInstalledHighDangerMockApp', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocationMode(com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::setLocationMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setLocationMode', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdviseMessage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport@$refId::getAdviseMessage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getAdviseMessage', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setWifiAble_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setWifiAble_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGpsStatus_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGpsStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGPSSatellites_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setGPSSatellites_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isWifiAble_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isWifiAble_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getGPSStatus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getGPSSatellites_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getGPSSatellites_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNetworkType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetworkType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNetworkType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetworkType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNetUseTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getNetUseTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNetUseTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setNetUseTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInstallHighDangerMockApp_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setInstallHighDangerMockApp_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isInstalledHighDangerMockApp_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::isInstalledHighDangerMockApp_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::setLocationMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdviseMessage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.AMapLocationQualityReport::getAdviseMessage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/APSService.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/APSService.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98992d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/APSService.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_APSService extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.APSService'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_APSService__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_APSService__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future onCreate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.APSService@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.APSService::onCreate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onStartCommand(android_content_Intent var1, int var2, int var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.APSService@$refId::onStartCommand([\'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.APSService::onStartCommand', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.APSService@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.APSService::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_APSService{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_APSService_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> onCreate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.APSService::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onStartCommand_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.APSService::onStartCommand_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.APSService::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordUtil.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordUtil.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ec8ebc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordUtil.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_CoordUtil__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_CoordUtil__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future convertToGcj(Float64List var0, Float64List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::convertToGcj([\'var0\':$var0, \'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::convertToGcj', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isLoadedSo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::isLoadedSo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::isLoadedSo', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setLoadedSo(bool var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::setLoadedSo([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::setLoadedSo', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> convertToGcj_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::convertToGcj_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isLoadedSo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::isLoadedSo_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setLoadedSo_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordUtil::setLoadedSo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d260741 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future from(com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter@$refId::from([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::from', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future coord(com_amap_api_location_DPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter@$refId::coord([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::coord', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future convert() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter@$refId::convert([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::convert', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future isAMapDataAvailable(double var0, double var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable([\'var0\':$var0, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable', {"var0": var0, "var2": var2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future calculateLineDistance(com_amap_api_location_DPoint var0, com_amap_api_location_DPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::calculateLineDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::calculateLineDistance', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> from_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::from_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> coord_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::coord_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> convert_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::convert_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isAMapDataAvailable_batch(List var0, List var2) async { + assert(var0.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> calculateLineDistance_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.CoordinateConverter::calculateLineDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb309e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType { + BAIDU /* null */, + MAPBAR /* null */, + MAPABC /* null */, + SOSOMAP /* null */, + ALIYUN /* null */, + GOOGLE /* null */, + GPS /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordTypeToX on com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.BAIDU: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.BAIDU.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPBAR: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPBAR.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPABC: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPABC.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.SOSOMAP: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.SOSOMAP.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.ALIYUN: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.ALIYUN.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GOOGLE: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GOOGLE.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GPS: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GPS.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType tocom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/DPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/DPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4de9324 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/DPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_DPoint extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.DPoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__double__double(double var1, double var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__double', + {"var1": var1, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__double__double(List var1, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_DPoint__double__double', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLongitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@$refId::getLongitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLongitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLongitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@$refId::setLongitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLongitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@$refId::getLatitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLatitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLatitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.DPoint@$refId::setLatitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLatitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_DPoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_DPoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLongitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLongitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::getLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.DPoint::setLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/UmidtokenInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/UmidtokenInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62141f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/location/UmidtokenInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo__', + + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future getUmidtoken() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::getUmidtoken([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::getUmidtoken', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setLocAble(bool var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setLocAble([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setLocAble', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setUmidtoken(android_content_Context var0, String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setUmidtoken([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setUmidtoken', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> getUmidtoken_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::getUmidtoken_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setLocAble_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setLocAble_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setUmidtoken_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.location.UmidtokenInfo::setUmidtoken_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart b/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83c53da --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import '../facade/shared.g.dart'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + diff --git a/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart b/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c88d573 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + + +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import +// type check +@optionalTypeArgs +Future AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidIs(dynamic __this__) async { + final typeName = T.toString(); + if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ is T; + } + else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_APSService) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_APSService', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_DPoint) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_DPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_CoordUtil', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_GeoFence', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_fence_PoiItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_content_Context) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_content_Context', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_content_Intent) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_content_Intent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_content_ContentProvider) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_content_ContentProvider', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_Application) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_Application', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_Notification) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_Notification', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_Activity) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_Activity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_PendingIntent) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_PendingIntent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_os_Bundle) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_os_Bundle', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_os_Binder) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_os_Binder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_View) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_View', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceView) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_SurfaceView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceHolder) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_SurfaceHolder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_opengl_GLSurfaceView) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_opengl_GLSurfaceView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_ViewGroup) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_ViewGroup', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Point) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_Point', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_PointF) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_PointF', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Bitmap) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_Bitmap', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_ImageView) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_ImageView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == java_io_Serializable) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfjava_io_Serializable', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == java_io_File) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfjava_io_File', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_location_Location) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_location_Location', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_MotionEvent) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_MotionEvent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_drawable_Drawable) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_drawable_Drawable', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_FrameLayout) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_FrameLayout', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_TextView) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_TextView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_LinearLayout) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_LinearLayout', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_RelativeLayout) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_RelativeLayout', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_os_Parcelable) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_os_Parcelable', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_util_Pair) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_util_Pair', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } + else { + return false; + } +} + +// type cast +// 给一个可选的泛型, 如果没有指定泛型就返回dynamic +@optionalTypeArgs +T? AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(dynamic __this__) { + final typeName = T.toString(); + + if (__this__ == null) { + return null; + } else if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ as T; + } + else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient) { + return (com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener) { + return (com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_APSService) { + return (com_amap_api_location_APSService()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_DPoint) { + return (com_amap_api_location_DPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter) { + return (com_amap_api_location_CoordinateConverter()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil) { + return (com_amap_api_location_CoordUtil()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_location_UmidtokenInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation) { + return (com_amap_api_location_AMapLocation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption) { + return (com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport) { + return (com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationQualityReport()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem) { + return (com_amap_api_fence_DistrictItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient) { + return (com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener) { + return (com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence) { + return (com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem) { + return (com_amap_api_fence_PoiItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_content_Context) { + return (android_content_Context()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_content_Intent) { + return (android_content_Intent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_content_ContentProvider) { + return (android_content_ContentProvider()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_Application) { + return (android_app_Application()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_Notification) { + return (android_app_Notification()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_Activity) { + return (android_app_Activity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_PendingIntent) { + return (android_app_PendingIntent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_os_Bundle) { + return (android_os_Bundle()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_os_Binder) { + return (android_os_Binder()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_View) { + return (android_view_View()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceView) { + return (android_view_SurfaceView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceHolder) { + return (android_view_SurfaceHolder.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_opengl_GLSurfaceView) { + return (android_opengl_GLSurfaceView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) { + return (android_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_ViewGroup) { + return (android_view_ViewGroup()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Point) { + return (android_graphics_Point()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_PointF) { + return (android_graphics_PointF()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Bitmap) { + return (android_graphics_Bitmap()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_ImageView) { + return (android_widget_ImageView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == java_io_Serializable) { + return (java_io_Serializable.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == java_io_File) { + return (java_io_File()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_location_Location) { + return (android_location_Location()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_MotionEvent) { + return (android_view_MotionEvent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_drawable_Drawable) { + return (android_graphics_drawable_Drawable()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_FrameLayout) { + return (android_widget_FrameLayout()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_TextView) { + return (android_widget_TextView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_LinearLayout) { + return (android_widget_LinearLayout()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_RelativeLayout) { + return (android_widget_RelativeLayout()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_os_Parcelable) { + return (android_os_Parcelable.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_util_Pair) { + return (android_util_Pair()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } + + else { + return __this__; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/facade/amap_location.dart b/lib/src/facade/amap_location.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaf07a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/amap_location.dart @@ -0,0 +1,784 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names +import 'dart:async'; +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'enums.dart'; +import 'extensions.dart'; +import 'models.dart'; + +/// 高德定位 主类 +class AmapLocation { + static AmapLocation instance = AmapLocation._(); + + AmapLocation._() { + initAndroidListener(); + } + + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient? _androidClient; + com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient? _androidGeoFenceClient; + AMapLocationManager? _iosClient; + AMapGeoFenceManager? _iosGeoFenceClient; + + AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate? _iosGeoFenceDelegate; + AMapLocationManagerDelegate? _iosLocationDelegate; + + StreamController? _locationController; + StreamController? _geoFenceEventController; + + /// 初始化 + Future init({required String iosKey}) { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 获取上下文, 这里获取的是Application + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + + // 创建定位客户端 + _androidClient ??= await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient + .create__android_content_Context(context); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await AmapCore.init(iosKey); + _iosClient ??= await AMapLocationManager.create__(); + }, + ); + } + + /// 隐私是否已经展示 + Future updatePrivacyShow(bool value) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient.updatePrivacyShow( + context, value, true); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + AMapLocationManager.updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo( + value + ? AMapPrivacyShowStatus.AMapPrivacyShowStatusDidShow + : AMapPrivacyShowStatus.AMapPrivacyShowStatusNotShow, + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus.AMapPrivacyInfoStatusDidContain, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 隐私是否已经同意 + Future updatePrivacyAgree(bool value) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient.updatePrivacyAgree( + context, + value, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await AMapLocationManager.updatePrivacyAgree( + value + ? AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus.AMapPrivacyAgreeStatusDidAgree + : AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus.AMapPrivacyAgreeStatusNotAgree, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 单次获取定位信息 + /// + /// 选择定位模式[mode], 设置定位同时是否需要返回地址描述[needAddress], 设置定位请求超时时间,默认为30秒[timeout]. + Future fetchLocation({ + LocationAccuracy mode = LocationAccuracy.Low, + bool? needAddress, + Duration? timeout, + }) async { + var completer = Completer(); + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + assert(_androidClient != null, + '请先在main方法中调用AmapLocation.instance.init()进行初始化!'); + + final listener = + await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener.anonymous__(); + listener.onLocationChanged = (location) async { + if (!completer.isCompleted) { + completer.complete( + Location( + address: await location!.getAddress(), + latLng: LatLng( + await location.getLatitude() ?? 0, + await location.getLongitude() ?? 0, + ), + altitude: await location.getAltitude(), + bearing: await location.getBearing(), + country: await location.getCountry(), + province: await location.getProvince(), + city: await location.getCity(), + cityCode: await location.getCityCode(), + adCode: await location.getAdCode(), + district: await location.getDistrict(), + poiName: await location.getPoiName(), + street: await location.getStreet(), + streetNumber: await location.getStreetNum(), + aoiName: await location.getAoiName(), + accuracy: await location.getAccuracy(), + speed: await location.speed, + ), + ); + } + }; + await _androidClient?.setLocationListener(listener); + + // 创建选项 + final options = + await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption.create__(); + // 设置单次定位 + await options.setOnceLocation(true); + // 设置定位模式 + switch (mode) { + // 高精度定位模式:会同时使用网络定位和GPS定位,优先返回最高精度的定位结果,以及对应的地址描述信息。 + case LocationAccuracy.High: + await options.setLocationMode( + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode + .Hight_Accuracy); + break; + // 低功耗定位模式:不会使用GPS和其他传感器,只会使用网络定位(Wi-Fi和基站定位); + case LocationAccuracy.Low: + await options.setLocationMode( + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode + .Battery_Saving); + break; + case LocationAccuracy.DeviceSensor: + await options.setLocationMode( + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode + .Device_Sensors); + break; + } + // 是否返回地址描述 + if (needAddress != null) await options.setNeedAddress(needAddress); + // 设置定位请求超时时间,默认为30秒。 + if (timeout != null) { + await options.setHttpTimeOut(timeout.inMilliseconds); + } + + await options.setSensorEnable(true); + + // 设置选项 + await _androidClient?.setLocationOption(options); + + // 开始定位 + await _androidClient?.startLocation(); + + return completer.future; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + assert(_iosClient != null, + '请先在main方法中调用AmapLocation.instance.init()进行初始化!'); + // 设置定位模式 + switch (mode) { + // 高精度定位模式:会同时使用网络定位和GPS定位,优先返回最高精度的定位结果,以及对应的地址描述信息。 + case LocationAccuracy.High: + await _iosClient?.set_desiredAccuracy(10); + break; + // 低功耗定位模式:不会使用GPS和其他传感器,只会使用网络定位(Wi-Fi和基站定位); + case LocationAccuracy.DeviceSensor: + case LocationAccuracy.Low: + await _iosClient?.set_desiredAccuracy(100); + break; + } + // 设置定位请求超时时间,默认为30秒。 + if (timeout != null) { + await _iosClient?.set_locationTimeout(timeout.inSeconds); + } + + await _iosClient?.requestLocationWithReGeocode_completionBlock( + needAddress ?? true, + (location, regeocode, error) async { + if (!completer.isCompleted) { + final latitude = + await location!.coordinate.then((it) => it.latitude); + final longitude = + await location.coordinate.then((it) => it.longitude); + completer.complete(Location( + address: await regeocode?.get_formattedAddress(), + latLng: LatLng(await latitude ?? 0, await longitude ?? 0), + altitude: await location.altitude, + bearing: await location.course, + country: await regeocode?.get_country(), + province: await regeocode?.get_province(), + city: await regeocode?.get_city(), + cityCode: await regeocode?.get_citycode(), + adCode: await regeocode?.get_adcode(), + district: await regeocode?.get_district(), + poiName: await regeocode?.get_POIName(), + street: await regeocode?.get_street(), + streetNumber: await regeocode?.get_number(), + aoiName: await regeocode?.get_AOIName(), + accuracy: await location.horizontalAccuracy, + speed: await location.speed, + )); + } + }, + ); + return completer.future; + }, + ); + } + + /// 连续获取定位信息 + /// + /// 选择定位模式[mode], 设置定位同时是否需要返回地址描述[needAddress], 设置定位请求超时时间,默认为30秒[timeout] + /// 设置定位间隔[interval], 默认2000 ms, 设置是否开启定位缓存机制[cacheEnable]. + /// [distanceFilter] ios only: 设置更新定位的最小偏移距离, 单位:米. + Stream listenLocation({ + LocationAccuracy mode = LocationAccuracy.Low, + bool? needAddress, + Duration? timeout, + int? interval, + double? distanceFilter, + }) async* { + _locationController ??= StreamController(); + + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + final listener = + await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationListener.anonymous__(); + listener.onLocationChanged = (location) async { + if (!_locationController!.isClosed) { + _locationController!.add( + Location( + address: await location!.getAddress(), + latLng: LatLng( + await location.getLatitude() ?? 0, + await location.getLongitude() ?? 0, + ), + altitude: await location.getAltitude(), + bearing: await location.getBearing(), + country: await location.getCountry(), + province: await location.getProvince(), + city: await location.getCity(), + cityCode: await location.getCityCode(), + adCode: await location.getAdCode(), + district: await location.getDistrict(), + poiName: await location.getPoiName(), + street: await location.getStreet(), + streetNumber: await location.getStreetNum(), + aoiName: await location.getAoiName(), + accuracy: await location.getAccuracy(), + speed: await location.speed, + ), + ); + } + }; + await _androidClient?.setLocationListener(listener); + + // 创建选项 + final options = + await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption.create__(); + // 设置连续定位 + await options.setOnceLocation(false); + // 设置定位模式 + switch (mode) { + // 高精度定位模式:会同时使用网络定位和GPS定位,优先返回最高精度的定位结果,以及对应的地址描述信息。 + case LocationAccuracy.High: + await options.setLocationMode( + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode + .Hight_Accuracy); + break; + // 低功耗定位模式:不会使用GPS和其他传感器,只会使用网络定位(Wi-Fi和基站定位); + case LocationAccuracy.Low: + await options.setLocationMode( + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode + .Battery_Saving); + break; + case LocationAccuracy.DeviceSensor: + await options.setLocationMode( + com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClientOption_AMapLocationMode + .Device_Sensors); + break; + } + // 是否返回地址描述 + if (needAddress != null) await options.setNeedAddress(needAddress); + // 设置定位请求超时时间,默认为30秒。 + if (timeout != null) await options.setHttpTimeOut(timeout.inSeconds); + // 设置定位间隔 + if (interval != null) await options.setInterval(interval); + + await options.setSensorEnable(true); + + // 设置选项 + await _androidClient?.setLocationOption(options); + + // 开始定位 + await _androidClient?.startLocation(); + + yield* _locationController!.stream; + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + // 设置定位模式 + switch (mode) { + // 高精度定位模式:会同时使用网络定位和GPS定位,优先返回最高精度的定位结果,以及对应的地址描述信息。 + case LocationAccuracy.High: + await _iosClient?.set_desiredAccuracy(10); + break; + // 低功耗定位模式:不会使用GPS和其他传感器,只会使用网络定位(Wi-Fi和基站定位); + case LocationAccuracy.Low: + case LocationAccuracy.DeviceSensor: + await _iosClient?.set_desiredAccuracy(100); + break; + } + // 设置定位请求超时时间,默认为30秒。 + if (timeout != null) { + await _iosClient?.set_locationTimeout(timeout.inSeconds); + } + // 设定定位的最小更新距离 + if (distanceFilter != null) { + await _iosClient?.set_distanceFilter(distanceFilter); + } + + // 设置回调 + _iosLocationDelegate ??= await AMapLocationManagerDelegate.anonymous__(); + _iosLocationDelegate!.amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode = + (_, location, regeocode) async { + final latitude = await location!.coordinate.then((it) => it.latitude); + final longitude = await location.coordinate.then((it) => it.longitude); + if (!_locationController!.isClosed) { + _locationController!.add(Location( + address: await regeocode?.get_formattedAddress(), + latLng: LatLng(await latitude ?? 0, await longitude ?? 0), + altitude: await location.altitude, + bearing: await location.course, + country: await regeocode?.get_country(), + province: await regeocode?.get_province(), + city: await regeocode?.get_city(), + cityCode: await regeocode?.get_citycode(), + adCode: await regeocode?.get_adcode(), + district: await regeocode?.get_district(), + poiName: await regeocode?.get_POIName(), + street: await regeocode?.get_street(), + streetNumber: await regeocode?.get_number(), + aoiName: await regeocode?.get_AOIName(), + accuracy: await location.horizontalAccuracy, + speed: await location.speed, + )); + } + }; + await _iosClient?.set_delegate(_iosLocationDelegate!); + await _iosClient?.set_locatingWithReGeocode(true); + await _iosClient?.startUpdatingLocation(); + + yield* _locationController!.stream; + } + } + + /// 停止定位 + Future stopLocation() { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await _locationController?.close(); + _locationController = null; + + await _androidClient?.stopLocation(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await _locationController?.close(); + _locationController = null; + + await _iosClient?.stopUpdatingLocation(); + }, + ); + } + + /// 开启后台定位 + Future enableBackgroundLocation( + int id, + BackgroundNotification bgNotification, + ) { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final notification = await android_app_Notification.create( + contentTitle: bgNotification.contentTitle, + contentText: bgNotification.contentText, + when: bgNotification.when, + channelId: bgNotification.channelId, + channelName: bgNotification.channelName, + enableLights: bgNotification.enableLights, + showBadge: bgNotification.showBadge, + ); + await checkClient(); + await _androidClient?.enableBackgroundLocation(id, notification); + pool..add(notification); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await _iosClient?.set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(true); + await _iosClient?.set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically(false); + }, + ); + } + + /// 关闭后台定位 + Future disableBackgroundLocation(bool var1) { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await checkClient(); + await _androidClient?.disableBackgroundLocation(var1); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await _iosClient?.set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(false); + await _iosClient?.set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically(true); + }, + ); + } + + /// 确保client不为空 + Future checkClient() async { + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + // 获取上下文, 这里获取的是Application + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + + // 创建定位客户端 + _androidClient ??= await com_amap_api_location_AMapLocationClient + .create__android_content_Context(context); + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + _iosClient ??= await AMapLocationManager.create__(); + } + } + + void initAndroidListener() { + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + // 电子围栏回调 + MethodChannel( + 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFenceX::Callback', + kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec, + ).setMethodCallHandler((call) async { + if (call.method == + 'Callback::com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addGeoFenceX') { + final args = await call.arguments as Map; + final status = args['status'] as int; + final customId = args['customId'] as String; + final fenceId = args['fenceId'] as String; + debugPrint( + '收到围栏消息: status: $status, customId: $customId, fenceId:$fenceId'); + final fence = com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence() + ..refId = (args['fence'] as Ref).refId; + _geoFenceEventController?.add( + GeoFenceEvent( + customId: customId, + fenceId: fenceId, + status: GeoFenceStatusX.fromAndroid(status), + genFence:, + ), + ); + } + }); + } + } + + /// 创建圆形电子围栏 + Stream addCircleGeoFence({ + required LatLng center, + required double radius, + String customId = '', + List activeActions = const [ + GeoFenceActiveAction.In, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Out, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Stayed, + ], + }) async* { + _geoFenceEventController ??= StreamController.broadcast(); + + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + _androidGeoFenceClient ??= await com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + final point = await com_amap_api_location_DPoint.create__double__double( + center.latitude, center.longitude); + + await _androidGeoFenceClient?.addCircleGeoFence( + activeActions.getActiveAction(), + point, + radius, + customId, + ); + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + _iosGeoFenceClient ??= await AMapGeoFenceManager.create__(); + + _iosGeoFenceDelegate ??= await AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.anonymous__(); + _iosGeoFenceDelegate! + .amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error = + (_, region, customId, error) async { + final status = await region!.get_fenceStatus(); + _geoFenceEventController?.add( + GeoFenceEvent( + customId: customId, + fenceId: await region.get_identifier(), + status: GeoFenceStatusX.fromIOS(status!), + genFence: GeoFence.ios(region), + ), + ); + }; + _iosGeoFenceClient!.set_delegate(_iosGeoFenceDelegate!); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.set_activeActionX(activeActions.getActiveAction()); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(true); + + final point = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + center.latitude, + center.longitude, + ); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID( + point, radius, customId); + } else { + throw '未实现的平台'; + } + + yield* _geoFenceEventController!.stream; + } + + /// 创POI电子围栏 + Stream addPoiGeoFence({ + required String keyword, + String poiType = '', + String city = '', + int aroundRadius = 10, + String customId = '', + List activeActions = const [ + GeoFenceActiveAction.In, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Out, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Stayed, + ], + }) async* { + _geoFenceEventController ??= StreamController.broadcast(); + + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + _androidGeoFenceClient ??= await com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + await _androidGeoFenceClient?.addPoiGeoFence( + keyword: keyword, + poiType: poiType, + city: city, + aroundRadius: aroundRadius, + customId: customId, + activeAction: activeActions.getActiveAction(), + ); + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + _iosGeoFenceClient ??= await AMapGeoFenceManager.create__(); + _iosGeoFenceDelegate ??= await AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.anonymous__(); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_delegate( + _iosGeoFenceDelegate! + ..amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error = + (_, region, customId, error) async { + final status = await region!.get_fenceStatus(); + _geoFenceEventController?.add( + GeoFenceEvent( + customId: customId, + fenceId: await region.get_identifier(), + status: GeoFenceStatusX.fromIOS(status!), + genFence: GeoFence.ios(region), + ), + ); + }, + ); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.set_activeActionX(activeActions.getActiveAction()); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(true); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID( + keyword, + poiType, + city, + aroundRadius, + customId, + ); + } else { + throw '未实现的平台'; + } + + yield* _geoFenceEventController!.stream; + } + + /// 创建多边形电子围栏 + Stream addPolygonGeoFence({ + required List pointList, + String customId = '', + List activeActions = const [ + GeoFenceActiveAction.In, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Out, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Stayed, + ], + }) async* { + _geoFenceEventController ??= StreamController.broadcast(); + + final latitudeList = => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeList = => e.longitude).toList(); + + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + _androidGeoFenceClient ??= await com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + final _pointList = await com_amap_api_location_DPoint + .create_batch__double__double(latitudeList, longitudeList); + + await _androidGeoFenceClient?.addPolygonGeoFence( + polygon: _pointList, + customId: customId, + activeAction: activeActions.getActiveAction(), + ); + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + _iosGeoFenceClient ??= await AMapGeoFenceManager.create__(); + _iosGeoFenceDelegate ??= await AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.anonymous__(); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_delegate( + _iosGeoFenceDelegate! + ..amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error = + (_, region, customId, error) async { + final status = await region!.get_fenceStatus(); + _geoFenceEventController?.add( + GeoFenceEvent( + customId: customId, + fenceId: await region.get_identifier(), + status: GeoFenceStatusX.fromIOS(status!), + genFence: GeoFence.ios(region), + ), + ); + }, + ); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.set_activeActionX(activeActions.getActiveAction()); + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(true); + + final _pointList = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch( + latitudeList, longitudeList); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID( + _pointList, _pointList.length, customId); + } else { + throw '未实现的平台'; + } + + yield* _geoFenceEventController!.stream; + } + + /// 创建行政区划电子围栏 + Stream addDistrictGeoFence({ + required String keyword, + String customId = '', + List activeActions = const [ + GeoFenceActiveAction.In, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Out, + GeoFenceActiveAction.Stayed, + ], + }) async* { + _geoFenceEventController ??= StreamController.broadcast(); + + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + _androidGeoFenceClient ??= await com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + await _androidGeoFenceClient?.addDistrictGeoFence( + keyword: keyword, + customId: customId, + activeAction: activeActions.getActiveAction(), + ); + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + _iosGeoFenceClient ??= await AMapGeoFenceManager.create__(); + _iosGeoFenceDelegate ??= await AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.anonymous__(); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_delegate( + _iosGeoFenceDelegate! + ..amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error = + (_, region, customId, error) async { + final status = await region!.get_fenceStatus(); + _geoFenceEventController?.add( + GeoFenceEvent( + customId: customId, + fenceId: await region.get_identifier(), + status: GeoFenceStatusX.fromIOS(status!), + genFence: GeoFence.ios(region), + ), + ); + }, + ); + + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.set_activeActionX(activeActions.getActiveAction()); + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(true); + await _iosGeoFenceClient + ?.addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID( + keyword, customId); + } else { + throw '未实现的平台'; + } + + yield* _geoFenceEventController!.stream; + } + + /// 删除单个围栏 + Future removeGeoFence(GeoFence geoFence) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await _androidGeoFenceClient + ?.removeGeoFence__com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence( + geoFence.androidModel!); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.removeTheGeoFenceRegion(geoFence.iosModel!); + }, + ); + } + + /// 删除所有围栏 + Future removeAllGeoFence() async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await _androidGeoFenceClient?.removeGeoFence(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await _iosGeoFenceClient?.removeAllGeoFenceRegions(); + }, + ); + } + + /// 释放对象, 如果[AmapLocationDisposeMixin]不能满足需求时再使用这个方法 + Future dispose() async { + await _locationController?.close(); + _locationController = null; + + await _geoFenceEventController?.close(); + _geoFenceEventController = null; + + // 取消注册广播 + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::unregisterBroadcastReceiver'); + } + + await _androidClient?.onDestroy(); + await _androidClient?.release__(); + await _iosClient?.release__(); + + final isCurrentPlugin = (Ref it) => it.tag__ == 'amap_location_fluttify'; + await gGlobalReleasePool.where(isCurrentPlugin).release_batch(); + gGlobalReleasePool.removeWhere(isCurrentPlugin); + + _androidClient = null; + _iosClient = null; + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/enums.dart b/lib/src/facade/enums.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..054e5d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/enums.dart @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/// 定位模式 +enum LocationAccuracy { + /// 高 + High, + + /// 低 + Low, + + /// 设备传感器 仅android + DeviceSensor, +} + +/// 电子围栏激活动作 +enum GeoFenceActiveAction { + In, + Out, + Stayed, +} + +/// 电子围栏状态 +enum GeoFenceStatus { + Unknown, + In, + Out, + Stayed, +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart b/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7274ff6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; + +import 'enums.dart'; + +extension AMapGeoFenceManagerX on AMapGeoFenceManager { + // 由于ios端的枚举实际上是由int构成的, 所以枚举值拿来`或`, 但是dart这边枚举就是枚举, 或了之后就只能是int了 + // 这里需要加一个传递int值的相同方法 + Future set_activeActionX(int activeAction) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'AMapGeoFenceManager::set_activeAction', + {'__this__': this, "activeAction": activeAction}, + ); + } +} + +extension GeoFenceStatusX on GeoFenceStatus { + static GeoFenceStatus fromAndroid(int androidModel) { + return GeoFenceStatus.values[androidModel]; + } + + static GeoFenceStatus fromIOS(AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus iosModel) { + switch (iosModel) { + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusUnknown: + return GeoFenceStatus.Unknown; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusInside: + return GeoFenceStatus.In; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusOutside: + return GeoFenceStatus.Out; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusStayed: + return GeoFenceStatus.Stayed; + default: + return GeoFenceStatus.Unknown; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient_X + on com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient { + Future addCircleGeoFence( + int activeAction, + com_amap_api_location_DPoint center, + double radius, + String customId, + ) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addCircleGeoFenceX', + { + '__this__': this, + 'activeAction': activeAction, + 'center': center, + 'radius': radius, + 'customId': customId, + }, + ); + } + + Future addPoiGeoFence({ + required String keyword, + String? poiType, + String? city, + int? aroundRadius, + String customId = '', + int? activeAction, + }) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addPoiGeoFenceX', + { + '__this__': this, + 'activeAction': activeAction, + 'keyword': keyword, + 'poiType': poiType, + 'city': city, + 'size': aroundRadius, + 'customId': customId, + }, + ); + } + + Future addPolygonGeoFence({ + required List polygon, + String customId = '', + int? activeAction, + }) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addPolygonGeoFenceX', + { + '__this__': this, + 'polygon': polygon, + 'customId': customId, + 'activeAction': activeAction, + }, + ); + } + + Future addDistrictGeoFence({ + required String keyword, + String customId = '', + required int activeAction, + }) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.fence.GeoFenceClient::addDistrictGeoFenceX', + { + '__this__': this, + 'keyword': keyword, + 'customId': customId, + 'activeAction': activeAction, + }, + ); + } +} + +extension ListX on List { + int getActiveAction() { + debugPrint('激活动作: $this'); + int activeAction = 0; + if (contains(GeoFenceActiveAction.In)) { + activeAction |= com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient.GEOFENCE_IN; + } + if (contains(GeoFenceActiveAction.Out)) { + activeAction |= com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient.GEOFENCE_OUT; + } + if (contains(GeoFenceActiveAction.Stayed)) { + activeAction |= com_amap_api_fence_GeoFenceClient.GEOFENCE_STAYED; + } + debugPrint('激活动作解析结果: $activeAction'); + return activeAction; + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/models.dart b/lib/src/facade/models.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b08dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/models.dart @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; + +/// 定位结果 model +class Location { + Location({ + this.address, + this.latLng, + this.altitude, + this.bearing, +, + this.province, +, + this.cityCode, + this.adCode, + this.district, + this.poiName, + this.street, + this.streetNumber, + this.aoiName, + this.accuracy, + this.speed, + }); + + /// 地址全称 + String? address; + + /// 经纬度 + LatLng? latLng; + + /// 海拔 + double? altitude; + + /// 设备朝向/移动方向 + double? bearing; + + /// 国家 + String? country; + + /// 省份 + String? province; + + /// 城市 + String? city; + + /// 城市编号 + String? cityCode; + + /// 邮编 + String? adCode; + + /// 区域 + String? district; + + /// poi名称 + String? poiName; + + /// 街道 + String? street; + + /// 街道号 + String? streetNumber; + + /// aoi名称 + String? aoiName; + + /// 精度 + double? accuracy; + + /// 速度 + double? speed; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'Location{\naddress: $address, \nlatLng: ${latLng?.latitude}, ${latLng?.longitude}, \naltitude: $altitude, \nbearing: $bearing, \ncountry: $country, \nprovince: $province, \ncity: $city, \ncityCode: $cityCode, \nadCode: $adCode, \ndistrict: $district, \npoiName: $poiName, \nstreet: $street, \nstreetNumber: $streetNumber, \naoiName: $aoiName, \naccuracy: $accuracy\n}'; + } +} + +/// 后台定位notification +class BackgroundNotification { + BackgroundNotification({ + required this.contentTitle, + required this.contentText, + this.when, + required this.channelId, + required this.channelName, + this.enableLights = true, + this.showBadge = true, + }); + + String contentTitle; + String contentText; + int? when; + String channelId; + String channelName; + bool enableLights; + bool showBadge; +} + +class GeoFenceEvent { + final String? customId; + final String? fenceId; + final GeoFenceStatus? status; + final GeoFence? genFence; + + GeoFenceEvent({ + this.customId, + this.fenceId, + this.status, + this.genFence, + }); + + @override + String toString() { + return 'GeoFenceEvent{customId: $customId, fenceId: $fenceId, status: $status, genFence: $genFence}'; + } +} + +class GeoFence { + final com_amap_api_fence_GeoFence? androidModel; + final AMapGeoFenceRegion? iosModel; + + : this.iosModel = null; + + GeoFence.ios(this.iosModel) : this.androidModel = null; + + Future get customId async { + return platform( + android: (pool) => androidModel!.getCustomId(), + ios: (pool) => iosModel!.get_customID(), + ); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart b/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e81b21 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +const kAmapLocationFluttifyMessageCodec = FluttifyMessageCodec(tag: 'amap_location_fluttify'/*, androidCaster: AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs, iosCaster: AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs*/); +const kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec = StandardMethodCodec(kAmapLocationFluttifyMessageCodec); +const kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel = MethodChannel('me.yohom/amap_location_fluttify', kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec); +const kAmapLocationFluttifyProjectName = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + +Future releaseAmapLocationFluttifyPool() async { + final isCurrentPlugin = (Ref it) => it.tag__ == kAmapLocationFluttifyProjectName; + await gGlobalReleasePool.where(isCurrentPlugin).release_batch(); + gGlobalReleasePool.removeWhere(isCurrentPlugin); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5575fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapGeoFenceActiveAction { + AMapGeoFenceActiveActionNone /* 0 */, + AMapGeoFenceActiveActionInside /* 1<<0 */, + AMapGeoFenceActiveActionOutside /* 1<<1 */, + AMapGeoFenceActiveActionStayed /* 1<<2 */ +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceActiveActionToX on AMapGeoFenceActiveAction { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionNone: return 0; + case AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionInside: return 1<<0; + case AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionOutside: return 1<<1; + case AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionStayed: return 1<<2; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceActiveActionFromX on int { + AMapGeoFenceActiveAction toAMapGeoFenceActiveAction() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionNone; + case 1<<0: return AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionInside; + case 1<<1: return AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionOutside; + case 1<<2: return AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.AMapGeoFenceActiveActionStayed; + default: return AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b70a64 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion extends AMapGeoFenceRegion with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22f5944 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion extends AMapGeoFenceRegion with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_districtItem() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion::get_districtItem", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_districtItem_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion::get_districtItem_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0947035 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapGeoFenceErrorCode { + AMapGeoFenceErrorUnknown /* 1 */, + AMapGeoFenceErrorInvalidParameter /* 2 */, + AMapGeoFenceErrorFailureConnection /* 3 */, + AMapGeoFenceErrorFailureAuth /* 4 */, + AMapGeoFenceErrorNoValidFence /* 5 */, + AMapGeoFenceErroFailureLocating /* 6 */, + AMapGeoFenceErroFailureFullAccuracyLocating /* 7 */ +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceErrorCodeToX on AMapGeoFenceErrorCode { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorUnknown: return 1; + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorInvalidParameter: return 2; + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorFailureConnection: return 3; + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorFailureAuth: return 4; + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorNoValidFence: return 5; + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErroFailureLocating: return 6; + case AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErroFailureFullAccuracyLocating: return 7; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceErrorCodeFromX on int { + AMapGeoFenceErrorCode toAMapGeoFenceErrorCode() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorUnknown; + case 2: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorInvalidParameter; + case 3: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorFailureConnection; + case 4: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorFailureAuth; + case 5: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErrorNoValidFence; + case 6: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErroFailureLocating; + case 7: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.AMapGeoFenceErroFailureFullAccuracyLocating; + default: return AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManager.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManager.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d902e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManager.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,611 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoFenceManager extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoFenceManager'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceManager', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceManager', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_activeAction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_activeAction", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceActiveAction(); + } + + Future get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_delegate(AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate delegate) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + Future set_activeAction(AMapGeoFenceActiveAction activeAction) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_activeAction', {'__this__': this, "activeAction": activeAction.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically(bool pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically', {'__this__': this, "pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically}); + } + + Future set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(bool allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates', {'__this__': this, "allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates}); + } + + Future set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation(bool detectRiskOfFakeLocation) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation', {'__this__': this, "detectRiskOfFakeLocation": detectRiskOfFakeLocation}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID(CLLocationCoordinate2D center, double radius, String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter([\'radius\':$radius, \'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID', {"center": center, "radius": radius, "customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID(List coordinates, int count, String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count, \'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID', {"coordinates": coordinates, "count": count, "customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID(String keyword, String type, String city, int size, String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword([\'keyword\':$keyword, \'type\':$type, \'city\':$city, \'size\':$size, \'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID', {"keyword": keyword, "type": type, "city": city, "size": size, "customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID(CLLocationCoordinate2D locationPoint, int aroundRadius, String keyword, String type, int size, String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint([\'aroundRadius\':$aroundRadius, \'keyword\':$keyword, \'type\':$type, \'size\':$size, \'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID', {"locationPoint": locationPoint, "aroundRadius": aroundRadius, "keyword": keyword, "type": type, "size": size, "customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID(String districtName, String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName([\'districtName\':$districtName, \'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID', {"districtName": districtName, "customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future statusWithGeoFenceRegion(AMapGeoFenceRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::statusWithGeoFenceRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::statusWithGeoFenceRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus(); + } + + + Future?> geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID([\'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID', {"customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID([\'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID', {"customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID([\'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID', {"customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID([\'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID', {"customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future pauseTheGeoFenceRegion(AMapGeoFenceRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID([\'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID', {"customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future startTheGeoFenceRegion(AMapGeoFenceRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::startTheGeoFenceRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::startTheGeoFenceRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeTheGeoFenceRegion(AMapGeoFenceRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::removeTheGeoFenceRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::removeTheGeoFenceRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID(String customID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID([\'customID\':$customID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID', {"customID": customID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeAllGeoFenceRegions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoFenceManager@$refId::removeAllGeoFenceRegions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::removeAllGeoFenceRegions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoFenceManager{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceManager_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_activeAction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_activeAction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceActiveAction()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_activeAction_batch(List activeAction) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_activeAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "activeAction": activeAction[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch(List pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch(List allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch(List detectRiskOfFakeLocation) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "detectRiskOfFakeLocation": detectRiskOfFakeLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID_batch(List center, List radius, List customID) async { + assert(center.length == radius.length && radius.length == customID.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addCircleRegionForMonitoringWithCenter_radius_customID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"center": center[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__], "customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID_batch(List> coordinates, List count, List customID) async { + assert(coordinates.length == count.length && count.length == customID.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addPolygonRegionForMonitoringWithCoordinates_count_customID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinates": coordinates[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID_batch(List keyword, List type, List city, List size, List customID) async { + assert(keyword.length == type.length && type.length == city.length && city.length == size.length && size.length == customID.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addKeywordPOIRegionForMonitoringWithKeyword_POIType_city_size_customID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"keyword": keyword[__i__], "type": type[__i__], "city": city[__i__], "size": size[__i__], "customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID_batch(List locationPoint, List aroundRadius, List keyword, List type, List size, List customID) async { + assert(locationPoint.length == aroundRadius.length && aroundRadius.length == keyword.length && keyword.length == type.length && type.length == size.length && size.length == customID.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addAroundPOIRegionForMonitoringWithLocationPoint_aroundRadius_keyword_POIType_size_customID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"locationPoint": locationPoint[__i__], "aroundRadius": aroundRadius[__i__], "keyword": keyword[__i__], "type": type[__i__], "size": size[__i__], "customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID_batch(List districtName, List customID) async { + assert(districtName.length == customID.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::addDistrictRegionForMonitoringWithDistrictName_customID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"districtName": districtName[__i__], "customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> statusWithGeoFenceRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::statusWithGeoFenceRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch(List customID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::geoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch(List customID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::monitoringGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch(List customID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::pausedGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch(List customID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> pauseTheGeoFenceRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::pauseTheGeoFenceRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch(List customID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::startGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> startTheGeoFenceRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::startTheGeoFenceRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeTheGeoFenceRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::removeTheGeoFenceRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch(List customID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::removeGeoFenceRegionsWithCustomID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customID": customID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeAllGeoFenceRegions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManager::removeAllGeoFenceRegions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1785f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate {} + +mixin AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate on NSObject { + + + static AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate subInstance() => _AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'amapGeoFenceManager_doRequireLocationAuth': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapGeoFenceManager_doRequireLocationAuth?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'locationManager\':${args['locationManager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapGeoFenceManager_doRequireLocationAuth?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['locationManager'])); + break; + case 'amapGeoFenceManager_didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished_customID_error': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapGeoFenceManager_didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished_customID_error?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'regions\':${args['regions']}, \'customID\':${args['customID']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapGeoFenceManager_didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished_customID_error?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), (args['regions'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['customID'], AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'region\':${args['region']}, \'customID\':${args['customID']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['region']), args['customID'], AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(AMapGeoFenceManager? manager, CLLocationManager? locationManager, void Function(NSError? error) completion)? amapLocationManager_doRequireTemporaryFullAccuracyAuth_completion; + + Future Function(AMapGeoFenceManager? manager, CLLocationManager? locationManager)? amapGeoFenceManager_doRequireLocationAuth; + + Future Function(AMapGeoFenceManager? manager, List? regions, String? customID, NSError? error)? amapGeoFenceManager_didAddRegionForMonitoringFinished_customID_error; + + Future Function(AMapGeoFenceManager? manager, AMapGeoFenceRegion? region, String? customID, NSError? error)? amapGeoFenceManager_didGeoFencesStatusChangedForRegion_customID_error; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePOIRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePOIRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1ee620 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePOIRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoFencePOIRegion extends AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoFencePOIRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFencePOIRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFencePOIRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_POIItem() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFencePOIRegion::get_POIItem", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoFencePOIRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFencePOIRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_POIItem_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFencePOIRegion::get_POIItem_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c53fcf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion extends AMapGeoFenceRegion with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_coordinates() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_coordinates", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_coordinates_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_coordinates_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..998c8de --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoFenceRegion extends NSObject with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoFenceRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoFenceRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoFenceRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_identifier() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_identifier", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_customID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_customID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_fenceStatus() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_fenceStatus", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceRegionStatus(); + } + + Future get_regionType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_regionType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceRegionType(); + } + + Future get_currentLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_currentLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_fenceStatus(AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus fenceStatus) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_fenceStatus', {'__this__': this, "fenceStatus": fenceStatus.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_regionType(AMapGeoFenceRegionType regionType) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_regionType', {'__this__': this, "regionType": regionType.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_currentLocation(CLLocation currentLocation) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_currentLocation', {'__this__': this, "currentLocation": currentLocation}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoFenceRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_identifier_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_identifier_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_customID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_customID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_fenceStatus_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_fenceStatus_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceRegionStatus()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_regionType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_regionType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapGeoFenceRegionType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_currentLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoFenceRegion::get_currentLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_fenceStatus_batch(List fenceStatus) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_fenceStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "fenceStatus": fenceStatus[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_regionType_batch(List regionType) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_regionType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "regionType": regionType[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_currentLocation_batch(List currentLocation) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoFenceRegion::set_currentLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "currentLocation": currentLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94b3f0e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus { + AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveUNMonitor /* 0 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveMonitoring /* 1<<0 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionActivePaused /* 1<<1 */ +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatusToX on AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveUNMonitor: return 0; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveMonitoring: return 1<<0; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionActivePaused: return 1<<1; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatusFromX on int { + AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus toAMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveUNMonitor; + case 1<<0: return AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveMonitoring; + case 1<<1: return AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionActivePaused; + default: return AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d03c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus { + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusUnknown /* 0 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusInside /* 1 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusOutside /* 2 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusStayed /* 3 */ +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusToX on AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusUnknown: return 0; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusInside: return 1; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusOutside: return 2; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusStayed: return 3; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusFromX on int { + AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus toAMapGeoFenceRegionStatus() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusUnknown; + case 1: return AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusInside; + case 2: return AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusOutside; + case 3: return AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.AMapGeoFenceRegionStatusStayed; + default: return AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bea160 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoFenceRegionType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapGeoFenceRegionType { + AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeCircle /* 0 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionTypePolygon /* 1 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionTypePOI /* 2 */, + AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeDistrict /* 3 */ +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeToX on AMapGeoFenceRegionType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeCircle: return 0; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypePolygon: return 1; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypePOI: return 2; + case AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeDistrict: return 3; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeFromX on int { + AMapGeoFenceRegionType toAMapGeoFenceRegionType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeCircle; + case 1: return AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypePolygon; + case 2: return AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypePOI; + case 3: return AMapGeoFenceRegionType.AMapGeoFenceRegionTypeDistrict; + default: return AMapGeoFenceRegionType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationAccuracyMode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationAccuracyMode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c66a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationAccuracyMode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapLocationAccuracyMode { + AMapLocationFullAndReduceAccuracy /* 0 */, + AMapLocationFullAccuracy /* null */, + AMapLocationReduceAccuracy /* null */ +} + +extension AMapLocationAccuracyModeToX on AMapLocationAccuracyMode { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapLocationAccuracyMode.AMapLocationFullAndReduceAccuracy: return 0; + case AMapLocationAccuracyMode.AMapLocationFullAccuracy: return AMapLocationAccuracyMode.AMapLocationFullAccuracy.index + 0; + case AMapLocationAccuracyMode.AMapLocationReduceAccuracy: return AMapLocationAccuracyMode.AMapLocationReduceAccuracy.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapLocationAccuracyModeFromX on int { + AMapLocationAccuracyMode toAMapLocationAccuracyMode() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapLocationAccuracyMode.AMapLocationFullAndReduceAccuracy; + default: return AMapLocationAccuracyMode.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCircleRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCircleRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18b9594 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCircleRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationCircleRegion extends AMapLocationRegion with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationCircleRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationCircleRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationCircleRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithCenter_radius_identifier(CLLocationCoordinate2D center, double radius, String identifier) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationCircleRegion@$refId::initWithCenter([\'radius\':$radius, \'identifier\':$identifier])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationCircleRegion::initWithCenter_radius_identifier', {"center": center, "radius": radius, "identifier": identifier, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationCircleRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationCircleRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationCircleRegion::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithCenter_radius_identifier_batch(List center, List radius, List identifier) async { + assert(center.length == radius.length && radius.length == identifier.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationCircleRegion::initWithCenter_radius_identifier_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"center": center[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__], "identifier": identifier[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCoordinateType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCoordinateType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd03ca4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationCoordinateType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapLocationCoordinateType { + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeBaidu /* 0 */, + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeMapBar /* null */, + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeMapABC /* null */, + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeSoSoMap /* null */, + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeAliYun /* null */, + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeGoogle /* null */, + AMapLocationCoordinateTypeGPS /* null */ +} + +extension AMapLocationCoordinateTypeToX on AMapLocationCoordinateType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeBaidu: return 0; + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeMapBar: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeMapBar.index + 0; + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeMapABC: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeMapABC.index + 0; + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeSoSoMap: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeSoSoMap.index + 0; + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeAliYun: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeAliYun.index + 0; + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeGoogle: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeGoogle.index + 0; + case AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeGPS: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeGPS.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapLocationCoordinateTypeFromX on int { + AMapLocationCoordinateType toAMapLocationCoordinateType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.AMapLocationCoordinateTypeBaidu; + default: return AMapLocationCoordinateType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationDistrictItem.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationDistrictItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..269abb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationDistrictItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationDistrictItem extends NSObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationDistrictItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationDistrictItem', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationDistrictItem', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_cityCode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_cityCode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_districtCode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_districtCode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_cityCode(String cityCode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_cityCode', {'__this__': this, "cityCode": cityCode}); + } + + Future set_districtCode(String districtCode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_districtCode', {'__this__': this, "districtCode": districtCode}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationDistrictItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationDistrictItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_cityCode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_cityCode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_districtCode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_districtCode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationDistrictItem::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_cityCode_batch(List cityCode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_cityCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cityCode": cityCode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_districtCode_batch(List districtCode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_districtCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "districtCode": districtCode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDistrictItem::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationErrorCode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationErrorCode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0357398 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationErrorCode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapLocationErrorCode { + AMapLocationErrorUnknown /* 1 */, + AMapLocationErrorLocateFailed /* 2 */, + AMapLocationErrorReGeocodeFailed /* 3 */, + AMapLocationErrorTimeOut /* 4 */, + AMapLocationErrorCanceled /* 5 */, + AMapLocationErrorCannotFindHost /* 6 */, + AMapLocationErrorBadURL /* 7 */, + AMapLocationErrorNotConnectedToInternet /* 8 */, + AMapLocationErrorCannotConnectToHost /* 9 */, + AMapLocationErrorRegionMonitoringFailure /* 10 */, + AMapLocationErrorRiskOfFakeLocation /* 11 */, + AMapLocationErrorNoFullAccuracyAuth /* 12 */ +} + +extension AMapLocationErrorCodeToX on AMapLocationErrorCode { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorUnknown: return 1; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorLocateFailed: return 2; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorReGeocodeFailed: return 3; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorTimeOut: return 4; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorCanceled: return 5; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorCannotFindHost: return 6; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorBadURL: return 7; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorNotConnectedToInternet: return 8; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorCannotConnectToHost: return 9; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorRegionMonitoringFailure: return 10; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorRiskOfFakeLocation: return 11; + case AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorNoFullAccuracyAuth: return 12; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapLocationErrorCodeFromX on int { + AMapLocationErrorCode toAMapLocationErrorCode() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorUnknown; + case 2: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorLocateFailed; + case 3: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorReGeocodeFailed; + case 4: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorTimeOut; + case 5: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorCanceled; + case 6: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorCannotFindHost; + case 7: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorBadURL; + case 8: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorNotConnectedToInternet; + case 9: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorCannotConnectToHost; + case 10: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorRegionMonitoringFailure; + case 11: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorRiskOfFakeLocation; + case 12: return AMapLocationErrorCode.AMapLocationErrorNoFullAccuracyAuth; + default: return AMapLocationErrorCode.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManager.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManager.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f01634 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManager.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,630 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationManager extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationManager'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationManager', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationManager', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_distanceFilter() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_distanceFilter", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_desiredAccuracy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_desiredAccuracy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_locationTimeout() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_locationTimeout", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_reGeocodeTimeout() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeTimeout", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_locatingWithReGeocode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_locatingWithReGeocode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_reGeocodeLanguage() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeLanguage", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage(); + } + + Future get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_locationAccuracyMode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_locationAccuracyMode", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapLocationAccuracyMode(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_delegate(AMapLocationManagerDelegate delegate) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + Future set_distanceFilter(double distanceFilter) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_distanceFilter', {'__this__': this, "distanceFilter": distanceFilter}); + } + + Future set_desiredAccuracy(double desiredAccuracy) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_desiredAccuracy', {'__this__': this, "desiredAccuracy": desiredAccuracy}); + } + + Future set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically(bool pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically', {'__this__': this, "pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically}); + } + + Future set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(bool allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates', {'__this__': this, "allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates}); + } + + Future set_locationTimeout(int locationTimeout) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_locationTimeout', {'__this__': this, "locationTimeout": locationTimeout}); + } + + Future set_reGeocodeTimeout(int reGeocodeTimeout) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeTimeout', {'__this__': this, "reGeocodeTimeout": reGeocodeTimeout}); + } + + Future set_locatingWithReGeocode(bool locatingWithReGeocode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_locatingWithReGeocode', {'__this__': this, "locatingWithReGeocode": locatingWithReGeocode}); + } + + Future set_reGeocodeLanguage(AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage reGeocodeLanguage) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeLanguage', {'__this__': this, "reGeocodeLanguage": reGeocodeLanguage.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation(bool detectRiskOfFakeLocation) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation', {'__this__': this, "detectRiskOfFakeLocation": detectRiskOfFakeLocation}); + } + + Future set_locationAccuracyMode(AMapLocationAccuracyMode locationAccuracyMode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_locationAccuracyMode', {'__this__': this, "locationAccuracyMode": locationAccuracyMode.toValue()}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future headingAvailable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startUpdatingHeading() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::startUpdatingHeading([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingHeading', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopUpdatingHeading() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::stopUpdatingHeading([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingHeading', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future requestLocationWithReGeocode_completionBlock(bool withReGeocode, void Function(CLLocation? location, AMapLocationReGeocode? regeocode, NSError? error) completionBlock) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::requestLocationWithReGeocode([\'withReGeocode\':$withReGeocode])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::requestLocationWithReGeocode_completionBlock', {"withReGeocode": withReGeocode, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('AMapLocatingCompletionBlock::Callback@$refId', kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'AMapLocatingCompletionBlock__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: completionBlock([\'location\':${args['location']}, \'regeocode\':${args['regeocode']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + completionBlock(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['location']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['regeocode']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startUpdatingLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::startUpdatingLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopUpdatingLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::stopUpdatingLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future startMonitoringForRegion(AMapLocationRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::startMonitoringForRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::startMonitoringForRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future stopMonitoringForRegion(AMapLocationRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::stopMonitoringForRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::stopMonitoringForRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future requestStateForRegion(AMapLocationRegion region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager@$refId::requestStateForRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::requestStateForRegion', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus, AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo', {"showStatus": showStatus.toValue(), "containStatus": containStatus.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyAgree(AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree', {"agreeStatus": agreeStatus.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationManager{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationManager_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_distanceFilter_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_distanceFilter_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_desiredAccuracy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_desiredAccuracy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_locationTimeout_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_locationTimeout_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_reGeocodeTimeout_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeTimeout_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_locatingWithReGeocode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_locatingWithReGeocode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_reGeocodeLanguage_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_reGeocodeLanguage_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_locationAccuracyMode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationManager::get_locationAccuracyMode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapLocationAccuracyMode()).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distanceFilter_batch(List distanceFilter) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_distanceFilter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distanceFilter": distanceFilter[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_desiredAccuracy_batch(List desiredAccuracy) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_desiredAccuracy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "desiredAccuracy": desiredAccuracy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch(List pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch(List allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_locationTimeout_batch(List locationTimeout) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_locationTimeout_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "locationTimeout": locationTimeout[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_reGeocodeTimeout_batch(List reGeocodeTimeout) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeTimeout_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "reGeocodeTimeout": reGeocodeTimeout[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_locatingWithReGeocode_batch(List locatingWithReGeocode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_locatingWithReGeocode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "locatingWithReGeocode": locatingWithReGeocode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_reGeocodeLanguage_batch(List reGeocodeLanguage) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_reGeocodeLanguage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "reGeocodeLanguage": reGeocodeLanguage[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch(List detectRiskOfFakeLocation) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_detectRiskOfFakeLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "detectRiskOfFakeLocation": detectRiskOfFakeLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_locationAccuracyMode_batch(List locationAccuracyMode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::set_locationAccuracyMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "locationAccuracyMode": locationAccuracyMode[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> headingAvailable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::headingAvailable_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startUpdatingHeading_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingHeading_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopUpdatingHeading_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingHeading_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startUpdatingLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::startUpdatingLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopUpdatingLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::stopUpdatingLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> startMonitoringForRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::startMonitoringForRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> stopMonitoringForRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::stopMonitoringForRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> requestStateForRegion_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::requestStateForRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch(List showStatus, List containStatus) async { + assert(showStatus.length == containStatus.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < showStatus.length; __i__++) {"showStatus": showStatus[__i__].toValue(), "containStatus": containStatus[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyAgree_batch(List agreeStatus) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManager::updatePrivacyAgree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < agreeStatus.length; __i__++) {"agreeStatus": agreeStatus[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManagerDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManagerDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d9e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationManagerDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _AMapLocationManagerDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with AMapLocationManagerDelegate {} + +mixin AMapLocationManagerDelegate on NSObject { + + + static AMapLocationManagerDelegate subInstance() => _AMapLocationManagerDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationManagerDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('AMapLocationManagerDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapLocationFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'amapLocationManager_doRequireLocationAuth': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_doRequireLocationAuth?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'locationManager\':${args['locationManager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_doRequireLocationAuth?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['locationManager'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didFailWithError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didFailWithError?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didFailWithError?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'location\':${args['location']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['location'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'location\':${args['location']}, \'reGeocode\':${args['reGeocode']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['location']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['reGeocode'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'status\':${args['status']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), (args['status'] as int).toCLAuthorizationStatus()); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'locationManager\':${args['locationManager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['locationManager'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didUpdateHeading': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didUpdateHeading?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'newHeading\':${args['newHeading']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didUpdateHeading?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['newHeading'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didStartMonitoringForRegion': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didStartMonitoringForRegion?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'region\':${args['region']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didStartMonitoringForRegion?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['region'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didEnterRegion': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didEnterRegion?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'region\':${args['region']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didEnterRegion?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['region'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didExitRegion': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didExitRegion?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'region\':${args['region']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didExitRegion?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['region'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_didDetermineState_forRegion': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_didDetermineState_forRegion?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'state\':${args['state']}, \'region\':${args['region']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_didDetermineState_forRegion?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), (args['state'] as int).toAMapLocationRegionState(), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['region'])); + break; + case 'amapLocationManager_monitoringDidFailForRegion_withError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.amapLocationManager_monitoringDidFailForRegion_withError?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'region\':${args['region']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.amapLocationManager_monitoringDidFailForRegion_withError?.call(AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['region']), AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLLocationManager? locationManager, void Function(NSError? error) completion)? amapLocationManager_doRequireTemporaryFullAccuracyAuth_completion; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLLocationManager? locationManager)? amapLocationManager_doRequireLocationAuth; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, NSError? error)? amapLocationManager_didFailWithError; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLLocation? location)? amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLLocation? location, AMapLocationReGeocode? reGeocode)? amapLocationManager_didUpdateLocation_reGeocode; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLAuthorizationStatus? status)? amapLocationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLLocationManager? locationManager)? amapLocationManager_locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager)? amapLocationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, CLHeading? newHeading)? amapLocationManager_didUpdateHeading; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, AMapLocationRegion? region)? amapLocationManager_didStartMonitoringForRegion; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, AMapLocationRegion? region)? amapLocationManager_didEnterRegion; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, AMapLocationRegion? region)? amapLocationManager_didExitRegion; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, AMapLocationRegionState? state, AMapLocationRegion? region)? amapLocationManager_didDetermineState_forRegion; + + Future Function(AMapLocationManager? manager, AMapLocationRegion? region, NSError? error)? amapLocationManager_monitoringDidFailForRegion_withError; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPOIItem.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPOIItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90ddaf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPOIItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationPOIItem extends NSObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationPOIItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPOIItem', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationPOIItem', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_pId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_pId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_typeCode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_typeCode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_tel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_tel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_pId(String pId) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_pId', {'__this__': this, "pId": pId}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_type(String type) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_typeCode(String typeCode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_typeCode', {'__this__': this, "typeCode": typeCode}); + } + + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapLocationPoint location) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_tel(String tel) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_tel', {'__this__': this, "tel": tel}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationPOIItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationPOIItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_pId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_pId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_typeCode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_typeCode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_tel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPOIItem::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_pId_batch(List pId) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_pId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pId": pId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_typeCode_batch(List typeCode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_typeCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "typeCode": typeCode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tel_batch(List tel) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_tel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tel": tel[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPOIItem::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb003fa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationPoint extends NSObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationPoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPoint', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationPoint', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_latitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPoint::get_latitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_longitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPoint::get_longitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitude(double latitude) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPoint::set_latitude', {'__this__': this, "latitude": latitude}); + } + + Future set_longitude(double longitude) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPoint::set_longitude', {'__this__': this, "longitude": longitude}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future locationWithLatitude_longitude(double lat, double lon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude([\'lat\':$lat, \'lon\':$lon])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude', {"lat": lat, "lon": lon}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationPoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationPoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_latitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPoint::get_latitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_longitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPoint::get_longitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitude_batch(List latitude) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPoint::set_latitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "latitude": latitude[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_longitude_batch(List longitude) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPoint::set_longitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "longitude": longitude[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> locationWithLatitude_longitude_batch(List lat, List lon) async { + assert(lat.length == lon.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < lat.length; __i__++) {"lat": lat[__i__], "lon": lon[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPolygonRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPolygonRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e83ad26 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationPolygonRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationPolygonRegion extends AMapLocationRegion with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationPolygonRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationPolygonRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationPolygonRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_coordinates() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_coordinates", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithCoordinates_count_identifier(List coordinates, int count, String identifier) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationPolygonRegion@$refId::initWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count, \'identifier\':$identifier])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPolygonRegion::initWithCoordinates_count_identifier', {"coordinates": coordinates, "count": count, "identifier": identifier, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationPolygonRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationPolygonRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_coordinates_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_coordinates_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationPolygonRegion::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithCoordinates_count_identifier_batch(List> coordinates, List count, List identifier) async { + assert(coordinates.length == count.length && count.length == identifier.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationPolygonRegion::initWithCoordinates_count_identifier_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinates": coordinates[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "identifier": identifier[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8bef6e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationReGeocode extends NSObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationReGeocode'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationReGeocode', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationReGeocode', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_formattedAddress() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_formattedAddress", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_country() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_country", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_township() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_township", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_neighborhood() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_neighborhood", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_building() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_building", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_street() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_street", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_number() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_number", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_POIName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_POIName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_AOIName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_AOIName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_formattedAddress(String formattedAddress) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_formattedAddress', {'__this__': this, "formattedAddress": formattedAddress}); + } + + Future set_country(String country) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_country', {'__this__': this, "country": country}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + Future set_township(String township) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_township', {'__this__': this, "township": township}); + } + + Future set_neighborhood(String neighborhood) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_neighborhood', {'__this__': this, "neighborhood": neighborhood}); + } + + Future set_building(String building) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_building', {'__this__': this, "building": building}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_street(String street) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_street', {'__this__': this, "street": street}); + } + + Future set_number(String number) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_number', {'__this__': this, "number": number}); + } + + Future set_POIName(String POIName) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_POIName', {'__this__': this, "POIName": POIName}); + } + + Future set_AOIName(String AOIName) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_AOIName', {'__this__': this, "AOIName": AOIName}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationReGeocode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationReGeocode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_formattedAddress_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_formattedAddress_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_country_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_country_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_township_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_township_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_neighborhood_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_neighborhood_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_building_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_building_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_street_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_street_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_number_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_number_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_POIName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_POIName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_AOIName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationReGeocode::get_AOIName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_formattedAddress_batch(List formattedAddress) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_formattedAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "formattedAddress": formattedAddress[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_country_batch(List country) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_country_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "country": country[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_township_batch(List township) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_township_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "township": township[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_neighborhood_batch(List neighborhood) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_neighborhood_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "neighborhood": neighborhood[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_building_batch(List building) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_building_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "building": building[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_street_batch(List street) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_street_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "street": street[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_number_batch(List number) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_number_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "number": number[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_POIName_batch(List POIName) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_POIName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "POIName": POIName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_AOIName_batch(List AOIName) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationReGeocode::set_AOIName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "AOIName": AOIName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d4df1a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage { + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageDefault /* 0 */, + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageChinse /* 1 */, + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageEnglish /* 2 */ +} + +extension AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageToX on AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageDefault: return 0; + case AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageChinse: return 1; + case AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageEnglish: return 2; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageFromX on int { + AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage toAMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageDefault; + case 1: return AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageChinse; + case 2: return AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguageEnglish; + default: return AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7aa7af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationRegion extends NSObject with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_location_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_identifier() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationRegion::get_identifier", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_notifyOnEntry() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnEntry", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_notifyOnExit() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnExit", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_notifyOnEntry(bool notifyOnEntry) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnEntry', {'__this__': this, "notifyOnEntry": notifyOnEntry}); + } + + Future set_notifyOnExit(bool notifyOnExit) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnExit', {'__this__': this, "notifyOnExit": notifyOnExit}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithIdentifier(String identifier) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationRegion@$refId::initWithIdentifier([\'identifier\':$identifier])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::initWithIdentifier', {"identifier": identifier, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future containsCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationRegion@$refId::containsCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::containsCoordinate', {"coordinate": coordinate, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_identifier_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationRegion::get_identifier_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_notifyOnEntry_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnEntry_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_notifyOnExit_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationRegion::get_notifyOnExit_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_notifyOnEntry_batch(List notifyOnEntry) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnEntry_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "notifyOnEntry": notifyOnEntry[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_notifyOnExit_batch(List notifyOnExit) async { + await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::set_notifyOnExit_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "notifyOnExit": notifyOnExit[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithIdentifier_batch(List identifier) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::initWithIdentifier_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"identifier": identifier[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> containsCoordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationRegion::containsCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegionState.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegionState.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5086b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationRegionState.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapLocationRegionState { + AMapLocationRegionStateUnknow /* 0 */, + AMapLocationRegionStateInside /* 1 */, + AMapLocationRegionStateOutside /* 2 */ +} + +extension AMapLocationRegionStateToX on AMapLocationRegionState { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapLocationRegionState.AMapLocationRegionStateUnknow: return 0; + case AMapLocationRegionState.AMapLocationRegionStateInside: return 1; + case AMapLocationRegionState.AMapLocationRegionStateOutside: return 2; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapLocationRegionStateFromX on int { + AMapLocationRegionState toAMapLocationRegionState() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapLocationRegionState.AMapLocationRegionStateUnknow; + case 1: return AMapLocationRegionState.AMapLocationRegionStateInside; + case 2: return AMapLocationRegionState.AMapLocationRegionStateOutside; + default: return AMapLocationRegionState.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0287f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import '../facade/shared.g.dart'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +Future get AMapGeoFenceErrorDomain async { + return kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getAMapGeoFenceErrorDomain'); +} + +Future get AMapLocationErrorDomain async { + return kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getAMapLocationErrorDomain'); +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca9225e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +Future AMapLocationCoordinateConvert(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, AMapLocationCoordinateType type) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationCoordinateConvert::AMapLocationCoordinateConvert([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationCoordinateConvert::AMapLocationCoordinateConvert', {"coordinate": coordinate, "type": type.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate::AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate::AMapLocationDataAvailableForCoordinate', {"coordinate": coordinate}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b787088 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +export 'AMapLocationPoint.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationManagerDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceRegionStatus.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceActiveAction.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationRegionState.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFencePOIRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion.g.dart'; +export 'type_op.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationErrorCode.g.dart'; +export 'constants.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationPolygonRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationReGeocodeLanguage.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceRegionType.g.dart'; +export 'functions.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationCoordinateType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceErrorCode.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationDistrictItem.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationAccuracyMode.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationManager.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationPOIItem.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceRegionActiveStatus.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoFenceManager.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationCircleRegion.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationReGeocode.g.dart'; +export '../facade/shared.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5dbdcc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + + +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import +// type check +@optionalTypeArgs +Future AmapLocationFluttifyIOSIs(dynamic __this__) async { + final typeName = T.toString(); + if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ is T; + } + else if (T == AMapGeoFenceManager) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationCircleRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationCircleRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationPolygonRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationPolygonRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceCircleRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFencePolygonRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFencePOIRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFencePOIRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationManager) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationManagerDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationManagerDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationReGeocode) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationReGeocode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationPoint) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationPOIItem) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationPOIItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationDistrictItem) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationDistrictItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLLocation) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLLocation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLHeading) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLHeading', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CGRect) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCGRect', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CGPoint) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCGPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CGSize) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCGSize', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIEdgeInsets) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIEdgeInsets', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLLocationCoordinate2D) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLLocationCoordinate2D', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLLocationManager) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLLocationManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSError) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSError', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSCoding) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSCoding', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSCopying) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSCopying', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSMutableCopying) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSMutableCopying', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIView) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIViewController) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIViewController', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIControl) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIControl', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIImage) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIImage', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIImageView) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIImageView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIColor) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIColor', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSData) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSData', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSDate) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSDate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSOperation) { + final result = await kAmapLocationFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSOperation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } + else { + return false; + } +} + +// type cast +// 给一个可选的泛型, 如果没有指定泛型就返回dynamic +@optionalTypeArgs +T? AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(dynamic __this__) { + final typeName = T.toString(); + + if (__this__ == null) { + return null; + } else if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ as T; + } + else if (T == AMapGeoFenceManager) { + return (AMapGeoFenceManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate) { + return (AMapGeoFenceManagerDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationRegion) { + return (AMapLocationRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationCircleRegion) { + return (AMapLocationCircleRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationPolygonRegion) { + return (AMapLocationPolygonRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceRegion) { + return (AMapGeoFenceRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion) { + return (AMapGeoFenceCircleRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion) { + return (AMapGeoFencePolygonRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFencePOIRegion) { + return (AMapGeoFencePOIRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion) { + return (AMapGeoFenceDistrictRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationManager) { + return (AMapLocationManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationManagerDelegate) { + return (AMapLocationManagerDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationReGeocode) { + return (AMapLocationReGeocode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationPoint) { + return (AMapLocationPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationPOIItem) { + return (AMapLocationPOIItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationDistrictItem) { + return (AMapLocationDistrictItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLLocation) { + return (CLLocation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLHeading) { + return (CLHeading()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CGRect) { + return (CGRect()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CGPoint) { + return (CGPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CGSize) { + return (CGSize()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIEdgeInsets) { + return (UIEdgeInsets()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLLocationCoordinate2D) { + return (CLLocationCoordinate2D()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLLocationManager) { + return (CLLocationManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSError) { + return (NSError()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSCoding) { + return (NSCoding.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSCopying) { + return (NSCopying.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSMutableCopying) { + return (NSMutableCopying.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIView) { + return (UIView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIViewController) { + return (UIViewController()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIControl) { + return (UIControl()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIImage) { + return (UIImage()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIImageView) { + return (UIImageView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIColor) { + return (UIColor()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSData) { + return (NSData()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSDate) { + return (NSDate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSOperation) { + return (NSOperation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } + + else { + return __this__; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pubspec.lock b/pubspec.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fba2676 --- /dev/null +++ b/pubspec.lock @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +# Generated by pub +# See +packages: + amap_core_fluttify: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\amap_core_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.17.0" + async: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: async + sha256: "947bfcf187f74dbc5e146c9eb9c0f10c9f8b30743e341481c1e2ed3ecc18c20c" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.11.0" + boolean_selector: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: boolean_selector + sha256: "6cfb5af12253eaf2b368f07bacc5a80d1301a071c73360d746b7f2e32d762c66" + url: 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new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b2de10 --- /dev/null +++ b/pubspec.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +name: amap_location_fluttify +description: An `Amap` Location Component, Powered By `Fluttify`, A Compiler Generating Dart Bindings For Native SDK. +version: 0.22.0 +author: yohom +homepage: + +environment: + sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" + flutter: ">=1.12.13" + +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + + + foundation_fluttify: + git: + url: + core_location_fluttify: + git: + url: + amap_core_fluttify: + git: + url: + +dev_dependencies: + flutter_test:0 + + . sdk: flutter + flutter_lints: any + +flutter: + plugin: + platforms: + android: + package: me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify + pluginClass: AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin + ios: + pluginClass: AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin \ No newline at end of file