From ee80f75473971b3df5932fb0df911e8a0f931895 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yangjie <> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 15:45:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] amap_map_fluttify --- .gitignore | 43 + | 407 ++ LICENSE | 13 + | 81 + analysis_options.yaml | 10 + android/build.gradle | 67 + android/ | 26 + android/settings.gradle | 1 + android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 22 + .../ | 186 + .../ | 69 + .../amap_map_fluttify/ | 104 + .../ | 99 + .../amap_map_fluttify/ | 69 + .../sub_handler/ | 3885 ++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5759 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6339 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6354 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6383 +++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5306 ++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 2401 +++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 4693 ++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5740 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5769 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5743 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5753 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5828 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6263 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6357 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6365 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/custom/ | 752 ++ .../custom/path_smooth/ | 301 + .../tile_provider/ | 32 + example/.gitignore | 43 + example/ | 16 + example/analysis_options.yaml | 29 + .../.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock | Bin 0 -> 17 bytes .../.gradle/7.4/checksums/md5-checksums.bin | Bin 0 -> 19647 bytes .../.gradle/7.4/checksums/sha1-checksums.bin | Bin 0 -> 22763 bytes .../dependencies-accessors.lock | Bin 0 -> 17 bytes .../7.4/dependencies-accessors/ | 0 .../7.4/executionHistory/executionHistory.bin | Bin 0 -> 6820579 bytes .../executionHistory/executionHistory.lock | Bin 0 -> 17 bytes .../.gradle/7.4/fileChanges/last-build.bin | Bin 0 -> 1 bytes .../.gradle/7.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.bin | Bin 0 -> 926785 bytes .../.gradle/7.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock | Bin 0 -> 17 bytes .../7.4/fileHashes/resourceHashesCache.bin | Bin 0 -> 28153 bytes example/android/.gradle/7.4/ | 0 .../buildOutputCleanup.lock | Bin 0 -> 17 bytes .../buildOutputCleanup/ | 2 + .../buildOutputCleanup/outputFiles.bin | Bin 0 -> 254402 bytes example/android/.gradle/file-system.probe | Bin 0 -> 8 bytes example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ | 0 example/android/amap_map_test.jks | Bin 0 -> 2074 bytes example/android/app/build.gradle | 78 + .../android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml | 7 + .../android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 31 + .../plugins/ | 79 + .../ | 13 + .../java/me/yohom/example/ | 6 + .../res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml | 12 + .../main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml | 12 + .../src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 544 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 442 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 721 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 1031 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 1443 bytes .../app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml | 18 + .../app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml | 8 + .../app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml | 7 + example/android/build.gradle | 31 + example/android/ | 4 + .../android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar | Bin 0 -> 53636 bytes .../gradle/wrapper/ | 6 + example/android/gradlew | 160 + example/android/gradlew.bat | 90 + example/android/ | 3 + example/android/settings.gradle | 15 + example/images/1.5x/test_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 6531 bytes example/images/2.0x/test_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 9726 bytes example/images/3.0x/test_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 10958 bytes example/images/arrow.png | Bin 0 -> 994 bytes example/images/test_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 3932 bytes example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist | 26 + example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig | 2 + example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig | 14 + example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig | 2 + .../ios/Flutter/ | 13 + example/ios/Podfile | 41 + example/ios/Podfile.lock | 109 + example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 574 ++ .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 7 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 8 + .../xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme | 91 + .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 10 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 8 + example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h | 6 + example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m | 13 + .../AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json | 122 + .../Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 10932 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 564 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1283 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 1588 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1025 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1716 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 1920 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1283 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1895 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 2665 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 2665 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 3831 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1888 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 3294 bytes .../Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 3612 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json | 23 + .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/ | 5 + .../Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard | 37 + example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard | 26 + .../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h | 19 + .../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m | 98 + example/ios/Runner/Info.plist | 58 + example/ios/Runner/main.m | 9 + example/lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart | 16 + example/lib/main.dart | 38 + .../lib/map/create_map/create_map.screen.dart | 501 ++ .../lib/map/create_map/multi_map.screen.dart | 332 + .../map/draw_on_map/draw_circle.screen.dart | 65 + .../draw_ground_overlay.screen.dart | 67 + .../map/draw_on_map/draw_point.screen.dart | 537 ++ .../map/draw_on_map/draw_polygon.screen.dart | 120 + .../map/draw_on_map/draw_polyline.screen.dart | 273 + .../code_interaction.screen.dart | 114 + .../control_interaction.screen.dart | 74 + .../gesture_interaction.screen.dart | 80 + .../interact_with_map/screen_shot_screen.dart | 52 + .../lib/map/location/geo_fence.screen.dart | 109 + example/lib/map/map.screen.dart | 176 + .../map/tools/calcute_distance_screen.dart | 89 + .../coordinate_transformation_screen.dart | 132 + example/lib/map/tools/launch_amap_screen.dart | 38 + .../location_picker.screen.dart | 29 + .../location_picker.widget.dart | 288 + .../lib/map/tools/location_picker/models.dart | 13 + .../lib/map/tools/offline_manager_screen.dart | 19 + .../lib/map/tools/processed_trace.screen.dart | 61 + .../lib/map/tools/static_image.screen.dart | 41 + example/lib/utils/misc.dart | 11 + example/lib/utils/next_latlng.dart | 25 + example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart | 1 + example/pubspec.lock | 1101 +++ example/pubspec.yaml | 33 + example/raw/ | Bin 0 -> 181684 bytes example/raw/ | Bin 0 -> 3518 bytes example/test/widget_test.dart | 12 + example/web/favicon.png | Bin 0 -> 917 bytes example/web/icons/Icon-192.png | Bin 0 -> 5292 bytes example/web/icons/Icon-512.png | Bin 0 -> 8252 bytes example/web/index.html | 10 + example/web/manifest.json | 23 + images/1.5x/location_pointer.png | Bin 0 -> 9430 bytes images/2.0x/location_pointer.png | Bin 0 -> 14070 bytes images/3.0x/location_pointer.png | Bin 0 -> 27598 bytes images/location_pointer.png | Bin 0 -> 4425 bytes ios/Classes/AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h | 15 + ios/Classes/AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.m | 82 + .../Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + .../Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.m | 1107 +++ ...tiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + ...tiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.m | 52 + .../Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + .../Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.m | 79 + ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.h | 23 + ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.m | 78 + ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.h | 23 + ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.m | 78 + ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.h | 23 + ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.m | 114 + ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.h | 23 + ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.m | 78 + .../Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.h | 59 + .../Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.m | 297 + .../SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h | 13 + .../SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m | 777 ++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m | 5984 +++++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m | 6367 ++++++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m | 4388 +++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m | 4987 +++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m | 4818 +++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m | 4651 ++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m | 3611 ++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m | 3871 ++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m | 1289 ++++ ios/amap_map_fluttify.podspec | 44 + lib/amap_map_fluttify.dart | 20 + lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart | 206 + lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap.g.dart | 3309 +++++++++ .../api/maps/AMap/CancelableCallback.g.dart | 80 + .../maps/AMap/CommonInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/ImageInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart | 67 + .../api/maps/AMap/InfoWindowAdapter.g.dart | 95 + .../MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart | 123 + .../maps/AMap/OnCacheRemoveListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/OnCameraChangeListener.g.dart | 80 + .../OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener.g.dart | 69 + .../AMap/OnInfoWindowClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../api/maps/AMap/OnMapClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../api/maps/AMap/OnMapLoadedListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/OnMapLongClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/OnMapScreenShotListener.g.dart | 80 + .../api/maps/AMap/OnMapTouchListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/OnMarkerClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerDragListener.g.dart | 91 + .../AMap/OnMultiPointClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../AMap/OnMyLocationChangeListener.g.dart | 69 + .../api/maps/AMap/OnPOIClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/OnPolylineClickListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/AMap/onMapPrintScreenListener.g.dart | 69 + .../com/amap/api/maps/AMapException.g.dart | 151 + .../com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptions.g.dart | 708 ++ .../amap/api/maps/AMapOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/maps/AMapUtils.g.dart | 351 + .../com/amap/api/maps/BaseMapView.g.dart | 67 + .../com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdate.g.dart | 67 + .../amap/api/maps/CameraUpdateFactory.g.dart | 505 ++ .../amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter.g.dart | 197 + .../maps/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart | 38 + .../com/amap/api/maps/CustomRenderer.g.dart | 67 + .../com/amap/api/maps/ExceptionLogger.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/InfoWindowAnimationManager.g.dart | 278 + .../com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowParams.g.dart | 310 + .../com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource.g.dart | 80 + .../OnLocationChangedListener.g.dart | 69 + .../com/amap/api/maps/MapFragment.g.dart | 449 ++ .../android/com/amap/api/maps/MapView.g.dart | 330 + .../com/amap/api/maps/MapsInitializer.g.dart | 1129 +++ .../com/amap/api/maps/Projection.g.dart | 345 + .../amap/api/maps/SupportMapFragment.g.dart | 449 ++ .../com/amap/api/maps/SwipeDismissView.g.dart | 103 + .../amap/api/maps/TextureMapFragment.g.dart | 449 ++ .../com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapView.g.dart | 330 + .../api/maps/TextureSupportMapFragment.g.dart | 449 ++ .../com/amap/api/maps/UiSettings.g.dart | 933 +++ .../com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView.g.dart | 431 ++ .../maps/WearMapView/OnDismissCallback.g.dart | 80 + .../amap/api/maps/model/AMapCameraInfo.g.dart | 253 + .../amap/api/maps/model/AMapGLOverlay.g.dart | 93 + .../api/maps/model/AMapGestureListener.g.dart | 146 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara.g.dart | 89 + .../maps/model/AMapPara/LineCapType.g.dart | 32 + .../maps/model/AMapPara/LineJoinType.g.dart | 30 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Arc.g.dart | 345 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptions.g.dart | 449 ++ .../api/maps/model/ArcOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../api/maps/model/BaseHoleOptions.g.dart | 67 + .../amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions.g.dart | 113 + .../model/BaseOptions/BaseUpdateFlags.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/BaseOverlay.g.dart | 87 + .../api/maps/model/BasePointOverlay.g.dart | 597 ++ .../api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptor.g.dart | 205 + .../maps/model/BitmapDescriptorCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../maps/model/BitmapDescriptorFactory.g.dart | 435 ++ .../amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition.g.dart | 217 + .../maps/model/CameraPosition/Builder.g.dart | 246 + .../maps/model/CameraPositionCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Circle.g.dart | 653 ++ .../api/maps/model/CircleHoleOptions.g.dart | 197 + .../amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptions.g.dart | 701 ++ .../maps/model/CircleOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/ColorLatLng.g.dart | 141 + .../amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay.g.dart | 211 + .../GenerateCrossImageListener.g.dart | 69 + .../OnCrossVectorUpdateListener.g.dart | 69 + .../maps/model/CrossOverlay/UpdateItem.g.dart | 103 + .../api/maps/model/CrossOverlayOptions.g.dart | 141 + .../maps/model/CustomMapStyleOptions.g.dart | 757 ++ .../com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModel.g.dart | 177 + .../api/maps/model/GL3DModelOptions.g.dart | 589 ++ .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Gradient.g.dart | 141 + .../amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlay.g.dart | 625 ++ .../maps/model/GroundOverlayOptions.g.dart | 681 ++ .../model/GroundOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayer.g.dart | 289 + .../maps/model/HeatMapGridLayerOptions.g.dart | 423 ++ .../amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapItem.g.dart | 253 + .../amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayer.g.dart | 317 + .../api/maps/model/HeatMapLayerOptions.g.dart | 741 ++ .../api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider.g.dart | 76 + .../model/HeatmapTileProvider/Builder.g.dart | 253 + .../amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions.g.dart | 143 + .../maps/model/ImageOptions/ShapeType.g.dart | 26 + .../api/maps/model/IndoorBuildingInfo.g.dart | 183 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLng.g.dart | 152 + .../amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds.g.dart | 243 + .../maps/model/LatLngBounds/Builder.g.dart | 141 + .../api/maps/model/LatLngBoundsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/LatLngCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlay.g.dart | 205 + .../maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart | 225 + .../MVTTileOverlayOptions/Builder.g.dart | 225 + .../api/maps/model/MVTTileProvider.g.dart | 169 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Marker.g.dart | 1118 +++ .../amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptions.g.dart | 1373 ++++ .../maps/model/MarkerOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointItem.g.dart | 365 + .../api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlay.g.dart | 233 + .../model/MultiPointOverlayOptions.g.dart | 337 + .../api/maps/model/MyLocationStyle.g.dart | 571 ++ .../maps/model/MyLocationStyleCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/MyTrafficStyle.g.dart | 421 ++ .../com/amap/api/maps/model/NaviPara.g.dart | 205 + .../amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrow.g.dart | 513 ++ .../maps/model/NavigateArrowOptions.g.dart | 561 ++ .../model/NavigateArrowOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Poi.g.dart | 169 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiPara.g.dart | 197 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Polygon.g.dart | 541 ++ .../api/maps/model/PolygonHoleOptions.g.dart | 141 + .../amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptions.g.dart | 729 ++ .../maps/model/PolygonOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Polyline.g.dart | 1241 ++++ .../api/maps/model/PolylineOptions.g.dart | 1682 +++++ .../model/PolylineOptions/LineCapType.g.dart | 32 + .../model/PolylineOptions/LineJoinType.g.dart | 30 + .../maps/model/PolylineOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/RouteOverlay.g.dart | 121 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/RoutePara.g.dart | 421 ++ .../maps/model/RuntimeRemoteException.g.dart | 87 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Text.g.dart | 762 ++ .../amap/api/maps/model/TextOptions.g.dart | 701 ++ .../api/maps/model/TextOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/maps/model/Tile.g.dart | 162 + .../amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlay.g.dart | 261 + .../api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptions.g.dart | 533 ++ .../model/TileOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../api/maps/model/TileOverlaySource.g.dart | 375 + .../amap/api/maps/model/TileProjection.g.dart | 145 + .../maps/model/TileProjectionCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/TileProvider.g.dart | 123 + .../api/maps/model/UrlTileProvider.g.dart | 67 + .../amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegion.g.dart | 135 + .../maps/model/VisibleRegionCreator.g.dart | 113 + .../amap/api/maps/model/WeightedLatLng.g.dart | 126 + .../model/animation/AlphaAnimation.g.dart | 87 + .../api/maps/model/animation/Animation.g.dart | 310 + .../Animation/AnimationListener.g.dart | 80 + .../maps/model/animation/AnimationSet.g.dart | 141 + .../model/animation/EmergeAnimation.g.dart | 87 + .../model/animation/RotateAnimation.g.dart | 108 + .../model/animation/ScaleAnimation.g.dart | 87 + .../model/animation/TranslateAnimation.g.dart | 87 + .../maps/model/particle/ColorGenerate.g.dart | 93 + .../particle/ConstantRotationOverLife.g.dart | 87 + .../model/particle/CurveSizeOverLife.g.dart | 87 + .../particle/ParticleEmissionModule.g.dart | 87 + .../particle/ParticleOverLifeModule.g.dart | 197 + .../model/particle/ParticleOverlay.g.dart | 429 ++ .../particle/ParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart | 841 +++ .../ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart | 116 + .../model/particle/ParticleShapeModule.g.dart | 121 + .../RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants.g.dart | 87 + .../RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants.g.dart | 87 + .../model/particle/RectParticleShape.g.dart | 87 + .../model/particle/RotationOverLife.g.dart | 93 + .../particle/SinglePointParticleShape.g.dart | 108 + .../maps/model/particle/SizeOverLife.g.dart | 157 + .../model/particle/VelocityGenerate.g.dart | 149 + .../com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/City.g.dart | 365 + .../api/maps/offlinemap/CityExpandView.g.dart | 87 + .../offlinemap/DownLoadExpandListView.g.dart | 87 + .../maps/offlinemap/DownLoadListView.g.dart | 87 + .../offlinemap/DownloadProgressView.g.dart | 113 + .../maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapActivity.g.dart | 197 + .../api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapCity.g.dart | 365 + .../maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager.g.dart | 670 ++ .../OfflineLoadedListener.g.dart | 69 + .../OfflineMapDownloadListener.g.dart | 91 + .../maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapProvince.g.dart | 449 ++ .../maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapStatus.g.dart | 99 + .../amap/api/maps/offlinemap/Province.g.dart | 309 + .../api/maps/utils/SpatialRelationUtil.g.dart | 90 + .../utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay.g.dart | 466 ++ .../MovingPointOverlay/MoveListener.g.dart | 69 + .../utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker.g.dart | 502 ++ .../SmoothMoveMarker/MoveListener.g.dart | 69 + .../AMapPermissionActivity.g.dart | 113 + .../com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceBase.g.dart | 124 + .../com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceClient.g.dart | 208 + .../com/amap/api/trace/TraceListener.g.dart | 91 + .../com/amap/api/trace/TraceLocation.g.dart | 414 ++ .../com/amap/api/trace/TraceOverlay.g.dart | 389 + .../amap/api/trace/TraceStatusListener.g.dart | 69 + lib/src/android/constants.g.dart | 10 + .../platformview/DownloadProgressView.g.dart | 111 + lib/src/android/platformview/MapView.g.dart | 111 + .../platformview/TextureMapView.g.dart | 111 + .../android/platformview/WearMapView.g.dart | 111 + lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart | 1024 +++ lib/src/facade/amap_controller.dart | 2837 ++++++++ lib/src/facade/amap_service.dart | 541 ++ lib/src/facade/amap_view.widget.dart | 434 ++ .../custom/android/PathSmoothTool.g.dart | 113 + .../facade/custom/ios/MALonLatPoint.g.dart | 97 + .../facade/custom/ios/MASmoothPathTool.g.dart | 193 + lib/src/facade/extensions.dart | 187 + lib/src/facade/list.x.dart | 88 + lib/src/facade/models.dart | 548 ++ lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart | 15 + lib/src/ios/MAAnimatableAnnotation.g.dart | 151 + 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lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomColorGenerate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleRectShapeModule.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleRotationGenerate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleShapeModule.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleSizeGenerate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAParticleVelocityGenerate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPathShowRange.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationColor.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPointAnnotation.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPolygon.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPolygonRenderer.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPolyline.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAPolylineRenderer.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAShape.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay+CustomLoading.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayPath.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayRenderer.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATouchPoi.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATraceDelegate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATraceLocation.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATraceManager.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATracePoint.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MATrafficStatus.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAUserLocation.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAUserLocationRepresentation.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/MAUserTrackingMode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/NSValue+NSValueMAGeometryExtensions.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/platformview/MAAnnotationView.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/platformview/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/platformview/MAMapView.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/platformview/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart create mode 100644 pubspec.lock create mode 100644 pubspec.yaml diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54a74c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +## 1.6.1 +- feat: 重新设置折线点列表 可用于轨迹记录 + +## 1.2.1 +- feat: 增加帧动画和缩放/透明度/旋转动画支持 + +## 1.1.0 +- 合并搜索和定位插件 + +## 1.0.0 +- chore: 清除deprecated接口 +- enhance: 增加autoRelease参数, 控制是否自动释放对象 +- enhance: 优化构造器传参 + +## 0.23.4 +- enhance: 优化批量widget marker速度 +- feat: 设置地图长按监听事件 +- feat: **自定义InfoWindow** +- docs: 更新群聊信息 + +## 0.23.3 +- enhance: 枚举优化 +- enhance: 简化图片逻辑 +- feat: 删除海量点 + +## 0.23.2 +- roll engine #1aee42f3 + +## 0.23.1 +- fix: 给snippet和title默认设置为空字符串, 防止ios端崩溃 + +## 0.23.0 +- roll engine #ee5b257c +- docs: 配置key的说明 +- chore: 重新创建ios工程 +- docs: 调整权限申请示例 +- enhance: [breaking change] ios端的marker不再需要设置width和height +- fix: addMarkers返回类型不匹配的问题 +- feat: 添加图片覆盖物 + +## 0.22.2 +- enhance: Marker添加修改icon的方法 + +## 0.22.1 +- roll engine #57fc8440 (适配Flutter 1.17) + +## 0.22.0 +- enhance: 提升依赖 + +## 0.21.0 +- enhance: _uri2ImageData增加package参数 +- enhance: [breaking change] setCenterCoordinate经纬度参数合并为LatLng类型 +- enhance: clear方法增加一个可选参数 keepMyLocation 用来区分是否需要保留自己的位置的 +- fix: 没有配置默认图片时, addMarkers错误处理 +- enhance: 调整线 框 圆的默认宽度 +- feat: 添加海量点 +- enhance: [breaking change] zoomToSpan方法的padding参数改为EdgeInsets类型 + +## 0.20.0 +- enhance: 提升底层依赖 +- roll engine #cced4adc +- docs: 优化README +- enhance: [breaking change] 优化clearMarkers方法, 增加List参数, 统一android和ios两端的行为 +- enhance: 批量添加marker使用批处理提升速度 +- enhance: 优化ios端MyLocationType.Locate的逻辑 + +## 0.19.2 +- fix: ios端多实例delegate的处理 +- roll engine #37387b7e + +## 0.19.1 +- fix: tag -> tag__ + +## 0.19.0 +- enhance: 提升底层依赖 + +## 0.18.3 +- feat: 增加打开离线地图管理器 + +## 0.18.2 +- fix: 调用fromScreenLocation后调用Circle.remove方法报错处理 +- fix: ios端回调无效处理 + +## 0.18.1 +- roll engine #5191928e +- enhance: ios端Marker去除setCoordinate和setVisible方法, 防止阻塞 + +## 0.18.0 +- enhance: [breaking change] 优化定位api (#183, #182) +- fix: addMarkers的rotateAngle无效修正 +- docs: 更新技术支持相关信息 +- enhance: Marker锚点默认为(0, 0.5) + +## 0.17.21 +- roll engine #481e45c1 + +## 0.17.20 +- roll engine #dbad1c35 + +## 0.17.19 +- feat: 轨迹纠偏实现 (#118) +- enhance: 清除marker使用批处理 + +## 0.17.18 +- roll engine #5fd57b0 +- fix: Neither user 10426 nor current process has android.permission.WAKE_LOCK 错误处理 + +## 0.17.17 +- enhance: TraceLocation转换使用批处理优化 +- enhance: addPolyline和addPolygon使用批处理创建经纬度列表, 提升性能 related #160 + +## 0.17.16 +- feat: Marker添加更改坐标的方法 +- feat: Marker添加setVisible方法, 设置marker是否可见 + +## 0.17.15 +- enhance: 借用新的release_batch方法释放对象, 提升性能 + +## 0.17.14 +- fix: 当marker图片过大时, 点击事件只有左上角有效 处理 + +## 0.17.13 +- enhance: build.gradle加入国内源 +- enhance: showMyLocation增加定位模式的参数 + +## 0.17.12 +- feat: 热力图实现 + +## 0.17.11 +- enhance: 加载图片时,做一个缓存 + +## 0.17.10 +- roll engine #69360c9 + +## 0.17.9 +- docs: 去除swift项目说明 +- enhance: MarkerOption增加width和height参数, 仅限ios + +## 0.17.8 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.17.7 +- enhance: ios端合并mapViewMapDidMoveByUser和mapViewMapDidZoomByUser. +- fix: onMapCreated空判断 + +## 0.17.6 +- feat: 增加轨迹功能 (#63) +- docs: README加入apk下载链接 +- enhance: 加入打包好的apk +- enhance: 加入打包的jks (#139) + +## 0.17.5 +- roll engine #26272df +- feat: MarkerOption增加自定义数据字段 (#15) +- fix: setCenterCoordinate的zoomLevel asset错误处理 + +## 0.17.4 +- fix: setCenterCoordinate的zoomLevel没有设置时触发了assert的错误 + +## 0.17.3 +- enhance: ios端支持不同样式的marker + +## 0.17.2 +- roll engine #4d92ce0. + +## 0.17.1 +- roll engine #2721fb9 +- fix: 修正安卓端CameraPosition构造函数tilt和bearing位置 (#133) + +## 0.17.0 +- enhance: Android端可以不用通过AndroidManifest.xml配置key + +## 0.16.3 +- fix: setCenterCoordinate的时候, 如果没有设置bearing和tilt, 则使用地图已有的状态 + +## 0.16.2 +- feat: 增加获取缩放等级的方法 + +## 0.16.1 +- feat: 限制显示区域 + +## 0.16.0 +- roll engine #a3d4e61 + +## 0.15.0 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.14.2 +- enhance: [android] 在onMapLoaded回调之后再回调onMapCreated + +## 0.14.1 +- feat: 绘制折线提供虚线的样式 +- chore: 增加CI + +## 0.14.0 +- roll engine #e26c0fa +- enhance: 提升依赖 + +## 0.13.1 +- enhance: 使用类常量代替字面量 +- enhance: 当前位置大头针显示处理 +- feat: Polygon增加判断点是否在区域内的方法`contains` +- feat: 增加setZoomByCenter设置是否以地图中心点进行缩放 + +## 0.13.0 +- enhance: [breaking change] Location -> MapLocation 防止与amap_location_fluttify的Location对象冲突 +- fix: 构造器传zoomLevel无效的处理 + +## 0.12.3 +- feat: 增加setInfoWindowClickListener弹窗点击事件 + +## 0.12.2 +- feat: 添加clear方法, 清除所有添加在地图上的覆盖物 +- enhance: 提高flutter的约束版本 +- enhance: 开放AmapController内部的androidController和iosController, 供使用者自行通过extension实现自己需要的方法 + +## 0.12.1 +- fix: 降低url_launcher的版本 + +## 0.12.0 +- docs: 添加requestPermission的参考实现 +- enhance: 增加对zoomLevel的断言和文档说明 +- enhance: [breaking change] getLocation方法更加可靠地获取定位信息, 要么有定位信息要么超时 +- enhance: 导出amap_core_fluttify +- feat: 增加setMyLocationRotateAngle方法, ios端未实现 +- fix: dispose时,调用地图的生命周期方法 +- enhance: 各平台的初始化方法放在onMapCreated前面执行 +- feat: 增加setMyLocationChangeListener + +## 0.11.0 +- roll engine #a918944 +- enhance: 适配flutter 1.12.13 + +## 0.10.5 +- feat: showMyLocation方法提供自定义图标的参数 +- feat: Polygon和Circle增加remove方法 + +## 0.10.4 +- docs: 改善zoomToSpan的说明 +- fix: addMarkers方法添加infoWindowEnable的处理 + +## 0.10.3 +- feat: 加入zoomToSpan方法 +- docs: 如果使用全部组件就使用amap_all_fluttify + +## 0.10.2 +- docs: swift工程说明 +- roll engine #a1a3fff + +## 0.10.1 +- 更新依赖 + +## 0.10.0 +- fix: [breaking change] 增加单独的地图开始移动的回调, 统一android和ios的行为 + +## 0.9.1 +- enhance: ios端地图移动加入开始移动的回调, 使之和android端行为保持一致. + +## 0.9.0 +- enhance: amap_controller作为amap_view的part, 防止AmapViewState被外部访问 +- enhance: infoWindowEnabled默认true +- enhance: [breaking change] 纠正语义 onMapDrag -> onMapMoved, onMapClick -> onMapClicked, onMarkerClick -> onMarkerClicked + +## 0.8.4 +- fix: 用来获取MarkerLayer的GlobalKey在State中创建,防止出现多个MapView使用一个GlobalKey的情况 + +## 0.8.3 +- feat: MarkerOption增加是否可以显示弹窗的选项 +- enhance: 批量Marker实现widget as marker +- feat: 增加经纬度坐标和屏幕坐标互转的方法 + +## 0.8.2 +- feat: 增加widget as marker功能 +- doc: Android设置key的说明 + +## 0.8.1 +- doc: README更新 初始化方法替换, 关闭日志的方法 +- enhance: 不再需要拷贝系统的图片分辨率算法 +- enhance: 简化_uri2ImageData逻辑 +- roll engine #286db79 + +## 0.8.0 +- enhance: [breaking change] android端的初始化使用构造器初始化,而不是间接调用方法,防止偶尔出现的初始化错误 + +## 0.7.2 +- `getLocation`增加一个可选的delay参数, 指定延迟多少时间再获取定位 + +## 0.7.1 +- feat: 新增自定义地图功能 + +## 0.7.0 +- 底层更新 + +## 0.6.1 +- doc: Troubleshooting更新 +- feat: 增加截图功能 + +## 0.6.0 +- fix: [breaking change] 所有的回调都返回Future, 并且调用时都加await +- enhance: 提供一个盖住PlatformView黑屏的途径 + +## 0.5.7 +- doc: ImageConfiguration的说明 +- fix: onMapCreated返回Future并用await修饰 +- feat: Marker增加显示弹窗和关闭弹窗的方法 #61 + +## 0.5.6 +- fix: 未配置onMapCreated时, 初始化参数不应该无效 + +## 0.5.5 +- doc: 调整plist说明 +- fix: setCenterCoordinate不设置默认的zoomLevel为15, 如果没有传入zoomLevel就使用当前的zoomLevel. + +## 0.5.4 +- feat: marker增加角度和锚点选项 +- doc: 增加iOS端配置的说明 + +## 0.5.3 +- doc: 加入版本规划说明 +- feat: 增加调用高德地图app导航的功能 + +## 0.5.2 +- fix: 设置地图中心点时, ios端的zoomLevel未调用 +- doc: requestPermission方法说明 + +## 0.5.1 +- doc: git clone失败的提示 +- doc: 使用真机调试 +- feat: 画折线添加尾部样式和连接点样式的参数 +- feat: 新增删除polyline的方法Polyline::remove + +## 0.5.0 +- feat: 画线添加自定义纹理参数; +- enhancement: [breaking change] 抽取画圆画多边形的参数 + +## 0.4.1 +- chore: export文件增加library指令 +- enhancement: 加强assert失败的提示 + +## 0.4.0 +- [breaking change] enhancement: addMarker(s)方法去除BuildContext参数 +- feat: 增加requireAlwaysAuth方法 申请后台定位 + +## 0.3.4 +- feat: 增加坐标转换方法AmapService::convertCoord +- fix: ios获取定位后释放对应对象 +- enhancement: AmapView增加初始化参数 简化创建过程 + +## 0.3.3 +- enhancement: showMyLocation增加精度圈边框宽度, 颜色以及填充颜色的设置 +- fix: ios移动地图应该回调地图中心点的坐标而不是用户所在坐标 + +## 0.3.2 +- fix: #18 android的marker设置了点击之后, 仍然显示弹窗 +- fix: #22.1 解决annotation划出屏幕后被回收重新回到屏幕后消失的bug +- fix: #24 android端setCenterCoordinate animated参数无效的bug +- fix: 根据标题是否为null来判断marker是否可以显示弹窗 + +## 0.3.1 +- enhancement: 完善android端生命周期回调 +- feat: 不通过定位组件直接获取经纬度 +- feat: 监听地图移动 + +## 0.3.0 +- feat: 批量添加marker +- enhancement: 增加生命周期回调 +- fix: #16 ios marker点击事件修复 + +## 0.2.8 +- doc: git-lfs超额说明 + +## 0.2.7 +- feat: 添加地图点击监听 +- feat: 删除单个marker和删除所有marker +- feat: 增加calculateDistance方法 + +## 0.2.6 +- enhancement: 使用amap_core的LatLng + +## 0.2.5 +- feat: 增加获取地图中心点的功能 + +## 0.2.4 +- fix: 释放原生对象时, 只释放当前插件创建的对象 + +## 0.2.3 +- 切换地图语言 + +## 0.2.2 +- roll engine #38df15a 主要增加了对lambda的支持 + +## 0.2.1 +- feature: marker拖动事件 + +## 0.2.0 +- 加强对多fluttify模块的支持 + +## 0.1.0 +- 加入文档 + +## 0.0.3 +- 添加多边形 + +## 0.0.3 +- 画圆 +- 画线 +- 添加marker diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fde5f --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Copyright 2020 yohom + +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..556ae73 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +# [文档]( [文档]( [文档]( + +![Logo]( + +# 高德地图 地图组件 Flutter插件 +[![pub package](]( + +## 依赖 +```yaml +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + amap_map_fluttify: ^x.x.x +``` + +## 配置 +### Android +1. 注意在app/build.gradle的android块中配置签名信息, 并在buildTypes块中指定签名信息, 否则将无法匹配到你在高德后台配置的appkey, 例如: +```groovy +android { + signingConfigs { + release { + keyAlias 'amap_map_test' + keyPassword 'amap_map_test' + storeFile file('../amap_map_test.jks') + storePassword 'amap_map_test' + } + } + + buildTypes { + debug { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + profile { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + release { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + } +} +``` + +### iOS +1. 定位需要声明权限, 在Info.plist中添加: +```xml +NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription +需要定位权限 +``` +2. 调用高德地图需要添加白名单: +```dart +LSApplicationQueriesSchemes + + iosamap + amapuri + +``` + +## 导入 +```dart +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +``` + +## 使用 +参考[wiki]( + +## LICENSE +> Copyright (C) 2022 yohom +> +> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +> it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +> the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +> (at your option) any later version. +> +> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +> but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +> MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +> GNU General Public License for more details. +> +> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +> along with this program. If not, see . \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff6e86d --- /dev/null +++ b/analysis_options.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml + +linter: + rules: + camel_case_types: false + camel_case_extensions: false + omit_local_variable_types: false + unnecessary_this: false + no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers: false + library_private_types_in_public_api: false diff --git a/android/build.gradle b/android/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2cdfd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +group 'me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify' +version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' + +buildscript { + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + + } + + dependencies { + classpath '' + } +} + +rootProject.allprojects { + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + + } +} + +apply plugin: '' + +android { + compileSdkVersion 31 + + sourceSets { + += 'src/main/kotlin' + main.jniLibs.srcDir 'libs' + } + defaultConfig { + minSdkVersion 16 + testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" + } + lintOptions { + disable 'InvalidPackage' + } + compileOptions { + targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + } + packagingOptions { + merge 'res/values/values.xml' + merge 'AndroidManifest.xml' + merge 'R.txt' + merge 'classes.jar' + merge 'proguard.txt' + } + buildTypes { + release { + consumerProguardFiles "" + } + } +} + +dependencies { + implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar']) + implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.1.0' + implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0' + compileOnly rootProject.findProject(":foundation_fluttify") + // flutter plugin dependency + + // sdk dependency + api 'com.amap.api:3dmap:9.2.1' +} diff --git a/android/ b/android/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9628151 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# Add project specific ProGuard rules here. +# You can control the set of applied configuration files using the +# proguardFiles setting in build.gradle. +# +# For more details, see +# + +# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following +# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface +# class: +#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview { +# public *; +#} + +# Uncomment this to preserve the line number information for +# debugging stack traces. +#-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable + +# If you keep the line number information, uncomment this to +# hide the original source file name. +#-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile + +# 高德地图混淆规则 +-keep class com.amap.api.maps.**{*;} +-keep class com.autonavi.**{*;} +-keep class com.amap.api.trace.**{*;} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/android/settings.gradle b/android/settings.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1af8305 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/settings.gradle @@ -0,0 +1 @@ = 'amap_map_fluttify' diff --git a/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91579e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28387ca --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; +import; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityAware; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityPluginBinding; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler.*; +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler.custom.SubHandlerCustom; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class AmapMapFluttifyPlugin implements FlutterPlugin, MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler, ActivityAware { + + private static List> handlerMapList; + + // v1 android embedding for compatible + public static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) { + final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(registrar.messenger(), "me.yohom/amap_map_fluttify", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + + AmapMapFluttifyPlugin plugin = new AmapMapFluttifyPlugin(); + + BinaryMessenger messenger = registrar.messenger(); + PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry = registrar.platformViewRegistry(); + Activity activity = registrar.activity(); + + plugin.messenger = messenger; + plugin.platformViewRegistry = platformViewRegistry; + + handlerMapList = new ArrayList<>(); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler0.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler1.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler2.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler3.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler4.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler5.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler6.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler7.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler8.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler9.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler10.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler11.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler12.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler13.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler14.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler15.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandlerCustom.instance.getSubHandler(messenger, registrar.activity())); + + channel.setMethodCallHandler(plugin); + + // register platform view + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView", new DownloadProgressViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView", new TextureMapViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView", new WearMapViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.MapView", new MapViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry; + + // v2 android embedding + @Override + public void onAttachedToEngine(FlutterPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin::onAttachedToEngine@" + binding); + } + + final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(binding.getBinaryMessenger(), "me.yohom/amap_map_fluttify", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + + messenger = binding.getBinaryMessenger(); + platformViewRegistry = binding.getPlatformViewRegistry(); + + handlerMapList = new ArrayList<>(); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler0.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler1.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler2.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler3.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler4.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler5.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler6.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler7.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler8.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler9.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler10.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler11.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler12.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler13.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler14.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler15.getSubHandler(messenger)); + + channel.setMethodCallHandler(this); + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromEngine(FlutterPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromEngine@" + binding); + } + } + + @Override + public void onAttachedToActivity(ActivityPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin::onAttachedToActivity@" + binding); + } + Activity activity = binding.getActivity(); + + handlerMapList.add(SubHandlerCustom.instance.getSubHandler(messenger, activity)); + + // register platform view + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView", new DownloadProgressViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView", new TextureMapViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView", new WearMapViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory("me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.MapView", new MapViewFactory(messenger, activity)); + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromActivity() { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromActivity"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onReattachedToActivityForConfigChanges(ActivityPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin::onReattachedToActivityForConfigChanges@" + binding); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromActivityForConfigChanges() { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromActivityForConfigChanges"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onMethodCall(@NonNull MethodCall methodCall, @NonNull MethodChannel.Result methodResult) { + Handler handler = null; + for (Map handlerMap : handlerMapList) { + if (handlerMap.containsKey(methodCall.method)) { + handler = handlerMap.get(methodCall.method); + break; + } + } + if (handler != null) { + try { +, methodResult); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + methodResult.error(e.getMessage(), null, null); + } + } else { + methodResult.notImplemented(); + } + } + + @FunctionalInterface + public static interface Handler { + void call(Object args, MethodChannel.Result methodResult) throws Exception; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75bf557 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.view.View; +import android.util.Log; +import; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.HashMap; + +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMessageCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformView; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory; + +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +class DownloadProgressViewFactory extends PlatformViewFactory { + + DownloadProgressViewFactory(BinaryMessenger messenger, Activity activity) { + super(StandardMessageCodec.INSTANCE); + + this.messenger = messenger; + this.activity = activity; + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private Activity activity; + + @Override + public PlatformView create(Context context, int id, Object params) { + Map __args__ = (Map) params; + + ////////////////////////////////初始化AndroidView//////////////////////////////////////// + + ////////////////////////////////初始化AndroidView//////////////////////////////////////// + + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView view = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView(activity); + + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + getHEAP().put(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE - id), view); + getHEAP().put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView:" + String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(view)), view); + return new PlatformView() { + + // add to HEAP + @Override + public View getView() { + return view; + } + + @Override + public void dispose() {} + }; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ee0a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.view.View; +import android.util.Log; +import; + +import com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.HashMap; + +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMessageCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformView; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory; + +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +class MapViewFactory extends PlatformViewFactory { + + MapViewFactory(BinaryMessenger messenger, Activity activity) { + super(StandardMessageCodec.INSTANCE); + + this.messenger = messenger; + this.activity = activity; + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private Activity activity; + + @Override + public PlatformView create(Context context, int id, Object params) { + Map __args__ = (Map) params; + + Integer mapType = (Integer) __args__.get("mapType"); + Boolean showZoomControl = (Boolean) __args__.get("showZoomControl"); + Boolean showCompass = (Boolean) __args__.get("showCompass"); + Boolean showScaleControl = (Boolean) __args__.get("showScaleControl"); + Boolean zoomGesturesEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("zoomGesturesEnabled"); + Boolean scrollGesturesEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("scrollGesturesEnabled"); + Boolean rotateGestureEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("rotateGestureEnabled"); + Boolean tiltGestureEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("tiltGestureEnabled"); + Double zoomLevel = (Double) __args__.get("zoomLevel"); + Double tilt = (Double) __args__.get("tilt"); + Double bearing = (Double) __args__.get("bearing"); + Double centerCoordinateLatitude = (Double) __args__.get("centerCoordinateLatitude"); + Double centerCoordinateLongitude = (Double) __args__.get("centerCoordinateLongitude"); + + AMapOptions options = new AMapOptions(); + + if (mapType != null) options.mapType(mapType + 1); + if (showZoomControl != null) options.zoomControlsEnabled(showZoomControl); + if (showCompass != null) options.compassEnabled(showCompass); + if (showScaleControl != null) options.scaleControlsEnabled(showScaleControl); + if (zoomGesturesEnabled != null) options.zoomGesturesEnabled(zoomGesturesEnabled); + if (scrollGesturesEnabled != null) options.scrollGesturesEnabled(scrollGesturesEnabled); + if (rotateGestureEnabled != null) options.rotateGesturesEnabled(rotateGestureEnabled); + if (tiltGestureEnabled != null) options.tiltGesturesEnabled(tiltGestureEnabled); + CameraPosition.Builder builder = CameraPosition + .builder() + .bearing(bearing == null ? 0 : bearing.floatValue()) + .tilt(tilt == null ? 0 : tilt.floatValue()) + .zoom(zoomLevel == null ? 0 : zoomLevel.floatValue()); + if (centerCoordinateLatitude != null && centerCoordinateLongitude != null) { + LatLng(centerCoordinateLatitude, centerCoordinateLongitude)); + } +; + ////////////////////////////////初始化AndroidView//////////////////////////////////////// + + com.amap.api.maps.MapView view = new com.amap.api.maps.MapView(activity, options); + + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + getHEAP().put(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE - id), view); + getHEAP().put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView:" + String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(view)), view); + return new PlatformView() { + + // add to HEAP + @Override + public View getView() { + return view; + } + + @Override + public void dispose() {} + }; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef488a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify; + +import; +import android.content.Context; +import android.util.Log; +import android.view.View; + +import com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng; + +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; + +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMessageCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformView; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +class TextureMapViewFactory extends PlatformViewFactory { + + TextureMapViewFactory(BinaryMessenger messenger, Activity activity) { + super(StandardMessageCodec.INSTANCE); + + this.messenger = messenger; + this.activity = activity; + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private Activity activity; + + @Override + public PlatformView create(Context context, int id, Object params) { + Map __args__ = (Map) params; + + Integer mapType = (Integer) __args__.get("mapType"); + Boolean showZoomControl = (Boolean) __args__.get("showZoomControl"); + Boolean showCompass = (Boolean) __args__.get("showCompass"); + Boolean showScaleControl = (Boolean) __args__.get("showScaleControl"); + Boolean zoomGesturesEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("zoomGesturesEnabled"); + Boolean scrollGesturesEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("scrollGesturesEnabled"); + Boolean rotateGestureEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("rotateGestureEnabled"); + Boolean tiltGestureEnabled = (Boolean) __args__.get("tiltGestureEnabled"); + Double zoomLevel = (Double) __args__.get("zoomLevel"); + Double tilt = (Double) __args__.get("tilt"); + Double bearing = (Double) __args__.get("bearing"); + Double centerCoordinateLatitude = (Double) __args__.get("centerCoordinateLatitude"); + Double centerCoordinateLongitude = (Double) __args__.get("centerCoordinateLongitude"); + + AMapOptions options = new AMapOptions(); + + if (mapType != null) options.mapType(mapType + 1); + if (showZoomControl != null) options.zoomControlsEnabled(showZoomControl); + if (showCompass != null) options.compassEnabled(showCompass); + if (showScaleControl != null) options.scaleControlsEnabled(showScaleControl); + if (zoomGesturesEnabled != null) options.zoomGesturesEnabled(zoomGesturesEnabled); + if (scrollGesturesEnabled != null) options.scrollGesturesEnabled(scrollGesturesEnabled); + if (rotateGestureEnabled != null) options.rotateGesturesEnabled(rotateGestureEnabled); + if (tiltGestureEnabled != null) options.tiltGesturesEnabled(tiltGestureEnabled); + CameraPosition.Builder builder = CameraPosition + .builder() + .bearing(bearing == null ? 0 : bearing.floatValue()) + .tilt(tilt == null ? 0 : tilt.floatValue()) + .zoom(zoomLevel == null ? 0 : zoomLevel.floatValue()); + if (centerCoordinateLatitude != null && centerCoordinateLongitude != null) { + LatLng(centerCoordinateLatitude, centerCoordinateLongitude)); + } +; + ////////////////////////////////初始化AndroidView//////////////////////////////////////// + + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView view = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView(activity, options); + + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + getHEAP().put(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE - id), view); + getHEAP().put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView:" + String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(view)), view); + return new PlatformView() { + + // add to HEAP + @Override + public View getView() { + return view; + } + + @Override + public void dispose() {} + }; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d260c3f --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/ @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.view.View; +import android.util.Log; +import; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.HashMap; + +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMessageCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformView; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory; + +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +class WearMapViewFactory extends PlatformViewFactory { + + WearMapViewFactory(BinaryMessenger messenger, Activity activity) { + super(StandardMessageCodec.INSTANCE); + + this.messenger = messenger; + this.activity = activity; + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private Activity activity; + + @Override + public PlatformView create(Context context, int id, Object params) { + Map __args__ = (Map) params; + + ////////////////////////////////初始化AndroidView//////////////////////////////////////// + + ////////////////////////////////初始化AndroidView//////////////////////////////////////// + + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView view = new com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView(activity); + + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + getHEAP().put(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE - id), view); + getHEAP().put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView:" + String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(view)), view); + return new PlatformView() { + + // add to HEAP + @Override + public View getView() { + return view; + } + + @Override + public void dispose() {} + }; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f2058 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,3885 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler0 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::get_MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_sdcardDir", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.sdcardDir; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __result__ = __this__.DEFAULT_GRADIENT; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearLeft", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.nearLeft; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearRight", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.nearRight; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farLeft", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.farLeft; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farRight", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.farRight; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_latLngBounds", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = __this__.latLngBounds; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_RED", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_RED; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ORANGE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_ORANGE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_YELLOW", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_YELLOW; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_GREEN", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_GREEN; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_CYAN", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_CYAN; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_AZURE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_AZURE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_BLUE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_BLUE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_VIOLET", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_VIOLET; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_MAGENTA", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_MAGENTA; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ROSE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_ROSE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_width", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.width; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_height", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.height; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_data", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile) __args__.get("__this__"); + + byte[] __result__ =; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::get_NO_DIMENSION", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.NO_DIMENSION; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_target", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ =; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_zoom", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.zoom; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_tilt", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.tilt; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_bearing", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.bearing; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_isAbroad", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Boolean __result__ = __this__.isAbroad; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __result__ = __this__.DEFAULT_GRADIENT; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_southwest", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.southwest; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_northeast", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.northeast; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_latitude", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Double __result__ = __this__.latitude; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_longitude", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Double __result__ = __this__.longitude; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetX", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.offsetX; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetY", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.offsetY; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minX", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.minX; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxX", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.maxX; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minY", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.minY; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxY", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.maxY; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::get_dataUpdateFlag", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.dataUpdateFlag; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_intensity", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Double __result__ = __this__.intensity; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_latLng", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.latLng; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_type", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.type; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_color", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.color; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_radius", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.radius; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::get_DEFAULT_SIZE", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.DEFAULT_SIZE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorName", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.activeFloorName; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorIndex", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.activeFloorIndex; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_poiid", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.poiid; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_indexs", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + int[] __result__ = __this__.floor_indexs; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_names", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String[] __result__ = __this__.floor_names; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::get_MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_sdcardDir_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.sdcardDir; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __result__ = __this__.DEFAULT_GRADIENT; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearLeft_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.nearLeft; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearRight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.nearRight; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farLeft_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.farLeft; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farRight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.farRight; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_latLngBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = __this__.latLngBounds; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_RED_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_RED; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ORANGE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_ORANGE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_YELLOW_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_YELLOW; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_GREEN_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_GREEN; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_CYAN_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_CYAN; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_AZURE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_AZURE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_BLUE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_BLUE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_VIOLET_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_VIOLET; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_MAGENTA_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_MAGENTA; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ROSE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.HUE_ROSE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_width_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.width; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_height_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.height; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_data_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile) __args__.get("__this__"); + + byte[] __result__ =; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::get_NO_DIMENSION_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.NO_DIMENSION; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_target_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ =; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_zoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.zoom; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_tilt_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.tilt; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_bearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.bearing; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_isAbroad_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Boolean __result__ = __this__.isAbroad; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __result__ = __this__.DEFAULT_GRADIENT; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_southwest_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.southwest; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_northeast_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.northeast; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_latitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Double __result__ = __this__.latitude; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_longitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Double __result__ = __this__.longitude; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.offsetX; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.offsetY; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.minX; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.maxX; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.minY; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.maxY; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::get_dataUpdateFlag_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.dataUpdateFlag; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_intensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Double __result__ = __this__.intensity; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_latLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng) __args__.get("__this__"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = __this__.latLng; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_type_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.type; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_color_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.color; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_radius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Float __result__ = __this__.radius; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::get_DEFAULT_SIZE_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.DEFAULT_SIZE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.activeFloorName; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.activeFloorIndex; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_poiid_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String __result__ = __this__.poiid; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_indexs_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + int[] __result__ = __this__.floor_indexs; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_names_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) __args__.get("__this__"); + + String[] __result__ = __this__.floor_names; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::set_dataUpdateFlag", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + Number dataUpdateFlag = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("dataUpdateFlag"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.dataUpdateFlag = dataUpdateFlag.intValue(); + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_type", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + Number type = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("type"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.type = type.intValue(); + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_color", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + Number color = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("color"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.color = color.intValue(); + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_radius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + Number radius = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("radius"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.radius = radius.floatValue(); + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + String activeFloorName = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("activeFloorName"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.activeFloorName = activeFloorName; + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + Number activeFloorIndex = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("activeFloorIndex"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.activeFloorIndex = activeFloorIndex.intValue(); + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_poiid", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + String poiid = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("poiid"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.poiid = poiid; + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_indexs", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + int[] floor_indexs = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("floor_indexs"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.floor_indexs = floor_indexs; + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_names", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref arg + String[] floor_names = (String[]) ((Map) __args__).get("floor_names"); + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.floor_names = floor_names; + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::set_dataUpdateFlag_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + Number dataUpdateFlag = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("dataUpdateFlag"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.dataUpdateFlag = dataUpdateFlag.intValue(); + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_type_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + Number type = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("type"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.type = type.intValue(); + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_color_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + Number color = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("color"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.color = color.intValue(); + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_radius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + Number radius = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("radius"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.radius = radius.floatValue(); + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + String activeFloorName = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("activeFloorName"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.activeFloorName = activeFloorName; + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + Number activeFloorIndex = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("activeFloorIndex"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.activeFloorIndex = activeFloorIndex.intValue(); + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_poiid_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + String poiid = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("poiid"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.poiid = poiid; + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_indexs_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + int[] floor_indexs = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("floor_indexs"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.floor_indexs = floor_indexs; + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // setter batch + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_names_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref arg + String[] floor_names = (String[]) ((Map) __args__).get("floor_names"); + + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __this__.floor_names = floor_names; + } + + __methodResult__.success("success"); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity::onRequestPermissionsResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String[] var2 = (String[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + int[] var3 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity@" + __this__ + "::onRequestPermissionsResult(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onRequestPermissionsResult(var1.intValue(), var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onAttach", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onAttach(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroyView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroyView(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setArguments", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setArguments(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setUserVisibleHint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScaleControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setScaleControlsEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setScaleControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setZoomControlsEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setCompassEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setCompassEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCompassEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setMyLocationButtonEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setMyLocationButtonEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationButtonEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScrollGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setScrollGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setScrollGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setZoomGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setTiltGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setTiltGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTiltGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setRotateGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setRotateGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setAllGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setAllGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAllGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setLogoPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoPosition(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setZoomPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomPosition(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getZoomPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::getZoomPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScaleControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isScaleControlsEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isScaleControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isZoomControlsEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isZoomControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isCompassEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isCompassEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isCompassEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isMyLocationButtonEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isMyLocationButtonEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMyLocationButtonEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScrollGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isScrollGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isScrollGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isZoomGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isZoomGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isTiltGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isTiltGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isTiltGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isRotateGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isRotateGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRotateGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::getLogoPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLogoPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isIndoorSwitchEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isIndoorSwitchEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isIndoorSwitchEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setIndoorSwitchEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setIndoorSwitchEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorSwitchEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoMarginRate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setLogoMarginRate(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoMarginRate(var1.intValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoMarginRate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::getLogoMarginRate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLogoMarginRate(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoLeftMargin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setLogoLeftMargin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoLeftMargin(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoBottomMargin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setLogoBottomMargin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoBottomMargin(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomInByScreenCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setZoomInByScreenCenter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomInByScreenCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setGestureScaleByMapCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setGestureScaleByMapCenter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGestureScaleByMapCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isGestureScaleByMapCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::isGestureScaleByMapCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGestureScaleByMapCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@" + __this__ + "::setLogoCenter(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoCenter(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowUpdateTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowUpdateTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowUpdateTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowUpdateTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowUpdateTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowUpdateTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindow(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindow(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoContent", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var1 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::setInfoContent(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoContent(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var1 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindow(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoContents", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@" + __this__ + "::getInfoContents(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoContents(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomIn", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomIn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomIn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomOut", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomOut(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::scrollBy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::scrollBy(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.scrollBy(var0.floatValue(), var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomTo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomTo(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double__android_graphics_Point", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(var0.floatValue(), var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newCameraPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newCameraPosition(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLng(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngZoom(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(var0, var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(var0, var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeLatLng(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.changeLatLng(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeBearing(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.changeBearing(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeTilt", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeTilt(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.changeTilt(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int__int__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds(" + var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(var0, var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBoundsRect", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBoundsRect(" + var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBoundsRect(var0, var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapException::getErrorMessage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapException __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapException) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapException@" + __this__ + "::getErrorMessage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorMessage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::logoPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::logoPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.logoPosition(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zOrderOnTop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::zOrderOnTop(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zOrderOnTop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::mapType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::mapType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.mapType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..276aa6a --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5759 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler1 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::camera", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::camera(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scaleControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::scaleControlsEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.scaleControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::zoomControlsEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zoomControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::compassEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::compassEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.compassEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scrollGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::scrollGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.scrollGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::zoomGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zoomGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::tiltGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::tiltGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.tiltGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::rotateGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::rotateGesturesEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotateGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getLogoPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getLogoPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLogoPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZOrderOnTop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZOrderOnTop(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZOrderOnTop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getMapType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMapType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCamera", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCamera(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCamera(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScaleControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getScaleControlsEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScaleControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomControlsEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZoomControlsEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCompassEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCompassEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCompassEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScrollGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getScrollGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScrollGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZoomGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getTiltGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTiltGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTiltGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getRotateGesturesEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@" + __this__ + "::getRotateGesturesEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotateGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::from", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter.CoordType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter.CoordType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter@" + __this__ + "::from(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.from(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::coord", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter@" + __this__ + "::coord(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.coord(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::convert", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter@" + __this__ + "::convert(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.convert(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable(" + var0 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter.isAMapDataAvailable(var0.doubleValue(), var2.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindow(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoContents", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter@" + __this__ + "::getInfoContents(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoContents(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowUpdateTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowUpdateTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowUpdateTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::resetIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::resetIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setTotalDuration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setTotalDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalDuration(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::startSmoothMove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::startSmoothMove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startSmoothMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::stopMove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::stopMove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getObject(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::removeMarker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::removeMarker(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setRotate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setMoveListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setMoveListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMoveListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setTotalDuration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setTotalDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalDuration(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::startSmoothMove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::startSmoothMove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startSmoothMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::stopMove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::stopMove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getMarker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::getMarker(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::getIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::resetIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::resetIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::removeMarker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::removeMarker(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setDescriptor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setDescriptor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDescriptor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setRotate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setMoveListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@" + __this__ + "::setMoveListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMoveListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onAttach", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onAttach(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroyView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroyView(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setArguments", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setArguments(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setUserVisibleHint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onAttach", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onAttach(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroyView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroyView(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setArguments", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setArguments(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setUserVisibleHint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setUserVisibleHint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer::OnMapReferencechanged", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer@" + __this__ + "::OnMapReferencechanged(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.OnMapReferencechanged(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView::setCallback", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView@" + __this__ + "::setCallback(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCallback(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::initialize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::initialize(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.initialize(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setNetWorkEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setNetWorkEnable(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setNetWorkEnable(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getNetWorkEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getNetWorkEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getNetWorkEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setApiKey", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setApiKey(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setApiKey(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getVersion(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldGridMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldGridMap(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.loadWorldGridMap(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldGridMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldGridMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isLoadWorldGridMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldVectorMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldVectorMap(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.loadWorldVectorMap(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldVectorMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldVectorMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isLoadWorldVectorMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setBuildingHeight", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setBuildingHeight(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setBuildingHeight(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setHost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setHost(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setHost(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setProtocol", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setProtocol(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setProtocol(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getProtocol", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getProtocol(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getProtocol(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureViewDestorySync", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureViewDestorySync(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTextureViewDestorySync(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureViewDestorySync", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureViewDestorySync(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getTextureViewDestorySync(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureDestroyedRender", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureDestroyedRender(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTextureDestroyedRender(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureDestroyRender", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureDestroyRender(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getTextureDestroyRender(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureSizeChangedInvoked", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureSizeChangedInvoked(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTextureSizeChangedInvoked(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureSizeChangedInvoked", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureSizeChangedInvoked(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getTextureSizeChangedInvoked(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setExceptionLogger", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setExceptionLogger(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setExceptionLogger(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::disableCachedMapDataUpdate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::disableCachedMapDataUpdate(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.disableCachedMapDataUpdate(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isSupportRecycleView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isSupportRecycleView(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isSupportRecycleView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setSupportRecycleView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setSupportRecycleView(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setSupportRecycleView(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setPolyline2Enable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setPolyline2Enable(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setPolyline2Enable(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getPolyline2Enable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getPolyline2Enable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getPolyline2Enable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getDeviceId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getDeviceId(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getDeviceId(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isTerrainEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isTerrainEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isTerrainEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTerrainEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTerrainEnable(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTerrainEnable(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyShow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyShow(" + var0 + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.updatePrivacyShow(var0, var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyAgree", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyAgree(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.updatePrivacyAgree(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getUrl", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getUrl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setUrl", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::setUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getState(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getState(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::setState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setState(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::setSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSize(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getVersion(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::setVersion(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVersion(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getcompleteCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getcompleteCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getcompleteCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCompleteCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::setCompleteCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCompleteCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getCityList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getDownloadedCityList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::getDownloadedCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadedCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCityList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@" + __this__ + "::setCityList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView::setProgress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView@" + __this__ + "::setProgress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProgress(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::getProvinceName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getJianpin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::getJianpin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getJianpin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getPinyin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::getPinyin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPinyin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::setProvinceName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setJianpin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::setJianpin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setJianpin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setPinyin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::setPinyin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPinyin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::setProvinceCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@" + __this__ + "::getProvinceCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::downloadByCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.downloadByCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::downloadByCityName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.downloadByCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByProvinceName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::downloadByProvinceName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.downloadByProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapProvinceList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getOfflineMapProvinceList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOfflineMapProvinceList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getItemByCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItemByCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getItemByCityName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItemByCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByProvinceName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getItemByProvinceName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItemByProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapCityList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getOfflineMapCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOfflineMapCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingCityList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getDownloadingCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadingCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingProvinceList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getDownloadingProvinceList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadingProvinceList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapCityList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getDownloadOfflineMapCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadOfflineMapCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::updateOfflineCityByCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.updateOfflineCityByCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::updateOfflineCityByName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.updateOfflineCityByName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineMapProvinceByName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::updateOfflineMapProvinceByName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.updateOfflineMapProvinceByName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::restart", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::restart(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.restart(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::stop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::stop(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::pause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.pause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pauseByName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::pauseByName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.pauseByName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::setOnOfflineLoadedListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@" + __this__ + "::setOnOfflineLoadedListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnOfflineLoadedListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getUrl", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::getUrl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setUrl", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::setUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::getSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::setSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSize(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::getState(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getState(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::setState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setState(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::getVersion(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::setVersion(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVersion(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getcompleteCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::getcompleteCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getcompleteCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setCompleteCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@" + __this__ + "::setCompleteCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCompleteCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::showScr", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@" + __this__ + "::showScr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showScr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@" + __this__ + "::closeScr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.closeScr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr__android_os_Bundle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@" + __this__ + "::closeScr(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.closeScr(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::onClick", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var1 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@" + __this__ + "::onClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onClick(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::setCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::getCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getJianpin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::getJianpin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getJianpin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setJianpin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::setJianpin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setJianpin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getPinyin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::getPinyin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPinyin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setPinyin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::setPinyin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPinyin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getAdcode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::getAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setAdcode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromScreenLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::fromScreenLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fromScreenLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toScreenLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::toScreenLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toScreenLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toMapLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::toMapLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toMapLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::toOpenGLLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toOpenGLLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::toOpenGLWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toOpenGLWidth(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getVisibleRegion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::getVisibleRegion(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVisibleRegion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromBoundsToTile", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::fromBoundsToTile(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fromBoundsToTile(var1, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getMapBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::getMapBounds(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapBounds(var1, var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getCameraInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::getCameraInfo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCameraInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::calZoomByTargetPos", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@" + __this__ + "::calZoomByTargetPos(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calZoomByTargetPos(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowClick", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowClick(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a85d2f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6339 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler10 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSmoothColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSmoothColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSmoothColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSmoothColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSlowColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSlowColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSlowColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSlowColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getCongestedColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCongestedColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setCongestedColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCongestedColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSeriousCongestedColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSeriousCongestedColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSeriousCongestedColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSeriousCongestedColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRatio(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::fromLatLngZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom(var0, var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.builder(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.builder(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getKeywords_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setKeywords_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKeywords(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icons_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icons(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotatingIcons_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotatingIcons(var1, var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAngleOffset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAngleOffset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isRotatingMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRotatingMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcons_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::period_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.period(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPeriod_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPeriod(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isPerspective_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isPerspective(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::perspective_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.perspective(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::position_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setFlat_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setFlat(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::anchor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setInfoWindowOffset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setInfoWindowOffset(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::title_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.title(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::snippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.snippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::draggable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.draggable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setGps_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getTitle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getSnippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorU_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowOffsetX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowOffsetY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorV_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isDraggable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDraggable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isGps_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isFlat_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isFlat(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::alpha_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.alpha(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAlpha_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlpha(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::autoOverturnInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.autoOverturnInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowAutoOverturn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::displayLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.displayLevel(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getDisplayLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDisplayLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotateAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotateAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getRotateAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotateAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::infoWindowEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.infoWindowEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::belowMaskLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.belowMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isBelowMaskLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isBelowMaskLayer(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setTopColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTopColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getTopColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTopColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setSideColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSideColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getSideColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSideColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::set3DModel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.set3DModel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::is3DModel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.is3DModel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::addAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::cleanAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.cleanAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setDuration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setFillMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFillMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getFillMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatCount_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRepeatCount(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRepeatMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRepeatMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatCount_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRepeatCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::resetUpdateFlags_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetUpdateFlags(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::builder_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.builder(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::intersects_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.intersects(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::including_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.including(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleDataPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleDataPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTexturePath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleTexturePath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTexturePath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleTexturePath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTextureData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleTextureData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTextureData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleTextureData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::isEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleExtraData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleExtraData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleExtraPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleExtraPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOverseaPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleDataOverseaPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOverseaPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleDataOverseaPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOversea_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleDataOversea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOversea_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleDataOversea(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResDataPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleResDataPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResDataPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleResDataPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleResData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleResData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMinZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMinZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMinZoom(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMaxZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMaxZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxZoom(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getUrl_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setCacheEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::isCacheEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isCacheEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::setRes_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setRes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::getRes_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::target_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::zoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::tilt_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.tilt(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::bearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.bearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::build_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType::valueOf_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType::getTypeValue_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setTitle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getTitle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getSnippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setSnippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSnippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setRotateAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getRotateAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotateAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::startAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.startAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::showInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showInfoWindow(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isInfoWindowEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getFov_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFov(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getAspectRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAspectRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getZ_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZ(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setRadius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getRadius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::contains_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHoleOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeDottedLineType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeDottedLineType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeDottedLineType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeDottedLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addAll_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c77e81a --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6354 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler11 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHoleOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions__batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::fillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::lineJoinType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.lineJoinType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getLineJoinType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLineJoinType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::usePolylineStroke_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.usePolylineStroke(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isUsePolylineStroke_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUsePolylineStroke(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getLatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLng(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setLatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLng(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getCustomerId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomerId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setCustomerId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomerId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getSnippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setSnippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSnippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getTitle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setTitle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::point_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var3 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.point(var1, var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStart_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStart(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getPassed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getEnd_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::url_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.url(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::key_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.key(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::build_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::center_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::radius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radius(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::fillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getRadius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions__batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::setStrokeDottedLineType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStrokeDottedLineType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeDottedLineType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeDottedLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::usePolylineStroke_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.usePolylineStroke(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isUsePolylineStroke_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUsePolylineStroke(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType::getTypeValue_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType::valueOf_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::data_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::maxZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.maxZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::minZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.minZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::type_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.type(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMaxZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMinZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::data_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::weightedData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weightedData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::radius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radius(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::gradient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.gradient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::transparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.transparency(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::build_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setItems_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setItems(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::getItems_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItems(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setAnchor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions::resetUpdateFlags_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetUpdateFlags(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPeriod_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPeriod(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getPeriod_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPeriod(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcons_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIcons(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getIcons_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPerspective_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPerspective(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isPerspective_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isPerspective(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIcon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAnchor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDraggable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDraggable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isDraggable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDraggable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::hideInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.hideInfoWindow(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowShown_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowShown(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setToTop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setToTop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFlat_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFlat(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isFlat_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isFlat(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionByPixels_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPositionByPixels(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAlpha_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlpha(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAlpha_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAlpha(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getDisplayLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDisplayLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isClickable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isClickable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowAutoOverturn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setInfoWindowEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setMarkerOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMarkerOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAutoOverturnInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAutoOverturnInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setClickable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setClickable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDisplayLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDisplayLevel(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFixingPointEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFixingPointEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isRemoved_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRemoved(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionNotUpdate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPositionNotUpdate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setRotateAngleNotUpdate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateAngleNotUpdate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setBelowMaskLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBelowMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorU_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorV_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isViewMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isViewMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::tileProvider_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.tileProvider(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memCacheSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.memCacheSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.diskCacheSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheDir_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.diskCacheDir(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memoryCacheEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.memoryCacheEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.diskCacheEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getTileProvider_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTileProvider(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemCacheSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMemCacheSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDiskCacheSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheDir_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDiskCacheDir(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemoryCacheEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMemoryCacheEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDiskCacheEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getDrivingRouteStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDrivingRouteStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setDrivingRouteStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDrivingRouteStyle(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getTransitRouteStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransitRouteStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setTransitRouteStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransitRouteStyle(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEndPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEndPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEndName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEndName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setImageMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setImageMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setVelocityOverLife_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVelocityOverLife(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setRotateOverLife_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateOverLife(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setSizeOverLife_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSizeOverLife(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setColorGenerate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setColorGenerate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSizeX(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSizeY(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeZ_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSizeZ(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate::getColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getZ_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZ(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1896518 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6383 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler12 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife::getRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::isUseRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::getPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::defaultOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.defaultOptions(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::icon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getIcon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getMaxParticles_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxParticles(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setMaxParticles_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setMaxParticles(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isLoop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isLoop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setLoop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLoop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getDuration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setDuration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleLifeTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleLifeTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleLifeTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleLifeTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleEmissionModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleEmissionModule(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleEmissionModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleEmissionModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleShapeModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleShapeModule(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleShapeModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleShapeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleStartSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleStartSpeed(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleStartColor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleStartColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleOverLifeModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleOverLifeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleOverLifeModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleOverLifeModule(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setStartParticleSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStartParticleSize(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getStartParticleW_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartParticleW(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getstartParticleH_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getstartParticleH(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isVisibile_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisibile(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartParticleSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartParticleSize(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setMaxParticles_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxParticles(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setDuration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleLifeTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleLifeTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleStartSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleStartSpeed(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setLoop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLoop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleShapeModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleShapeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleEmission_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleEmission(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::getCurrentParticleNum_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurrentParticleNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleOverLifeModule_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleOverLifeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartColor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setTileProvider_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTileProvider(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::position_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::text_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.text(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::rotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::align_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.align(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::backgroundColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.backgroundColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::setObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fontColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fontSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getText_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getText(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getBackgroundColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBackgroundColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType::value_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.value(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::clearTileCache_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clearTileCache(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags::reset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.reset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setGeodesic_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeodesic(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isGeodesic_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGeodesic(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setDottedLine_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDottedLine(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isDottedLine_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDottedLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getNearestLatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNearestLatLng(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setTransparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setAboveMaskLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAboveMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustemTextureIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustemTextureIndex(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTextureIndex(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShownRatio(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRange_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShownRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getShownRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::showPolylineRangeEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showPolylineRangeEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isShowPolylineRangeEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowPolylineRangeEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPolylineShowRange_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolylineShowRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeBegin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeBegin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeEnd_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFootPrintTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintGap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFootPrintGap(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintGap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintGap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEraseTexture(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEraseColor(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTextureList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::setVisibility_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisibility(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateLineDistance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.calculateLineDistance(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.calculateArea(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var0 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.calculateArea(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::getLatestAMapApp_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.getLatestAMapApp(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapNavi_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapNavi(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapPoiNearbySearch_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapPoiNearbySearch(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapDrivingRoute_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapDrivingRoute(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapTransitRoute_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapTransitRoute(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapWalkingRoute_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapWalkingRoute(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onAttach_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroyView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setArguments_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowAppearAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowAppearAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowBackColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowBackEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackScale_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowBackScale(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowMovingAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowMovingAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::startAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::setVisibility_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisibility(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDismiss_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDismiss(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onEnterAmbient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onEnterAmbient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onExitAmbient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onExitAmbient(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView::loadWorldVectorMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.loadWorldVectorMap(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCameraPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCameraPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMaxZoomLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoomLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMinZoomLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoomLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::moveCamera_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.moveCamera(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.animateCamera(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::stopAnimation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addNavigateArrow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addNavigateArrow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolyline_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCircle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addCircle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addArc_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addArc(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolygon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addPolygon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGroundOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addGroundOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarker_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMarker(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGL3DModel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addGL3DModel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addText_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addText(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarkers_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMarkers(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapScreenMarkers_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapScreenMarkers(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addTileOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addTileOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMVTTileOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMVTTileOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHeatMapLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapGridLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHeatMapGridLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMultiPointOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMultiPointOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addParticleOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addParticleOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clear(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear__bool_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clear(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..842eee6 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5306 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler13 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTrafficEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isTrafficEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showMapText_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showMapText(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showIndoorMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showIndoorMap(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showBuildings_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showBuildings(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyTrafficStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyTrafficStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyTrafficStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyTrafficStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficStyleWithTextureData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficStyleWithTextureData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isMyLocationEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMyLocationEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.location.Location __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocationStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocationStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationRotateAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationRotateAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getUiSettings_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUiSettings(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjection_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProjection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setInfoWindowAdapter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowAdapter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getScalePerPixel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScalePerPixel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::runOnDrawFrame_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.runOnDrawFrame(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removecache_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removecache(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomRenderer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomRenderer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setPointToCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPointToCenter(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapTextZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapTextZIndex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setLoadOfflineData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLoadOfflineData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapTextZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapTextZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMap.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::reloadMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.reloadMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderFps_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRenderFps(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setIndoorBuildingInfo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorBuildingInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getZoomToSpanLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomToSpanLevel(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getInfoWindowAnimationManager_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowAnimationManager(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaskLayerParams_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaskLayerParams(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue(), var5.intValue(), var6.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaxZoomLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxZoomLevel(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMinZoomLevel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMinZoomLevel(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::resetMinMaxZoomPreference_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetMinMaxZoomPreference(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapStatusLimits_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapStatusLimits(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCrossOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addCrossOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addRouteOverlay_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addRouteOverlay(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getViewMatrix_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getViewMatrix(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjectionMatrix_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProjectionMatrix(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapCustomEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapCustomEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStylePath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomMapStylePath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomMapStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyleID_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomMapStyleID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomTextureResourcePath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTextureResourcePath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderMode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRenderMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapContentApprovalNumber_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapContentApprovalNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getTerrainApprovalNumber_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTerrainApprovalNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapLanguage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRoadArrowEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoadArrowEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setNaviLabelEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNaviLabelEnable(var1, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTouchPoiEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTouchPoiEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTouchPoiEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isTouchPoiEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapController_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNativeMapController(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapEngineID_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNativeMapEngineID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setWorldVectorMapStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWorldVectorMapStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCurrentStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurrentStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::accelerateNetworkInChinese_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.accelerateNetworkInChinese(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setConstructingRoadEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConstructingRoadEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::setVisibility_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisibility(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLatitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLongitude_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setSpeed_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::copy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.copy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::getInstance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient.getInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::stopTrace_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopTrace(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::add_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setProperCamera_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProperCamera(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::zoopToSpan_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.zoopToSpan(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getTraceStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTraceStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setTraceStatus_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTraceStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getDistance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setDistance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getWaitTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWaitTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setWaitTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWaitTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams getInfoWindowParams(com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: getInfoWindowParams(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "getInfoWindowParams", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + return null; + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onCameraChange(com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onCameraChange(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onCameraChange", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onCameraChangeFinish(com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onCameraChangeFinish(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onCameraChangeFinish", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void activate(com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: activate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "activate", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void deactivate() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: deactivate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "deactivate", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onRemoveCacheFinish(boolean var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onRemoveCacheFinish(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onRemoveCacheFinish", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public boolean onPointClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onPointClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onPointClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + return true; + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDismiss() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDismiss(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDismiss", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onNotifySwipe() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onNotifySwipe(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onNotifySwipe", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onFinish() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onFinish(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onFinish", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onCancel() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onCancel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onCancel", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMapScreenShot( var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapScreenShot(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapScreenShot", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onMapScreenShot( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapScreenShot(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapScreenShot_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMapLoaded() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapLoaded(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapLoaded", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public boolean onMarkerClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMarkerClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMarkerClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + return true; + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMyLocationChange(android.location.Location var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMyLocationChange(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMyLocationChange", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMapPrint( var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapPrint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapPrint", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMarkerDragStart(com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMarkerDragStart(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMarkerDragStart", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onMarkerDrag(com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMarkerDrag(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMarkerDrag", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onMarkerDragEnd(com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMarkerDragEnd(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMarkerDragEnd", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void move(double var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: move(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "move", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void move(double var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: move(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "move", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onLocationChanged(android.location.Location var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onLocationChanged(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onLocationChanged", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineMapDownloadListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineMapDownloadListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineMapDownloadListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineMapDownloadListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDownload(int var1, int var2, String var3) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDownload(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDownload__", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onCheckUpdate(boolean var1, String var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onCheckUpdate(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onCheckUpdate_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onRemove(boolean var1, String var2, String var3) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onRemove(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onRemove__", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onVerifyComplete() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onVerifyComplete(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onVerifyComplete", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void OnIndoorBuilding(com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: OnIndoorBuilding(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "OnIndoorBuilding", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onTouch(android.view.MotionEvent var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onTouch(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onTouch", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onGenerateComplete( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onGenerateComplete(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onGenerateComplete_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onUpdate(int var1, com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onUpdate(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onUpdate_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onAnimationStart() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onAnimationStart(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onAnimationStart", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onAnimationEnd() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onAnimationEnd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onAnimationEnd", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDoubleTap(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDoubleTap(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDoubleTap_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onSingleTap(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onSingleTap(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onSingleTap_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onFling(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onFling(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onFling_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onScroll(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onScroll(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onScroll_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onLongPress(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onLongPress(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onLongPress_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onDown(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDown(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDown_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onUp(float var1, float var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onUp(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onUp_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onMapStable() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapStable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapStable", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onPOIClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onPOIClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onPOIClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onInfoWindowClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onInfoWindowClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onInfoWindowClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMapClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onPolylineClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onPolylineClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onPolylineClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onMapLongClick(com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onMapLongClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onMapLongClick", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger __result__ = new com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onException(java.lang.Throwable var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onException(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onException", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onDownloaderException(int var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDownloaderException(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDownloaderException_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceBase::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceBase __result__ = new com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceBase() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceBase::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void queryProcessedTrace(int var1, java.util.List var2, int var3, com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener var4) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: queryProcessedTrace(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "queryProcessedTrace___", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + put("var4", var4); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void setLocationInterval(long var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: setLocationInterval(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "setLocationInterval", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void setTraceStatusInterval(int var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: setTraceStatusInterval(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "setTraceStatusInterval", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void startTrace(com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: startTrace(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "startTrace", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void stopTrace() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: stopTrace(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "stopTrace", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void destroy() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "destroy", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onTraceStatus(java.util.List var1, java.util.List var2, String var3) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onTraceStatus(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onTraceStatus__", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener::createAnonymous__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener __result__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener() { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener::Callback@" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onRequestFailed(int var1, String var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onRequestFailed(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onRequestFailed_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onTraceProcessing(int var1, int var2, java.util.List var3) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onTraceProcessing(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onTraceProcessing__", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onFinished(int var1, java.util.List var2, int var3, int var4) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onFinished(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onFinished___", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + put("var3", var3); + put("var4", var4); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_UiSettings", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.AMapException); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.utils.SpatialRelationUtil); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_MapFragment", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapStatus); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadListView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadExpandListView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.CityExpandView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_Projection", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.Projection); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Poi", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Text", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Text); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.UrlTileProvider); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.TranslateAnimation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.EmergeAnimation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AlphaAnimation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.ScaleAnimation); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5653af1 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,2401 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler14 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Arc", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Circle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Marker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ConstantRotationOverLife); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.CurveSizeOverLife); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RectParticleShape); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.AMap); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_MapView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.maps.MapView); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity __obj__ = new com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_AMapException__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapException __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapException(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_AMapException__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapException __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapException(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.SpatialRelationUtil __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.SpatialRelationUtil(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker__com_amap_api_maps_AMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker__com_amap_api_maps_AMap"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapFragment__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView__android_content_Context__android_view_View", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView__android_content_Context__android_view_View"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + android.view.View var2 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapStatus __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapStatus(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadListView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadListView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadExpandListView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadExpandListView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.CityExpandView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.CityExpandView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Poi__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi(var1, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var3 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var4 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var5 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Text__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_Text__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Text(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng___int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng___int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng(var1, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider__String__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider__String__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider(var1, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + byte[] var3 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + byte[] var3 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var4 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3, var4); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArray"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + int[] var1 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + float[] var2 = (float[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition(var1, var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.TranslateAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.TranslateAnimation(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.EmergeAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.EmergeAnimation(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AlphaAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AlphaAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation__float__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation__float__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.ScaleAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.ScaleAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource__int__int__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource__int__int__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var5 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue(), var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection__int__int__int__int__int__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection__int__int__int__int__int__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue(), var5.intValue(), var6.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo__float__float__float__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo__float__float__float__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng(var1, var2.doubleValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOverlay(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ConstantRotationOverLife __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ConstantRotationOverLife(var1.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var4 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.CurveSizeOverLife __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.CurveSizeOverLife(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule__int__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule__int__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape__float__float__float__float__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape__float__float__float__float__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + boolean var5 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RectParticleShape __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RectParticleShape(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + // ref arg + Number var7 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var7"); + // ref arg + Number var8 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var8"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue(), var7.floatValue(), var8.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions__String__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions__String__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions(var1, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee35168 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,4693 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler15 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapView(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapView(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__double__double__float__float__long", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__double__double__float__float__long"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + // ref arg + Number var7 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var7"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue(), var7.longValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation(); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay(var1, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay(var1); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity __obj__ = new com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapException __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapException(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapException __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapException(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.SpatialRelationUtil __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.SpatialRelationUtil(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker__com_amap_api_maps_AMap", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapFragment__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView__android_content_Context__android_view_View", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + android.view.View var2 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapStatus __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapStatus(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadListView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadListView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadExpandListView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadExpandListView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.CityExpandView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.CityExpandView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Poi__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi(var1, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var3 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var4 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var5 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Text__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Text(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng___int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng(var1, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider__String__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider(var1, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + byte[] var3 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + byte[] var3 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var4 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3, var4); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArray", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + int[] var1 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + float[] var2 = (float[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition(var1, var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.TranslateAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.TranslateAnimation(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.EmergeAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.EmergeAnimation(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AlphaAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AlphaAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation__float__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.ScaleAnimation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.ScaleAnimation(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource__int__int__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var5 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue(), var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection__int__int__int__int__int__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue(), var5.intValue(), var6.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo__float__float__float__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng(var1, var2.doubleValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOverlay(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ConstantRotationOverLife __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ConstantRotationOverLife(var1.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var4 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.CurveSizeOverLife __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.CurveSizeOverLife(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule__int__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape__float__float__float__float__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + boolean var5 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RectParticleShape __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RectParticleShape(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + // ref arg + Number var7 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var7"); + // ref arg + Number var8 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var8"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue(), var4.floatValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue(), var7.floatValue(), var8.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions__String__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions(var1, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapView(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.MapView(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__double__double__float__float__long", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + // ref arg + Number var7 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var7"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue(), var5.floatValue(), var6.floatValue(), var7.longValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation(); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay(var1, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __obj__ = new com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay(var1); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..644a06b --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5740 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler2 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter@" + __this__ + "::getOverturnInfoWindow(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOverturnInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindowClick", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter@" + __this__ + "::getOverturnInfoWindowClick(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOverturnInfoWindowClick(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setHoleOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHoleOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getHoleOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setFillColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getFillColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::contains", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@" + __this__ + "::contains(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::data", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::data(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::weightedData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::weightedData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weightedData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::size", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::size(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.size(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gradient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::gradient(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.gradient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::opacity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::opacity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.opacity(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxIntensity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::maxIntensity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.maxIntensity(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::maxZoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.maxZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::minZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::minZoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.minZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::gap(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::type", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::type(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.type(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGradient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getGradient(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGradient(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.Collection __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getOpacity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getOpacity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOpacity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxIntensity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMaxIntensity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxIntensity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMaxZoom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMinZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMinZoom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getGap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getBitmap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@" + __this__ + "::getBitmap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBitmap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getHeight", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@" + __this__ + "::getHeight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::addAll", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions@" + __this__ + "::addAll(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType::valueOf", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType::valueOf(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType::getTypeValue", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType@" + __this__ + "::getTypeValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi@" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getCoordinate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi@" + __this__ + "::getCoordinate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordinate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getPoiId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi@" + __this__ + "::getPoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationIcon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::myLocationIcon(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.myLocationIcon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::anchor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::anchor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::radiusFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::radiusFillColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radiusFillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::strokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::strokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::myLocationType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.myLocationType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::interval", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::interval(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.interval(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::showMyLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::showMyLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.showMyLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationIcon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getMyLocationIcon(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocationIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorU", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorU(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorV", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorV(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getRadiusFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getRadiusFillColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadiusFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getMyLocationType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getInterval", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::getInterval(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::isMyLocationShowing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@" + __this__ + "::isMyLocationShowing(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMyLocationShowing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::removeRouteName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay@" + __this__ + "::removeRouteName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeRouteName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::center", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@" + __this__ + "::center(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::radius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@" + __this__ + "::radius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radius(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getRadius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getRadius(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setText", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setText(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setText(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getText", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getText(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getText(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setBackgroundColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setBackgroundColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBackgroundColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getBackgroundColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getBackgroundColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBackgroundColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setFontColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFontColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getFontColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setFontSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFontSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getFontSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setAlign", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setAlign(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAlign(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getAlignX(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getAlignY(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setObject(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getObject(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setRotate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getRotate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::include", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder@" + __this__ + "::include(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.include(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::build", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder@" + __this__ + "::build(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getHeatMapItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::getHeatMapItem(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeatMapItem(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::getOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@" + __this__ + "::setOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::add(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::addAll", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::addAll(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::width", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::width(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.width(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::topColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::topColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.topColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::sideColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::sideColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.sideColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::set3DModel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::set3DModel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.set3DModel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getTopColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTopColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTopColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getSideColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::getSideColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSideColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::is3DModel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::is3DModel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.is3DModel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng@" + __this__ + "::getColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getLatLngs", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng@" + __this__ + "::getLatLngs(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLngs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromResource", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromResource(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var0 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromView(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromView(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromPath(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromPath(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromAsset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromAsset(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromAsset(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromFile", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromFile(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromFile(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromBitmap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromBitmap(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::getContext", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::getContext(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.content.Context __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.getContext(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getUrl", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider@" + __this__ + "::getUrl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getKey", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider@" + __this__ + "::getKey(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKey(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType::getTypeValue", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType@" + __this__ + "::getTypeValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType::valueOf", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType::valueOf(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::anchor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::anchor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorU", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorU(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorV", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorV(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::icon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::icon(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getIcon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getIcon(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setMultiPointItems", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setMultiPointItems(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMultiPointItems(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getMultiPointItems", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMultiPointItems(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMultiPointItems(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setUseTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setUseTexture(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setUseTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTexture(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setCustomTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCustomTexture(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTextureList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setCustomTextureList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCustomTextureList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomTextureList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTextureIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setCustomTextureIndex(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCustomTextureIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomTextureIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::colorValues", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::colorValues(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.colorValues(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColorValues", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getColorValues(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColorValues(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::useGradient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::useGradient(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.useGradient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseGradient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isUseGradient(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseGradient(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isUseTexture(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isGeodesic", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isGeodesic(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGeodesic(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::add(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::addAll", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::addAll(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::width", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::width(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.width(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::color", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::color(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.color(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::geodesic", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::geodesic(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.geodesic(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLine", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setDottedLine(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDottedLine(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isDottedLine", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isDottedLine(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDottedLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLineType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setDottedLineType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDottedLineType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineCapType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::lineCapType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.lineCapType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineJoinType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::lineJoinType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.lineJoinType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineCapType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getLineCapType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLineCapType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineJoinType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getLineJoinType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLineJoinType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getDottedLineType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getDottedLineType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDottedLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::transparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::transparency(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.transparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getTransparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTransparency(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransparency(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::aboveMaskLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::aboveMaskLayer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.aboveMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isAboveMaskLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isAboveMaskLayer(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isAboveMaskLayer(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getShownRatio(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setShownRatio(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setShownRatio(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRange", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setShownRange(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setShownRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeBegin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getShownRangeBegin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRangeBegin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeEnd", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getShownRangeEnd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRangeEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cac654c --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5769 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler3 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::showPolylineRangeEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::showPolylineRangeEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.showPolylineRangeEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isShowPolylineRangeEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::isShowPolylineRangeEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowPolylineRangeEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPolylineShowRange", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setPolylineShowRange(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setPolylineShowRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeBegin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPolylineShownRangeBegin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeBegin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeEnd", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPolylineShownRangeEnd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setFootPrintTexture(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setFootPrintTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getFootPrintTexture(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintGap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setFootPrintGap(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setFootPrintGap(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintGap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getFootPrintGap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintGap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setEraseTexture(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setEraseTexture(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getEraseTexture(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getEraseVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::setEraseColor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setEraseColor(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@" + __this__ + "::getEraseColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::obtain", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + byte[] var2 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::obtain(" + var0 + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile.obtain(var0.intValue(), var1.intValue(), var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@" + __this__ + "::setAngle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::getAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@" + __this__ + "::getAngle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setModelFixedLength", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@" + __this__ + "::setModelFixedLength(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setModelFixedLength(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setZoomLimit", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@" + __this__ + "::setZoomLimit(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomLimit(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getColors", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient@" + __this__ + "::getColors(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + int[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColors(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getStartPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient@" + __this__ + "::getStartPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTile", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider@" + __this__ + "::getTile(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTile(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider@" + __this__ + "::getTileWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTileWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileHeight", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider@" + __this__ + "::getTileHeight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTileHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@" + __this__ + "::setCenter(" + var1 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIntensity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@" + __this__ + "::getIntensity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIntensity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIntensity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@" + __this__ + "::setIntensity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIntensity(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIndexes", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@" + __this__ + "::getIndexes(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + int[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndexes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIndexes", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + int[] var1 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@" + __this__ + "::setIndexes(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndexes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setTargetPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@" + __this__ + "::setTargetPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setNaviStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@" + __this__ + "::setNaviStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNaviStyle(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getTargetPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@" + __this__ + "::getTargetPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getNaviStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@" + __this__ + "::getNaviStyle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNaviStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::image", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::image(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.image(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::anchor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::anchor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::position(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1, var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::position(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1, var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::positionFromBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::positionFromBounds(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.positionFromBounds(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::bearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::bearing(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.bearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::transparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::transparency(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.transparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getImage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getImage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getImage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getHeight", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getHeight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getBounds(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBounds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getBearing(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getTransparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTransparency(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransparency(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorU", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorU(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorV", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorV(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::textureDrawable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::textureDrawable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.textureDrawable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::vertexData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.vertexData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__List_double___List_double_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::vertexData(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.vertexData(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::position", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::position(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::angle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::angle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.angle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getVertext", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getVertext(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVertext(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTextrue", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTextrue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTextrue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAngle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getLatLng(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLng(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getBitmapDescriptor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getBitmapDescriptor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBitmapDescriptor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setModelFixedLength", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::setModelFixedLength(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setModelFixedLength(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getModelFixedLength", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getModelFixedLength(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getModelFixedLength(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::title", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::title(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.title(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::snippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::snippet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.snippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTitle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getSnippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setDimensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDimensions(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setImage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setImage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setImage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setDimensions(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDimensions(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getHeight", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getHeight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPositionFromBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setPositionFromBounds(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPositionFromBounds(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getBounds(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBounds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setBearing(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getBearing(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setTransparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setTransparency(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getTransparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getTransparency(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransparency(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSmoothColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::getSmoothColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSmoothColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSmoothColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::setSmoothColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSmoothColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSlowColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::getSlowColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSlowColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSlowColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::setSlowColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSlowColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getCongestedColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::getCongestedColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCongestedColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setCongestedColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::setCongestedColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCongestedColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSeriousCongestedColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::getSeriousCongestedColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSeriousCongestedColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSeriousCongestedColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::setSeriousCongestedColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSeriousCongestedColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::getRatio(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::setRatio(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRatio(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@" + __this__ + "::setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::fromLatLngZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::fromLatLngZoom(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom(var0, var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.builder(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.builder(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@" + __this__ + "::setCenter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getKeywords", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@" + __this__ + "::getKeywords(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setKeywords", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@" + __this__ + "::setKeywords(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKeywords(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icons", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::icons(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icons(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotatingIcons", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::rotatingIcons(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotatingIcons(var1, var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAngleOffset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAngleOffset(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAngleOffset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isRotatingMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isRotatingMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRotatingMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcons", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getIcons(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::period", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::period(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.period(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPeriod", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPeriod(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPeriod(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isPerspective", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isPerspective(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isPerspective(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::perspective", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::perspective(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.perspective(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::position", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::position(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setFlat", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::setFlat(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setFlat(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::icon(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::anchor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::anchor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setInfoWindowOffset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowOffset(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setInfoWindowOffset(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::title", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::title(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.title(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::snippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::snippet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.snippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::draggable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::draggable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.draggable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setGps", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::setGps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setGps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getTitle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getSnippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getIcon(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorU", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorU(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowOffsetX(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowOffsetX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowOffsetY(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowOffsetY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorV", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorV(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isDraggable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isDraggable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDraggable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isGps", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isGps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isFlat", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isFlat(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isFlat(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::alpha", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::alpha(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.alpha(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAlpha", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAlpha(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlpha(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::autoOverturnInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::autoOverturnInfoWindow(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.autoOverturnInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowAutoOverturn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::displayLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::displayLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.displayLevel(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getDisplayLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getDisplayLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDisplayLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotateAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::rotateAngle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotateAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getRotateAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getRotateAngle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotateAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::infoWindowEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::infoWindowEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.infoWindowEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isInfoWindowEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::belowMaskLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::belowMaskLayer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.belowMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isBelowMaskLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isBelowMaskLayer(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isBelowMaskLayer(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::setWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setTopColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::setTopColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTopColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getTopColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::getTopColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTopColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setSideColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::setSideColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSideColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getSideColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::getSideColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSideColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::set3DModel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::set3DModel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.set3DModel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::is3DModel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@" + __this__ + "::is3DModel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.is3DModel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::addAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet@" + __this__ + "::addAnimation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::cleanAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet@" + __this__ + "::cleanAnimation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.cleanAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setAnimationListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::setAnimationListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnimationListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setDuration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setFillMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::setFillMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFillMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getFillMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::getFillMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatCount", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::setRepeatCount(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRepeatCount(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::setRepeatMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRepeatMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::getRepeatMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRepeatMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatCount", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::getRepeatCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRepeatCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::resetUpdateFlags", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@" + __this__ + "::resetUpdateFlags(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetUpdateFlags(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::builder", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::builder(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.builder(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@" + __this__ + "::contains(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@" + __this__ + "::contains(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::intersects", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@" + __this__ + "::intersects(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.intersects(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::including", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@" + __this__ + "::including(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.including(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleDataPath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleDataPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleDataPath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleDataPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTexturePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleTexturePath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleTexturePath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTexturePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleTexturePath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleTexturePath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTextureData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleTextureData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleTextureData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTextureData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleTextureData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleTextureData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8bb603 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5743 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler4 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::isEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::isEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleExtraData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleExtraData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleExtraData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleExtraData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleExtraPath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleExtraPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleExtraPath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleExtraPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOverseaPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleDataOverseaPath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleDataOverseaPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOverseaPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleDataOverseaPath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleDataOverseaPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOversea", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleDataOversea(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleDataOversea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOversea", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleDataOversea(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleDataOversea(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResDataPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleResDataPath(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleResDataPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResDataPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleResDataPath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleResDataPath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStyleResData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + byte[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStyleResData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStyleResData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStyleResData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMinZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::getMinZoom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMinZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::setMinZoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMinZoom(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMaxZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::getMaxZoom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMaxZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::setMaxZoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxZoom(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getUrl", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::getUrl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setCacheEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::setCacheEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCacheEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::isCacheEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@" + __this__ + "::isCacheEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isCacheEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::setRes", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setRes(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setRes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::getRes", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getRes(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::target", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@" + __this__ + "::target(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::zoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@" + __this__ + "::zoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::tilt", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@" + __this__ + "::tilt(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.tilt(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::bearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@" + __this__ + "::bearing(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.bearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::build", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@" + __this__ + "::build(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType::valueOf", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType::valueOf(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType::getTypeValue", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType@" + __this__ + "::getTypeValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setPosition(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setTitle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setTitle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getTitle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getSnippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setSnippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setSnippet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSnippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setObject(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getObject(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setRotateAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setRotateAngle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getRotateAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getRotateAngle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotateAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setAnimation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::startAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::startAnimation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.startAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::showInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::showInfoWindow(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showInfoWindow(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isInfoWindowEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::isInfoWindowEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getFov", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@" + __this__ + "::getFov(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFov(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getAspectRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@" + __this__ + "::getAspectRatio(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAspectRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@" + __this__ + "::getRotate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@" + __this__ + "::getX(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@" + __this__ + "::getY(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getZ", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@" + __this__ + "::getZ(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZ(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setCenter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setRadius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setRadius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getRadius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getRadius(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setFillColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getFillColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::contains", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::contains(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setHoleOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHoleOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getHoleOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeDottedLineType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeDottedLineType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeDottedLineType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeDottedLineType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeDottedLineType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeDottedLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::add(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addAll", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::addAll(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::setHoleOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHoleOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::addHoles(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::addHoles(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::strokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::strokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::fillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::fillColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getFillColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getHoleOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::lineJoinType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::lineJoinType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.lineJoinType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getLineJoinType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::getLineJoinType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLineJoinType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::usePolylineStroke", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::usePolylineStroke(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.usePolylineStroke(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isUsePolylineStroke", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::isUsePolylineStroke(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUsePolylineStroke(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::getLatLng(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLng(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::setLatLng(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLng(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getCustomerId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::getCustomerId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomerId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setCustomerId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::setCustomerId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomerId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getSnippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setSnippet", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::setSnippet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSnippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getTitle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setTitle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::setTitle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::getObject(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@" + __this__ + "::setObject(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::point", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var3 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::point(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.point(var1, var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::strokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::strokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStart", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStart(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStart(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getPassed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPassed(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getEnd", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::getEnd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::url", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@" + __this__ + "::url(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.url(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::key", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@" + __this__ + "::key(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.key(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::build", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@" + __this__ + "::build(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::center", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::center(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::radius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::radius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radius(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::strokeWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::strokeColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::fillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::fillColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getRadius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getRadius(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getFillColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getFillColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::addHoles(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::addHoles(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHoles(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getHoleOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getHoleOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::setStrokeDottedLineType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStrokeDottedLineType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStrokeDottedLineType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeDottedLineType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStrokeDottedLineType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeDottedLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::usePolylineStroke", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::usePolylineStroke(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.usePolylineStroke(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isUsePolylineStroke", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::isUsePolylineStroke(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUsePolylineStroke(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType::getTypeValue", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType@" + __this__ + "::getTypeValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType::valueOf", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType::valueOf(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::data", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::data(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::maxZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::maxZoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.maxZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::minZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::minZoom(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.minZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::type", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::type(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.type(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMaxZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMaxZoom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMinZoom", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMinZoom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::data", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@" + __this__ + "::data(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::weightedData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@" + __this__ + "::weightedData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weightedData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::radius", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@" + __this__ + "::radius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radius(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::gradient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@" + __this__ + "::gradient(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.gradient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::transparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@" + __this__ + "::transparency(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.transparency(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::build", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@" + __this__ + "::build(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setItems", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setItems(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setItems(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::getItems", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getItems(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItems(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setAnchor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setAnchor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c06bc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5753 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler5 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions::resetUpdateFlags", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions@" + __this__ + "::resetUpdateFlags(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetUpdateFlags(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPeriod", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setPeriod(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPeriod(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getPeriod", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getPeriod(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPeriod(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcons", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setIcons(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIcons(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getIcons", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getIcons(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPerspective", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setPerspective(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPerspective(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isPerspective", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isPerspective(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isPerspective(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setIcon(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIcon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAnchor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setAnchor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDraggable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setDraggable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDraggable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isDraggable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isDraggable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDraggable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::hideInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::hideInfoWindow(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.hideInfoWindow(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowShown", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isInfoWindowShown(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowShown(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setToTop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setToTop(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setToTop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFlat", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setFlat(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFlat(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isFlat", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isFlat(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isFlat(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionByPixels", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setPositionByPixels(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPositionByPixels(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAnimationListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setAnimationListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAnimationListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAlpha", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getAlpha(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlpha(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAlpha", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setAlpha(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAlpha(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getDisplayLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getDisplayLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDisplayLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isClickable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isClickable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isClickable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isInfoWindowAutoOverturn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setInfoWindowEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setMarkerOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setMarkerOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMarkerOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAutoOverturnInfoWindow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setAutoOverturnInfoWindow(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAutoOverturnInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setClickable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setClickable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setClickable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDisplayLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setDisplayLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDisplayLevel(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFixingPointEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setFixingPointEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFixingPointEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isRemoved", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isRemoved(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRemoved(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionNotUpdate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setPositionNotUpdate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPositionNotUpdate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setRotateAngleNotUpdate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setRotateAngleNotUpdate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateAngleNotUpdate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setBelowMaskLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::setBelowMaskLayer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBelowMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorU", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorU(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorV", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::getAnchorV(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isViewMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@" + __this__ + "::isViewMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isViewMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::tileProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::tileProvider(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.tileProvider(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memCacheSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::memCacheSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.memCacheSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::diskCacheSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.diskCacheSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheDir", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::diskCacheDir(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.diskCacheDir(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memoryCacheEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::memoryCacheEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.memoryCacheEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::diskCacheEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.diskCacheEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getTileProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getTileProvider(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTileProvider(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemCacheSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMemCacheSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMemCacheSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getDiskCacheSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDiskCacheSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheDir", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getDiskCacheDir(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDiskCacheDir(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemoryCacheEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMemoryCacheEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMemoryCacheEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getDiskCacheEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDiskCacheEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::getOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@" + __this__ + "::setOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getDrivingRouteStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::getDrivingRouteStyle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDrivingRouteStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setDrivingRouteStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::setDrivingRouteStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDrivingRouteStyle(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getTransitRouteStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::getTransitRouteStyle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransitRouteStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setTransitRouteStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::setTransitRouteStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransitRouteStyle(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::getStartPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::setStartPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::getEndPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEndPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::setEndPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEndPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::getEndName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEndName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::setEndName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEndName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::getStartName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartName", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@" + __this__ + "::setStartName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setImageMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setImageMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setImageMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setGenerateCrossImageListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setGenerateCrossImageListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGenerateCrossImageListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setOnCrossVectorUpdateListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setOnCrossVectorUpdateListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnCrossVectorUpdateListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setVelocityOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@" + __this__ + "::setVelocityOverLife(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVelocityOverLife(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setRotateOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@" + __this__ + "::setRotateOverLife(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateOverLife(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setSizeOverLife", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@" + __this__ + "::setSizeOverLife(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSizeOverLife(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setColorGenerate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@" + __this__ + "::setColorGenerate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setColorGenerate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife@" + __this__ + "::getSizeX(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSizeX(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife@" + __this__ + "::getSizeY(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSizeY(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeZ", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife@" + __this__ + "::getSizeZ(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSizeZ(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate::getColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate@" + __this__ + "::getColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate@" + __this__ + "::getX(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate@" + __this__ + "::getY(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getZ", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate@" + __this__ + "::getZ(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZ(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife::getRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife@" + __this__ + "::getRotate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::isUseRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule@" + __this__ + "::isUseRatio(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::getPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule@" + __this__ + "::getPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::defaultOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::defaultOptions(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.defaultOptions(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::icon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::icon(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getIcon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getIcon(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getMaxParticles", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getMaxParticles(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxParticles(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setMaxParticles", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setMaxParticles(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setMaxParticles(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isLoop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::isLoop(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isLoop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setLoop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setLoop(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setLoop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getDuration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setDuration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleLifeTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getParticleLifeTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleLifeTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleLifeTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setParticleLifeTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleLifeTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleEmissionModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getParticleEmissionModule(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleEmissionModule(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleEmissionModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setParticleEmissionModule(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleEmissionModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleShapeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getParticleShapeModule(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleShapeModule(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleShapeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setParticleShapeModule(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleShapeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getParticleStartSpeed(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleStartSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setParticleStartSpeed(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleStartSpeed(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setParticleStartColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleStartColor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getParticleStartColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleStartColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleOverLifeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setParticleOverLifeModule(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setParticleOverLifeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleOverLifeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getParticleOverLifeModule(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParticleOverLifeModule(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setStartParticleSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setStartParticleSize(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setStartParticleSize(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getStartParticleW", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getStartParticleW(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartParticleW(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getstartParticleH", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getstartParticleH(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getstartParticleH(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isVisibile", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisibile(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisibile(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartParticleSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setStartParticleSize(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartParticleSize(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setMaxParticles", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setMaxParticles(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxParticles(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setDuration", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleLifeTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setParticleLifeTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleLifeTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleStartSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setParticleStartSpeed(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleStartSpeed(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setLoop", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setLoop(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLoop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleShapeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setParticleShapeModule(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleShapeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleEmission", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setParticleEmission(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleEmission(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::getCurrentParticleNum", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getCurrentParticleNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurrentParticleNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleOverLifeModule", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setParticleOverLifeModule(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParticleOverLifeModule(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setStartColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartColor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setTileProvider", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setTileProvider(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTileProvider(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::clone", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::position", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::position(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::text", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::text(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.text(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::visible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::visible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::zIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::zIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::rotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::rotate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::align", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::align(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.align(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::backgroundColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::backgroundColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.backgroundColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::setObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::setObject(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::fontColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fontColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::fontSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fontSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getText", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getText(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getText(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getRotate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getRotate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAlignX(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignY", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getAlignY(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getBackgroundColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getBackgroundColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBackgroundColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getFontColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getObject", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getObject(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontSize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getFontSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType::value", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions.ShapeType@" + __this__ + "::value(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.value(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::clearTileCache", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::clearTileCache(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clearTileCache(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator@" + __this__ + "::newArray(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags::reset", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags@" + __this__ + "::reset(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.reset(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getId", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setPoints(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPoints", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setGeodesic", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setGeodesic(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeodesic(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isGeodesic", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::isGeodesic(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGeodesic(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setDottedLine", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setDottedLine(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDottedLine(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isDottedLine", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::isDottedLine(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDottedLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getWidth", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setVisible(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::isVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getNearestLatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getNearestLatLng(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNearestLatLng(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setTransparency", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setTransparency(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setAboveMaskLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setAboveMaskLayer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAboveMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTexture(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aadce2a --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5828 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler6 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setOptions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getOptions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustemTextureIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setCustemTextureIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustemTextureIndex(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTextureIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTextureIndex(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setShownRatio(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShownRatio(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRange", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setShownRange(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShownRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getShownRatio", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getShownRatio(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::showPolylineRangeEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::showPolylineRangeEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showPolylineRangeEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isShowPolylineRangeEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::isShowPolylineRangeEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowPolylineRangeEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPolylineShowRange", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setPolylineShowRange(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolylineShowRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeBegin", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getPolylineShownRangeBegin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeBegin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeEnd", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getPolylineShownRangeEnd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setFootPrintTexture(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFootPrintTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getFootPrintTexture(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintGap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setFootPrintGap(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFootPrintGap(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintGap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getFootPrintGap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintGap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setEraseTexture(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEraseTexture(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseTexture", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getEraseTexture(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseVisible", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getEraseVisible(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setEraseColor(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEraseColor(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::getEraseColor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureList", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTextureList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTextureList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::setVisibility", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@" + __this__ + "::setVisibility(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisibility(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateLineDistance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateLineDistance(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.calculateLineDistance(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.calculateArea(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var0 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.calculateArea(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::getLatestAMapApp", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::getLatestAMapApp(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.getLatestAMapApp(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapNavi", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapNavi(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapNavi(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapPoiNearbySearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapPoiNearbySearch(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapPoiNearbySearch(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapDrivingRoute", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapDrivingRoute(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapDrivingRoute(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapTransitRoute", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapTransitRoute(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapTransitRoute(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapWalkingRoute", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapWalkingRoute(" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils.openAMapWalkingRoute(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onAttach", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onAttach(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroyView", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroyView(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setArguments", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setArguments(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@" + __this__ + "::setUserVisibleHint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowAnimation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowAnimation(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowAppearAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowAppearAnimation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowAppearAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackColor", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowBackColor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowBackColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowBackEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowBackEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackScale", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowBackScale(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowBackScale(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowMovingAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowMovingAnimation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowMovingAnimation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::startAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@" + __this__ + "::startAnimation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::setVisibility", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::setVisibility(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisibility(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::setOnDismissCallbackListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::setOnDismissCallbackListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnDismissCallbackListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDismiss", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onDismiss(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDismiss(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onEnterAmbient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onEnterAmbient(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onEnterAmbient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onExitAmbient", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@" + __this__ + "::onExitAmbient(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onExitAmbient(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView::loadWorldVectorMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView@" + __this__ + "::loadWorldVectorMap(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.loadWorldVectorMap(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCameraPosition", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getCameraPosition(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCameraPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMaxZoomLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMaxZoomLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoomLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMinZoomLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMinZoomLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoomLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::moveCamera", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::moveCamera(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.moveCamera(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::animateCamera(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.animateCamera(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::animateCamera(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.animateCamera(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__int__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback var4 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::animateCamera(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.animateCamera(var1, var2.longValue(), var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::stopAnimation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::stopAnimation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopAnimation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addNavigateArrow", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addNavigateArrow(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addNavigateArrow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolyline", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCircle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addCircle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addCircle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addArc", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addArc(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addArc(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolygon", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addPolygon(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addPolygon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGroundOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addGroundOverlay(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addGroundOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarker", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addMarker(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMarker(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGL3DModel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addGL3DModel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addGL3DModel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addText", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addText(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addText(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarkers", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addMarkers(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMarkers(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapScreenMarkers", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMapScreenMarkers(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapScreenMarkers(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addTileOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addTileOverlay(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addTileOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMVTTileOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addMVTTileOverlay(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMVTTileOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addHeatMapLayer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHeatMapLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapGridLayer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addHeatMapGridLayer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addHeatMapGridLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMultiPointOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addMultiPointOverlay(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addMultiPointOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addParticleOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addParticleOverlay(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addParticleOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::clear(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clear(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear__bool", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::clear(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clear(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMapType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMapType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTrafficEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::isTrafficEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isTrafficEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setTrafficEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showMapText", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::showMapText(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showMapText(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showIndoorMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::showIndoorMap(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showIndoorMap(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showBuildings", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::showBuildings(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showBuildings(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyTrafficStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMyTrafficStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyTrafficStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyTrafficStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMyTrafficStyle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyTrafficStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficStyleWithTextureData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + byte[] var1 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setTrafficStyleWithTextureData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficStyleWithTextureData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isMyLocationEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::isMyLocationEnabled(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMyLocationEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationEnabled", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMyLocationEnabled(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocation", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMyLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + android.location.Location __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setLocationSource", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setLocationSource(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationSource(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMyLocationStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocationStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMyLocationStyle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocationStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationType", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMyLocationType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationRotateAngle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMyLocationRotateAngle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationRotateAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getUiSettings", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getUiSettings(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUiSettings(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjection", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getProjection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProjection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnCameraChangeListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnCameraChangeListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnCameraChangeListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMapClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMapClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapTouchListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMapTouchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMapTouchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnPOIClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnPOIClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnPOIClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMyLocationChangeListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMyLocationChangeListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapLongClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMapLongClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMapLongClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMarkerClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMarkerClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMarkerClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnPolylineClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnPolylineClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnPolylineClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMarkerDragListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMarkerDragListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMarkerDragListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnInfoWindowClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnInfoWindowClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnInfoWindowClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setInfoWindowAdapter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setInfoWindowAdapter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowAdapter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCommonInfoWindowAdapter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setCommonInfoWindowAdapter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCommonInfoWindowAdapter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapLoadedListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMapLoadedListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMapLoadedListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMultiPointClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setOnMultiPointClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnMultiPointClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapPrintScreen", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMapPrintScreen(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.getMapPrintScreen(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapScreenShot", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMapScreenShot(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.getMapScreenShot(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getScalePerPixel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getScalePerPixel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScalePerPixel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::runOnDrawFrame", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::runOnDrawFrame(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.runOnDrawFrame(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removecache", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removecache(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removecache(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removecache__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removecache(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removecache(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomRenderer", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setCustomRenderer(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomRenderer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setPointToCenter", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setPointToCenter(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPointToCenter(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapTextZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMapTextZIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapTextZIndex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setLoadOfflineData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setLoadOfflineData(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLoadOfflineData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapTextZIndex", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMapTextZIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapTextZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getVersion", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getVersion(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.AMap.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::reloadMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::reloadMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.reloadMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderFps", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setRenderFps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRenderFps(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setIndoorBuildingInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setIndoorBuildingInfo(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorBuildingInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setAMapGestureListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setAMapGestureListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAMapGestureListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getZoomToSpanLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getZoomToSpanLevel(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomToSpanLevel(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getInfoWindowAnimationManager", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getInfoWindowAnimationManager(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowAnimationManager(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaskLayerParams", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + Number var6 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMaskLayerParams(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + var5 + var6 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaskLayerParams(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue(), var5.intValue(), var6.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaxZoomLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMaxZoomLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxZoomLevel(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMinZoomLevel", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMinZoomLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMinZoomLevel(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::resetMinMaxZoomPreference", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::resetMinMaxZoomPreference(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetMinMaxZoomPreference(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapStatusLimits", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMapStatusLimits(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapStatusLimits(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCrossOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addCrossOverlay(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addCrossOverlay(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addRouteOverlay", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addRouteOverlay(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addRouteOverlay(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getViewMatrix", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getViewMatrix(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getViewMatrix(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjectionMatrix", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getProjectionMatrix(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProjectionMatrix(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapCustomEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMapCustomEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapCustomEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStylePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setCustomMapStylePath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomMapStylePath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setCustomMapStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomMapStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyleID", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setCustomMapStyleID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomMapStyleID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomTextureResourcePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setCustomTextureResourcePath(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomTextureResourcePath(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setRenderMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRenderMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapContentApprovalNumber", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getMapContentApprovalNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapContentApprovalNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getTerrainApprovalNumber", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getTerrainApprovalNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTerrainApprovalNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapLanguage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setMapLanguage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMapLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRoadArrowEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setRoadArrowEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoadArrowEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setNaviLabelEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setNaviLabelEnable(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNaviLabelEnable(var1, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTouchPoiEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setTouchPoiEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTouchPoiEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTouchPoiEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::isTouchPoiEnable(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isTouchPoiEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapController", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getNativeMapController(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNativeMapController(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapEngineID", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getNativeMapEngineID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNativeMapEngineID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnCameraChangeListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnCameraChangeListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnCameraChangeListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMapClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMapClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMarkerDragListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMarkerDragListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMarkerDragListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapLoadedListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMapLoadedListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMapLoadedListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapTouchListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMapTouchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMapTouchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMarkerClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMarkerClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMarkerClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnPolylineClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnPolylineClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnPolylineClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnPOIClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnPOIClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnPOIClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapLongClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMapLongClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMapLongClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnInfoWindowClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnInfoWindowClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnInfoWindowClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMyLocationChangeListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::addOnMyLocationChangeListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOnMyLocationChangeListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnCameraChangeListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnCameraChangeListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnCameraChangeListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMapClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMapClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMarkerDragListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMarkerDragListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMarkerDragListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapLoadedListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMapLoadedListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMapLoadedListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapTouchListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMapTouchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMapTouchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMarkerClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMarkerClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMarkerClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnPolylineClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnPolylineClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnPolylineClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnPOIClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnPOIClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnPOIClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapLongClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMapLongClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMapLongClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnInfoWindowClickListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnInfoWindowClickListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnInfoWindowClickListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60a4a12 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6263 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler7 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMyLocationChangeListener", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::removeOnMyLocationChangeListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeOnMyLocationChangeListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setWorldVectorMapStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setWorldVectorMapStyle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWorldVectorMapStyle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCurrentStyle", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::getCurrentStyle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurrentStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::accelerateNetworkInChinese", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::accelerateNetworkInChinese(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.accelerateNetworkInChinese(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setConstructingRoadEnable", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@" + __this__ + "::setConstructingRoadEnable(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConstructingRoadEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::getMap", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::getMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onCreate", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::onCreate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onResume", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::onResume(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onPause", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::onPause(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onDestroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::onDestroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onLowMemory", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::onLowMemory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onSaveInstanceState", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::onSaveInstanceState(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapView::setVisibility", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@" + __this__ + "::setVisibility(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisibility(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLatitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLatitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLatitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::getLongitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLongitude", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::setLongitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::getSpeed(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setSpeed", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::setSpeed(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::getBearing(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setBearing", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::setBearing(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::getTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::setTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::copy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@" + __this__ + "::copy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.copy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::getInstance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::getInstance(" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient.getInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::queryProcessedTrace", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener var4 = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@" + __this__ + "::queryProcessedTrace(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.queryProcessedTrace(var1.intValue(), var2, var3.intValue(), var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::startTrace", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener var1 = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@" + __this__ + "::startTrace(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startTrace(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::stopTrace", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@" + __this__ + "::stopTrace(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopTrace(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::destroy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@" + __this__ + "::destroy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::add", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::add(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::remove", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::remove(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setProperCamera", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setProperCamera(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProperCamera(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::zoopToSpan", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::zoopToSpan(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.zoopToSpan(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getTraceStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getTraceStatus(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTraceStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setTraceStatus", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setTraceStatus(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTraceStatus(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getDistance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setDistance", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getWaitTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::getWaitTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWaitTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setWaitTime", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@" + __this__ + "::setWaitTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWaitTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity::onRequestPermissionsResult_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String[] var2 = (String[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + int[] var3 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onRequestPermissionsResult(var1.intValue(), var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onAttach_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroyView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setArguments_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScaleControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setScaleControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setCompassEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCompassEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setMyLocationButtonEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMyLocationButtonEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScrollGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setScrollGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setTiltGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTiltGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setRotateGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotateGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setAllGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAllGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoPosition(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomPosition(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getZoomPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScaleControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isScaleControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isZoomControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isCompassEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isCompassEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isMyLocationButtonEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMyLocationButtonEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScrollGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isScrollGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isZoomGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isTiltGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isTiltGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isRotateGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRotateGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLogoPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isIndoorSwitchEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isIndoorSwitchEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setIndoorSwitchEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorSwitchEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoMarginRate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoMarginRate(var1.intValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoMarginRate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLogoMarginRate(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoLeftMargin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoLeftMargin(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoBottomMargin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoBottomMargin(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomInByScreenCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomInByScreenCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setGestureScaleByMapCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGestureScaleByMapCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isGestureScaleByMapCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGestureScaleByMapCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLogoCenter(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowUpdateTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowUpdateTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindow(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoContent_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var1 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoContent(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var1 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoContents_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoContents(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomIn_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomIn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomOut_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::scrollBy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.scrollBy(var0.floatValue(), var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomTo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double__android_graphics_Point_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(var0.floatValue(), var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newCameraPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(var0, var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(var0, var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeLatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.changeLatLng(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.changeBearing(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeTilt_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.changeTilt(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int__int__int_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(var0, var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBoundsRect_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBoundsRect(var0, var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapException::getErrorMessage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapException __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapException) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorMessage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::logoPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.logoPosition(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zOrderOnTop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zOrderOnTop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::mapType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.mapType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::camera_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scaleControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.scaleControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zoomControlsEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::compassEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.compassEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scrollGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.scrollGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zoomGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::tiltGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.tiltGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::rotateGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.rotateGesturesEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getLogoPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLogoPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZOrderOnTop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZOrderOnTop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getMapType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCamera_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCamera(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScaleControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScaleControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomControlsEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomControlsEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCompassEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCompassEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScrollGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getScrollGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZoomGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getTiltGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTiltGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getRotateGesturesEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotateGesturesEnabled(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::from_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter.CoordType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter.CoordType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.from(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::coord_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.coord(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::convert_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.convert(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter.isAMapDataAvailable(var0.doubleValue(), var2.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoContents_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoContents(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowUpdateTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::resetIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setTotalDuration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalDuration(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::startSmoothMove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startSmoothMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::stopMove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::removeMarker_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setTotalDuration_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalDuration(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::startSmoothMove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startSmoothMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::stopMove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopMove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getMarker_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::resetIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.resetIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::removeMarker_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setDescriptor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDescriptor(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onAttach_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroyView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setArguments_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment.newInstance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions var0 = (com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment.newInstance(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::getMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onAttach_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onAttach(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onCreate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onCreate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onResume_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onResume(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onPause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onPause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroyView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroyView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onDestroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onLowMemory_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onLowMemory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onSaveInstanceState(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setArguments_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArguments(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserVisibleHint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer::OnMapReferencechanged_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.OnMapReferencechanged(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::initialize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.initialize(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setNetWorkEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setNetWorkEnable(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getNetWorkEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getNetWorkEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setApiKey_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setApiKey(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldGridMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.loadWorldGridMap(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldGridMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isLoadWorldGridMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aba8ef --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6357 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler8 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldVectorMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.loadWorldVectorMap(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldVectorMap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isLoadWorldVectorMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setBuildingHeight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setBuildingHeight(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setHost_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setHost(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setProtocol_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setProtocol(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getProtocol_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getProtocol(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureViewDestorySync_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTextureViewDestorySync(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureViewDestorySync_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getTextureViewDestorySync(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureDestroyedRender_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTextureDestroyedRender(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureDestroyRender_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getTextureDestroyRender(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureSizeChangedInvoked_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTextureSizeChangedInvoked(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureSizeChangedInvoked_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getTextureSizeChangedInvoked(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::disableCachedMapDataUpdate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.disableCachedMapDataUpdate(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isSupportRecycleView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isSupportRecycleView(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setSupportRecycleView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setSupportRecycleView(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setPolyline2Enable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setPolyline2Enable(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getPolyline2Enable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getPolyline2Enable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getDeviceId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.getDeviceId(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isTerrainEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.isTerrainEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTerrainEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var0 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.setTerrainEnable(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyShow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.updatePrivacyShow(var0, var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyAgree_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer.updatePrivacyAgree(var0, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getUrl_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setUrl_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getState(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setState(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSize(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVersion(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getcompleteCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getcompleteCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCompleteCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCompleteCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getCityList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getDownloadedCityList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadedCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCityList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView::setProgress_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProgress(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getJianpin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getJianpin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getPinyin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPinyin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setJianpin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setJianpin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setPinyin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPinyin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.downloadByCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.downloadByCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByProvinceName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.downloadByProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapProvinceList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOfflineMapProvinceList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItemByCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItemByCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByProvinceName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getItemByProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapCityList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOfflineMapCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingCityList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadingCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingProvinceList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadingProvinceList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapCityList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadOfflineMapCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.updateOfflineCityByCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.updateOfflineCityByName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineMapProvinceByName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.updateOfflineMapProvinceByName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::restart_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.restart(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::stop_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pause_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.pause(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pauseByName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.pauseByName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getUrl_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setUrl_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSize(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getState(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setState_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setState(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVersion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setVersion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVersion(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getcompleteCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getcompleteCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setCompleteCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCompleteCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::showScr_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.showScr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.closeScr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr__android_os_Bundle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.os.Bundle var1 = (android.os.Bundle) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.closeScr(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::onClick_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var1 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.onClick(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getJianpin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getJianpin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setJianpin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setJianpin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getPinyin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPinyin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setPinyin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPinyin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getAdcode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setAdcode_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromScreenLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fromScreenLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toScreenLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toScreenLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toMapLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toMapLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toOpenGLLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toOpenGLWidth(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getVisibleRegion_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVisibleRegion(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromBoundsToTile_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.fromBoundsToTile(var1, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getMapBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMapBounds(var1, var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getCameraInfo_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCameraInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.Projection::calZoomByTargetPos_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.Projection __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.Projection) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calZoomByTargetPos(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowClick_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInfoWindowClick(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindow_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOverturnInfoWindow(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindowClick_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + android.view.View __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOverturnInfoWindowClick(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHoleOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getHoleOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHoleOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::contains_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.contains(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::data_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::weightedData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.Collection var1 = (java.util.Collection) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weightedData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::size_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.size(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gradient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.gradient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::opacity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.opacity(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxIntensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.maxIntensity(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.maxZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::minZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.minZoom(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::type_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.type(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGradient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGradient(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getData_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.Collection __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getOpacity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOpacity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxIntensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxIntensity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMinZoom_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMinZoom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getBitmap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBitmap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getHeight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::addAll_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType::valueOf_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType::getTypeValue_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineCapType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getCoordinate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordinate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getPoiId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationIcon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.myLocationIcon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::anchor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::radiusFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radiusFillColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.strokeWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.myLocationType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::interval_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.interval(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::showMyLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.showMyLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationIcon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocationIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorU_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorV_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getRadiusFillColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadiusFillColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrokeWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMyLocationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getInterval_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::isMyLocationShowing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isMyLocationShowing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::removeRouteName_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeRouteName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::center_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::radius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.radius(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getRadius_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setText_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setText(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getText_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getText(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setBackgroundColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBackgroundColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getBackgroundColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBackgroundColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFontColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFontSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontSize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFontSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setAlign_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAlign(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e5ba16 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6365 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler9 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignX_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignX(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignY_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlignY(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Object var1 = (java.lang.Object) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setObject(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getObject_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.lang.Object __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getObject(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRotate(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getRotate_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRotate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Text __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Text) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::include_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.include(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::build_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getHeatMapItem_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeatMapItem(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOptions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setOptions_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOptions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::addAll_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::width_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.width(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::topColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.topColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::sideColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.sideColor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::set3DModel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.set3DModel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getTopColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTopColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getSideColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSideColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::is3DModel_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.is3DModel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getLatLngs_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLngs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromResource_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromView_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.view.View var0 = (android.view.View) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromView(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromPath_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromPath(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromAsset_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromAsset(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromFile_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var0 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromFile(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker__double_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(var0.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromBitmap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(var0); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::getContext_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + android.content.Context __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory.getContext(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getUrl_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getKey_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKey(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType::getTypeValue_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType::valueOf_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara.LineJoinType.valueOf(var0.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::anchor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorU_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorV_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::icon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.icon(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getIcon_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIcon(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setMultiPointItems_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMultiPointItems(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getMultiPointItems_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMultiPointItems(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator::newArray_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.newArray(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setUseTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setUseTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setCustomTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setCustomTextureList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureList_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomTextureList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setCustomTextureIndex(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomTextureIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::colorValues_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.colorValues(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColorValues_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColorValues(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::useGradient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.useGradient(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseGradient_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseGradient(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isGeodesic_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isGeodesic(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.add(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::addAll_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.lang.Iterable var1 = (java.lang.Iterable) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.addAll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::width_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.width(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::color_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.color(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::geodesic_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.geodesic(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLine_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDottedLine(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isDottedLine_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDottedLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLineType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setDottedLineType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineCapType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.lineCapType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineJoinType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType var1 = com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType.values()[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.lineJoinType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineCapType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineCapType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLineCapType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineJoinType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions.LineJoinType __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLineJoinType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getDottedLineType_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDottedLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::transparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.transparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getTransparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransparency(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::aboveMaskLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.aboveMaskLayer(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isAboveMaskLayer_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isAboveMaskLayer(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoints(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRatio(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRatio_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setShownRatio(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRange_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setShownRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeBegin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRangeBegin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeEnd_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShownRangeEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::showPolylineRangeEnabled_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.showPolylineRangeEnabled(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isShowPolylineRangeEnable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowPolylineRangeEnable(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPolylineShowRange_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setPolylineShowRange(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeBegin_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeBegin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeEnd_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylineShownRangeEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setFootPrintTexture(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintGap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setFootPrintGap(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintGap_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFootPrintGap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var2 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setEraseTexture(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseTexture_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseTexture(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setEraseColor(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseColor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEraseColor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::obtain_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + byte[] var2 = (byte[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile.obtain(var0.intValue(), var1.intValue(), var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAngle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::getAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setModelFixedLength_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setModelFixedLength(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setZoomLimit_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZoomLimit(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getColors_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + int[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getColors(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getStartPoints_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + float[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTile_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTile(var1.intValue(), var2.intValue(), var3.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTileWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileHeight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTileHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setCenter_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1.doubleValue(), var3.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIntensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIntensity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIntensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIntensity(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIndexes_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + int[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndexes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIndexes_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + int[] var1 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndexes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setTargetPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setNaviStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNaviStyle(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getTargetPoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getNaviStyle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNaviStyle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::image_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.image(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::anchor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.anchor(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1, var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1, var2.floatValue(), var3.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::positionFromBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.positionFromBounds(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::bearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.bearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::zIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.zIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::visible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.visible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::transparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.transparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getImage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getImage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getLocation_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getHeight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBounds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getTransparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransparency(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorU_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorU(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorV_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAnchorV(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::clone_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::textureDrawable_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.textureDrawable(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__String_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.vertexData(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__List_double___List_double__batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.vertexData(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::position_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.position(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::angle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.angle(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getVertext_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVertext(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTextrue_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTextrue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getAngle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAngle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getLatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLng(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getBitmapDescriptor_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBitmapDescriptor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setModelFixedLength_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setModelFixedLength(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getModelFixedLength_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getModelFixedLength(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::title_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.title(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::snippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.snippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTitle_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getSnippet_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::remove_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.remove(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getId_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPosition(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getPosition_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPosition(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDimensions(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setImage_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setImage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double__double_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDimensions(var1.floatValue(), var2.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getWidth_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getHeight_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPositionFromBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds var1 = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPositionFromBounds(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBounds_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBounds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBearing(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBearing_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBearing(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setZIndex(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getZIndex_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getZIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVisible(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::isVisible_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isVisible(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setTransparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransparency(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getTransparency_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransparency(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::destroy_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d06724a --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ @@ -0,0 +1,752 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler.custom; + +import; +import; +import; +import android.util.Log; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.ImageView; + +import com.amap.api.maps.AMap; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker; +import com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler.custom.tile_provider.UrlTileProviderImpl; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getSTACK; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandlerCustom { + + public static final SubHandlerCustom instance = new SubHandlerCustom(); + + private SubHandlerCustom() { } + + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger, Activity activity) { + return new HashMap() {{ + put("com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setInfoWindowAdapterX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // ref + com.amap.api.maps.AMap __this__ = (com.amap.api.maps.AMap) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + try { + __this__.setInfoWindowAdapter(new AMap.InfoWindowAdapter() { + @Override + public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) { + Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) getSTACK().get("infoWindow"); + ImageView view = new ImageView(activity); + view.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); + view.setImageBitmap(bitmap); + + // 调用完成后清空栈 + getSTACK().clear(); + return view; + } + + @Override + public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) { + return null; + } + }); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + // convert result to jsonable result + String jsonableResult = "success"; + + __methodResult__.success(jsonableResult); + }); + put("com.amap.api.maps.model.UrlTileProviderX::create", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + final int width = (int) __args__.get("width"); + final int height = (int) __args__.get("height"); + final String urlTemplate = (String) __args__.get("urlTemplate"); + + try { + final UrlTileProviderImpl provider = new UrlTileProviderImpl(width, height, urlTemplate); + __methodResult__.success(provider); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + }); + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArrayX", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArray"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + int[] var1 = (int[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // jsonable arg + double[] var2 = (double[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + float[] stopList = new float[var2.length]; + for (int i = 0; i < var2.length; i++) { + stopList[i] = (float) var2[i]; + } + + // create target object + com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient __obj__ = new com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient(var1, stopList); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + //region 平滑轨迹 + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setIntensity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number mIntensity = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("mIntensity"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::setIntensity(" + mIntensity + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIntensity(mIntensity.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::getThreshhold", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::getThreshhold(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getThreshhold(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setThreshhold", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number mThreshhold = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("mThreshhold"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::setThreshhold(" + mThreshhold + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setThreshhold(mThreshhold.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setNoiseThreshhold", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number mnoiseThreshhold = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("mnoiseThreshhold"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::setNoiseThreshhold(" + mnoiseThreshhold + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNoiseThreshhold(mnoiseThreshhold.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::pathOptimize", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List originlist = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("originlist"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::pathOptimize(" + originlist + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.pathOptimize(originlist); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::kalmanFilterPath__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List originlist = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("originlist"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::kalmanFilterPath(" + originlist + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.kalmanFilterPath(originlist); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::removeNoisePoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List originlist = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("originlist"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::removeNoisePoint(" + originlist + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.removeNoisePoint(originlist); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::kalmanFilterPoint__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng lastLoc = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("lastLoc"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng curLoc = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("curLoc"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::kalmanFilterPoint(" + lastLoc + curLoc + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.kalmanFilterPoint(lastLoc, curLoc); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::reducerVerticalThreshold__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List inPoints = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("inPoints"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::reducerVerticalThreshold(" + inPoints + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.reducerVerticalThreshold(inPoints); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::getIntensity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java: com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool@" + __this__ + "::getIntensity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIntensity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_PathSmoothTool__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_maps_utils_PathSmoothTool__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + PathSmoothTool __obj__ = new PathSmoothTool(); + + // print current HEAP + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "HEAP: " + getHEAP()); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::getIntensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIntensity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setIntensity_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number mIntensity = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("mIntensity"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIntensity(mIntensity.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::getThreshhold_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getThreshhold(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setThreshhold_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number mThreshhold = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("mThreshhold"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setThreshhold(mThreshhold.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setNoiseThreshhold_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number mnoiseThreshhold = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("mnoiseThreshhold"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNoiseThreshhold(mnoiseThreshhold.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::pathOptimize_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List originlist = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("originlist"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.pathOptimize(originlist); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::kalmanFilterPath__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List originlist = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("originlist"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.kalmanFilterPath(originlist); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::removeNoisePoint_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List originlist = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("originlist"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.removeNoisePoint(originlist); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::kalmanFilterPoint__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng lastLoc = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("lastLoc"); + // ref arg + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng curLoc = (com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng) ((Map) __args__).get("curLoc"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.kalmanFilterPoint(lastLoc, curLoc); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::reducerVerticalThreshold__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__batch", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List inPoints = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("inPoints"); + + // ref + PathSmoothTool __this__ = (PathSmoothTool) ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.reducerVerticalThreshold(inPoints); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + //endregion + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/path_smooth/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/path_smooth/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..915193b --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/path_smooth/ @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +package com.amap.api.maps.utils; + +import com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils; +import com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * 轨迹优化工具类 + * Created by my94493 on 2017/3/31. + *

+ * 使用方法: + *

+ * PathSmoothTool pathSmoothTool = new PathSmoothTool(); + * pathSmoothTool.setIntensity(2);//设置滤波强度,默认3 + * List mList = LatpathSmoothTool.kalmanFilterPath(list); + */ + +public class PathSmoothTool { + private int mIntensity = 3; + private float mThreshhold = 0.3f; + private float mNoiseThreshhold = 10; + + public PathSmoothTool(){ + + } + + public int getIntensity() { + return mIntensity; + } + + public void setIntensity(int mIntensity) { + this.mIntensity = mIntensity; + } + + public float getThreshhold() { + return mThreshhold; + } + + public void setThreshhold(float mThreshhold) { + this.mThreshhold = mThreshhold; + } + + public void setNoiseThreshhold(float mnoiseThreshhold) { + this.mNoiseThreshhold = mnoiseThreshhold; + } + + /** + * 轨迹平滑优化 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 优化后轨迹list + */ + public List pathOptimize(List originlist){ + + List list = removeNoisePoint(originlist);//去噪 + List afterList = kalmanFilterPath(list,mIntensity);//滤波 + List pathoptimizeList = reducerVerticalThreshold(afterList,mThreshhold);//抽稀 +// Log.i("MY","originlist: "+originlist.size()); +// Log.i("MY","list: "+list.size()); +// Log.i("MY","afterList: "+afterList.size()); +// Log.i("MY","pathoptimizeList: "+pathoptimizeList.size()); + return pathoptimizeList; + } + + /** + * 轨迹线路滤波 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 滤波处理后的轨迹list + */ + public List kalmanFilterPath(List originlist) { + return kalmanFilterPath(originlist,mIntensity); + } + + + /** + * 轨迹去噪,删除垂距大于20m的点 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return + */ + public List removeNoisePoint(List originlist){ + return reduceNoisePoint(originlist,mNoiseThreshhold); + } + + /** + * 单点滤波 + * @param lastLoc 上次定位点坐标 + * @param curLoc 本次定位点坐标 + * @return 滤波后本次定位点坐标值 + */ + public LatLng kalmanFilterPoint(LatLng lastLoc, LatLng curLoc) { + return kalmanFilterPoint(lastLoc,curLoc,mIntensity); + } + + /** + * 轨迹抽稀 + * @param inPoints 待抽稀的轨迹list,至少包含两个点,删除垂距小于mThreshhold的点 + * @return 抽稀后的轨迹list + */ + public List reducerVerticalThreshold(List inPoints) { + return reducerVerticalThreshold(inPoints,mThreshhold); + } + + /********************************************************************************************************/ + /** + * 轨迹线路滤波 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @param intensity 滤波强度(1—5) + * @return + */ + private List kalmanFilterPath(List originlist,int intensity) { + List kalmanFilterList = new ArrayList(); + if (originlist == null || originlist.size() <= 2) + return kalmanFilterList; + initial();//初始化滤波参数 + LatLng latLng = null; + LatLng lastLoc = originlist.get(0); + kalmanFilterList.add(lastLoc); + for (int i = 1; i < originlist.size(); i++) { + LatLng curLoc = originlist.get(i); + latLng = kalmanFilterPoint(lastLoc,curLoc,intensity); + if (latLng != null) { + kalmanFilterList.add(latLng); + lastLoc = latLng; + } + } + return kalmanFilterList; + } + + /** + * 单点滤波 + * @param lastLoc 上次定位点坐标 + * @param curLoc 本次定位点坐标 + * @param intensity 滤波强度(1—5) + * @return 滤波后本次定位点坐标值 + */ + private LatLng kalmanFilterPoint(LatLng lastLoc, LatLng curLoc, int intensity) { + if (pdelt_x == 0 || pdelt_y == 0 ){ + initial(); + } + LatLng kalmanLatlng = null; + if (lastLoc == null || curLoc == null){ + return kalmanLatlng; + } + if (intensity < 1){ + intensity = 1; + } else if (intensity > 5){ + intensity = 5; + } + for (int j = 0; j < intensity; j++){ + kalmanLatlng = kalmanFilter(lastLoc.longitude,curLoc.longitude,lastLoc.latitude,curLoc.latitude); + curLoc = kalmanLatlng; + } + return kalmanLatlng; + } + + + /***************************卡尔曼滤波开始********************************/ + private double lastLocation_x; //上次位置 + private double currentLocation_x;//这次位置 + private double lastLocation_y; //上次位置 + private double currentLocation_y;//这次位置 + private double estimate_x; //修正后数据 + private double estimate_y; //修正后数据 + private double pdelt_x; //自预估偏差 + private double pdelt_y; //自预估偏差 + private double mdelt_x; //上次模型偏差 + private double mdelt_y; //上次模型偏差 + private double gauss_x; //高斯噪音偏差 + private double gauss_y; //高斯噪音偏差 + private double kalmanGain_x; //卡尔曼增益 + private double kalmanGain_y; //卡尔曼增益 + + private double m_R= 0; + private double m_Q= 0; + //初始模型 + private void initial(){ + pdelt_x = 0.001; + pdelt_y = 0.001; +// mdelt_x = 0; +// mdelt_y = 0; + mdelt_x = 5.698402909980532E-4; + mdelt_y = 5.698402909980532E-4; + } + private LatLng kalmanFilter(double oldValue_x, double value_x, double oldValue_y, double value_y){ + lastLocation_x = oldValue_x; + currentLocation_x= value_x; + gauss_x = Math.sqrt(pdelt_x * pdelt_x + mdelt_x * mdelt_x)+m_Q; //计算高斯噪音偏差 + kalmanGain_x = Math.sqrt((gauss_x * gauss_x)/(gauss_x * gauss_x + pdelt_x * pdelt_x)) +m_R; //计算卡尔曼增益 + estimate_x = kalmanGain_x * (currentLocation_x - lastLocation_x) + lastLocation_x; //修正定位点 + mdelt_x = Math.sqrt((1-kalmanGain_x) * gauss_x *gauss_x); //修正模型偏差 + + lastLocation_y = oldValue_y; + currentLocation_y = value_y; + gauss_y = Math.sqrt(pdelt_y * pdelt_y + mdelt_y * mdelt_y)+m_Q; //计算高斯噪音偏差 + kalmanGain_y = Math.sqrt((gauss_y * gauss_y)/(gauss_y * gauss_y + pdelt_y * pdelt_y)) +m_R; //计算卡尔曼增益 + estimate_y = kalmanGain_y * (currentLocation_y - lastLocation_y) + lastLocation_y; //修正定位点 + mdelt_y = Math.sqrt((1-kalmanGain_y) * gauss_y * gauss_y); //修正模型偏差 + + LatLng latlng = new LatLng(estimate_y,estimate_x); + + + return latlng; + } + /***************************卡尔曼滤波结束**********************************/ + + /***************************抽稀算法*************************************/ + private List reducerVerticalThreshold(List inPoints, + float threshHold) { + if (inPoints == null) { + return null; + } + if (inPoints.size() <= 2) { + return inPoints; + } + List ret = new ArrayList(); + for (int i = 0; i < inPoints.size(); i++) { + LatLng pre = getLastLocation(ret); + LatLng cur = inPoints.get(i); + if (pre == null || i == inPoints.size() - 1) { + ret.add(cur); + continue; + } + LatLng next = inPoints.get(i + 1); + double distance = calculateDistanceFromPoint(cur, pre, next); + if (distance > threshHold){ + ret.add(cur); + } + } + return ret; + } + private static LatLng getLastLocation(List oneGraspList) { + if (oneGraspList == null || oneGraspList.size() == 0) { + return null; + } + int locListSize = oneGraspList.size(); + LatLng lastLocation = oneGraspList.get(locListSize - 1); + return lastLocation; + } + + /** + * 计算当前点到线的垂线距离 + * @param p 当前点 + * @param lineBegin 线的起点 + * @param lineEnd 线的终点 + * + */ + private static double calculateDistanceFromPoint(LatLng p, LatLng lineBegin, + LatLng lineEnd) { + double A = p.longitude - lineBegin.longitude; + double B = p.latitude - lineBegin.latitude; + double C = lineEnd.longitude - lineBegin.longitude; + double D = lineEnd.latitude - lineBegin.latitude; + + double dot = A * C + B * D; + double len_sq = C * C + D * D; + double param = dot / len_sq; + + double xx, yy; + + if (param < 0 || (lineBegin.longitude == lineEnd.longitude + && lineBegin.latitude == lineEnd.latitude)) { + xx = lineBegin.longitude; + yy = lineBegin.latitude; +// return -1; + } else if (param > 1) { + xx = lineEnd.longitude; + yy = lineEnd.latitude; +// return -1; + } else { + xx = lineBegin.longitude + param * C; + yy = lineBegin.latitude + param * D; + } + return AMapUtils.calculateLineDistance(p,new LatLng(yy,xx)); + } + /***************************抽稀算法结束*********************************/ + + private List reduceNoisePoint(List inPoints, float threshHold) { + if (inPoints == null) { + return null; + } + if (inPoints.size() <= 2) { + return inPoints; + } + List ret = new ArrayList(); + for (int i = 0; i < inPoints.size(); i++) { + LatLng pre = getLastLocation(ret); + LatLng cur = inPoints.get(i); + if (pre == null || i == inPoints.size() - 1) { + ret.add(cur); + continue; + } + LatLng next = inPoints.get(i + 1); + double distance = calculateDistanceFromPoint(cur, pre, next); + if (distance < threshHold){ + ret.add(cur); + } + } + return ret; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/tile_provider/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/tile_provider/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac9a7eb --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/tile_provider/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.sub_handler.custom.tile_provider; + +import android.util.Log; + +import com.amap.api.maps.model.UrlTileProvider; + +import; + +public class UrlTileProviderImpl extends UrlTileProvider { + + public UrlTileProviderImpl(int width, int height, String urlTemplate) { + super(width, height); + this.urlTemplate = urlTemplate; + } + + final String urlTemplate; + + @Override + public URL getTileUrl(int x, int y, int zoom) { + try { + final String url = urlTemplate + .replace("{x}", String.valueOf(x)) + .replace("{y}", String.valueOf(y)) + .replace("{scale}", String.valueOf(zoom)); + Log.d("瓦片地址", url); + return new URL(url); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + return null; + } +} diff --git a/example/.gitignore b/example/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/example/ b/example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0704a1d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# amap_map_fluttify_example + +Demonstrates how to use the amap_map_fluttify plugin. + +## Getting Started + +This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. + +A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: + +- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app]( +- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples]( + +For help getting started with Flutter, view our +[online documentation](, which offers tutorials, +samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. diff --git a/example/analysis_options.yaml b/example/analysis_options.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61b6c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/analysis_options.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to +# check for errors, warnings, and lints. +# +# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled +# IDEs ( The analyzer can also be +# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`. + +# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps, +# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices. +include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml + +linter: + # The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the + # section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml` + # included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints + # and their documentation is published at + # + # + # Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the + # section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code + # or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and + # `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file + # producing the lint. + rules: + # avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule + # prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule + +# Additional information about this file can be found at +# diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock b/example/android/.gradle/7.4/checksums/checksums.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68369e4d61ef1d58171f832dfb8760adf585b940 GIT binary patch literal 17 UcmZQh=S!L%_k!sy0|ev&04u}<6#xJL literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/7.4/checksums/md5-checksums.bin 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zW`LUkZU(p+;AViE0d5Ak8Q^Asn*nYHxEc6IWZ*yfaRGnD_#c1B0Qm>`*EIk9PyKnN zf0941;!pDDr~V{=e(F#1=coQ8f9F$wYW^gDI{zK=cYOXe&A;}kKV$woK7W4dPx7bF k-ywg;=TFU_S=`a7-vBR}=O0A6(mdjJ3c literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/file-system.probe b/example/android/.gradle/file-system.probe new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33a71af5820cd109e619370bff4ab752fe566c74 GIT binary patch literal 8 PcmZQzV4Q66K)C?`2Qvat literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ b/example/android/.gradle/vcs-1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/example/android/amap_map_test.jks b/example/android/amap_map_test.jks new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..662ceca4f9f41d553961ab282cd2e6dc117a4482 GIT binary patch literal 2074 zcmV+#2<7+w?f&fm0006200031000314Pk9za9?d$A9KEAstwI-@tU!z$mDz5~Y@QFp2z?CwYBXn6=f*ve5 zzG83P+sm7ujEyI*!Jcd0;P4H=a}`Kgg62Qu!Cjbh2NR5ZZEa*EhDKT1qH3aPa6l3~Btu4YN*i=;|a6tX{JT>2sC+p$OeX`efm+ zgb&n_VCV@j2L85ebL5x+Beftz2AX(WRTWU3&m;Es0YPXxV~%vjSazXwT7*CYV}7Cl zF8!a)8-^ok4TS!Y2*+%Yvbo1L0xG^<=y3te^*px7E&5-Ri$&2D-D@JYBPJ%GX@k6x z15PMniFPz9X4XhzVnB^$GyyL`Yf7?xPY;TYaNOY+%dQ&AeAuvf$fp}|Z8Q54)<38Z zzh>g9*zym0*I*^v-qp4UvW~djSE2)rKyZ;}U!kX`42_k!J%qF0@S3U$)qFR&Wad%? zr4WS^IY(xx9Td?jCb{eKAg~7kT6y`PW?C_@YjXB}hxWZLdU1Ubg}Jn=C+;>h^86*N zVsi{ z!QHynGHOIQHR-f}_G;!egR2yDZ#gq;N-U5AR2uY;S}8Z;p*^dnZYYQ_UtNfew+Ght zt{>qAhK1Bvb7T$wi)V0?a~EBRR=W%rHijeGJV8SToR8IlDFQ{ftSva2HtYFW%QYsF!(iihztr zL-PSRhVI?e{c}5<`xFX%X~|);b))b({P-1~0vEQevt!TmmaCB$+R)@7VbD-(o0Q(2 z4)s?|Q;Bn8i>CA2c$58h&L>lR6bAVduALRiSjBaxQ#59aJ9*VLf-jfAlig=tN*Zl* zS**+AwkW28rAs#<=$i0tn)LBoUs8HCJ8i>&<-};DhDn5Rit|!5&?{0rj77pnHQR9> z>sk6C5`;KCKQ#c`!4x%u6PQr|_96KKVf=q`%MIp>4&ekmA)mD%4WG@o>0dEKhBXL# zP04>sjT#x(*HwXv38R!-YDR_7O8Mv5u~nC7m8pf}ynu7Sy`J^^;F2u2@?Z!jjLdUn z{~(}QiAsU^ziLh(+eYQ-K_nTC{TA{6)?ysB!RY09dK2c_ipifU_(Kw>@jx?RLUx6T z;^-ezm_U#LeWAnWHcbtbsTU>Xf|AafF-bobkfgg5jVCdiI)!*m%;Q&zt-7iKsa1id zV^b+=w}yqF-q3#t|MrBg<_zMuOftj_5i-8Rf>YNxZs{X|)fi{LryCeBR*C&#k{ z+-NzD6*Zd@69?%s<$&#Y_GedJCWs+Wk?~2}M=5fRM}aL*p`XK@cxW(6EP7m4+aBO1OpQYW^8qIbZKUJ zFoFRhFbxI?Duzgg_YDC70R;d9f&mWzFoFRJ0)hbn0HO(Lx#2i45)B{aF&;F)Sb8l` z^4j5{C0WoCtEuj7MKcUXH@GOspjB8wn@onXX$Yj8CVU1#p-YyuMju%I9gK3-ReZ;w z-|&TwmXC^UEYH@}oOBkehSEE3W^g9dKRN9q<}-!4ac6V#zMd}pv(s~VX?}%dUCjJGk(%@~X);pw zJO~{CjjWxc`YLujUd)s5IBY&G<;asBr^9*m`!CqI+Eq@HlJr|^3*d+&X5ow^Jy8%I zIk%Ks^O7+uncm&j5+o~f#e;Thd5`cSxIBJozXAgR00E;RFdr}-1_M + localProperties.load(reader) + } +} + +def flutterRoot = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk') +if (flutterRoot == null) { + throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the file.") +} + +def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') +if (flutterVersionCode == null) { + flutterVersionCode = '1' +} + +def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') +if (flutterVersionName == null) { + flutterVersionName = '1.0' +} + +apply plugin: '' +apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle" + +android { + compileSdkVersion 34 + + sourceSets { + += 'src/main/kotlin' + } + + lintOptions { + disable 'InvalidPackage' + } + + defaultConfig { + // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID ( + applicationId "me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify_example" + minSdkVersion 21 + targetSdkVersion 28 + versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() + versionName flutterVersionName + testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" + } + + signingConfigs { + release { + keyAlias 'amap_map_test' + keyPassword 'amap_map_test' + storeFile file('../amap_map_test.jks') + storePassword 'amap_map_test' + } + } + + buildTypes { + debug { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + profile { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + release { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + } +} + +flutter { + source '../..' +} + +dependencies { + testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' + androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test:runner:1.1.1' + androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.1.1' +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b6a00c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0c3dfa --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d12080b --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +package io.flutter.plugins; + +import androidx.annotation.Keep; +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.Log; + +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine; + +/** + * Generated file. Do not edit. + * This file is generated by the Flutter tool based on the + * plugins that support the Android platform. + */ +@Keep +public final class GeneratedPluginRegistrant { + private static final String TAG = "GeneratedPluginRegistrant"; + public static void registerWith(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine) { + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new me.yohom.amap_core_fluttify.AmapCoreFluttifyPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin amap_core_fluttify, me.yohom.amap_core_fluttify.AmapCoreFluttifyPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin amap_location_fluttify, me.yohom.amap_location_fluttify.AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin amap_map_fluttify, me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify.AmapMapFluttifyPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin amap_search_fluttify, me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new me.yohom.core_location_fluttify.CoreLocationFluttifyPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin core_location_fluttify, me.yohom.core_location_fluttify.CoreLocationFluttifyPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin foundation_fluttify, me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new io.flutter.plugins.pathprovider.PathProviderPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin path_provider_android, io.flutter.plugins.pathprovider.PathProviderPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new com.baseflow.permissionhandler.PermissionHandlerPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin permission_handler_android, com.baseflow.permissionhandler.PermissionHandlerPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new; + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin share_plus,", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new io.flutter.plugins.sharedpreferences.SharedPreferencesPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin shared_preferences_android, io.flutter.plugins.sharedpreferences.SharedPreferencesPlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new com.tekartik.sqflite.SqflitePlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin sqflite, com.tekartik.sqflite.SqflitePlugin", e); + } + try { + flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new io.flutter.plugins.urllauncher.UrlLauncherPlugin()); + } catch (Exception e) { + Log.e(TAG, "Error registering plugin url_launcher_android, io.flutter.plugins.urllauncher.UrlLauncherPlugin", e); + } + } +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify_example/ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify_example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0739d29 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_map_fluttify_example/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +package me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify_example; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine; +import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant; + +public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity { + @Override + public void configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine) { + GeneratedPluginRegistrant.registerWith(flutterEngine); + } +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/example/ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8197c5c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/example/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +package me.yohom.example; + +import; + +public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity { +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f74085f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..304732f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db77bb4b7b0906d62b1847e87f15cdcacf6a4f29 GIT binary patch literal 544 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^9w5xY3?!3`olAj~WQl7;NpOBzNqJ&XDuZK6ep0G} zXKrG8YEWuoN@d~6R2!h8bpbvhu0Wd6uZuB!w&u2PAxD2eNXD>P5D~Wn-+_Wa#27Xc zC?Zj|6r#X(-D3u$NCt}(Ms06KgJ4FxJVv{GM)!I~&n8Bnc94O7-Hd)cjDZswgC;Qs zO=b+9!WcT8F?0rF7!Uys2bs@gozCP?z~o%U|N3vA*22NaGQG zlg@K`O_XuxvZ&Ks^m&R!`&1=spLvfx7oGDKDwpwW`#iqdw@AL`7MR}m`rwr|mZgU`8P7SBkL78fFf!WnuYWm$5Z0 zNXhDbCv&49sM544K|?c)WrFfiZvCi9h0O)B3Pgg&ebxsLQ05GG~ AQ2+n{ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17987b79bb8a35cc66c3c1fd44f5a5526c1b78be GIT binary patch literal 442 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b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5f1c8d34e7a88e3f88bea192c3a370d44689c3c GIT binary patch literal 1031 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^6F``Q8Ax83A=Cw=BuiW)N`mv#O3D+9QW+dm@{>{( zJaZG%Q-e|yQz{EjrrIztFa`(sgt!6~Yi|1%a`XoT0ojZ}lNrNjb9xjc(B0U1_% zz5^97Xt*%oq$rQy4?0GKNfJ44uvxI)gC`h-NZ|&0-7(qS@?b!5r36oQ}zyZrNO3 zMO=Or+<~>+A&uN&E!^Sl+>xE!QC-|oJv`ApDhqC^EWD|@=#J`=d#Xzxs4ah}w&Jnc z$|q_opQ^2TrnVZ0o~wh<3t%W&flvYGe#$xqda2bR_R zvPYgMcHgjZ5nSA^lJr%;<&0do;O^tDDh~=pIxA#coaCY>&N%M2^tq^U%3DB@ynvKo}b?yu-bFc-u0JHzced$sg7S3zqI(2 z#Km{dPr7I=pQ5>FuK#)QwK?Y`E`B?nP+}U)I#c1+FM*1kNvWG|a(TpksZQ3B@sD~b zpQ2)*V*TdwjFOtHvV|;OsiDqHi=6%)o4b!)x$)%9pGTsE z-JL={-Ffv+T87W(Xpooq<`r*VzWQcgBN$$`u}f>-ZQI1BB8ykN*=e4rIsJx9>z}*o zo~|9I;xof literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 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You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script. +DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="" + +APP_NAME="Gradle" +APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"` + +# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value. +MAX_FD="maximum" + +warn ( ) { + echo "$*" +} + +die ( ) { + echo + echo "$*" + echo + exit 1 +} + +# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false'). +cygwin=false +msys=false +darwin=false +case "`uname`" in + CYGWIN* ) + cygwin=true + ;; + Darwin* ) + darwin=true + ;; + MINGW* ) + msys=true + ;; +esac + +# Attempt to set APP_HOME +# Resolve links: $0 may be a link +PRG="$0" +# Need this for relative symlinks. +while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do + ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` + link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` + if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then + PRG="$link" + else + PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link" + fi +done +SAVED="`pwd`" +cd "`dirname \"$PRG\"`/" >/dev/null +APP_HOME="`pwd -P`" +cd "$SAVED" >/dev/null + +CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar + +# Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM. +if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then + if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then + # IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables + JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" + else + JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" + fi + if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then + die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME + +Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the +location of your Java installation." + fi +else + JAVACMD="java" + which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH. + +Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the +location of your Java installation." +fi + +# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can. +if [ "$cygwin" = "false" -a "$darwin" = "false" ] ; then + MAX_FD_LIMIT=`ulimit -H -n` + if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then + if [ "$MAX_FD" = "maximum" -o "$MAX_FD" = "max" ] ; then + MAX_FD="$MAX_FD_LIMIT" + fi + ulimit -n $MAX_FD + if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then + warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD" + fi + else + warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT" + fi +fi + +# For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock +if $darwin; then + GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\"" +fi + +# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java +if $cygwin ; then + APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"` + CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"` + JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"` + + # We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath + ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null` + SEP="" + for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do + ROOTDIRS="$ROOTDIRS$SEP$dir" + SEP="|" + done + OURCYGPATTERN="(^($ROOTDIRS))" + # Add a user-defined pattern to the cygpath arguments + if [ "$GRADLE_CYGPATTERN" != "" ] ; then + OURCYGPATTERN="$OURCYGPATTERN|($GRADLE_CYGPATTERN)" + fi + # Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh + i=0 + for arg in "$@" ; do + CHECK=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "$OURCYGPATTERN" -` + CHECK2=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "^-"` ### Determine if an option + + if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition + eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg"` + else + eval `echo args$i`="\"$arg\"" + fi + i=$((i+1)) + done + case $i in + (0) set -- ;; + (1) set -- "$args0" ;; + (2) set -- "$args0" "$args1" ;; + (3) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" ;; + (4) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" ;; + (5) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" ;; + (6) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" ;; + (7) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" ;; + (8) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" ;; + (9) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" "$args8" ;; + esac +fi + +# Split up the JVM_OPTS And GRADLE_OPTS values into an array, following the shell quoting and substitution rules +function splitJvmOpts() { + JVM_OPTS=("$@") +} +eval splitJvmOpts $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $GRADLE_OPTS +JVM_OPTS[${#JVM_OPTS[*]}]="-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME" + +exec "$JAVACMD" "${JVM_OPTS[@]}" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain "$@" diff --git a/example/android/gradlew.bat b/example/android/gradlew.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a0b282 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/gradlew.bat @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +@if "%DEBUG%" == "" @echo off +@rem ########################################################################## +@rem +@rem Gradle startup script for Windows +@rem +@rem ########################################################################## + +@rem Set local scope for the variables with windows NT shell +if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal + +@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script. +set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS= + +set DIRNAME=%~dp0 +if "%DIRNAME%" == "" set DIRNAME=. +set APP_BASE_NAME=%~n0 +set APP_HOME=%DIRNAME% + +@rem Find java.exe +if defined JAVA_HOME goto findJavaFromJavaHome + +set JAVA_EXE=java.exe +%JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1 +if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto init + +echo. +echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH. +echo. +echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the +echo location of your Java installation. + +goto fail + +:findJavaFromJavaHome +set JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME:"=% +set JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe + +if exist "%JAVA_EXE%" goto init + +echo. +echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: %JAVA_HOME% +echo. +echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the +echo location of your Java installation. + +goto fail + +:init +@rem Get command-line arguments, handling Windowz variants + +if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto win9xME_args +if "%@eval[2+2]" == "4" goto 4NT_args + +:win9xME_args +@rem Slurp the command line arguments. +set CMD_LINE_ARGS= +set _SKIP=2 + +:win9xME_args_slurp +if "x%~1" == "x" goto execute + +set CMD_LINE_ARGS=%* +goto execute + +:4NT_args +@rem Get arguments from the 4NT Shell from JP Software +set CMD_LINE_ARGS=%$ + +:execute +@rem Setup the command line + +set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar + +@rem Execute Gradle +"%JAVA_EXE%" %DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% %JAVA_OPTS% %GRADLE_OPTS% "-Dorg.gradle.appname=%APP_BASE_NAME%" -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain %CMD_LINE_ARGS% + +:end +@rem End local scope for the variables with windows NT shell +if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto mainEnd + +:fail +rem Set variable GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of +rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code! +if not "" == "%GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE%" exit 1 +exit /b 1 + +:mainEnd +if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" endlocal + +:omega diff --git a/example/android/ b/example/android/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de0dd04 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +sdk.dir=C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk +flutter.sdk=D:\\futter\\flutter +flutter.buildMode=debug \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/android/settings.gradle b/example/android/settings.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a2f14f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/settings.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +include ':app' + +def flutterProjectRoot = rootProject.projectDir.parentFile.toPath() + +def plugins = new Properties() +def pluginsFile = new File(flutterProjectRoot.toFile(), '.flutter-plugins') +if (pluginsFile.exists()) { + pluginsFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> plugins.load(reader) } +} + +plugins.each { name, path -> + def pluginDirectory = flutterProjectRoot.resolve(path).resolve('android').toFile() + include ":$name" + project(":$name").projectDir = pluginDirectory +} diff --git a/example/images/1.5x/test_icon.png b/example/images/1.5x/test_icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b14422d71e20ae4bc9a74ff535db4bebfcb9d3db GIT binary patch literal 6531 zcmY*e1yo$ivK`#r9VU3f3>pRxmcb!71P_FugKKd20KwfgaB=s+f)gyb2iM>v{KL006*~my=OPNTEL+6CD6RdSIv{K@3nWC6y%s zfSNd*M^iM!nDL#Qx-tOZ#R>rU2Lk~22$TOF0N~0E034VA0K%yN0EI(l>l;zTM6iXf z{Cj0(04GAn1fU@i15gke65;|NQ3L+4AvAyj63xH5IuiRo7-Rq-%nE?|4@Ms$|1>#7 z|Ksx?iIR)-U&dVIf6+p@DF4;}xXD!fC_o4-2RS`w000M(7Y+#$AU%^3!KP=Wsq3Pv ztR(ynW(P7ghnZP`JnS6)cmYH`gb}Kpg^MYphn=mxv#^I4@Na}LLjPk10~!B@xY&pR zb(Pf^rD0AMi~=Bj5I0a9n~{-G)XDt4u)56af7}rxG2jOm7YAW5*xlV7WJ%h}W3#ngk#-uc;oNdA{c#=`lXla+&u70jOT53i{i%+*B<2>cW1 z-}aw%x>&vcZzOx?f6_uE2>vqz<^geo|K&!wivF<*t2$X(AR_|F$Ah6~`6@|9jiSv6Xt+^bl_Zs=SP(<_EMLeXP&q{SBQfPr^qc!KR-~ zc^Q$u)5?$|5rwcbVSB#c8&qh=6 z9b`{|&l9h|zB2m&6|kBvJdmlqGYJZ3N$VOldBaSbvIOh$DK_rD{H7{#oN_CVQ6#EL 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0000000..e8efba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig" +#include "Generated.xcconfig" diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5b8dec --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control. +FLUTTER_ROOT=D:\futter\flutter +FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH=D:\FlutterProjects\flutter_amap\amap_map_fluttify\example +COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN=true +FLUTTER_TARGET=lib\main.dart +FLUTTER_BUILD_DIR=build +FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME=1.0.0 +FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER=1 +EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]=i386 +EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphoneos*]=armv7 +DART_OBFUSCATION=false +TRACK_WIDGET_CREATION=true +TREE_SHAKE_ICONS=false +PACKAGE_CONFIG=.dart_tool/package_config.json diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..399e934 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig" +#include "Generated.xcconfig" diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/ b/example/ios/Flutter/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a28790 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control. +export "FLUTTER_ROOT=D:\futter\flutter" +export "FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH=D:\FlutterProjects\flutter_amap\amap_map_fluttify\example" +export "COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN=true" +export "FLUTTER_TARGET=lib\main.dart" +export "FLUTTER_BUILD_DIR=build" +export "FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME=1.0.0" +export "FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER=1" +export "DART_OBFUSCATION=false" +export "TRACK_WIDGET_CREATION=true" +export "TREE_SHAKE_ICONS=false" +export "PACKAGE_CONFIG=.dart_tool/package_config.json" diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile b/example/ios/Podfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a2da47 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Podfile @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +source '' # 指定源 + + +# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project +platform :ios, '11.0' + +# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency. +ENV['COCOAPODS_DISABLE_STATS'] = 'true' + +project 'Runner', { + 'Debug' => :debug, + 'Profile' => :release, + 'Release' => :release, +} + +def flutter_root + generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig'), __FILE__) + unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) + raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first" + end + + File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line| + matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/) + return matches[1].strip if matches + end + raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get" +end + +require File.expand_path(File.join('packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'podhelper'), flutter_root) + +flutter_ios_podfile_setup + +target 'Runner' do + flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)) +end + +post_install do |installer| + installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| + flutter_additional_ios_build_settings(target) + end +end diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile.lock b/example/ios/Podfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0be4df2 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Podfile.lock @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +PODS: + - AMap3DMap-NO-IDFA (9.2.1): + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (~> 1.6.9) + - amap_core_fluttify (0.0.1): + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (~> 1.6.9) + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - amap_location_fluttify (0.0.1): + - AMapLocation-NO-IDFA (= 2.8.0) + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - amap_map_fluttify (0.0.1): + - AMap3DMap-NO-IDFA (= 9.2.1) + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - amap_search_fluttify (0.0.1): + - AMapSearch-NO-IDFA (= 9.2.0) + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (1.6.9) + - AMapLocation-NO-IDFA (2.8.0): + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (~> 1.6.9) + - AMapSearch-NO-IDFA (9.2.0): + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (~> 1.6.9) + - core_location_fluttify (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - Flutter (1.0.0) + - FMDB (2.7.5): + - FMDB/standard (= 2.7.5) + - FMDB/standard (2.7.5) + - foundation_fluttify (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - path_provider_ios (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - permission_handler_apple (9.0.4): + - Flutter + - sqflite (0.0.2): + - Flutter + - FMDB (>= 2.7.5) + - url_launcher_ios (0.0.1): + - Flutter + +DEPENDENCIES: + - amap_core_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/amap_core_fluttify/ios`) + - amap_location_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/amap_location_fluttify/ios`) + - amap_map_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/amap_map_fluttify/ios`) + - amap_search_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/amap_search_fluttify/ios`) + - core_location_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/core_location_fluttify/ios`) + - Flutter (from `Flutter`) + - foundation_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/foundation_fluttify/ios`) + - path_provider_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_ios/ios`) + - permission_handler_apple (from `.symlinks/plugins/permission_handler_apple/ios`) + - sqflite (from `.symlinks/plugins/sqflite/ios`) + - url_launcher_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/url_launcher_ios/ios`) + +SPEC REPOS: + + - AMap3DMap-NO-IDFA + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA + - AMapLocation-NO-IDFA + - AMapSearch-NO-IDFA + - FMDB + +EXTERNAL SOURCES: + amap_core_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/amap_core_fluttify/ios" + amap_location_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/amap_location_fluttify/ios" + amap_map_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/amap_map_fluttify/ios" + amap_search_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/amap_search_fluttify/ios" + core_location_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/core_location_fluttify/ios" + Flutter: + :path: Flutter + foundation_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/foundation_fluttify/ios" + path_provider_ios: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/path_provider_ios/ios" + permission_handler_apple: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/permission_handler_apple/ios" + sqflite: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/sqflite/ios" + url_launcher_ios: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/url_launcher_ios/ios" + +SPEC CHECKSUMS: + AMap3DMap-NO-IDFA: 6660036f9a8c28ed3e9037936210121599055a2e + amap_core_fluttify: b84657ba39ee287a4b96bbcc0a6e67612cc3808f + amap_location_fluttify: 7dc366b959d3ea9ce0b826e60c22a15cec54bbad + amap_map_fluttify: 4eaf28184c3cac71f7cf1fb2799c919886792ca8 + amap_search_fluttify: cfab91aa65730337fff54705aae0423ea752fc91 + AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA: cc2ec7a2828ef292358ad594b7ee0ae21a7f097b + AMapLocation-NO-IDFA: 9d7ec9b052405356600b59fe0a9a65261bacc54e + AMapSearch-NO-IDFA: 9df378c88d50083346412ee3e0a10e2c451c7139 + core_location_fluttify: 9466a411ea7d22c6349c7e6a767ae4623f01eb1d + Flutter: 50d75fe2f02b26cc09d224853bb45737f8b3214a + FMDB: 2ce00b547f966261cd18927a3ddb07cb6f3db82a + foundation_fluttify: 0c45145e3fad1fb99188e4979daed5b24cd9b278 + path_provider_ios: 14f3d2fd28c4fdb42f44e0f751d12861c43cee02 + permission_handler_apple: 44366e37eaf29454a1e7b1b7d736c2cceaeb17ce + sqflite: 6d358c025f5b867b29ed92fc697fd34924e11904 + url_launcher_ios: 839c58cdb4279282219f5e248c3321761ff3c4de + +PODFILE CHECKSUM: b71e6afb316c858200a12fa02b726271202c35b1 + +COCOAPODS: 1.11.3 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..008dc76 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +// !$*UTF8*$! +{ + archiveVersion = 1; + classes = { + }; + objectVersion = 51; + objects = { + +/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ + 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */; }; + 2E987CBF65CB9807E616DA4A /* libPods-Runner.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AED2D95FA5A8A5AC1F3352DF /* libPods-Runner.a */; }; + 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */; }; + 978B8F6F1D3862AE00F588F7 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */; }; + 97C146F31CF9000F007C117D /* main.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */; }; + 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */; }; + 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */; }; + 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */; }; +/* End PBXBuildFile section */ + +/* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ + 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + dstPath = ""; + dstSubfolderSpec = 10; + files = ( + ); + name = "Embed Frameworks"; + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXFileReference section */ + 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 38D2F0E1743402F04112B2F3 /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = AppFrameworkInfo.plist; path = Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; + 4754B7ABAFA0175E36343862 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Release.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Release.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFFD8ED1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AppDelegate.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = AppDelegate.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Debug.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Debug.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Generated.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Generated.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path =; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Main.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Assets.xcassets; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97E67887DE064854CE7FC98C /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + AED2D95FA5A8A5AC1F3352DF /* libPods-Runner.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType =; includeInIndex = 0; path = "libPods-Runner.a"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; +/* End PBXFileReference section */ + +/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 2E987CBF65CB9807E616DA4A /* libPods-Runner.a in Frameworks */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXGroup section */ + 4DEC0FC1B2A6D9BE9CE171BE /* Pods */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 4754B7ABAFA0175E36343862 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */, + 38D2F0E1743402F04112B2F3 /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */, + 97E67887DE064854CE7FC98C /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */, + ); + path = Pods; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */, + 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */, + 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */, + 9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */, + ); + name = Flutter; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */, + 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, + 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */, + 4DEC0FC1B2A6D9BE9CE171BE /* Pods */, + DEA5F138AC22DEF4139EF3E8 /* Frameworks */, + ); + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */, + ); + name = Products; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 7AFFD8ED1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.h */, + 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */, + 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */, + 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */, + 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */, + 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */, + 97C146F11CF9000F007C117D /* Supporting Files */, + 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */, + 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */, + ); + path = Runner; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146F11CF9000F007C117D /* Supporting Files */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */, + ); + name = "Supporting Files"; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + DEA5F138AC22DEF4139EF3E8 /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + AED2D95FA5A8A5AC1F3352DF /* libPods-Runner.a */, + ); + name = Frameworks; + sourceTree = ""; + }; +/* End PBXGroup section */ + +/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { + isa = PBXNativeTarget; + buildConfigurationList = 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */; + buildPhases = ( + 1C76B54171420F638C4E833E /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */, + 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */, + 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */, + 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */, + 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */, + 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */, + 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */, + 55549DA0E047488D00BF68DD /* [CP] Copy Pods Resources */, + ); + buildRules = ( + ); + dependencies = ( + ); + name = Runner; + productName = Runner; + productReference = 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */; + productType = ""; + }; +/* End PBXNativeTarget section */ + +/* Begin PBXProject section */ + 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */ = { + isa = PBXProject; + attributes = { + LastUpgradeCheck = 1300; + ORGANIZATIONNAME = ""; + TargetAttributes = { + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D = { + CreatedOnToolsVersion = 7.3.1; + }; + }; + }; + buildConfigurationList = 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */; + compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 9.3"; + developmentRegion = en; + hasScannedForEncodings = 0; + knownRegions = ( + en, + Base, + ); + mainGroup = 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D; + productRefGroup = 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */; + projectDirPath = ""; + projectRoot = ""; + targets = ( + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, + ); + }; +/* End PBXProject section */ + +/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */ = { + isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */, + 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */, + 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */, + 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ + 1C76B54171420F638C4E833E /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock", + "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock", + ); + name = "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + ); + outputPaths = ( + "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/Pods-Runner-checkManifestLockResult.txt", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "diff \"${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock\" > /dev/null\nif [ $? != 0 ] ; then\n # print error to STDERR\n echo \"error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; + 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + ); + name = "Thin Binary"; + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/\" embed_and_thin"; + }; + 55549DA0E047488D00BF68DD /* [CP] Copy Pods Resources */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-${CONFIGURATION}-input-files.xcfilelist", + ); + name = "[CP] Copy Pods Resources"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-${CONFIGURATION}-output-files.xcfilelist", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; + 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + ); + name = "Run Script"; + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/\" build"; + }; +/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */ = { + isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 978B8F6F1D3862AE00F588F7 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */, + 97C146F31CF9000F007C117D /* main.m in Sources */, + 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */ + 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */ = { + isa = PBXVariantGroup; + children = ( + 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, + ); + name = Main.storyboard; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */ = { + isa = PBXVariantGroup; + children = ( + 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, + ); + name = LaunchScreen.storyboard; + sourceTree = ""; + }; +/* End PBXVariantGroup section */ + +/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ + 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; + ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = X5P24RK5QW; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", + ); + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "me.yohom.amapMapFluttifyExample-test"; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + ENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0; + GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ( + "DEBUG=1", + "$(inherited)", + ); + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES; + ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; + ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; + }; + name = Release; + }; + 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = X5P24RK5QW; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", + ); + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "me.yohom.amapMapFluttifyExample-test"; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = X5P24RK5QW; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", + ); + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "me.yohom.amapMapFluttifyExample-test"; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Release; + }; +/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ + +/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ + 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, + 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, + 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; + 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, + 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, + 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; +/* End XCConfigurationList section */ + }; + rootObject = 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */; +} diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..919434a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d9810 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b0d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PreviewsEnabled + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3db53b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21a3cc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d9810 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b0d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PreviewsEnabled + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36e21bb --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#import +#import + +@interface AppDelegate : FlutterAppDelegate + +@end diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70e8393 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#import "AppDelegate.h" +#import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h" + +@implementation AppDelegate + +- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application + didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { + [GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self]; + // Override point for customization after application launch. + return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions]; +} + +@end diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d36b1fa --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +{ + "images" : [ + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "60x60", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "60x60", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "76x76", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "76x76", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "83.5x83.5", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "1024x1024", + "idiom" : "ios-marketing", + "filename" : "Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + } + ], + "info" : { + "version" : 1, + "author" : "xcode" + } +} diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc9ada4725e9b0ddb1deab583e5b5102493aa332 GIT binary patch literal 10932 zcmeHN2~<R zh`|8`A_PQ1nSu(UMFx?8j8PC!!VDphaL#`F42fd#7Vlc`zIE4n%Y~eiz4y1j|NDpi z?<@|pSJ-HM`qifhf@m%MamgwK83`XpBA<+azdF#2QsT{X@z0A9Bq>~TVErigKH1~P zRX-!h-f0NJ4Mh++{D}J+K>~~rq}d%o%+4dogzXp7RxX4C>Km5XEI|PAFDmo;DFm6G zzjVoB`@qW98Yl0Kvc-9w09^PrsobmG*Eju^=3f?0o-t$U)TL1B3;sZ^!++3&bGZ!o-*6w?;oOhf z=A+Qb$scV5!RbG+&2S}BQ6YH!FKb0``VVX~T$dzzeSZ$&9=X$3)_7Z{SspSYJ!lGE z7yig_41zpQ)%5dr4ff0rh$@ky3-JLRk&DK)NEIHecf9c*?Z1bUB4%pZjQ7hD!A0r-@NF(^WKdr(LXj|=UE7?gBYGgGQV zidf2`ZT@pzXf7}!NH4q(0IMcxsUGDih(0{kRSez&z?CFA0RVXsVFw3^u=^KMtt95q 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h0WYBP*#0Ks^FNSabJA*5${_#%002ovPDHLkV1oKhTl@e3 literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6d6b8609df07bf62e5100a53a01510388bd2b22 GIT binary patch literal 2665 zcmV-v3YPVWP)oFh3q0MFesq&64WThn3$;G69TfjsAv=f2G9}p zgSx99+!YV6qME!>9MD13x)k(+XE7W?_O4LoLb5ND8 zaV{9+P@>42xDfRiYBMSgD$0!vssptcb;&?u9u(LLBKmkZ>RMD=kvD3h`sk6!QYtBa ztlZI#nu$8lJ^q2Z79UTgZe>BU73(Aospiq+?SdMt8lDZ;*?@tyWVZVS_Q7S&*tJaiRlJ z+aSMOmbg3@h5}v;A*c8SbqM3icg-`Cnwl;7Ts%A1RkNIp+Txl-Ckkvg4oxrqGA5ewEgYqwtECD<_3Egu)xGllKt&J8g&+=ac@Jq4-?w6M3b*>w5 z69N3O%=I^6&UL5gZ!}trC7bUj*12xLdkNs~Bz4QdJJ*UDZox2UGR}SNg@lmOvhCc~ z*f_UeXv(=#I#*7>VZx2ObEN~UoGUTl=-@)E;YtCRZ>SVp$p9yG5hEFZ!`wI!spd)n zSk+vK0Vin7FL{7f&6OB%f;SH22dtbcF<|9fi2Fp%q4kxL!b1#l^)8dUwJ zwEf{(wJj@8iYDVnKB`eSU+;ml-t2`@%_)0jDM`+a46xhDbBj2+&Ih>1A>6aky#(-SYyE{R3f#y57wfLs 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XsPq=LnkwKG00000NkvXXu0mjfhAk5^ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6d6b8609df07bf62e5100a53a01510388bd2b22 GIT binary patch literal 2665 zcmV-v3YPVWP)oFh3q0MFesq&64WThn3$;G69TfjsAv=f2G9}p zgSx99+!YV6qME!>9MD13x)k(+XE7W?_O4LoLb5ND8 zaV{9+P@>42xDfRiYBMSgD$0!vssptcb;&?u9u(LLBKmkZ>RMD=kvD3h`sk6!QYtBa ztlZI#nu$8lJ^q2Z79UTgZe>BU73(Aospiq+?SdMt8lDZ;*?@tyWVZVS_Q7S&*tJaiRlJ z+aSMOmbg3@h5}v;A*c8SbqM3icg-`Cnwl;7Ts%A1RkNIp+Txl-Ckkvg4oxrqGA5ewEgYqwtECD<_3Egu)xGllKt&J8g&+=ac@Jq4-?w6M3b*>w5 z69N3O%=I^6&UL5gZ!}trC7bUj*12xLdkNs~Bz4QdJJ*UDZox2UGR}SNg@lmOvhCc~ z*f_UeXv(=#I#*7>VZx2ObEN~UoGUTl=-@)E;YtCRZ>SVp$p9yG5hEFZ!`wI!spd)n zSk+vK0Vin7FL{7f&6OB%f;SH22dtbcF<|9fi2Fp%q4kxL!b1#l^)8dUwJ zwEf{(wJj@8iYDVnKB`eSU+;ml-t2`@%_)0jDM`+a46xhDbBj2+&Ih>1A>6aky#(-SYyE{R3f#y57wfLs 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XsPq=LnkwKG00000NkvXXu0mjfhAk5^ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75b2d164a5a98e212cca15ea7bf2ab5de5108680 GIT binary patch literal 3831 zcmVjJBgitF5mAp-i>4+KS_oR{|13AP->1TD4=w)g|)JHOx|a2Wk1Va z!k)vP$UcQ#mdj%wNQoaJ!w>jv_6&JPyutpQps?s5dmDQ>`%?Bvj>o<%kYG!YW6H-z zu`g$@mp`;qDR!51QaS}|ZToSuAGcJ7$2HF0z`ln4t!#Yg46>;vGG9N9{V@9z#}6v* zfP?}r6b{*-C*)(S>NECI_E~{QYzN5SXRmVnP<=gzP+_Sp(Aza_hKlZ{C1D&l*(7IKXxQC1Z9#6wx}YrGcn~g%;icdw>T0Rf^w0{ z$_wn1J+C0@!jCV<%Go5LA45e{5gY9PvZp8uM$=1}XDI+9m7!A95L>q>>oe0$nC->i zeexUIvq%Uk<-$>DiDb?!In)lAmtuMWxvWlk`2>4lNuhSsjAf2*2tjT`y;@d}($o)S zn(+W&hJ1p0xy@oxP%AM15->wPLp{H!k)BdBD$toBpJh+crWdsNV)qsHaqLg2_s|Ih z`8E9z{E3sA!}5aKu?T!#enD(wLw?IT?k-yWVHZ8Akz4k5(TZJN^zZgm&zM28sfTD2BYJ|Fde3Xzh;;S` 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a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9da19eacad3b03bb08bbddbbf4ac48dd78b3d838 GIT binary patch literal 68 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^j3CUx0wlM}@Gt=>Zci7-kcv6Uzs@r-FtIZ-&5|)J Q1PU{Fy85}Sb4q9e0B4a5jsO4v literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9da19eacad3b03bb08bbddbbf4ac48dd78b3d838 GIT binary patch literal 68 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^j3CUx0wlM}@Gt=>Zci7-kcv6Uzs@r-FtIZ-&5|)J Q1PU{Fy85}Sb4q9e0B4a5jsO4v literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89c2725 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Launch Screen Assets + +You can customize the launch screen with your own desired assets by replacing the image files in this directory. + +You can also do it by opening your Flutter project's Xcode project with `open ios/Runner.xcworkspace`, selecting `Runner/Assets.xcassets` in the Project Navigator and dropping in the desired images. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2e259c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3c2851 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h b/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a89092 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// +// Generated file. Do not edit. +// + +// clang-format off + +#ifndef GeneratedPluginRegistrant_h +#define GeneratedPluginRegistrant_h + +#import + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface GeneratedPluginRegistrant : NSObject ++ (void)registerWithRegistry:(NSObject*)registry; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END +#endif /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant_h */ diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m b/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8da7560 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +// +// Generated file. Do not edit. +// + +// clang-format off + +#import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h" + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import amap_core_fluttify; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import amap_location_fluttify; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import amap_map_fluttify; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import amap_search_fluttify; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import core_location_fluttify; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import foundation_fluttify; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import path_provider_foundation; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import permission_handler_apple; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import share_plus; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import shared_preferences_foundation; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import sqflite; +#endif + +#if __has_include() +#import +#else +@import url_launcher_ios; +#endif + +@implementation GeneratedPluginRegistrant + ++ (void)registerWithRegistry:(NSObject*)registry { + [AmapCoreFluttifyPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"AmapCoreFluttifyPlugin"]]; + [AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"AmapLocationFluttifyPlugin"]]; + [AmapMapFluttifyPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"AmapMapFluttifyPlugin"]]; + [AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin"]]; + [CoreLocationFluttifyPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"CoreLocationFluttifyPlugin"]]; + [FoundationFluttifyPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"FoundationFluttifyPlugin"]]; + [PathProviderPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"PathProviderPlugin"]]; + [PermissionHandlerPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"PermissionHandlerPlugin"]]; + [FPPSharePlusPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"FPPSharePlusPlugin"]]; + [SharedPreferencesPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"SharedPreferencesPlugin"]]; + [SqflitePlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"SqflitePlugin"]]; + [FLTURLLauncherPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[registry registrarForPlugin:@"FLTURLLauncherPlugin"]]; +} + +@end diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist b/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce7aaa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ + + + + + CFBundleDevelopmentRegion + $(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE) + CFBundleExecutable + $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) + CFBundleIdentifier + $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) + CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion + 6.0 + CFBundleName + amap_map_fluttify_example + CFBundlePackageType + APPL + CFBundleShortVersionString + $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME) + CFBundleSignature + ???? + CFBundleVersion + $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER) + LSApplicationQueriesSchemes + + iosamap + amapuri + + LSRequiresIPhoneOS + + NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription + 需要定位权限 + UIBackgroundModes + + location + + UILaunchStoryboardName + LaunchScreen + UIMainStoryboardFile + Main + UISupportedInterfaceOrientations + + UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight + + UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad + + UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait + UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight + + UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance + + CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/main.m b/example/ios/Runner/main.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dff6597 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/main.m @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#import +#import +#import "AppDelegate.h" + +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { + @autoreleasepool { + return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart b/example/lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..438d9d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// +// Generated file. Do not edit. +// + +// ignore_for_file: directives_ordering +// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars + +import 'package:url_launcher_web/url_launcher_web.dart'; + +import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart'; + +// ignore: public_member_api_docs +void registerPlugins(Registrar registrar) { + UrlLauncherPlugin.registerWith(registrar); + registrar.registerMessageHandler(); +} diff --git a/example/lib/main.dart b/example/lib/main.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37265c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/main.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:oktoast/oktoast.dart'; + +import 'map/map.screen.dart'; + +Future main() async { + runApp(MyApp()); + + await enableFluttifyLog(false); + await AmapSearch.instance.updatePrivacyAgree(true); + await AmapSearch.instance.updatePrivacyShow(true); + await AmapService.instance.init( + iosKey: '7a04506d15fdb7585707f7091d715ef4', + androidKey: '7c9daac55e90a439f7b4304b465297fa', + webKey: 'e69c6fddf6ccf8de917f5990deaa9aa2', + ); +} + +class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState(); +} + +class _MyAppState extends State { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return OKToast( + child: MaterialApp( + home: Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('AMaps examples')), + backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade200, + body: MapDemo(), + ), + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/create_map/create_map.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/create_map/create_map.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06e9f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/create_map/create_map.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,501 @@ +import 'dart:math'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/next_latlng.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart' as vector; + +final _assetsIcon = AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'); + +class CreateMapScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _CreateMapScreenState createState() => _CreateMapScreenState(); +} + +class _CreateMapScreenState extends State + with NextLatLng, DisposeBag { + late AmapController _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('自定义地图')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: DecoratedStack( + alignment:, + children: [ + AmapView( + showZoomControl: false, + tilt: 60, + zoomLevel: 17, + centerCoordinate: LatLng(29, 119), + maskDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 500), + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + // Image.asset('images/test_icon.png'), + ], + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示定位', + // onSelected: (value) async { + // await Permission.location.request(); + // await _controller + // ?.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption(show: value)); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择定位模式', + // options: [ + // '只定位不移动地图到中心', + // '定位一次并移动地图到中心', + // '连续定位并跟随', + // '跟随但不移动到地图中心', + // '连续定位跟随方向', + // ], + // onSelected: (String value) async { + // if (value == '只定位不移动地图到中心') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Show, + // )); + // } else if (value == '定位一次并移动地图到中心') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Locate, + // )); + // } else if (value == '连续定位并跟随') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Follow, + // interval: Duration(seconds: 3), + // )); + // } else if (value == '跟随但不移动到地图中心') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.FollowNoCenter, + // )); + // } else if (value == '连续定位跟随方向') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Rotate, + // )); + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择定位间隔时间', + // options: [ + // '1秒', + // '3秒', + // '5秒', + // ], + // onSelected: (String value) async { + // if (value == '1秒') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Follow, + // interval: Duration(seconds: 1), + // )); + // } else if (value == '3秒') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Follow, + // interval: Duration(seconds: 3), + // )); + // } else if (value == '5秒') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Follow, + // interval: Duration(seconds: 5), + // )); + // } + // }, + // ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('获取当前位置经纬度')), + onTap: () async { + final latLng = await _controller.getLocation(); + toast('当前经纬度: ${latLng?.latitude}, ${latLng?.longitude}'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('旋转定位图标')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.setMyLocationRotateAngle(90); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('使用自定义定位图标')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.showMyLocation( + MyLocationOption(iconProvider: _assetsIcon)); + }, + ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示室内地图', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showIndoorMap(value); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '切换地图图层', + // options: ['正常视图', '卫星视图', '黑夜视图', '导航视图', '公交视图'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '正常视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Standard); + // break; + // case '卫星视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Satellite); + // break; + // case '黑夜视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Night); + // break; + // case '导航视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Navi); + // break; + // case '公交视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Bus); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '切换语言', + // options: ['中文', '英文'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '中文': + // _controller.setMapLanguage(Language.Chinese); + // break; + // case '英文': + // _controller.setMapLanguage(Language.English); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '精度圈边框颜色', + // options: ['红色', '绿色', '蓝色'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '红色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '绿色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '蓝色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '精度圈填充颜色', + // options: ['红色', '绿色', '蓝色'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '红色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // fillColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '绿色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // fillColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '蓝色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // fillColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '精度圈边框宽度', + // options: ['2', '4', '8'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '2': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '4': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeWidth: 4, + // )); + // break; + // case '8': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeWidth: 8, + // )); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示路况信息', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showTraffic(value); + // }, + // ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('获取地图中心点')), + onTap: () async { + final center = await _controller.getCenterCoordinate(); + + print('center: lat: ${center.latitude}, lng: ${center.longitude}'); + // toast( + // 'center: lat: ${center.latitude}, lng: ${center.longitude}'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('监听地图移动')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMapMoveListener( + onMapMoveStart: (move) async => debugPrint('开始移动: $move'), + onMapMoving: (move) async => debugPrint('移动中: $move'), + onMapMoveEnd: (move) async => debugPrint('结束移动: $move'), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加点击地图监听')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMapClickedListener( + (latLng) async { + toast( + '点击: lat: ${latLng.latitude}, lng: ${latLng.longitude}', + ); + }, + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('自定义地图')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setCustomMapStyle( + styleDataPath: 'raw/', + styleExtraPath: 'raw/', + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('经纬度坐标转屏幕坐标')), + onTap: () async { + final centerLatLng = + await _controller.getCenterCoordinate(); + final screenPoint = + await _controller.toScreenLocation(centerLatLng); + toast('地图中心点对应的屏幕坐标为: $screenPoint'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('屏幕坐标转经纬度坐标')), + onTap: () async { + final screenPoint = Point(250, 250); + final latLng = + await _controller.fromScreenLocation(screenPoint); + toast('屏幕坐标(250, 250)对应的经纬度坐标为: $latLng'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('设置屏幕上的某个像素点为地图中心点')), + onTap: () async { + final screenPoint = Point(20, 20); +// await _controller.setPointToCenter(screenPoint); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('设置以地图为中心进行缩放')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.setZoomByCenter(true); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('限制地图显示范围')), + onTap: () async { + final southWest = LatLng(40, 116); + final northEast = LatLng(42, 118); + await _controller.setMapRegionLimits(southWest, northEast); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('获取当前缩放等级')), + onTap: () async { + toast('当前缩放等级: ${await _controller.getZoomLevel()}'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('(专业版)一次性设置地图状态')), + onTap: () async { + final point = getNextLatLng(); + await _controller.setCameraPosition( + coordinate: point, + zoom: 12, + tilt: 90, + bearing: 339.000732421875, + duration: Duration(seconds: 2), + ); + await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3)); + await _controller.setCameraPosition( + coordinate: point, + zoom: 12, + tilt: 90, + bearing: 400.86966387385837, + duration: Duration(seconds: 2), + ); + // await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3)); + // await _controller.setCameraPosition( + // coordinate: point, + // zoom: 12, + // tilt: 90, + // bearing: 41, + // duration: Duration(seconds: 2), + // ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('(专业版)设置地图锚点')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMapAnchor(0.8, 0.8); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('测试')), + onTap: () { + context.navigator.push(MaterialPageRoute( + builder: (context) => _SecondScreen())); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('根据朝向旋转定位图标')), + onTap: () { + AmapLocation.instance + .listenLocation() + .listen((it) => + _controller.setMyLocationRotateAngle(it.bearing!)) + .addTo(disposeBag); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('行程动画')), + onTap: () async { + final result = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDriveRoute( + from: LatLng(39.958245, 116.330929), + to: LatLng(39.915599, 116.42912), + ); + final pathList = await result.drivePathList; + final stepList = [ + for (final path in pathList) ...await path.driveStepList + ]; + final coordinateList = [ + for (final step in stepList) ...await step.polyline + ]; + await _controller.addPlaybackTrace( + coordinateList, + iconProvider: _assetsIcon, + duration: Duration( + milliseconds: coordinateList.length * 500, + ), + ); + for (int i = 0; i < coordinateList.length; i++) { + final last = coordinateList[max(i - 1, 0)]; + final current = coordinateList[i]; + await _controller.setCameraPosition( + coordinate: coordinateList[i], + zoom: 18, + tilt: 45, + bearing: bearing( + last.latitude, + last.longitude, + current.latitude, + current.longitude, + ) - + 105, + ); + await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500)); + } + }, + ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } + + double bearing(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { + double longitude1 = lon1; + double longitude2 = lon2; + double latitude1 = vector.radians(lat1); + double latitude2 = vector.radians(lat2); + double longDiff = vector.radians(longitude2 - longitude1); + double y = sin(longDiff) * cos(latitude2); + double x = cos(latitude1) * sin(latitude2) - + sin(latitude1) * cos(latitude2) * cos(longDiff); + return (vector.degrees((atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360); + } + + double getAngle(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2) { + double dRotateAngle = atan2((lng2 - lng1).abs(), (lat2 - lat1).abs()); + if (lng2 >= lng1) { + if (lat2 > lat1) { + dRotateAngle = 2 * pi - dRotateAngle; + } + } else { + if (lat2 >= lat1) { + dRotateAngle = pi + dRotateAngle; + } else { + dRotateAngle = pi - dRotateAngle; + } + } + dRotateAngle = dRotateAngle * 180 / pi; + return dRotateAngle; + } +} + +class _SecondScreen extends StatelessWidget { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible(child: AmapView()), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapLocation.instance.listenLocation().listen((event) { + print(event); + }); + }, + child: Text('开始定位'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapLocation.instance.stopLocation(); + }, + child: Text('停止定位'), + ), + ], + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/create_map/multi_map.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/create_map/multi_map.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93be15a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/create_map/multi_map.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +import 'dart:math'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +final _assetsIcon = AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'); + +class MultiMapScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _MultiMapScreenState createState() => _MultiMapScreenState(); +} + +class _MultiMapScreenState extends State { + late AmapController _controller1; + late AmapController _controller2; + late AmapController _controller; + String _currentInstance = '地图1'; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('自定义地图')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + child: AmapView( + key: Key('map1'), + showZoomControl: false, + maskDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 500), + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller1 = controller; + _controller = _controller1; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: AmapView( + key: Key('map2'), + showZoomControl: false, + maskDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 500), + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller2 = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择地图实例 当前实例: $_currentInstance', + // options: ['地图1', '地图2'], + // onSelected: (String value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '地图1': + // setState(() { + // _currentInstance = '地图1'; + // _controller = _controller1; + // }); + // break; + // case '地图2': + // setState(() { + // _currentInstance = '地图2'; + // _controller = _controller2; + // }); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示定位', + // onSelected: (value) async { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // show: value, + // )); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择定位模式', + // options: [ + // '只定位不移动地图到中心', + // '定位一次并移动地图到中心', + // '连续定位并跟随', + // '连续定位跟随方向', + // ], + // onSelected: (String value) async { + // if (value == '只定位不移动地图到中心') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Show, + // )); + // } else if (value == '定位一次并移动地图到中心') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Locate, + // )); + // } else if (value == '连续定位并跟随') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Follow, + // )); + // } else if (value == '连续定位跟随方向') { + // await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // myLocationType: MyLocationType.Rotate, + // )); + // } + // }, + // ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('获取当前位置经纬度')), + onTap: () async { + final latLng = await _controller.getLocation(); + toast('当前经纬度: ${latLng.toString()}'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('使用自定义定位图标')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + myLocationType: MyLocationType.Rotate, + iconProvider: _assetsIcon, + )); + }, + ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示室内地图', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showIndoorMap(value); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '切换地图图层', + // options: ['正常视图', '卫星视图', '黑夜视图', '导航视图', '公交视图'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '正常视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Standard); + // break; + // case '卫星视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Satellite); + // break; + // case '黑夜视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Night); + // break; + // case '导航视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Navi); + // break; + // case '公交视图': + // _controller.setMapType(MapType.Bus); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '切换语言', + // options: ['中文', '英文'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '中文': + // _controller.setMapLanguage(Language.Chinese); + // break; + // case '英文': + // _controller.setMapLanguage(Language.English); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '精度圈边框颜色', + // options: ['红色', '绿色', '蓝色'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '红色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '绿色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '蓝色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '精度圈填充颜色', + // options: ['红色', '绿色', '蓝色'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '红色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // fillColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '绿色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // fillColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '蓝色': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // fillColor:, + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '精度圈边框宽度', + // options: ['2', '4', '8'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '2': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeWidth: 2, + // )); + // break; + // case '4': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeWidth: 4, + // )); + // break; + // case '8': + // _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + // strokeWidth: 8, + // )); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示路况信息', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showTraffic(value); + // }, + // ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('获取地图中心点')), + onTap: () async { + final center = await _controller.getCenterCoordinate(); + toast( + 'center: lat: ${center.latitude}, lng: ${center.longitude}'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('监听地图移动')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMapMoveListener( + onMapMoveStart: (move) async => toast('开始移动: $move'), + onMapMoveEnd: (move) async => toast('结束移动: $move'), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加点击地图监听')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMapClickedListener( + (latLng) async { + toast( + '点击: lat: ${latLng.latitude}, lng: ${latLng.longitude}', + ); + }, + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('自定义地图')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setCustomMapStyle( + styleDataPath: 'raw/', + styleExtraPath: 'raw/', + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('经纬度坐标转屏幕坐标')), + onTap: () async { + final centerLatLng = + await _controller.getCenterCoordinate(); + final screenPoint = + await _controller.toScreenLocation(centerLatLng); + toast('地图中心点对应的屏幕坐标为: $screenPoint'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('屏幕坐标转经纬度坐标')), + onTap: () async { + final screenPoint = Point(250, 250); + final latLng = + await _controller.fromScreenLocation(screenPoint); + toast('屏幕坐标(250, 250)对应的经纬度坐标为: $latLng'); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('设置以地图为中心进行缩放')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.setZoomByCenter(true); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('限制地图显示范围')), + onTap: () async { + final southWest = LatLng(40, 116); + final northEast = LatLng(42, 118); + await _controller.setMapRegionLimits(southWest, northEast); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('获取当前缩放等级')), + onTap: () async { + toast('当前缩放等级: ${await _controller.getZoomLevel()}'); + }, + ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_circle.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_circle.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..197ed92 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_circle.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/next_latlng.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class DrawCircleScreen extends StatefulWidget { + DrawCircleScreen(); + + factory DrawCircleScreen.forDesignTime() => DrawCircleScreen(); + + @override + _DrawCircleScreenState createState() => _DrawCircleScreenState(); +} + +class _DrawCircleScreenState extends State with NextLatLng { + late AmapController _controller; + List _circleList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('绘制圆')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加圆')), + onTap: () async { + final circle = await _controller.addCircle(CircleOption( + center: LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + radius: 10000, + width: 10, + strokeColor:, + )); + _circleList.add(circle); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除圆')), + onTap: () async { + if (_circleList.isNotEmpty) { + await _circleList.first.remove(); + _circleList.removeAt(0); + } + }, + ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_ground_overlay.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_ground_overlay.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9a0ecb --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_ground_overlay.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/next_latlng.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +final _networkIcon = NetworkImage( + ''); +final _assetsIcon1 = AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'); +final _assetsIcon2 = AssetImage('images/arrow.png'); + +class DrawGroundOverlayScreen extends StatefulWidget { + DrawGroundOverlayScreen(); + + @override + DrawGroundOverlayScreenState createState() => DrawGroundOverlayScreenState(); +} + +class DrawGroundOverlayScreenState extends State + with NextLatLng { + late AmapController _controller; + late IGroundOverlay _overlay; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('绘制点标记')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加图片覆盖物')), + onTap: () async { + _overlay = await _controller.addGroundOverlay( + GroundOverlayOption( + northEast: LatLng(40.047815, 116.5742), + imageProvider: _assetsIcon1, + southWest: LatLng(39.836183, 116.218517), + ), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除图片覆盖物')), + onTap: () { + _overlay.remove(); + }, + ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_point.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_point.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2923bb --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_point.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ +import 'dart:math'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/misc.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/next_latlng.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +final _networkIcon = NetworkImage( + ''); +final _assetsIcon1 = AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'); +final _assetsIcon2 = AssetImage('images/arrow.png'); + +class DrawPointScreen extends StatefulWidget { + DrawPointScreen(); + + @override + DrawPointScreenState createState() => DrawPointScreenState(); +} + +class DrawPointScreenState extends State with NextLatLng { + late AmapController _controller; + List _markers = []; + late IMarker _hiddenMarker; + late ISmoothMoveMarker _moveMarker; + late IMultiPointOverlay _multiPointOverlay; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('绘制点标记')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + zoomLevel: 6, + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; +// await _controller.setMapAnchor(0.5, 0.8); + if (await requestPermission()) { + await controller.setZoomLevel(6); + } + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加Widget Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarkers( + [ + for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + widget: Column( + mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, + children: [ + Text('使用Widget作为Marker: $i'), + Image.asset('images/test_icon.png'), + ], + ), + title: '北京', + snippet: '描述', + ) + ], + ); + _markers.addAll(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + title: '北京${random.nextDouble()}', + snippet: '描述${random.nextDouble()}', + infoWindowEnabled: true, + draggable: true, + object: '自定义数据${random.nextDouble()}', + opacity: 0.7, + ), + ); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('旋转Marker')), + onTap: () { + _markers.firstOrNull?.setAngle(90); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加自定义Info Window')), + onTap: () async { + // await _controller.setMarkerClickedListener((marker) async { + // await _controller.showCustomInfoWindow( + // marker, + // Card( + // elevation: 10, + // child: Container( + // padding: EdgeInsets.all(16), + // child: Column( + // mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, + // children: [ + // Icon(Icons.location_on), + // Text(await marker.title), + // ], + // ), + // ), + // ), + // ); + // }); + // info window点击事件 + + + + + await _controller + .setInfoWindowClickListener((marker) async { + toast(await marker.title); + }); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加自定义图片Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + title: '北京${random.nextDouble()}', + snippet: '描述${random.nextDouble()}', + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + infoWindowEnabled: true, + object: '自定义数据${random.nextDouble()}', + ), + ); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加缩放动画Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + anchorU: 0.5, + anchorV: 1, + visible: false, + ), + ); + await marker.startAnimation(ScaleMarkerAnimation( + fromValue: 0.8, + toValue: 1.2, + duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), + repeatCount: 0, + )); + await marker.setVisible(true); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加移动动画Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + anchorU: 0.5, + anchorV: 1, + visible: false, + ), + ); + await marker.startAnimation(TranslateMarkerAnimation( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), + repeatCount: 10000000, + )); + await marker.setVisible(true); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加透明度动画Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + anchorU: 0.5, + anchorV: 1, + visible: false, + ), + ); + await marker.startAnimation(AlphaMarkerAnimation( + fromValue: 0, + toValue: 1, + duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), + repeatCount: 0, + )); + await marker.setVisible(true); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加旋转动画Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + anchorU: 0.5, + anchorV: 1, + visible: false, + ), + ); + await marker.startAnimation(RotateMarkerAnimation( + fromValue: 0, + toValue: 100, + duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), + repeatCount: 0, + )); + await marker.setVisible(true); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加混合动画Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + anchorU: 0.5, + anchorV: 1, + visible: false, + ), + ); + await marker.startAnimation(MarkerAnimationSet( + animationSet: [ + RotateMarkerAnimation(fromValue: 0, toValue: 100), + AlphaMarkerAnimation(fromValue: 0, toValue: 1), + ScaleMarkerAnimation(fromValue: 0.8, toValue: 1.2), + ], + repeatCount: 0, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), + )); + await marker.setVisible(true); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加帧动画Marker')), + onTap: () async { + final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + title: '北京${random.nextDouble()}', + snippet: '描述${random.nextDouble()}', + iconsProvider: [ + for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) + AssetImage('images/animation$i.jpg') + ], + animationFps: 3, + object: '自定义数据${random.nextDouble()}', + ), + ); + _markers.add(marker); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('移动Marker坐标')), + onTap: () async { + await _markers.first.setCoordinate(getNextLatLng()); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加一个不显示的marker')), + onTap: () async { + await _hiddenMarker.remove(); + _hiddenMarker = await _controller.addMarker( + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + title: '北京', + snippet: '描述', + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + visible: false, + ), + ); + }, + ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示隐藏的Marker', + // selected: false, + // onSelected: (visible) async { + // await _hiddenMarker.setVisible(visible); + // }, + // ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('调用方法开启弹窗')), + onTap: () async { + if (_markers.isNotEmpty) { + final marker = _markers[0]; + await marker.showInfoWindow(); + } + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('调用方法关闭弹窗')), + onTap: () async { + if (_markers.isNotEmpty) { + final marker = _markers[0]; + await marker.hideInfoWindow(); + } + }, + ), + // ContinuousSetting( + // head: '添加旋转角度的Marker', + // onChanged: (value) async { + // await _controller.clearMarkers(_markers); + // final marker = await _controller.addMarker( + // MarkerOption( + // coordinate: LatLng(39.90960, 116.397228), + // title: '北京', + // snippet: '描述', + // iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + // draggable: true, + // rotateAngle: 360 * value, + // anchorU: 0, + // anchorV: 0, + // ), + // ); + // _markers.add(marker); + // }, + // ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('批量添加Marker')), + onTap: () { + _controller.addMarkers( + [ + for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) + MarkerOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + iconProvider: + i % 2 == 0 ? _assetsIcon1 : _assetsIcon2, + infoWindowEnabled: false, + object: 'Marker_$i', + ), + ], + ).then(_markers.addAll); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除Marker')), + onTap: () async { + if (_markers.isNotEmpty) { + await _markers[0].remove(); + _markers.removeAt(0); + } + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('清除所有Marker')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.clearMarkers(_markers); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('清除所有覆盖物')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.clear(); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('Marker添加点击事件')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMarkerClickedListener((marker) async { + await marker.setIcon( + _assetsIcon2, + createLocalImageConfiguration(context), + ); + }); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('Marker添加拖动事件')), + onTap: () { + _controller.setMarkerDragListener( + onMarkerDragEnd: (marker) async { + toast( + '${await marker.title}, ${await marker.coordinate}', + ); + }, + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('将地图缩放至可以显示所有Marker')), + onTap: () { + Stream.fromIterable(_markers) + .asyncMap((marker) => marker.coordinate) + .toList() + .then((boundary) { + debugPrint('boundary: $boundary'); + _controller.zoomToSpan( + boundary, + padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 100, bottom: 50), + ); + }); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('监听Marker弹窗事件')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller + .setInfoWindowClickListener((marker) async { + toast( + '${await marker.title}, ${await marker.coordinate}'); + }); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('画热力图')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.addHeatmapTileOverlay( + HeatmapTileOption( + coordinateList: getNextBatchLatLng(50), + gradient: RadialGradient( + colors: [, Colors.yellow,], + stops: [0.08, 0.4, 1.0], + ), + ), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('(专业版)添加在线瓦片图')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.addUrlTileOverlay( + UrlTileOption( + width: 256, + height: 256, + urlTemplate: +// '{scale}/{x}/{y}.png', // 由于没有api key, 这个链接无法显示瓦片 + ',w_780,312', + ), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加平滑移动点')), + onTap: () async { + _moveMarker = await _controller.addSmoothMoveMarker( + SmoothMoveMarkerOption( + path: [for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) getNextLatLng()], + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + duration: Duration(seconds: 10), + ), + ); + Future.delayed( + Duration(seconds: 5), + () => _moveMarker.stop(), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('进入二级地图页面')), + onTap: () { + Navigator.push( + context, + MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => DrawPointScreen()), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加海量点')), + onTap: () async { + _multiPointOverlay = + await _controller.addMultiPointOverlay( + MultiPointOption( + pointList: [ + for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) + PointOption( + coordinate: getNextLatLng(), + id: i.toString(), + title: 'Point$i', + snippet: 'Snippet$i', + object: 'Object$i', + ) + ], + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + ), + ); + await _controller.setMultiPointClickedListener( + (id, title, snippet, object) async { + toast( + 'id: $id, title: $title, snippet: $snippet, object: $object', + ); + }, + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除海量点')), + onTap: () async { + await _multiPointOverlay.remove(); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('修改title')), + onTap: () { + _markers.firstOrNull + ?..setTitle('修改title ${Random().nextInt(100)}') + ..showInfoWindow(); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('修改snippet')), + onTap: () { + _markers.firstOrNull + ?..setSnippet('修改snippet ${Random().nextInt(100)}') + ..showInfoWindow(); + }, + ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_polygon.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_polygon.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a2ca87 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_polygon.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/next_latlng.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class DrawPolygonScreen extends StatefulWidget { + DrawPolygonScreen(); + + factory DrawPolygonScreen.forDesignTime() => DrawPolygonScreen(); + + @override + _DrawPolygonScreenState createState() => _DrawPolygonScreenState(); +} + +class _DrawPolygonScreenState extends State with NextLatLng { + late AmapController _controller; + List _polygonList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('绘制多边形')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + zoomLevel: 10, + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加多边形')), + onTap: () async { + final polygon = await _controller.addPolygon(PolygonOption( + coordinateList: [ + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + LatLng(39.898323, 116.057694), + LatLng(39.900430, 116.265061), + LatLng(39.955192, 116.140092), + ], + width: 10, + strokeColor:, + )); + _polygonList.add(polygon); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加虚线折线')), + onTap: () async { + final polyline = + await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: [ + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + LatLng(39.898323, 116.057694), + LatLng(39.900430, 116.265061), + LatLng(39.955192, 116.140092), + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + ], + width: 10, + dashType: DashType.Square, + )); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加虚线填充多边形')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: [ + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + LatLng(39.898323, 116.057694), + LatLng(39.900430, 116.265061), + LatLng(39.955192, 116.140092), + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + ], + width: 10, + strokeColor:, + dashType: DashType.Square, + )); + final polygon = await _controller.addPolygon(PolygonOption( + coordinateList: [ + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + LatLng(39.898323, 116.057694), + LatLng(39.900430, 116.265061), + LatLng(39.955192, 116.140092), + ], + fillColor:, + strokeColor: Colors.transparent, + )); + _polygonList.add(polygon); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除多边形')), + onTap: () async { + if (_polygonList.isNotEmpty) { + await _polygonList.first.remove(); + _polygonList.removeAt(0); + } + }, + ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } + + @override + void dispose() { + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_polyline.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_polyline.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d87cb02 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/draw_on_map/draw_polyline.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify_example/utils/next_latlng.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +final _networkIcon = NetworkImage( + ''); +final _assetsIcon1 = AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'); +final _assetsIcon2 = AssetImage('images/arrow.png'); + +class DrawPolylineScreen extends StatefulWidget { + DrawPolylineScreen(); + + factory DrawPolylineScreen.forDesignTime() => DrawPolylineScreen(); + + @override + _DrawPolylineScreenState createState() => _DrawPolylineScreenState(); +} + +class _DrawPolylineScreenState extends State + with NextLatLng { + late AmapController _controller; + late IPolyline _currentPolyline; + late IPlaybackTrace _playbackTrace; + List _pointList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('绘制线')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: Stack( + children: [ + AmapView( + tilt: 90, + zoomLevel: 7, + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + Container( + height: 100, + color: Colors.black26, + ), + ], + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加线')), + onTap: () async { + _pointList = getNextBatchLatLng(3); + + await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: [ + LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + LatLng(39.898323, 116.057694), + LatLng(39.900430, 116.265061), + LatLng(39.955192, 116.140092), + ], + strokeColor:, + width: 10, + )); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('平滑处理')), + onTap: () async { + if (_currentPolyline == null) { + toast('请先添加对比折线'); + return; + } + final smooth = + await AmapService.instance.pathSmooth(_pointList); + await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: smooth, + width: 10, + strokeColor:, + )); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('将地图缩放至可以显示所有Marker')), + onTap: () async { + await _controller.zoomToSpan( + _pointList, + padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 100), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加线(自定义纹理)')), + onTap: () async { + await _currentPolyline?.remove(); + _currentPolyline = + await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: [ + getNextLatLng(), + getNextLatLng(), + getNextLatLng(), + getNextLatLng(), + ], + width: 10, + textureProvider: _assetsIcon2, + )); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除折线')), + onTap: () => _currentPolyline?.remove(), + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('绘制北京行政区域边界')), + onTap: () => _controller.addDistrictOutline('北京'), + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('添加回放轨迹')), + onTap: () async { + final result = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDriveRoute( + from: LatLng(39.958245, 116.330929), + to: LatLng(39.915599, 116.42912), + ); + final pathList = await result.drivePathList; + final stepList = [ + for (final path in pathList) ...await path.driveStepList + ]; + final coordinateList = [ + for (final step in stepList) ...await step.polyline + ]; + _playbackTrace = await _controller.addPlaybackTrace( + coordinateList, + iconProvider: _assetsIcon1, + duration: Duration(seconds: 10), + ); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('删除回放轨迹')), + onTap: () async { + _playbackTrace?.remove(); + }, + ), + ListTile( + title: Center(child: Text('给折线添加点')), + onTap: () async { + _pointList = [..._pointList, getNextLatLng()]; + await _currentPolyline?.setCoordinateList(_pointList); + }, + ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择始末端样式', + // options: [ + // '普通头', + // '扩展头', + // '箭头', + // '圆形头', + // ], + // onSelected: (value) async { + // LineCapType type; + // switch (value) { + // case '普通头': + // type = LineCapType.Butt; + // break; + // case '扩展头': + // type = LineCapType.Square; + // break; + // case '箭头': + // type = LineCapType.Arrow; + // break; + // case '圆形头': + // type = LineCapType.Round; + // break; + // } + // await _currentPolyline?.remove(); + // _currentPolyline = + // await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + // coordinateList: [ + // getNextLatLng(), + // getNextLatLng(), + // getNextLatLng(), + // getNextLatLng(), + // ], + // width: 10, + // strokeColor:, + // lineCapType: type, + // )); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择连接点样式', + // options: [ + // '斜面连接点', + // '斜接连接点', + // '圆角连接点', + // ], + // onSelected: (value) async { + // LineJoinType type; + // switch (value) { + // case '斜面连接点': + // type = LineJoinType.Bevel; + // break; + // case '斜接连接点': + // type = LineJoinType.Miter; + // break; + // case '圆角连接点': + // type = LineJoinType.Round; + // break; + // } + // await _currentPolyline?.remove(); + // _currentPolyline = + // await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + // coordinateList: [ + // LatLng(39.999391, 116.135972), + // LatLng(39.898323, 116.057694), + // LatLng(39.900430, 116.265061), + // LatLng(39.955192, 116.140092), + // ], + // width: 10, + // strokeColor:, + // lineJoinType: type, + // )); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '选择始折线样式', + // options: [ + // '普通折线', + // '方块虚线', + // '圆形虚线', + // ], + // onSelected: (value) async { + // DashType type; + // switch (value) { + // case '普通折线': + // type = null; + // break; + // case '方块虚线': + // type = DashType.Square; + // break; + // case '圆形虚线': + // type = DashType.Circle; + // break; + // } + // await _currentPolyline?.remove(); + // _currentPolyline = + // await _controller.addPolyline(PolylineOption( + // coordinateList: [ + // getNextLatLng(), + // getNextLatLng(), + // getNextLatLng(), + // getNextLatLng(), + // ], + // width: 10, + // strokeColor:, + // dashType: type, + // )); + // }, + // ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/code_interaction.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/code_interaction.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..268528f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/code_interaction.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +//const beijing = LatLng(39.90960, 116.397228); +//const shanghai = LatLng(31.22, 121.48); +//const guangzhou = LatLng(23.16, 113.23); + +class CodeInteractionScreen extends StatefulWidget { + CodeInteractionScreen(); + + factory CodeInteractionScreen.forDesignTime() => CodeInteractionScreen(); + + @override + _CodeInteractionScreenState createState() => _CodeInteractionScreenState(); +} + +class _CodeInteractionScreenState extends State { + late AmapController _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('调用方法交互')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + // ContinuousSetting( + // head: '缩放大小', + // min: 0, + // max: 20, + // onChanged: (value) { + // _controller.setZoomLevel(value); + // }, + // ), + // ContinuousSetting( + // head: '(专业版)设置地图朝向', + // min: 0, + // max: 360, + // onChanged: (value) { + // debugPrint('bearing value: $value'); + // _controller.setBearing(105); + // }, + // ), + // ContinuousSetting( + // head: '(专业版)设置地图倾斜度', + // min: 0, + // max: 90, + // onChanged: (value) { + // _controller.setTilt(value); + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '放大/缩小一个等级', + // options: ['放大', '缩小'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '放大': + // _controller.zoomIn(); + // break; + // case '缩小': + // _controller.zoomOut(); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + // DiscreteSetting( + // head: '设置地图中心点', + // options: ['广州', '北京', '上海'], + // onSelected: (value) { + // switch (value) { + // case '广州': + // _controller.setCenterCoordinate( + // LatLng(23.16, 113.23), + // animated: false, + // ); + // break; + // case '北京': + // _controller.setCenterCoordinate( + // LatLng(39.90960, 116.397228), + // animated: true, + // ); + // break; + // case '上海': + // _controller.setCenterCoordinate(LatLng(31.22, 121.48)); + // break; + // } + // }, + // ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } + + @override + void dispose() { + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/control_interaction.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/control_interaction.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a132887 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/control_interaction.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class ControlInteractionScreen extends StatefulWidget { + ControlInteractionScreen(); + + factory ControlInteractionScreen.forDesignTime() => + ControlInteractionScreen(); + + @override + _ControlInteractionScreenState createState() => + _ControlInteractionScreenState(); +} + +class _ControlInteractionScreenState extends State { + late AmapController _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('控件交互')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示缩放按钮', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showZoomControl(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示指南针', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showCompass(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示定位按钮', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showLocateControl(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否显示比例尺', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.showScaleControl(value); + // }, + // ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } + + @override + void dispose() { + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/gesture_interaction.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/gesture_interaction.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0419d81 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/gesture_interaction.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class GestureInteractionScreen extends StatefulWidget { + GestureInteractionScreen(); + + factory GestureInteractionScreen.forDesignTime() => + GestureInteractionScreen(); + + @override + _GestureInteractionScreenState createState() => + _GestureInteractionScreenState(); +} + +class _GestureInteractionScreenState extends State { + late AmapController _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('手势交互')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 1, + child: AmapView( + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: DecoratedColumn( + scrollable: true, + divider: Divider(height: 1), + children: [ + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否使能缩放手势', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.setZoomGesturesEnabled(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否使能滑动手势', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.setScrollGesturesEnabled(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否使能旋转手势', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.setRotateGesturesEnabled(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否使能倾斜手势', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.setTiltGesturesEnabled(value); + // }, + // ), + // BooleanSetting( + // head: '是否使能所有手势', + // onSelected: (value) { + // _controller.setAllGesturesEnabled(value); + // }, + // ), + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } + + @override + void dispose() { + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/screen_shot_screen.dart b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/screen_shot_screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f62ac44 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/interact_with_map/screen_shot_screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class ScreenShotScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _ScreenShotScreenState createState() => _ScreenShotScreenState(); +} + +class _ScreenShotScreenState extends State { + late Uint8List _data; + late AmapController _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: Text('截图')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + Flexible( + flex: 2, + child: AmapView( + maskDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 500), + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + }, + ), + ), + Flexible( + flex: 3, + child: DecoratedColumn( + children: [ + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final data = await _controller.screenShot(); + setState(() { + _data = data; + }); + }, + child: Text('截图'), + ), + if (_data != null) Image.memory(_data) + ], + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/location/geo_fence.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/location/geo_fence.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dd5f11 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/location/geo_fence.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +import 'dart:math'; + +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +final random = Random(); + +class GeoFenceScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _GeoFenceScreenState createState() => _GeoFenceScreenState(); +} + +class _GeoFenceScreenState extends State { + late AmapController _controller; + late List _fenceCoordinateList; + late IPolygon _fencePolygon; + late String _fenceState; + + @override + void initState() { + super.initState(); + _fenceCoordinateList = []; + _fenceState = '点击地图创建电子围栏'; + } + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + body: Stack( + children: [ + AmapView( + zoomLevel: 10, + showZoomControl: false, + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + await _controller.setMapClickedListener(_handleMapClick); + await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + strokeColor: Colors.transparent, + fillColor: Colors.transparent, + )); + await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1200)); + final coordinate = await _controller.getLocation(); + await _controller.setCameraPosition( + coordinate: coordinate!, + zoom: 17, + tilt: 90, + ); + // 搜索poi + final poiList = + await AmapSearch.instance.searchAround(coordinate); + await _controller.addMarkers([ + for (final poi in poiList) + MarkerOption( + coordinate: poi.latLng!, + iconProvider: AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'), + title: poi.title!, + snippet: poi.address!, + object: '自定义数据: ${poi.poiId}', + ) + ]); + }, + ), + Positioned( + left: kSpace16, + right: kSpace16, + bottom: kSpace16, + child: IgnorePointer( + child: Text(_fenceState, style: context.textTheme.headlineLarge), + ), + ), + ], + ), + floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( + child: Icon(Icons.clear), + tooltip: '清除电子围栏', + onPressed: () => _handleClearGeoFence(context), + ), + ); + } + + Future _handleMapClick(LatLng latLng) async { + _fenceCoordinateList.add(latLng); + final content = + '${_fenceCoordinateList.length < 3 ? '已点击${_fenceCoordinateList.length}个点, 请继续点击至三个点以上\n' : ''}点击地图坐标: ${latLng.latitude}, ${latLng.longitude}'; + toast(content); + if (_fenceCoordinateList.isNotEmpty) { + _fencePolygon.remove(); + _fencePolygon = await _controller.addPolygon(PolygonOption( + coordinateList: _fenceCoordinateList, + )); + AmapLocation.instance + .addPolygonGeoFence(pointList: _fenceCoordinateList) + .listen((event) { + setState(() => _fenceState = '电子围栏事件: ${event.toString()}'); + }); + } + } + + void _handleClearGeoFence(BuildContext context) { + _fenceCoordinateList.clear(); + _fencePolygon.remove(); + setState(() { + _fenceState = '点击地图创建电子围栏'; + }); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/map.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/map.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..216b6b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/map.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +import 'create_map/create_map.screen.dart'; +import 'create_map/multi_map.screen.dart'; +import 'draw_on_map/draw_circle.screen.dart'; +import 'draw_on_map/draw_ground_overlay.screen.dart'; +import 'draw_on_map/draw_point.screen.dart'; +import 'draw_on_map/draw_polygon.screen.dart'; +import 'draw_on_map/draw_polyline.screen.dart'; +import 'interact_with_map/code_interaction.screen.dart'; +import 'interact_with_map/control_interaction.screen.dart'; +import 'interact_with_map/gesture_interaction.screen.dart'; +import 'interact_with_map/screen_shot_screen.dart'; +import 'location/geo_fence.screen.dart'; +import 'tools/calcute_distance_screen.dart'; +import 'tools/coordinate_transformation_screen.dart'; +import 'tools/launch_amap_screen.dart'; +import 'tools/location_picker/location_picker.screen.dart'; +import 'tools/offline_manager_screen.dart'; +import 'tools/processed_trace.screen.dart'; +import 'tools/static_image.screen.dart'; + +class MapDemo extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _MapDemoState createState() => _MapDemoState(); +} + +class _MapDemoState extends State { + @override + void initState() { + super.initState(); + // 缓存地图需要的图片 + WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) { + precacheImage(AssetImage('images/test_icon.png'), context); + precacheImage(AssetImage('images/arrow.png'), context); + }); + } + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return ListView( + children: [ + ElevatedButton(onPressed: () { + // 跳转路由 + // CreateMapScreen(); + Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => CreateMapScreen())); + }, child: Text("显示地图")), + // FunctionGroup( + // headLabel: '创建地图', + // children: [ + // FunctionItem( + // label: '显示地图', + // sublabel: 'CreateMapScreen', + // target: CreateMapScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '显示多地图', + // sublabel: 'MultiMapScreen', + // target: MultiMapScreen(), + // ), + // ], + // ), + SPACE_16, + // FunctionGroup( + // headLabel: '与地图交互', + // children: [ + // FunctionItem( + // label: '控件交互', + // sublabel: 'ControlInteractionScreen', + // target: ControlInteractionScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '手势交互', + // sublabel: 'GestureInteractionScreen', + // target: GestureInteractionScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '调用方法交互', + // sublabel: 'CodeInteractionScreen', + // target: CodeInteractionScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '截图', + // sublabel: 'ScreenShotScreen', + // target: ScreenShotScreen(), + // ), + // ], + // ), + SPACE_16, + // FunctionGroup( + // headLabel: '在地图上绘制', + // children: [ + // FunctionItem( + // label: '绘制点标记', + // sublabel: 'DrawPointScreen', + // target: DrawPointScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '绘制线', + // sublabel: 'DrawPolylineScreen', + // target: DrawPolylineScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '绘制圆', + // sublabel: 'DrawCircleScreen', + // target: DrawCircleScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '绘制多边形', + // sublabel: 'DrawPolygonScreen', + // target: DrawPolygonScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: '绘制图片覆盖物', + // sublabel: 'DrawGroundOverlayScreen', + // target: DrawGroundOverlayScreen(), + // ), + // ], + // ), + SPACE_16, + // FunctionGroup( + // headLabel: "工具", + // children: [ + // FunctionItem( + // label: "坐标转换", + // sublabel: "CoordinateTransformationScreen", + // target: CoordinateTransformationScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: "两点间距离计算", + // sublabel: "CalculateDistanceScreen", + // target: CalculateDistanceScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: "调用高德地图", + // sublabel: "LaunchAmapScreen", + // target: LaunchAmapScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: "轨迹纠偏", + // sublabel: "ProcessedTraceScreen", + // target: ProcessedTraceScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: "离线地图", + // sublabel: "OfflineManagerScreen", + // target: OfflineManagerScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: "获取静态图", + // sublabel: "StaticImageScreen", + // target: StaticImageScreen(), + // ), + // FunctionItem( + // label: "选择地址", + // sublabel: "LocationPickerScreen", + // target: LocationPickerScreen(), + // ), + // ], + // ), + SPACE_16, + // FunctionGroup( + // headLabel: "定位", + // children: [ + // FunctionItem( + // label: "(专业版)电子围栏", + // sublabel: "GeoFenceScreen", + // target: GeoFenceScreen(), + // ), + // ], + // ), + ], + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/calcute_distance_screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/calcute_distance_screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4230b40 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/calcute_distance_screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class CalculateDistanceScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + CalculateDistanceStateScreen createState() => CalculateDistanceStateScreen(); +} + +class CalculateDistanceStateScreen extends State { + final _point1LatController = TextEditingController(text: '29'); + final _point1LngController = TextEditingController(text: '119'); + final _point2LatController = TextEditingController(text: '30'); + final _point2LngController = TextEditingController(text: '119'); + + double _result = 0; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar( + title: Text('距离计算'), + ), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + Text('点1:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _point1LatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: '输入点1纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _point1LngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: '输入点1经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + Text('点2:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _point2LatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: '输入点2纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _point2LngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: '输入点2经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance.calculateDistance( + LatLng( + double.parse(_point1LatController.text), + double.parse(_point1LngController.text), + ), + LatLng( + double.parse(_point2LatController.text), + double.parse(_point2LngController.text), + ), + ); + + setState(() => _result = result); + }, + child: Text('计算'), + ), + Text(_result.toString() + '米'), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/coordinate_transformation_screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/coordinate_transformation_screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a4bcd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/coordinate_transformation_screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class CoordinateTransformationScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _CoordinateTransformationStateScreen createState() => + _CoordinateTransformationStateScreen(); +} + +class _CoordinateTransformationStateScreen + extends State { + final _latController = TextEditingController(text: "39.914266"); + final _lngController = TextEditingController(text: "116.403988"); + + final _coord = LatLng(39.914266, 116.403988); + LatLng _target = LatLng(39.914266, 116.403988); + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: Text('坐标转换')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), + children: [ + SPACE_8, + TextFormField( + readOnly: true, + controller: _latController, + decoration: InputDecoration( + labelText: "纬度 latitude", + border: OutlineInputBorder(), + ), + enabled: false, + ), + SPACE_8, + TextFormField( + readOnly: true, + controller: _lngController, + decoration: InputDecoration( + labelText: "经度 longitude", + border: OutlineInputBorder(), + ), + enabled: false, + ), + SPACE_8, + Text('转换结果: ${_target.latitude}, ${_target.longitude}'), + SPACE_8, + GridView.count( + shrinkWrap: true, + crossAxisCount: 3, + childAspectRatio: 3, + mainAxisSpacing: kSpace8, + crossAxisSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.GPS); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('GPS'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.Google); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('Google'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.MapBar); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('MapBar'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.Baidu); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('Baidu'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.MapABC); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('MapABC'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.SosoMap); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('SosoMap'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final result = await AmapService.instance + .convertCoordinate(_coord, CoordType.Aliyun); + setState(() { + _target = result; + }); + }, + child: Text('Aliyun'), + ), + ], + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/launch_amap_screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/launch_amap_screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9b6034 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/launch_amap_screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class LaunchAmapScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _LaunchAmapScreenState createState() => _LaunchAmapScreenState(); +} + +class _LaunchAmapScreenState extends State { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: Text('调用高德地图')), + body: Center( + child: DecoratedColumn( + mainAxisAlignment:, + children: [ + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapService.instance + .navigateDrive(LatLng(36.547901, 104.258354)); + }, + child: Text('高德地图驾车导航'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapService.instance + .navigateRide(LatLng(36.547901, 104.258354)); + }, + child: Text('高德地图骑行导航'), + ), + ], + ), + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/location_picker.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/location_picker.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9735e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/location_picker.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; + +import 'location_picker.widget.dart'; + +class LocationPickerScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _LocationPickerScreenState createState() => _LocationPickerScreenState(); +} + +class _LocationPickerScreenState extends State { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + // body: LocationPicker( + // requestPermission: () { + // return Permission.location.request().then((it) => it.isGranted); + // }, + // poiItemBuilder: (poi, selected) { + // return ListTile( + // title: Text(poi.title!), + // subtitle: Text(poi.address!), + // trailing: selected ? Icon(Icons.check) : SizedBox.shrink(), + // ); + // }, + // ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/location_picker.widget.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/location_picker.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..189fd1f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/location_picker.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +import 'dart:async'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter_easyrefresh/easy_refresh.dart'; +import 'package:flutter_easyrefresh/material_footer.dart'; +import 'package:sliding_up_panel/sliding_up_panel.dart'; + +import 'models.dart'; + +const _iconSize = 50.0; +const _package = 'amap_all_fluttify'; +const _indicator = 'images/indicator.png'; +double _fabHeight = 16.0; + +typedef RequestPermission = Future Function(); +typedef PoiItemBuilder = Widget Function(Poi poi, bool selected); + +class LocationPicker extends StatefulWidget { + const LocationPicker({ + required Key key, + required this.requestPermission, + required this.poiItemBuilder, + this.zoomLevel = 16.0, + this.zoomGesturesEnabled = false, + this.showZoomControl = false, + required this.centerIndicator, + this.enableLoadMore = true, + required this.onItemSelected, + }) : assert(zoomLevel >= 3 && zoomLevel <= 19), + super(key: key); + + /// 请求权限回调 + final RequestPermission requestPermission; + + /// Poi列表项Builder + final PoiItemBuilder poiItemBuilder; + + /// 显示的缩放登记 + final double zoomLevel; + + /// 缩放手势使能 默认false + final bool zoomGesturesEnabled; + + /// 是否显示缩放控件 默认false + final bool showZoomControl; + + /// 地图中心指示器 + final Widget centerIndicator; + + /// 是否开启加载更多 + final bool enableLoadMore; + + /// 选中回调 + final ValueChanged onItemSelected; + + @override + _LocationPickerState createState() => _LocationPickerState(); +} + +class _LocationPickerState extends State + with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, _BLoCMixin, _AnimationMixin { + // 地图控制器 + late AmapController _controller; + final PanelController _panelController = PanelController(); + + // 是否用户手势移动地图 + bool _moveByUser = true; + + // 当前请求到的poi列表 + List _poiInfoList = []; + + // 当前地图中心点 + late LatLng _currentCenterCoordinate; + + // 页数 + int _page = 1; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final minPanelHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.4; + final maxPanelHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.7; + return SlidingUpPanel( + controller: _panelController, + parallaxEnabled: true, + parallaxOffset: 0.5, + minHeight: minPanelHeight, + maxHeight: maxPanelHeight, + borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), + onPanelSlide: (double pos) => setState(() { + _fabHeight = pos * (maxPanelHeight - minPanelHeight) * .5 + 16; + }), + body: Column( + children: [ + Flexible( + child: Stack( + children: [ + AmapView( + zoomLevel: widget.zoomLevel, + zoomGesturesEnabled: widget.zoomGesturesEnabled, + showZoomControl: widget.showZoomControl, + onMapMoveEnd: (move) async { + if (_moveByUser) { + // 地图移动结束, 显示跳动动画 + _jumpController + .forward() + .then((it) => _jumpController.reverse()); + _search(move.coordinate!); + } + _moveByUser = true; + // 保存当前地图中心点数据 + _currentCenterCoordinate = move.coordinate!; + }, + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + if (await widget.requestPermission()) { + await _showMyLocation(); + var latLng = await _controller.getLocation(); + _search(latLng!); + } else { + debugPrint('权限请求被拒绝!'); + } + }, + ), + // 中心指示器 + Center( + child: AnimatedBuilder( + animation: _tween, + builder: (context, child) { + return Transform.translate( + offset: Offset( + _tween.value.dx, + _tween.value.dy - _iconSize / 2, + ), + child: child, + ); + }, + child: widget.centerIndicator ?? + Image.asset( + _indicator, + height: _iconSize, + package: _package, + ), + ), + ), + // 定位按钮 + Positioned( + right: 16.0, + bottom: _fabHeight, + child: FloatingActionButton( + child: StreamBuilder( + stream:, + initialData: true, + builder: (context, snapshot) { + return Icon( + Icons.gps_fixed, + color:! + ? Theme.of(context).primaryColor + : Colors.black54, + ); + }, + ), + onPressed: _showMyLocation, + backgroundColor: Colors.white, + ), + ), + ], + ), + ), + // 用来抵消panel的最小高度 + SizedBox(height: minPanelHeight), + ], + ), + panelBuilder: (scrollController) { + return StreamBuilder>( + stream:, + builder: (context, snapshot) { + if (snapshot.hasData) { + final data =; + return EasyRefresh( + footer: MaterialFooter(), + onLoad: widget.enableLoadMore ? _handleLoadMore : null, + child: ListView.builder( + padding:, + controller: scrollController, + shrinkWrap: true, + itemCount: data!.length, + itemBuilder: (context, index) { + final poi = data[index].poi; + final selected = data[index].selected; + return GestureDetector( + onTap: () { + // 遍历数据列表, 设置当前被选中的数据项 + for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { + data[i].selected = i == index; + } + // 如果索引是0, 说明是当前位置, 更新这个数据 + _onMyLocation.add(index == 0); + // 刷新数据 + _poiStream.add(data); + // 设置地图中心点 + _setCenterCoordinate(poi.latLng!); + // 回调 + widget.onItemSelected(data[index]); + }, + child: widget.poiItemBuilder(poi, selected), + ); + }, + ), + ); + } else { + return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); + } + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + Future _search(LatLng location) async { + final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchAround(location); + _poiInfoList = => PoiInfo(poi)).toList(); + // 默认勾选第一项 + if (_poiInfoList.isNotEmpty) _poiInfoList[0].selected = true; + _poiStream.add(_poiInfoList); + + // 重置页数 + _page = 1; + } + + Future _showMyLocation() async { + _onMyLocation.add(true); + await _controller.showMyLocation(MyLocationOption( + strokeColor: Colors.transparent, + fillColor: Colors.transparent, + )); + } + + Future _setCenterCoordinate(LatLng coordinate) async { + await _controller.setCenterCoordinate(coordinate); + _moveByUser = false; + } + + Future _handleLoadMore() async { + final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchAround( + _currentCenterCoordinate, + page: ++_page, + ); + _poiInfoList.addAll( => PoiInfo(poi)).toList()); + _poiStream.add(_poiInfoList); + } +} + +mixin _BLoCMixin on State { + // poi流 + final _poiStream = StreamController>(); + + // 是否在我的位置 + final _onMyLocation = StreamController(); + + @override + void dispose() { + _poiStream.close(); + _onMyLocation.close(); + super.dispose(); + } +} + +mixin _AnimationMixin on SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { + // 动画相关 + late AnimationController _jumpController; + late Animation _tween; + + @override + void initState() { + super.initState(); + _jumpController = + AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300)); + _tween = Tween(begin: Offset(0, 0), end: Offset(0, -15)).animate( + CurvedAnimation(parent: _jumpController, curve: Curves.easeInOut)); + } + + @override + void dispose() { + _jumpController.dispose(); + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/models.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/models.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35c6c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/location_picker/models.dart @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; + +class PoiInfo { + PoiInfo(this.poi); + + final Poi poi; + bool selected = false; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'PoiInfo{poi: $poi, selected: $selected}'; + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/offline_manager_screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/offline_manager_screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e22368 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/offline_manager_screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class OfflineManagerScreen extends StatelessWidget { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: Text('打开离线地图管理')), + body: Center( + child: ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapService.instance.openOfflineMapManager(); + }, + child: Text('离线地图管理'), + ), + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/processed_trace.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/processed_trace.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4c8946 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/processed_trace.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class ProcessedTraceScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + ProcessedTraceStateScreen createState() => ProcessedTraceStateScreen(); +} + +class ProcessedTraceStateScreen extends State { + List _result = []; + + late AmapController _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar( + title: Text('轨迹纠偏'), + ), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + Flexible( + child: AmapView( + onMapCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = controller; + await controller.setMapClickedListener((latLng) async { + _result.add(latLng); + await controller.addMarker(MarkerOption(coordinate: latLng)); + }); + }, + ), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + await AmapService.instance.queryProcessedTrace( + 1, + [ + for (final item in _result) + TraceLocation( + latitude: item.latitude, + longitude: item.longitude, + speed: 32, + bearing: 0, + time: 60000, + ), + ], + onTraceFinished: (List traceList, int distance) async { + await _controller + .addPolyline(PolylineOption(coordinateList: traceList)); + }, + ); + }, + child: Text('开始纠偏'), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/map/tools/static_image.screen.dart b/example/lib/map/tools/static_image.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3ae78 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/map/tools/static_image.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class StaticImageScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _StaticImageScreenState createState() => _StaticImageScreenState(); +} + +class _StaticImageScreenState extends State { + late Uint8List _imageData; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: Text('调用高德地图')), + body: Center( + child: DecoratedColumn( + mainAxisAlignment:, + children: [ + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () { + AmapService.instance + .fetchStaticMapImage(LatLng(30, 120)) + .then((value) { + setState(() { + _imageData = value; + }); + }); + }, + child: Text('获取静态图'), + ), + if (_imageData != null) Image.memory(_imageData), + ], + ), + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/utils/misc.dart b/example/lib/utils/misc.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6445f63 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/utils/misc.dart @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; + +Future requestPermission() async { + final status = await Permission.location.request(); + + if (status == PermissionStatus.granted) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/utils/next_latlng.dart b/example/lib/utils/next_latlng.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db11e02 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/utils/next_latlng.dart @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import 'dart:math'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; + +mixin NextLatLng { + final random = Random(); + + LatLng getNextLatLng({ LatLng? center}) { + center ??= LatLng(39.90960, 116.397228); + return LatLng( + center.latitude + random.nextDouble(), + center.longitude + random.nextDouble(), + ); + } + + List getNextBatchLatLng(int count) { + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) + LatLng( + 39.90960 + random.nextDouble() * 4, + 116.397228 + random.nextDouble() * 4, + ) + ]; + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart b/example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a83080 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export 'misc.dart'; diff --git a/example/pubspec.lock b/example/pubspec.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0342d9b --- /dev/null +++ b/example/pubspec.lock @@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@ +# Generated by pub +# See +packages: + _fe_analyzer_shared: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: _fe_analyzer_shared + sha256: f256b0c0ba6c7577c15e2e4e114755640a875e885099367bf6e012b19314c834 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "72.0.0" + _macros: + dependency: transitive + description: dart + source: sdk + version: "0.3.2" + amap_core_fluttify: + dependency: transitive + description: + path: "../../amap_core_fluttify" + relative: true + source: path + version: "0.17.0" + amap_location_fluttify: + dependency: transitive + description: + path: "../../amap_location_fluttify" + relative: true + source: path + version: "0.22.0" + amap_map_fluttify: + dependency: "direct dev" + description: + path: ".." + relative: true + source: path + version: "2.0.2" + amap_search_fluttify: + dependency: transitive + description: + path: "../../amap_search_fluttify" + relative: true + source: path + version: "0.18.0" + analyzer: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: analyzer + sha256: b652861553cd3990d8ed361f7979dc6d7053a9ac8843fa73820ab68ce5410139 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "6.7.0" + ansicolor: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: ansicolor + sha256: "50e982d500bc863e1d703448afdbf9e5a72eb48840a4f766fa361ffd6877055f" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.0.3" + args: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: args + sha256: b003c3098049a51720352d219b0bb5f219b60fbfb68e7a4748139a06a5676515 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.3.1" + async: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: async + sha256: "947bfcf187f74dbc5e146c9eb9c0f10c9f8b30743e341481c1e2ed3ecc18c20c" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.11.0" + boolean_selector: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: boolean_selector + sha256: "6cfb5af12253eaf2b368f07bacc5a80d1301a071c73360d746b7f2e32d762c66" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.1" + cached_network_image: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: cached_network_image + sha256: "28ea9690a8207179c319965c13cd8df184d5ee721ae2ce60f398ced1219cea1f" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.3.1" + cached_network_image_platform_interface: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: cached_network_image_platform_interface + sha256: "9e90e78ae72caa874a323d78fa6301b3fb8fa7ea76a8f96dc5b5bf79f283bf2f" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "4.0.0" + cached_network_image_web: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: cached_network_image_web + sha256: "205d6a9f1862de34b93184f22b9d2d94586b2f05c581d546695e3d8f6a805cd7" + url: "" + source: hosted + 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core_location_fluttify: + dependency: transitive + description: + path: "../../core_location_fluttify" + relative: true + source: path + version: "0.7.1" + coverage: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: coverage + sha256: "3945034e86ea203af7a056d98e98e42a5518fff200d6e8e6647e1886b07e936e" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.8.0" + cross_file: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: cross_file + sha256: "7caf6a750a0c04effbb52a676dce9a4a592e10ad35c34d6d2d0e4811160d5670" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.3.4+2" + crypto: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: crypto + sha256: aa274aa7774f8964e4f4f38cc994db7b6158dd36e9187aaceaddc994b35c6c67 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.0.2" + cupertino_icons: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + name: cupertino_icons + sha256: ba631d1c7f7bef6b729a622b7b752645a2d076dba9976925b8f25725a30e1ee6 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.0.8" + decorated_flutter: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + name: decorated_flutter + sha256: "9e6665eb06b5b4575e646b1f9c35c0a449cea4061796f8353312fc530258b0b5" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.50.0" + dio: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: dio + sha256: "5598aa796bbf4699afd5c67c0f5f6e2ed542afc956884b9cd58c306966efc260" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "5.7.0" + dio_web_adapter: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: dio_web_adapter + sha256: "33259a9276d6cea88774a0000cfae0d861003497755969c92faa223108620dc8" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.0.0" + fake_async: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: fake_async + sha256: "511392330127add0b769b75a987850d136345d9227c6b94c96a04cf4a391bf78" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.3.1" + ffi: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: ffi + sha256: "16ed7b077ef01ad6170a3d0c57caa4a112a38d7a2ed5602e0aca9ca6f3d98da6" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.3" + file: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: file + sha256: 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source: hosted + version: "1.1.10+1" + vector_graphics_compiler: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vector_graphics_compiler + sha256: "18489bdd8850de3dd7ca8a34e0c446f719ec63e2bab2e7a8cc66a9028dd76c5a" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.1.10+1" + vector_math: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vector_math + sha256: "80b3257d1492ce4d091729e3a67a60407d227c27241d6927be0130c98e741803" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.4" + vm_service: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vm_service + sha256: "5c5f338a667b4c644744b661f309fb8080bb94b18a7e91ef1dbd343bed00ed6d" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "14.2.5" + watcher: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: watcher + sha256: "3d2ad6751b3c16cf07c7fca317a1413b3f26530319181b37e3b9039b84fc01d8" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.1.0" + web: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: web + sha256: cd3543bd5798f6ad290ea73d210f423502e71900302dde696f8bff84bf89a1cb + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.1.0" + web_socket_channel: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: web_socket_channel + sha256: d88238e5eac9a42bb43ca4e721edba3c08c6354d4a53063afaa568516217621b + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.4.0" + webkit_inspection_protocol: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: webkit_inspection_protocol + sha256: "67d3a8b6c79e1987d19d848b0892e582dbb0c66c57cc1fef58a177dd2aa2823d" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.2.0" + win32: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: win32 + sha256: "84ba388638ed7a8cb3445a320c8273136ab2631cd5f2c57888335504ddab1bc2" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "5.8.0" + xdg_directories: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: xdg_directories + sha256: bd512f03919aac5f1313eb8249f223bacf4927031bf60b02601f81f687689e86 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.2.0+3" + xml: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: xml + sha256: b015a8ad1c488f66851d762d3090a21c600e479dc75e68328c52774040cf9226 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "6.5.0" + yaml: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: yaml + sha256: "23812a9b125b48d4007117254bca50abb6c712352927eece9e155207b1db2370" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.1.1" +sdks: + dart: ">=3.5.3 <4.0.0" + flutter: ">=3.24.0" diff --git a/example/pubspec.yaml b/example/pubspec.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3cd7ba --- /dev/null +++ b/example/pubspec.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +name: amap_map_fluttify_example +description: Demonstrates how to use the amap_map_fluttify plugin. +publish_to: 'none' + +environment: + sdk: ^3.5.3 + +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + cupertino_icons: ^1.0.8 + permission_handler: any + oktoast: ^3.4.0 + sliding_up_panel: ^2.0.0+1 + flutter_easyrefresh: ^2.1.1 + decorated_flutter: ^0.50.0 + +dependency_overrides: +# foundation_fluttify: +# path: /Users/yohom/Github/Me/All/fluttify/fluttify_infra/foundation_fluttify + +dev_dependencies: + test: any + flutter_test: + sdk: flutter + amap_map_fluttify: + path: ../ + +flutter: + uses-material-design: true + assets: + - images/ + - raw/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/raw/ b/example/raw/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ecffa99c060f3cf38761b97bb12f34c31ac4873 GIT binary patch literal 181684 zcmeIb3%p%bb??9SKKtaHoJUU1gGT}eNCHG4Kn`yV5CVko4o@L~fh2%Y2rtp7RVZzJ zRPfOUyNpnWaE1Np5_DN>+jle^Y$G(Z<2o*-w4-N(qKJ&HYU!# zYsdB*w%&UE9ow7#jG{MQy5mMEc5v|}w_d;f&b#io@%n9A?y8L&uUyan+j!-T&}4t; zFLuE5#w$_ZE7vcWZZ*B^f-}t4!!u{zaNDb1zGLT&x88F7t5Pb3M)fzcWl+qA=$4DNCb@=PR zApWTO{QK_RyZ=A@?;0thPDyQ3(xC5pvNMriDUN&XSc}Acq2nGN$G>L&g!s=he>9GB4enxb?gaOUINq<8)R`3T7bOES z6dw@BwdT!~xNgmx)p3f@wwZ2in-y`qYuoHyXq$uMxYoAWr?PD}$0_1LiR`{CqJBYA zo19IyB=ztqwmeOxX%fku_WdQ&6z;5aWt?W%D$TG|++UFtmK;~bDM1^0KWS*R%_LVd zx1p)|i~M6)aeS|^BA_YaHl@yF=F7ZQIcr%Om7Qrl_otI)LfjswmT5xJU4(k-X#FDA zv$zb}9w%NumW)_N{{yHxX3N>+);Lwyc-@M6E)HGFmg99{QfDgB+hp(FbTB(WT2%wK 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For example, you can send tap and scroll +// gestures. You can also use WidgetTester to find child widgets in the widget +// tree, read text, and verify that the values of widget properties are correct. + +import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; + +void main() { + testWidgets('Verify Platform version', (WidgetTester tester) async {}); +} diff --git a/example/web/favicon.png b/example/web/favicon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8aaa46ac1ae21512746f852a42ba87e4165dfdd1 GIT binary patch literal 917 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^0wB!61|;P_|4#%`jKx9jP7LeL$-D$|I14-?iy0X7 zltGxWVyS%@P(fs7NJL45ua8x7ey(0(N`6wRUPW#JP&EUCO@$SZnVVXYs8ErclUHn2 zVXFjIVFhG^g!Ppaz)DK8ZIvQ?0~DO|i&7O#^-S~(l1AfjnEK zjFOT9D}DX)@^Za$W4-*MbbUihOG|wNBYh(yU7!lx;>x^|#0uTKVr7USFmqf|i<65o z3raHc^AtelCMM;Vme?vOfh>Xph&xL%(-1c06+^uR^q@XSM&D4+Kp$>4P^%3{)XKjo zGZknv$b36P8?Z_gF{nK@`XI}Z90TzwSQO}0J1!f2c(B=V`5aP@1P1a|PZ!4!3&Gl8 zTYqUsf!gYFyJnXpu0!n&N*SYAX-%d(5gVjrHJWqXQshj@!Zm{!01WsQrH~9=kTxW#6SvuapgMqt>$=j#%eyGrQzr 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"background_color": "#0175C2", + "theme_color": "#0175C2", + "description": "Demonstrates how to use the amap_map_fluttify plugin.", + "orientation": "portrait-primary", + "prefer_related_applications": false, + "icons": [ + { + "src": "icons/Icon-192.png", + "sizes": "192x192", + "type": "image/png" + }, + { + "src": "icons/Icon-512.png", + "sizes": "512x512", + "type": "image/png" + } + ] +} diff --git a/images/1.5x/location_pointer.png b/images/1.5x/location_pointer.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a3f74b4bbb4f031a2f5e47a04be46b034faf611 GIT binary patch literal 9430 zcmV;{Bq`g8P)Px#IAvH#W=%~1DgXcg2mk?xX#fNO00031000^Q000000-yo_1ONa40RR91S)c;| z1ONa40RR91SpWb40Dg{$*#H0}Oi4sRRCodHe0z*!*;(It+Ohcyu6i2_7P0Gr65L?{oD{NqtOQX&XKQNkaDMMP0VAWTGJ;&^Qw z#EgRtYiN5PY}=llS?2y03Hc`<+|2o;}^wk69&B-p{M(UAAq%7cdNh#KOWt`q&R8?=$Us9?wzh z^~Y1(UZpgFy$`4h3*AELO1jc6?+-urnV+}P{`Lo-{_v~qtIeZ@zALz}AbLB&HMZ4a 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FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import + +typedef void (^Handler)(NSObject *, id, FlutterResult); + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.m b/ios/Classes/AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3170e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.m @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler0.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler1.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler2.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler3.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler4.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler5.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler6.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler7.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler8.h" +#import "SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.h" +#import "MAAnnotationViewFactory.h" +#import "MACustomCalloutViewFactory.h" +#import "MAMapViewFactory.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin { + NSMutableDictionary* _handlerMap; +} + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + // 处理方法们 + _handlerMap = @{}.mutableCopy; + + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler0]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler1]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler2]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler3]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler4]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler5]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler6]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler7]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler8]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandlerCustom]]; + } + + return self; +} + ++ (void)registerWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:@"me.yohom/amap_map_fluttify" + binaryMessenger:[registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + [registrar addMethodCallDelegate:[[AmapMapFluttifyPlugin alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar] + channel:channel]; + + // 注册View + [registrar registerViewFactory: [[MAPinAnnotationViewFactory alloc] initWithRegistrar:registrar] withId: @"me.yohom/MAPinAnnotationView"]; + [registrar registerViewFactory: [[MAAnnotationViewFactory alloc] initWithRegistrar:registrar] withId: @"me.yohom/MAAnnotationView"]; + [registrar registerViewFactory: [[MACustomCalloutViewFactory alloc] initWithRegistrar:registrar] withId: @"me.yohom/MACustomCalloutView"]; + [registrar registerViewFactory: [[MAMapViewFactory alloc] initWithRegistrar:registrar] withId: @"me.yohom/MAMapView"]; +} + +// Method Handlers +- (void)handleMethodCall:(FlutterMethodCall *)methodCall result:(FlutterResult)methodResult { + if (_handlerMap[methodCall.method] != nil) { + _handlerMap[methodCall.method](_registrar, [methodCall arguments], methodResult); + } else { + methodResult(FlutterMethodNotImplemented); + } +} + +@end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f44559e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b09a65e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)mapViewRegionChanged : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewRegionChanged"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewRegionChanged" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView regionWillChangeAnimated: (BOOL)animated +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* arganimated = @(animated); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"animated": arganimated == nil ? [NSNull null] : arganimated}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated: (BOOL)animated +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* arganimated = @(animated); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"animated": arganimated == nil ? [NSNull null] : arganimated}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView regionWillChangeAnimated: (BOOL)animated wasUserAction: (BOOL)wasUserAction +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* arganimated = @(animated); + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argwasUserAction = @(wasUserAction); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"animated": arganimated == nil ? [NSNull null] : arganimated, @"wasUserAction": argwasUserAction == nil ? [NSNull null] : argwasUserAction}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated: (BOOL)animated wasUserAction: (BOOL)wasUserAction +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* arganimated = @(animated); + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argwasUserAction = @(wasUserAction); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"animated": arganimated == nil ? [NSNull null] : arganimated, @"wasUserAction": argwasUserAction == nil ? [NSNull null] : argwasUserAction}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView mapWillMoveByUser: (BOOL)wasUserAction +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_mapWillMoveByUser"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argwasUserAction = @(wasUserAction); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_mapWillMoveByUser" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"wasUserAction": argwasUserAction == nil ? [NSNull null] : argwasUserAction}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView mapDidMoveByUser: (BOOL)wasUserAction +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_mapDidMoveByUser"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argwasUserAction = @(wasUserAction); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_mapDidMoveByUser" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"wasUserAction": argwasUserAction == nil ? [NSNull null] : argwasUserAction}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView mapWillZoomByUser: (BOOL)wasUserAction +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_mapWillZoomByUser"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argwasUserAction = @(wasUserAction); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_mapWillZoomByUser" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"wasUserAction": argwasUserAction == nil ? [NSNull null] : argwasUserAction}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView mapDidZoomByUser: (BOOL)wasUserAction +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_mapDidZoomByUser"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argwasUserAction = @(wasUserAction); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_mapDidZoomByUser" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"wasUserAction": argwasUserAction == nil ? [NSNull null] : argwasUserAction}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewWillStartLoadingMap : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewWillStartLoadingMap"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewWillStartLoadingMap" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewDidFailLoadingMap : (MAMapView*)mapView withError: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewDidFailLoadingMap_withError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewDidFailLoadingMap_withError" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (MAAnnotationView*)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView viewForAnnotation: (id)annotation +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_viewForAnnotation"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + id argannotation = annotation; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_viewForAnnotation" + arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"annotation": argannotation == nil ? [NSNull null] : argannotation} + result:^(id result) {}]; // 由于结果是异步返回, 这里用不上, 所以就不生成代码了 + }); + + // 由于flutter无法同步调用method channel, 所以暂不支持有返回值的回调方法 + // 相关issue + NSLog(@"暂不支持有返回值的回调方法"); + + ////////////////////////////如果需要手写代码, 请写在这里///////////////////////////// +UIImage* icon = (UIImage *) objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 1); + NSArray* icons = (NSArray*) objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 11); + NSNumber* duration = (NSNumber*) objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 12); + NSNumber* draggable = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 2); + NSNumber* rotateAngle = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 3); + NSNumber* infoWindowEnabled = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 4); + NSNumber* anchorU = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 5); + NSNumber* anchorV = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 6); + // 7上绑的是自定义数据, 这里不需要 + // 8和9是原先的width和height, 升级foundation之后不再需要 + NSNumber* visible = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 10); + NSNumber* opacity = objc_getAssociatedObject(annotation, (const void *) 13); + + //用户当前位置大头针 + if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[MAUserLocation class]]) { + return nil; + } + + if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[MAPointAnnotation class]]) { + MAAnnotationView* annotationView; + // 如果没有指定icon就使用m自带的annotation + if (icon == nil) { + annotationView = (MAPinAnnotationView*)[mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:@"pinAnnotationReuseIndentifier"]; + if (annotationView == nil) { + annotationView = [[MAPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:@"pinAnnotationReuseIndentifier"]; + } + } else { + annotationView = (MAAnnotationView*)[mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:@"customAnnotationReuseIndentifier"]; + if (annotationView == nil) { + annotationView = [[MAAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:@"customAnnotationReuseIndentifier"]; + } + } + if (icons != nil && (NSNull*) icon != [NSNull null]) { + annotationView.imageView.animationImages = icons; + annotationView.imageView.animationDuration = [duration doubleValue]; + [annotationView.imageView startAnimating]; + } + if (icon != nil && (NSNull*) icon != [NSNull null]) annotationView.image = icon; + if (draggable != nil) annotationView.draggable = [draggable boolValue]; + if (infoWindowEnabled != nil) annotationView.canShowCallout = [infoWindowEnabled boolValue]; + // 旋转角度 + if (rotateAngle != nil) { + annotationView.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(CGAffineTransformIdentity, -[rotateAngle doubleValue] / 180.0 * M_PI); + } + // 锚点 + if (anchorU != nil && anchorV != nil + && (NSNull*) anchorU != [NSNull null] && (NSNull*) anchorV != [NSNull null]) { + annotationView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake([anchorU doubleValue], [anchorV doubleValue]); + } + // 是否可见 + if (visible != nil && (NSNull*) visible != [NSNull null]) { + annotationView.hidden = ![visible boolValue]; + } + // 透明度 + if (opacity != nil && (NSNull*) opacity != [NSNull null]) { + annotationView.alpha = [opacity doubleValue]; + } + return annotationView; + } + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + return (MAAnnotationView*) nil; +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didAddAnnotationViews: (NSArray*)views +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didAddAnnotationViews"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argviews = views; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didAddAnnotationViews" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"views": argviews == nil ? [NSNull null] : argviews}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didSelectAnnotationView: (MAAnnotationView*)view +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didSelectAnnotationView"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationView* argview = view; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didSelectAnnotationView" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"view": argview == nil ? [NSNull null] : argview}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didDeselectAnnotationView: (MAAnnotationView*)view +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didDeselectAnnotationView"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationView* argview = view; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didDeselectAnnotationView" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"view": argview == nil ? [NSNull null] : argview}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewWillStartLocatingUser : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewWillStartLocatingUser"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewWillStartLocatingUser" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewDidStopLocatingUser : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewDidStopLocatingUser"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewDidStopLocatingUser" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didUpdateUserLocation: (MAUserLocation*)userLocation updatingLocation: (BOOL)updatingLocation +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didUpdateUserLocation_updatingLocation"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAUserLocation* arguserLocation = userLocation; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argupdatingLocation = @(updatingLocation); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didUpdateUserLocation_updatingLocation" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"userLocation": arguserLocation == nil ? [NSNull null] : arguserLocation, @"updatingLocation": argupdatingLocation == nil ? [NSNull null] : argupdatingLocation}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewRequireLocationAuth : (CLLocationManager*)locationManager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapViewRequireLocationAuth"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + CLLocationManager* arglocationManager = locationManager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewRequireLocationAuth" arguments:@{@"locationManager": arglocationManager == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocationManager}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didFailToLocateUserWithError: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didFailToLocateUserWithError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didFailToLocateUserWithError" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView annotationView: (MAAnnotationView*)view didChangeDragState: (MAAnnotationViewDragState)newState fromOldState: (MAAnnotationViewDragState)oldState +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationView* argview = view; + // enum callback arg + NSNumber* argnewState = @((NSInteger) newState); + // enum callback arg + NSNumber* argoldState = @((NSInteger) oldState); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"view": argview == nil ? [NSNull null] : argview, @"newState": argnewState == nil ? [NSNull null] : argnewState, @"oldState": argoldState == nil ? [NSNull null] : argoldState}]; + }); + +} + +- (MAOverlayRenderer*)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView rendererForOverlay: (id)overlay +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_rendererForOverlay"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + id argoverlay = overlay; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_rendererForOverlay" + arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"overlay": argoverlay == nil ? [NSNull null] : argoverlay} + result:^(id result) {}]; // 由于结果是异步返回, 这里用不上, 所以就不生成代码了 + }); + + // 由于flutter无法同步调用method channel, 所以暂不支持有返回值的回调方法 + // 相关issue + NSLog(@"暂不支持有返回值的回调方法"); + + ////////////////////////////如果需要手写代码, 请写在这里///////////////////////////// +// 线 + if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[MAPolyline class]]) + { + NSNumber* width = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 1); + NSNumber* strokeColor = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 2); + UIImage* texture = (UIImage *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 3); + NSNumber* lineCapType = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 4); + NSNumber* lineJoinType = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 5); + NSNumber* dashType = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 6); + + MAPolylineRenderer *polylineRenderer = [[MAPolylineRenderer alloc] initWithPolyline:overlay]; + + polylineRenderer.lineWidth = [width doubleValue]; + // 描边颜色 + NSUInteger rgba = [strokeColor unsignedIntegerValue]; + float components[4]; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + components[i] = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; + rgba >>= 8; + } + polylineRenderer.strokeColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:components[1] green:components[2] blue:components[3] alpha:components[0]]; + if (texture != nil) polylineRenderer.strokeImage = texture; + if (lineCapType != nil) polylineRenderer.lineCapType = (MALineCapType) [lineCapType integerValue]; + if (lineJoinType != nil) polylineRenderer.lineJoinType = (MALineJoinType) [lineJoinType integerValue]; + if (dashType != nil) polylineRenderer.lineDashType = (MALineDashType) [dashType integerValue]; + + // 这次调用完成后 清空栈 + [STACK removeAllObjects]; + return polylineRenderer; + } + + // 多边形 + if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[MAPolygon class]]) + { + NSNumber* width = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 1); + NSNumber* strokeColor = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 2); + NSNumber* fillColor = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 3); + + MAPolygonRenderer *polygonRenderer = [[MAPolygonRenderer alloc] initWithPolygon:overlay]; + + if (width != nil) polygonRenderer.lineWidth = [width doubleValue]; + // 描边颜色 + NSUInteger rgba = [strokeColor unsignedIntegerValue]; + float components[4]; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + components[i] = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; + rgba >>= 8; + } + polygonRenderer.strokeColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:components[1] green:components[2] blue:components[3] alpha:components[0]]; + + // 填充颜色 + rgba = [fillColor unsignedIntegerValue]; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + components[i] = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; + rgba >>= 8; + } + polygonRenderer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:components[1] green:components[2] blue:components[3] alpha:components[0]]; + + // 这次调用完成后 清空栈 + [STACK removeAllObjects]; + return polygonRenderer; + } + + // 圆 + if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[MACircle class]]) + { + NSNumber* width = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 1); + NSNumber* strokeColor = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 2); + NSNumber* fillColor = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 3); + + MACircleRenderer *circleRenderer = [[MACircleRenderer alloc] initWithCircle:overlay]; + + // 宽度 + if (width != nil) circleRenderer.lineWidth = [width doubleValue]; + + // 描边颜色 + NSUInteger rgba = [strokeColor unsignedIntegerValue]; + float components[4]; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + components[i] = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; + rgba >>= 8; + } + circleRenderer.strokeColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:components[1] green:components[2] blue:components[3] alpha:components[0]]; + + // 填充颜色 + rgba = [fillColor unsignedIntegerValue]; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + components[i] = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; + rgba >>= 8; + } + circleRenderer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:components[1] green:components[2] blue:components[3] alpha:components[0]]; + + // 这次调用完成后 清空栈 + [STACK removeAllObjects]; + return circleRenderer; + } + + // 瓦片图 + if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[MATileOverlay class]]) + { + MATileOverlayRenderer *tileOverlayRenderer = [[MATileOverlayRenderer alloc] initWithTileOverlay:overlay]; + return tileOverlayRenderer; + } + + // 海量点 + if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[MAMultiPointOverlay class]]) + { + UIImage* icon = (UIImage *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 1); + NSNumber* width = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 2); + NSNumber* height = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(overlay, (const void *) 3); + + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer *multiPointOverlayRenderer = [[MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer alloc] initWithMultiPointOverlay: overlay]; + if (icon != nil) { + multiPointOverlayRenderer.icon = icon; + } + if (width != nil && height != nil) { + multiPointOverlayRenderer.pointSize = CGSizeMake([width doubleValue], [height doubleValue]); + } + return multiPointOverlayRenderer; + } + + // 图片 + if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[MAGroundOverlay class]]) + { + MAGroundOverlayRenderer *groundPverlayRenderer = [[MAGroundOverlayRenderer alloc] initWithGroundOverlay: overlay]; + return groundPverlayRenderer; + } + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + return (MAOverlayRenderer*) nil; +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didAddOverlayRenderers: (NSArray*)overlayRenderers +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didAddOverlayRenderers"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argoverlayRenderers = overlayRenderers; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didAddOverlayRenderers" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"overlayRenderers": argoverlayRenderers == nil ? [NSNull null] : argoverlayRenderers}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView annotationView: (MAAnnotationView*)view calloutAccessoryControlTapped: (UIControl*)control +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_annotationView_calloutAccessoryControlTapped"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationView* argview = view; + // ref callback arg + UIControl* argcontrol = control; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_annotationView_calloutAccessoryControlTapped" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"view": argview == nil ? [NSNull null] : argview, @"control": argcontrol == nil ? [NSNull null] : argcontrol}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped: (MAAnnotationView*)view +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationView* argview = view; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"view": argview == nil ? [NSNull null] : argview}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didAnnotationViewTapped: (MAAnnotationView*)view +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationView* argview = view; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"view": argview == nil ? [NSNull null] : argview}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didChangeUserTrackingMode: (MAUserTrackingMode)mode animated: (BOOL)animated +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didChangeUserTrackingMode_animated"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // enum callback arg + NSNumber* argmode = @((NSInteger) mode); + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* arganimated = @(animated); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didChangeUserTrackingMode_animated" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"mode": argmode == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmode, @"animated": arganimated == nil ? [NSNull null] : arganimated}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didChangeOpenGLESDisabled: (BOOL)openGLESDisabled +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didChangeOpenGLESDisabled"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argopenGLESDisabled = @(openGLESDisabled); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didChangeOpenGLESDisabled" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"openGLESDisabled": argopenGLESDisabled == nil ? [NSNull null] : argopenGLESDisabled}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didTouchPois: (NSArray*)pois +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didTouchPois"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argpois = pois; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didTouchPois" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"pois": argpois == nil ? [NSNull null] : argpois}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didSingleTappedAtCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // struct callback arg + NSValue* argcoordinate = [NSValue value:&coordinate withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"coordinate": argcoordinate == nil ? [NSNull null] : argcoordinate}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didLongPressedAtCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // struct callback arg + NSValue* argcoordinate = [NSValue value:&coordinate withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"coordinate": argcoordinate == nil ? [NSNull null] : argcoordinate}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapInitComplete : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapInitComplete"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapInitComplete" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didIndoorMapShowed: (MAIndoorInfo*)indoorInfo +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didIndoorMapShowed"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAIndoorInfo* argindoorInfo = indoorInfo; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didIndoorMapShowed" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"indoorInfo": argindoorInfo == nil ? [NSNull null] : argindoorInfo}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged: (MAIndoorInfo*)indoorInfo +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAIndoorInfo* argindoorInfo = indoorInfo; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"indoorInfo": argindoorInfo == nil ? [NSNull null] : argindoorInfo}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapView : (MAMapView*)mapView didIndoorMapHidden: (MAIndoorInfo*)indoorInfo +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::mapView_didIndoorMapHidden"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + // ref callback arg + MAIndoorInfo* argindoorInfo = indoorInfo; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapView_didIndoorMapHidden" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView, @"indoorInfo": argindoorInfo == nil ? [NSNull null] : argindoorInfo}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)offlineDataWillReload : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::offlineDataWillReload"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"offlineDataWillReload" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)offlineDataDidReload : (MAMapView*)mapView +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapViewDelegate::offlineDataDidReload"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMapView* argmapView = mapView; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"offlineDataDidReload" arguments:@{@"mapView": argmapView == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmapView}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f24ec8a --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..341b4e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)multiPointOverlayRenderer : (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*)renderer didItemTapped: (MAMultiPointItem*)item +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate::multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* argrenderer = renderer; + // ref callback arg + MAMultiPointItem* argitem = item; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped" arguments:@{@"renderer": argrenderer == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrenderer, @"item": argitem == nil ? [NSNull null] : argitem}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a832c6e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface MATraceDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bc13d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MATraceDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)traceManager : (MATraceManager*)manager didTrace: (NSArray*)locations correct: (NSArray*)tracePoints distance: (double)distance withError: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MATraceDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceDelegate::traceManager_didTrace_correct_distance_withError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + MATraceManager* argmanager = manager; + // ref callback arg + NSArray* arglocations = locations; + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argtracePoints = tracePoints; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argdistance = @(distance); + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"traceManager_didTrace_correct_distance_withError" arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager, @"locations": arglocations == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocations, @"tracePoints": argtracePoints == nil ? [NSNull null] : argtracePoints, @"distance": argdistance == nil ? [NSNull null] : argdistance, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)mapViewRequireLocationAuth : (CLLocationManager*)locationManager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MATraceDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceDelegate::mapViewRequireLocationAuth"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + CLLocationManager* arglocationManager = locationManager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"mapViewRequireLocationAuth" arguments:@{@"locationManager": arglocationManager == nil ? [NSNull null] : arglocationManager}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.h b/ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dd8ca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import +#import + +@interface MAAnnotationViewFactory : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +@interface MAAnnotationViewPlatformView : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.m b/ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee523f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MAAnnotationViewFactory.m @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MAAnnotationViewFactory.h" +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MAAnnotationViewFactory { +} + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (NSObject*)createArgsCodec { + return [FlutterStandardMessageCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]; +} + +- (NSObject *)createWithFrame:(CGRect)frame viewIdentifier:(int64_t)viewId arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + return [[MAAnnotationViewPlatformView alloc] initWithViewId:viewId frame: frame registrar:_registrar arguments: args]; +} + +@end + +@implementation MAAnnotationViewPlatformView { + int64_t _viewId; + CGRect _frame; + NSDictionary* _handlerMap; + MAAnnotationView* _view; + id _args; +} + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _viewId = viewId; + _registrar = registrar; + _frame = frame; + _args = args; + } + + return self; +} + +- (UIView *)view { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + if (_view == nil) { + NSDictionary* params = (NSDictionary*) _args; + + _view = [[MAAnnotationView alloc] initWithFrame:_frame]; + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + // 这里用一个magic number调整一下id + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", @(2147483647 - _viewId)]] = _view; + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", @"MAAnnotationView", @(_view.hash)]] = _view; + } + return _view; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.h b/ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1adaa3b --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import +#import + +@interface MACustomCalloutViewFactory : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +@interface MACustomCalloutViewPlatformView : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.m b/ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fc6189 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MACustomCalloutViewFactory.m @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MACustomCalloutViewFactory.h" +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MACustomCalloutViewFactory { +} + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (NSObject*)createArgsCodec { + return [FlutterStandardMessageCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]; +} + +- (NSObject *)createWithFrame:(CGRect)frame viewIdentifier:(int64_t)viewId arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + return [[MACustomCalloutViewPlatformView alloc] initWithViewId:viewId frame: frame registrar:_registrar arguments: args]; +} + +@end + +@implementation MACustomCalloutViewPlatformView { + int64_t _viewId; + CGRect _frame; + NSDictionary* _handlerMap; + MACustomCalloutView* _view; + id _args; +} + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _viewId = viewId; + _registrar = registrar; + _frame = frame; + _args = args; + } + + return self; +} + +- (UIView *)view { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + if (_view == nil) { + NSDictionary* params = (NSDictionary*) _args; + + _view = [[MACustomCalloutView alloc] initWithFrame:_frame]; + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + // 这里用一个magic number调整一下id + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", @(2147483647 - _viewId)]] = _view; + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", @"MACustomCalloutView", @(_view.hash)]] = _view; + } + return _view; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.h b/ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bb01b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import +#import + +@interface MAMapViewFactory : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +@interface MAMapViewPlatformView : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.m b/ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90d9a15 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MAMapViewFactory.m @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MAMapViewFactory.h" +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MAMapViewFactory { +} + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (NSObject*)createArgsCodec { + return [FlutterStandardMessageCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]; +} + +- (NSObject *)createWithFrame:(CGRect)frame viewIdentifier:(int64_t)viewId arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + return [[MAMapViewPlatformView alloc] initWithViewId:viewId frame: frame registrar:_registrar arguments: args]; +} + +@end + +@implementation MAMapViewPlatformView { + int64_t _viewId; + CGRect _frame; + NSDictionary* _handlerMap; + MAMapView* _view; + id _args; +} + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _viewId = viewId; + _registrar = registrar; + _frame = frame; + _args = args; + } + + return self; +} + +- (UIView *)view { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + if (_view == nil) { + NSDictionary* params = (NSDictionary*) _args; + + _view = [[MAMapView alloc] initWithFrame:_frame]; + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + NSNumber* mapType = (NSNumber*) params[@"mapType"]; + NSNumber* showZoomControl = (NSNumber*) params[@"showZoomControl"]; + NSNumber* showCompass = (NSNumber*) params[@"showCompass"]; + NSNumber* showScaleControl = (NSNumber*) params[@"showScaleControl"]; + NSNumber* zoomGesturesEnabled = (NSNumber*) params[@"zoomGesturesEnabled"]; + NSNumber* scrollGesturesEnabled = (NSNumber*) params[@"scrollGesturesEnabled"]; + NSNumber* rotateGestureEnabled = (NSNumber*) params[@"rotateGestureEnabled"]; + NSNumber* tiltGestureEnabled = (NSNumber*) params[@"tiltGestureEnabled"]; + NSNumber* zoomLevel = (NSNumber*) params[@"zoomLevel"]; + NSNumber* tilt = (NSNumber*) params[@"tilt"]; + NSNumber* bearing = (NSNumber*) params[@"bearing"]; + NSNumber* centerCoordinateLatitude = (NSNumber*) params[@"centerCoordinateLatitude"]; + NSNumber* centerCoordinateLongitude = (NSNumber*) params[@"centerCoordinateLongitude"]; + + if (mapType != nil && (NSNull*) + mapType != [NSNull null]) _view.mapType = [mapType intValue]; + if (showCompass != nil && (NSNull*) showCompass != [NSNull null]) + _view.showsCompass = [showCompass boolValue]; + if (showScaleControl != nil && (NSNull*) showScaleControl != [NSNull null]) + _view.showsScale = [showScaleControl boolValue]; + if (zoomGesturesEnabled != nil && (NSNull*) zoomGesturesEnabled != [NSNull null]) + _view.zoomEnabled = [zoomGesturesEnabled boolValue]; + if (scrollGesturesEnabled != nil && (NSNull*) scrollGesturesEnabled != [NSNull null]) + _view.scrollEnabled = [scrollGesturesEnabled boolValue]; + if (rotateGestureEnabled != nil && (NSNull*) rotateGestureEnabled != [NSNull null]) + _view.rotateEnabled = [rotateGestureEnabled boolValue]; + if (tiltGestureEnabled != nil && (NSNull*) tiltGestureEnabled != [NSNull null]) + _view.rotateCameraEnabled = [tiltGestureEnabled boolValue]; + if (zoomLevel != nil && (NSNull*) zoomLevel != [NSNull null]) + _view.zoomLevel = [zoomLevel doubleValue]; + if (tilt != nil && (NSNull*) tilt != [NSNull null]) + _view.cameraDegree = [tilt doubleValue]; + if (bearing != nil && (NSNull*) bearing != [NSNull null]) + _view.rotationDegree = [bearing doubleValue]; + if ((centerCoordinateLatitude != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateLatitude != [NSNull null]) + && (centerCoordinateLongitude != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateLongitude != [NSNull null])) + _view.centerCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake([centerCoordinateLatitude doubleValue], [centerCoordinateLongitude doubleValue]); + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + // 这里用一个magic number调整一下id + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", @(2147483647 - _viewId)]] = _view; + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", @"MAMapView", @(_view.hash)]] = _view; + } + return _view; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.h b/ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8416e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import +#import + +@interface MAPinAnnotationViewFactory : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +@interface MAPinAnnotationViewPlatformView : NSObject + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.m b/ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8be2468 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.m @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "MAPinAnnotationViewFactory.h" +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation MAPinAnnotationViewFactory { +} + +- (instancetype)initWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (NSObject*)createArgsCodec { + return [FlutterStandardMessageCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]; +} + +- (NSObject *)createWithFrame:(CGRect)frame viewIdentifier:(int64_t)viewId arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + return [[MAPinAnnotationViewPlatformView alloc] initWithViewId:viewId frame: frame registrar:_registrar arguments: args]; +} + +@end + +@implementation MAPinAnnotationViewPlatformView { + int64_t _viewId; + CGRect _frame; + NSDictionary* _handlerMap; + MAPinAnnotationView* _view; + id _args; +} + +- (instancetype)initWithViewId:(int64_t)viewId frame:(CGRect)frame registrar:(NSObject *)registrar arguments:(id _Nullable)args { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _viewId = viewId; + _registrar = registrar; + _frame = frame; + _args = args; + } + + return self; +} + +- (UIView *)view { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + if (_view == nil) { + NSDictionary* params = (NSDictionary*) _args; + + _view = [[MAPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithFrame:_frame]; + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + ////////////////////////////////初始化UiKitView//////////////////////////////////////// + + // 这里用一个magic number调整一下id + // 同时存放viewId和refId的对象, 供后续viewId转refId使用 + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", @(2147483647 - _viewId)]] = _view; + HEAP[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", @"MAPinAnnotationView", @(_view.hash)]] = _view; + } + return _view; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27d346b --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.h @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// +// MASmoothPathTool.h +// iOS-path-smooth +// +// Created by shaobin on 2017/10/12. +// Copyright © 2017年 autonavi. All rights reserved. +// + +#import + +@interface MALonLatPoint : NSObject +@property (nonatomic, assign) double lat; +@property (nonatomic, assign) double lon; +@end + +@interface MASmoothPathTool : NSObject + +@property (nonatomic, assign) int intensity; +@property (nonatomic, assign) float threshHold; +@property (nonatomic, assign) int noiseThreshhold; + +/** + * 轨迹平滑优化 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 优化后轨迹list + */ +- (NSArray*)pathOptimize:(NSArray*)originlist; + +/** + * 轨迹线路滤波 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 滤波处理后的轨迹list + */ +- (NSArray*)kalmanFilterPath:(NSArray*)originlist; + + +/** + * 轨迹去噪,删除垂距大于20m的点 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 去燥后的list + */ +- (NSArray*)removeNoisePoint:(NSArray*)originlist; + +/** + * 单点滤波 + * @param lastLoc 上次定位点坐标 + * @param curLoc 本次定位点坐标 + * @return 滤波后本次定位点坐标值 + */ +- (MALonLatPoint*)kalmanFilterPoint:(MALonLatPoint*)lastLoc curLoc:(MALonLatPoint*)curLoc; + +/** + * 轨迹抽稀 + * @param inPoints 待抽稀的轨迹list,至少包含两个点,删除垂距小于mThreshhold的点 + * @return 抽稀后的轨迹list + */ +- (NSArray*)reducerVerticalThreshold:(NSArray*)inPoints; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dee4bfb --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.m @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +// +// MASmoothPathTool.m +// iOS-path-smooth +// +// Created by shaobin on 2017/10/12. +// Copyright © 2017年 autonavi. All rights reserved. +// + +#import "MASmoothPathTool.h" +#import + +@implementation MALonLatPoint +@end + +@implementation MASmoothPathTool +{ + double lastLocation_x; //上次位置 + double currentLocation_x;//这次位置 + double lastLocation_y; //上次位置 + double currentLocation_y;//这次位置 + double estimate_x; //修正后数据 + double estimate_y; //修正后数据 + double pdelt_x; //自预估偏差 + double pdelt_y; //自预估偏差 + double mdelt_x; //上次模型偏差 + double mdelt_y; //上次模型偏差 + double gauss_x; //高斯噪音偏差 + double gauss_y; //高斯噪音偏差 + double kalmanGain_x; //卡尔曼增益 + double kalmanGain_y; //卡尔曼增益 + + double m_R; + double m_Q; +} + +- (id)init { + self = [super init]; + + if(self) { + self.intensity = 3; + self.threshHold = 0.3f; + self.noiseThreshhold = 10; + } + + return self; +} +/** + * 轨迹平滑优化 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 优化后轨迹list + */ +- (NSArray*)pathOptimize:(NSArray*)originlist { + + NSArray* list = [self removeNoisePoint:originlist];//去噪 + NSArray* afterList = [self kalmanFilterPath:list intensity:self.intensity];//滤波 + NSArray* pathoptimizeList = [self reducerVerticalThreshold:afterList threshHold:self.threshHold];//抽稀 + return pathoptimizeList; +} + +/** + * 轨迹线路滤波 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 滤波处理后的轨迹list + */ +- (NSArray*)kalmanFilterPath:(NSArray*)originlist { + return [self kalmanFilterPath:originlist intensity:self.intensity]; +} + + +/** + * 轨迹去噪,删除垂距大于20m的点 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @return 去燥后的list + */ +- (NSArray*)removeNoisePoint:(NSArray*)originlist{ + return [self reduceNoisePoint:originlist threshHold:self.noiseThreshhold]; +} + +/** + * 单点滤波 + * @param lastLoc 上次定位点坐标 + * @param curLoc 本次定位点坐标 + * @return 滤波后本次定位点坐标值 + */ +- (MALonLatPoint*)kalmanFilterPoint:(MALonLatPoint*)lastLoc curLoc:(MALonLatPoint*)curLoc { + return [self kalmanFilterPoint:lastLoc curLoc:curLoc intensity:self.intensity]; +} + +/** + * 轨迹抽稀 + * @param inPoints 待抽稀的轨迹list,至少包含两个点,删除垂距小于mThreshhold的点 + * @return 抽稀后的轨迹list + */ +- (NSArray*)reducerVerticalThreshold:(NSArray*)inPoints { + return [self reducerVerticalThreshold:inPoints threshHold:self.threshHold]; +} + +/********************************************************************************************************/ +/** + * 轨迹线路滤波 + * @param originlist 原始轨迹list,list.size大于2 + * @param intensity 滤波强度(1—5) + * @return 滤波后的list + */ +- (NSArray*)kalmanFilterPath:(NSArray*)originlist intensity:(int)intensity { + if (!originlist || originlist.count <= 2) { + return nil; + } + + NSMutableArray* kalmanFilterList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + [self initial];//初始化滤波参数 + + MALonLatPoint* point = nil; + MALonLatPoint* lastLoc = [[MALonLatPoint alloc] init]; + = [originlist objectAtIndex:0].lat; + lastLoc.lon = [originlist objectAtIndex:0].lon; + [kalmanFilterList addObject:lastLoc]; + + for (int i = 1; i < originlist.count; i++) { + MALonLatPoint* curLoc = [originlist objectAtIndex:i]; + point = [self kalmanFilterPoint:lastLoc curLoc:curLoc intensity:intensity]; + if (point) { + [kalmanFilterList addObject:point]; + lastLoc = point; + } + } + return kalmanFilterList; +} + +/** + * 单点滤波 + * @param lastLoc 上次定位点坐标 + * @param curLoc 本次定位点坐标 + * @param intensity 滤波强度(1—5) + * @return 滤波后本次定位点坐标值 + */ +- (MALonLatPoint*)kalmanFilterPoint:(MALonLatPoint*)lastLoc curLoc:(MALonLatPoint*)curLoc intensity:(int)intensity { + if (!lastLoc || !curLoc){ + return nil; + } + + if (pdelt_x == 0 || pdelt_y == 0 ){ + [self initial]; + } + + MALonLatPoint* point = nil; + if (intensity < 1){ + intensity = 1; + } else if (intensity > 5){ + intensity = 5; + } + for (int j = 0; j < intensity; j++){ + point = [self kalmanFilter:lastLoc.lon value_x:curLoc.lon]; + curLoc = point; + } + return point; +} + + +/***************************卡尔曼滤波开始********************************/ + +//初始模型 +- (void)initial { + pdelt_x = 0.001; + pdelt_y = 0.001; + // mdelt_x = 0; + // mdelt_y = 0; + mdelt_x = 5.698402909980532E-4; + mdelt_y = 5.698402909980532E-4; +} + +- (MALonLatPoint*)kalmanFilter:(double)oldValue_x value_x:(double)value_x oldValue_y:(double)oldValue_y value_y:(double)value_y{ + lastLocation_x = oldValue_x; + currentLocation_x= value_x; + + gauss_x = sqrt(pdelt_x * pdelt_x + mdelt_x * mdelt_x)+m_Q; //计算高斯噪音偏差 + kalmanGain_x = sqrt((gauss_x * gauss_x)/(gauss_x * gauss_x + pdelt_x * pdelt_x)) +m_R; //计算卡尔曼增益 + estimate_x = kalmanGain_x * (currentLocation_x - lastLocation_x) + lastLocation_x; //修正定位点 + mdelt_x = sqrt((1-kalmanGain_x) * gauss_x *gauss_x); //修正模型偏差 + + lastLocation_y = oldValue_y; + currentLocation_y = value_y; + gauss_y = sqrt(pdelt_y * pdelt_y + mdelt_y * mdelt_y)+m_Q; //计算高斯噪音偏差 + kalmanGain_y = sqrt((gauss_y * gauss_y)/(gauss_y * gauss_y + pdelt_y * pdelt_y)) +m_R; //计算卡尔曼增益 + estimate_y = kalmanGain_y * (currentLocation_y - lastLocation_y) + lastLocation_y; //修正定位点 + mdelt_y = sqrt((1-kalmanGain_y) * gauss_y * gauss_y); //修正模型偏差 + + MALonLatPoint *point = [[MALonLatPoint alloc] init]; + point.lon = estimate_x; + = estimate_y; + + return point; +} +/***************************卡尔曼滤波结束**********************************/ + +/***************************抽稀算法*************************************/ +- (NSArray*)reducerVerticalThreshold:(NSArray*)inPoints threshHold:(float)threshHold { + if(inPoints.count < 2) { + return inPoints; + } + + NSMutableArray *ret = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:inPoints.count]; + + for(int i = 0; i < inPoints.count; ++i) { + MALonLatPoint *pre = ret.lastObject; + MALonLatPoint *cur = [inPoints objectAtIndex:i]; + + + if (!pre || i == inPoints.count - 1) { + [ret addObject:[inPoints objectAtIndex:i]]; + continue; + } + + MALonLatPoint *next = [inPoints objectAtIndex:(i + 1)]; + + MAMapPoint curP = MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(, cur.lon)); + MAMapPoint prevP = MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(, pre.lon)); + MAMapPoint nextP = MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(, next.lon)); + double distance = [self calculateDistanceFromPoint:curP lineBegin:prevP lineEnd:nextP]; + if (distance >= threshHold) { + [ret addObject:cur]; + } + } + + return ret; +} + +- (MALonLatPoint*)getLastLocation:(NSArray*)oneGraspList { + if (!oneGraspList || oneGraspList.count == 0) { + return nil; + } + NSInteger locListSize = oneGraspList.count; + MALonLatPoint* lastLocation = [oneGraspList objectAtIndex:(locListSize - 1)]; + return lastLocation; +} + +/** + * 计算当前点到线的垂线距离 + * @param pt 当前点 + * @param begin 线的起点 + * @param end 线的终点 + * + */ +- (double)calculateDistanceFromPoint:(MAMapPoint)pt + lineBegin:(MAMapPoint)begin + lineEnd:(MAMapPoint)end { + + MAMapPoint mappedPoint; + double dx = begin.x - end.x; + double dy = begin.y - end.y; + if(fabs(dx) < 0.00000001 && fabs(dy) < 0.00000001 ) { + mappedPoint = begin; + } else { + double u = (pt.x - begin.x)*(begin.x - end.x) + + (pt.y - begin.y)*(begin.y - end.y); + u = u/((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); + + mappedPoint.x = begin.x + u*dx; + mappedPoint.y = begin.y + u*dy; + } + + return MAMetersBetweenMapPoints(pt, mappedPoint); +} +/***************************抽稀算法结束*********************************/ + +- (NSArray*)reduceNoisePoint:(NSArray*)inPoints threshHold:(float)threshHold { + if (!inPoints) { + return nil; + } + if (inPoints.count <= 2) { + return inPoints; + } + + NSMutableArray* ret = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int i = 0; i < inPoints.count; i++) { + MALonLatPoint* pre = [self getLastLocation:ret]; + MALonLatPoint* cur = [inPoints objectAtIndex:i]; + if (!pre || i == inPoints.count - 1) { + [ret addObject:cur]; + continue; + } + MALonLatPoint* next = [inPoints objectAtIndex:(i + 1)]; + + MAMapPoint curP = MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(, cur.lon)); + MAMapPoint prevP = MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(, pre.lon)); + MAMapPoint nextP = MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(, next.lon)); + double distance = [self calculateDistanceFromPoint:curP lineBegin:prevP lineEnd:nextP]; + if (distance < threshHold){ + [ret addObject:cur]; + } + } + return ret; +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d22df6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandlerCustom) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandlerCustom; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23b0010 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m @@ -0,0 +1,777 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandlerCustom.h" +#import "PathSmooth/MASmoothPathTool.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandlerCustom) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandlerCustom { + return @{ + @"MAMapRectIsEmpty::MAMapRectIsEmpty": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + + // ref + + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectIsEmpty::MAMapRectIsEmpty(%@)", args[@"rect"]); + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectIsEmpty(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::set_lat_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double lat = [args[@"lat"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + = lat; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::set_lon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double lon = [args[@"lon"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.lon = lon; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::set_intensity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + int intensity = [args[@"intensity"] intValue]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.intensity = intensity; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::set_threshHold_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float threshHold = [args[@"threshHold"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.threshHold = threshHold; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::set_noiseThreshhold_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + int noiseThreshhold = [args[@"noiseThreshhold"] intValue]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.noiseThreshhold = noiseThreshhold; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::get_lat_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + double result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::get_lon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + double result = ref.lon; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::get_intensity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + int result = ref.intensity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::get_threshHold_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + float result = ref.threshHold; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::get_noiseThreshhold_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + int result = ref.noiseThreshhold; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::pathOptimize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // args + // list arg + NSArray* originlist = (NSArray*) args[@"originlist"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MASmoothPathTool@%@::pathOptimize(%@)", args[@"refId"], args[@"originlist"]); + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref pathOptimize: originlist]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::kalmanFilterPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // args + // list arg + NSArray* originlist = (NSArray*) args[@"originlist"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MASmoothPathTool@%@::kalmanFilterPath(%@)", args[@"refId"], args[@"originlist"]); + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref kalmanFilterPath: originlist]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::removeNoisePoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // args + // list arg + NSArray* originlist = (NSArray*) args[@"originlist"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MASmoothPathTool@%@::removeNoisePoint(%@)", args[@"refId"], args[@"originlist"]); + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref removeNoisePoint: originlist]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::kalmanFilterPoint_curLoc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // args + // ref arg + MALonLatPoint* lastLoc = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"lastLoc"]; + // ref arg + MALonLatPoint* curLoc = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"curLoc"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MASmoothPathTool@%@::kalmanFilterPoint(%@, %@)", args[@"refId"], args[@"lastLoc"], args[@"curLoc"]); + } + + // invoke native method + MALonLatPoint* result = [ref kalmanFilterPoint: lastLoc curLoc: curLoc]; + + // result + // return a ref + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::reducerVerticalThreshold": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inPoints = (NSArray*) args[@"inPoints"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MASmoothPathTool@%@::reducerVerticalThreshold(%@)", args[@"refId"], args[@"inPoints"]); + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref reducerVerticalThreshold: inPoints]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"ObjectFactory::createMALonLatPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMALonLatPoint"); + } + + MALonLatPoint* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MALonLatPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MALonLatPoint alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMASmoothPathTool": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMASmoothPathTool"); + } + + MASmoothPathTool* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MASmoothPathTool alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MASmoothPathTool alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMALonLatPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MALonLatPoint class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMASmoothPathTool": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MASmoothPathTool class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMALonLatPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MALonLatPoint* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MALonLatPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MALonLatPoint alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMASmoothPathTool": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MASmoothPathTool* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MASmoothPathTool alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MASmoothPathTool alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + + @"MALonLatPoint::get_lat": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MALonLatPoint::get_lat"); + } + + // ref object + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + double result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::get_lon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MALonLatPoint::get_lon"); + } + + // ref object + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.lon; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::get_intensity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MASmoothPathTool::get_intensity"); + } + + // ref object + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.intensity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::get_threshHold": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MASmoothPathTool::get_threshHold"); + } + + // ref object + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.threshHold; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::get_noiseThreshhold": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MASmoothPathTool::get_noiseThreshhold"); + } + + // ref object + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.noiseThreshhold; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::pathOptimize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* originlist = (NSArray*) args[@"originlist"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref pathOptimize: originlist]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::kalmanFilterPath_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* originlist = (NSArray*) args[@"originlist"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref kalmanFilterPath: originlist]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::removeNoisePoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* originlist = (NSArray*) args[@"originlist"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref removeNoisePoint: originlist]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::kalmanFilterPoint_curLoc_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MALonLatPoint* lastLoc = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"lastLoc"]; + // ref arg + MALonLatPoint* curLoc = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"curLoc"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + MALonLatPoint* result = [ref kalmanFilterPoint: lastLoc curLoc: curLoc]; + + // result + // return a ref + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MASmoothPathTool::reducerVerticalThreshold_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inPoints = (NSArray*) args[@"inPoints"]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref reducerVerticalThreshold: inPoints]; + + // result + // 返回值: 列表 + NSMutableArray* __result__ = [NSMutableArray array]; + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < result.count; __i__++) { + NSObject* object = [result objectAtIndex:__i__]; + [__result__ addObject: object]; + } + + [resultList addObject:__result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::set_lat": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MALonLatPoint::set_lat"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double lat = [args[@"lat"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + = lat; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MALonLatPoint::set_lon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MALonLatPoint::set_lon"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double lon = [args[@"lon"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MALonLatPoint* ref = (MALonLatPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.lon = lon; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::set_intensity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MASmoothPathTool::set_intensity"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + int intensity = [args[@"intensity"] intValue]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.intensity = intensity; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::set_threshHold": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MASmoothPathTool::set_threshHold"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float threshHold = [args[@"threshHold"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.threshHold = threshHold; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MASmoothPathTool::set_noiseThreshhold": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MASmoothPathTool::set_noiseThreshhold"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + int noiseThreshhold = [args[@"noiseThreshhold"] intValue]; + + // ref + MASmoothPathTool* ref = (MASmoothPathTool*) args[@"__this__"]; + + ref.noiseThreshhold = noiseThreshhold; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e845db --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler0) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler0; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..120fa93 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m @@ -0,0 +1,5984 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler0.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler0) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler0 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds_icon(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* boundsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"bounds"]; + MACoordinateBounds bounds; + if (boundsValue != nil && (NSNull*) boundsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [boundsValue getValue:&bounds]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"bounds不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlay* result = [MAGroundOverlay groundOverlayWithBounds: bounds icon: icon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlay* result = [MAGroundOverlay groundOverlayWithCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel icon: icon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* boundsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"bounds"]; + MACoordinateBounds bounds; + if (boundsValue != nil && (NSNull*) boundsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [boundsValue getValue:&bounds]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"bounds不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setGroundOverlayWithBounds: bounds icon: icon]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel icon: icon]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygonRenderer::initWithPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygonRenderer::initWithPolygon(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAPolygon* polygon = (MAPolygon*) (args[@"polygon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polygon"]); + + // ref + MAPolygonRenderer* ref = (MAPolygonRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPolygonRenderer* result = [ref initWithPolygon: polygon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAHeatMapGradient::initWithColor_andWithStartPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapGradient::initWithColor_andWithStartPoints(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* colors = (NSArray*) args[@"colors"]; + // jsonable arg + NSArray* startPoints = (NSArray*) args[@"startPoints"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapGradient* ref = (MAHeatMapGradient*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapGradient* result = [ref initWithColor: colors andWithStartPoints: startPoints]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapStatus* result = [MAMapStatus statusWithCenterCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel rotationDegree: rotationDegree cameraDegree: cameraDegree screenAnchor: screenAnchor]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapStatus::initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapStatus::initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithCenterCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel rotationDegree: rotationDegree cameraDegree: cameraDegree screenAnchor: screenAnchor]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coord; + if (coordValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordValue getValue:&coord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACircle* result = [MACircle circleWithCenterCoordinate: coord radius: radius]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACircle::circleWithMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircle::circleWithMapRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACircle* result = [MACircle circleWithMapRect: mapRect]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACircle::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircle::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coord; + if (coordValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordValue getValue:&coord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setCircleWithCenterCoordinate: coord radius: radius]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAArcRenderer::initWithArc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAArcRenderer::initWithArc(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAArc* arc = (MAArc*) (args[@"arc"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"arc"]); + + // ref + MAArcRenderer* ref = (MAArcRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAArcRenderer* result = [ref initWithArc: arc]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotation::setCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotation::setCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* newCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"newCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D newCoordinate; + if (newCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) newCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [newCoordinateValue getValue:&newCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"newCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCoordinate : newCoordinate]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::step": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::step(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat timeDelta = [args[@"timeDelta"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref step : timeDelta]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::isAnimationFinished": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::isAnimationFinished(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isAnimationFinished]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::shouldAnimationStart": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::shouldAnimationStart(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref shouldAnimationStart]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::rotateDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::rotateDegree(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDirection result = [ref rotateDegree]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineMapViewController* result = [MAOfflineMapViewController sharedInstance]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolygon* result = [MAPolygon polygonWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolygon* result = [MAPolygon polygonWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygon::setPolygonWithPoints_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::setPolygonWithPoints_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolygon* ref = (MAPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolygonWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygon::setPolygonWithCoordinates_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::setPolygonWithCoordinates_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolygon* ref = (MAPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolygonWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverlayOptions* option = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverlay* result = [MAParticleOverlay particleOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlay::updateOverlayOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlay::updateOverlayOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverlayOptions* overlayOption = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) (args[@"overlayOption"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlayOption"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlay* ref = (MAParticleOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref updateOverlayOption : overlayOption]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolyline* result = [MAPolyline polylineWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolyline* result = [MAPolyline polylineWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolyline::setPolylineWithPoints_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::setPolylineWithPoints_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolyline* ref = (MAPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolylineWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolyline::setPolylineWithCoordinates_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::setPolylineWithCoordinates_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolyline* ref = (MAPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolylineWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMultiPolyline* multiPolyline = (MAMultiPolyline*) (args[@"multiPolyline"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"multiPolyline"]); + + // ref + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* result = [ref initWithMultiPolyline: multiPolyline]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatedAnnotation::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat duration = [args[@"duration"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* result = [ref addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates: coordinates count: count withDuration: duration withName: name completeCallback: ^(BOOL isFinished) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|BOOL#isFinished::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argisFinished = @(isFinished); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|BOOL#isFinished" arguments:@{@"isFinished": argisFinished == nil ? [NSNull null] : argisFinished}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback_stepCallback": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatedAnnotation::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback_stepCallback(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat duration = [args[@"duration"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* result = [ref addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates: coordinates count: count withDuration: duration withName: name completeCallback: ^(BOOL isFinished) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|BOOL#isFinished::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argisFinished = @(isFinished); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|BOOL#isFinished" arguments:@{@"isFinished": argisFinished == nil ? [NSNull null] : argisFinished}]; + }); + + } stepCallback: ^(MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* currentAni) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*#currentAni::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* argcurrentAni = currentAni; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*#currentAni" arguments:@{@"currentAni": argcurrentAni == nil ? [NSNull null] : argcurrentAni}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::allMoveAnimations": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatedAnnotation::allMoveAnimations(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref allMoveAnimations]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::setNeedsStart": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatedAnnotation::setNeedsStart(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setNeedsStart ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlay::coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlay::coordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = [ref coordinate]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlay::boundingMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlay::boundingMapRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref boundingMapRect]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMultiPolyline* multiPolyline = (MAMultiPolyline*) (args[@"multiPolyline"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"multiPolyline"]); + + // ref + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* result = [ref initWithMultiPolyline: multiPolyline]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* result = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay heatMapOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::initWithHeatOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::initWithHeatOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* heatOverlay = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay*) (args[@"heatOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"heatOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* result = [ref initWithHeatOverlay: heatOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::getHeatMapItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::getHeatMapItem(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorItem* result = [ref getHeatMapItem: coordinate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATileOverlayRenderer::initWithTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlayRenderer::initWithTileOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MATileOverlay* tileOverlay = (MATileOverlay*) (args[@"tileOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"tileOverlay"]); + + // ref + MATileOverlayRenderer* ref = (MATileOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MATileOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithTileOverlay: tileOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATileOverlayRenderer::reloadData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlayRenderer::reloadData(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MATileOverlayRenderer* ref = (MATileOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref reloadData ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::initWithHeatOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::initWithHeatOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* heatOverlay = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay*) (args[@"heatOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"heatOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithHeatOverlay: heatOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATraceManager::sharedInstance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::sharedInstance(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MATraceManager* result = [MATraceManager sharedInstance]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATraceManager::queryProcessedTraceWith_type_processingCallback_finishCallback_failedCallback": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::queryProcessedTraceWith_type_processingCallback_finishCallback_failedCallback(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* locations = (NSArray*) args[@"locations"]; + // enum arg + AMapCoordinateType type = (AMapCoordinateType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + + + + // ref + MATraceManager* ref = (MATraceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSOperation* result = [ref queryProcessedTraceWith: locations type: type processingCallback: ^(int index, NSArray* points) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAProcessingCallback::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argindex = @(index); + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argpoints = points; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"MAProcessingCallback_" arguments:@{@"index": argindex == nil ? [NSNull null] : argindex, @"points": argpoints == nil ? [NSNull null] : argpoints}]; + }); + + } finishCallback: ^(NSArray* points, double distance) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAFinishCallback::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + NSArray* argpoints = points; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argdistance = @(distance); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"MAFinishCallback_" arguments:@{@"points": argpoints == nil ? [NSNull null] : argpoints, @"distance": argdistance == nil ? [NSNull null] : argdistance}]; + }); + + } failedCallback: ^(int errorCode, NSString* errorDesc) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAFailedCallback::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argerrorCode = @(errorCode); + // ref callback arg + NSString* argerrorDesc = errorDesc; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"MAFailedCallback_" arguments:@{@"errorCode": argerrorCode == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerrorCode, @"errorDesc": argerrorDesc == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerrorDesc}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATraceManager::start": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::start(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MATraceManager* ref = (MATraceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref start ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATraceManager::stop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::stop(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MATraceManager* ref = (MATraceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stop ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::initWithMultiPointOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::initWithMultiPointOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMultiPointOverlay* multiPointOverlay = (MAMultiPointOverlay*) (args[@"multiPointOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"multiPointOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithMultiPointOverlay: multiPointOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolylineRenderer::initWithPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolylineRenderer::initWithPolyline(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAPolyline* polyline = (MAPolyline*) (args[@"polyline"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polyline"]); + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPolylineRenderer* result = [ref initWithPolyline: polyline]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::name(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref name]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::coordinates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::coordinates(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D* result = [ref coordinates]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D*)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSUInteger result = [ref count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::duration(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref duration]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::elapsedTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::elapsedTime(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref elapsedTime]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::cancel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::cancel(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancel ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::isCancelled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::isCancelled(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isCancelled]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::passedPointCount": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::passedPointCount(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = [ref passedPointCount]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::setSelected_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::setSelected_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL selected = [args[@"selected"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setSelected : selected animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + // jsonable arg + NSString* reuseIdentifier = (NSString*) args[@"reuseIdentifier"]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithAnnotation: annotation reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::prepareForReuse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::prepareForReuse(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref prepareForReuse ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::setDragState_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::setDragState_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAAnnotationViewDragState newDragState = (MAAnnotationViewDragState) [args[@"newDragState"] integerValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setDragState : newDragState animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATileOverlay::initWithURLTemplate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlay::initWithURLTemplate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* URLTemplate = (NSString*) args[@"URLTemplate"]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithURLTemplate: URLTemplate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATileOverlay::loadTileAtPath_result": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlay::loadTileAtPath_result(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pathValue = (NSValue*) args[@"path"]; + MATileOverlayPath path; + if (pathValue != nil && (NSNull*) pathValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pathValue getValue:&path]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"path不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref loadTileAtPath : path result: ^(NSData* tileData, NSError* error) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|NSData*#tileData,NSError*#error::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + NSData* argtileData = tileData; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|NSData*#tileData,NSError*#error_" arguments:@{@"tileData": argtileData == nil ? [NSNull null] : argtileData, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MATileOverlay::cancelLoadOfTileAtPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlay::cancelLoadOfTileAtPath(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pathValue = (NSValue*) args[@"path"]; + MATileOverlayPath path; + if (pathValue != nil && (NSNull*) pathValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pathValue getValue:&path]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"path不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancelLoadOfTileAtPath : path]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACustomCalloutView::initWithCustomView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomCalloutView::initWithCustomView(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIView* customView = (UIView*) (args[@"customView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"customView"]); + + // ref + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithCustomView: customView]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineMap* result = [MAOfflineMap sharedOfflineMap]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::setupWithCompletionBlock": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::setupWithCompletionBlock(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setupWithCompletionBlock : ^(BOOL setupSuccess) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|BOOL#setupSuccess::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argsetupSuccess = @(setupSuccess); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|BOOL#setupSuccess" arguments:@{@"setupSuccess": argsetupSuccess == nil ? [NSNull null] : argsetupSuccess}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::downloadItem_shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground_downloadBlock": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::downloadItem_shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground_downloadBlock(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground = [args[@"shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground"] boolValue]; + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref downloadItem : item shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground: shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground downloadBlock: ^(MAOfflineItem* downloadItem, MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus downloadStatus, id info) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAOfflineMapDownloadBlock::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + MAOfflineItem* argdownloadItem = downloadItem; + // enum callback arg + NSNumber* argdownloadStatus = @((NSInteger) downloadStatus); + // ref callback arg + id arginfo = info; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"MAOfflineMapDownloadBlock__" arguments:@{@"downloadItem": argdownloadItem == nil ? [NSNull null] : argdownloadItem, @"downloadStatus": argdownloadStatus == nil ? [NSNull null] : argdownloadStatus, @"info": arginfo == nil ? [NSNull null] : arginfo}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::isDownloadingForItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::isDownloadingForItem(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isDownloadingForItem: item]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::pauseItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::pauseItem(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref pauseItem: item]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::deleteItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::deleteItem(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref deleteItem : item]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::cancelAll": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::cancelAll(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancelAll ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::clearDisk": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::clearDisk(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref clearDisk ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::checkNewestVersion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::checkNewestVersion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref checkNewestVersion : ^(BOOL hasNewestVersion) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MAOfflineMapNewestVersionBlock::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* arghasNewestVersion = @(hasNewestVersion); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"MAOfflineMapNewestVersionBlock" arguments:@{@"hasNewestVersion": arghasNewestVersion == nil ? [NSNull null] : arghasNewestVersion}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACircleRenderer::initWithCircle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircleRenderer::initWithCircle(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MACircle* circle = (MACircle*) (args[@"circle"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"circle"]); + + // ref + MACircleRenderer* ref = (MACircleRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACircleRenderer* result = [ref initWithCircle: circle]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlayRenderer::initWithParticleOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlayRenderer::initWithParticleOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverlay* particleOverlay = (MAParticleOverlay*) (args[@"particleOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAParticleOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithParticleOverlay: particleOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::valueWithMAMapPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::valueWithMAMapPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapPoint"]; + MAMapPoint mapPoint; + if (mapPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapPointValue getValue:&mapPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSValue* result = [NSValue valueWithMAMapPoint: mapPoint]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::valueWithMAMapSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::valueWithMAMapSize(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapSize"]; + MAMapSize mapSize; + if (mapSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapSizeValue getValue:&mapSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSValue* result = [NSValue valueWithMAMapSize: mapSize]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::valueWithMAMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::valueWithMAMapRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSValue* result = [NSValue valueWithMAMapRect: mapRect]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::valueWithMACoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::valueWithMACoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSValue* result = [NSValue valueWithMACoordinate: coordinate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::MAMapPointValue": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::MAMapPointValue(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + NSValue* ref = (NSValue*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = [ref MAMapPointValue]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::MAMapSizeValue": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::MAMapSizeValue(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + NSValue* ref = (NSValue*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapSize result = [ref MAMapSizeValue]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::MAMapRectValue": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::MAMapRectValue(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + NSValue* ref = (NSValue*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref MAMapRectValue]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"NSValue::MACoordinateValue": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: NSValue::MACoordinateValue(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + NSValue* ref = (NSValue*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = [ref MACoordinateValue]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getX": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getX(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getX]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getY": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getY(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getY]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getZ": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getZ(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getZ]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate::initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate::initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float x1 = [args[@"x1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y1 = [args[@"y1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z1 = [args[@"z1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float x2 = [args[@"x2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y2 = [args[@"y2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z2 = [args[@"z2"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate* ref = (MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate* result = [ref initWithBoundaryValueX1: x1 Y1: y1 Z1: z1 X2: x2 Y2: y2 Z2: z2]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleColorGenerate::getColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleColorGenerate::getColor(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getColor]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleRandomColorGenerate::initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRandomColorGenerate::initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float r1 = [args[@"r1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float g1 = [args[@"g1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float b1 = [args[@"b1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float a1 = [args[@"a1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float r2 = [args[@"r2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float g2 = [args[@"g2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float b2 = [args[@"b2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float a2 = [args[@"a2"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleRandomColorGenerate* ref = (MAParticleRandomColorGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleRandomColorGenerate* result = [ref initWithBoundaryColorR1: r1 G1: g1 B1: b1 A1: a1 R2: r2 G2: g2 B2: b2 A2: a2]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleRotationGenerate::getRotate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRotationGenerate::getRotate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getRotate]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate::initWithRotate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate::initWithRotate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float rotate = [args[@"rotate"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate* ref = (MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate* result = [ref initWithRotate: rotate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeX": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeX(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float timeFrame = [args[@"timeFrame"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getSizeX: timeFrame]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeY": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeY(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float timeFrame = [args[@"timeFrame"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getSizeY: timeFrame]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeZ": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeZ(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float timeFrame = [args[@"timeFrame"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getSizeZ: timeFrame]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate::initWithCurveX_Y_Z": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate::initWithCurveX_Y_Z(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float x = [args[@"x"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y = [args[@"y"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z = [args[@"z"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate* ref = (MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate* result = [ref initWithCurveX: x Y: y Z: z]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleEmissionModuleOC::initWithEmissionRate_rateTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleEmissionModuleOC::initWithEmissionRate_rateTime(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + int rate = [args[@"rate"] intValue]; + // jsonable arg + int rateTime = [args[@"rateTime"] intValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleEmissionModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* result = [ref initWithEmissionRate: rate rateTime: rateTime]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleShapeModule::getPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleShapeModule::getPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getPoint]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleShapeModule::isRatioEnable": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleShapeModule::isRatioEnable(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isRatioEnable]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule::initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule::initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float x = [args[@"x"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y = [args[@"y"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z = [args[@"z"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL isUseRatio = [args[@"isUseRatio"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule* ref = (MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule* result = [ref initWithShapeX: x Y: y Z: z useRatio: isUseRatio]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleRectShapeModule::initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRectShapeModule::initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float left = [args[@"left"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float top = [args[@"top"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float right = [args[@"right"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float bottom = [args[@"bottom"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL isUseRatio = [args[@"isUseRatio"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleRectShapeModule* ref = (MAParticleRectShapeModule*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleRectShapeModule* result = [ref initWithLeft: left top: top right: right bottom: bottom useRatio: isUseRatio]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setVelocityOverLife": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setVelocityOverLife(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id velocity = (id) (args[@"velocity"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"velocity"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVelocityOverLife : velocity]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setRotationOverLife": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setRotationOverLife(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id rotation = (id) (args[@"rotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"rotation"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setRotationOverLife : rotation]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setSizeOverLife": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setSizeOverLife(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id size = (id) (args[@"size"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"size"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setSizeOverLife : size]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setColorOverLife": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setColorOverLife(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id color = (id) (args[@"color"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"color"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setColorOverLife : color]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAParticleOverlayType particleType = (MAParticleOverlayType) [args[@"particleType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory particleOverlayOptionsWithType: particleType]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* option = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMVTTileOverlay* result = [MAMVTTileOverlay mvtTileOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::initWithOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::initWithOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithOverlay: overlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getViewMatrix": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getViewMatrix(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getViewMatrix]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getProjectionMatrix": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getProjectionMatrix(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getProjectionMatrix]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getOffsetPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getOffsetPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = [ref getOffsetPoint]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getMapZoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getMapZoomLevel(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getMapZoomLevel]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glPointForMapPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glPointForMapPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapPoint"]; + MAMapPoint mapPoint; + if (mapPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapPointValue getValue:&mapPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = [ref glPointForMapPoint: mapPoint]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glPointsForMapPoints_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glPointsForMapPoints_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* mapPointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"mapPoints"]; + MAMapPoint mapPoints[mapPointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < mapPointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* mapPointsValue = (NSValue*) [mapPointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint mapPointsItem; + [mapPointsValue getValue:&mapPointsItem]; + mapPoints[__i__] = mapPointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint* result = [ref glPointsForMapPoints: mapPoints count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint*)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glWidthForWindowWidth": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glWidthForWindowWidth(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat windowWidth = [args[@"windowWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref glWidthForWindowWidth: windowWidth]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glRender": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glRender(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref glRender ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::loadTexture": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::loadTexture(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* textureImage = (UIImage*) (args[@"textureImage"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"textureImage"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + GLuint result = [ref loadTexture: textureImage]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::deleteTexture": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::deleteTexture(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + GLuint textureId = [args[@"textureId"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref deleteTexture : textureId]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::setNeedsUpdate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::setNeedsUpdate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setNeedsUpdate ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* result = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlay heatMapOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMultiPointOverlay::initWithMultiPointItems": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiPointOverlay::initWithMultiPointItems(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* items = (NSArray*) args[@"items"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlay* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPointOverlay* result = [ref initWithMultiPointItems: items]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* result = [MACustomBuildingOverlayOption optionWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::setOptionWithCoordinates_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::setOptionWithCoordinates_count(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setOptionWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::addCustomOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlay::addCustomOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* option = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addCustomOption : option]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::removeCustomOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlay::removeCustomOption(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* option = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeCustomOption : option]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* startCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"startCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D startCoordinate; + if (startCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) startCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [startCoordinateValue getValue:&startCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"startCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* passedCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"passedCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D passedCoordinate; + if (passedCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) passedCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [passedCoordinateValue getValue:&passedCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"passedCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* endCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"endCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D endCoordinate; + if (endCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) endCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [endCoordinateValue getValue:&endCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"endCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAArc* result = [MAArc arcWithStartCoordinate: startCoordinate passedCoordinate: passedCoordinate endCoordinate: endCoordinate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setRegion_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setRegion_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setRegion : region animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::regionThatFits": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::regionThatFits(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = [ref regionThatFits: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVisibleMapRect : mapRect animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::mapRectThatFits": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::mapRectThatFits(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref mapRectThatFits: mapRect]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_edgePadding": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_edgePadding(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref mapRectThatFits: mapRect edgePadding: insets]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVisibleMapRect : mapRect edgePadding: insets animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVisibleMapRect : mapRect edgePadding: insets animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCenterCoordinate_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCenterCoordinate_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCenterCoordinate : coordinate animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setZoomLevel_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setZoomLevel_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setZoomLevel : zoomLevel animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* pivotValue = (NSValue*) args[@"pivot"]; + CGPoint pivot; + if (pivotValue != nil && (NSNull*) pivotValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pivotValue getValue:&pivot]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"pivot不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setZoomLevel : zoomLevel atPivot: pivot animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setRotationDegree_animated_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setRotationDegree_animated_duration(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setRotationDegree : rotationDegree animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCameraDegree_animated_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCameraDegree_animated_duration(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCameraDegree : cameraDegree animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::getMapStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::getMapStatus(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapStatus* result = [ref getMapStatus]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMapStatus* status = (MAMapStatus*) (args[@"status"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"status"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setMapStatus : status animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_duration(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMapStatus* status = (MAMapStatus*) (args[@"status"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"status"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setMapStatus : status animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCompassImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCompassImage(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* image = (UIImage*) (args[@"image"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"image"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCompassImage : image]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + CGRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = [ref takeSnapshotInRect: rect]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_withCompletionBlock": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_withCompletionBlock(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + CGRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref takeSnapshotInRect : rect withCompletionBlock: ^(UIImage* resultImage, NSInteger state) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + UIImage* argresultImage = resultImage; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argstate = @(state); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state_" arguments:@{@"resultImage": argresultImage == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresultImage, @"state": argstate == nil ? [NSNull null] : argstate}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_timeoutInterval_completionBlock": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_timeoutInterval_completionBlock(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + CGRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval timeout = [args[@"timeout"] doubleValue]; + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref takeSnapshotInRect : rect timeoutInterval: timeout completionBlock: ^(UIImage* resultImage, NSInteger state) { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([ref class]), @(ref.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[[weakSelf registrar] messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@""); + } + + // 构造可以直接传输的参数 + // ref callback arg + UIImage* argresultImage = resultImage; + // primitive callback arg + NSNumber* argstate = @(state); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state_" arguments:@{@"resultImage": argresultImage == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresultImage, @"state": argstate == nil ? [NSNull null] : argstate}]; + }); + + }]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::metersPerPointForZoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::metersPerPointForZoomLevel(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + double result = [ref metersPerPointForZoomLevel: zoomLevel]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertCoordinate_toPointToView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertCoordinate_toPointToView(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = [ref convertCoordinate: coordinate toPointToView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + CGPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = [ref convertPoint: point toCoordinateFromView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertRegion_toRectToView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertRegion_toRectToView(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGRect result = [ref convertRegion: region toRectToView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertRect_toRegionFromView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertRect_toRegionFromView(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + CGRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = [ref convertRect: rect toRegionFromView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::reloadMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::reloadMap(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref reloadMap ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::clearDisk": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::clearDisk(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref clearDisk ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::reloadInternalTexture": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::reloadInternalTexture(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref reloadInternalTexture ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::mapContentApprovalNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::mapContentApprovalNumber(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref mapContentApprovalNumber]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::satelliteImageApprovalNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::satelliteImageApprovalNumber(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref satelliteImageApprovalNumber]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::terrainApprovalNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::terrainApprovalNumber(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref terrainApprovalNumber]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::forceRefresh": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::forceRefresh(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref forceRefresh ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setConstructingRoadEnable": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setConstructingRoadEnable(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL enabled = [args[@"enabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setConstructingRoadEnable : enabled]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus = (AMapPrivacyShowStatus) [args[@"showStatus"] integerValue]; + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus = (AMapPrivacyInfoStatus) [args[@"containStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [MAMapView updatePrivacyShow: showStatus privacyInfo: containStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus = (AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus) [args[@"agreeStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [MAMapView updatePrivacyAgree: agreeStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::addAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::addAnnotation(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addAnnotation : annotation]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::addAnnotations": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::addAnnotations(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* annotations = (NSArray*) args[@"annotations"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addAnnotations : annotations]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::removeAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::removeAnnotation(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeAnnotation : annotation]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::removeAnnotations": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::removeAnnotations(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* annotations = (NSArray*) args[@"annotations"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeAnnotations : annotations]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::viewForAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::viewForAnnotation(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAAnnotationView* result = [ref viewForAnnotation: annotation]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* identifier = (NSString*) args[@"identifier"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAAnnotationView* result = [ref dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier: identifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::selectAnnotation_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::selectAnnotation_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref selectAnnotation : annotation animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::deselectAnnotation_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::deselectAnnotation_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref deselectAnnotation : annotation animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::showAnnotations_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::showAnnotations_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* annotations = (NSArray*) args[@"annotations"]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref showAnnotations : annotations animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::showAnnotations_edgePadding_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::showAnnotations_edgePadding_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* annotations = (NSArray*) args[@"annotations"]; + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref showAnnotations : annotations edgePadding: insets animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setUserTrackingMode_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setUserTrackingMode_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAUserTrackingMode mode = (MAUserTrackingMode) [args[@"mode"] integerValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setUserTrackingMode : mode animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::updateUserLocationRepresentation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::updateUserLocationRepresentation(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAUserLocationRepresentation* representation = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) (args[@"representation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"representation"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref updateUserLocationRepresentation : representation]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::overlaysInLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::overlaysInLevel(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAOverlayLevel level = (MAOverlayLevel) [args[@"level"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref overlaysInLevel: level]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::addOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::addOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addOverlay : overlay]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::addOverlays": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::addOverlays(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* overlays = (NSArray*) args[@"overlays"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addOverlays : overlays]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::addOverlay_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::addOverlay_level(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + // enum arg + MAOverlayLevel level = (MAOverlayLevel) [args[@"level"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addOverlay : overlay level: level]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::addOverlays_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::addOverlays_level(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* overlays = (NSArray*) args[@"overlays"]; + // enum arg + MAOverlayLevel level = (MAOverlayLevel) [args[@"level"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addOverlays : overlays level: level]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::removeOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::removeOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeOverlay : overlay]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::removeOverlays": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::removeOverlays(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* overlays = (NSArray*) args[@"overlays"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeOverlays : overlays]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::insertOverlay_atIndex_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::insertOverlay_atIndex_level(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger index = [args[@"index"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // enum arg + MAOverlayLevel level = (MAOverlayLevel) [args[@"level"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref insertOverlay : overlay atIndex: index level: level]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::insertOverlay_aboveOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::insertOverlay_aboveOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + // ref arg + id sibling = (id) (args[@"sibling"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"sibling"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref insertOverlay : overlay aboveOverlay: sibling]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::insertOverlay_belowOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::insertOverlay_belowOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + // ref arg + id sibling = (id) (args[@"sibling"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"sibling"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref insertOverlay : overlay belowOverlay: sibling]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::insertOverlay_atIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::insertOverlay_atIndex(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger index = [args[@"index"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref insertOverlay : overlay atIndex: index]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger index1 = [args[@"index1"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger index2 = [args[@"index2"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref exchangeOverlayAtIndex : index1 withOverlayAtIndex: index2]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex_atLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex_atLevel(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger index1 = [args[@"index1"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger index2 = [args[@"index2"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // enum arg + MAOverlayLevel level = (MAOverlayLevel) [args[@"level"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref exchangeOverlayAtIndex : index1 withOverlayAtIndex: index2 atLevel: level]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::exchangeOverlay_withOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::exchangeOverlay_withOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay1 = (id) (args[@"overlay1"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay1"]); + // ref arg + id overlay2 = (id) (args[@"overlay2"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay2"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref exchangeOverlay : overlay1 withOverlay: overlay2]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::rendererForOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::rendererForOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOverlayRenderer* result = [ref rendererForOverlay: overlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::showOverlays_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::showOverlays_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* overlays = (NSArray*) args[@"overlays"]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref showOverlays : overlays animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::showOverlays_edgePadding_animated": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::showOverlays_edgePadding_animated(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* overlays = (NSArray*) args[@"overlays"]; + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref showOverlays : overlays edgePadding: insets animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::getHittedPolylinesWith_traverseAll": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::getHittedPolylinesWith_traverseAll(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* tappedCoordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"tappedCoord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D tappedCoord; + if (tappedCoordValue != nil && (NSNull*) tappedCoordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [tappedCoordValue getValue:&tappedCoord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"tappedCoord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL traverseAll = [args[@"traverseAll"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref getHittedPolylinesWith: tappedCoord traverseAll: traverseAll]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setIndoorMapControlOrigin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setIndoorMapControlOrigin(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* originValue = (NSValue*) args[@"origin"]; + CGPoint origin; + if (originValue != nil && (NSNull*) originValue != [NSNull null]) { + [originValue getValue:&origin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"origin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setIndoorMapControlOrigin : origin]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCurrentIndoorMapFloorIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCurrentIndoorMapFloorIndex(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger floorIndex = [args[@"floorIndex"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCurrentIndoorMapFloorIndex : floorIndex]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::clearIndoorMapCache": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::clearIndoorMapCache(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref clearIndoorMapCache ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCustomMapStyleOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCustomMapStyleOptions(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* styleOptions = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) (args[@"styleOptions"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleOptions"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCustomMapStyleOptions : styleOptions]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlayRenderer::initWithGroundOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlayRenderer::initWithGroundOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAGroundOverlay* groundOverlay = (MAGroundOverlay*) (args[@"groundOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"groundOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAGroundOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithGroundOverlay: groundOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomBuildingOverlay* customBuildingOverlay = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) (args[@"customBuildingOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"customBuildingOverlay"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithCustomBuildingOverlay: customBuildingOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds_icon(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* boundsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"bounds"]; + MACoordinateBounds bounds; + if (boundsValue != nil && (NSNull*) boundsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [boundsValue getValue:&bounds]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"bounds不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlay* result = [MAGroundOverlay groundOverlayWithBounds: bounds icon: icon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlay* result = [MAGroundOverlay groundOverlayWithCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel icon: icon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* boundsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"bounds"]; + MACoordinateBounds bounds; + if (boundsValue != nil && (NSNull*) boundsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [boundsValue getValue:&bounds]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"bounds不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setGroundOverlayWithBounds: bounds icon: icon]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel icon: icon]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolygonRenderer::initWithPolygon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygonRenderer::initWithPolygon(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAPolygon* polygon = (MAPolygon*) (args[@"polygon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polygon"]); + + // ref + MAPolygonRenderer* ref = (MAPolygonRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPolygonRenderer* result = [ref initWithPolygon: polygon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c69b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler1) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler1; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c36fdd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m @@ -0,0 +1,6367 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler1.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler1) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler1 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MAHeatMapGradient::initWithColor_andWithStartPoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapGradient::initWithColor_andWithStartPoints(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* colors = (NSArray*) args[@"colors"]; + // jsonable arg + NSArray* startPoints = (NSArray*) args[@"startPoints"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapGradient* ref = (MAHeatMapGradient*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapGradient* result = [ref initWithColor: colors andWithStartPoints: startPoints]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapStatus* result = [MAMapStatus statusWithCenterCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel rotationDegree: rotationDegree cameraDegree: cameraDegree screenAnchor: screenAnchor]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapStatus::initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapStatus::initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithCenterCoordinate: coordinate zoomLevel: zoomLevel rotationDegree: rotationDegree cameraDegree: cameraDegree screenAnchor: screenAnchor]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coord; + if (coordValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordValue getValue:&coord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACircle* result = [MACircle circleWithCenterCoordinate: coord radius: radius]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACircle::circleWithMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircle::circleWithMapRect(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACircle* result = [MACircle circleWithMapRect: mapRect]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACircle::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircle::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coord; + if (coordValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordValue getValue:&coord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setCircleWithCenterCoordinate: coord radius: radius]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAArcRenderer::initWithArc_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAArcRenderer::initWithArc(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAArc* arc = (MAArc*) (args[@"arc"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"arc"]); + + // ref + MAArcRenderer* ref = (MAArcRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAArcRenderer* result = [ref initWithArc: arc]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotation::setCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotation::setCoordinate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* newCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"newCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D newCoordinate; + if (newCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) newCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [newCoordinateValue getValue:&newCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"newCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCoordinate : newCoordinate]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::step_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::step(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat timeDelta = [args[@"timeDelta"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref step : timeDelta]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::isAnimationFinished_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::isAnimationFinished(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isAnimationFinished]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::shouldAnimationStart_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::shouldAnimationStart(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref shouldAnimationStart]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnimatableAnnotation::rotateDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatableAnnotation::rotateDegree(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDirection result = [ref rotateDegree]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineMapViewController* result = [MAOfflineMapViewController sharedInstance]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolygon* result = [MAPolygon polygonWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolygon* result = [MAPolygon polygonWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolygon::setPolygonWithPoints_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::setPolygonWithPoints_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolygon* ref = (MAPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolygonWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolygon::setPolygonWithCoordinates_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygon::setPolygonWithCoordinates_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolygon* ref = (MAPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolygonWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverlayOptions* option = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverlay* result = [MAParticleOverlay particleOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlay::updateOverlayOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlay::updateOverlayOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverlayOptions* overlayOption = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) (args[@"overlayOption"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlayOption"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlay* ref = (MAParticleOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref updateOverlayOption : overlayOption]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolyline* result = [MAPolyline polylineWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPolyline* result = [MAPolyline polylineWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolyline::setPolylineWithPoints_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::setPolylineWithPoints_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* pointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + MAMapPoint points[pointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < pointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* pointsValue = (NSValue*) [pointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint pointsItem; + [pointsValue getValue:&pointsItem]; + points[__i__] = pointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolyline* ref = (MAPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolylineWithPoints: points count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolyline::setPolylineWithCoordinates_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolyline::setPolylineWithCoordinates_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAPolyline* ref = (MAPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setPolylineWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAMultiPolyline* multiPolyline = (MAMultiPolyline*) (args[@"multiPolyline"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"multiPolyline"]); + + // ref + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* result = [ref initWithMultiPolyline: multiPolyline]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::allMoveAnimations_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatedAnnotation::allMoveAnimations(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [ref allMoveAnimations]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::setNeedsStart_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnimatedAnnotation::setNeedsStart(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setNeedsStart ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlay::coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlay::coordinate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = [ref coordinate]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlay::boundingMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlay::boundingMapRect(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref boundingMapRect]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAMultiPolyline* multiPolyline = (MAMultiPolyline*) (args[@"multiPolyline"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"multiPolyline"]); + + // ref + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* result = [ref initWithMultiPolyline: multiPolyline]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* result = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay heatMapOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::initWithHeatOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::initWithHeatOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* heatOverlay = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay*) (args[@"heatOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"heatOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* result = [ref initWithHeatOverlay: heatOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::getHeatMapItem_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::getHeatMapItem(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorItem* result = [ref getHeatMapItem: coordinate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MATileOverlayRenderer::initWithTileOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlayRenderer::initWithTileOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MATileOverlay* tileOverlay = (MATileOverlay*) (args[@"tileOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"tileOverlay"]); + + // ref + MATileOverlayRenderer* ref = (MATileOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MATileOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithTileOverlay: tileOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MATileOverlayRenderer::reloadData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlayRenderer::reloadData(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MATileOverlayRenderer* ref = (MATileOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref reloadData ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::initWithHeatOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::initWithHeatOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* heatOverlay = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay*) (args[@"heatOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"heatOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithHeatOverlay: heatOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MATraceManager::sharedInstance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::sharedInstance(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MATraceManager* result = [MATraceManager sharedInstance]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MATraceManager::start_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::start(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MATraceManager* ref = (MATraceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref start ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MATraceManager::stop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATraceManager::stop(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MATraceManager* ref = (MATraceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stop ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::initWithMultiPointOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::initWithMultiPointOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAMultiPointOverlay* multiPointOverlay = (MAMultiPointOverlay*) (args[@"multiPointOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"multiPointOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithMultiPointOverlay: multiPointOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAPolylineRenderer::initWithPolyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolylineRenderer::initWithPolyline(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAPolyline* polyline = (MAPolyline*) (args[@"polyline"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polyline"]); + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPolylineRenderer* result = [ref initWithPolyline: polyline]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::name(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref name]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::coordinates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::coordinates(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D* result = [ref coordinates]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D*)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSUInteger result = [ref count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::duration(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref duration]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::elapsedTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::elapsedTime(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref elapsedTime]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::cancel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::cancel(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancel ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::isCancelled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::isCancelled(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isCancelled]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::passedPointCount_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::passedPointCount(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* ref = (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = [ref passedPointCount]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::setSelected_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::setSelected_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL selected = [args[@"selected"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setSelected : selected animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + // jsonable arg + NSString* reuseIdentifier = (NSString*) args[@"reuseIdentifier"]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithAnnotation: annotation reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::prepareForReuse_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::prepareForReuse(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref prepareForReuse ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAAnnotationView::setDragState_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAnnotationView::setDragState_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAAnnotationViewDragState newDragState = (MAAnnotationViewDragState) [args[@"newDragState"] integerValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setDragState : newDragState animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MATileOverlay::initWithURLTemplate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MATileOverlay::initWithURLTemplate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* URLTemplate = (NSString*) args[@"URLTemplate"]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithURLTemplate: URLTemplate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACustomCalloutView::initWithCustomView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomCalloutView::initWithCustomView(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIView* customView = (UIView*) (args[@"customView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"customView"]); + + // ref + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = [ref initWithCustomView: customView]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineMap* result = [MAOfflineMap sharedOfflineMap]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::isDownloadingForItem_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::isDownloadingForItem(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isDownloadingForItem: item]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::pauseItem_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::pauseItem(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref pauseItem: item]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::deleteItem_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::deleteItem(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* item = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"item"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"item"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref deleteItem : item]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::cancelAll_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::cancelAll(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancelAll ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOfflineMap::clearDisk_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOfflineMap::clearDisk(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref clearDisk ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACircleRenderer::initWithCircle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircleRenderer::initWithCircle(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MACircle* circle = (MACircle*) (args[@"circle"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"circle"]); + + // ref + MACircleRenderer* ref = (MACircleRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MACircleRenderer* result = [ref initWithCircle: circle]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlayRenderer::initWithParticleOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlayRenderer::initWithParticleOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverlay* particleOverlay = (MAParticleOverlay*) (args[@"particleOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAParticleOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithParticleOverlay: particleOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getX_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getX(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getX]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getY_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getY(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getY]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getZ_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getZ(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getZ]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate::initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate::initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float x1 = [args[@"x1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y1 = [args[@"y1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z1 = [args[@"z1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float x2 = [args[@"x2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y2 = [args[@"y2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z2 = [args[@"z2"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate* ref = (MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate* result = [ref initWithBoundaryValueX1: x1 Y1: y1 Z1: z1 X2: x2 Y2: y2 Z2: z2]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleColorGenerate::getColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleColorGenerate::getColor(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getColor]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleRandomColorGenerate::initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRandomColorGenerate::initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float r1 = [args[@"r1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float g1 = [args[@"g1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float b1 = [args[@"b1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float a1 = [args[@"a1"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float r2 = [args[@"r2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float g2 = [args[@"g2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float b2 = [args[@"b2"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float a2 = [args[@"a2"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleRandomColorGenerate* ref = (MAParticleRandomColorGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleRandomColorGenerate* result = [ref initWithBoundaryColorR1: r1 G1: g1 B1: b1 A1: a1 R2: r2 G2: g2 B2: b2 A2: a2]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleRotationGenerate::getRotate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRotationGenerate::getRotate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getRotate]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate::initWithRotate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate::initWithRotate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float rotate = [args[@"rotate"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate* ref = (MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate* result = [ref initWithRotate: rotate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeX_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeX(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float timeFrame = [args[@"timeFrame"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getSizeX: timeFrame]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeY_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeY(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float timeFrame = [args[@"timeFrame"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getSizeY: timeFrame]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeZ_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeZ(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float timeFrame = [args[@"timeFrame"] floatValue]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = [ref getSizeZ: timeFrame]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate::initWithCurveX_Y_Z_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate::initWithCurveX_Y_Z(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float x = [args[@"x"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y = [args[@"y"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z = [args[@"z"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate* ref = (MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate* result = [ref initWithCurveX: x Y: y Z: z]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleEmissionModuleOC::initWithEmissionRate_rateTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleEmissionModuleOC::initWithEmissionRate_rateTime(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + int rate = [args[@"rate"] intValue]; + // jsonable arg + int rateTime = [args[@"rateTime"] intValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleEmissionModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* result = [ref initWithEmissionRate: rate rateTime: rateTime]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleShapeModule::getPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleShapeModule::getPoint(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getPoint]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleShapeModule::isRatioEnable_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleShapeModule::isRatioEnable(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref isRatioEnable]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule::initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule::initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float x = [args[@"x"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float y = [args[@"y"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float z = [args[@"z"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL isUseRatio = [args[@"isUseRatio"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule* ref = (MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule* result = [ref initWithShapeX: x Y: y Z: z useRatio: isUseRatio]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleRectShapeModule::initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleRectShapeModule::initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float left = [args[@"left"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float top = [args[@"top"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float right = [args[@"right"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float bottom = [args[@"bottom"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL isUseRatio = [args[@"isUseRatio"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleRectShapeModule* ref = (MAParticleRectShapeModule*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleRectShapeModule* result = [ref initWithLeft: left top: top right: right bottom: bottom useRatio: isUseRatio]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setVelocityOverLife_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setVelocityOverLife(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id velocity = (id) (args[@"velocity"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"velocity"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVelocityOverLife : velocity]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setRotationOverLife_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setRotationOverLife(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id rotation = (id) (args[@"rotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"rotation"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setRotationOverLife : rotation]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setSizeOverLife_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setSizeOverLife(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id size = (id) (args[@"size"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"size"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setSizeOverLife : size]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setColorOverLife_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setColorOverLife(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id color = (id) (args[@"color"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"color"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* ref = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setColorOverLife : color]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAParticleOverlayType particleType = (MAParticleOverlayType) [args[@"particleType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = [MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory particleOverlayOptionsWithType: particleType]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* option = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMVTTileOverlay* result = [MAMVTTileOverlay mvtTileOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::initWithOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::initWithOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id overlay = (id) (args[@"overlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"overlay"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithOverlay: overlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getViewMatrix_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getViewMatrix(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getViewMatrix]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getProjectionMatrix_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getProjectionMatrix(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + float* result = [ref getProjectionMatrix]; + + // result + // return a (value)* + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue valueWithPointer:result]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getOffsetPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getOffsetPoint(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = [ref getOffsetPoint]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::getMapZoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::getMapZoomLevel(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref getMapZoomLevel]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glPointForMapPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glPointForMapPoint(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapPoint"]; + MAMapPoint mapPoint; + if (mapPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapPointValue getValue:&mapPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = [ref glPointForMapPoint: mapPoint]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glPointsForMapPoints_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glPointsForMapPoints_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* mapPointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"mapPoints"]; + MAMapPoint mapPoints[mapPointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < mapPointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* mapPointsValue = (NSValue*) [mapPointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint mapPointsItem; + [mapPointsValue getValue:&mapPointsItem]; + mapPoints[__i__] = mapPointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint* result = [ref glPointsForMapPoints: mapPoints count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint*)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glWidthForWindowWidth_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glWidthForWindowWidth(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat windowWidth = [args[@"windowWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = [ref glWidthForWindowWidth: windowWidth]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::glRender_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::glRender(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref glRender ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::loadTexture_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::loadTexture(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* textureImage = (UIImage*) (args[@"textureImage"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"textureImage"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + GLuint result = [ref loadTexture: textureImage]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::deleteTexture_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::deleteTexture(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + GLuint textureId = [args[@"textureId"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref deleteTexture : textureId]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAOverlayRenderer::setNeedsUpdate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAOverlayRenderer::setNeedsUpdate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setNeedsUpdate ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* result = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlay heatMapOverlayWithOption: option]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMultiPointOverlay::initWithMultiPointItems_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMultiPointOverlay::initWithMultiPointItems(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* items = (NSArray*) args[@"items"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlay* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPointOverlay* result = [ref initWithMultiPointItems: items]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* result = [MACustomBuildingOverlayOption optionWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::setOptionWithCoordinates_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::setOptionWithCoordinates_count(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coords"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[coordsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordsValue = (NSValue*) [coordsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordsItem; + [coordsValue getValue:&coordsItem]; + coords[__i__] = coordsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref setOptionWithCoordinates: coords count: count]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::addCustomOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlay::addCustomOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* option = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref addCustomOption : option]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::removeCustomOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlay::removeCustomOption(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* option = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref removeCustomOption : option]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* startCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"startCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D startCoordinate; + if (startCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) startCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [startCoordinateValue getValue:&startCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"startCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* passedCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"passedCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D passedCoordinate; + if (passedCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) passedCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [passedCoordinateValue getValue:&passedCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"passedCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* endCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"endCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D endCoordinate; + if (endCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) endCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [endCoordinateValue getValue:&endCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"endCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAArc* result = [MAArc arcWithStartCoordinate: startCoordinate passedCoordinate: passedCoordinate endCoordinate: endCoordinate]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setRegion_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setRegion_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setRegion : region animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::regionThatFits_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::regionThatFits(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = [ref regionThatFits: region]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVisibleMapRect : mapRect animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::mapRectThatFits(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref mapRectThatFits: mapRect]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_edgePadding_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_edgePadding(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = [ref mapRectThatFits: mapRect edgePadding: insets]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVisibleMapRect : mapRect edgePadding: insets animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapRect"]; + MAMapRect mapRect; + if (mapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapRectValue getValue:&mapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* insetsValue = (NSValue*) args[@"insets"]; + UIEdgeInsets insets; + if (insetsValue != nil && (NSNull*) insetsValue != [NSNull null]) { + [insetsValue getValue:&insets]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"insets不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setVisibleMapRect : mapRect edgePadding: insets animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCenterCoordinate_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCenterCoordinate_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCenterCoordinate : coordinate animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setZoomLevel_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setZoomLevel_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setZoomLevel : zoomLevel animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* pivotValue = (NSValue*) args[@"pivot"]; + CGPoint pivot; + if (pivotValue != nil && (NSNull*) pivotValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pivotValue getValue:&pivot]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"pivot不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setZoomLevel : zoomLevel atPivot: pivot animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setRotationDegree_animated_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setRotationDegree_animated_duration(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setRotationDegree : rotationDegree animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCameraDegree_animated_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCameraDegree_animated_duration(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCameraDegree : cameraDegree animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::getMapStatus_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::getMapStatus(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapStatus* result = [ref getMapStatus]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAMapStatus* status = (MAMapStatus*) (args[@"status"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"status"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setMapStatus : status animated: animated]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_duration(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAMapStatus* status = (MAMapStatus*) (args[@"status"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"status"]); + // jsonable arg + BOOL animated = [args[@"animated"] boolValue]; + // jsonable arg + CFTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setMapStatus : status animated: animated duration: duration]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setCompassImage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setCompassImage(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* image = (UIImage*) (args[@"image"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"image"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setCompassImage : image]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + CGRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = [ref takeSnapshotInRect: rect]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::metersPerPointForZoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::metersPerPointForZoomLevel(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + double result = [ref metersPerPointForZoomLevel: zoomLevel]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertCoordinate_toPointToView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertCoordinate_toPointToView(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = [ref convertCoordinate: coordinate toPointToView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + CGPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = [ref convertPoint: point toCoordinateFromView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertRegion_toRectToView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertRegion_toRectToView(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + CGRect result = [ref convertRegion: region toRectToView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::convertRect_toRegionFromView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::convertRect_toRegionFromView(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + CGRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // ref arg + UIView* view = (UIView*) (args[@"view"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"view"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = [ref convertRect: rect toRegionFromView: view]; + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::reloadMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::reloadMap(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref reloadMap ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::clearDisk_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::clearDisk(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref clearDisk ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::reloadInternalTexture_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::reloadInternalTexture(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref reloadInternalTexture ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::mapContentApprovalNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::mapContentApprovalNumber(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref mapContentApprovalNumber]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::satelliteImageApprovalNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::satelliteImageApprovalNumber(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref satelliteImageApprovalNumber]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::terrainApprovalNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::terrainApprovalNumber(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref terrainApprovalNumber]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::forceRefresh_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::forceRefresh(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref forceRefresh ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::setConstructingRoadEnable_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::setConstructingRoadEnable(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL enabled = [args[@"enabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref setConstructingRoadEnable : enabled]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus = (AMapPrivacyShowStatus) [args[@"showStatus"] integerValue]; + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus = (AMapPrivacyInfoStatus) [args[@"containStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [MAMapView updatePrivacyShow: showStatus privacyInfo: containStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus = (AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus) [args[@"agreeStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [MAMapView updatePrivacyAgree: agreeStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MAGroundOverlayRenderer::initWithGroundOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGroundOverlayRenderer::initWithGroundOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAGroundOverlay* groundOverlay = (MAGroundOverlay*) (args[@"groundOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"groundOverlay"]); + + // ref + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAGroundOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithGroundOverlay: groundOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomBuildingOverlay* customBuildingOverlay = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) (args[@"customBuildingOverlay"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"customBuildingOverlay"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* result = [ref initWithCustomBuildingOverlay: customBuildingOverlay]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + // top constant + @"getMAOfflineMapErrorDomain": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __MAOfflineMapErrorDomain__ = MAOfflineMapErrorDomain; + + methodResult(__MAOfflineMapErrorDomain__); + }, + // top constant + @"getMAOfflineMapDownloadReceivedSizeKey": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __MAOfflineMapDownloadReceivedSizeKey__ = MAOfflineMapDownloadReceivedSizeKey; + + methodResult(__MAOfflineMapDownloadReceivedSizeKey__); + }, + // top constant + @"getMAOfflineMapDownloadExpectedSizeKey": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __MAOfflineMapDownloadExpectedSizeKey__ = MAOfflineMapDownloadExpectedSizeKey; + + methodResult(__MAOfflineMapDownloadExpectedSizeKey__); + }, + // top constant + @"getkMAMapLayerCenterMapPointKey": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __kMAMapLayerCenterMapPointKey__ = kMAMapLayerCenterMapPointKey; + + methodResult(__kMAMapLayerCenterMapPointKey__); + }, + // top constant + @"getkMAMapLayerZoomLevelKey": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __kMAMapLayerZoomLevelKey__ = kMAMapLayerZoomLevelKey; + + methodResult(__kMAMapLayerZoomLevelKey__); + }, + // top constant + @"getkMAMapLayerRotationDegreeKey": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __kMAMapLayerRotationDegreeKey__ = kMAMapLayerRotationDegreeKey; + + methodResult(__kMAMapLayerRotationDegreeKey__); + }, + // top constant + @"getkMAMapLayerCameraDegreeKey": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __kMAMapLayerCameraDegreeKey__ = kMAMapLayerCameraDegreeKey; + + methodResult(__kMAMapLayerCameraDegreeKey__); + }, + @"MAOfflineCity::get_cityCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineCity::get_cityCode"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineCity* ref = (MAOfflineCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.cityCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPoint::get_points": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPoint::get_points"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPoint* ref = (MAMultiPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint* result = ref.points; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint*)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPoint::get_pointCount": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPoint::get_pointCount"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPoint* ref = (MAMultiPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSUInteger result = ref.pointCount; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPoint::get_cross180Longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPoint::get_cross180Longitude"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPoint* ref = (MAMultiPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.cross180Longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAGroundOverlay::get_icon"); + } + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = ref.icon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_alpha": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAGroundOverlay::get_alpha"); + } + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.alpha; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_zoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAGroundOverlay::get_zoomLevel"); + } + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.zoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_bounds": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAGroundOverlay::get_bounds"); + } + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateBounds result = ref.bounds; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateBounds)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolygonRenderer::get_polygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolygonRenderer::get_polygon"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolygonRenderer* ref = (MAPolygonRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPolygon* result = ref.polygon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::get_pinColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPinAnnotationView::get_pinColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPinAnnotationColor result = ref.pinColor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::get_animatesDrop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPinAnnotationView::get_animatesDrop"); + } + + // ref object + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.animatesDrop; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapNode::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::get_intensity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapNode::get_intensity"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.intensity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapGradient::get_colors": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapGradient::get_colors"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapGradient* ref = (MAHeatMapGradient*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.colors; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapGradient::get_startPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapGradient::get_startPoints"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapGradient* ref = (MAHeatMapGradient*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.startPoints; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_data": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_data"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_opacity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_opacity"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.opacity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_gradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_gradient"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapGradient* result = ref.gradient; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_allowRetinaAdapting": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_allowRetinaAdapting"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.allowRetinaAdapting; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_centerCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::get_centerCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.centerCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_zoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::get_zoomLevel"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.zoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_rotationDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::get_rotationDegree"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.rotationDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_cameraDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::get_cameraDegree"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.cameraDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_screenAnchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::get_screenAnchor"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.screenAnchor; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPointAnnotation::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::get_isLockedToScreen": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPointAnnotation::get_isLockedToScreen"); + } + + // ref object + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.lockedToScreen; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::get_lockedScreenPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPointAnnotation::get_lockedScreenPoint"); + } + + // ref object + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.lockedScreenPoint; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACircle::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACircle::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACircle::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACircle::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAArcRenderer::get_arc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArcRenderer::get_arc"); + } + + // ref object + MAArcRenderer* ref = (MAArcRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAArc* result = ref.arc; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotation::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::get_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotation::get_title"); + } + + // ref object + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::get_subtitle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotation::get_subtitle"); + } + + // ref object + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.subtitle; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMapViewController::get_offlineMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineMapViewController::get_offlineMap"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineMapViewController* ref = (MAOfflineMapViewController*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineMap* result = ref.offlineMap; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleData"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSData* result = ref.styleData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleDataOverseaPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleDataOverseaPath"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.styleDataOverseaPath; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleId"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.styleId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleTextureData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleTextureData"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSData* result = ref.styleTextureData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleExtraData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleExtraData"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSData* result = ref.styleExtraData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlay::get_overlayOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlay::get_overlayOption"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlay* ref = (MAParticleOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverlayOptions* result = ref.overlayOption; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPolyline* result = ref.multiPolyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_strokeColors": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_strokeColors"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.strokeColors; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_isGradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_isGradient"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.gradient; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::get_movingDirection": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnimatedAnnotation::get_movingDirection"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDirection result = ref.movingDirection; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPolyline* result = ref.multiPolyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_strokeTextureImages": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_strokeTextureImages"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.strokeTextureImages; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_inputNodes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_inputNodes"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.inputNodes; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_color": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_color"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.color; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_visible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_visible"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.visible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_inputGrids": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_inputGrids"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.inputGrids; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_minZoom": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_minZoom"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.minZoom; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_maxZoom": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_maxZoom"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.maxZoom; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23dcbd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler2) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler2; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32d560c --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m @@ -0,0 +1,4388 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler2.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler2) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler2 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::get_option": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::get_option"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* result = ref.option; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineProvince::get_cities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineProvince::get_cities"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineProvince* ref = (MAOfflineProvince*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::get_heatOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::get_heatOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* result = ref.heatOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayRenderer::get_tileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayRenderer::get_tileOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlayRenderer* ref = (MATileOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MATileOverlay* result = ref.tileOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_jianpin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_jianpin"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.jianpin; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_pinyin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_pinyin"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.pinyin; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_size"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + long long result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_itemStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_itemStatus"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineItemStatus result = ref.itemStatus; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_downloadedSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItem::get_downloadedSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + long long result = ref.downloadedSize; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATouchPoi::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATouchPoi::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + MATouchPoi* ref = (MATouchPoi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATouchPoi::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATouchPoi::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MATouchPoi* ref = (MATouchPoi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATouchPoi::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATouchPoi::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + MATouchPoi* ref = (MATouchPoi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::get_begin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPathShowRange::get_begin"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.begin; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::get_end": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPathShowRange::get_end"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.end; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::get_heatOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::get_heatOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* result = ref.heatOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPolyline::get_drawStyleIndexes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPolyline::get_drawStyleIndexes"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPolyline* ref = (MAMultiPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.drawStyleIndexes; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_icon"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = ref.icon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_pointSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_pointSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.pointSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_anchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_anchor"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.anchor; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_multiPointOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_multiPointOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMultiPointOverlay* result = ref.multiPointOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorName"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.floorName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorIndex"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.floorIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorNona": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorNona"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.floorNona; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_isPark": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_isPark"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.isPark; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_cnName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_cnName"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.cnName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_enName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_enName"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.enName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_poiID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_poiID"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.poiID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_buildingType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_buildingType"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.buildingType; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorIndex"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.activeFloorIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorInfoIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorInfoIndex"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.activeFloorInfoIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_floorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_floorInfo"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.floorInfo; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfFloor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfFloor"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.numberOfFloor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfParkFloor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfParkFloor"); + } + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + int result = ref.numberOfParkFloor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPolyline* result = ref.polyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_is3DArrowLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_is3DArrowLine"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.is3DArrowLine; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_sideColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_sideColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.sideColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_userInteractionEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_userInteractionEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.userInteractionEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_hitTestInset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_hitTestInset"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.hitTestInset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRangeEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRangeEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showRangeEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRange": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRange"); + } + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAPathShowRange result = ref.showRange; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAPathShowRange)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAShape::get_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAShape::get_title"); + } + + // ref object + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAShape::get_subtitle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAShape::get_subtitle"); + } + + // ref object + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.subtitle; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_reuseIdentifier": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_reuseIdentifier"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.reuseIdentifier; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_zIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_zIndex"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.zIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_annotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_annotation"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + id result = ref.annotation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_image": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_image"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = ref.image; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_imageView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_imageView"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImageView* result = ref.imageView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_customCalloutView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_customCalloutView"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACustomCalloutView* result = ref.customCalloutView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_centerOffset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_centerOffset"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.centerOffset; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_calloutOffset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_calloutOffset"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.calloutOffset; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_isEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.enabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isHighlighted": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_isHighlighted"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.highlighted; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isSelected": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_isSelected"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.selected; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_canShowCallout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_canShowCallout"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.canShowCallout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_leftCalloutAccessoryView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_leftCalloutAccessoryView"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIView* result = ref.leftCalloutAccessoryView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_rightCalloutAccessoryView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_rightCalloutAccessoryView"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIView* result = ref.rightCalloutAccessoryView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isDraggable": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_isDraggable"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.draggable; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_dragState": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_dragState"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAAnnotationViewDragState result = ref.dragState; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_canAdjustPositon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::get_canAdjustPositon"); + } + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.canAdjustPositon; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_tileSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::get_tileSize"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.tileSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_minimumZ": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::get_minimumZ"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.minimumZ; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_maximumZ": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::get_maximumZ"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.maximumZ; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_URLTemplate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::get_URLTemplate"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.URLTemplate; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_canReplaceMapContent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::get_canReplaceMapContent"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.canReplaceMapContent; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_disableOffScreenTileLoading": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::get_disableOffScreenTileLoading"); + } + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.disableOffScreenTileLoading; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_x": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::get_x"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.x; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_y": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::get_y"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.y; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_contentScaleFactor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::get_contentScaleFactor"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.contentScaleFactor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_index": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::get_index"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.index; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_requestId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::get_requestId"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.requestId; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomCalloutView::get_customView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomCalloutView::get_customView"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIView* result = ref.customView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomCalloutView::get_userData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomCalloutView::get_userData"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSObject* result = ref.userData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItemCommonCity::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItemCommonCity::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineItemCommonCity* ref = (MAOfflineItemCommonCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineItem* result = ref.province; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_provinces": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineMap::get_provinces"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.provinces; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_municipalities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineMap::get_municipalities"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.municipalities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_nationWide": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineMap::get_nationWide"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAOfflineItemNationWide* result = ref.nationWide; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_cities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineMap::get_cities"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_version": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineMap::get_version"); + } + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.version; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACircleRenderer::get_circle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACircleRenderer::get_circle"); + } + + // ref object + MACircleRenderer* ref = (MACircleRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACircle* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayRenderer::get_particleOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayRenderer::get_particleOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAParticleOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverlay* result = ref.particleOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::get_northEast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateBounds::get_northEast"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.northEast; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::get_southWest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateBounds::get_southWest"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.southWest; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::get_latitudeDelta": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateSpan::get_latitudeDelta"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.latitudeDelta; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::get_longitudeDelta": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateSpan::get_longitudeDelta"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.longitudeDelta; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateRegion::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::get_span": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateRegion::get_span"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateSpan result = ref.span; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateSpan)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::get_x": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapPoint::get_x"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.x; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::get_y": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapPoint::get_y"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.y; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::get_width": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapSize::get_width"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.width; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::get_height": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapSize::get_height"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.height; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::get_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapRect::get_origin"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = ref.origin; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::get_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapRect::get_size"); + } + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + // invoke native method + MAMapSize result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_visibile": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_visibile"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.visibile; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSTimeInterval result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_loop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_loop"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.loop; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_maxParticles": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_maxParticles"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.maxParticles; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_icon"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = ref.icon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_startParticleSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_startParticleSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.startParticleSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleLifeTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleLifeTime"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSTimeInterval result = ref.particleLifeTime; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + id result = ref.particleStartColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartSpeed": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartSpeed"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + id result = ref.particleStartSpeed; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleEmissionModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleEmissionModule"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* result = ref.particleEmissionModule; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleShapeModule"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + id result = ref.particleShapeModule; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleOverLifeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleOverLifeModule"); + } + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* result = ref.particleOverLifeModule; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_url": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_url"); + } + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.url; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_key": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_key"); + } + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.key; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_Id": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_Id"); + } + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.Id; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_visible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_visible"); + } + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.visible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlay::get_option": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlay::get_option"); + } + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlay* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* result = ref.option; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_overlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::get_overlay"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + id result = ref.overlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeImage"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = ref.strokeImage; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeTextureID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeTextureID"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + GLuint result = ref.strokeTextureID; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_alpha": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::get_alpha"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.alpha; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_contentScale": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::get_contentScale"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.contentScale; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocation::get_isUpdating": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocation::get_isUpdating"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocation* ref = (MAUserLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.updating; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocation::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocation::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocation* ref = (MAUserLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocation* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocation::get_heading": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocation::get_heading"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocation* ref = (MAUserLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLHeading* result = ref.heading; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_weight": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_weight"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.weight; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorItem* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_intensity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_intensity"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorItem* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.intensity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_nodeIndices": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_nodeIndices"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorItem* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.nodeIndices; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_visible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_visible"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.visible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_inputNodes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_inputNodes"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.inputNodes; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_size"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_gap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_gap"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_colors": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_colors"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.colors; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_startPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_startPoints"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.startPoints; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_opacity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_opacity"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.opacity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::get_option": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::get_option"); + } + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* result = ref.option; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::get_customID"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.customID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::get_title"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_subtitle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::get_subtitle"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.subtitle; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlay::get_items": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlay::get_items"); + } + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlay* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.items; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_height": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_height"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.height; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_heightScale": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_heightScale"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.heightScale; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_topColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_topColor"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.topColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_sideColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_sideColor"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.sideColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_visibile": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_visibile"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.visibile; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_defaultOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_defaultOption"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* result = ref.defaultOption; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_customOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_customOptions"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.customOptions; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::get_latitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATracePoint::get_latitude"); + } + + // ref object + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.latitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::get_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATracePoint::get_longitude"); + } + + // ref object + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_loc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::get_loc"); + } + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.loc; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_angle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::get_angle"); + } + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.angle; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_speed": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::get_speed"); + } + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.speed; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_time": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::get_time"); + } + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.time; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAArc::get_startCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArc::get_startCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.startCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAArc::get_passedCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArc::get_passedCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.passedCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAArc::get_endCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArc::get_endCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.endCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsAccuracyRing": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsAccuracyRing"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsAccuracyRing; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsHeadingIndicator": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsHeadingIndicator"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsHeadingIndicator; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_fillColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_fillColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.fillColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_strokeColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_strokeColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.strokeColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_lineWidth": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_lineWidth"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.lineWidth; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotBgColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotBgColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.locationDotBgColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotFillColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotFillColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.locationDotFillColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_enablePulseAnnimation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_enablePulseAnnimation"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.enablePulseAnnimation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_image": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_image"); + } + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIImage* result = ref.image; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MABaseOverlay::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::get_boundingMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MABaseOverlay::get_boundingMapRect"); + } + + // ref object + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = ref.boundingMapRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_metalEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_metalEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [MAMapView metalEnabled]; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_terrainEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_terrainEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [MAMapView terrainEnabled]; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_mapType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_mapType"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapType result = ref.mapType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_centerCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_centerCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.centerCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_region": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_region"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = ref.region; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_visibleMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_visibleMapRect"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = ref.visibleMapRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_limitRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_limitRegion"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = ref.limitRegion; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_limitMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_limitMapRect"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = ref.limitMapRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_zoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_zoomLevel"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.zoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_minZoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_minZoomLevel"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.minZoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_maxZoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_maxZoomLevel"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.maxZoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_rotationDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_rotationDegree"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.rotationDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_cameraDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_cameraDegree"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.cameraDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isZoomEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isZoomEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.zoomEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isScrollEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isScrollEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.scrollEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isRotateEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isRotateEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.rotateEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isRotateCameraEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isRotateCameraEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.rotateCameraEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsBuildings": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isShowsBuildings"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsBuildings; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsLabels": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isShowsLabels"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsLabels; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowTraffic": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isShowTraffic"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showTraffic; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_touchPOIEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_touchPOIEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.touchPOIEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_showsCompass": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_showsCompass"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsCompass; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_compassOrigin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_compassOrigin"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.compassOrigin; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_compassSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_compassSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.compassSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_showsScale": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_showsScale"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsScale; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_scaleOrigin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_scaleOrigin"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.scaleOrigin; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_scaleSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_scaleSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.scaleSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_logoCenter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_logoCenter"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.logoCenter; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_logoSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_logoSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.logoSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + double result = ref.metersPerPointForCurrentZoom; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isAbroad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isAbroad"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.isAbroad; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_maxRenderFrame": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_maxRenderFrame"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSUInteger result = ref.maxRenderFrame; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isAllowDecreaseFrame": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isAllowDecreaseFrame"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.isAllowDecreaseFrame; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_openGLESDisabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_openGLESDisabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.openGLESDisabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8def7b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler3) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler3; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9455067 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m @@ -0,0 +1,4987 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler3.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler3) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler3 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MAMapView::get_renderringDisabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_renderringDisabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.renderringDisabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_screenAnchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_screenAnchor"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGPoint result = ref.screenAnchor; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsWorldMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isShowsWorldMap"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSNumber* result = ref.showsWorldMap; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_mapLanguage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_mapLanguage"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSNumber* result = ref.mapLanguage; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_annotations": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_annotations"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.annotations; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_selectedAnnotations": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_selectedAnnotations"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.selectedAnnotations; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_annotationVisibleRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_annotationVisibleRect"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGRect result = ref.annotationVisibleRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_showsUserLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_showsUserLocation"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsUserLocation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_userLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_userLocation"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAUserLocation* result = ref.userLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_userLocationAccuracyCircle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_userLocationAccuracyCircle"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACircle* result = ref.userLocationAccuracyCircle; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_userTrackingMode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_userTrackingMode"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAUserTrackingMode result = ref.userTrackingMode; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isUserLocationVisible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isUserLocationVisible"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.userLocationVisible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_distanceFilter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_distanceFilter"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = ref.distanceFilter; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_desiredAccuracy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_desiredAccuracy"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationAccuracy result = ref.desiredAccuracy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_headingFilter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_headingFilter"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.headingFilter; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_overlays": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_overlays"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.overlays; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMap"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsIndoorMap; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMapControl": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMapControl"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showsIndoorMapControl; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_indoorMapControlSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_indoorMapControlSize"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGSize result = ref.indoorMapControlSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_customMapStyleEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::get_customMapStyleEnabled"); + } + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.customMapStyleEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_fillColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_fillColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.fillColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_strokeColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_strokeColor"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + UIColor* result = ref.strokeColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineWidth": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineWidth"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.lineWidth; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineJoinType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineJoinType"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MALineJoinType result = ref.lineJoinType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineCapType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineCapType"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MALineCapType result = ref.lineCapType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_miterLimit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_miterLimit"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.miterLimit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineDashType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineDashType"); + } + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MALineDashType result = ref.lineDashType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlayRenderer::get_groundOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAGroundOverlayRenderer::get_groundOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAGroundOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MAGroundOverlay* result = ref.groundOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::get_customBuildingOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::get_customBuildingOverlay"); + } + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + MACustomBuildingOverlay* result = ref.customBuildingOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"MAOfflineCity::get_cityCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineCity* ref = (MAOfflineCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.cityCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPoint::get_points_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPoint* ref = (MAMultiPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMapPoint* result = ref.points; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint*)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPoint::get_pointCount_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPoint* ref = (MAMultiPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSUInteger result = ref.pointCount; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPoint::get_cross180Longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPoint* ref = (MAMultiPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.cross180Longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImage* result = ref.icon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_alpha_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.alpha; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_zoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.zoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::get_bounds_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACoordinateBounds result = ref.bounds; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateBounds)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolygonRenderer::get_polygon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolygonRenderer* ref = (MAPolygonRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAPolygon* result = ref.polygon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::get_pinColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAPinAnnotationColor result = ref.pinColor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::get_animatesDrop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.animatesDrop; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::get_intensity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + float result = ref.intensity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapGradient::get_colors_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapGradient* ref = (MAHeatMapGradient*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.colors; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapGradient::get_startPoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapGradient* ref = (MAHeatMapGradient*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.startPoints; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_data_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_opacity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.opacity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_gradient_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapGradient* result = ref.gradient; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_allowRetinaAdapting_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.allowRetinaAdapting; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_centerCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.centerCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_zoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.zoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_rotationDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.rotationDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_cameraDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.cameraDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::get_screenAnchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.screenAnchor; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::get_isLockedToScreen_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.lockedToScreen; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::get_lockedScreenPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.lockedScreenPoint; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACircle::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACircle::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDistance result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAArcRenderer::get_arc_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAArcRenderer* ref = (MAArcRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAArc* result = ref.arc; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::get_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::get_subtitle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.subtitle; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMapViewController::get_offlineMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineMapViewController* ref = (MAOfflineMapViewController*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAOfflineMap* result = ref.offlineMap; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSData* result = ref.styleData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleDataOverseaPath_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.styleDataOverseaPath; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.styleId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleTextureData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSData* result = ref.styleTextureData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleExtraData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSData* result = ref.styleExtraData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlay::get_overlayOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlay* ref = (MAParticleOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAParticleOverlayOptions* result = ref.overlayOption; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMultiPolyline* result = ref.multiPolyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_strokeColors_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.strokeColors; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_isGradient_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.gradient; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::get_movingDirection_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDirection result = ref.movingDirection; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMultiPolyline* result = ref.multiPolyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_strokeTextureImages_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.strokeTextureImages; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_inputNodes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.inputNodes; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_color_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.color; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_visible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.visible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_inputGrids_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.inputGrids; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_minZoom_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.minZoom; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_maxZoom_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.maxZoom; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::get_option_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* result = ref.option; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineProvince::get_cities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineProvince* ref = (MAOfflineProvince*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::get_heatOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* result = ref.heatOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayRenderer::get_tileOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlayRenderer* ref = (MATileOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MATileOverlay* result = ref.tileOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_jianpin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.jianpin; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_pinyin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.pinyin; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + long long result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_itemStatus_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAOfflineItemStatus result = ref.itemStatus; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItem::get_downloadedSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItem* ref = (MAOfflineItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + long long result = ref.downloadedSize; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATouchPoi::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATouchPoi* ref = (MATouchPoi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATouchPoi::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATouchPoi* ref = (MATouchPoi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATouchPoi::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATouchPoi* ref = (MATouchPoi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::get_begin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + float result = ref.begin; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::get_end_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + float result = ref.end; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::get_heatOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* result = ref.heatOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPolyline::get_drawStyleIndexes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPolyline* ref = (MAMultiPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.drawStyleIndexes; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImage* result = ref.icon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_pointSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.pointSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_anchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.anchor; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_multiPointOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMultiPointOverlay* result = ref.multiPointOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.floorName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorIndex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + int result = ref.floorIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorNona_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.floorNona; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_isPark_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorFloorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorFloorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.isPark; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_cnName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.cnName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_enName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.enName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_poiID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.poiID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_buildingType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.buildingType; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorIndex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + int result = ref.activeFloorIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorInfoIndex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + int result = ref.activeFloorInfoIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_floorInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.floorInfo; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfFloor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + int result = ref.numberOfFloor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfParkFloor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAIndoorInfo* ref = (MAIndoorInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + int result = ref.numberOfParkFloor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAPolyline* result = ref.polyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_is3DArrowLine_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.is3DArrowLine; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_sideColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.sideColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_userInteractionEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.userInteractionEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_hitTestInset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.hitTestInset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRangeEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showRangeEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRange_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAPathShowRange result = ref.showRange; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAPathShowRange)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAShape::get_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAShape::get_subtitle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.subtitle; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_reuseIdentifier_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.reuseIdentifier; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_zIndex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.zIndex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_annotation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + id result = ref.annotation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_image_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImage* result = ref.image; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_imageView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImageView* result = ref.imageView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_customCalloutView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACustomCalloutView* result = ref.customCalloutView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_centerOffset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.centerOffset; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_calloutOffset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.calloutOffset; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.enabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isHighlighted_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.highlighted; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isSelected_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.selected; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_canShowCallout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.canShowCallout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_leftCalloutAccessoryView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIView* result = ref.leftCalloutAccessoryView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_rightCalloutAccessoryView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIView* result = ref.rightCalloutAccessoryView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_isDraggable_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.draggable; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_dragState_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAAnnotationViewDragState result = ref.dragState; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::get_canAdjustPositon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.canAdjustPositon; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_tileSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.tileSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_minimumZ_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.minimumZ; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_maximumZ_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.maximumZ; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_URLTemplate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.URLTemplate; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_canReplaceMapContent_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.canReplaceMapContent; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::get_disableOffScreenTileLoading_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.disableOffScreenTileLoading; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_x_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.x; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_y_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.y; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_contentScaleFactor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.contentScaleFactor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_index_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.index; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::get_requestId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.requestId; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomCalloutView::get_customView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIView* result = ref.customView; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomCalloutView::get_userData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSObject* result = ref.userData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItemCommonCity::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineItemCommonCity* ref = (MAOfflineItemCommonCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAOfflineItem* result = ref.province; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_provinces_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.provinces; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_municipalities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.municipalities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_nationWide_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAOfflineItemNationWide* result = ref.nationWide; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_cities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOfflineMap::get_version_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOfflineMap* ref = (MAOfflineMap*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.version; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACircleRenderer::get_circle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACircleRenderer* ref = (MACircleRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACircle* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayRenderer::get_particleOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAParticleOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAParticleOverlay* result = ref.particleOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::get_northEast_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.northEast; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::get_southWest_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.southWest; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::get_latitudeDelta_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.latitudeDelta; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::get_longitudeDelta_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.longitudeDelta; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::get_span_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + MACoordinateSpan result = ref.span; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateSpan)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::get_x_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + double result = ref.x; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::get_y_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + double result = ref.y; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::get_width_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + double result = ref.width; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::get_height_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + double result = ref.height; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::get_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + MAMapPoint result = ref.origin; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::get_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) dataValue == [NSNull null] || dataValue == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } else { + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + } + + MAMapSize result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_visibile_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.visibile; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSTimeInterval result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_loop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.loop; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_maxParticles_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.maxParticles; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImage* result = ref.icon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_startParticleSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.startParticleSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleLifeTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSTimeInterval result = ref.particleLifeTime; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + id result = ref.particleStartColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartSpeed_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + id result = ref.particleStartSpeed; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleEmissionModule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* result = ref.particleEmissionModule; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleShapeModule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + id result = ref.particleShapeModule; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleOverLifeModule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* result = ref.particleOverLifeModule; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_url_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.url; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_key_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.key; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_Id_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.Id; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_visible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.visible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlay::get_option_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMVTTileOverlay* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* result = ref.option; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_overlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + id result = ref.overlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeImage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImage* result = ref.strokeImage; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18af714 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler4) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler4; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41a4135 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m @@ -0,0 +1,4818 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler4.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler4) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler4 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeTextureID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + GLuint result = ref.strokeTextureID; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_alpha_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.alpha; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::get_contentScale_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.contentScale; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocation::get_isUpdating_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocation* ref = (MAUserLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.updating; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocation::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocation* ref = (MAUserLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocation* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocation::get_heading_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocation* ref = (MAUserLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLHeading* result = ref.heading; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_weight_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + float result = ref.weight; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorItem* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMapPoint result =; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_intensity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorItem* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + float result = ref.intensity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_nodeIndices_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorItem* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.nodeIndices; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_visible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.visible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_inputNodes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.inputNodes; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDistance result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_gap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_colors_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.colors; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_startPoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.startPoints; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_opacity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.opacity; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::get_option_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* result = ref.option; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.customID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::get_subtitle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.subtitle; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlay::get_items_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMultiPointOverlay* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.items; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_height_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.height; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_heightScale_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.heightScale; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_topColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.topColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_sideColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.sideColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_visibile_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.visibile; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_defaultOption_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* result = ref.defaultOption; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_customOptions_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlay* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.customOptions; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::get_latitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.latitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::get_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_loc_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.loc; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_angle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + double result = ref.angle; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_speed_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + double result = ref.speed; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::get_time_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + double result = ref.time; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAArc::get_startCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.startCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAArc::get_passedCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.passedCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAArc::get_endCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.endCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsAccuracyRing_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsAccuracyRing; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsHeadingIndicator_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsHeadingIndicator; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_fillColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.fillColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_strokeColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.strokeColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_lineWidth_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.lineWidth; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotBgColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.locationDotBgColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotFillColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.locationDotFillColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_enablePulseAnnimation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.enablePulseAnnimation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_image_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIImage* result = ref.image; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::get_boundingMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMapRect result = ref.boundingMapRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_metalEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = [MAMapView metalEnabled]; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_terrainEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = [MAMapView terrainEnabled]; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_mapType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMapType result = ref.mapType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_centerCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.centerCoordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_region_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACoordinateRegion result = ref.region; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_visibleMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMapRect result = ref.visibleMapRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_limitRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACoordinateRegion result = ref.limitRegion; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_limitMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAMapRect result = ref.limitMapRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_zoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.zoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_minZoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.minZoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_maxZoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.maxZoomLevel; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_rotationDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.rotationDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_cameraDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.cameraDegree; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isZoomEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.zoomEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isScrollEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.scrollEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isRotateEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.rotateEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isRotateCameraEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.rotateCameraEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsBuildings_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsBuildings; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsLabels_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsLabels; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowTraffic_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showTraffic; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_touchPOIEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.touchPOIEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_showsCompass_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsCompass; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_compassOrigin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.compassOrigin; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_compassSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.compassSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_showsScale_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsScale; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_scaleOrigin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.scaleOrigin; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_scaleSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.scaleSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_logoCenter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.logoCenter; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_logoSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.logoSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + double result = ref.metersPerPointForCurrentZoom; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isAbroad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.isAbroad; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_maxRenderFrame_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSUInteger result = ref.maxRenderFrame; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isAllowDecreaseFrame_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.isAllowDecreaseFrame; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_openGLESDisabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.openGLESDisabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_renderringDisabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.renderringDisabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_screenAnchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGPoint result = ref.screenAnchor; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsWorldMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSNumber* result = ref.showsWorldMap; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_mapLanguage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSNumber* result = ref.mapLanguage; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_annotations_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.annotations; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_selectedAnnotations_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.selectedAnnotations; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_annotationVisibleRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGRect result = ref.annotationVisibleRect; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_showsUserLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsUserLocation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_userLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAUserLocation* result = ref.userLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_userLocationAccuracyCircle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACircle* result = ref.userLocationAccuracyCircle; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_userTrackingMode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAUserTrackingMode result = ref.userTrackingMode; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isUserLocationVisible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.userLocationVisible; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_distanceFilter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDistance result = ref.distanceFilter; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_desiredAccuracy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationAccuracy result = ref.desiredAccuracy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_headingFilter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationDegrees result = ref.headingFilter; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_overlays_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.overlays; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsIndoorMap; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMapControl_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showsIndoorMapControl; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_indoorMapControlSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGSize result = ref.indoorMapControlSize; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CGSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAMapView::get_customMapStyleEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.customMapStyleEnabled; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_fillColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.fillColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_strokeColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + UIColor* result = ref.strokeColor; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineWidth_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.lineWidth; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineJoinType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MALineJoinType result = ref.lineJoinType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineCapType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MALineCapType result = ref.lineCapType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_miterLimit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.miterLimit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineDashType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MALineDashType result = ref.lineDashType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlayRenderer::get_groundOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAGroundOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MAGroundOverlay* result = ref.groundOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::get_customBuildingOverlay_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + MACustomBuildingOverlay* result = ref.customBuildingOverlay; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::set_alpha": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAGroundOverlay::set_alpha"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat alpha = [args[@"alpha"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.alpha = alpha; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::set_pinColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPinAnnotationView::set_pinColor"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAPinAnnotationColor pinColor = (MAPinAnnotationColor) [args[@"pinColor"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pinColor = pinColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::set_animatesDrop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPinAnnotationView::set_animatesDrop"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL animatesDrop = [args[@"animatesDrop"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.animatesDrop = animatesDrop; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapNode::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::set_intensity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapNode::set_intensity"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float intensity = [args[@"intensity"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.intensity = intensity; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_data": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_data"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* data = (NSArray*) args[@"data"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = data; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_radius"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_opacity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_opacity"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat opacity = [args[@"opacity"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.opacity = opacity; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_gradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_gradient"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapGradient* gradient = (MAHeatMapGradient*) (args[@"gradient"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"gradient"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.gradient = gradient; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_allowRetinaAdapting": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_allowRetinaAdapting"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowRetinaAdapting = [args[@"allowRetinaAdapting"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowRetinaAdapting = allowRetinaAdapting; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_centerCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::set_centerCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate; + if (centerCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerCoordinateValue getValue:¢erCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.centerCoordinate = centerCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_zoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::set_zoomLevel"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_rotationDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::set_rotationDegree"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotationDegree = rotationDegree; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_cameraDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::set_cameraDegree"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cameraDegree = cameraDegree; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_screenAnchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapStatus::set_screenAnchor"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.screenAnchor = screenAnchor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPointAnnotation::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedToScreen": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedToScreen"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL lockedToScreen = [args[@"lockedToScreen"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lockedToScreen = lockedToScreen; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedScreenPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedScreenPoint"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* lockedScreenPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"lockedScreenPoint"]; + CGPoint lockedScreenPoint; + if (lockedScreenPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) lockedScreenPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [lockedScreenPointValue getValue:&lockedScreenPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"lockedScreenPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lockedScreenPoint = lockedScreenPoint; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACircle::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACircle::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACircle::set_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACircle::set_radius"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::set_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotation::set_title"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::set_subtitle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotation::set_subtitle"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtitle = (NSString*) args[@"subtitle"]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtitle = subtitle; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleData"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + NSData* styleData = (NSData*) (args[@"styleData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleData"]); + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleData = styleData; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleDataOverseaPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleDataOverseaPath"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* styleDataOverseaPath = (NSString*) args[@"styleDataOverseaPath"]; + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleDataOverseaPath = styleDataOverseaPath; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* styleId = (NSString*) args[@"styleId"]; + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleId = styleId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleTextureData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleTextureData"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + NSData* styleTextureData = (NSData*) (args[@"styleTextureData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleTextureData"]); + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleTextureData = styleTextureData; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleExtraData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleExtraData"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + NSData* styleExtraData = (NSData*) (args[@"styleExtraData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleExtraData"]); + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleExtraData = styleExtraData; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_strokeColors": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_strokeColors"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* strokeColors = (NSArray*) args[@"strokeColors"]; + + // ref + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeColors = strokeColors; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_gradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_gradient"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL gradient = [args[@"gradient"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.gradient = gradient; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::set_movingDirection": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnimatedAnnotation::set_movingDirection"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDirection movingDirection = [args[@"movingDirection"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.movingDirection = movingDirection; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::set_strokeTextureImages": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::set_strokeTextureImages"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* strokeTextureImages = (NSArray*) args[@"strokeTextureImages"]; + + // ref + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeTextureImages = strokeTextureImages; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_inputNodes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_inputNodes"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inputNodes = (NSArray*) args[@"inputNodes"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.inputNodes = inputNodes; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_color": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_color"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* color = (UIColor*) (args[@"color"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"color"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.color = color; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_type"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAHeatMapType type = (MAHeatMapType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_visible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_visible"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visible = [args[@"visible"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visible = visible; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_inputGrids": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_inputGrids"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inputGrids = (NSArray*) args[@"inputGrids"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.inputGrids = inputGrids; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_minZoom": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_minZoom"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat minZoom = [args[@"minZoom"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.minZoom = minZoom; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_maxZoom": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_maxZoom"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat maxZoom = [args[@"maxZoom"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxZoom = maxZoom; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::set_option": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::set_option"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.option = option; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::set_begin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPathShowRange::set_begin"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float begin = [args[@"begin"] floatValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.begin = begin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::set_end": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPathShowRange::set_end"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float end = [args[@"end"] floatValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.end = end; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPolyline::set_drawStyleIndexes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPolyline::set_drawStyleIndexes"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* drawStyleIndexes = (NSArray*) args[@"drawStyleIndexes"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPolyline* ref = (MAMultiPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.drawStyleIndexes = drawStyleIndexes; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceManager::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceManager::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + MATraceManager* ref = (MATraceManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_icon"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.icon = icon; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_pointSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_pointSize"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"pointSize"]; + CGSize pointSize; + if (pointSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointSizeValue getValue:&pointSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"pointSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pointSize = pointSize; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_anchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_anchor"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* anchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"anchor"]; + CGPoint anchor; + if (anchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) anchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [anchorValue getValue:&anchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"anchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.anchor = anchor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_is3DArrowLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::set_is3DArrowLine"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL is3DArrowLine = [args[@"is3DArrowLine"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.is3DArrowLine = is3DArrowLine; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_sideColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::set_sideColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* sideColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"sideColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"sideColor"]); + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sideColor = sideColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_userInteractionEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::set_userInteractionEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL userInteractionEnabled = [args[@"userInteractionEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userInteractionEnabled = userInteractionEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_hitTestInset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::set_hitTestInset"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat hitTestInset = [args[@"hitTestInset"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.hitTestInset = hitTestInset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRangeEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRangeEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showRangeEnabled = [args[@"showRangeEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showRangeEnabled = showRangeEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRange": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRange"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* showRangeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"showRange"]; + MAPathShowRange showRange; + if (showRangeValue != nil && (NSNull*) showRangeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [showRangeValue getValue:&showRange]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"showRange不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showRange = showRange; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAShape::set_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAShape::set_title"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAShape::set_subtitle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAShape::set_subtitle"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtitle = (NSString*) args[@"subtitle"]; + + // ref + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtitle = subtitle; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_zIndex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_zIndex"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger zIndex = [args[@"zIndex"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zIndex = zIndex; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_annotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_annotation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.annotation = annotation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_image": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_image"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* image = (UIImage*) (args[@"image"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"image"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.image = image; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_customCalloutView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_customCalloutView"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomCalloutView* customCalloutView = (MACustomCalloutView*) (args[@"customCalloutView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"customCalloutView"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customCalloutView = customCalloutView; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_centerOffset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_centerOffset"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerOffsetValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerOffset"]; + CGPoint centerOffset; + if (centerOffsetValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerOffsetValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerOffsetValue getValue:¢erOffset]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerOffset不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.centerOffset = centerOffset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_calloutOffset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_calloutOffset"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* calloutOffsetValue = (NSValue*) args[@"calloutOffset"]; + CGPoint calloutOffset; + if (calloutOffsetValue != nil && (NSNull*) calloutOffsetValue != [NSNull null]) { + [calloutOffsetValue getValue:&calloutOffset]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"calloutOffset不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.calloutOffset = calloutOffset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_enabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_enabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL enabled = [args[@"enabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enabled = enabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_highlighted": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_highlighted"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL highlighted = [args[@"highlighted"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.highlighted = highlighted; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_selected": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_selected"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL selected = [args[@"selected"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.selected = selected; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_canShowCallout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_canShowCallout"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL canShowCallout = [args[@"canShowCallout"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.canShowCallout = canShowCallout; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_leftCalloutAccessoryView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_leftCalloutAccessoryView"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIView* leftCalloutAccessoryView = (UIView*) (args[@"leftCalloutAccessoryView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"leftCalloutAccessoryView"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.leftCalloutAccessoryView = leftCalloutAccessoryView; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_rightCalloutAccessoryView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_rightCalloutAccessoryView"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIView* rightCalloutAccessoryView = (UIView*) (args[@"rightCalloutAccessoryView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"rightCalloutAccessoryView"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rightCalloutAccessoryView = rightCalloutAccessoryView; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_draggable": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_draggable"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL draggable = [args[@"draggable"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.draggable = draggable; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_dragState": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_dragState"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAAnnotationViewDragState dragState = (MAAnnotationViewDragState) [args[@"dragState"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dragState = dragState; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_canAdjustPositon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAAnnotationView::set_canAdjustPositon"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL canAdjustPositon = [args[@"canAdjustPositon"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.canAdjustPositon = canAdjustPositon; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_tileSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::set_tileSize"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* tileSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"tileSize"]; + CGSize tileSize; + if (tileSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) tileSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [tileSizeValue getValue:&tileSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"tileSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tileSize = tileSize; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_minimumZ": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::set_minimumZ"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger minimumZ = [args[@"minimumZ"] longValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.minimumZ = minimumZ; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_maximumZ": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::set_maximumZ"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger maximumZ = [args[@"maximumZ"] longValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maximumZ = maximumZ; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_canReplaceMapContent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::set_canReplaceMapContent"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL canReplaceMapContent = [args[@"canReplaceMapContent"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.canReplaceMapContent = canReplaceMapContent; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_disableOffScreenTileLoading": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlay::set_disableOffScreenTileLoading"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL disableOffScreenTileLoading = [args[@"disableOffScreenTileLoading"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.disableOffScreenTileLoading = disableOffScreenTileLoading; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_x": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::set_x"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger x = [args[@"x"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.x = x; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_y": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::set_y"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger y = [args[@"y"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.y = y; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_contentScaleFactor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::set_contentScaleFactor"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat contentScaleFactor = [args[@"contentScaleFactor"] floatValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.contentScaleFactor = contentScaleFactor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_index": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::set_index"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger index = [args[@"index"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.index = index; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_requestId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATileOverlayPath::set_requestId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger requestId = [args[@"requestId"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.requestId = requestId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96f2321 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler5) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler5; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f962662 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m @@ -0,0 +1,4651 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler5.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler5) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler5 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MACustomCalloutView::set_userData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomCalloutView::set_userData"); + } + + // args + // id arg + id userData; + // jsonable + if ([args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] + || [args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] + || [args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] + || [args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { + userData = args[@"userData"]; + } + // non jsonable + else { + userData = args[@"userData"]; + } + + // ref + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userData = userData; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItemCommonCity::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOfflineItemCommonCity::set_province"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* province = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"province"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"province"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineItemCommonCity* ref = (MAOfflineItemCommonCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::set_northEast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateBounds::set_northEast"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* northEastValue = (NSValue*) args[@"northEast"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D northEast; + if (northEastValue != nil && (NSNull*) northEastValue != [NSNull null]) { + [northEastValue getValue:&northEast]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"northEast不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.northEast = northEast; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::set_southWest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateBounds::set_southWest"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* southWestValue = (NSValue*) args[@"southWest"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D southWest; + if (southWestValue != nil && (NSNull*) southWestValue != [NSNull null]) { + [southWestValue getValue:&southWest]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"southWest不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.southWest = southWest; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::set_latitudeDelta": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateSpan::set_latitudeDelta"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitudeDelta = [args[@"latitudeDelta"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.latitudeDelta = latitudeDelta; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::set_longitudeDelta": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateSpan::set_longitudeDelta"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees longitudeDelta = [args[@"longitudeDelta"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.longitudeDelta = longitudeDelta; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::set_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateRegion::set_center"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + = center; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::set_span": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACoordinateRegion::set_span"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* spanValue = (NSValue*) args[@"span"]; + MACoordinateSpan span; + if (spanValue != nil && (NSNull*) spanValue != [NSNull null]) { + [spanValue getValue:&span]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"span不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.span = span; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::set_x": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapPoint::set_x"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double x = [args[@"x"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.x = x; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::set_y": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapPoint::set_y"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double y = [args[@"y"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.y = y; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::set_width": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapSize::set_width"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double width = [args[@"width"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.width = width; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::set_height": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapSize::set_height"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double height = [args[@"height"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.height = height; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::set_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapRect::set_origin"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* originValue = (NSValue*) args[@"origin"]; + MAMapPoint origin; + if (originValue != nil && (NSNull*) originValue != [NSNull null]) { + [originValue getValue:&origin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"origin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.origin = origin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::set_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapRect::set_size"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* sizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"size"]; + MAMapSize size; + if (sizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) sizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [sizeValue getValue:&size]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.size = size; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_visibile": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_visibile"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visibile = [args[@"visibile"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visibile = visibile; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_loop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_loop"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL loop = [args[@"loop"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.loop = loop; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_maxParticles": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_maxParticles"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger maxParticles = [args[@"maxParticles"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxParticles = maxParticles; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_icon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_icon"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.icon = icon; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_startParticleSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_startParticleSize"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* startParticleSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"startParticleSize"]; + CGSize startParticleSize; + if (startParticleSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) startParticleSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [startParticleSizeValue getValue:&startParticleSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"startParticleSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startParticleSize = startParticleSize; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleLifeTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleLifeTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval particleLifeTime = [args[@"particleLifeTime"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleLifeTime = particleLifeTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id particleStartColor = (id) (args[@"particleStartColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleStartColor"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleStartColor = particleStartColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartSpeed": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartSpeed"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id particleStartSpeed = (id) (args[@"particleStartSpeed"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleStartSpeed"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleStartSpeed = particleStartSpeed; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleEmissionModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleEmissionModule"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* particleEmissionModule = (MAParticleEmissionModuleOC*) (args[@"particleEmissionModule"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleEmissionModule"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleEmissionModule = particleEmissionModule; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleShapeModule"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id particleShapeModule = (id) (args[@"particleShapeModule"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleShapeModule"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleShapeModule = particleShapeModule; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleOverLifeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleOverLifeModule"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* particleOverLifeModule = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) (args[@"particleOverLifeModule"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleOverLifeModule"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleOverLifeModule = particleOverLifeModule; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_url": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_url"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* url = (NSString*) args[@"url"]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.url = url; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_key": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_key"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* key = (NSString*) args[@"key"]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.key = key; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_Id": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_Id"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* Id = (NSString*) args[@"Id"]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.Id = Id; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_visible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_visible"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visible = [args[@"visible"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visible = visible; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::set_strokeImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::set_strokeImage"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* strokeImage = (UIImage*) (args[@"strokeImage"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"strokeImage"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeImage = strokeImage; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::set_alpha": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayRenderer::set_alpha"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat alpha = [args[@"alpha"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.alpha = alpha; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_weight": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_weight"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float weight = [args[@"weight"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.weight = weight; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_type"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAHeatMapType type = (MAHeatMapType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_visible": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_visible"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visible = [args[@"visible"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visible = visible; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_inputNodes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_inputNodes"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inputNodes = (NSArray*) args[@"inputNodes"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.inputNodes = inputNodes; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_size"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance size = [args[@"size"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.size = size; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_gap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_gap"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat gap = [args[@"gap"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = gap; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_colors": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_colors"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* colors = (NSArray*) args[@"colors"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.colors = colors; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_startPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_startPoints"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* startPoints = (NSArray*) args[@"startPoints"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startPoints = startPoints; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_opacity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_opacity"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat opacity = [args[@"opacity"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.opacity = opacity; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::set_option": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::set_option"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.option = option; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_customID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::set_customID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customID = customID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::set_title"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_subtitle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMultiPointItem::set_subtitle"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtitle = (NSString*) args[@"subtitle"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtitle = subtitle; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_height": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_height"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat height = [args[@"height"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.height = height; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_heightScale": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_heightScale"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat heightScale = [args[@"heightScale"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.heightScale = heightScale; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_topColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_topColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* topColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"topColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"topColor"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.topColor = topColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_sideColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_sideColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* sideColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"sideColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"sideColor"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sideColor = sideColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_visibile": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_visibile"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visibile = [args[@"visibile"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visibile = visibile; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::set_latitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATracePoint::set_latitude"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitude = [args[@"latitude"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.latitude = latitude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::set_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATracePoint::set_longitude"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees longitude = [args[@"longitude"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.longitude = longitude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_loc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::set_loc"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* locValue = (NSValue*) args[@"loc"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D loc; + if (locValue != nil && (NSNull*) locValue != [NSNull null]) { + [locValue getValue:&loc]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"loc不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.loc = loc; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_angle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::set_angle"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double angle = [args[@"angle"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.angle = angle; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_speed": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::set_speed"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double speed = [args[@"speed"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.speed = speed; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_time": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MATraceLocation::set_time"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double time = [args[@"time"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.time = time; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAArc::set_startCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArc::set_startCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* startCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"startCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D startCoordinate; + if (startCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) startCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [startCoordinateValue getValue:&startCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"startCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startCoordinate = startCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAArc::set_passedCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArc::set_passedCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* passedCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"passedCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D passedCoordinate; + if (passedCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) passedCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [passedCoordinateValue getValue:&passedCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"passedCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.passedCoordinate = passedCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAArc::set_endCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAArc::set_endCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* endCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"endCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D endCoordinate; + if (endCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) endCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [endCoordinateValue getValue:&endCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"endCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.endCoordinate = endCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsAccuracyRing": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsAccuracyRing"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsAccuracyRing = [args[@"showsAccuracyRing"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsAccuracyRing = showsAccuracyRing; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsHeadingIndicator": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsHeadingIndicator"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsHeadingIndicator = [args[@"showsHeadingIndicator"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsHeadingIndicator = showsHeadingIndicator; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_fillColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_fillColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* fillColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"fillColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"fillColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.fillColor = fillColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_strokeColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_strokeColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* strokeColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"strokeColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"strokeColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeColor = strokeColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_lineWidth": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_lineWidth"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lineWidth = [args[@"lineWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineWidth = lineWidth; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotBgColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotBgColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* locationDotBgColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"locationDotBgColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"locationDotBgColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationDotBgColor = locationDotBgColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotFillColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotFillColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* locationDotFillColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"locationDotFillColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"locationDotFillColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationDotFillColor = locationDotFillColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_enablePulseAnnimation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_enablePulseAnnimation"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL enablePulseAnnimation = [args[@"enablePulseAnnimation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enablePulseAnnimation = enablePulseAnnimation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_image": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_image"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* image = (UIImage*) (args[@"image"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"image"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.image = image; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MABaseOverlay::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::set_boundingMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MABaseOverlay::set_boundingMapRect"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* boundingMapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"boundingMapRect"]; + MAMapRect boundingMapRect; + if (boundingMapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) boundingMapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [boundingMapRectValue getValue:&boundingMapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"boundingMapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.boundingMapRect = boundingMapRect; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_mapType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_mapType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAMapType mapType = (MAMapType) [args[@"mapType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.mapType = mapType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_centerCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_centerCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate; + if (centerCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerCoordinateValue getValue:¢erCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.centerCoordinate = centerCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_region": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_region"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.region = region; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_visibleMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_visibleMapRect"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* visibleMapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"visibleMapRect"]; + MAMapRect visibleMapRect; + if (visibleMapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) visibleMapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [visibleMapRectValue getValue:&visibleMapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"visibleMapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visibleMapRect = visibleMapRect; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_limitRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_limitRegion"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* limitRegionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"limitRegion"]; + MACoordinateRegion limitRegion; + if (limitRegionValue != nil && (NSNull*) limitRegionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [limitRegionValue getValue:&limitRegion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"limitRegion不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.limitRegion = limitRegion; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_limitMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_limitMapRect"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* limitMapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"limitMapRect"]; + MAMapRect limitMapRect; + if (limitMapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) limitMapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [limitMapRectValue getValue:&limitMapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"limitMapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.limitMapRect = limitMapRect; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_zoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_zoomLevel"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_minZoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_minZoomLevel"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat minZoomLevel = [args[@"minZoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.minZoomLevel = minZoomLevel; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_maxZoomLevel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_maxZoomLevel"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat maxZoomLevel = [args[@"maxZoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxZoomLevel = maxZoomLevel; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_rotationDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_rotationDegree"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotationDegree = rotationDegree; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_cameraDegree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_cameraDegree"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cameraDegree = cameraDegree; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint = [args[@"zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint = zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_zoomEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_zoomEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL zoomEnabled = [args[@"zoomEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomEnabled = zoomEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_scrollEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_scrollEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL scrollEnabled = [args[@"scrollEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.scrollEnabled = scrollEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_rotateEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_rotateEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL rotateEnabled = [args[@"rotateEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotateEnabled = rotateEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_rotateCameraEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_rotateCameraEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL rotateCameraEnabled = [args[@"rotateCameraEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotateCameraEnabled = rotateCameraEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsBuildings": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsBuildings"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsBuildings = [args[@"showsBuildings"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsBuildings = showsBuildings; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsLabels": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsLabels"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsLabels = [args[@"showsLabels"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsLabels = showsLabels; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showTraffic": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showTraffic"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showTraffic = [args[@"showTraffic"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showTraffic = showTraffic; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_touchPOIEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_touchPOIEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL touchPOIEnabled = [args[@"touchPOIEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.touchPOIEnabled = touchPOIEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsCompass": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsCompass"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsCompass = [args[@"showsCompass"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsCompass = showsCompass; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_compassOrigin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_compassOrigin"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* compassOriginValue = (NSValue*) args[@"compassOrigin"]; + CGPoint compassOrigin; + if (compassOriginValue != nil && (NSNull*) compassOriginValue != [NSNull null]) { + [compassOriginValue getValue:&compassOrigin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"compassOrigin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.compassOrigin = compassOrigin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsScale": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsScale"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsScale = [args[@"showsScale"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsScale = showsScale; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_scaleOrigin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_scaleOrigin"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* scaleOriginValue = (NSValue*) args[@"scaleOrigin"]; + CGPoint scaleOrigin; + if (scaleOriginValue != nil && (NSNull*) scaleOriginValue != [NSNull null]) { + [scaleOriginValue getValue:&scaleOrigin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"scaleOrigin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.scaleOrigin = scaleOrigin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_logoCenter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_logoCenter"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* logoCenterValue = (NSValue*) args[@"logoCenter"]; + CGPoint logoCenter; + if (logoCenterValue != nil && (NSNull*) logoCenterValue != [NSNull null]) { + [logoCenterValue getValue:&logoCenter]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"logoCenter不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.logoCenter = logoCenter; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_maxRenderFrame": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_maxRenderFrame"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger maxRenderFrame = [args[@"maxRenderFrame"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxRenderFrame = maxRenderFrame; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_isAllowDecreaseFrame": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_isAllowDecreaseFrame"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL isAllowDecreaseFrame = [args[@"isAllowDecreaseFrame"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.isAllowDecreaseFrame = isAllowDecreaseFrame; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_openGLESDisabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_openGLESDisabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL openGLESDisabled = [args[@"openGLESDisabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.openGLESDisabled = openGLESDisabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_renderringDisabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_renderringDisabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL renderringDisabled = [args[@"renderringDisabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.renderringDisabled = renderringDisabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_screenAnchor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_screenAnchor"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.screenAnchor = screenAnchor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsWorldMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsWorldMap"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSNumber* showsWorldMap = (NSNumber*) args[@"showsWorldMap"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsWorldMap = showsWorldMap; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_mapLanguage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_mapLanguage"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSNumber* mapLanguage = (NSNumber*) args[@"mapLanguage"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.mapLanguage = mapLanguage; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_selectedAnnotations": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_selectedAnnotations"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* selectedAnnotations = (NSArray*) args[@"selectedAnnotations"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.selectedAnnotations = selectedAnnotations; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsUserLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsUserLocation"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsUserLocation = [args[@"showsUserLocation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsUserLocation = showsUserLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation = [args[@"customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation = customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_userTrackingMode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_userTrackingMode"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MAUserTrackingMode userTrackingMode = (MAUserTrackingMode) [args[@"userTrackingMode"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userTrackingMode = userTrackingMode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_distanceFilter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_distanceFilter"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance distanceFilter = [args[@"distanceFilter"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distanceFilter = distanceFilter; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_desiredAccuracy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_desiredAccuracy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = [args[@"desiredAccuracy"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.desiredAccuracy = desiredAccuracy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_headingFilter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_headingFilter"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees headingFilter = [args[@"headingFilter"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.headingFilter = headingFilter; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = [args[@"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = [args[@"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMap"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsIndoorMap = [args[@"showsIndoorMap"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsIndoorMap = showsIndoorMap; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMapControl": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMapControl"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsIndoorMapControl = [args[@"showsIndoorMapControl"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsIndoorMapControl = showsIndoorMapControl; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_customMapStyleEnabled": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAMapView::set_customMapStyleEnabled"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL customMapStyleEnabled = [args[@"customMapStyleEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customMapStyleEnabled = customMapStyleEnabled; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_fillColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_fillColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* fillColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"fillColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"fillColor"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.fillColor = fillColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_strokeColor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_strokeColor"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* strokeColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"strokeColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"strokeColor"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeColor = strokeColor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineWidth": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineWidth"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lineWidth = [args[@"lineWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineWidth = lineWidth; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineJoinType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineJoinType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MALineJoinType lineJoinType = (MALineJoinType) [args[@"lineJoinType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineJoinType = lineJoinType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineCapType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineCapType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MALineCapType lineCapType = (MALineCapType) [args[@"lineCapType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineCapType = lineCapType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_miterLimit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_miterLimit"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat miterLimit = [args[@"miterLimit"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.miterLimit = miterLimit; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineDashType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineDashType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + MALineDashType lineDashType = (MALineDashType) [args[@"lineDashType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineDashType = lineDashType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAGroundOverlay::set_alpha_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat alpha = [args[@"alpha"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAGroundOverlay* ref = (MAGroundOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.alpha = alpha;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::set_pinColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAPinAnnotationColor pinColor = (MAPinAnnotationColor) [args[@"pinColor"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pinColor = pinColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPinAnnotationView::set_animatesDrop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL animatesDrop = [args[@"animatesDrop"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPinAnnotationView* ref = (MAPinAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.animatesDrop = animatesDrop;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapNode::set_intensity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float intensity = [args[@"intensity"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapNode* ref = (MAHeatMapNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.intensity = intensity;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_data_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* data = (NSArray*) args[@"data"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = data;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_opacity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat opacity = [args[@"opacity"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.opacity = opacity;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_gradient_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapGradient* gradient = (MAHeatMapGradient*) (args[@"gradient"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"gradient"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.gradient = gradient;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_allowRetinaAdapting_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowRetinaAdapting = [args[@"allowRetinaAdapting"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapTileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowRetinaAdapting = allowRetinaAdapting;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_centerCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate; + if (centerCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerCoordinateValue getValue:¢erCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.centerCoordinate = centerCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_zoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomLevel = zoomLevel;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_rotationDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotationDegree = rotationDegree;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_cameraDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cameraDegree = cameraDegree;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapStatus::set_screenAnchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapStatus* ref = (MAMapStatus*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.screenAnchor = screenAnchor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedToScreen_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL lockedToScreen = [args[@"lockedToScreen"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lockedToScreen = lockedToScreen;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedScreenPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* lockedScreenPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"lockedScreenPoint"]; + CGPoint lockedScreenPoint; + if (lockedScreenPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) lockedScreenPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [lockedScreenPointValue getValue:&lockedScreenPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"lockedScreenPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAPointAnnotation* ref = (MAPointAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lockedScreenPoint = lockedScreenPoint;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACircle::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACircle::set_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MACircle* ref = (MACircle*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::set_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotation::set_subtitle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtitle = (NSString*) args[@"subtitle"]; + + // ref + id ref = (id) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtitle = subtitle;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + NSData* styleData = (NSData*) (args[@"styleData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleData"]); + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleData = styleData;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleDataOverseaPath_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* styleDataOverseaPath = (NSString*) args[@"styleDataOverseaPath"]; + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleDataOverseaPath = styleDataOverseaPath;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* styleId = (NSString*) args[@"styleId"]; + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleId = styleId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleTextureData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + NSData* styleTextureData = (NSData*) (args[@"styleTextureData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleTextureData"]); + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleTextureData = styleTextureData;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleExtraData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + NSData* styleExtraData = (NSData*) (args[@"styleExtraData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"styleExtraData"]); + + // ref + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* ref = (MAMapCustomStyleOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.styleExtraData = styleExtraData;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_strokeColors_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* strokeColors = (NSArray*) args[@"strokeColors"]; + + // ref + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeColors = strokeColors;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_gradient_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL gradient = [args[@"gradient"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.gradient = gradient;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnimatedAnnotation::set_movingDirection_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDirection movingDirection = [args[@"movingDirection"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAAnimatedAnnotation* ref = (MAAnimatedAnnotation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.movingDirection = movingDirection;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::set_strokeTextureImages_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* strokeTextureImages = (NSArray*) args[@"strokeTextureImages"]; + + // ref + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* ref = (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeTextureImages = strokeTextureImages;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_inputNodes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inputNodes = (NSArray*) args[@"inputNodes"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.inputNodes = inputNodes;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_color_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* color = (UIColor*) (args[@"color"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"color"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGrid*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.color = color;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAHeatMapType type = (MAHeatMapType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_visible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visible = [args[@"visible"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visible = visible;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_inputGrids_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inputGrids = (NSArray*) args[@"inputGrids"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.inputGrids = inputGrids;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_minZoom_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat minZoom = [args[@"minZoom"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.minZoom = minZoom;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_maxZoom_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat maxZoom = [args[@"maxZoom"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxZoom = maxZoom;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::set_option_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.option = option;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::set_begin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float begin = [args[@"begin"] floatValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.begin = begin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPathShowRange::set_end_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float end = [args[@"end"] floatValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAPathShowRange ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.end = end;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPolyline::set_drawStyleIndexes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* drawStyleIndexes = (NSArray*) args[@"drawStyleIndexes"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPolyline* ref = (MAMultiPolyline*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.drawStyleIndexes = drawStyleIndexes;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.icon = icon;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_pointSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"pointSize"]; + CGSize pointSize; + if (pointSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointSizeValue getValue:&pointSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"pointSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pointSize = pointSize;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_anchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* anchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"anchor"]; + CGPoint anchor; + if (anchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) anchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [anchorValue getValue:&anchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"anchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.anchor = anchor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_is3DArrowLine_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL is3DArrowLine = [args[@"is3DArrowLine"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.is3DArrowLine = is3DArrowLine;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_sideColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* sideColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"sideColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"sideColor"]); + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sideColor = sideColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_userInteractionEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL userInteractionEnabled = [args[@"userInteractionEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userInteractionEnabled = userInteractionEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_hitTestInset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat hitTestInset = [args[@"hitTestInset"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.hitTestInset = hitTestInset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRangeEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showRangeEnabled = [args[@"showRangeEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showRangeEnabled = showRangeEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRange_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* showRangeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"showRange"]; + MAPathShowRange showRange; + if (showRangeValue != nil && (NSNull*) showRangeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [showRangeValue getValue:&showRange]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"showRange不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAPolylineRenderer* ref = (MAPolylineRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showRange = showRange;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAShape::set_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAShape::set_subtitle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtitle = (NSString*) args[@"subtitle"]; + + // ref + MAShape* ref = (MAShape*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtitle = subtitle;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_zIndex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger zIndex = [args[@"zIndex"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zIndex = zIndex;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_annotation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id annotation = (id) (args[@"annotation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"annotation"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.annotation = annotation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_image_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* image = (UIImage*) (args[@"image"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"image"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.image = image;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_customCalloutView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MACustomCalloutView* customCalloutView = (MACustomCalloutView*) (args[@"customCalloutView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"customCalloutView"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customCalloutView = customCalloutView;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_centerOffset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerOffsetValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerOffset"]; + CGPoint centerOffset; + if (centerOffsetValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerOffsetValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerOffsetValue getValue:¢erOffset]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerOffset不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.centerOffset = centerOffset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_calloutOffset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* calloutOffsetValue = (NSValue*) args[@"calloutOffset"]; + CGPoint calloutOffset; + if (calloutOffsetValue != nil && (NSNull*) calloutOffsetValue != [NSNull null]) { + [calloutOffsetValue getValue:&calloutOffset]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"calloutOffset不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.calloutOffset = calloutOffset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_enabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL enabled = [args[@"enabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enabled = enabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_highlighted_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL highlighted = [args[@"highlighted"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.highlighted = highlighted;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_selected_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL selected = [args[@"selected"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.selected = selected;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_canShowCallout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL canShowCallout = [args[@"canShowCallout"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.canShowCallout = canShowCallout;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_leftCalloutAccessoryView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIView* leftCalloutAccessoryView = (UIView*) (args[@"leftCalloutAccessoryView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"leftCalloutAccessoryView"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.leftCalloutAccessoryView = leftCalloutAccessoryView;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_rightCalloutAccessoryView_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIView* rightCalloutAccessoryView = (UIView*) (args[@"rightCalloutAccessoryView"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"rightCalloutAccessoryView"]); + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rightCalloutAccessoryView = rightCalloutAccessoryView;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_draggable_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL draggable = [args[@"draggable"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.draggable = draggable;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_dragState_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAAnnotationViewDragState dragState = (MAAnnotationViewDragState) [args[@"dragState"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dragState = dragState;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAAnnotationView::set_canAdjustPositon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL canAdjustPositon = [args[@"canAdjustPositon"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAAnnotationView* ref = (MAAnnotationView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.canAdjustPositon = canAdjustPositon;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_tileSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* tileSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"tileSize"]; + CGSize tileSize; + if (tileSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) tileSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [tileSizeValue getValue:&tileSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"tileSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tileSize = tileSize;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_minimumZ_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger minimumZ = [args[@"minimumZ"] longValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.minimumZ = minimumZ;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_maximumZ_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger maximumZ = [args[@"maximumZ"] longValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maximumZ = maximumZ;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_canReplaceMapContent_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL canReplaceMapContent = [args[@"canReplaceMapContent"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.canReplaceMapContent = canReplaceMapContent;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlay::set_disableOffScreenTileLoading_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL disableOffScreenTileLoading = [args[@"disableOffScreenTileLoading"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MATileOverlay* ref = (MATileOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.disableOffScreenTileLoading = disableOffScreenTileLoading;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_x_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger x = [args[@"x"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.x = x;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_y_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger y = [args[@"y"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.y = y;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..624440d --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler6) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler6; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f508b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m @@ -0,0 +1,3611 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler6.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler6) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler6 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_contentScaleFactor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat contentScaleFactor = [args[@"contentScaleFactor"] floatValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.contentScaleFactor = contentScaleFactor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_index_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger index = [args[@"index"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.index = index;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATileOverlayPath::set_requestId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger requestId = [args[@"requestId"] longValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MATileOverlayPath ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.requestId = requestId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomCalloutView::set_userData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // id arg + id userData; + // jsonable + if ([args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] + || [args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] + || [args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] + || [args[@"userData"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { + userData = args[@"userData"]; + } + // non jsonable + else { + userData = args[@"userData"]; + } + + // ref + MACustomCalloutView* ref = (MACustomCalloutView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userData = userData;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOfflineItemCommonCity::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAOfflineItem* province = (MAOfflineItem*) (args[@"province"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"province"]); + + // ref + MAOfflineItemCommonCity* ref = (MAOfflineItemCommonCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::set_northEast_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* northEastValue = (NSValue*) args[@"northEast"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D northEast; + if (northEastValue != nil && (NSNull*) northEastValue != [NSNull null]) { + [northEastValue getValue:&northEast]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"northEast不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.northEast = northEast;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateBounds::set_southWest_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* southWestValue = (NSValue*) args[@"southWest"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D southWest; + if (southWestValue != nil && (NSNull*) southWestValue != [NSNull null]) { + [southWestValue getValue:&southWest]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"southWest不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateBounds ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.southWest = southWest;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::set_latitudeDelta_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitudeDelta = [args[@"latitudeDelta"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.latitudeDelta = latitudeDelta;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateSpan::set_longitudeDelta_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees longitudeDelta = [args[@"longitudeDelta"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateSpan ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.longitudeDelta = longitudeDelta;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::set_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + = center;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACoordinateRegion::set_span_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* spanValue = (NSValue*) args[@"span"]; + MACoordinateSpan span; + if (spanValue != nil && (NSNull*) spanValue != [NSNull null]) { + [spanValue getValue:&span]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"span不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MACoordinateRegion ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.span = span;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::set_x_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double x = [args[@"x"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.x = x;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapPoint::set_y_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double y = [args[@"y"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapPoint ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.y = y;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::set_width_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double width = [args[@"width"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.width = width;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapSize::set_height_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double height = [args[@"height"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapSize ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.height = height;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::set_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* originValue = (NSValue*) args[@"origin"]; + MAMapPoint origin; + if (originValue != nil && (NSNull*) originValue != [NSNull null]) { + [originValue getValue:&origin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"origin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.origin = origin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapRect::set_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* sizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"size"]; + MAMapSize size; + if (sizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) sizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [sizeValue getValue:&size]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + NSValue* dataValue = (NSValue*) ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + MAMapRect ref; + [dataValue getValue:&ref]; + + ref.size = size;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_visibile_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visibile = [args[@"visibile"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visibile = visibile;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval duration = [args[@"duration"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_loop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL loop = [args[@"loop"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.loop = loop;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_maxParticles_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger maxParticles = [args[@"maxParticles"] longValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxParticles = maxParticles;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_icon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* icon = (UIImage*) (args[@"icon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"icon"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.icon = icon;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_startParticleSize_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* startParticleSizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"startParticleSize"]; + CGSize startParticleSize; + if (startParticleSizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) startParticleSizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [startParticleSizeValue getValue:&startParticleSize]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"startParticleSize不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startParticleSize = startParticleSize;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleLifeTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval particleLifeTime = [args[@"particleLifeTime"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleLifeTime = particleLifeTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id particleStartColor = (id) (args[@"particleStartColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleStartColor"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleStartColor = particleStartColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartSpeed_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id particleStartSpeed = (id) (args[@"particleStartSpeed"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleStartSpeed"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleStartSpeed = particleStartSpeed;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleEmissionModule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* particleEmissionModule = (MAParticleEmissionModuleOC*) (args[@"particleEmissionModule"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleEmissionModule"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleEmissionModule = particleEmissionModule;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleShapeModule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + id particleShapeModule = (id) (args[@"particleShapeModule"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleShapeModule"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleShapeModule = particleShapeModule;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleOverLifeModule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* particleOverLifeModule = (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC*) (args[@"particleOverLifeModule"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"particleOverLifeModule"]); + + // ref + MAParticleOverlayOptions* ref = (MAParticleOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.particleOverLifeModule = particleOverLifeModule;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_url_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* url = (NSString*) args[@"url"]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.url = url;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_key_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* key = (NSString*) args[@"key"]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.key = key;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_Id_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* Id = (NSString*) args[@"Id"]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.Id = Id;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_visible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visible = [args[@"visible"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* ref = (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visible = visible;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::set_strokeImage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* strokeImage = (UIImage*) (args[@"strokeImage"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"strokeImage"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeImage = strokeImage;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayRenderer::set_alpha_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat alpha = [args[@"alpha"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.alpha = alpha;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_weight_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float weight = [args[@"weight"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorNode* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorNode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.weight = weight;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAHeatMapType type = (MAHeatMapType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_visible_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visible = [args[@"visible"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visible = visible;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_inputNodes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* inputNodes = (NSArray*) args[@"inputNodes"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.inputNodes = inputNodes;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance size = [args[@"size"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.size = size;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_gap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat gap = [args[@"gap"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = gap;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_colors_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* colors = (NSArray*) args[@"colors"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.colors = colors;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_startPoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* startPoints = (NSArray*) args[@"startPoints"]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startPoints = startPoints;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_opacity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat opacity = [args[@"opacity"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.opacity = opacity;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::set_option_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* option = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions*) (args[@"option"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"option"]); + + // ref + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* ref = (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.option = option;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_customID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* customID = (NSString*) args[@"customID"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customID = customID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMultiPointItem::set_subtitle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtitle = (NSString*) args[@"subtitle"]; + + // ref + MAMultiPointItem* ref = (MAMultiPointItem*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtitle = subtitle;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_height_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat height = [args[@"height"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.height = height;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_heightScale_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat heightScale = [args[@"heightScale"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.heightScale = heightScale;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_topColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* topColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"topColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"topColor"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.topColor = topColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_sideColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* sideColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"sideColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"sideColor"]); + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sideColor = sideColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_visibile_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL visibile = [args[@"visibile"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* ref = (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visibile = visibile;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::set_latitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitude = [args[@"latitude"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.latitude = latitude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATracePoint::set_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees longitude = [args[@"longitude"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATracePoint* ref = (MATracePoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.longitude = longitude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_loc_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* locValue = (NSValue*) args[@"loc"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D loc; + if (locValue != nil && (NSNull*) locValue != [NSNull null]) { + [locValue getValue:&loc]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"loc不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.loc = loc;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_angle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double angle = [args[@"angle"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.angle = angle;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_speed_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double speed = [args[@"speed"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.speed = speed;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MATraceLocation::set_time_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + double time = [args[@"time"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MATraceLocation* ref = (MATraceLocation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.time = time;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAArc::set_startCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* startCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"startCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D startCoordinate; + if (startCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) startCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [startCoordinateValue getValue:&startCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"startCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startCoordinate = startCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAArc::set_passedCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* passedCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"passedCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D passedCoordinate; + if (passedCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) passedCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [passedCoordinateValue getValue:&passedCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"passedCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.passedCoordinate = passedCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAArc::set_endCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* endCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"endCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D endCoordinate; + if (endCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) endCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [endCoordinateValue getValue:&endCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"endCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAArc* ref = (MAArc*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.endCoordinate = endCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsAccuracyRing_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsAccuracyRing = [args[@"showsAccuracyRing"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsAccuracyRing = showsAccuracyRing;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsHeadingIndicator_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsHeadingIndicator = [args[@"showsHeadingIndicator"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsHeadingIndicator = showsHeadingIndicator;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_fillColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* fillColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"fillColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"fillColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.fillColor = fillColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_strokeColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* strokeColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"strokeColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"strokeColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeColor = strokeColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_lineWidth_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lineWidth = [args[@"lineWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineWidth = lineWidth;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotBgColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* locationDotBgColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"locationDotBgColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"locationDotBgColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationDotBgColor = locationDotBgColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotFillColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* locationDotFillColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"locationDotFillColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"locationDotFillColor"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.locationDotFillColor = locationDotFillColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_enablePulseAnnimation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL enablePulseAnnimation = [args[@"enablePulseAnnimation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enablePulseAnnimation = enablePulseAnnimation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_image_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIImage* image = (UIImage*) (args[@"image"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"image"]); + + // ref + MAUserLocationRepresentation* ref = (MAUserLocationRepresentation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.image = image;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MABaseOverlay::set_boundingMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* boundingMapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"boundingMapRect"]; + MAMapRect boundingMapRect; + if (boundingMapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) boundingMapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [boundingMapRectValue getValue:&boundingMapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"boundingMapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MABaseOverlay* ref = (MABaseOverlay*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.boundingMapRect = boundingMapRect;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_mapType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAMapType mapType = (MAMapType) [args[@"mapType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.mapType = mapType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_centerCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate; + if (centerCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerCoordinateValue getValue:¢erCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.centerCoordinate = centerCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_region_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.region = region;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_visibleMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* visibleMapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"visibleMapRect"]; + MAMapRect visibleMapRect; + if (visibleMapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) visibleMapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [visibleMapRectValue getValue:&visibleMapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"visibleMapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.visibleMapRect = visibleMapRect;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_limitRegion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* limitRegionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"limitRegion"]; + MACoordinateRegion limitRegion; + if (limitRegionValue != nil && (NSNull*) limitRegionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [limitRegionValue getValue:&limitRegion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"limitRegion不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.limitRegion = limitRegion;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_limitMapRect_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* limitMapRectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"limitMapRect"]; + MAMapRect limitMapRect; + if (limitMapRectValue != nil && (NSNull*) limitMapRectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [limitMapRectValue getValue:&limitMapRect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"limitMapRect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.limitMapRect = limitMapRect;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_zoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat zoomLevel = [args[@"zoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomLevel = zoomLevel;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_minZoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat minZoomLevel = [args[@"minZoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.minZoomLevel = minZoomLevel;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_maxZoomLevel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat maxZoomLevel = [args[@"maxZoomLevel"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxZoomLevel = maxZoomLevel;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_rotationDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rotationDegree = [args[@"rotationDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotationDegree = rotationDegree;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_cameraDegree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cameraDegree = [args[@"cameraDegree"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cameraDegree = cameraDegree;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint = [args[@"zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint = zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_zoomEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL zoomEnabled = [args[@"zoomEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.zoomEnabled = zoomEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_scrollEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL scrollEnabled = [args[@"scrollEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.scrollEnabled = scrollEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_rotateEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL rotateEnabled = [args[@"rotateEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotateEnabled = rotateEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_rotateCameraEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL rotateCameraEnabled = [args[@"rotateCameraEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rotateCameraEnabled = rotateCameraEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsBuildings_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsBuildings = [args[@"showsBuildings"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsBuildings = showsBuildings;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsLabels_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsLabels = [args[@"showsLabels"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsLabels = showsLabels;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showTraffic_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showTraffic = [args[@"showTraffic"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showTraffic = showTraffic;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_touchPOIEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL touchPOIEnabled = [args[@"touchPOIEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.touchPOIEnabled = touchPOIEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsCompass_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsCompass = [args[@"showsCompass"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsCompass = showsCompass;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_compassOrigin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* compassOriginValue = (NSValue*) args[@"compassOrigin"]; + CGPoint compassOrigin; + if (compassOriginValue != nil && (NSNull*) compassOriginValue != [NSNull null]) { + [compassOriginValue getValue:&compassOrigin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"compassOrigin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.compassOrigin = compassOrigin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsScale_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsScale = [args[@"showsScale"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsScale = showsScale;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_scaleOrigin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* scaleOriginValue = (NSValue*) args[@"scaleOrigin"]; + CGPoint scaleOrigin; + if (scaleOriginValue != nil && (NSNull*) scaleOriginValue != [NSNull null]) { + [scaleOriginValue getValue:&scaleOrigin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"scaleOrigin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.scaleOrigin = scaleOrigin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_logoCenter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* logoCenterValue = (NSValue*) args[@"logoCenter"]; + CGPoint logoCenter; + if (logoCenterValue != nil && (NSNull*) logoCenterValue != [NSNull null]) { + [logoCenterValue getValue:&logoCenter]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"logoCenter不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.logoCenter = logoCenter;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_maxRenderFrame_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger maxRenderFrame = [args[@"maxRenderFrame"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.maxRenderFrame = maxRenderFrame;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_isAllowDecreaseFrame_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL isAllowDecreaseFrame = [args[@"isAllowDecreaseFrame"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.isAllowDecreaseFrame = isAllowDecreaseFrame;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_openGLESDisabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL openGLESDisabled = [args[@"openGLESDisabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.openGLESDisabled = openGLESDisabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_renderringDisabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL renderringDisabled = [args[@"renderringDisabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.renderringDisabled = renderringDisabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_screenAnchor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* screenAnchorValue = (NSValue*) args[@"screenAnchor"]; + CGPoint screenAnchor; + if (screenAnchorValue != nil && (NSNull*) screenAnchorValue != [NSNull null]) { + [screenAnchorValue getValue:&screenAnchor]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"screenAnchor不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.screenAnchor = screenAnchor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsWorldMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSNumber* showsWorldMap = (NSNumber*) args[@"showsWorldMap"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsWorldMap = showsWorldMap;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_mapLanguage_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSNumber* mapLanguage = (NSNumber*) args[@"mapLanguage"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.mapLanguage = mapLanguage;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_selectedAnnotations_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* selectedAnnotations = (NSArray*) args[@"selectedAnnotations"]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.selectedAnnotations = selectedAnnotations;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsUserLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsUserLocation = [args[@"showsUserLocation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsUserLocation = showsUserLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation = [args[@"customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation = customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_userTrackingMode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MAUserTrackingMode userTrackingMode = (MAUserTrackingMode) [args[@"userTrackingMode"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userTrackingMode = userTrackingMode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_distanceFilter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance distanceFilter = [args[@"distanceFilter"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distanceFilter = distanceFilter;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_desiredAccuracy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = [args[@"desiredAccuracy"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.desiredAccuracy = desiredAccuracy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_headingFilter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees headingFilter = [args[@"headingFilter"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.headingFilter = headingFilter;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = [args[@"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = [args[@"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsIndoorMap = [args[@"showsIndoorMap"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsIndoorMap = showsIndoorMap;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMapControl_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showsIndoorMapControl = [args[@"showsIndoorMapControl"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showsIndoorMapControl = showsIndoorMapControl;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAMapView::set_customMapStyleEnabled_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL customMapStyleEnabled = [args[@"customMapStyleEnabled"] boolValue]; + + // ref + MAMapView* ref = (MAMapView*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customMapStyleEnabled = customMapStyleEnabled;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_fillColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* fillColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"fillColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"fillColor"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.fillColor = fillColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_strokeColor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + UIColor* strokeColor = (UIColor*) (args[@"strokeColor"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"strokeColor"]); + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strokeColor = strokeColor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineWidth_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lineWidth = [args[@"lineWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineWidth = lineWidth;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineJoinType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MALineJoinType lineJoinType = (MALineJoinType) [args[@"lineJoinType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineJoinType = lineJoinType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineCapType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MALineCapType lineCapType = (MALineCapType) [args[@"lineCapType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineCapType = lineCapType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_miterLimit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat miterLimit = [args[@"miterLimit"] floatValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.miterLimit = miterLimit;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineDashType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + MALineDashType lineDashType = (MALineDashType) [args[@"lineDashType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + MAOverlayPathRenderer* ref = (MAOverlayPathRenderer*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lineDashType = lineDashType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineCity class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItemNationWide": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineItemNationWide class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiPoint class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAGroundOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAGroundOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAPolygonRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAPolygonRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAPinAnnotationView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAPinAnnotationView class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapNode class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapGradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapGradient class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapTileOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMapStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMapStatus class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAPointAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAPointAnnotation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMACircle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MACircle class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAArcRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAArcRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineMapViewController": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineMapViewController class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMapCustomStyleOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMapCustomStyleOptions class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAPolygon class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAPolyline class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAAnimatedAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAAnimatedAnnotation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorGridNode class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGrid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorGrid class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineProvince class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMATileOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MATileOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineItem class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAGeodesicPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAGeodesicPolyline class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMATouchPoi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MATouchPoi class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItemMunicipality": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineItemMunicipality class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiPolyline class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMATraceManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MATraceManager class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAIndoorFloorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAIndoorFloorInfo class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAIndoorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAIndoorInfo class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAPolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAPolylineRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAAnnotationMoveAnimation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAAnnotationMoveAnimation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAShape": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAShape class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAAnnotationView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAAnnotationView class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMATileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MATileOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMACustomCalloutView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MACustomCalloutView class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItemCommonCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineItemCommonCity class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOfflineMap class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMACircleRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MACircleRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRandomColorGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleRandomColorGenerate class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleEmissionModuleOC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleEmissionModuleOC class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRectShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleRectShapeModule class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleOverlayOptions class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMVTTileOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMVTTileOverlayOptions class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMVTTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMVTTileOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAUserLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAUserLocation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorNode class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorItem class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAHeatMapVectorOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiPointItem class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMultiPointOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMACustomBuildingOverlayOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MACustomBuildingOverlayOption class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMACustomBuildingOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MACustomBuildingOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMATracePoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MATracePoint class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMATraceLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MATraceLocation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAArc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAArc class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5994ed1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler7) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler7; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d309c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m @@ -0,0 +1,3871 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler7.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler7) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler7 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAUserLocationRepresentation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAUserLocationRepresentation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMABaseOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MABaseOverlay class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAMapView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAMapView class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAOverlayPathRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAOverlayPathRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMAGroundOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MAGroundOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineCity"); + } + + MAOfflineCity* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineCity alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineCity alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemNationWide": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemNationWide"); + } + + MAOfflineItemNationWide* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItemNationWide alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItemNationWide alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPoint"); + } + + MAMultiPoint* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPoint alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAGroundOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAGroundOverlay"); + } + + MAGroundOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAGroundOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAGroundOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPolygonRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPolygonRenderer"); + } + + MAPolygonRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolygonRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolygonRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPinAnnotationView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPinAnnotationView"); + } + + MAPinAnnotationView* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPinAnnotationView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPinAnnotationView alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapNode"); + } + + MAHeatMapNode* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapNode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapNode alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapGradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapGradient"); + } + + MAHeatMapGradient* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapGradient alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapGradient alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapTileOverlay"); + } + + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapTileOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapTileOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMapStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMapStatus"); + } + + MAMapStatus* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMapStatus alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMapStatus alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPointAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPointAnnotation"); + } + + MAPointAnnotation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPointAnnotation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPointAnnotation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACircle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACircle"); + } + + MACircle* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACircle alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACircle alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAArcRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAArcRenderer"); + } + + MAArcRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAArcRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAArcRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineMapViewController": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineMapViewController"); + } + + MAOfflineMapViewController* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineMapViewController alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineMapViewController alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMapCustomStyleOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMapCustomStyleOptions"); + } + + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMapCustomStyleOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMapCustomStyleOptions alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPolygon"); + } + + MAPolygon* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolygon alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolygon alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlay"); + } + + MAParticleOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPolyline"); + } + + MAPolyline* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolyline alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolyline alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer"); + } + + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAAnimatedAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAAnimatedAnnotation"); + } + + MAAnimatedAnnotation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAAnimatedAnnotation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAAnimatedAnnotation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer"); + } + + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridNode"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGridNode* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridNode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridNode alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGrid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGrid"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGrid alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGrid alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineProvince"); + } + + MAOfflineProvince* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineProvince alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineProvince alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MATileOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATileOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATileOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItem"); + } + + MAOfflineItem* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItem alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAGeodesicPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAGeodesicPolyline"); + } + + MAGeodesicPolyline* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAGeodesicPolyline alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAGeodesicPolyline alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATouchPoi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATouchPoi"); + } + + MATouchPoi* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATouchPoi alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATouchPoi alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPathShowRange": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPathShowRange"); + } + + MAPathShowRange data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAPathShowRange)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemMunicipality": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemMunicipality"); + } + + MAOfflineItemMunicipality* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItemMunicipality alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItemMunicipality alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPolyline"); + } + + MAMultiPolyline* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPolyline alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPolyline alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATraceManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATraceManager"); + } + + MATraceManager* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATraceManager alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATraceManager alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAIndoorFloorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAIndoorFloorInfo"); + } + + MAIndoorFloorInfo* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAIndoorFloorInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAIndoorFloorInfo alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAIndoorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAIndoorInfo"); + } + + MAIndoorInfo* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAIndoorInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAIndoorInfo alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAPolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAPolylineRenderer"); + } + + MAPolylineRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolylineRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolylineRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAAnnotationMoveAnimation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAAnnotationMoveAnimation"); + } + + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAAnnotationMoveAnimation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAAnnotationMoveAnimation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAShape": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAShape"); + } + + MAShape* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAShape alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAShape alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAAnnotationView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAAnnotationView"); + } + + MAAnnotationView* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAAnnotationView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAAnnotationView alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlay"); + } + + MATileOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATileOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATileOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlayPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlayPath"); + } + + MATileOverlayPath data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MATileOverlayPath)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACustomCalloutView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACustomCalloutView"); + } + + MACustomCalloutView* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomCalloutView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomCalloutView alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemCommonCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemCommonCity"); + } + + MAOfflineItemCommonCity* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItemCommonCity alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItemCommonCity alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineMap"); + } + + MAOfflineMap* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineMap alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineMap alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACircleRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACircleRenderer"); + } + + MACircleRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACircleRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACircleRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateBounds": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateBounds"); + } + + MACoordinateBounds data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateBounds)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateSpan": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateSpan"); + } + + MACoordinateSpan data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateSpan)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateRegion"); + } + + MACoordinateRegion data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMapPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMapPoint"); + } + + MAMapPoint data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMapSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMapSize"); + } + + MAMapSize data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAMapSize)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMapRect"); + } + + MAMapRect data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(dataValue); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate"); + } + + MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRandomColorGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRandomColorGenerate"); + } + + MAParticleRandomColorGenerate* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleRandomColorGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleRandomColorGenerate alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate"); + } + + MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate"); + } + + MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleEmissionModuleOC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleEmissionModuleOC"); + } + + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleEmissionModuleOC alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleEmissionModuleOC alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule"); + } + + MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRectShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRectShapeModule"); + } + + MAParticleRectShapeModule* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleRectShapeModule alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleRectShapeModule alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC"); + } + + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayOptions"); + } + + MAParticleOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory"); + } + + MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlayOptions"); + } + + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMVTTileOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMVTTileOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlay"); + } + + MAMVTTileOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMVTTileOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMVTTileOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MAOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAUserLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAUserLocation"); + } + + MAUserLocation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAUserLocation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAUserLocation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorNode"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorNode* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorNode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorNode alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorItem"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorItem* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorItem alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlay"); + } + + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointItem"); + } + + MAMultiPointItem* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPointItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPointItem alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointOverlay"); + } + + MAMultiPointOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPointOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPointOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlayOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlayOption"); + } + + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomBuildingOverlayOption alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomBuildingOverlayOption alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlay"); + } + + MACustomBuildingOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomBuildingOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomBuildingOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATracePoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATracePoint"); + } + + MATracePoint* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATracePoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATracePoint alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMATraceLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMATraceLocation"); + } + + MATraceLocation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATraceLocation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATraceLocation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAArc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAArc"); + } + + MAArc* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAArc alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAArc alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAUserLocationRepresentation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAUserLocationRepresentation"); + } + + MAUserLocationRepresentation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAUserLocationRepresentation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAUserLocationRepresentation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMABaseOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMABaseOverlay"); + } + + MABaseOverlay* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MABaseOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MABaseOverlay alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAMapView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAMapView"); + } + + MAMapView* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMapView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMapView alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAOverlayPathRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAOverlayPathRenderer"); + } + + MAOverlayPathRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOverlayPathRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOverlayPathRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMAGroundOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMAGroundOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAGroundOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAGroundOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer"); + } + + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineCity* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineCity alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineCity alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItemNationWide": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineItemNationWide* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItemNationWide alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItemNationWide alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiPoint* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPoint alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAGroundOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAGroundOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAGroundOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAGroundOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolygonRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPolygonRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolygonRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolygonRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPinAnnotationView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPinAnnotationView* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPinAnnotationView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPinAnnotationView alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapNode* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapNode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapNode alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapGradient": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapGradient* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapGradient alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapGradient alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapTileOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapTileOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapTileOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapStatus": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMapStatus* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMapStatus alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMapStatus alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPointAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPointAnnotation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPointAnnotation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPointAnnotation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACircle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACircle* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACircle alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACircle alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAArcRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAArcRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAArcRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAArcRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineMapViewController": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineMapViewController* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineMapViewController alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineMapViewController alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapCustomStyleOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMapCustomStyleOptions* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMapCustomStyleOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMapCustomStyleOptions alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPolygon* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolygon alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolygon alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPolyline* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolyline alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolyline alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAAnimatedAnnotation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAAnimatedAnnotation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAAnimatedAnnotation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAAnimatedAnnotation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorGridNode* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridNode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridNode alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGrid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorGrid* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGrid alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGrid alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineProvince* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineProvince alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineProvince alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATileOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATileOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATileOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATileOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineItem* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItem alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAGeodesicPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAGeodesicPolyline* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAGeodesicPolyline alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAGeodesicPolyline alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATouchPoi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATouchPoi* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATouchPoi alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATouchPoi alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPathShowRange": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPathShowRange data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAPathShowRange)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItemMunicipality": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineItemMunicipality* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItemMunicipality alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItemMunicipality alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiPolyline* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPolyline alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPolyline alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATraceManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATraceManager* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATraceManager alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATraceManager alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAIndoorFloorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAIndoorFloorInfo* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAIndoorFloorInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAIndoorFloorInfo alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAIndoorInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAIndoorInfo* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAIndoorInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAIndoorInfo alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolylineRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAPolylineRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAPolylineRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAPolylineRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAAnnotationMoveAnimation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAAnnotationMoveAnimation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAAnnotationMoveAnimation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAShape": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAShape* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAShape alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAShape alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAAnnotationView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAAnnotationView* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAAnnotationView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAAnnotationView alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATileOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATileOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATileOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATileOverlayPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATileOverlayPath data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MATileOverlayPath)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomCalloutView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACustomCalloutView* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomCalloutView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomCalloutView alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItemCommonCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineItemCommonCity* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineItemCommonCity alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineItemCommonCity alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOfflineMap* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOfflineMap alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOfflineMap alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACircleRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACircleRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACircleRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACircleRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACoordinateBounds": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACoordinateBounds data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateBounds)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACoordinateSpan": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACoordinateSpan data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateSpan)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACoordinateRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACoordinateRegion data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMapPoint data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMapSize data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAMapSize)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [(NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"] integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMapRect data; + + NSValue* dataValue = [NSValue value:&data withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + [resultList addObject:dataValue]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleRandomColorGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleRandomColorGenerate* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleRandomColorGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleRandomColorGenerate alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleEmissionModuleOC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleEmissionModuleOC* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleEmissionModuleOC alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleEmissionModuleOC alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleRectShapeModule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleRectShapeModule* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleRectShapeModule alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleRectShapeModule alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMVTTileOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMVTTileOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMVTTileOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMVTTileOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMVTTileOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMVTTileOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMVTTileOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMVTTileOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAUserLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAUserLocation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAUserLocation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAUserLocation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorNode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorNode* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorNode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorNode alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorItem* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorItem alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAHeatMapVectorOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAHeatMapVectorOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAHeatMapVectorOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPointItem": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiPointItem* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPointItem alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPointItem alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPointOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMultiPointOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMultiPointOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMultiPointOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomBuildingOverlayOption": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACustomBuildingOverlayOption* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomBuildingOverlayOption alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomBuildingOverlayOption alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomBuildingOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACustomBuildingOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomBuildingOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomBuildingOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATracePoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATracePoint* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATracePoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATracePoint alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMATraceLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MATraceLocation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MATraceLocation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MATraceLocation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAArc": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAArc* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAArc alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAArc alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAUserLocationRepresentation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAUserLocationRepresentation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAUserLocationRepresentation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAUserLocationRepresentation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMABaseOverlay": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MABaseOverlay* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MABaseOverlay alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MABaseOverlay alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapView": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAMapView* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAMapView alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAMapView alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOverlayPathRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAOverlayPathRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAOverlayPathRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAOverlayPathRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMAGroundOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MAGroundOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MAGroundOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MAGroundOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"MATraceDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[MATraceDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapViewDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPathShowRangeMake::MAPathShowRangeMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPathShowRangeMake::MAPathShowRangeMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float begin = [args[@"begin"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + float end = [args[@"end"] floatValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAPathShowRange result = MAPathShowRangeMake(begin, end); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAPathShowRange)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACoordinateBoundsMake::MACoordinateBoundsMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACoordinateBoundsMake::MACoordinateBoundsMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* northEastValue = (NSValue*) args[@"northEast"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D northEast; + if (northEastValue != nil && (NSNull*) northEastValue != [NSNull null]) { + [northEastValue getValue:&northEast]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"northEast不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* southWestValue = (NSValue*) args[@"southWest"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D southWest; + if (southWestValue != nil && (NSNull*) southWestValue != [NSNull null]) { + [southWestValue getValue:&southWest]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"southWest不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateBounds result = MACoordinateBoundsMake(northEast, southWest); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateBounds)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACoordinateSpanMake::MACoordinateSpanMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACoordinateSpanMake::MACoordinateSpanMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitudeDelta = [args[@"latitudeDelta"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees longitudeDelta = [args[@"longitudeDelta"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateSpan result = MACoordinateSpanMake(latitudeDelta, longitudeDelta); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateSpan)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACoordinateRegionMake::MACoordinateRegionMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACoordinateRegionMake::MACoordinateRegionMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate; + if (centerCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerCoordinateValue getValue:¢erCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* spanValue = (NSValue*) args[@"span"]; + MACoordinateSpan span; + if (spanValue != nil && (NSNull*) spanValue != [NSNull null]) { + [spanValue getValue:&span]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"span不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = MACoordinateRegionMake(centerCoordinate, span); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance::MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance::MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* centerCoordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"centerCoordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate; + if (centerCoordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerCoordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerCoordinateValue getValue:¢erCoordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"centerCoordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance latitudinalMeters = [args[@"latitudinalMeters"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDistance longitudinalMeters = [args[@"longitudinalMeters"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(centerCoordinate, latitudinalMeters, longitudinalMeters); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapPointForCoordinate::MAMapPointForCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapPointForCoordinate::MAMapPointForCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = MAMapPointForCoordinate(coordinate); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACoordinateForMapPoint::MACoordinateForMapPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACoordinateForMapPoint::MACoordinateForMapPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* mapPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"mapPoint"]; + MAMapPoint mapPoint; + if (mapPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) mapPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [mapPointValue getValue:&mapPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"mapPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = MACoordinateForMapPoint(mapPoint); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACoordinateRegionForMapRect::MACoordinateRegionForMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACoordinateRegionForMapRect::MACoordinateRegionForMapRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MACoordinateRegion result = MACoordinateRegionForMapRect(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MACoordinateRegion)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion::MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion::MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* regionValue = (NSValue*) args[@"region"]; + MACoordinateRegion region; + if (regionValue != nil && (NSNull*) regionValue != [NSNull null]) { + [regionValue getValue:®ion]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"region不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion(region); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude::MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude::MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitude = [args[@"latitude"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude(latitude); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude::MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude::MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CLLocationDegrees latitude = [args[@"latitude"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude(latitude); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMetersBetweenMapPoints::MAMetersBetweenMapPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMetersBetweenMapPoints::MAMetersBetweenMapPoints(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* aValue = (NSValue*) args[@"a"]; + MAMapPoint a; + if (aValue != nil && (NSNull*) aValue != [NSNull null]) { + [aValue getValue:&a]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"a不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* bValue = (NSValue*) args[@"b"]; + MAMapPoint b; + if (bValue != nil && (NSNull*) bValue != [NSNull null]) { + [bValue getValue:&b]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"b不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDistance result = MAMetersBetweenMapPoints(a, b); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAreaBetweenCoordinates::MAAreaBetweenCoordinates": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAreaBetweenCoordinates::MAAreaBetweenCoordinates(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* northEastValue = (NSValue*) args[@"northEast"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D northEast; + if (northEastValue != nil && (NSNull*) northEastValue != [NSNull null]) { + [northEastValue getValue:&northEast]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"northEast不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* southWestValue = (NSValue*) args[@"southWest"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D southWest; + if (southWestValue != nil && (NSNull*) southWestValue != [NSNull null]) { + [southWestValue getValue:&southWest]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"southWest不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAAreaBetweenCoordinates(northEast, southWest); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectInset::MAMapRectInset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectInset::MAMapRectInset(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + double dx = [args[@"dx"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + double dy = [args[@"dy"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = MAMapRectInset(rect, dx, dy); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectUnion::MAMapRectUnion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectUnion::MAMapRectUnion(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rect1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect1"]; + MAMapRect rect1; + if (rect1Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect1Value getValue:&rect1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* rect2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect2"]; + MAMapRect rect2; + if (rect2Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect2Value getValue:&rect2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = MAMapRectUnion(rect1, rect2); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcdf6e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapMapFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler8) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler8; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66d467c --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m @@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler8.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "MATraceDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "MAMapViewDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapMapFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler8) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler8 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"MAMapSizeContainsSize::MAMapSizeContainsSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapSizeContainsSize::MAMapSizeContainsSize(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* size1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"size1"]; + MAMapSize size1; + if (size1Value != nil && (NSNull*) size1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [size1Value getValue:&size1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* size2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"size2"]; + MAMapSize size2; + if (size2Value != nil && (NSNull*) size2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [size2Value getValue:&size2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapSizeContainsSize(size1, size2); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectContainsPoint::MAMapRectContainsPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectContainsPoint::MAMapRectContainsPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectContainsPoint(rect, point); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectIntersectsRect::MAMapRectIntersectsRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectIntersectsRect::MAMapRectIntersectsRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rect1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect1"]; + MAMapRect rect1; + if (rect1Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect1Value getValue:&rect1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* rect2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect2"]; + MAMapRect rect2; + if (rect2Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect2Value getValue:&rect2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectIntersectsRect(rect1, rect2); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectContainsRect::MAMapRectContainsRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectContainsRect::MAMapRectContainsRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rect1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect1"]; + MAMapRect rect1; + if (rect1Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect1Value getValue:&rect1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* rect2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect2"]; + MAMapRect rect2; + if (rect2Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect2Value getValue:&rect2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectContainsRect(rect1, rect2); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACircleContainsPoint::MACircleContainsPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircleContainsPoint::MACircleContainsPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + MAMapPoint center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + double radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MACircleContainsPoint(point, center, radius); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MACircleContainsCoordinate::MACircleContainsCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MACircleContainsCoordinate::MACircleContainsCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* centerValue = (NSValue*) args[@"center"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D center; + if (centerValue != nil && (NSNull*) centerValue != [NSNull null]) { + [centerValue getValue:¢er]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"center不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + double radius = [args[@"radius"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MACircleContainsCoordinate(point, center, radius); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline::MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline::MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // list arg struct + NSArray* polylineValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"polyline"]; + MAMapPoint polyline[polylineValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < polylineValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* polylineValue = (NSValue*) [polylineValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint polylineItem; + [polylineValue getValue:&polylineItem]; + polyline[__i__] = polylineItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline(point, polyline, count); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygonContainsPoint::MAPolygonContainsPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygonContainsPoint::MAPolygonContainsPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // list arg struct + NSArray* polygonValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"polygon"]; + MAMapPoint polygon[polygonValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < polygonValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* polygonValue = (NSValue*) [polygonValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint polygonItem; + [polygonValue getValue:&polygonItem]; + polygon[__i__] = polygonItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAPolygonContainsPoint(point, polygon, count); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolygonContainsCoordinate::MAPolygonContainsCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolygonContainsCoordinate::MAPolygonContainsCoordinate(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // list arg struct + NSArray* polygonValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"polygon"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D polygon[polygonValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < polygonValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* polygonValue = (NSValue*) [polygonValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D polygonItem; + [polygonValue getValue:&polygonItem]; + polygon[__i__] = polygonItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAPolygonContainsCoordinate(point, polygon, count); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine::MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine::MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* lineStartValue = (NSValue*) args[@"lineStart"]; + MAMapPoint lineStart; + if (lineStartValue != nil && (NSNull*) lineStartValue != [NSNull null]) { + [lineStartValue getValue:&lineStart]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"lineStart不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* lineEndValue = (NSValue*) args[@"lineEnd"]; + MAMapPoint lineEnd; + if (lineEndValue != nil && (NSNull*) lineEndValue != [NSNull null]) { + [lineEndValue getValue:&lineEnd]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"lineEnd不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine(lineStart, lineEnd, point); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAAreaForPolygon::MAAreaForPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAAreaForPolygon::MAAreaForPolygon(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* coordinatesValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"coordinates"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[coordinatesValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinatesValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* coordinatesValue = (NSValue*) [coordinatesValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinatesItem; + [coordinatesValue getValue:&coordinatesItem]; + coordinates[__i__] = coordinatesItem; + } + // jsonable arg + int count = [args[@"count"] intValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAAreaForPolygon(coordinates, count); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapPointMake::MAMapPointMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapPointMake::MAMapPointMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double x = [args[@"x"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + double y = [args[@"y"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapPoint result = MAMapPointMake(x, y); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapPoint)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapSizeMake::MAMapSizeMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapSizeMake::MAMapSizeMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double width = [args[@"width"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + double height = [args[@"height"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapSize result = MAMapSizeMake(width, height); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapSize)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectMake::MAMapRectMake": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectMake::MAMapRectMake(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + double x = [args[@"x"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + double y = [args[@"y"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + double width = [args[@"width"] doubleValue]; + // jsonable arg + double height = [args[@"height"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + MAMapRect result = MAMapRectMake(x, y, width, height); + + // result + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(MAMapRect)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetMinX::MAMapRectGetMinX": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetMinX::MAMapRectGetMinX(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetMinX(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetMinY::MAMapRectGetMinY": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetMinY::MAMapRectGetMinY(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetMinY(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetMidX::MAMapRectGetMidX": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetMidX::MAMapRectGetMidX(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetMidX(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetMidY::MAMapRectGetMidY": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetMidY::MAMapRectGetMidY(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetMidY(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetMaxX::MAMapRectGetMaxX": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetMaxX::MAMapRectGetMaxX(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetMaxX(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetMaxY::MAMapRectGetMaxY": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetMaxY::MAMapRectGetMaxY(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetMaxY(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetWidth::MAMapRectGetWidth": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetWidth::MAMapRectGetWidth(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetWidth(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectGetHeight::MAMapRectGetHeight": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectGetHeight::MAMapRectGetHeight(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAMapRectGetHeight(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapPointEqualToPoint::MAMapPointEqualToPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapPointEqualToPoint::MAMapPointEqualToPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* point1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"point1"]; + MAMapPoint point1; + if (point1Value != nil && (NSNull*) point1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [point1Value getValue:&point1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* point2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"point2"]; + MAMapPoint point2; + if (point2Value != nil && (NSNull*) point2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [point2Value getValue:&point2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapPointEqualToPoint(point1, point2); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapSizeEqualToSize::MAMapSizeEqualToSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapSizeEqualToSize::MAMapSizeEqualToSize(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* size1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"size1"]; + MAMapSize size1; + if (size1Value != nil && (NSNull*) size1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [size1Value getValue:&size1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* size2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"size2"]; + MAMapSize size2; + if (size2Value != nil && (NSNull*) size2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [size2Value getValue:&size2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapSizeEqualToSize(size1, size2); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectEqualToRect::MAMapRectEqualToRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectEqualToRect::MAMapRectEqualToRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rect1Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect1"]; + MAMapRect rect1; + if (rect1Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect1Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect1Value getValue:&rect1]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect1不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* rect2Value = (NSValue*) args[@"rect2"]; + MAMapRect rect2; + if (rect2Value != nil && (NSNull*) rect2Value != [NSNull null]) { + [rect2Value getValue:&rect2]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect2不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectEqualToRect(rect1, rect2); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectIsNull::MAMapRectIsNull": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectIsNull::MAMapRectIsNull(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectIsNull(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAMapRectIsEmpty::MAMapRectIsEmpty": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAMapRectIsEmpty::MAMapRectIsEmpty(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAMapRectIsEmpty(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAStringFromMapPoint::MAStringFromMapPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAStringFromMapPoint::MAStringFromMapPoint(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = MAStringFromMapPoint(point); + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAStringFromMapSize::MAStringFromMapSize": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAStringFromMapSize::MAStringFromMapSize(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* sizeValue = (NSValue*) args[@"size"]; + MAMapSize size; + if (sizeValue != nil && (NSNull*) sizeValue != [NSNull null]) { + [sizeValue getValue:&size]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"size不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = MAStringFromMapSize(size); + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAStringFromMapRect::MAStringFromMapRect": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAStringFromMapRect::MAStringFromMapRect(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* rectValue = (NSValue*) args[@"rect"]; + MAMapRect rect; + if (rectValue != nil && (NSNull*) rectValue != [NSNull null]) { + [rectValue getValue:&rect]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"rect不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = MAStringFromMapRect(rect); + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGetDirectionFromCoords::MAGetDirectionFromCoords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGetDirectionFromCoords::MAGetDirectionFromCoords(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* fromCoordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"fromCoord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D fromCoord; + if (fromCoordValue != nil && (NSNull*) fromCoordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [fromCoordValue getValue:&fromCoord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"fromCoord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* toCoordValue = (NSValue*) args[@"toCoord"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D toCoord; + if (toCoordValue != nil && (NSNull*) toCoordValue != [NSNull null]) { + [toCoordValue getValue:&toCoord]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"toCoord不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDirection result = MAGetDirectionFromCoords(fromCoord, toCoord); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGetDirectionFromPoints::MAGetDirectionFromPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGetDirectionFromPoints::MAGetDirectionFromPoints(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* fromPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"fromPoint"]; + MAMapPoint fromPoint; + if (fromPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) fromPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [fromPointValue getValue:&fromPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"fromPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* toPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"toPoint"]; + MAMapPoint toPoint; + if (toPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) toPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [toPointValue getValue:&toPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"toPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + CLLocationDirection result = MAGetDirectionFromPoints(fromPoint, toPoint); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine::MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine::MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* pointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"point"]; + MAMapPoint point; + if (pointValue != nil && (NSNull*) pointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [pointValue getValue:&point]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"point不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* lineBeginValue = (NSValue*) args[@"lineBegin"]; + MAMapPoint lineBegin; + if (lineBeginValue != nil && (NSNull*) lineBeginValue != [NSNull null]) { + [lineBeginValue getValue:&lineBegin]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"lineBegin不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // struct arg + NSValue* lineEndValue = (NSValue*) args[@"lineEnd"]; + MAMapPoint lineEnd; + if (lineEndValue != nil && (NSNull*) lineEndValue != [NSNull null]) { + [lineEndValue getValue:&lineEnd]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"lineEnd不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + double result = MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine(point, lineBegin, lineEnd); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"MAPolylineHitTest::MAPolylineHitTest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: MAPolylineHitTest::MAPolylineHitTest(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg struct + NSArray* linePointsValueList = (NSArray*) args[@"linePoints"]; + MAMapPoint linePoints[linePointsValueList.count]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < linePointsValueList.count; __i__++) { + NSValue* linePointsValue = (NSValue*) [linePointsValueList objectAtIndex:__i__]; + MAMapPoint linePointsItem; + [linePointsValue getValue:&linePointsItem]; + linePoints[__i__] = linePointsItem; + } + // jsonable arg + NSUInteger count = [args[@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue]; + // struct arg + NSValue* tappedPointValue = (NSValue*) args[@"tappedPoint"]; + MAMapPoint tappedPoint; + if (tappedPointValue != nil && (NSNull*) tappedPointValue != [NSNull null]) { + [tappedPointValue getValue:&tappedPoint]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"tappedPoint不能为null"]); + return; + } + + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lineWidth = [args[@"lineWidth"] floatValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = MAPolylineHitTest(linePoints, count, tappedPoint, lineWidth); + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/amap_map_fluttify.podspec b/ios/amap_map_fluttify.podspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7437464 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/amap_map_fluttify.podspec @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# +# To learn more about a Podspec see +# do |s| + = 'amap_map_fluttify' + s.version = '0.0.1' + s.summary = 'An `Amap` Map Component, Powered By `Fluttify`, A Compiler Generating Dart Bindings For Native SDK.' + s.description = <<-DESC +A new flutter plugin project. + DESC + s.homepage = '' + s.license = { :file => '../LICENSE' } + = { 'yohom' => '' } + s.source = { :path => '.' } + s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*' + s.public_header_files = ['Classes/**/*.h', 'Vendors/*.h'] # 只接收顶层的.h文件, 防止framework下面的.h文件被包含 + s.dependency 'Flutter' + s.dependency 'foundation_fluttify' + # flutter plugin dependency + + # sdk dependency + s.dependency 'AMap3DMap-NO-IDFA', '9.2.1' + + s.static_framework = true + s.ios.deployment_target = '11.0' + # include project framework + s.vendored_frameworks = 'Vendors/*.framework' + # include project .a + s.vendored_libraries = 'Vendors/*.a' + # ios system framework + s.frameworks = [ + + ] + # ios system library + s.libraries = [ + + ] + # resources + s.resources = 'Vendors/**/*.bundle' + # s.resource_bundles = { + # 'amap_map_fluttify' => ['Vendors/*.framework/*.bundle'] + # } +end + diff --git a/lib/amap_map_fluttify.dart b/lib/amap_map_fluttify.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59e57ff --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/amap_map_fluttify.dart @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/// 欢迎使用 高德地图 Flutter插件 +/// +/// amap_map_fluttify基于fluttify编译器生成的一个插件, 其`./lib/src/android`和`./lib/src/ios`目录 +/// 下为原生SDK接口对应的dart接口. `./lib/src/facade`目录下的文件为两端接口的抽象层. +/// +/// 插件中最重要的两个类为[AmapView]和[AmapController], [AmapView]为显示高德地图的widget, +/// [AmapView]创建完成之后, 会在[onMapCreated]回调中回传[AmapController]的对象, 插件使用者 +/// 可以调用[AmapController]上的方法来控制地图行为. 注意使用[setState]之类的方法是不能更新 +/// 地图的! 必须通过[AmapController]来控制地图. +/// +/// [AmapController]中开放了所有控制地图需要的接口, 具体可以查看[AmapController]内的注释. +library amap_map_fluttify; + +export 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; +export 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +export 'package:uni_map_platform_interface/uni_map_platform_interface.dart'; + +export 'src/facade/amap_service.dart'; +export 'src/facade/amap_view.widget.dart'; +export 'src/facade/models.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart b/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3099d8c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +export 'type_op.g.dart'; +export 'constants.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/TextureMapView.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/DownloadProgressView.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/WearMapView.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/MapView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/offlineservice/AMapPermissionActivity.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdate.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/Projection.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView/OnDismissCallback.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapFragment.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMapException.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMapUtils.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource/OnLocationChangedListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/BaseMapView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdateFactory.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/utils/SpatialRelationUtil.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay/MoveListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker/MoveListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/SwipeDismissView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/SupportMapFragment.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/ExceptionLogger.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadExpandListView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapActivity.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/Province.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/CityExpandView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapStatus.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownloadProgressView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapProvince.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/City.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadListView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapCity.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineMapDownloadListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineLoadedListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BasePointOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptor.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Poi.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlaySource.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Circle.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/UrlTileProvider.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/RoutePara.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineJoinType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineCapType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModel.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyleCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CustomMapStyleOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrow.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegionCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/ColorLatLng.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileProvider.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Polygon.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MyTrafficStyle.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Text.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions/Builder.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/NaviPara.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiPara.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayerOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjection.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapCameraInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/EmergeAnimation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AlphaAnimation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation/AnimationListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/TranslateAnimation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AnimationSet.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/RotateAnimation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/ScaleAnimation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/WeightedLatLng.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayer.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions/BaseUpdateFlags.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModelOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineJoinType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineCapType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayer.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseHoleOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Arc.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorFactory.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions/ShapeType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/OnCrossVectorUpdateListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/UpdateItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/GenerateCrossImageListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyle.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegion.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProvider.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/IndoorBuildingInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider/Builder.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/RouteOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition/Builder.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBoundsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayerOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGestureListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/RuntimeRemoteException.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPositionCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLng.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGLOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Polyline.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleHoleOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Marker.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/CurveSizeOverLife.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SizeOverLife.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverLifeModule.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RotationOverLife.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SinglePointParticleShape.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ConstantRotationOverLife.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RectParticleShape.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleEmissionModule.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleShapeModule.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/VelocityGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ColorGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjectionCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonHoleOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds/Builder.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Tile.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/model/Gradient.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowAnimationManager.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/ImageInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMyLocationChangeListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/onMapPrintScreenListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapTouchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCacheRemoveListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnInfoWindowClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapScreenShotListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CommonInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerDragListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLoadedListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLongClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCameraChangeListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/InfoWindowAdapter.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CancelableCallback.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPOIClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMultiPointClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPolylineClickListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/CustomRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/TextureSupportMapFragment.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptionsCreator.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/UiSettings.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowParams.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/MapView.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/MapFragment.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/maps/MapsInitializer.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/trace/TraceLocation.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceBase.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/trace/TraceStatusListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/trace/TraceListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/trace/TraceOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceClient.g.dart'; +export 'package:uni_map_platform_interface/uni_map_platform_interface.dart'; +export 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; +export '../facade/shared.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41ac53b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,3309 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_AMap extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.AMap'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int MAP_TYPE_NORMAL = 1; + static final int MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE = 2; + static final int MAP_TYPE_NIGHT = 3; + static final int MAP_TYPE_NAVI = 4; + static final int MAP_TYPE_BUS = 5; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LOCATE = 1; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_MAP_FOLLOW = 2; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_MAP_ROTATE = 3; + static final int MASK_LAYER_NONE = -1; + static final int MASK_LAYER_UNDER_MARKER = 0; + static final String CHINESE = "zh_cn"; + static final String ENGLISH = "en"; + static final String LOCAL = "local"; + static final String CUSTOM = "custom"; + static final String STYLE_CHINESE = "style_zh_cn"; + static final int MASK_LAYER_UNDER_LINE = 1; + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCameraPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getCameraPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCameraPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMaxZoomLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMaxZoomLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMaxZoomLevel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMinZoomLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMinZoomLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMinZoomLevel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future moveCamera(com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::moveCamera([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::moveCamera', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::animateCamera([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback(com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate? var1, com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::animateCamera([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__int__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback(com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate? var1, int? var2, com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback? var4) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::animateCamera([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__int__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var4": var4, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopAnimation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::stopAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::stopAnimation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addNavigateArrow(com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addNavigateArrow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addNavigateArrow', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addPolyline(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolyline', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addCircle(com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addCircle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCircle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addArc(com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addArc([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addArc', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addPolygon(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addPolygon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolygon', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addGroundOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addGroundOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGroundOverlay', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addMarker(com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addMarker([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarker', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addGL3DModel(com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addGL3DModel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGL3DModel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addText(com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addText([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addText', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> addMarkers(List? var1, bool? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addMarkers([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarkers', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getMapScreenMarkers() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMapScreenMarkers([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapScreenMarkers', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future addTileOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addTileOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addTileOverlay', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addMVTTileOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addMVTTileOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMVTTileOverlay', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addHeatMapLayer(com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addHeatMapLayer([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapLayer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addHeatMapGridLayer(com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addHeatMapGridLayer([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapGridLayer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addMultiPointOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addMultiPointOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMultiPointOverlay', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addParticleOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addParticleOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addParticleOverlay', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future clear() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::clear([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clear__bool(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::clear([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear__bool', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMapType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMapType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMapType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isTrafficEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::isTrafficEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTrafficEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTrafficEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setTrafficEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showMapText(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::showMapText([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showMapText', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showIndoorMap(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::showIndoorMap([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showIndoorMap', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showBuildings(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::showBuildings([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showBuildings', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMyTrafficStyle(com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMyTrafficStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyTrafficStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMyTrafficStyle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMyTrafficStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyTrafficStyle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setTrafficStyleWithTextureData(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setTrafficStyleWithTextureData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficStyleWithTextureData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isMyLocationEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::isMyLocationEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isMyLocationEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMyLocationEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMyLocationEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMyLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMyLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLocationSource(com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setLocationSource([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setLocationSource', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMyLocationStyle(com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMyLocationStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMyLocationStyle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMyLocationStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocationStyle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setMyLocationType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMyLocationType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMyLocationRotateAngle(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMyLocationRotateAngle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationRotateAngle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUiSettings() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getUiSettings([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getUiSettings', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getProjection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getProjection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjection', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOnCameraChangeListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnCameraChangeListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnCameraChangeListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMapClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMapClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMapTouchListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMapTouchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapTouchListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnPOIClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnPOIClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnPOIClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMyLocationChangeListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMyLocationChangeListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMyLocationChangeListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMapLongClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMapLongClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapLongClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMarkerClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMarkerClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMarkerClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnPolylineClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnPolylineClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnPolylineClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMarkerDragListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMarkerDragListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMarkerDragListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnInfoWindowClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnInfoWindowClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnInfoWindowClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowAdapter(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setInfoWindowAdapter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setInfoWindowAdapter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCommonInfoWindowAdapter(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setCommonInfoWindowAdapter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCommonInfoWindowAdapter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMapLoadedListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMapLoadedListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMapLoadedListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnMultiPointClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setOnMultiPointClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setOnMultiPointClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapPrintScreen(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMapPrintScreen([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapPrintScreen', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapScreenShot(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMapScreenShot([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapScreenShot', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getScalePerPixel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getScalePerPixel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getScalePerPixel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future runOnDrawFrame() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::runOnDrawFrame([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::runOnDrawFrame', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removecache() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removecache([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removecache', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removecache__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removecache([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removecache__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomRenderer(com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setCustomRenderer([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomRenderer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPointToCenter(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setPointToCenter([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setPointToCenter', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMapTextZIndex(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMapTextZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapTextZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLoadOfflineData(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setLoadOfflineData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setLoadOfflineData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapTextZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMapTextZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapTextZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + static Future getVersion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getVersion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getVersion', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future reloadMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::reloadMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::reloadMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRenderFps(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setRenderFps([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderFps', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setIndoorBuildingInfo(com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setIndoorBuildingInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setIndoorBuildingInfo', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAMapGestureListener(com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setAMapGestureListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setAMapGestureListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZoomToSpanLevel(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getZoomToSpanLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getZoomToSpanLevel', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoWindowAnimationManager() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getInfoWindowAnimationManager([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getInfoWindowAnimationManager', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setMaskLayerParams(int? var1, int? var2, int? var3, int? var4, int? var5, int? var6) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMaskLayerParams([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3, \'var4\':$var4, \'var5\':$var5, \'var6\':$var6])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaskLayerParams', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxZoomLevel(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMaxZoomLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaxZoomLevel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMinZoomLevel(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMinZoomLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMinZoomLevel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future resetMinMaxZoomPreference() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::resetMinMaxZoomPreference([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::resetMinMaxZoomPreference', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMapStatusLimits(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMapStatusLimits([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapStatusLimits', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addCrossOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addCrossOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCrossOverlay', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addRouteOverlay() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addRouteOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addRouteOverlay', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getViewMatrix() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getViewMatrix([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getViewMatrix', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Float64List; + } + + + Future getProjectionMatrix() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getProjectionMatrix([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjectionMatrix', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Float64List; + } + + + Future setMapCustomEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMapCustomEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapCustomEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomMapStylePath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setCustomMapStylePath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStylePath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomMapStyle(com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setCustomMapStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomMapStyleID(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setCustomMapStyleID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyleID', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomTextureResourcePath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setCustomTextureResourcePath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomTextureResourcePath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRenderMode(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setRenderMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderMode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapContentApprovalNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getMapContentApprovalNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapContentApprovalNumber', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTerrainApprovalNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getTerrainApprovalNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getTerrainApprovalNumber', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMapLanguage(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setMapLanguage([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapLanguage', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoadArrowEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setRoadArrowEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRoadArrowEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNaviLabelEnable(bool? var1, int? var2, int? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setNaviLabelEnable([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setNaviLabelEnable', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTouchPoiEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setTouchPoiEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTouchPoiEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isTouchPoiEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::isTouchPoiEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTouchPoiEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNativeMapController() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getNativeMapController([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapController', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNativeMapEngineID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getNativeMapEngineID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapEngineID', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnCameraChangeListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnCameraChangeListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnCameraChangeListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMapClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMapClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMarkerDragListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMarkerDragListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMarkerDragListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMapLoadedListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMapLoadedListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapLoadedListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMapTouchListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMapTouchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapTouchListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMarkerClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMarkerClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMarkerClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnPolylineClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnPolylineClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnPolylineClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnPOIClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnPOIClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnPOIClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMapLongClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMapLongClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMapLongClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnInfoWindowClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnInfoWindowClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnInfoWindowClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOnMyLocationChangeListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::addOnMyLocationChangeListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addOnMyLocationChangeListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnCameraChangeListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnCameraChangeListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnCameraChangeListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMapClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMapClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMarkerDragListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMarkerDragListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMarkerDragListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMapLoadedListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMapLoadedListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapLoadedListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMapTouchListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMapTouchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapTouchListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMarkerClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMarkerClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMarkerClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnPolylineClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnPolylineClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnPolylineClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnPOIClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnPOIClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnPOIClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMapLongClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMapLongClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMapLongClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnInfoWindowClickListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnInfoWindowClickListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnInfoWindowClickListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnIndoorBuildingActiveListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOnMyLocationChangeListener(com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::removeOnMyLocationChangeListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removeOnMyLocationChangeListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWorldVectorMapStyle(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setWorldVectorMapStyle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setWorldVectorMapStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCurrentStyle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::getCurrentStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCurrentStyle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future accelerateNetworkInChinese(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::accelerateNetworkInChinese([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::accelerateNetworkInChinese', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setConstructingRoadEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap@$refId::setConstructingRoadEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setConstructingRoadEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_AMap{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMap_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCameraPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCameraPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxZoomLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMaxZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMinZoomLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMinZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> moveCamera_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::moveCamera_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopAnimation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::stopAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addNavigateArrow_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addNavigateArrow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addPolyline_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addCircle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCircle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addArc_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addArc_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addPolygon_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addPolygon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGroundOverlay_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGroundOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addMarker_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarker_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addGL3DModel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addGL3DModel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addText_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addText_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> addMarkers_batch(List?> var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMarkers_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getMapScreenMarkers_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapScreenMarkers_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> addTileOverlay_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addTileOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addMVTTileOverlay_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMVTTileOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addHeatMapLayer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addHeatMapGridLayer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addHeatMapGridLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addMultiPointOverlay_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addMultiPointOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addParticleOverlay_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addParticleOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clear_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clear__bool_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::clear__bool_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isTrafficEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTrafficEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrafficEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showMapText_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showMapText_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showIndoorMap_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showIndoorMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showBuildings_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::showBuildings_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMyTrafficStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyTrafficStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMyTrafficStyle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyTrafficStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrafficStyleWithTextureData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTrafficStyleWithTextureData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isMyLocationEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isMyLocationEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMyLocationEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMyLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMyLocationStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMyLocationStyle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMyLocationStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMyLocationType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMyLocationRotateAngle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMyLocationRotateAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUiSettings_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getUiSettings_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProjection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjection_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowAdapter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setInfoWindowAdapter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getScalePerPixel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getScalePerPixel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> runOnDrawFrame_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::runOnDrawFrame_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removecache_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::removecache_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomRenderer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomRenderer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPointToCenter_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setPointToCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapTextZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapTextZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLoadOfflineData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setLoadOfflineData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapTextZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapTextZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + static Future> getVersion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getVersion_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> reloadMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::reloadMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRenderFps_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderFps_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIndoorBuildingInfo_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setIndoorBuildingInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZoomToSpanLevel_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getZoomToSpanLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoWindowAnimationManager_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getInfoWindowAnimationManager_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaskLayerParams_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5, List var6) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaskLayerParams_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxZoomLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMaxZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMinZoomLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMinZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> resetMinMaxZoomPreference_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::resetMinMaxZoomPreference_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapStatusLimits_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapStatusLimits_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addCrossOverlay_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addCrossOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addRouteOverlay_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::addRouteOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getViewMatrix_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getViewMatrix_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Float64List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProjectionMatrix_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getProjectionMatrix_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Float64List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapCustomEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapCustomEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomMapStylePath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStylePath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomMapStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomMapStyleID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomMapStyleID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTextureResourcePath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setCustomTextureResourcePath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRenderMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRenderMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapContentApprovalNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getMapContentApprovalNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getSatelliteImageApprovalNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTerrainApprovalNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getTerrainApprovalNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapLanguage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setMapLanguage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoadArrowEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setRoadArrowEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNaviLabelEnable_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setNaviLabelEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTouchPoiEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setTouchPoiEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isTouchPoiEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::isTouchPoiEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNativeMapController_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapController_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNativeMapEngineID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getNativeMapEngineID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWorldVectorMapStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setWorldVectorMapStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCurrentStyle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::getCurrentStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> accelerateNetworkInChinese_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::accelerateNetworkInChinese_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setConstructingRoadEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setConstructingRoadEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CancelableCallback.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CancelableCallback.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..167e726 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CancelableCallback.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CancelableCallback::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onFinish': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onFinish?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onFinish?.call(); + break; + case 'onCancel': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCancel?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCancel?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function()? onFinish; + + Future Function()? onCancel; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CommonInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CommonInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75c6b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/CommonInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.CommonInfoWindowAdapter::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'getInfoWindowParams': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.getInfoWindowParams?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.getInfoWindowParams?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay? var1)? getInfoWindowParams; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/ImageInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/ImageInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbeddb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/ImageInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter, com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter on com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getInfoWindowUpdateTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter@$refId::getInfoWindowUpdateTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowUpdateTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.ImageInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/InfoWindowAdapter.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/InfoWindowAdapter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a3670a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/InfoWindowAdapter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getInfoWindow(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter@$refId::getInfoWindow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindow', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getInfoContents(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter@$refId::getInfoContents([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoContents', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getInfoWindow_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoContents_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.InfoWindowAdapter::getInfoContents_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f42189 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter, com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter on com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getInfoWindowClick(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter@$refId::getInfoWindowClick([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowClick', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getOverturnInfoWindow(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter@$refId::getOverturnInfoWindow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindow', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getOverturnInfoWindowClick(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter@$refId::getOverturnInfoWindowClick([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindowClick', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getInfoWindowClick_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getInfoWindowClick_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOverturnInfoWindow_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOverturnInfoWindowClick_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter::getOverturnInfoWindowClick_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCacheRemoveListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCacheRemoveListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f843163 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCacheRemoveListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCacheRemoveListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onRemoveCacheFinish': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRemoveCacheFinish?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRemoveCacheFinish?.call(args['var1']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(bool? var1)? onRemoveCacheFinish; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCameraChangeListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCameraChangeListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b726e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnCameraChangeListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnCameraChangeListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onCameraChange': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCameraChange?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCameraChange?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + case 'onCameraChangeFinish': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCameraChangeFinish?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCameraChangeFinish?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition? var1)? onCameraChange; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition? var1)? onCameraChangeFinish; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3518e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'OnIndoorBuilding': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.OnIndoorBuilding?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.OnIndoorBuilding?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo? var1)? OnIndoorBuilding; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnInfoWindowClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnInfoWindowClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3605e76 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnInfoWindowClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onInfoWindowClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onInfoWindowClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onInfoWindowClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1)? onInfoWindowClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..951e472 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMapClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1)? onMapClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLoadedListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLoadedListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd14f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLoadedListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLoadedListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMapLoaded': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapLoaded?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapLoaded?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function()? onMapLoaded; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLongClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLongClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1586030 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapLongClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapLongClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMapLongClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapLongClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapLongClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1)? onMapLongClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapScreenShotListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapScreenShotListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1275cc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapScreenShotListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapScreenShotListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMapScreenShot': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + case 'onMapScreenShot_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap__int?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap__int?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(android_graphics_Bitmap? var1)? onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap; + + Future Function(android_graphics_Bitmap? var1, int? var2)? onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap__int; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapTouchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapTouchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..885e57d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMapTouchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMapTouchListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onTouch': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onTouch?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onTouch?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(android_view_MotionEvent? var1)? onTouch; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b76b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMarkerClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMarkerClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMarkerClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1)? onMarkerClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerDragListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerDragListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2145f8d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMarkerDragListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMarkerDragListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMarkerDragStart': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMarkerDragStart?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMarkerDragStart?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + case 'onMarkerDrag': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMarkerDrag?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMarkerDrag?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + case 'onMarkerDragEnd': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMarkerDragEnd?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMarkerDragEnd?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1)? onMarkerDragStart; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1)? onMarkerDrag; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1)? onMarkerDragEnd; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMultiPointClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMultiPointClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b62c1b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMultiPointClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMultiPointClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onPointClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPointClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPointClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem? var1)? onPointClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMyLocationChangeListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMyLocationChangeListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67eaffb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnMyLocationChangeListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMyLocationChange': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMyLocationChange?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMyLocationChange?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(android_location_Location? var1)? onMyLocationChange; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPOIClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPOIClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56f6be2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPOIClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPOIClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onPOIClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPOIClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPOIClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi? var1)? onPOIClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPolylineClickListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPolylineClickListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e84698 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/OnPolylineClickListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.OnPolylineClickListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onPolylineClick': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPolylineClick?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPolylineClick?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline? var1)? onPolylineClick; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/onMapPrintScreenListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/onMapPrintScreenListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e0aeaa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMap/onMapPrintScreenListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.AMap.onMapPrintScreenListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onMapPrint': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapPrint?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapPrint?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(android_graphics_drawable_Drawable? var1)? onMapPrint; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapException.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapException.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c123e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapException.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_AMapException extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.AMapException'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final String ERROR_IO = "IO 操作异常 - IOException"; + static final String ERROR_SOCKET = "socket 连接异常 - SocketException"; + static final String ERROR_SOCKE_TIME_OUT = "socket 连接超时 - SocketTimeoutException"; + static final String ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = "无效的参数 - IllegalArgumentException"; + static final String ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER = "空指针异常 - NullPointException"; + static final String ERROR_URL = "url异常 - MalformedURLException"; + static final String ERROR_UNKNOW_HOST = "未知主机 - UnKnowHostException"; + static final String ERROR_UNKNOW_SERVICE = "服务器连接失败 - UnknownServiceException"; + static final String ERROR_PROTOCOL = "协议解析错误 - ProtocolException"; + static final String ERROR_CONNECTION = "http连接失败 - ConnectionException"; + static final String ERROR_UNKNOWN = "未知的错误"; + static final String ERROR_FAILURE_AUTH = "key鉴权失败"; + static final String ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = "空间不足"; + static final String ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE = "不可写入异常"; + static final String ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE = "非法坐标值"; + static final String AMAP_NOT_SUPPORT = "移动设备上未安装高德地图或高德地图版本较旧"; + static final String ILLEGAL_AMAP_ARGUMENT = "非法参数"; + static final String ERROR_FAILURE_OVERSEA_AUTH = "海外鉴权失败"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String(String? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__String', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getErrorMessage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapException@$refId::getErrorMessage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapException::getErrorMessage', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_AMapException{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMapException_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getErrorMessage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapException::getErrorMessage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b66b956 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,708 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int LOGO_POSITION_BOTTOM_LEFT = 0; + static final int LOGO_POSITION_BOTTOM_CENTER = 1; + static final int LOGO_POSITION_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 2; + static final int ZOOM_POSITION_RIGHT_CENTER = 1; + static final int ZOOM_POSITION_RIGHT_BUTTOM = 2; + static final int LOGO_MARGIN_LEFT = 0; + static final int LOGO_MARGIN_RIGHT = 1; + static final int LOGO_MARGIN_BOTTOM = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future logoPosition(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::logoPosition([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::logoPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zOrderOnTop(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::zOrderOnTop([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zOrderOnTop', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future mapType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::mapType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::mapType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future camera(com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::camera([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::camera', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future scaleControlsEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::scaleControlsEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scaleControlsEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zoomControlsEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::zoomControlsEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomControlsEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future compassEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::compassEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::compassEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future scrollGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::scrollGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scrollGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zoomGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::zoomGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future tiltGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::tiltGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::tiltGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future rotateGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::rotateGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::rotateGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLogoPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getLogoPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getLogoPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZOrderOnTop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getZOrderOnTop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZOrderOnTop', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getMapType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getMapType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCamera() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getCamera([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCamera', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getScaleControlsEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getScaleControlsEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScaleControlsEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZoomControlsEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getZoomControlsEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomControlsEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCompassEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getCompassEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCompassEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getScrollGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getScrollGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScrollGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZoomGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getZoomGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTiltGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getTiltGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getTiltGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRotateGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions@$refId::getRotateGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getRotateGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> logoPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::logoPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zOrderOnTop_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zOrderOnTop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> mapType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::mapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> camera_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::camera_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> scaleControlsEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scaleControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zoomControlsEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> compassEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::compassEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> scrollGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::scrollGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zoomGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::zoomGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> tiltGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::tiltGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> rotateGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::rotateGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLogoPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getLogoPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZOrderOnTop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZOrderOnTop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getMapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCamera_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCamera_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getScaleControlsEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScaleControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZoomControlsEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCompassEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getCompassEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getScrollGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getScrollGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZoomGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getZoomGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTiltGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getTiltGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRotateGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptions::getRotateGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d6e460 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapUtils.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapUtils.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a16194 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/AMapUtils.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int DRIVING_DEFAULT = 0; + static final int DRIVING_SAVE_MONEY = 1; + static final int DRIVING_SHORT_DISTANCE = 2; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY = 3; + static final int DRIVING_AVOID_CONGESTION = 4; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY_AVOID_SHORT_MONEY = 5; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 6; + static final int DRIVING_SAVE_MONEY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 7; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY_SAVE_MONEY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 8; + static final int BUS_TIME_FIRST = 0; + static final int BUS_MONEY_LITTLE = 1; + static final int BUS_TRANSFER_LITTLE = 2; + static final int BUS_WALK_LITTLE = 3; + static final int BUS_COMFORT = 4; + static final int BUS_NO_SUBWAY = 5; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future calculateLineDistance(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var0, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateLineDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateLineDistance', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var0, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future calculateArea__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_(List? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getLatestAMapApp(android_content_Context? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::getLatestAMapApp([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::getLatestAMapApp', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future openAMapNavi(com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara? var0, android_content_Context? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapNavi([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapNavi', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future openAMapPoiNearbySearch(com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara? var0, android_content_Context? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapPoiNearbySearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapPoiNearbySearch', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future openAMapDrivingRoute(com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara? var0, android_content_Context? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapDrivingRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapDrivingRoute', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future openAMapTransitRoute(com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara? var0, android_content_Context? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapTransitRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapTransitRoute', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future openAMapWalkingRoute(com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara? var0, android_content_Context? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapWalkingRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapWalkingRoute', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> calculateLineDistance_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateLineDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> calculateArea__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__batch(List?> var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::calculateArea__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getLatestAMapApp_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::getLatestAMapApp_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> openAMapNavi_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapNavi_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> openAMapPoiNearbySearch_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapPoiNearbySearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> openAMapDrivingRoute_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapDrivingRoute_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> openAMapTransitRoute_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapTransitRoute_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> openAMapWalkingRoute_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.AMapUtils::openAMapWalkingRoute_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/BaseMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/BaseMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce37b69 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/BaseMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future loadWorldVectorMap(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView@$refId::loadWorldVectorMap([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView::loadWorldVectorMap', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> loadWorldVectorMap_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.BaseMapView::loadWorldVectorMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdate.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..541c2e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdateFactory.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdateFactory.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..566e5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CameraUpdateFactory.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future zoomIn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomIn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomIn', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future zoomOut() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomOut([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomOut', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future scrollBy(double? var0, double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::scrollBy([\'var0\':$var0, \'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::scrollBy', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future zoomTo(double? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomTo([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomTo', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future zoomBy__double(double? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future zoomBy__double__android_graphics_Point(double? var0, android_graphics_Point? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double__android_graphics_Point', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newCameraPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newCameraPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newCameraPosition', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newLatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLng([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLng', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newLatLngZoom(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var0, double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngZoom', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var0, int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future changeLatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeLatLng([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeLatLng', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future changeBearing(double? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeBearing([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeBearing', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future changeTilt(double? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeTilt([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeTilt', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int__int__int(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var0, int? var1, int? var2, int? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int__int__int', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newLatLngBoundsRect(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var0, int? var1, int? var2, int? var3, int? var4) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBoundsRect([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3, \'var4\':$var4])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBoundsRect', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> zoomIn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomIn_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> zoomOut_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomOut_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> scrollBy_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::scrollBy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> zoomTo_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomTo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> zoomBy__double_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> zoomBy__double__android_graphics_Point_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::zoomBy__double__android_graphics_Point_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newCameraPosition_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newCameraPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newLatLng_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newLatLngZoom_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> changeLatLng_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeLatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> changeBearing_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> changeTilt_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::changeTilt_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int__int__int_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__int__int__int_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newLatLngBoundsRect_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CameraUpdateFactory::newLatLngBoundsRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76e88e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter@$refId::from([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::from', {"var1": var1?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future coord(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter@$refId::coord([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::coord', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future convert() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter@$refId::convert([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::convert', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future isAMapDataAvailable(double? var0, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable([\'var0\':$var0, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable', {"var0": var0, "var2": var2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> from_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::from_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]?.toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> coord_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::coord_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> convert_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::convert_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isAMapDataAvailable_batch(List var0, List var2) async { + assert(var0.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CoordinateConverter::isAMapDataAvailable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eabc2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CoordinateConverter/CoordType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType { + BAIDU /* null */, + MAPBAR /* null */, + GPS /* null */, + MAPABC /* null */, + SOSOMAP /* null */, + ALIYUN /* null */, + GOOGLE /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordTypeToX on com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.BAIDU: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.BAIDU.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPBAR: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPBAR.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GPS: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GPS.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPABC: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPABC.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.SOSOMAP: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.SOSOMAP.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.ALIYUN: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.ALIYUN.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GOOGLE: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GOOGLE.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType tocom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CustomRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CustomRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..063402e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/CustomRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future OnMapReferencechanged() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer@$refId::OnMapReferencechanged([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer::OnMapReferencechanged', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> OnMapReferencechanged_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.CustomRenderer::OnMapReferencechanged_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/ExceptionLogger.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/ExceptionLogger.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f33cc6d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/ExceptionLogger.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.ExceptionLogger::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDownloaderException_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDownloaderException?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDownloaderException?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(int? var1, int? var2)? onDownloaderException; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowAnimationManager.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowAnimationManager.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61b8994 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowAnimationManager.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setInfoWindowAnimation(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowAnimation', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowAppearAnimation(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowAppearAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowAppearAnimation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowBackColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowBackColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowBackEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowBackEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowBackScale(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowBackScale([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackScale', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowMovingAnimation(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::setInfoWindowMovingAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowMovingAnimation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startAnimation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager@$refId::startAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::startAnimation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setInfoWindowAppearAnimation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowAppearAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowBackColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowBackEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowBackScale_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowBackScale_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowDisappearAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowMovingAnimation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::setInfoWindowMovingAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startAnimation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowAnimationManager::startAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowParams.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowParams.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f4f401 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/InfoWindowParams.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int INFOWINDOW_TYPE_IMAGE = 1; + static final int INFOWINDOW_TYPE_VIEW = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setInfoWindowUpdateTime(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::setInfoWindowUpdateTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowUpdateTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoWindowUpdateTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::getInfoWindowUpdateTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowUpdateTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::setInfoWindowType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoWindowType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::getInfoWindowType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoWindow() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::getInfoWindow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindow', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setInfoContent(android_view_View? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::setInfoContent([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoContent', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindow(android_view_View? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::setInfoWindow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindow', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoContents() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams@$refId::getInfoContents([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoContents', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowUpdateTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindowType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoWindowType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindowType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoWindow_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoContent_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoContent_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindow_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::setInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoContents_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.InfoWindowParams::getInfoContents_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..124be31 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'activate': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.activate?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.activate?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + case 'deactivate': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.deactivate?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.deactivate?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener? var1)? activate; + + Future Function()? deactivate; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource/OnLocationChangedListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource/OnLocationChangedListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..529bb58 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/LocationSource/OnLocationChangedListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onLocationChanged': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onLocationChanged?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onLocationChanged?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(android_location_Location? var1)? onLocationChanged; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapFragment.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapFragment.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..848dc5f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapFragment.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapFragment__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapFragment__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future newInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onAttach(android_app_Activity? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onAttach([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onAttach', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroyView() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onDestroyView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroyView', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArguments(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::setArguments([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setArguments', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUserVisibleHint(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment@$refId::setUserVisibleHint([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setUserVisibleHint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> newInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onAttach_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onAttach_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroyView_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroyView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArguments_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setArguments_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUserVisibleHint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6bac2b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_MapView extends android_widget_FrameLayout with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.MapView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(android_content_Context? var1, com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisibility(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapView@$refId::setVisibility([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::setVisibility', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_MapView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_MapView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisibility_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapView::setVisibility_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapsInitializer.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapsInitializer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44fb3e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/MapsInitializer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1129 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int HTTP = 1; + static final int HTTPS = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_sdcardDir() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_sdcardDir", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH", ); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future initialize(android_content_Context? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::initialize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::initialize', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setNetWorkEnable(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setNetWorkEnable([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setNetWorkEnable', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getNetWorkEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getNetWorkEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getNetWorkEnable', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setApiKey(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setApiKey([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setApiKey', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getVersion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getVersion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getVersion', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future loadWorldGridMap(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldGridMap([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldGridMap', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isLoadWorldGridMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldGridMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldGridMap', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future loadWorldVectorMap(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldVectorMap([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldVectorMap', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isLoadWorldVectorMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldVectorMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldVectorMap', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setBuildingHeight(int? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setBuildingHeight([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setBuildingHeight', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setHost(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setHost([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setHost', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setProtocol(int? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setProtocol([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setProtocol', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getProtocol() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getProtocol([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getProtocol', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setTextureViewDestorySync(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureViewDestorySync([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureViewDestorySync', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getTextureViewDestorySync() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureViewDestorySync([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureViewDestorySync', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setTextureDestroyedRender(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureDestroyedRender([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureDestroyedRender', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getTextureDestroyRender() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureDestroyRender([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureDestroyRender', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setTextureSizeChangedInvoked(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureSizeChangedInvoked([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureSizeChangedInvoked', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getTextureSizeChangedInvoked() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureSizeChangedInvoked([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureSizeChangedInvoked', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setExceptionLogger(com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setExceptionLogger([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setExceptionLogger', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future disableCachedMapDataUpdate(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::disableCachedMapDataUpdate([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::disableCachedMapDataUpdate', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isSupportRecycleView() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isSupportRecycleView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isSupportRecycleView', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setSupportRecycleView(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setSupportRecycleView([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setSupportRecycleView', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setPolyline2Enable(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setPolyline2Enable([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setPolyline2Enable', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getPolyline2Enable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getPolyline2Enable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getPolyline2Enable', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getDeviceId(android_content_Context? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getDeviceId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getDeviceId', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future isTerrainEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isTerrainEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isTerrainEnable', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future setTerrainEnable(bool? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTerrainEnable([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTerrainEnable', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyShow(android_content_Context? var0, bool? var1, bool? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyShow([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyShow', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyAgree(android_content_Context? var0, bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyAgree([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyAgree', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_sdcardDir_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_sdcardDir_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::get_TERRAIN_LOCAL_DEM_SOURCE_PATH_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> initialize_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::initialize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setNetWorkEnable_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setNetWorkEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getNetWorkEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getNetWorkEnable_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setApiKey_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setApiKey_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getVersion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getVersion_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> loadWorldGridMap_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldGridMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isLoadWorldGridMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldGridMap_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> loadWorldVectorMap_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::loadWorldVectorMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isLoadWorldVectorMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isLoadWorldVectorMap_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setBuildingHeight_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setBuildingHeight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDownloadCoordinateConvertLibrary_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setHost_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setHost_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setProtocol_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setProtocol_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getProtocol_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getProtocol_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setTextureViewDestorySync_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureViewDestorySync_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getTextureViewDestorySync_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureViewDestorySync_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleFilePath_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getWorldVectorOfflineMapStyleAssetsPath_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setTextureDestroyedRender_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureDestroyedRender_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getTextureDestroyRender_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureDestroyRender_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setTextureSizeChangedInvoked_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTextureSizeChangedInvoked_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getTextureSizeChangedInvoked_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getTextureSizeChangedInvoked_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> disableCachedMapDataUpdate_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::disableCachedMapDataUpdate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isDisableCachedMapDataUpdate_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isSupportRecycleView_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isSupportRecycleView_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setSupportRecycleView_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setSupportRecycleView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setPolyline2Enable_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setPolyline2Enable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getPolyline2Enable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getPolyline2Enable_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getDeviceId_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::getDeviceId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> isTerrainEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::isTerrainEnable_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> setTerrainEnable_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::setTerrainEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyShow_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyShow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyAgree_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.MapsInitializer::updatePrivacyAgree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/Projection.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/Projection.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2875eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/Projection.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_Projection extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.Projection'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future fromScreenLocation(android_graphics_Point? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::fromScreenLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromScreenLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future toScreenLocation(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::toScreenLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toScreenLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + @deprecated + Future toMapLocation(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::toMapLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toMapLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future toOpenGLLocation(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::toOpenGLLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future toOpenGLWidth(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::toOpenGLWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getVisibleRegion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::getVisibleRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getVisibleRegion', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future fromBoundsToTile(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var1, int? var2, int? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::fromBoundsToTile([\'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromBoundsToTile', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMapBounds(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::getMapBounds([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getMapBounds', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCameraInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::getCameraInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getCameraInfo', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calZoomByTargetPos(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.Projection@$refId::calZoomByTargetPos([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::calZoomByTargetPos', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_Projection{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_Projection_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> fromScreenLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromScreenLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> toScreenLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toScreenLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> toMapLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toMapLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> toOpenGLLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> toOpenGLWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::toOpenGLWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getVisibleRegion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getVisibleRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> fromBoundsToTile_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::fromBoundsToTile_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapBounds_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getMapBounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCameraInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::getCameraInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calZoomByTargetPos_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.Projection::calZoomByTargetPos_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/SupportMapFragment.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/SupportMapFragment.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5be6b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/SupportMapFragment.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future newInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onAttach(android_app_Activity? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onAttach([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onAttach', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroyView() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onDestroyView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroyView', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArguments(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::setArguments([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setArguments', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUserVisibleHint(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment@$refId::setUserVisibleHint([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> newInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onAttach_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onAttach_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroyView_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroyView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArguments_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setArguments_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUserVisibleHint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/SwipeDismissView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/SwipeDismissView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e4679d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/SwipeDismissView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView extends android_widget_RelativeLayout { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context__android_view_View(android_content_Context? var1, android_view_View? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView__android_content_Context__android_view_View', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__android_view_View(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView__android_content_Context__android_view_View', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setCallback(com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView@$refId::setCallback([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.SwipeDismissView::setCallback', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapFragment.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapFragment.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a85c7e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapFragment.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future newInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onAttach(android_app_Activity? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onAttach([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onAttach', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroyView() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onDestroyView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroyView', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArguments(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::setArguments([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setArguments', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUserVisibleHint(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment@$refId::setUserVisibleHint([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> newInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onAttach_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onAttach_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroyView_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroyView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArguments_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setArguments_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUserVisibleHint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a384e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView extends android_widget_FrameLayout with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(android_content_Context? var1, com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisibility(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView@$refId::setVisibility([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::setVisibility', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisibility_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView::setVisibility_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureSupportMapFragment.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureSupportMapFragment.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8165415 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/TextureSupportMapFragment.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future newInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onAttach(android_app_Activity? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onAttach([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onAttach', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroyView() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onDestroyView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroyView', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArguments(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::setArguments([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setArguments', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUserVisibleHint(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment@$refId::setUserVisibleHint([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> newInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::newInstance__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onAttach_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onAttach_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroyView_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroyView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArguments_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setArguments_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUserVisibleHint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.TextureSupportMapFragment::setUserVisibleHint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/UiSettings.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/UiSettings.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e76f1b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/UiSettings.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,933 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_UiSettings extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setScaleControlsEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setScaleControlsEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScaleControlsEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomControlsEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setZoomControlsEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomControlsEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCompassEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setCompassEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setCompassEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMyLocationButtonEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setMyLocationButtonEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setMyLocationButtonEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setScrollGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setScrollGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScrollGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setZoomGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTiltGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setTiltGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setTiltGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotateGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setRotateGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setRotateGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAllGesturesEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setAllGesturesEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setAllGesturesEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLogoPosition(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setLogoPosition([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomPosition(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setZoomPosition([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZoomPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::getZoomPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getZoomPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isScaleControlsEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isScaleControlsEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScaleControlsEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isZoomControlsEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isZoomControlsEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomControlsEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isCompassEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isCompassEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isCompassEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isMyLocationButtonEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isMyLocationButtonEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isMyLocationButtonEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isScrollGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isScrollGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScrollGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isZoomGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isZoomGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isTiltGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isTiltGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isTiltGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isRotateGesturesEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isRotateGesturesEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isRotateGesturesEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLogoPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::getLogoPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isIndoorSwitchEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isIndoorSwitchEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isIndoorSwitchEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setIndoorSwitchEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setIndoorSwitchEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setIndoorSwitchEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLogoMarginRate(int? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setLogoMarginRate([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoMarginRate', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLogoMarginRate(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::getLogoMarginRate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoMarginRate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLogoLeftMargin(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setLogoLeftMargin([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoLeftMargin', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLogoBottomMargin(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setLogoBottomMargin([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoBottomMargin', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomInByScreenCenter(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setZoomInByScreenCenter([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomInByScreenCenter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGestureScaleByMapCenter(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setGestureScaleByMapCenter([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setGestureScaleByMapCenter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isGestureScaleByMapCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::isGestureScaleByMapCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isGestureScaleByMapCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLogoCenter(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings@$refId::setLogoCenter([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoCenter', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_UiSettings{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_UiSettings_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setScaleControlsEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScaleControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomControlsEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCompassEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setCompassEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMyLocationButtonEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setMyLocationButtonEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setScrollGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setScrollGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTiltGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setTiltGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotateGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setRotateGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAllGesturesEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setAllGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLogoPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZoomPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getZoomPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isScaleControlsEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScaleControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isZoomControlsEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomControlsEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isCompassEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isCompassEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isMyLocationButtonEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isMyLocationButtonEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isScrollGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isScrollGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isZoomGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isZoomGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isTiltGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isTiltGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isRotateGesturesEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isRotateGesturesEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLogoPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isIndoorSwitchEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isIndoorSwitchEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIndoorSwitchEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setIndoorSwitchEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLogoMarginRate_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoMarginRate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLogoMarginRate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::getLogoMarginRate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLogoLeftMargin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoLeftMargin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLogoBottomMargin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoBottomMargin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomInByScreenCenter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setZoomInByScreenCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGestureScaleByMapCenter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setGestureScaleByMapCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isGestureScaleByMapCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::isGestureScaleByMapCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLogoCenter_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.UiSettings::setLogoCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ecba53 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView extends android_view_ViewGroup with com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(android_content_Context? var1, com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::getMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::getMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future onCreate(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onCreate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onCreate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onResume() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onResume([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onResume', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onPause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onPause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onPause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDestroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onDestroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDestroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onLowMemory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onLowMemory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onLowMemory', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onSaveInstanceState(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onSaveInstanceState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onSaveInstanceState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisibility(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::setVisibility([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::setVisibility', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnDismissCallbackListener(com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::setOnDismissCallbackListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::setOnDismissCallbackListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onDismiss() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onDismiss([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDismiss', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onEnterAmbient(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onEnterAmbient([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onEnterAmbient', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onExitAmbient() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView@$refId::onExitAmbient([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onExitAmbient', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::getMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onCreate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onCreate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onResume_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onResume_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onPause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onPause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDestroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDestroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onLowMemory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onLowMemory_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onSaveInstanceState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onSaveInstanceState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisibility_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::setVisibility_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onDismiss_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onDismiss_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onEnterAmbient_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onEnterAmbient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onExitAmbient_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView::onExitAmbient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView/OnDismissCallback.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView/OnDismissCallback.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e74182 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/WearMapView/OnDismissCallback.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView.OnDismissCallback::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDismiss': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDismiss?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDismiss?.call(); + break; + case 'onNotifySwipe': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onNotifySwipe?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onNotifySwipe?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function()? onDismiss; + + Future Function()? onNotifySwipe; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapCameraInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapCameraInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8932876 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapCameraInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4, double? var5, double? var6) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo__float__float__float__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5, List var6) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo__float__float__float__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFov() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@$refId::getFov([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getFov', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAspectRatio() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@$refId::getAspectRatio([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getAspectRatio', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRotate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@$refId::getRotate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getRotate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getX() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@$refId::getX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getX', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@$refId::getY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getY', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZ() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo@$refId::getZ([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getZ', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFov_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getFov_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAspectRatio_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getAspectRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRotate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getX_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZ_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapCameraInfo::getZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGLOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGLOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6a5419 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGLOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGLOverlay::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGestureListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGestureListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e765ee6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapGestureListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapGestureListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDoubleTap_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDoubleTap?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDoubleTap?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onSingleTap_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onSingleTap?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onSingleTap?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onFling_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onFling?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onFling?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onScroll_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onScroll?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onScroll?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onLongPress_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onLongPress?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onLongPress?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onDown_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDown?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDown?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onUp_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onUp?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onUp?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onMapStable': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onMapStable?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onMapStable?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onDoubleTap; + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onSingleTap; + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onFling; + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onScroll; + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onLongPress; + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onDown; + + Future Function(double? var1, double? var2)? onUp; + + Future Function()? onMapStable; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31e75ea --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.AMapPara'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_DEFAULT = -1; + static final int DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_SQUARE = 0; + static final int DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_CIRCLE = 1; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineCapType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineCapType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44d9fed --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineCapType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType { + LineCapButt /* null */, + LineCapSquare /* null */, + LineCapArrow /* null */, + LineCapRound /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapTypeToX on com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapButt: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapButt.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapSquare: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapSquare.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapArrow: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapArrow.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapRound: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.LineCapRound.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType tocom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineCapType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineJoinType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineJoinType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1884653 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/AMapPara/LineJoinType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType { + LineJoinBevel /* null */, + LineJoinMiter /* null */, + LineJoinRound /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinTypeToX on com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.LineJoinBevel: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.LineJoinBevel.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.LineJoinMiter: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.LineJoinMiter.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.LineJoinRound: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.LineJoinRound.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType tocom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Arc.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Arc.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..500b720 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Arc.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Arc extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::setStrokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::setStrokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Arc{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Arc_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Arc::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17a3fe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future point(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var2, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::point([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::point', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::strokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::strokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStart() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::getStart([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStart', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPassed() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::getPassed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getPassed', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getEnd() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::getEnd([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getEnd', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> point_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::point_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::strokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStart_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getStart_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPassed_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getPassed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEnd_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::getEnd_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42c97e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ArcOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ArcOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseHoleOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseHoleOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f91a6a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseHoleOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseHoleOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca4577c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future resetUpdateFlags() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions@$refId::resetUpdateFlags([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions::resetUpdateFlags', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> resetUpdateFlags_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions::resetUpdateFlags_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions/BaseUpdateFlags.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions/BaseUpdateFlags.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fac2fba --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOptions/BaseUpdateFlags.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future reset() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags@$refId::reset([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags::reset', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> reset_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOptions.BaseUpdateFlags::reset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5af7b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BaseOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BaseOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String(String? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay__String', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BasePointOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BasePointOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a0f2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BasePointOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,597 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTitle(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setTitle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setTitle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getTitle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getSnippet', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSnippet(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setSnippet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setSnippet', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setObject(Object? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setObject([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setObject', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getObject() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::getObject([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getObject', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotateAngle(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setRotateAngle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setRotateAngle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRotateAngle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::getRotateAngle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getRotateAngle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAnimation(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::setAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setAnimation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startAnimation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::startAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::startAnimation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showInfoWindow() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::showInfoWindow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::showInfoWindow', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isInfoWindowEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay@$refId::isInfoWindowEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isInfoWindowEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTitle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setTitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getTitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getSnippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSnippet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setSnippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setObject_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getObject_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotateAngle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setRotateAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRotateAngle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::getRotateAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAnimation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::setAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startAnimation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::startAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showInfoWindow_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::showInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isInfoWindowEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BasePointOverlay::isInfoWindowEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptor.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptor.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11718d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptor.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getBitmap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@$refId::getBitmap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getBitmap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getHeight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor@$refId::getHeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getHeight', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBitmap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getBitmap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHeight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptor::getHeight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a2740b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorFactory.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorFactory.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30865c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/BitmapDescriptorFactory.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_HUE_RED() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_RED", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_ORANGE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ORANGE", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_YELLOW() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_YELLOW", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_GREEN() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_GREEN", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_CYAN() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_CYAN", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_AZURE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_AZURE", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_BLUE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_BLUE", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_VIOLET() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_VIOLET", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_MAGENTA() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_MAGENTA", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_HUE_ROSE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ROSE", ); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future fromResource(int? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromResource([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromResource', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future fromView(android_view_View? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromView', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future fromPath(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromPath([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromPath', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future fromAsset(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromAsset([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromAsset', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future fromFile(String? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromFile([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromFile', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future defaultMarker() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future defaultMarker__double(double? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker__double', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future fromBitmap(android_graphics_Bitmap? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromBitmap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromBitmap', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future getContext() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::getContext([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::getContext', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_HUE_RED_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_RED_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_ORANGE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ORANGE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_YELLOW_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_YELLOW_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_GREEN_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_GREEN_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_CYAN_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_CYAN_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_AZURE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_AZURE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_BLUE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_BLUE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_VIOLET_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_VIOLET_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_MAGENTA_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_MAGENTA_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_HUE_ROSE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::get_HUE_ROSE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> fromResource_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromResource_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> fromView_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> fromPath_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> fromAsset_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromAsset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> fromFile_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromFile_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> defaultMarker_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> defaultMarker__double_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::defaultMarker__double_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> fromBitmap_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::fromBitmap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getContext_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory::getContext_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15311b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_target() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_target", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_zoom() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_zoom", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tilt() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_tilt", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_bearing() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_bearing", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isAbroad() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_isAbroad", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future fromLatLngZoom(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var0, double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::fromLatLngZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::fromLatLngZoom', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future builder() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_target_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_target_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zoom_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_zoom_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tilt_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_tilt_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_bearing_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_bearing_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isAbroad_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::get_isAbroad_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> fromLatLngZoom_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::fromLatLngZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> builder_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition::builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition/Builder.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition/Builder.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78bef66 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPosition/Builder.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder__com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future target(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@$refId::target([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::target', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zoom(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@$refId::zoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::zoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future tilt(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@$refId::tilt([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::tilt', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future bearing(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@$refId::bearing([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::bearing', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future build() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder@$refId::build([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::build', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> target_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::target_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::zoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> tilt_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::tilt_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> bearing_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::bearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> build_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPosition.Builder::build_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPositionCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPositionCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e213c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CameraPositionCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CameraPositionCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Circle.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Circle.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b835d14 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Circle.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,653 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCenter(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setCenter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setRadius(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setRadius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setRadius', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRadius() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getRadius([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getRadius', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setStrokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setStrokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFillColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setFillColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setFillColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFillColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getFillColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getFillColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future contains(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::contains([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::contains', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setHoleOptions(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setHoleOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getHoleOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getHoleOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setStrokeDottedLineType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::setStrokeDottedLineType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeDottedLineType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeDottedLineType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle@$refId::getStrokeDottedLineType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeDottedLineType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRadius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setRadius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadius_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getRadius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFillColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFillColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> contains_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::contains_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setHoleOptions_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getHoleOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeDottedLineType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::setStrokeDottedLineType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeDottedLineType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Circle::getStrokeDottedLineType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleHoleOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleHoleOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48f8275 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleHoleOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future center(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@$refId::center([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::center', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future radius(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@$refId::radius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::radius', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRadius() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions@$refId::getRadius([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getRadius', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> center_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> radius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadius_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleHoleOptions::getRadius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ccd06f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,701 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future center(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::center([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::center', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future radius(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::radius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::radius', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::strokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::strokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future fillColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::fillColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::fillColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRadius() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getRadius([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getRadius', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFillColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getFillColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getFillColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::addHoles([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::addHoles([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getHoleOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getHoleOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setStrokeDottedLineType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::setStrokeDottedLineType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::setStrokeDottedLineType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStrokeDottedLineType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::getStrokeDottedLineType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeDottedLineType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future usePolylineStroke(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::usePolylineStroke([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::usePolylineStroke', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isUsePolylineStroke() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::isUsePolylineStroke([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isUsePolylineStroke', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> center_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> radius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::strokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> fillColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::fillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadius_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getRadius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFillColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions__batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions__batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getHoleOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeDottedLineType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::setStrokeDottedLineType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeDottedLineType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::getStrokeDottedLineType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> usePolylineStroke_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::usePolylineStroke_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isUsePolylineStroke_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::isUsePolylineStroke_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3254cdf --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CircleOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CircleOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ColorLatLng.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ColorLatLng.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f050b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ColorLatLng.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng____int(List? var1, int? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng___int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng____int(List?> var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng___int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng@$refId::getColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getLatLngs() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng@$refId::getLatLngs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getLatLngs', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getLatLngs_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ColorLatLng::getLatLngs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcf64eb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int UPDATE_TYPE_DATA = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setData(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@$refId::setData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setImageMode(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@$refId::setImageMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setImageMode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGenerateCrossImageListener(com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@$refId::setGenerateCrossImageListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setGenerateCrossImageListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnCrossVectorUpdateListener(com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay@$refId::setOnCrossVectorUpdateListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setOnCrossVectorUpdateListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setImageMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay::setImageMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/GenerateCrossImageListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/GenerateCrossImageListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddad2fd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/GenerateCrossImageListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.GenerateCrossImageListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onGenerateComplete_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onGenerateComplete?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onGenerateComplete?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(android_graphics_Bitmap? var1, int? var2)? onGenerateComplete; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/OnCrossVectorUpdateListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/OnCrossVectorUpdateListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e902c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/OnCrossVectorUpdateListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.OnCrossVectorUpdateListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onUpdate_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onUpdate?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onUpdate?.call(args['var1'], AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var2'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(int? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem? var2)? onUpdate; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/UpdateItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/UpdateItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c845d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlay/UpdateItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_dataUpdateFlag() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::get_dataUpdateFlag", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_dataUpdateFlag(int? dataUpdateFlag) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::set_dataUpdateFlag', {'__this__': this, "dataUpdateFlag": dataUpdateFlag}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_dataUpdateFlag_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::get_dataUpdateFlag_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_dataUpdateFlag_batch(List dataUpdateFlag) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlay.UpdateItem::set_dataUpdateFlag_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "dataUpdateFlag": dataUpdateFlag[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0d36f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CrossOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setRes(android_graphics_Bitmap? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions@$refId::setRes([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::setRes', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRes() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions@$refId::getRes([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::getRes', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setRes_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::setRes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRes_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CrossOverlayOptions::getRes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CustomMapStyleOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CustomMapStyleOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..750bf27 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/CustomMapStyleOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,757 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStyleDataPath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleDataPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataPath', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStyleDataPath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleDataPath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataPath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleTexturePath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleTexturePath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTexturePath', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStyleTexturePath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleTexturePath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTexturePath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Uint8List; + } + + + Future setStyleData(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleTextureData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleTextureData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTextureData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Uint8List; + } + + + Future setStyleTextureData(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleTextureData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTextureData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStyleId(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleId', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::isEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::isEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleExtraData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleExtraData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Uint8List; + } + + + Future setStyleExtraData(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleExtraData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleExtraPath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleExtraPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraPath', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStyleExtraPath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleExtraPath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraPath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleDataOverseaPath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleDataOverseaPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOverseaPath', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStyleDataOverseaPath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleDataOverseaPath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOverseaPath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleDataOversea() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleDataOversea([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOversea', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Uint8List; + } + + + Future setStyleDataOversea(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleDataOversea([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOversea', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleResDataPath() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleResDataPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResDataPath', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStyleResDataPath(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleResDataPath([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResDataPath', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStyleResData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::getStyleResData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Uint8List; + } + + + Future setStyleResData(Uint8List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions@$refId::setStyleResData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStyleDataPath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleDataPath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleTexturePath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTexturePath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleTexturePath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTexturePath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Uint8List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleTextureData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleTextureData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Uint8List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleTextureData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleTextureData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::isEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleExtraData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Uint8List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleExtraData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleExtraPath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleExtraPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleExtraPath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleExtraPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleDataOverseaPath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOverseaPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleDataOverseaPath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOverseaPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleDataOversea_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleDataOversea_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Uint8List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleDataOversea_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleDataOversea_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleResDataPath_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResDataPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleResDataPath_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResDataPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStyleResData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::getStyleResData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Uint8List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStyleResData_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.CustomMapStyleOptions::setStyleResData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModel.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModel.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11bddf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModel.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setAngle(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@$refId::setAngle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setAngle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAngle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@$refId::getAngle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::getAngle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setModelFixedLength(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@$refId::setModelFixedLength([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setModelFixedLength', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomLimit(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel@$refId::setZoomLimit([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setZoomLimit', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setAngle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAngle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::getAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setModelFixedLength_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setModelFixedLength_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomLimit_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModel::setZoomLimit_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModelOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModelOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ad554d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GL3DModelOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,589 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future textureDrawable(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::textureDrawable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::textureDrawable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future vertexData__String(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::vertexData([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__String', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future vertexData__List_double___List_double_(List? var1, List? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::vertexData([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__List_double___List_double_', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future position(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::position([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::position', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future angle(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::angle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::angle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getVertext() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getVertext([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getVertext', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> getTextrue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getTextrue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTextrue', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future getAngle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getAngle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getAngle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLng() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getLatLng([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getLatLng', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getBitmapDescriptor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getBitmapDescriptor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getBitmapDescriptor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setModelFixedLength(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::setModelFixedLength([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setModelFixedLength', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getModelFixedLength() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getModelFixedLength([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getModelFixedLength', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future title(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::title([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::title', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future snippet(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::snippet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::snippet', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTitle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions@$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getSnippet', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> textureDrawable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::textureDrawable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> vertexData__String_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__String_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> vertexData__List_double___List_double__batch(List?> var1, List?> var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::vertexData__List_double___List_double__batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> position_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::position_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> angle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::angle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getVertext_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getVertext_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getTextrue_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTextrue_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAngle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLng_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getLatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBitmapDescriptor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getBitmapDescriptor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setModelFixedLength_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setModelFixedLength_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getModelFixedLength_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getModelFixedLength_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> title_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::title_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> snippet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::snippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getTitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GL3DModelOptions::getSnippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Gradient.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Gradient.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de0e329 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Gradient.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__intArray__floatArray(Int32List? var1, Float64List? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArray', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__intArray__floatArray(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArray', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getColors() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient@$refId::getColors([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getColors', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Int32List; + } + + + Future getStartPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient@$refId::getStartPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getStartPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Float64List; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getColors_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getColors_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Int32List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Gradient::getStartPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Float64List).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e76a0b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,625 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDimensions__double(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setDimensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setImage(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setImage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setImage', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDimensions__double__double(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setDimensions([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double__double', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getHeight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getHeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getHeight', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPositionFromBounds(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setPositionFromBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPositionFromBounds', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBounds() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBounds', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setBearing(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setBearing([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setBearing', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBearing() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getBearing([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBearing', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTransparency(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::setTransparency([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setTransparency', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTransparency() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::getTransparency([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getTransparency', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDimensions__double_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setImage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setImage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDimensions__double__double_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setDimensions__double__double_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHeight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getHeight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPositionFromBounds_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setPositionFromBounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBounds_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBearing_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBearing_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTransparency_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::setTransparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTransparency_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::getTransparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlay::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d109d9e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,681 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_NO_DIMENSION() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::get_NO_DIMENSION", ); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future image(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::image([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::image', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future anchor(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::anchor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::anchor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::position([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, double? var2, double? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::position([\'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future positionFromBounds(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::positionFromBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::positionFromBounds', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future bearing(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::bearing([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::bearing', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future transparency(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::transparency([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::transparency', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getImage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getImage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getImage', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getLocation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getHeight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getHeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getHeight', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBounds() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBounds', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getBearing() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getBearing([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBearing', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTransparency() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getTransparency([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getTransparency', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorU() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getAnchorU([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorU', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorV() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::getAnchorV([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorV', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_NO_DIMENSION_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::get_NO_DIMENSION_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> image_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::image_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> anchor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::anchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::position__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> positionFromBounds_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::positionFromBounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> bearing_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::bearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> transparency_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::transparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getImage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getImage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHeight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getHeight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBounds_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBearing_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTransparency_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getTransparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorU_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorU_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorV_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::getAnchorV_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c26cec --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/GroundOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayer.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7cd489 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::getOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer@$refId::setOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::getOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOptions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayer::setOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayerOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayerOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26dcc2f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapGridLayerOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int TYPE_NORMAL = 0; + static final int TYPE_GRID = 1; + static final int TYPE_HEXAGON = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future data(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::data([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::data', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future maxZoom(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::maxZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::maxZoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future minZoom(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::minZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::minZoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future type(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::type([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::type', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::getData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getMaxZoom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::getMaxZoom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMaxZoom', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMinZoom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::getMinZoom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMinZoom', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> data_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::data_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> maxZoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::maxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> minZoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::minZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> type_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxZoom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMaxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMinZoom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getMinZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::getType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapGridLayerOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0f2d0c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCenter(double? var1, double? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@$refId::setCenter([\'var1\':$var1, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setCenter', {"var1": var1, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getIntensity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@$refId::getIntensity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIntensity', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setIntensity(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@$refId::setIntensity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIntensity', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getIndexes() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@$refId::getIndexes([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIndexes', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Int32List; + } + + + Future setIndexes(Int32List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem@$refId::setIndexes([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIndexes', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenter_batch(List var1, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIntensity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIntensity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIntensity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIntensity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIndexes_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::getIndexes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Int32List).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIndexes_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapItem::setIndexes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayer.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c33ad1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getHeatMapItem(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::getHeatMapItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getHeatMapItem', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::getOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer@$refId::setOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHeatMapItem_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getHeatMapItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::getOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOptions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayer::setOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayerOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayerOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c10df5d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatMapLayerOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,741 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int DEFAULT_RADIUS = 12; + static final double DEFAULT_OPACITY = 0.6; + static final int TYPE_NORMAL = 0; + static final int TYPE_GRID = 1; + static final int TYPE_HEXAGON = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_DEFAULT_GRADIENT() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT", ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future data(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::data([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::data', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future weightedData(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::weightedData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::weightedData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future size(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::size([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::size', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future gradient(com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::gradient([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gradient', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future opacity(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::opacity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::opacity', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future maxIntensity(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::maxIntensity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxIntensity', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future maxZoom(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::maxZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxZoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future minZoom(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::minZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::minZoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future gap(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::gap([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gap', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future type(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::type([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::type', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getGradient() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getGradient([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGradient', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOpacity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getOpacity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getOpacity', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMaxIntensity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getMaxIntensity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxIntensity', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMaxZoom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getMaxZoom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxZoom', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMinZoom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getMinZoom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMinZoom', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getGap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getGap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> data_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::data_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> weightedData_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::weightedData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> size_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::size_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> gradient_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> opacity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::opacity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> maxIntensity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxIntensity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> maxZoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::maxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> minZoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::minZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> gap_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::gap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> type_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getGradient_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOpacity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getOpacity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxIntensity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxIntensity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxZoom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMaxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMinZoom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getMinZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getGap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getGap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatMapLayerOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6920b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int DEFAULT_RADIUS = 12; + static final double DEFAULT_OPACITY = 0.6; + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_DEFAULT_GRADIENT() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT", ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider::get_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider/Builder.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider/Builder.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c316c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/HeatmapTileProvider/Builder.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future data(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@$refId::data([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::data', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future weightedData(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@$refId::weightedData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::weightedData', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future radius(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@$refId::radius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::radius', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future gradient(com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@$refId::gradient([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::gradient', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future transparency(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@$refId::transparency([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::transparency', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future build() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder@$refId::build([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::build', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> data_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::data_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> weightedData_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::weightedData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> radius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> gradient_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::gradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> transparency_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::transparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> build_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider.Builder::build_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..460fc70 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_color() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_color", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type(int? type) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_color(int? color) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_color', {'__this__': this, "color": color}); + } + + Future set_radius(double? radius) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_color_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_color_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_color_batch(List color) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_color_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "color": color[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.ImageOptions::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions/ShapeType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions/ShapeType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f2266b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/ImageOptions/ShapeType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType { + CIRCLE /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeTypeToX on com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType.CIRCLE: return com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType.CIRCLE.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType tocom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions_ShapeType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/IndoorBuildingInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/IndoorBuildingInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1a5a87 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/IndoorBuildingInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_activeFloorName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_activeFloorIndex() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorIndex", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_poiid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_poiid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_floor_indexs() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_indexs", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__ as Int32List; + } + + Future?> get_floor_names() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_names", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_activeFloorName(String? activeFloorName) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorName', {'__this__': this, "activeFloorName": activeFloorName}); + } + + Future set_activeFloorIndex(int? activeFloorIndex) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorIndex', {'__this__': this, "activeFloorIndex": activeFloorIndex}); + } + + Future set_poiid(String? poiid) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_poiid', {'__this__': this, "poiid": poiid}); + } + + Future set_floor_indexs(Int32List? floor_indexs) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_indexs', {'__this__': this, "floor_indexs": floor_indexs}); + } + + Future set_floor_names(List? floor_names) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_names', {'__this__': this, "floor_names": floor_names}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_activeFloorName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_activeFloorIndex_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_activeFloorIndex_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_poiid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_poiid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_floor_indexs_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_indexs_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Int32List).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_floor_names_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::get_floor_names_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_activeFloorName_batch(List activeFloorName) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "activeFloorName": activeFloorName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_activeFloorIndex_batch(List activeFloorIndex) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_activeFloorIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "activeFloorIndex": activeFloorIndex[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_poiid_batch(List poiid) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_poiid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "poiid": poiid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_floor_indexs_batch(List floor_indexs) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_indexs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "floor_indexs": floor_indexs[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_floor_names_batch(List?> floor_names) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.IndoorBuildingInfo::set_floor_names_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "floor_names": floor_names[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLng.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLng.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..defa5ef --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLng.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__double__double(double? var1, double? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double', + {"var1": var1, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__double__double__boolean(double? var1, double? var3, bool? var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double__boolean', + {"var1": var1, "var3": var3, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__double__double(List var1, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__double__double__boolean(List var1, List var3, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length && var3.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double__double__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_latitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_latitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_longitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_longitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_latitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_latitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_longitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::get_longitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2dcb14 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_southwest() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_southwest", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_northeast() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_northeast", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future builder() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::builder([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::builder', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@$refId::contains([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@$refId::contains([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future intersects(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@$refId::intersects([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::intersects', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future including(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds@$refId::including([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::including', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_southwest_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_southwest_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_northeast_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::get_northeast_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> builder_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::builder_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::contains__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> intersects_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::intersects_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> including_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds::including_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds/Builder.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds/Builder.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e867ed3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBounds/Builder.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future include(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder@$refId::include([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::include', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future build() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder@$refId::build([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::build', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> include_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::include_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> build_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBounds.Builder::build_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBoundsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBoundsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91fac9b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngBoundsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngBoundsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f0fc2a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLngCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLngCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac14af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future visible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay@$refId::visible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::visible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlay::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92b9b74 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String__String(String? var1, String? var2, String? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions__String__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions__String__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setTileProvider(com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@$refId::setTileProvider([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setTileProvider', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future visible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions@$refId::visible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::visible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setTileProvider_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setTileProvider_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions/Builder.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions/Builder.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee2666e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileOverlayOptions/Builder.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future url(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@$refId::url([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::url', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future key(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@$refId::key([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::key', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future build() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder@$refId::build([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::build', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> url_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::url_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> key_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::key_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> build_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileOverlayOptions.Builder::build_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileProvider.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileProvider.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b93358 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MVTTileProvider.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String__String(String? var1, String? var2, String? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider__String__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider__String__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getUrl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider@$refId::getUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getUrl', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getKey() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider@$refId::getKey([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getKey', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getUrl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getUrl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getKey_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getKey_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MVTTileProvider::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Marker.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Marker.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49707d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Marker.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1118 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setPeriod(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setPeriod([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPeriod', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPeriod() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getPeriod([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getPeriod', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setIcons(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setIcons([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcons', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getIcons() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getIcons([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getIcons', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPerspective(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setPerspective([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPerspective', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isPerspective() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isPerspective([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isPerspective', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setIcon(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setIcon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcon', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAnchor(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setAnchor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAnchor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDraggable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setDraggable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDraggable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isDraggable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isDraggable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isDraggable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hideInfoWindow() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::hideInfoWindow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::hideInfoWindow', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isInfoWindowShown() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isInfoWindowShown([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowShown', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setToTop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setToTop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setToTop', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFlat(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setFlat([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFlat', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isFlat() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isFlat([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isFlat', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPositionByPixels(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setPositionByPixels([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionByPixels', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAnimationListener(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setAnimationListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAnimationListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAlpha() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getAlpha([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAlpha', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAlpha(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setAlpha([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAlpha', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDisplayLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getDisplayLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getDisplayLevel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isClickable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isClickable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isClickable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isInfoWindowAutoOverturn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInfoWindowEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setInfoWindowEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setInfoWindowEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMarkerOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setMarkerOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setMarkerOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAutoOverturnInfoWindow(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setAutoOverturnInfoWindow([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAutoOverturnInfoWindow', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setClickable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setClickable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setClickable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDisplayLevel(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setDisplayLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDisplayLevel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFixingPointEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setFixingPointEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFixingPointEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isRemoved() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isRemoved([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isRemoved', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPositionNotUpdate(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setPositionNotUpdate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionNotUpdate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotateAngleNotUpdate(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setRotateAngleNotUpdate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setRotateAngleNotUpdate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBelowMaskLayer(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::setBelowMaskLayer([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setBelowMaskLayer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorU() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getAnchorU([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorU', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorV() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::getAnchorV([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorV', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isViewMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker@$refId::isViewMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isViewMode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setPeriod_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPeriod_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPeriod_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getPeriod_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIcons_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getIcons_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getIcons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPerspective_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPerspective_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isPerspective_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isPerspective_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIcon_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setIcon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAnchor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAnchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDraggable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDraggable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDraggable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isDraggable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hideInfoWindow_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::hideInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isInfoWindowShown_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowShown_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setToTop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setToTop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFlat_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFlat_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isFlat_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isFlat_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPositionByPixels_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionByPixels_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAlpha_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAlpha_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAlpha_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAlpha_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDisplayLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getDisplayLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isClickable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isClickable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isInfoWindowAutoOverturn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setInfoWindowEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMarkerOptions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setMarkerOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAutoOverturnInfoWindow_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setAutoOverturnInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setClickable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setClickable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDisplayLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setDisplayLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFixingPointEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setFixingPointEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isRemoved_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isRemoved_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPositionNotUpdate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setPositionNotUpdate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotateAngleNotUpdate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setRotateAngleNotUpdate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBelowMaskLayer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::setBelowMaskLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorU_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorU_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorV_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::getAnchorV_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isViewMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker::isViewMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e36f7c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1373 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future icons(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::icons([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icons', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future rotatingIcons(List? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::rotatingIcons([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotatingIcons', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAngleOffset() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getAngleOffset([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAngleOffset', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isRotatingMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isRotatingMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isRotatingMode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getIcons() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getIcons([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcons', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future period(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::period([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::period', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPeriod() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getPeriod([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPeriod', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isPerspective() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isPerspective([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isPerspective', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future perspective(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::perspective([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::perspective', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future position(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::position([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::position', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setFlat(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::setFlat([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setFlat', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future icon(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::icon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icon', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future anchor(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::anchor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::anchor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setInfoWindowOffset(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::setInfoWindowOffset([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setInfoWindowOffset', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future title(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::title([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::title', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future snippet(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::snippet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::snippet', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future draggable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::draggable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::draggable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setGps(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::setGps([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setGps', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getTitle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getSnippet', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getIcon() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getIcon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcon', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAnchorU() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getAnchorU([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorU', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoWindowOffsetX() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getInfoWindowOffsetX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetX', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInfoWindowOffsetY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getInfoWindowOffsetY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetY', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorV() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getAnchorV([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorV', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isDraggable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isDraggable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isDraggable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isGps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isGps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isGps', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isFlat() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isFlat([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isFlat', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future alpha(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::alpha([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::alpha', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAlpha() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getAlpha([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAlpha', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future autoOverturnInfoWindow(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::autoOverturnInfoWindow([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::autoOverturnInfoWindow', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isInfoWindowAutoOverturn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future displayLevel(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::displayLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::displayLevel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getDisplayLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getDisplayLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getDisplayLevel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future rotateAngle(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::rotateAngle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotateAngle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRotateAngle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::getRotateAngle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getRotateAngle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future infoWindowEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::infoWindowEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::infoWindowEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isInfoWindowEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isInfoWindowEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future belowMaskLayer(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::belowMaskLayer([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::belowMaskLayer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isBelowMaskLayer() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::isBelowMaskLayer([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isBelowMaskLayer', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> icons_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> rotatingIcons_batch(List?> var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotatingIcons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAngleOffset_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAngleOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isRotatingMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isRotatingMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getIcons_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> period_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::period_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPeriod_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPeriod_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isPerspective_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isPerspective_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> perspective_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::perspective_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> position_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::position_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFlat_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setFlat_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> icon_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> anchor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::anchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInfoWindowOffset_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setInfoWindowOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> title_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::title_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> snippet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::snippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> draggable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::draggable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGps_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::setGps_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getTitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getSnippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIcon_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getIcon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorU_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorU_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoWindowOffsetX_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInfoWindowOffsetY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getInfoWindowOffsetY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorV_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAnchorV_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDraggable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isDraggable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isGps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isGps_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isFlat_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isFlat_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> alpha_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::alpha_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAlpha_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getAlpha_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> autoOverturnInfoWindow_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::autoOverturnInfoWindow_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isInfoWindowAutoOverturn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowAutoOverturn_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> displayLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::displayLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDisplayLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getDisplayLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> rotateAngle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::rotateAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRotateAngle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::getRotateAngle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> infoWindowEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::infoWindowEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isInfoWindowEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isInfoWindowEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> belowMaskLayer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::belowMaskLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isBelowMaskLayer_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::isBelowMaskLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..937ce56 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MarkerOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MarkerOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfa78aa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLatLng() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::getLatLng([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getLatLng', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::setLatLng([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setLatLng', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCustomerId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::getCustomerId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getCustomerId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomerId(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::setCustomerId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setCustomerId', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getSnippet', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSnippet(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::setSnippet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setSnippet', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getTitle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTitle(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::setTitle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setTitle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getObject() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::getObject([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getObject', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setObject(Object? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem@$refId::setObject([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setObject', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLatLng_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getLatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLng_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setLatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCustomerId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getCustomerId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomerId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setCustomerId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getSnippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSnippet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setSnippet_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getTitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTitle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setTitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getObject_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::getObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setObject_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointItem::setObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc96de4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setItems(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@$refId::setItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setItems', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getItems() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@$refId::getItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::getItems', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setAnchor(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@$refId::setAnchor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setAnchor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@$refId::setEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setItems_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setItems_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getItems_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::getItems_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAnchor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setAnchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::setEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlay::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c20c0b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MultiPointOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future anchor(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::anchor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::anchor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAnchorU() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::getAnchorU([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorU', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorV() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::getAnchorV([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorV', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future icon(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::icon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::icon', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getIcon() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::getIcon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getIcon', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setMultiPointItems(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::setMultiPointItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setMultiPointItems', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getMultiPointItems() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::getMultiPointItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getMultiPointItems', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setEnable(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::setEnable([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setEnable', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> anchor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::anchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorU_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorU_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorV_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getAnchorV_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> icon_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIcon_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getIcon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMultiPointItems_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setMultiPointItems_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getMultiPointItems_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::getMultiPointItems_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEnable_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::setEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MultiPointOverlayOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyle.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyle.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0691e92 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyle.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,571 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final String ERROR_CODE = "errorCode"; + static final String ERROR_INFO = "errorInfo"; + static final String LOCATION_TYPE = "locationType"; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_SHOW = 0; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LOCATE = 1; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FOLLOW = 2; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_MAP_ROTATE = 3; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LOCATION_ROTATE = 4; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LOCATION_ROTATE_NO_CENTER = 5; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FOLLOW_NO_CENTER = 6; + static final int LOCATION_TYPE_MAP_ROTATE_NO_CENTER = 7; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future myLocationIcon(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::myLocationIcon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationIcon', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future anchor(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::anchor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::anchor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future radiusFillColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::radiusFillColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::radiusFillColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::strokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::strokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future myLocationType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::myLocationType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future interval(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::interval([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::interval', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future showMyLocation(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::showMyLocation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::showMyLocation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMyLocationIcon() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getMyLocationIcon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationIcon', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAnchorU() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getAnchorU([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorU', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAnchorV() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getAnchorV([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorV', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRadiusFillColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getRadiusFillColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getRadiusFillColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMyLocationType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getMyLocationType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInterval() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::getInterval([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getInterval', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isMyLocationShowing() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle@$refId::isMyLocationShowing([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::isMyLocationShowing', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> myLocationIcon_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationIcon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> anchor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::anchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> radiusFillColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::radiusFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::strokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> myLocationType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::myLocationType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> interval_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::interval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showMyLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::showMyLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMyLocationIcon_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationIcon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorU_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorU_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAnchorV_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getAnchorV_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadiusFillColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getRadiusFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMyLocationType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getMyLocationType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInterval_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::getInterval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isMyLocationShowing_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyle::isMyLocationShowing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyleCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyleCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97e3d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyLocationStyleCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyLocationStyleCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyTrafficStyle.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyTrafficStyle.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9273263 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/MyTrafficStyle.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getSmoothColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::getSmoothColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSmoothColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSmoothColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::setSmoothColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSmoothColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSlowColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::getSlowColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSlowColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSlowColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::setSlowColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSlowColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCongestedColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::getCongestedColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getCongestedColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCongestedColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::setCongestedColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setCongestedColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSeriousCongestedColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::getSeriousCongestedColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSeriousCongestedColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSeriousCongestedColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::setSeriousCongestedColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSeriousCongestedColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRatio() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::getRatio([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getRatio', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRatio(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::setRatio([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setRatio', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle@$refId::setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getSmoothColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSmoothColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSmoothColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSmoothColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSlowColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSlowColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSlowColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSlowColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCongestedColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getCongestedColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCongestedColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setCongestedColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSeriousCongestedColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getSeriousCongestedColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSeriousCongestedColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setSeriousCongestedColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRatio_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRatio_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::getTrafficRoadBackgroundColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.MyTrafficStyle::setTrafficRoadBackgroundColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NaviPara.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NaviPara.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5961f27 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NaviPara.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int DRIVING_DEFAULT = 0; + static final int DRIVING_SAVE_MONEY = 1; + static final int DRIVING_SHORT_DISTANCE = 2; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY = 3; + static final int DRIVING_AVOID_CONGESTION = 4; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY_AVOID_SHORT_MONEY = 5; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 6; + static final int DRIVING_SAVE_MONEY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 7; + static final int DRIVING_NO_HIGHWAY_SAVE_MONEY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 8; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setTargetPoint(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@$refId::setTargetPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setTargetPoint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNaviStyle(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@$refId::setNaviStyle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setNaviStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTargetPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@$refId::getTargetPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getTargetPoint', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getNaviStyle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara@$refId::getNaviStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getNaviStyle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setTargetPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setTargetPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNaviStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::setNaviStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTargetPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getTargetPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNaviStyle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NaviPara::getNaviStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrow.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrow.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..446abc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrow.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,513 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::setWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTopColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::setTopColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setTopColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTopColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::getTopColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getTopColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSideColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::setSideColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setSideColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future getSideColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::getSideColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getSideColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future set3DModel(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::set3DModel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::set3DModel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future is3DModel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow@$refId::is3DModel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::is3DModel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTopColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setTopColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTopColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getTopColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSideColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setSideColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> getSideColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getSideColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> set3DModel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::set3DModel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> is3DModel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrow::is3DModel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a059516 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::add([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addAll(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::addAll([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::addAll', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future width(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::width([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::width', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future topColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::topColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::topColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future sideColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::sideColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::sideColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future set3DModel(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::set3DModel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::set3DModel', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTopColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::getTopColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getTopColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSideColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::getSideColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getSideColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future is3DModel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::is3DModel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::is3DModel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addAll_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::addAll_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> width_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::width_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> topColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::topColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> sideColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::sideColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> set3DModel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::set3DModel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTopColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getTopColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSideColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getSideColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> is3DModel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::is3DModel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00d04df --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/NavigateArrowOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.NavigateArrowOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Poi.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Poi.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..970bb45 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Poi.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String(String? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var2, String? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Poi__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Poi__String__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi@$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCoordinate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi@$refId::getCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getCoordinate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi@$refId::getPoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getPoiId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCoordinate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Poi::getPoiId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbfc282 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiPara.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiPara.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6fb33a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PoiPara.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getCenter', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCenter(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@$refId::setCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setCenter', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getKeywords() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@$refId::getKeywords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getKeywords', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setKeywords(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara@$refId::setKeywords([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setKeywords', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getKeywords_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::getKeywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setKeywords_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PoiPara::setKeywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Polygon.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Polygon.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6c6cd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Polygon.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setHoleOptions(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setHoleOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getHoleOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getHoleOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setStrokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setStrokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setStrokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFillColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setFillColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setFillColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFillColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getFillColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getFillColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future contains(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon@$refId::contains([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::contains', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setHoleOptions_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getHoleOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFillColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFillColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> contains_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polygon::contains_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonHoleOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonHoleOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c003d2a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonHoleOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future addAll(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions@$refId::addAll([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::addAll', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> addAll_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::addAll_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonHoleOptions::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afea150 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::add([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addAll(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::addAll([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addAll', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setHoleOptions(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::setHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setHoleOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::addHoles([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::addHoles([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::strokeWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future strokeColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::strokeColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future fillColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::fillColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::fillColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getStrokeWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getStrokeWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrokeColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getStrokeColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFillColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getFillColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getFillColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getHoleOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getHoleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getHoleOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future lineJoinType(com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::lineJoinType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::lineJoinType', {"var1": var1?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLineJoinType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::getLineJoinType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getLineJoinType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType(); + } + + + Future usePolylineStroke(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::usePolylineStroke([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::usePolylineStroke', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isUsePolylineStroke() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::isUsePolylineStroke([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isUsePolylineStroke', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addAll_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addAll_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setHoleOptions_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::setHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions__batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::addHoles__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions__batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> strokeColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::strokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> fillColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::fillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrokeColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getStrokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFillColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getHoleOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getHoleOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> lineJoinType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::lineJoinType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]?.toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLineJoinType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::getLineJoinType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara_LineJoinType()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> usePolylineStroke_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::usePolylineStroke_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isUsePolylineStroke_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::isUsePolylineStroke_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..714b3da --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolygonOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolygonOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Polyline.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Polyline.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..334aa0d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Polyline.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1241 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setGeodesic(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setGeodesic([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setGeodesic', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isGeodesic() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::isGeodesic([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isGeodesic', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDottedLine(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setDottedLine([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setDottedLine', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isDottedLine() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::isDottedLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isDottedLine', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWidth(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setWidth', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNearestLatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getNearestLatLng([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getNearestLatLng', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setTransparency(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setTransparency([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setTransparency', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAboveMaskLayer(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setAboveMaskLayer([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setAboveMaskLayer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomTexture(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setCustomTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTexture', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setOptions', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOptions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getOptions', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + @deprecated + Future setCustemTextureIndex(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setCustemTextureIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustemTextureIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomTextureIndex(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setCustomTextureIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShownRatio(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setShownRatio([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRatio', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShownRange(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setShownRange([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRange', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShownRatio() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getShownRatio([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getShownRatio', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showPolylineRangeEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::showPolylineRangeEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::showPolylineRangeEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isShowPolylineRangeEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::isShowPolylineRangeEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isShowPolylineRangeEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPolylineShowRange(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setPolylineShowRange([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPolylineShowRange', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPolylineShownRangeBegin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getPolylineShownRangeBegin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeBegin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPolylineShownRangeEnd() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getPolylineShownRangeEnd([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeEnd', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFootPrintTexture(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setFootPrintTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintTexture', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFootPrintTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getFootPrintTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setFootPrintGap(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setFootPrintGap([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintGap', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFootPrintGap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getFootPrintGap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintGap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEraseTexture(bool? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setEraseTexture([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseTexture', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEraseTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getEraseTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getEraseVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getEraseVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEraseColor(bool? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setEraseColor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseColor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEraseColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::getEraseColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomTextureList(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline@$refId::setCustomTextureList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureList', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGeodesic_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setGeodesic_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isGeodesic_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isGeodesic_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDottedLine_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setDottedLine_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDottedLine_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isDottedLine_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNearestLatLng_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getNearestLatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTransparency_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setTransparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAboveMaskLayer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setAboveMaskLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTexture_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOptions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOptions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> setCustemTextureIndex_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustemTextureIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTextureIndex_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShownRatio_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShownRange_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setShownRange_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShownRatio_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getShownRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showPolylineRangeEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::showPolylineRangeEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isShowPolylineRangeEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::isShowPolylineRangeEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolylineShowRange_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setPolylineShowRange_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPolylineShownRangeBegin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeBegin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPolylineShownRangeEnd_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getPolylineShownRangeEnd_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFootPrintTexture_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFootPrintTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFootPrintGap_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setFootPrintGap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFootPrintGap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getFootPrintGap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEraseTexture_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEraseTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEraseVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEraseColor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setEraseColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEraseColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::getEraseColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTextureList_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Polyline::setCustomTextureList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1164ef --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1682 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_SQUARE = 0; + static final int DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_CIRCLE = 1; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setUseTexture(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setUseTexture([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setUseTexture', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCustomTexture(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setCustomTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTexture', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCustomTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getCustomTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCustomTextureList(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setCustomTextureList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureList', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getCustomTextureList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getCustomTextureList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setCustomTextureIndex(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setCustomTextureIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getCustomTextureIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getCustomTextureIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future colorValues(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::colorValues([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::colorValues', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getColorValues() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getColorValues([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColorValues', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future useGradient(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::useGradient([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::useGradient', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isUseGradient() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isUseGradient([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseGradient', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isUseTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isUseTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isGeodesic() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isGeodesic([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isGeodesic', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::add([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addAll(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::addAll([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::addAll', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future width(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::width([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::width', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future color(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::color([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::color', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future geodesic(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::geodesic([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::geodesic', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDottedLine(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setDottedLine([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLine', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isDottedLine() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isDottedLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isDottedLine', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDottedLineType(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setDottedLineType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLineType', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future lineCapType(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::lineCapType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineCapType', {"var1": var1?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future lineJoinType(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::lineJoinType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineJoinType', {"var1": var1?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLineCapType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getLineCapType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineCapType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType(); + } + + + Future getLineJoinType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getLineJoinType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineJoinType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType(); + } + + + Future getDottedLineType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getDottedLineType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getDottedLineType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPoints', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future transparency(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::transparency([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::transparency', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTransparency() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getTransparency([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getTransparency', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future aboveMaskLayer(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::aboveMaskLayer([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::aboveMaskLayer', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isAboveMaskLayer() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isAboveMaskLayer([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isAboveMaskLayer', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShownRatio() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getShownRatio([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRatio', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShownRatio(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setShownRatio([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRatio', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setShownRange(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setShownRange([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRange', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getShownRangeBegin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getShownRangeBegin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeBegin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShownRangeEnd() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getShownRangeEnd([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeEnd', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showPolylineRangeEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::showPolylineRangeEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::showPolylineRangeEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isShowPolylineRangeEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::isShowPolylineRangeEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isShowPolylineRangeEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPolylineShowRange(double? var1, double? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setPolylineShowRange([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPolylineShowRange', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPolylineShownRangeBegin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getPolylineShownRangeBegin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeBegin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPolylineShownRangeEnd() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getPolylineShownRangeEnd([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeEnd', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFootPrintTexture(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setFootPrintTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintTexture', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getFootPrintTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getFootPrintTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setFootPrintGap(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setFootPrintGap([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintGap', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getFootPrintGap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getFootPrintGap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintGap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEraseTexture(bool? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setEraseTexture([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseTexture', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getEraseTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getEraseTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getEraseVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getEraseVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEraseColor(bool? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::setEraseColor([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseColor', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getEraseColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions@$refId::getEraseColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setUseTexture_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setUseTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTexture_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCustomTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTextureList_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getCustomTextureList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomTextureIndex_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setCustomTextureIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getCustomTextureIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getCustomTextureIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> colorValues_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::colorValues_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getColorValues_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColorValues_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> useGradient_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::useGradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isUseGradient_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseGradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isUseTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isUseTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isGeodesic_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isGeodesic_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::add__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addAll_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::addAll_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> width_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::width_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> color_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::color_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> geodesic_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::geodesic_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDottedLine_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLine_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDottedLine_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isDottedLine_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDottedLineType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setDottedLineType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> lineCapType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineCapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]?.toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> lineJoinType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::lineJoinType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]?.toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLineCapType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineCapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLineJoinType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getLineJoinType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDottedLineType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getDottedLineType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> transparency_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::transparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTransparency_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getTransparency_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> aboveMaskLayer_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::aboveMaskLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isAboveMaskLayer_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isAboveMaskLayer_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShownRatio_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShownRatio_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShownRange_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setShownRange_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShownRangeBegin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeBegin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShownRangeEnd_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getShownRangeEnd_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> showPolylineRangeEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::showPolylineRangeEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isShowPolylineRangeEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::isShowPolylineRangeEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolylineShowRange_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setPolylineShowRange_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPolylineShownRangeBegin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeBegin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPolylineShownRangeEnd_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getPolylineShownRangeEnd_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFootPrintTexture_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFootPrintTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFootPrintGap_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setFootPrintGap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFootPrintGap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getFootPrintGap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEraseTexture_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEraseTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEraseVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEraseColor_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::setEraseColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEraseColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptions::getEraseColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineCapType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineCapType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64af3fb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineCapType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType { + LineCapButt /* null */, + LineCapSquare /* null */, + LineCapArrow /* null */, + LineCapRound /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapTypeToX on com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapButt: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapButt.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapSquare: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapSquare.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapArrow: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapArrow.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapRound: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.LineCapRound.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType tocom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineJoinType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineJoinType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ca849e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptions/LineJoinType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType { + LineJoinBevel /* null */, + LineJoinMiter /* null */, + LineJoinRound /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinTypeToX on com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.LineJoinBevel: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.LineJoinBevel.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.LineJoinMiter: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.LineJoinMiter.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.LineJoinRound: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.LineJoinRound.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType tocom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f27ce33 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/PolylineOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.PolylineOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RouteOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RouteOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1161c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RouteOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future removeRouteName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay@$refId::removeRouteName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::removeRouteName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> removeRouteName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::removeRouteName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RouteOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RoutePara.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RoutePara.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72c9cd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RoutePara.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDrivingRouteStyle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::getDrivingRouteStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getDrivingRouteStyle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDrivingRouteStyle(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::setDrivingRouteStyle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setDrivingRouteStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTransitRouteStyle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::getTransitRouteStyle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getTransitRouteStyle', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTransitRouteStyle(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::setTransitRouteStyle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setTransitRouteStyle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStartPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::getStartPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartPoint', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setStartPoint(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::setStartPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartPoint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEndPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::getEndPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndPoint', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setEndPoint(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::setEndPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndPoint', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEndName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::getEndName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEndName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::setEndName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStartName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::getStartName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara@$refId::setStartName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDrivingRouteStyle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getDrivingRouteStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDrivingRouteStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setDrivingRouteStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTransitRouteStyle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getTransitRouteStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTransitRouteStyle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setTransitRouteStyle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEndPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEndPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEndName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getEndName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEndName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setEndName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::getStartName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.RoutePara::setStartName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RuntimeRemoteException.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RuntimeRemoteException.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72fa7e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/RuntimeRemoteException.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String(String? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException__String', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Text.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Text.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a05cdaa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Text.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,762 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Text extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Text'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int ALIGN_LEFT = 1; + static final int ALIGN_RIGHT = 2; + static final int ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL = 4; + static final int ALIGN_TOP = 8; + static final int ALIGN_BOTTOM = 16; + static final int ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL = 32; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions(com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Text__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Text__com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker__com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setText(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setText([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setText', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getText() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getText([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getText', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBackgroundColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setBackgroundColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setBackgroundColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBackgroundColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getBackgroundColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getBackgroundColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFontColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setFontColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFontColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getFontColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFontSize(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setFontSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontSize', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFontSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getFontSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAlign(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setAlign([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setAlign', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAlignX() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getAlignX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignX', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAlignY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getAlignY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignY', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setObject(Object? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setObject([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setObject', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getObject() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getObject([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getObject', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotate(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setRotate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setRotate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRotate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getRotate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getRotate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Text@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Text{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Text_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setText_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setText_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getText_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getText_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBackgroundColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setBackgroundColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBackgroundColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getBackgroundColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFontColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFontColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFontSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setFontSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFontSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getFontSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAlign_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setAlign_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAlignX_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAlignY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getAlignY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setObject_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getObject_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRotate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Text::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54a8a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,701 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::clone', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future position(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::position([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::position', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future text(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::text([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::text', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future rotate(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::rotate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::rotate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future align(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::align([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::align', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future backgroundColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::backgroundColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::backgroundColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setObject(Object? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::setObject([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::setObject', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future fontColor(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::fontColor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future fontSize(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::fontSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontSize', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getText() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getText([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getText', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRotate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getRotate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getRotate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAlignX() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getAlignX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignX', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAlignY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getAlignY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignY', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBackgroundColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getBackgroundColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getBackgroundColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFontColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getFontColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getObject() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getObject([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getObject', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFontSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getFontSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::clone_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> position_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::position_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> text_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::text_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> rotate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::rotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> align_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::align_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> backgroundColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::backgroundColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setObject_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::setObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> fontColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> fontSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::fontSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getText_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getText_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRotate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAlignX_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAlignY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getAlignY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBackgroundColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getBackgroundColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFontColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getObject_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFontSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getFontSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..571af97 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TextOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TextOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Tile.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Tile.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d085e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/Tile.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__int__int__byteArray(int? var1, int? var2, Uint8List? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__int__int__byteArray__boolean(int? var1, int? var2, Uint8List? var3, bool? var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray__boolean', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__int__int__byteArray(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__int__int__byteArray__boolean(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile__int__int__byteArray__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_width() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_width", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_height() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_height", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_data() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_data", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__ as Uint8List; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future obtain(int? var0, int? var1, Uint8List? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::obtain([\'var0\':$var0, \'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::obtain', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_width_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_width_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_height_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_height_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_data_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::get_data_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Uint8List).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> obtain_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.Tile::obtain_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f92594e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clearTileCache() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::clearTileCache([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::clearTileCache', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::setZIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setZIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clearTileCache_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::clearTileCache_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57f6b5a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,533 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future tileProvider(com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::tileProvider([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::tileProvider', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future visible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::visible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::visible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future memCacheSize(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::memCacheSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memCacheSize', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future diskCacheSize(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::diskCacheSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheSize', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future diskCacheDir(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::diskCacheDir([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheDir', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future memoryCacheEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::memoryCacheEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memoryCacheEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future diskCacheEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::diskCacheEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTileProvider() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getTileProvider([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getTileProvider', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isVisible() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::isVisible([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::isVisible', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMemCacheSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getMemCacheSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemCacheSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDiskCacheSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getDiskCacheSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDiskCacheDir() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getDiskCacheDir([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheDir', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMemoryCacheEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getMemoryCacheEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemoryCacheEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDiskCacheEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions@$refId::getDiskCacheEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> tileProvider_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::tileProvider_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> visible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> memCacheSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memCacheSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> diskCacheSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> diskCacheDir_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheDir_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> memoryCacheEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::memoryCacheEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> diskCacheEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::diskCacheEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTileProvider_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getTileProvider_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisible_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::isVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMemCacheSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemCacheSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDiskCacheSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDiskCacheDir_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheDir_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMemoryCacheEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getMemoryCacheEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDiskCacheEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions::getDiskCacheEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75661b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlayOptionsCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptionsCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlaySource.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlaySource.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19d8c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileOverlaySource.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__int__int__String(int? var1, int? var2, String? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource__int__int__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__int__int__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource__int__int__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE", ); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getId', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getType', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMinZoom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::getMinZoom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMinZoom', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMinZoom(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::setMinZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMinZoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMaxZoom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::getMaxZoom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMaxZoom', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxZoom(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::setMaxZoom([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMaxZoom', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUrl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::getUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getUrl', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCacheEnabled(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::setCacheEnabled([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setCacheEnabled', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isCacheEnabled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource@$refId::isCacheEnabled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::isCacheEnabled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_VECTOR_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE_DEM_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::get_TILESOURCE_TYPE_FBO_TEXTURE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMinZoom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMinZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMinZoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMinZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxZoom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getMaxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxZoom_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setMaxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUrl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::getUrl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCacheEnabled_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::setCacheEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isCacheEnabled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlaySource::isCacheEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjection.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjection.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d53b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjection.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__int__int__int__int__int__int(int? var1, int? var2, int? var3, int? var4, int? var5, int? var6) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection__int__int__int__int__int__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__int__int__int__int__int__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5, List var6) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection__int__int__int__int__int__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_offsetX() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetX", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_offsetY() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetY", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_minX() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minX", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maxX() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxX", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_minY() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minY", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maxY() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxY", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_offsetX_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetX_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_offsetY_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_offsetY_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_minX_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minX_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maxX_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxX_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_minY_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_minY_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maxY_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjection::get_maxY_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjectionCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjectionCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4dcf60 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProjectionCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProjectionCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProvider.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProvider.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1538a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/TileProvider.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getTile(int? var1, int? var2, int? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider@$refId::getTile([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTile', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTileWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider@$refId::getTileWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileWidth', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTileHeight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider@$refId::getTileHeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileHeight', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getTile_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTile_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTileWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTileHeight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.TileProvider::getTileHeight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/UrlTileProvider.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/UrlTileProvider.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22acbec --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/UrlTileProvider.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.UrlTileProvider'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bae1f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var2, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var3, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var4, com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds? var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_nearLeft() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearLeft", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_nearRight() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearRight", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_farLeft() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farLeft", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_farRight() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farRight", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_latLngBounds() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_latLngBounds", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_nearLeft_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearLeft_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nearRight_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_nearRight_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_farLeft_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farLeft_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_farRight_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_farRight_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_latLngBounds_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegion::get_latLngBounds_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegionCreator.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegionCreator.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9bb6ab --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/VisibleRegionCreator.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> newArray(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator@$refId::newArray([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator::newArray', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> newArray_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.VisibleRegionCreator::newArray_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/WeightedLatLng.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/WeightedLatLng.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4380eff --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/WeightedLatLng.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final double DEFAULT_INTENSITY = 1.0; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1, double? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__double', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_intensity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_intensity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_latLng() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_latLng", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_intensity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_intensity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_latLng_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.WeightedLatLng::get_latLng_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AlphaAnimation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AlphaAnimation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24d4e43 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AlphaAnimation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation extends com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AlphaAnimation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float(double? var1, double? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e9f0b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int FILL_MODE_FORWARDS = 0; + static final int FILL_MODE_BACKWARDS = 1; + static final int INFINITE = -1; + static final int RESTART = 1; + static final int REVERSE = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setAnimationListener(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::setAnimationListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setAnimationListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setDuration', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFillMode(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::setFillMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setFillMode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFillMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::getFillMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getFillMode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRepeatCount(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::setRepeatCount([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatCount', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRepeatMode(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::setRepeatMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatMode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRepeatMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::getRepeatMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatMode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRepeatCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::getRepeatCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatCount', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future resetUpdateFlags() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation@$refId::resetUpdateFlags([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::resetUpdateFlags', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setDuration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFillMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setFillMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFillMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getFillMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRepeatCount_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatCount_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRepeatMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::setRepeatMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRepeatMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatMode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRepeatCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::getRepeatCount_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> resetUpdateFlags_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation::resetUpdateFlags_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation/AnimationListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation/AnimationListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5aeeff --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/Animation/AnimationListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.Animation.AnimationListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onAnimationStart': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onAnimationStart?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onAnimationStart?.call(); + break; + case 'onAnimationEnd': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onAnimationEnd?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onAnimationEnd?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function()? onAnimationStart; + + Future Function()? onAnimationEnd; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AnimationSet.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AnimationSet.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3b46c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/AnimationSet.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet extends com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__boolean(bool? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet__boolean', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__boolean(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future addAnimation(com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet@$refId::addAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::addAnimation', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future cleanAnimation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet@$refId::cleanAnimation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::cleanAnimation', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> addAnimation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::addAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> cleanAnimation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.AnimationSet::cleanAnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/EmergeAnimation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/EmergeAnimation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7139fa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/EmergeAnimation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation extends com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.EmergeAnimation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/RotateAnimation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/RotateAnimation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a4c2cc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/RotateAnimation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation extends com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.RotateAnimation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4, double? var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__float__float(double? var1, double? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/ScaleAnimation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/ScaleAnimation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..158215b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/ScaleAnimation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation extends com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.ScaleAnimation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation__float__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation__float__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/TranslateAnimation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/TranslateAnimation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..679f911 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/animation/TranslateAnimation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation extends com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.animation.TranslateAnimation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ColorGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ColorGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..153c4d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ColorGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate@$refId::getColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate::getColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Float64List; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ColorGenerate::getColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Float64List).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ConstantRotationOverLife.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ConstantRotationOverLife.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ec7402 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ConstantRotationOverLife.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife extends com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ConstantRotationOverLife'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float(double? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife__float', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/CurveSizeOverLife.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/CurveSizeOverLife.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50a0a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/CurveSizeOverLife.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife extends com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.CurveSizeOverLife'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleEmissionModule.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleEmissionModule.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7128e70 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleEmissionModule.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleEmissionModule'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__int__int(int? var1, int? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule__int__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__int__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule__int__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverLifeModule.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverLifeModule.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63ee64c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverLifeModule.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setVelocityOverLife(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@$refId::setVelocityOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setVelocityOverLife', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotateOverLife(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@$refId::setRotateOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setRotateOverLife', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSizeOverLife(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@$refId::setSizeOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setSizeOverLife', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setColorGenerate(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule@$refId::setColorGenerate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setColorGenerate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setVelocityOverLife_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setVelocityOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotateOverLife_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setRotateOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSizeOverLife_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setSizeOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setColorGenerate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverLifeModule::setColorGenerate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b2731a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartParticleSize(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setStartParticleSize([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartParticleSize', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxParticles(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setMaxParticles([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setMaxParticles', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setDuration', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParticleLifeTime(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setParticleLifeTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleLifeTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParticleStartSpeed(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setParticleStartSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleStartSpeed', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLoop(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setLoop([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setLoop', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParticleShapeModule(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setParticleShapeModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleShapeModule', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParticleEmission(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setParticleEmission([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleEmission', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCurrentParticleNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::getCurrentParticleNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::getCurrentParticleNum', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParticleOverLifeModule(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setParticleOverLifeModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleOverLifeModule', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartColor(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay@$refId::setStartColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartParticleSize_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartParticleSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxParticles_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setMaxParticles_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setDuration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleLifeTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleLifeTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleStartSpeed_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleStartSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLoop_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setLoop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleShapeModule_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleShapeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleEmission_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleEmission_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCurrentParticleNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::getCurrentParticleNum_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleOverLifeModule_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setParticleOverLifeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlay::setStartColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a35c0eb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,841 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions extends com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future icon(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::icon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::icon', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getIcon() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getIcon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getIcon', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMaxParticles() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getMaxParticles([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getMaxParticles', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxParticles(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setMaxParticles([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setMaxParticles', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isLoop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::isLoop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isLoop', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLoop(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setLoop([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setLoop', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getDuration', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setDuration', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getParticleLifeTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getParticleLifeTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleLifeTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParticleLifeTime(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setParticleLifeTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleLifeTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getParticleEmissionModule() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getParticleEmissionModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleEmissionModule', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setParticleEmissionModule(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setParticleEmissionModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleEmissionModule', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getParticleShapeModule() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getParticleShapeModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleShapeModule', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setParticleShapeModule(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setParticleShapeModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleShapeModule', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getParticleStartSpeed() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getParticleStartSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartSpeed', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setParticleStartSpeed(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setParticleStartSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartSpeed', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setParticleStartColor(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setParticleStartColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartColor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getParticleStartColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getParticleStartColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setParticleOverLifeModule(com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setParticleOverLifeModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleOverLifeModule', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getParticleOverLifeModule() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getParticleOverLifeModule([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleOverLifeModule', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setStartParticleSize(int? var1, int? var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setStartParticleSize([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setStartParticleSize', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStartParticleW() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getStartParticleW([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getStartParticleW', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getstartParticleH() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getstartParticleH([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getstartParticleH', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future zIndex(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::zIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::zIndex', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getZIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::getZIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getZIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isVisibile() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions@$refId::isVisibile([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isVisibile', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> icon_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIcon_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getIcon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxParticles_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getMaxParticles_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxParticles_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setMaxParticles_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isLoop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isLoop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLoop_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setLoop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getDuration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setDuration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParticleLifeTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleLifeTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleLifeTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleLifeTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParticleEmissionModule_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleEmissionModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleEmissionModule_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleEmissionModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParticleShapeModule_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleShapeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleShapeModule_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleShapeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParticleStartSpeed_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleStartSpeed_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleStartColor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleStartColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParticleStartColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleStartColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParticleOverLifeModule_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setParticleOverLifeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParticleOverLifeModule_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getParticleOverLifeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartParticleSize_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setStartParticleSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartParticleW_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getStartParticleW_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getstartParticleH_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getstartParticleH_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::getZIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isVisibile_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptions::isVisibile_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6e554d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int PARTICLE_TYPE_SUNNY = 0; + static final int PARTICLE_TYPE_RAIN = 1; + static final int PARTICLE_TYPE_SNOWY = 2; + static final int PARTICLE_TYPE_HAZE = 3; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future?> defaultOptions(int? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::defaultOptions([\'var0\':$var0])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::defaultOptions', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future?>> defaultOptions_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::defaultOptions_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleShapeModule.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleShapeModule.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4be1142 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/ParticleShapeModule.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future isUseRatio() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule@$refId::isUseRatio([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::isUseRatio', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule@$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::getPoint', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__ as Float64List; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> isUseRatio_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::isUseRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.ParticleShapeModule::getPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__ as Float64List).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbd98c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants extends com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4, double? var5, double? var6, double? var7, double? var8) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6, "var7": var7, "var8": var8} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5, List var6, List var7, List var8) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length && var6.length == var7.length && var7.length == var8.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__], "var7": var7[__i__], "var8": var8[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfef318 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants extends com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4, double? var5, double? var6) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5, List var6) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants__float__float__float__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RectParticleShape.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RectParticleShape.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..029fdc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RectParticleShape.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape extends com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RectParticleShape'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__float__boolean(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, double? var4, bool? var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape__float__float__float__float__boolean', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__float__boolean(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape__float__float__float__float__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RotationOverLife.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RotationOverLife.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a622b64 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/RotationOverLife.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getRotate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife@$refId::getRotate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife::getRotate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getRotate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.RotationOverLife::getRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SinglePointParticleShape.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SinglePointParticleShape.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03cd2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SinglePointParticleShape.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape extends com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SinglePointParticleShape'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__float__float__float__boolean(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3, bool? var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float__boolean', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__float__float__float(double? var1, double? var2, double? var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float__boolean(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__float__float__float(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape__float__float__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SizeOverLife.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SizeOverLife.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad1df89 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/SizeOverLife.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_DEFAULT_SIZE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::get_DEFAULT_SIZE", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getSizeX(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife@$refId::getSizeX([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeX', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSizeY(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife@$refId::getSizeY([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeY', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSizeZ(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife@$refId::getSizeZ([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeZ', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_DEFAULT_SIZE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::get_DEFAULT_SIZE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getSizeX_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSizeY_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSizeZ_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.SizeOverLife::getSizeZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/VelocityGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/VelocityGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d7013c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/particle/VelocityGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +/* abstract */ class com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getX() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate@$refId::getX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getX', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate@$refId::getY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getY', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZ() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate@$refId::getZ([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getZ', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getX_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZ_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.model.particle.VelocityGenerate::getZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/City.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/City.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b67235f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/City.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setCity(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCity', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCity', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCode(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::setCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::getCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getJianpin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::getJianpin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getJianpin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setJianpin(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::setJianpin([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setJianpin', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPinyin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::getPinyin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getPinyin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPinyin(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::setPinyin([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setPinyin', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::getAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getAdcode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City@$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setAdcode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getJianpin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getJianpin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setJianpin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setJianpin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPinyin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getPinyin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPinyin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setPinyin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::getAdcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.City::setAdcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/CityExpandView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/CityExpandView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dc5d7a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/CityExpandView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.CityExpandView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadExpandListView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadExpandListView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4a6ccf --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadExpandListView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadExpandListView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadListView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadListView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65328e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownLoadListView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownLoadListView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownloadProgressView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownloadProgressView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b3327b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/DownloadProgressView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView extends android_view_View { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setProgress(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView@$refId::setProgress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView::setProgress', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setProgress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView::setProgress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapActivity.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapActivity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81f6007 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapActivity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity extends com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity with android_view_View_OnClickListener { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future showScr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@$refId::showScr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::showScr', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future closeScr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@$refId::closeScr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future closeScr__android_os_Bundle(android_os_Bundle? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@$refId::closeScr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr__android_os_Bundle', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future onClick(android_view_View? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity@$refId::onClick([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::onClick', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> showScr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::showScr_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> closeScr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> closeScr__android_os_Bundle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::closeScr__android_os_Bundle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> onClick_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapActivity::onClick_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapCity.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4e5343 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity extends com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getUrl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::getUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getUrl', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUrl(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::setUrl([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setUrl', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::getSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSize(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::setSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setSize', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getState() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::getState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getState', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setState(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::setState([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getVersion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::getVersion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getVersion', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVersion(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::setVersion([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setVersion', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getcompleteCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::getcompleteCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getcompleteCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCompleteCode(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity@$refId::setCompleteCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setCompleteCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getUrl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getUrl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setUrl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getState_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getVersion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getVersion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVersion_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setVersion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getcompleteCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::getcompleteCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCompleteCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapCity::setCompleteCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1158c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,670 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future downloadByCityCode(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::downloadByCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future downloadByCityName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::downloadByCityName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future downloadByProvinceName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::downloadByProvinceName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByProvinceName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future remove(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::remove([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::remove', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getOfflineMapProvinceList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getOfflineMapProvinceList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapProvinceList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getItemByCityCode(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getItemByCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getItemByCityName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getItemByCityName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getItemByProvinceName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getItemByProvinceName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByProvinceName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getOfflineMapCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getOfflineMapCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapCityList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getDownloadingCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getDownloadingCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingCityList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getDownloadingProvinceList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getDownloadingProvinceList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingProvinceList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getDownloadOfflineMapCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getDownloadOfflineMapCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapCityList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future updateOfflineCityByCode(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::updateOfflineCityByCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future updateOfflineCityByName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::updateOfflineCityByName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future updateOfflineMapProvinceByName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::updateOfflineMapProvinceByName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineMapProvinceByName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future restart() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::restart([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::restart', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::stop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::stop', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future pause() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::pause([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pause', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future pauseByName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::pauseByName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pauseByName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnOfflineLoadedListener(com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager@$refId::setOnOfflineLoadedListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::setOnOfflineLoadedListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> downloadByCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> downloadByCityName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByCityName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> downloadByProvinceName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::downloadByProvinceName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> remove_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getOfflineMapProvinceList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapProvinceList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getItemByCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getItemByCityName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByCityName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getItemByProvinceName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getItemByProvinceName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getOfflineMapCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getOfflineMapCityList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDownloadingCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingCityList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDownloadingProvinceList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadingProvinceList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDownloadOfflineMapCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapCityList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::getDownloadOfflineMapProvinceList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> updateOfflineCityByCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> updateOfflineCityByName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineCityByName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> updateOfflineMapProvinceByName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::updateOfflineMapProvinceByName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> restart_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::restart_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::stop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> pause_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pause_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> pauseByName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::pauseByName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineLoadedListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineLoadedListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8263c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineLoadedListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineLoadedListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onVerifyComplete': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onVerifyComplete?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onVerifyComplete?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function()? onVerifyComplete; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineMapDownloadListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineMapDownloadListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4365674 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapManager/OfflineMapDownloadListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineMapDownloadListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapManager.OfflineMapDownloadListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDownload__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDownload?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDownload?.call(args['var1'], args['var2'], args['var3']); + break; + case 'onCheckUpdate_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCheckUpdate?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCheckUpdate?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onRemove__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRemove?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRemove?.call(args['var1'], args['var2'], args['var3']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(int? var1, int? var2, String? var3)? onDownload; + + Future Function(bool? var1, String? var2)? onCheckUpdate; + + Future Function(bool? var1, String? var2, String? var3)? onRemove; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapProvince.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapProvince.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9332c3f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapProvince.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince extends com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getUrl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getUrl', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUrl(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::setUrl([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setUrl', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getState() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getState([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getState', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setState(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::setState([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setState', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getSize', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSize(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::setSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setSize', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getVersion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getVersion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getVersion', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVersion(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::setVersion([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setVersion', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getcompleteCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getcompleteCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getcompleteCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCompleteCode(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::setCompleteCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCompleteCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getCityList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getDownloadedCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::getDownloadedCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getDownloadedCityList', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setCityList(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince@$refId::setCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCityList', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getUrl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getUrl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setUrl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getState_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setState_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getVersion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getVersion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVersion_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setVersion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getcompleteCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getcompleteCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCompleteCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCompleteCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getCityList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDownloadedCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::getDownloadedCityList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityList_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapProvince::setCityList_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aea0101 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/OfflineMapStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.OfflineMapStatus'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int CHECKUPDATES = 6; + static final int ERROR = -1; + static final int STOP = 5; + static final int LOADING = 0; + static final int UNZIP = 1; + static final int WAITING = 2; + static final int PAUSE = 3; + static final int SUCCESS = 4; + static final int NEW_VERSION = 7; + static final int EXCEPTION_NETWORK_LOADING = 101; + static final int EXCEPTION_AMAP = 102; + static final int EXCEPTION_SDCARD = 103; + static final int START_DOWNLOAD_FAILD = 1002; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/Province.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/Province.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77371f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/offlinemap/Province.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getProvinceName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::getProvinceName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceName', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getJianpin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::getJianpin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getJianpin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPinyin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::getPinyin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getPinyin', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvinceName(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::setProvinceName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceName', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setJianpin(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::setJianpin([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setJianpin', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPinyin(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::setPinyin([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setPinyin', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvinceCode(String? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::setProvinceCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceCode', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvinceCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province@$refId::getProvinceCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceCode', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getProvinceName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getJianpin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getJianpin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPinyin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getPinyin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvinceName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setJianpin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setJianpin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPinyin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setPinyin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvinceCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::setProvinceCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvinceCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.Province::getProvinceCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/SpatialRelationUtil.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/SpatialRelationUtil.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..413535c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/SpatialRelationUtil.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.SpatialRelationUtil'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int MIN_POLYLINE_POINT_SIZE = 2; + static final int A_HALF_CIRCLE_DEGREE = 180; + static final int A_CIRCLE_DEGREE = 360; + static final int MIN_OFFSET_DEGREE = 50; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b6935d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay(com_amap_api_maps_AMap? var1, com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future resetIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::resetIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::resetIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTotalDuration(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::setTotalDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setTotalDuration', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startSmoothMove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::startSmoothMove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::startSmoothMove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopMove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::stopMove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::stopMove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getObject() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::getObject([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getObject', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::getIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeMarker() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::removeMarker([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::removeMarker', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::setPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotate(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::setRotate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setRotate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMoveListener(com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay@$refId::setMoveListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setMoveListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> resetIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::resetIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTotalDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setTotalDuration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startSmoothMove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::startSmoothMove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopMove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::stopMove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getObject_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getObject_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::getIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeMarker_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::removeMarker_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay/MoveListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay/MoveListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e4e6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/MovingPointOverlay/MoveListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.MovingPointOverlay.MoveListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'move': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.move?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.move?.call(args['var1']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(double? var1)? move; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e43f47a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_AMap(com_amap_api_maps_AMap? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker__com_amap_api_maps_AMap', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_AMap(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker__com_amap_api_maps_AMap', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::get_MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE", ); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setPoints(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPoints', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTotalDuration(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setTotalDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setTotalDuration', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startSmoothMove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::startSmoothMove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::startSmoothMove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopMove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::stopMove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::stopMove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMarker() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::getMarker([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getMarker', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPosition() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::getPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getPosition', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::getIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future resetIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::resetIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::resetIndex', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeMarker() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::removeMarker([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::removeMarker', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPosition(com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setPosition([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPosition', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDescriptor(com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setDescriptor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setDescriptor', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotate(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setRotate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setRotate', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisible(bool? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setVisible([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setVisible', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMoveListener(com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker@$refId::setMoveListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setMoveListener', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::get_MIN_OFFSET_DISTANCE_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setPoints_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTotalDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setTotalDuration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startSmoothMove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::startSmoothMove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopMove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::stopMove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMarker_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getMarker_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPosition_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::getIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> resetIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::resetIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeMarker_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::removeMarker_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPosition_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setPosition_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDescriptor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setDescriptor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisible_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker::setVisible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker/MoveListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker/MoveListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea8bee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/utils/overlay/SmoothMoveMarker/MoveListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.maps.utils.overlay.SmoothMoveMarker.MoveListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'move': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.move?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.move?.call(args['var1']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(double? var1)? move; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/offlineservice/AMapPermissionActivity.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/offlineservice/AMapPermissionActivity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f7c6b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/offlineservice/AMapPermissionActivity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity extends android_app_Activity { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future onRequestPermissionsResult(int? var1, List? var2, Int32List? var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity@$refId::onRequestPermissionsResult([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity::onRequestPermissionsResult', {"var1": var1, "var2": Array.ofList(var2 ?? []), "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> onRequestPermissionsResult_batch(List var1, List?> var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.offlineservice.AMapPermissionActivity::onRequestPermissionsResult_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceBase.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceBase.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32a0e05 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceBase.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase {} + +mixin com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase subInstance() => _com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceBase::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceBase::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'queryProcessedTrace___': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.queryProcessedTrace?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}, \'var4\':${args['var4']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.queryProcessedTrace?.call(args['var1'], (args['var2'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['var3'], AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var4'])); + break; + case 'setLocationInterval': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.setLocationInterval?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.setLocationInterval?.call(args['var1']); + break; + case 'setTraceStatusInterval': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.setTraceStatusInterval?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.setTraceStatusInterval?.call(args['var1']); + break; + case 'startTrace': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.startTrace?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.startTrace?.call(AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + case 'stopTrace': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.stopTrace?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.stopTrace?.call(); + break; + case 'destroy': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.destroy?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.destroy?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(int? var1, List? var2, int? var3, com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener? var4)? queryProcessedTrace; + + Future Function(int? var1)? setLocationInterval; + + Future Function(int? var1)? setTraceStatusInterval; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener? var1)? startTrace; + + Future Function()? stopTrace; + + Future Function()? destroy; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceClient.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceClient.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..829ec01 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/LBSTraceClient.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int TYPE_AMAP = 1; + static final int TYPE_GPS = 2; + static final int TYPE_BAIDU = 3; + static final String MIN_GRASP_POINT_ERROR = "轨迹点太少或距离太近,轨迹纠偏失败"; + static final String LOCATE_TIMEOUT_ERROR = "定位超时"; + static final String TRACE_SUCCESS = "纠偏成功"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future getInstance(android_content_Context? var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::getInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::getInstance', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future queryProcessedTrace(int? var1, List? var2, int? var3, com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener? var4) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@$refId::queryProcessedTrace([\'var1\':$var1, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::queryProcessedTrace', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startTrace(com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@$refId::startTrace([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::startTrace', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopTrace() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@$refId::stopTrace([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::stopTrace', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient@$refId::destroy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::destroy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> getInstance_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::getInstance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopTrace_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::stopTrace_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.LBSTraceClient::destroy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05daab8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.trace.TraceListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onRequestFailed_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRequestFailed?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRequestFailed?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onTraceProcessing__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onTraceProcessing?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onTraceProcessing?.call(args['var1'], args['var2'], (args['var3'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()); + break; + case 'onFinished___': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onFinished?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}, \'var4\':${args['var4']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onFinished?.call(args['var1'], (args['var2'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['var3'], args['var4']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(int? var1, String? var2)? onRequestFailed; + + Future Function(int? var1, int? var2, List? var3)? onTraceProcessing; + + Future Function(int? var1, List? var2, int? var3, int? var4)? onFinished; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceLocation.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceLocation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2c0633 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceLocation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__double__double__float__float__long(double? var1, double? var3, double? var5, double? var6, int? var7) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__double__double__float__float__long', + {"var1": var1, "var3": var3, "var5": var5, "var6": var6, "var7": var7} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__', + + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__double__double__float__float__long(List var1, List var3, List var5, List var6, List var7) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length && var3.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length && var6.length == var7.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__double__double__float__float__long', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__], "var7": var7[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLatitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::getLatitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLatitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLatitude(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::setLatitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLatitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLongitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::getLongitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLongitude', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLongitude(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::setLongitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLongitude', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSpeed() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::getSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getSpeed', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpeed(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::setSpeed([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setSpeed', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBearing() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::getBearing([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getBearing', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBearing(double? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::setBearing([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setBearing', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::getTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTime(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::setTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future copy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation@$refId::copy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::copy', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLatitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLatitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLongitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLongitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setLongitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSpeed_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpeed_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBearing_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBearing_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setBearing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::getTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::setTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> copy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceLocation::copy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5d73ec --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static final int TRACE_STATUS_PROCESSING = 1; + static final int TRACE_STATUS_FINISH = 2; + static final int TRACE_STATUS_FAILURE = 3; + static final int TRACE_STATUS_PREPARE = 4; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__(com_amap_api_maps_AMap? var1, List? var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_maps_AMap(com_amap_api_maps_AMap? var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__(List var1, List?> var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap__java_util_List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_AMap(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay__com_amap_api_maps_AMap', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future add(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::add([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::add', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future remove() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::remove([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::remove', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProperCamera(List? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::setProperCamera([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setProperCamera', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future zoopToSpan() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::zoopToSpan([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::zoopToSpan', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTraceStatus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::getTraceStatus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getTraceStatus', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTraceStatus(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::setTraceStatus([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setTraceStatus', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getDistance', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setDistance', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWaitTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::getWaitTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getWaitTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWaitTime(int? var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay@$refId::setWaitTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setWaitTime', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> add_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::add_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> remove_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::remove_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProperCamera_batch(List?> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setProperCamera_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> zoopToSpan_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::zoopToSpan_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTraceStatus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getTraceStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTraceStatus_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setTraceStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWaitTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::getWaitTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWaitTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceOverlay::setWaitTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceStatusListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceStatusListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3f42c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/trace/TraceStatusListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('com.amap.api.trace.TraceStatusListener::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onTraceStatus__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onTraceStatus?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}, \'var3\':${args['var3']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onTraceStatus?.call((args['var1'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), (args['var2'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['var3']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(List? var1, List? var2, String? var3)? onTraceStatus; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart b/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b82842d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import '../facade/shared.g.dart'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + diff --git a/lib/src/android/platformview/DownloadProgressView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/platformview/DownloadProgressView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86aae73 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/platformview/DownloadProgressView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef DownloadProgressViewCreatedCallback = void Function(com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView controller); +typedef _OnAndroidViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView_AndroidView extends StatefulWidget { + const com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView_AndroidView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + this.hybridComposition = false, + }) : super(key: key); + + final DownloadProgressViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnAndroidViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + final bool hybridComposition; + + @override + _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView_AndroidViewState createState() => _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView_AndroidViewState(); +} + +class _com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView_AndroidViewState extends State { + com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + // hybrid composition version. + // if (widget.hybridComposition) { + // return PlatformViewLink( + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView', + // surfaceFactory: ( + // BuildContext context, + // PlatformViewController controller, + // ) { + // return AndroidViewSurface( + // controller: controller, + // gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + // hitTestBehavior: PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque, + // ); + // }, + // onCreatePlatformView: (PlatformViewCreationParams params) { + // return PlatformViewsService.initSurfaceAndroidView( + // id:, + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView', + // layoutDirection: TextDirection.ltr, + // creationParams: widget.params, + // creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + // ) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(params.onPlatformViewCreated) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener((id) => _onViewCreated(id)) + // ..create(); + // }, + // ); + // } else { + return AndroidView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + // } + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView()..refId = 'com.amap.api.maps.offlinemap.DownloadProgressView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/android/platformview/MapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/platformview/MapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef14fe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/platformview/MapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef MapViewCreatedCallback = void Function(com_amap_api_maps_MapView controller); +typedef _OnAndroidViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class com_amap_api_maps_MapView_AndroidView extends StatefulWidget { + const com_amap_api_maps_MapView_AndroidView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + this.hybridComposition = false, + }) : super(key: key); + + final MapViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnAndroidViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + final bool hybridComposition; + + @override + _com_amap_api_maps_MapView_AndroidViewState createState() => _com_amap_api_maps_MapView_AndroidViewState(); +} + +class _com_amap_api_maps_MapView_AndroidViewState extends State { + com_amap_api_maps_MapView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + // hybrid composition version. + // if (widget.hybridComposition) { + // return PlatformViewLink( + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.MapView', + // surfaceFactory: ( + // BuildContext context, + // PlatformViewController controller, + // ) { + // return AndroidViewSurface( + // controller: controller, + // gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + // hitTestBehavior: PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque, + // ); + // }, + // onCreatePlatformView: (PlatformViewCreationParams params) { + // return PlatformViewsService.initSurfaceAndroidView( + // id:, + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.MapView', + // layoutDirection: TextDirection.ltr, + // creationParams: widget.params, + // creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + // ) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(params.onPlatformViewCreated) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener((id) => _onViewCreated(id)) + // ..create(); + // }, + // ); + // } else { + return AndroidView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.MapView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + // } + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = com_amap_api_maps_MapView()..refId = 'com.amap.api.maps.MapView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/android/platformview/TextureMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/platformview/TextureMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77d5512 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/platformview/TextureMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef TextureMapViewCreatedCallback = void Function(com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView controller); +typedef _OnAndroidViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_AndroidView extends StatefulWidget { + const com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_AndroidView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + this.hybridComposition = false, + }) : super(key: key); + + final TextureMapViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnAndroidViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + final bool hybridComposition; + + @override + _com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_AndroidViewState createState() => _com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_AndroidViewState(); +} + +class _com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_AndroidViewState extends State { + com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + // hybrid composition version. + // if (widget.hybridComposition) { + // return PlatformViewLink( + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView', + // surfaceFactory: ( + // BuildContext context, + // PlatformViewController controller, + // ) { + // return AndroidViewSurface( + // controller: controller, + // gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + // hitTestBehavior: PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque, + // ); + // }, + // onCreatePlatformView: (PlatformViewCreationParams params) { + // return PlatformViewsService.initSurfaceAndroidView( + // id:, + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView', + // layoutDirection: TextDirection.ltr, + // creationParams: widget.params, + // creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + // ) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(params.onPlatformViewCreated) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener((id) => _onViewCreated(id)) + // ..create(); + // }, + // ); + // } else { + return AndroidView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + // } + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView()..refId = 'com.amap.api.maps.TextureMapView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/android/platformview/WearMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/android/platformview/WearMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d75a70e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/platformview/WearMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef WearMapViewCreatedCallback = void Function(com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView controller); +typedef _OnAndroidViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_AndroidView extends StatefulWidget { + const com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_AndroidView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + this.hybridComposition = false, + }) : super(key: key); + + final WearMapViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnAndroidViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + final bool hybridComposition; + + @override + _com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_AndroidViewState createState() => _com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_AndroidViewState(); +} + +class _com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_AndroidViewState extends State { + com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + // hybrid composition version. + // if (widget.hybridComposition) { + // return PlatformViewLink( + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView', + // surfaceFactory: ( + // BuildContext context, + // PlatformViewController controller, + // ) { + // return AndroidViewSurface( + // controller: controller, + // gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + // hitTestBehavior: PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque, + // ); + // }, + // onCreatePlatformView: (PlatformViewCreationParams params) { + // return PlatformViewsService.initSurfaceAndroidView( + // id:, + // viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView', + // layoutDirection: TextDirection.ltr, + // creationParams: widget.params, + // creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + // ) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(params.onPlatformViewCreated) + // ..addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener((id) => _onViewCreated(id)) + // ..create(); + // }, + // ); + // } else { + return AndroidView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + // } + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView()..refId = 'com.amap.api.maps.WearMapView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart b/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21e1804 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + + +// type check +@optionalTypeArgs +Future AmapMapFluttifyAndroidIs(dynamic __this__) async { + final typeName = T.toString(); + if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ is T; + } + else if (T == com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_LocationSource', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_UiSettings) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_UiSettings', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapException) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapException', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_MapFragment', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_Projection) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_Projection', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Poi', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Text) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Text', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Tile', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Arc) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Arc', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Circle', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Marker', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_WearMapView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_AMap', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_MapView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_MapView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_TraceListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } + else { + return false; + } +} + +// type cast +// 给一个可选的泛型, 如果没有指定泛型就返回dynamic +@optionalTypeArgs +T? AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(dynamic __this__) { + final typeName = T.toString(); + + if (__this__ == null) { + return null; + } else if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ as T; + } + else if (T == com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity) { + return (com_amap_api_offlineservice_AMapPermissionActivity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CommonInfoWindowAdapter.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_SupportMapFragment()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCacheRemoveListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_UiSettings) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_UiSettings()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView_OnDismissCallback.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowParams()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapException) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMapException()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLoadedListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMapOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_InfoWindowAdapter.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMyLocationChangeListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_onMapPrintScreenListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_ImageInfoWindowAdapter.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_utils_SpatialRelationUtil()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker_MoveListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_MovingPointOverlay_MoveListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_TextureSupportMapFragment()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_MapFragment()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_CustomRenderer.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_LocationSource_OnLocationChangedListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_SwipeDismissView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapStatus()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapProvince()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineMapDownloadListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownloadProgressView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_Province()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_City()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadListView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_DownLoadExpandListView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapManager_OfflineLoadedListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_CityExpandView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnIndoorBuildingActiveListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapTouchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_Projection) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_Projection()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_MultiPositionInfoWindowAdapter.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayerOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptor()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonHoleOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Poi()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_RouteOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleHoleOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Text) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Text()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds_Builder()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapLayer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_ColorLatLng()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_GenerateCrossImageListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileProvider()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Tile()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModel()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProvider.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_NaviPara()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_GL3DModelOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_OnCrossVectorUpdateListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MyTrafficStyle()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PoiPara()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrow()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation_AnimationListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_EmergeAnimation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlaySource()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_VisibleRegionCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjection()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapPara()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition_Builder()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BasePointOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Arc) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Arc()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapCameraInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay_UpdateItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_WeightedLatLng()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyleCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBoundsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions_Builder()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_NavigateArrowOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_ImageOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGestureListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayerOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_RuntimeRemoteException()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_AMapGLOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatMapGridLayer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_RoutePara()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_ArcOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPositionCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_CrossOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverLifeModule()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ConstantRotationOverLife()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SinglePointParticleShape()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomVelocityBetweenTwoConstants()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_CurveSizeOverLife()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleEmissionModule()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_SizeOverLife()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RectParticleShape()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ColorGenerate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_VelocityGenerate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RotationOverLife()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_RandomColorBetWeenTwoConstants()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleShapeModule()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptionsFactory()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_particle_ParticleOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_MVTTileOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseHoleOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TextOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_TileProjectionCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptionsCreator()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_BaseOptions_BaseUpdateFlags()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_IndoorBuildingInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapFragment()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPOIClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_InfoWindowAnimationManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnPolylineClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_WearMapView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_BaseMapView.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_AMap) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_AMap()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_MapView) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_MapView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger) { + return (com_amap_api_maps_ExceptionLogger.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase) { + return (com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceBase.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener) { + return (com_amap_api_trace_TraceStatusListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener) { + return (com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation) { + return (com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient) { + return (com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay) { + return (com_amap_api_trace_TraceOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } + + final FoundationFluttifyObject = FoundationFluttifyAndroidAs(__this__); + if (FoundationFluttifyObject != null) { + return FoundationFluttifyObject; + } + final CoreLocationFluttifyObject = CoreLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__this__); + if (CoreLocationFluttifyObject != null) { + return CoreLocationFluttifyObject; + } + final AmapCoreFluttifyObject = AmapCoreFluttifyAndroidAs(__this__); + if (AmapCoreFluttifyObject != null) { + return AmapCoreFluttifyObject; + } + final AmapSearchFluttifyObject = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__this__); + if (AmapSearchFluttifyObject != null) { + return AmapSearchFluttifyObject; + } + final AmapLocationFluttifyObject = AmapLocationFluttifyAndroidAs(__this__); + if (AmapLocationFluttifyObject != null) { + return AmapLocationFluttifyObject; + } + + // 匹配不到目标类型, 直接返回原对象 + debugPrint('匹配不到目标类型, 直接返回原对象'); + return __this__; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/facade/amap_controller.dart b/lib/src/facade/amap_controller.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9f6f8b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/amap_controller.dart @@ -0,0 +1,2837 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names +part of 'amap_view.widget.dart'; + +/// 海量点点击回调签名 +typedef OnMultiPointClicked = Future Function( + String id, + String title, + String snippet, + String object, +); + +/// 地图控制类 +class AmapController with WidgetsBindingObserver, IMapController { + /// Android构造器 + + com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView _androidController, + _AmapViewState _state, + ) { + WidgetsBinding.instance?.addObserver(this); + androidController = _androidController; + state = _state; + } + + /// iOS构造器 + AmapController.ios(MAMapView _iosController, _AmapViewState _state) { + WidgetsBinding.instance?.addObserver(this); + iosController = _iosController; + state = _state; + } + + com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView? androidController; + MAMapView? iosController; + + _AmapViewState? state; + + final imageConfiguration = ImageConfiguration(devicePixelRatio: ui.window.devicePixelRatio); + + // iOS端的回调处理类 + MAMapViewDelegate? _iosMapDelegate; + + // + // // Android端的回调处理类 + // final androidMapDelegate = _AndroidMapDelegate(); + + // 定位间隔订阅事件 + StreamSubscription? _locateSubscription; + + /// 获取当前位置 + /// + /// 由于定位需要时间, 如果进入地图后马上获取位置信息, 获取到的会是null, [getLocation]会默认 + /// 以[interval]500毫秒为间隔循环获取定位信息, 直到获取到的定位不为空. 你可以设置超时时间[timeout], 防止 + /// 一直获取不到定位的情况(比如没有设置[showMyLocation]为true, 或者没有同意权限申请). + @override + Future getLocation() async { + Duration interval = const Duration(milliseconds: 500); + Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 10); + // 总尝试次数 + final attempts = timeout.inMilliseconds ~/ interval.inMilliseconds; + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + for (var i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { + final location = await map!.getMyLocation(); + pool.add(location); + + final latitude = await location?.latitude; + final longitude = await location?.longitude; + if (latitude != null && latitude != 0 && longitude != null && longitude != 0) { + return LatLng(latitude, longitude); + } + await Future.delayed(interval); + } + return null; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + for (var i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { + final location = await iosController!.get_userLocation(); + if (location == null) { + throw '定位数据为null, 请检查是否已调用showMyLocation'; + } + final coord = await location.get_coordinate(); + + final latitude = await coord?.latitude; + final longitude = await coord?.longitude; + if (latitude != null && latitude != 0 && longitude != null && longitude != 0) { + pool.add(coord); + return LatLng(latitude, longitude); + } + await Future.delayed(interval); + } + return null; + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示我的位置 + /// + /// 可配置的参数详见[MyLocationOption] + @override + Future showMyLocation(MyLocationOption option) async { + if (state?.mounted != true) return; + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final locationStyle = await com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle.create__(); + await locationStyle.showMyLocation(; + await map!.setMyLocationEnabled(; + + if ( { + switch (option.myLocationType) { + case MyLocationType.Show: + await locationStyle.myLocationType( + com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle.LOCATION_TYPE_SHOW, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.Locate: + await locationStyle.myLocationType( + com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle.LOCATION_TYPE_LOCATE, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.Follow: + await locationStyle.myLocationType( + com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle.LOCATION_TYPE_FOLLOW, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.FollowNoCenter: + await locationStyle.myLocationType( + com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle.LOCATION_TYPE_FOLLOW_NO_CENTER, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.Rotate: + await locationStyle.myLocationType( + com_amap_api_maps_model_MyLocationStyle.LOCATION_TYPE_MAP_ROTATE, + ); + break; + } + // 定位间隔 + await locationStyle.interval(option.interval.inMilliseconds); + + // 定位图标 + if (option.iconProvider != null) { + final imageData = await option.iconProvider!.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(imageData); + final bitmapDescriptor = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + await locationStyle.myLocationIcon(bitmapDescriptor!); + } + /* else { + final imageData = await AssetImage('images/location_pointer.png', + package: 'amap_map_fluttify') + .toImageData(imageConfiguration); + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(imageData); + final bitmapDescriptor = + await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory + .fromBitmap(bitmap); + await locationStyle.myLocationIcon(bitmapDescriptor); + }*/ + // 边框颜色 + await locationStyle.strokeColor(Int32List.fromList([option.strokeColor.value])[0]); + // 填充颜色 + await locationStyle.radiusFillColor(Int32List.fromList([option.fillColor.value])[0]); + // 边框宽度 + await locationStyle.strokeWidth(option.strokeWidth); + // 锚点 + if (option.anchorU != null && option.anchorV != null) { + await locationStyle.anchor(option.anchorU!, option.anchorV!); + } + + // 设置样式 + await map.setMyLocationStyle(locationStyle); + } + + pool.add(locationStyle); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showsUserLocation(; + + if ( { + if (option.interval != { + await _locateSubscription?.cancel(); + _locateSubscription = Stream.periodic(option.interval, (_) => _).listen((_) { + if (option.myLocationType == MyLocationType.Follow) { + iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollow, + true, + ); + } else if (option.myLocationType == MyLocationType.FollowNoCenter) { + iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeNone, + true, + ); + } + }); + } + + switch (option.myLocationType) { + case MyLocationType.Show: + await iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeNone, + true, + ); + break; + // ios端没有只定位一次的选项, 所以这里要模拟一下这个效果 + // 1. 先设置不跟踪位置, 防止定位marker来回跳 + // 2. 获取当前用户位置 + // 3. 把当前地图中心点设置为用户位置 + case MyLocationType.Locate: + await iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeNone, + true, + ); + final myLocation = await iosController!.get_userLocation(); + await iosController!.setCenterCoordinate_animated( + (await myLocation!.get_coordinate())!, + false, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.Follow: + await iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollow, + true, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.FollowNoCenter: + await iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeNone, + true, + ); + break; + case MyLocationType.Rotate: + await iosController!.setUserTrackingMode_animated( + MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollowWithHeading, + true, + ); + break; + } + + final style = await MAUserLocationRepresentation.create__(); + + // 定位图标 + if (option.iconProvider != null) { + final imageData = await option.iconProvider!.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + final bitmap = await UIImage.create(imageData); + await style.set_image(bitmap); + } + /* else { + final imageData = await AssetImage('images/location_pointer.png', + package: 'amap_map_fluttify') + .toImageData(imageConfiguration); + final bitmap = await UIImage.create(imageData); + await style.set_image(bitmap); + }*/ + // 边框颜色 + { + final color = await UIColor.create(option.strokeColor); + await style.set_strokeColor(color); + } + // 填充颜色 + { + final color = await UIColor.create(option.fillColor); + await style.set_fillColor(color); + } + // 边框宽度 + await style.set_lineWidth(option.strokeWidth); + // 锚点 + if (option.anchorU != null && option.anchorV != null) { + // 目前无作用 + await style.addJsonableProperty__(1, option.anchorU!); + await style.addJsonableProperty__(2, option.anchorV!); + } + + await iosController!.updateUserLocationRepresentation(style); + } else { + await _locateSubscription?.cancel(); + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置我的位置图标旋转角度 + @override + Future setMyLocationRotateAngle(double angle) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await map!.setMyLocationRotateAngle(360 - angle); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final location = await iosController!.get_userLocation(); + final view = await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(location!); + // 当前定位图标不在屏幕内时为null + await view?.rotate(angle); + }, + ); + } + + /// 是否显示室内地图 + @override + Future showIndoorMap(bool show) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await map!.showIndoorMap(show); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showsIndoorMap(show); + }, + ); + } + + /// 选择显示图层 + @override + Future setMapType(MapType mapType) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + switch (mapType) { + case MapType.Standard: + await map!.setMapType(1); + break; + case MapType.Satellite: + await map!.setMapType(2); + break; + case MapType.Night: + await map!.setMapType(3); + break; + case MapType.Navi: + await map!.setMapType(4); + break; + case MapType.Bus: + await map!.setMapType(5); + break; + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + switch (mapType) { + case MapType.Standard: + await iosController!.set_mapType(MAMapType.MAMapTypeStandard); + break; + case MapType.Satellite: + await iosController!.set_mapType(MAMapType.MAMapTypeSatellite); + break; + case MapType.Night: + await iosController!.set_mapType(MAMapType.MAMapTypeStandardNight); + break; + case MapType.Navi: + await iosController!.set_mapType(MAMapType.MAMapTypeNavi); + break; + case MapType.Bus: + await iosController!.set_mapType(MAMapType.MAMapTypeBus); + break; + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 选择地图语言 + Future setMapLanguage(Language language) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + switch (language) { + case Language.Chinese: + await map!.setMapLanguage(com_amap_api_maps_AMap.CHINESE); + break; + case Language.English: + await map!.setMapLanguage(com_amap_api_maps_AMap.ENGLISH); + break; + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + switch (language) { + case Language.Chinese: + await iosController!.performSelectorWithObject__('setMapLanguage:', 0); + break; + case Language.English: + await iosController!.performSelectorWithObject__('setMapLanguage:', 1); + break; + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示路况信息 + @override + Future showTraffic(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await map!.setTrafficEnabled(enable); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showTraffic(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示缩放控件 + @override + Future showZoomControl(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setZoomControlsEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + debugPrint('ios端不支持显示缩放控件'); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示指南针 + @override + Future showCompass(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setCompassEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showsCompass(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示定位按钮 + @override + Future showLocateControl(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setMyLocationButtonEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + debugPrint('ios端不支持显示定位按钮'); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示比例尺控件 + @override + Future showScaleControl(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setScaleControlsEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showsScale(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 缩放手势使能 + @override + Future setZoomGesturesEnabled(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setZoomGesturesEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_zoomEnabled(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 滑动手势使能 + @override + Future setScrollGesturesEnabled(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setScrollGesturesEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_scrollEnabled(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 旋转手势使能 + @override + Future setRotateGesturesEnabled(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setRotateGesturesEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_rotateEnabled(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 旋转手势使能 + @override + Future setTiltGesturesEnabled(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setTiltGesturesEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_rotateCameraEnabled(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 所有手势使能 + @override + Future setAllGesturesEnabled(bool enable) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setAllGesturesEnabled(enable); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_zoomEnabled(enable); + await iosController!.set_scrollEnabled(enable); + await iosController!.set_rotateEnabled(enable); + await iosController!.set_rotateCameraEnabled(enable); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置缩放大小 + /// + /// 地图的缩放级别一共分为 17 级,从 3 到 19. 数字越大,展示的图面信息越精细 + @override + Future setZoomLevel(double level, {bool animated = true}) async { + assert(level >= 3 && level <= 19, '缩放范围为3-19'); + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final cameraUpdate = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(level); + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(cameraUpdate!); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(cameraUpdate!); + } + + pool.add(cameraUpdate); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.setZoomLevel_animated(level, animated); + }, + ); + } + + /// 获取当前缩放大小 + @override + Future getZoomLevel() async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final camera = await map!.getCameraPosition(); + + pool.add(camera); + return await camera!.get_zoom() ?? 10; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + return await iosController!.get_zoomLevel() ?? 10; + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置缩放是否以中心点为锚点 + @override + Future setZoomByCenter(bool byCenter) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final uiSetting = await map!.getUiSettings(); + await uiSetting!.setZoomInByScreenCenter(byCenter); + await uiSetting.setGestureScaleByMapCenter(byCenter); + + pool.add(uiSetting); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint(!byCenter); + }, + ); + } + + /// 放大一个等级 + @override + Future zoomIn({bool animated = true}) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final cameraUpdate = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.zoomIn(); + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(cameraUpdate!); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(cameraUpdate!); + } + + pool.add(cameraUpdate); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final currentLevel = await iosController!.get_zoomLevel() ?? 10; + await iosController!.setZoomLevel_animated(currentLevel + 1, animated); + }, + ); + } + + /// 放大一个等级 + @override + Future zoomOut({bool animated = true}) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final cameraUpdate = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.zoomOut(); + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(cameraUpdate!); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(cameraUpdate!); + } + + pool.add(cameraUpdate); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final currentLevel = await iosController!.get_zoomLevel() ?? 10; + await iosController!.setZoomLevel_animated(currentLevel - 1, animated); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图中心点 + /// + /// [lat]纬度, [lng]经度, [zoomLevel]缩放等级, [bearing]地图选择角度, [tilt]倾斜角 + @override + Future setCenterCoordinate( + LatLng coordinate, { + double? zoomLevel, + double? bearing, + double? tilt, + bool animated = true, + }) async { + assert( + zoomLevel == null || (zoomLevel >= 3 && zoomLevel <= 19), + '缩放范围为3-19', + ); + final lat = coordinate.latitude; + final lng = coordinate.longitude; + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final latLng = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(lat, lng); + + final camera = await map!.getCameraPosition(); + final finalZoomLevel = zoomLevel ?? (await camera!.get_zoom())!; + final finalBearing = bearing ?? (await camera!.get_bearing())!; + final finalTilt = tilt ?? (await camera!.get_tilt())!; + final cameraPosition = await com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition.create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__float__float__float( + latLng, finalZoomLevel, finalTilt, finalBearing); + + final cameraUpdate = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(cameraPosition); + + if (animated) { + await map.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(cameraUpdate!); + } else { + await map.moveCamera(cameraUpdate!); + } + + pool + ..add(latLng) + ..add(cameraUpdate); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final latLng = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(lat, lng); + if (zoomLevel != null) { + await iosController!.setZoomLevel_animated(zoomLevel, animated); + } + if (bearing != null) { + await iosController!.set_rotationDegree(bearing); + } + if (tilt != null) { + await iosController!.set_cameraDegree(tilt); + } + await iosController!.setCenterCoordinate_animated(latLng, animated); + + pool.add(latLng); + }, + ); + } + + /// 获取地图中心点 + @override + Future getCenterCoordinate() { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final position = await map!.getCameraPosition(); + final target = await position!.get_target(); + + // target不能马上释放, 因为跟返回对象有联系 + pool.add(position); + + return LatLng( + await target!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await target.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final target = await iosController!.get_centerCoordinate(); + // target不能马上释放, 因为跟返回对象有联系 + return LatLng(await target!.latitude ?? 0, await target.longitude ?? 0); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加marker + /// + /// 在纬度[lat], 经度[lng]的位置添加marker, 并设置标题[title]和副标题[snippet], [iconUri] + /// 可以是图片url, asset路径或者文件路径. + /// 其中图片参数[imageConfig]如果不知道怎么创建, 那么就直接调用flutter sdk内提供的[createLocalImageConfiguration]方法创建 + @override + Future addMarker(MarkerOption option) { + if (state?.mounted != true) throw StateError('state is not mounted'); + + final latitude = option.coordinate.latitude; + final longitude = option.coordinate.longitude; + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 获取地图 + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // marker经纬度 + final latLng = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(latitude, longitude); + + // marker配置 + final markerOption = await com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions.create__(); + + // 设置marker经纬度 + await markerOption.position(latLng); + // 设置marker标题 + await markerOption.title(option.title); + // 设置marker副标题 + await markerOption.snippet(option.snippet); + // 设置marker图标 + // 帧动画 + if (option.iconsProvider != null && option.iconsProvider!.isNotEmpty) { + List iconData = []; + for (final item in option.iconsProvider!) { + final data = await item.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + iconData.add(data); + } + + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create_batch(iconData); + final icon = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory_Batch.fromBitmap_batch(bitmap!); + await markerOption.icons(icon.whereType().toList()); + await markerOption.period(240 ~/ (option.animationFps ?? 30)); + + pool + ..addAll(bitmap) + ..addAll(icon); + } + // 普通图片 + else if (option.iconProvider != null) { + Uint8List iconData = await option.iconProvider!.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(iconData); + final icon = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + await markerOption.icon(icon!); + + pool + ..add(bitmap) + ..add(icon); + } + // widget as marker + else if (option.widget != null) { + final iconData = (await state!.widgetToImageData([option.widget!]))!; + + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(iconData[0]); + final icon = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + await markerOption.icon(icon!); + + pool + ..add(bitmap) + ..add(icon); + } + // 是否可拖拽 + await markerOption.draggable(option.draggable); + // 旋转角度 + await markerOption.rotateAngle(option.rotateAngle); + // 锚点 默认在中间底部是最合理的 + await markerOption.anchor(option.anchorU, option.anchorV); + // 是否可见 + await markerOption.visible(option.visible); + // 透明度 + if (option.opacity != null) await markerOption.alpha(option.opacity!); + + final marker = await map!.addMarker(markerOption); + // 是否允许弹窗 + await marker!.setInfoWindowEnable(option.infoWindowEnabled); + + // 自定义数据 + if (option.object != null) { + await marker.setObject(option.object!); + } + + // marker不释放, 还有用 + pool + ..add(latLng) + ..add(markerOption); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + // 创建marker + final annotation = await MAPointAnnotation.create__(); + + final coordinate = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(latitude, longitude); + + // 设置经纬度 + await annotation.set_coordinate(coordinate); + + // 设置标题 + await annotation.set_title(option.title); + // 设置副标题 + await annotation.set_subtitle(option.snippet); + // 设置图片 + // 帧动画 + if (option.iconsProvider != null && option.iconsProvider!.isNotEmpty) { + List iconData = []; + for (final item in option.iconsProvider!) { + final data = await item.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + iconData.add(data); + } + + final icons = await UIImage.create_batch(iconData); + + await annotation.setIcons(icons); + await annotation.setFps( + (1 / (option.animationFps ?? 30) * icons.length).toInt(), + ); + + pool.addAll(icons); + } + // 普通图片 + else if (option.iconProvider != null) { + Uint8List iconData = await option.iconProvider!.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + + final icon = await UIImage.create(iconData); + + // 由于ios端的icon参数在回调中设置, 需要添加属性来实现 + await annotation.setIcon(icon); + + pool.add(icon); + } + // widget as marker + else if (option.widget != null) { + List iconData = (await state!.widgetToImageData([option.widget!]))!; + + final icon = await UIImage.create(iconData[0]); + + // 由于ios端的icon参数在回调中设置, 需要添加属性来实现 + await annotation.setIcon(icon); + + pool.add(icon); + } + // 是否可拖拽 + await annotation.setDraggable(option.draggable); + // 旋转角度 + await annotation.setRotateAngle(option.rotateAngle); + // 是否允许弹窗 + await annotation.setInfoWindowEnabled(option.infoWindowEnabled); + // 锚点 + await annotation.setAnchor(option.anchorU, option.anchorV); + // 自定义数据 + if (option.object != null) { + await annotation.setObject(option.object!); + } + // 是否可见 + await annotation.setVisible(option.visible); + // 透明度 + if (option.opacity != null) { + await annotation.setOpacity(option.opacity!); + } + + // 添加marker + await iosController!.addAnnotation(annotation); + + pool.add(coordinate); + + return Marker.ios(annotation, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 批量添加marker + /// + /// 根据[options]批量创建Marker + @override + Future> addMarkers(List options) async { + if (state?.mounted != true) return []; + + if (options.isEmpty) return Future.value([]); + + final latBatch = => it.coordinate.latitude).toList(); + final lngBatch = => it.coordinate.longitude).toList(); + final titleBatch = => it.title).toList(); + final snippetBatch = => it.snippet).toList(); + final draggableBatch = => it.draggable).toList(); + final rotateAngleBatch = => it.rotateAngle).toList(); + final anchorUBatch = => it.anchorU).toList(); + final anchorVBatch = => it.anchorV).toList(); + final visibleBatch = => it.visible).toList(); + final infoWindowEnabledBatch = => it.infoWindowEnabled).toList(); + final objectBatch = => it.object ?? '').toList(); + final iconDataBatch = [ + ...await Future.wait([ + for (final option in options) + if (option.iconProvider != null) option.iconProvider!.toImageData(imageConfiguration) + ]), + ...?await state!.widgetToImageData(options.where((element) => element.widget != null).map((e) => e.widget!).toList()), + ]; + + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 获取地图 + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final latLngBatch = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double(latBatch, lngBatch); + // marker配置 + final markerOptionBatch = await com_amap_api_maps_model_MarkerOptions.create_batch__(options.length); + // 添加经纬度 + await markerOptionBatch.position_batch(latLngBatch); + // 添加标题 + await markerOptionBatch.title_batch(titleBatch); + // 添加副标题 + await markerOptionBatch.snippet_batch(snippetBatch); + // 是否可拖动 + await markerOptionBatch.draggable_batch(draggableBatch); + // 旋转角度 + await markerOptionBatch.rotateAngle_batch(rotateAngleBatch); + // 锚点 + await markerOptionBatch.anchor_batch(anchorUBatch, anchorVBatch); + // 是否可见 + await markerOptionBatch.visible_batch(visibleBatch); + // 图片 + if (iconDataBatch.isNotEmpty) { + final bitmapBatch = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create_batch(iconDataBatch); + final iconBatch = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory_Batch.fromBitmap_batch(bitmapBatch!); + await markerOptionBatch.icon_batch(iconBatch.whereType().toList()); + pool + ..addAll(bitmapBatch) + ..addAll(iconBatch); + } + + // 添加marker + final markers = await map!.addMarkers(markerOptionBatch, false); + + // 弹窗使能 + await markers!.setInfoWindowEnable_batch(infoWindowEnabledBatch); + // 自定义数据 + await markers.setObject_batch(objectBatch.whereType().toList()); + + // marker不释放, 还有用 + pool + ..addAll(latLngBatch) + ..addAll(markerOptionBatch); + return =>; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + // 创建marker + final annotationBatch = await MAPointAnnotation.create_batch__(options.length); + + // 经纬度列表 + final coordinateBatch = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch(latBatch, lngBatch); + // 设置经纬度 + await annotationBatch.set_coordinate_batch(coordinateBatch); + // 设置标题 + await annotationBatch.set_title_batch(titleBatch); + // 设置副标题 + await annotationBatch.set_subtitle_batch(snippetBatch); + // 设置图片 + if (iconDataBatch.isNotEmpty) { + final iconBatch = await UIImage.create_batch(iconDataBatch); + await annotationBatch.setIcon(iconBatch); + pool.addAll(iconBatch); + } + // 是否可拖拽 + await annotationBatch.setDraggable(draggableBatch); + // 旋转角度 + await annotationBatch.setRotateAngle(rotateAngleBatch); + // 是否允许弹窗 + await annotationBatch.setInfoWindowEnabled(infoWindowEnabledBatch); + // 锚点 + await annotationBatch.setAnchor(anchorUBatch, anchorVBatch); + // 自定义数据 + await annotationBatch.setObject(objectBatch); + // 是否可见 + await annotationBatch.setVisible(visibleBatch); + + // 添加marker + await iosController!.addAnnotations(annotationBatch); + + pool.addAll(coordinateBatch); + return [for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) Marker.ios(annotationBatch[i], iosController)]; + }, + ); + } + + /// 把marker列表从地图上移除 + @override + Future clearMarkers(List markers) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final markerBatch = markers.cast().map((it) => it.androidModel).toList(); + await markerBatch.remove_batch(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final markerBatch = markers.cast().map((it) => it.iosModel).toList(); + await iosController!.removeAnnotations(markerBatch); + }, + ); + } + + /// 清除地图上所有覆盖物 + /// + /// 根据[keepMyLocation]区分是否保留我的位置的marker + @override + Future clear({bool keepMyLocation = true}) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await map!.clear__bool(keepMyLocation); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final markers = await iosController!.get_annotations(); + final overlays = await iosController!.get_overlays(); + await iosController!.removeAnnotations(markers!); + await iosController!.removeOverlays(overlays!); + + pool + ..addAll(markers.cast()) + ..addAll(overlays.cast()); + }, + ); + } + + /// 屏幕坐标转经纬度坐标 + @override + Future fromScreenLocation(Point point) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final projection = await map!.getProjection(); + + final androidPoint = await android_graphics_Point.create(point.x.toInt(), point.y.toInt()); + + final latLng = await projection!.fromScreenLocation(androidPoint); + + pool + ..add(projection) + ..add(androidPoint) + ..add(latLng); + return LatLng( + await latLng!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await latLng.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final cgPoint = await CGPoint.create(point.x.toDouble(), point.y.toDouble()); + final coord2d = await iosController!.convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView(cgPoint, iosController!); + + pool + ..add(cgPoint) + ..add(coord2d); + return LatLng( + await coord2d!.latitude ?? 0, + await coord2d.longitude ?? 0, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 经纬度坐标转屏幕坐标 + @override + Future toScreenLocation(LatLng coordinate) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + final projection = await map!.getProjection(); + + final latLng = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude); + + final point = await projection!.toScreenLocation(latLng); + + pool + ..add(projection) + ..add(latLng) + ..add(point); + return Point((await point!.x)!.toDouble(), (await point.y)!.toDouble()); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final latLng = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude); + final point = await iosController!.convertCoordinate_toPointToView(latLng, iosController!); + + pool + ..add(latLng) + ..add(point); + return Point((await point!.x)!.toDouble(), (await point.y)!.toDouble()); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加折线 + /// + /// 可配置参数详见[PolylineOption] + @override + Future addPolyline(PolylineOption option) async { + if (state?.mounted != true) throw StateError('widget no longer mounted'); + + final latitudeBatch = => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = => e.longitude).toList(); + final textureData = await option.textureProvider?.toImageData(imageConfiguration); + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 构造折线点 + List latLngList = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double( + latitudeBatch, + longitudeBatch, + ); + + // 构造折线参数 + final polylineOptions = await com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions.create__(); + + // 添加经纬度列表 + await polylineOptions.addAll(latLngList); + await polylineOptions.width(option.width); + // 颜色 + await polylineOptions.color(Int32List.fromList([option.strokeColor.value])[0]); + // 自定义贴图 + if (textureData != null) { + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(textureData); + final texture = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + await polylineOptions.setCustomTexture(texture!); + await polylineOptions.setUseTexture(true); + + pool + ..add(bitmap) + ..add(texture); + } + // 线段始末端样式, 由于两端的枚举顺序是一样的, 所以这里直接从索引获取枚举 + if (option.lineCapType != null) { + await polylineOptions.lineCapType( + com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineCapType.values[option.lineCapType!.index], + ); + } + // 线段连接处样式, 由于两端的枚举顺序是一样的, 所以这里直接从索引获取枚举 + if (option.lineJoinType != null) { + await polylineOptions.lineJoinType(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions_LineJoinType.values[option.lineJoinType!.index]); + } + // 是否虚线 + if (option.dashType != null) { + await polylineOptions.setDottedLine(true); + switch (option.dashType!) { + case DashType.Square: + await polylineOptions.setDottedLineType(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions.DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_SQUARE); + break; + case DashType.Circle: + await polylineOptions.setDottedLineType(com_amap_api_maps_model_PolylineOptions.DOTTEDLINE_TYPE_CIRCLE); + break; + } + } + // 设置参数 + final polyline = await map!.addPolyline(polylineOptions); + + pool + ..add(polylineOptions) + ..addAll(latLngList); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + // 构造折线点 + List latLngList = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch(latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + + // 构造折线参数 + final polyline = await MAPolyline.polylineWithCoordinates_count(latLngList, latLngList.length); + + // 宽度和颜色需要设置到STACK里去 + final pixelRatio = MediaQuery.of(state!.context).devicePixelRatio; + await polyline!.addJsonableProperty__(1, option.width / pixelRatio); + // 颜色 + await polyline.addJsonableProperty__(2, option.strokeColor.value); + // 设置图片 + if (textureData != null) { + final texture = await UIImage.create(textureData); + + await polyline.addProperty__(3, texture); + + pool.add(texture); + } + // 线段始末端样式, 由于两端的枚举顺序是一样的, 所以这里直接从索引获取枚举 + if (option.lineCapType != null) { + await polyline.addJsonableProperty__(4, option.lineCapType!.index); + } + // 线段连接处样式, 由于两端的枚举顺序是一样的, 所以这里直接从索引获取枚举 + if (option.lineJoinType != null) { + await polyline.addJsonableProperty__(5, option.lineJoinType!.index); + } + // 是否虚线 + if (option.dashType != null) { + await polyline.addJsonableProperty__(6, option.dashType!.index + 1); + } + + // 设置参数 + await iosController!.addOverlay(polyline); + + pool.addAll(latLngList); + + return Polyline.ios(polyline, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加多边形 + /// + /// 在点[points]的位置添加线, 可以设置宽度[width]和颜色[strokeColor] + @override + Future addPolygon(PolygonOption option) { + final latitudeBatch = => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = => e.longitude).toList(); + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 构造折线点 + List latLngList = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double( + latitudeBatch, + longitudeBatch, + ); + + // 构造参数 + final polygonOptions = await com_amap_api_maps_model_PolygonOptions.create__(); + + // 添加参数 + await polygonOptions.addAll(latLngList); + // 宽度 + await polygonOptions.strokeWidth(option.width); + // 边框颜色 + await polygonOptions.strokeColor(Int32List.fromList([option.strokeColor.value])[0]); + // 填充颜色 + await polygonOptions.fillColor(Int32List.fromList([option.fillColor.value])[0]); + if (option.zIndex != null) { + await polygonOptions.zIndex(option.zIndex!); + } + + // 设置参数 + final polygon = await map!.addPolygon(polygonOptions); + + pool + ..add(polygonOptions) + ..addAll(latLngList); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + // 构造折线点 + List latLngList = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch(latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + + // 构造折线参数 + final polygon = await MAPolygon.polygonWithCoordinates_count(latLngList, latLngList.length); + + final pixelRatio = MediaQuery.of(state!.context).devicePixelRatio; + await polygon!.addJsonableProperty__(1, option.width / pixelRatio); + await polygon.addJsonableProperty__(2, option.strokeColor.value); + await polygon.addJsonableProperty__(3, option.fillColor.value); + if (option.zIndex != null) { + // TODO ios端未实现 + await polygon.addJsonableProperty__(4, option.zIndex!); + } + + // 设置参数 + await iosController!.addOverlay(polygon); + + pool.addAll(latLngList); + + return Polygon.ios(polygon, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加圆 + /// + /// 在点[points]的位置添加线, 可以设置宽度[width]和颜色[strokeColor] + @override + Future addCircle(CircleOption option) { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 构造点 + final latLng = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double( +, +, + ); + + // 构造参数 + final circleOptions = await com_amap_api_maps_model_CircleOptions.create__(); + + // 中心点 + await; + // 半径 + await circleOptions.radius(option.radius); + // 宽度 + await circleOptions.strokeWidth(option.width); + // 边框颜色 + await circleOptions.strokeColor(Int32List.fromList([option.strokeColor.value])[0]); + // 填充颜色 + await circleOptions.fillColor(Int32List.fromList([option.fillColor.value])[0]); + + // 设置参数 + final circle = await map!.addCircle(circleOptions); + + pool + ..add(circleOptions) + ..add(latLng); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + final latLng = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( +, +, + ); + + // 参数 + final circle = await MACircle.circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius( + latLng, + option.radius, + ); + + final pixelRatio = MediaQuery.of(state!.context).devicePixelRatio; + await circle!.addJsonableProperty__(1, option.width / pixelRatio); + await circle.addJsonableProperty__(2, option.strokeColor.value); + await circle.addJsonableProperty__(3, option.fillColor.value); + + // 设置参数 + await iosController!.addOverlay(circle); + + return Circle.ios(circle, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置marker点击监听事件 + @override + Future setMarkerClickedListener(OnMarkerClicked onMarkerClicked) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerClickListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnMarkerClickListener( + listener + ..onMarkerClick = (marker) async { + onMarkerClicked(; + return true; + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped = (_, view) async { + onMarkerClicked( + Marker.ios( + // 这里由于传入的类型是MAAnnotation, 而fluttify对于抽象类的实体子类的处理方式是找到sdk + // 内的第一个实体子类进行实例化, 这里如果放任不管取第一个实体子类的话是MAGroundOverlay + // 跟当前需要的MAPointAnnotation类是冲突的. + // + // 解决办法很简单, 把refId取出来放到目标实体类里就行了 + MAPointAnnotation()..refId = (await view!.get_annotation())!.refId, + iosController, + ), + ); + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置marker拖动监听事件 + @override + Future setMarkerDragListener({ + OnMarkerDrag? onMarkerDragStart, + OnMarkerDrag? onMarkerDragging, + OnMarkerDrag? onMarkerDragEnd, + }) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMarkerDragListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnMarkerDragListener( + listener + ..onMarkerDragStart = (marker) async { + onMarkerDragStart?.call(; + } + ..onMarkerDrag = (marker) async { + onMarkerDragging?.call(; + } + ..onMarkerDragEnd = (marker) async { + onMarkerDragEnd?.call(; + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState = (_, view, newState, oldState) async { + final annotation = AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(await view!.get_annotation()); + if (newState == MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateStarting) { + await onMarkerDragStart?.call(Marker.ios(annotation, iosController)); + } + + if (newState == MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateDragging) { + await onMarkerDragging?.call(Marker.ios(annotation, iosController)); + } + + if (newState == MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateEnding) { + await onMarkerDragEnd?.call(Marker.ios(annotation, iosController)); + } + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图点击监听事件 + @override + Future setMapClickedListener(OnMapClicked onMapClick) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapClickListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnMapClickListener( + listener + ..onMapClick = (latLng) async { + onMapClick( + LatLng( + await latLng!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await latLng.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ), + ); + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate = (_, coordinate) async { + await onMapClick( + LatLng( + await coordinate!.latitude ?? 0, + await coordinate.longitude ?? 0, + ), + ); + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图长按监听事件 + @override + Future setMapLongPressedListener(OnMapClicked onMapLongPress) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapLongClickListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnMapLongClickListener( + listener + ..onMapLongClick = (latLng) async { + await onMapLongPress( + LatLng( + await latLng!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await latLng.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ), + ); + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate = (mapView, coordinate) async { + await onMapLongPress( + LatLng( + await coordinate!.latitude ?? 0, + await coordinate.longitude ?? 0, + ), + ); + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图移动监听事件 + @override + Future setMapMoveListener({ + OnMapMove? onMapMoveStart, + OnMapMove? onMapMoving, + OnMapMove? onMapMoveEnd, + }) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + bool _moveStarted = false; + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnCameraChangeListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnCameraChangeListener( + listener + ..onCameraChange = (position) async { + final location = await position!.get_target(); + if (onMapMoving != null && _moveStarted) { + await onMapMoving(MapMove( + coordinate: LatLng( + await location!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await location.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ), + zoom: await position.get_zoom(), + tilt: await position.get_tilt(), + bearing: await position.get_bearing(), + isAbroad: await position.get_isAbroad(), + )); + } else if (onMapMoveStart != null && !_moveStarted) { + await onMapMoveStart(MapMove( + coordinate: LatLng( + await location!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await location.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ), + zoom: await position.get_zoom(), + bearing: await position.get_bearing(), + tilt: await position.get_tilt(), + isAbroad: await position.get_isAbroad(), + )); + // 由于ios端只有`开始`和`结束`的回调, 而android这边是只要改变就有回调, 这里回调过 + // 第一次之后就把标记记为已经触发, 在移动结束后再置回来 + _moveStarted = true; + } else { + // 防止没有设置_onMapMoveStart, 这里一律在回调后设置成已经开始移动 + _moveStarted = true; + } + } + ..onCameraChangeFinish = (position) async { + if (onMapMoveEnd != null) { + final location = await position!.get_target(); + await onMapMoveEnd(MapMove( + coordinate: LatLng( + await location!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await location.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ), + zoom: await position.get_zoom(), + bearing: await position.get_bearing(), + tilt: await position.get_tilt(), + isAbroad: await position.get_isAbroad(), + )); + } + // 无论有没有设置过回调, 这里都给它置回来 + _moveStarted = false; + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction = (mapView, animated, userAction) async { + final location = await mapView!.get_centerCoordinate(); + await onMapMoveStart?.call(MapMove( + coordinate: LatLng( + await location!.latitude ?? 0, + await location.longitude ?? 0, + ), + zoom: await mapView.get_zoomLevel(), + tilt: await mapView.get_cameraDegree(), + bearing: await mapView.get_rotationDegree(), + isAbroad: await mapView.get_isAbroad(), + )); + } + ..mapViewRegionChanged = (mapView) async { + final location = await mapView!.get_centerCoordinate(); + await onMapMoving?.call(MapMove( + coordinate: LatLng( + await location!.latitude ?? 0, + await location.longitude ?? 0, + ), + zoom: await mapView.get_zoomLevel(), + tilt: await mapView.get_cameraDegree(), + bearing: await mapView.get_rotationDegree(), + isAbroad: await mapView.get_isAbroad(), + )); + } + ..mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction = (mapView, animated, userAction) async { + final location = await mapView!.get_centerCoordinate(); + await onMapMoveEnd?.call(MapMove( + coordinate: LatLng( + await location!.latitude ?? 0, + await location.longitude ?? 0, + ), + zoom: await mapView.get_zoomLevel(), + tilt: await mapView.get_cameraDegree(), + bearing: await mapView.get_rotationDegree(), + isAbroad: await mapView.get_isAbroad(), + )); + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 请求后台定位 *仅iOS + Future requireAlwaysAuth() async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async {}, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapViewRequireLocationAuth = (CLLocationManager? manager) async { + await manager?.requestAlwaysAuthorization(); + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 截图 + @override + Future screenShot() async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMapScreenShotListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.getMapScreenShot( + listener + ..onMapScreenShot__android_graphics_Bitmap = (bitmap) async { + completer.complete((await bitmap!.data)!); + }, + ); + + return completer.future; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + final rect = await iosController!.frame; + await iosController!.takeSnapshotInRect_withCompletionBlock( + rect, + (image, state) async { + completer.complete((await image!.data)!); + pool.add(image); + }, + ); + + pool.add(rect); + return completer.future; + }, + ); + } + + /// 限制地图的显示范围 + /// + /// [southWest]西南角, [northEast]东北角 + @override + Future setMapRegionLimits(LatLng southWest, LatLng northEast) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final southWestPoint = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(southWest.latitude, southWest.longitude); + final northEastPoint = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(northEast.latitude, northEast.longitude); + + final latLngBounds = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds.create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng( + southWestPoint, northEastPoint); + + await map!.setMapStatusLimits(latLngBounds); + + pool + ..add(southWestPoint) + ..add(northEastPoint) + ..add(latLngBounds); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final center = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + (southWest.latitude + northEast.latitude) / 2, + (southWest.longitude + northEast.longitude) / 2, + ); + final span = await MACoordinateSpanMake( + northEast.latitude - southWest.latitude, + northEast.longitude - southWest.longitude, + ); + final region = await MACoordinateRegionMake(center, span!); + await iosController!.set_limitRegion(region!); + + pool + ..add(center) + ..add(span) + ..add(region); + }, + ); + } + + /// Marker弹窗点击事件监听 + @override + Future setInfoWindowClickListener( + OnMarkerClicked onInfoWindowClicked, + ) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnInfoWindowClickListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnInfoWindowClickListener( + listener + ..onInfoWindowClick = (marker) async { + onInfoWindowClicked(; + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosMapDelegate ??= await MAMapViewDelegate.anonymous__(); + await iosController!.set_delegate( + _iosMapDelegate! + ..mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped = (_, view) async { + await onInfoWindowClicked( + Marker.ios( + MAPointAnnotation()..refId = (await view!.get_annotation())!.refId, + iosController, + ), + ); + }, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加瓦片图 + @override + Future addUrlTileOverlay(UrlTileOption option) async { + final width = option.width; + final height = option.height; + final urlTemplate = option.urlTemplate; + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final options = await com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions.create__(); + final provider = await com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider_X.create(width, height, urlTemplate); + await options.tileProvider(provider); + await options.diskCacheEnabled(true); + await options.diskCacheSize(100000); + await options.memoryCacheEnabled(true); + await options.memCacheSize(100000); + await options.zIndex(-9999); + + // 进行添加 + final tile = await map!.addTileOverlay(options); + pool + ..add(options) + ..add(provider); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + final overlay = await MATileOverlay.create__(); + await overlay.initWithURLTemplate(urlTemplate); + await overlay.set_tileSize( + await CGSize.create(width.toDouble(), height.toDouble()), + ); + + // 添加热力图 + await iosController!.addOverlay(overlay); + + pool.add(overlay); + + return UrlTileOverlay.ios(overlay, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 自定义弹窗 + Future showCustomInfoWindow(Marker marker, Widget widget) async { + final imageData = (await state!.widgetToImageData([widget]))?.first; + if (imageData == null) return; + + // 准备弹窗需要的数据 + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.AMap::setInfoWindowAdapterX', + {'__this__': map}, + ); + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(imageData); + await pushStack('infoWindow', bitmap); + + pool.add(bitmap); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // 创建弹窗view + final bitmap = await UIImage.create(imageData); + final imageView = await UIImageView.create(bitmap); + + final frame = await imageView.frame; + final width = await frame.width; + final height = await frame.height; + + // 去掉默认的弹窗 + final annotationView = await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(marker.iosModel!); + await annotationView?.set_canShowCallout(false); + // 由于默认偏移量是0, 这里根据弹窗view设置一下偏移量 + await annotationView?.set_calloutOffset( + await CGPoint.create(-width! / 2, -height!), + ); + + // 创建自定义弹窗 + final calloutView = await MACustomCalloutView.create__(); + await calloutView.initWithCustomView(imageView); + + // 设置自定义弹窗 + await annotationView?.set_customCalloutView(calloutView); + + pool + ..add(bitmap) + ..add(imageView) + ..add(calloutView); + }, + ); + + // 显示弹窗 + await marker.showInfoWindow(); + } + + /// 添加图片覆盖物 + @override + Future addGroundOverlay(GroundOverlayOption option) async { + final imageData = await option.imageProvider.toImageData(createLocalImageConfiguration(state!.context)); + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final groundOverlayOption = await com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlayOptions.create__(); + + // 创建图片边界 + final southWestPoint = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(option.southWest.latitude, option.southWest.longitude); + final northEastPoint = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(option.northEast.latitude, option.northEast.longitude); + + final bounds = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds.create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng( + southWestPoint, northEastPoint); + await groundOverlayOption.positionFromBounds(bounds); + + // 创建图片 + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(imageData); + final descriptor = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + await groundOverlayOption.image(descriptor!); + + // 进行添加 + final groundOverlay = await map!.addGroundOverlay(groundOverlayOption); + + await bitmap.recycle(); + pool + ..add(groundOverlayOption) + ..add(southWestPoint) + ..add(descriptor) + ..add(northEastPoint); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + final southWestPoint = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + option.southWest.latitude, + option.southWest.longitude, + ); + final northEastPoint = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + option.northEast.latitude, + option.northEast.longitude, + ); + final bounds = await MACoordinateBoundsMake(northEastPoint, southWestPoint); + + final bitmap = await UIImage.create(imageData); + final overlay = await MAGroundOverlay.groundOverlayWithBounds_icon(bounds!, bitmap); + + // 添加热力图 + await iosController!.addOverlay(overlay!); + + pool + ..add(southWestPoint) + ..add(northEastPoint) + ..add(bounds) + ..add(bitmap); + + return GroundOverlay.ios(overlay, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加热力图 + @override + Future addHeatmapTileOverlay( + HeatmapTileOption option, + ) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 创建热力图Provider + final builder = await com_amap_api_maps_model_HeatmapTileProvider_Builder.create__(); + List latLngList = []; + for (final latLng in option.coordinateList) { + latLngList.add(await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude)); + } + await; + if (option.gradient != null) { + await builder.gradient( + await com_amap_api_maps_model_GradientX.create( + Int32List.fromList(option.gradient! => e.value).toList()), + Float64List.fromList(option.gradient!.stops!), + ), + ); + // if (option.gradient.radius != null) { + // await builder.radius(option.gradient.radius?.toInt()); + // } + } + + // 创建Tile Overlay选项 + final tileOverlayOption = await com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlayOptions.create__(); + await tileOverlayOption.tileProvider((await!); + + // 添加热力图 + final heatmap = await map!.addTileOverlay(tileOverlayOption); + + pool + ..add(builder) + ..addAll(latLngList) + ..add(tileOverlayOption); + + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + // 创建热力图选项 + final overlay = await MAHeatMapTileOverlay.create__(); + + // 构造热力图结点 + List nodeList = []; + for (final latLng in option.coordinateList) { + final node = await MAHeatMapNode.create__(); + final coordinate = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + latLng.latitude, + latLng.longitude, + ); + pool + ..add(node) + ..add(coordinate); + + // 坐标点 + await node.set_coordinate(coordinate); + // 权重值 暂时全部都为1 + await node.set_intensity(1); + // 权重值 暂时全部都为1 + nodeList.add(node); + } + // 添加结点数据 + await overlay.set_data(nodeList); + if (option.gradient != null) { + final gradient = await MAHeatMapGradient.create__(init: false); + await gradient.initWithColor_andWithStartPoints( + [for (final color in option.gradient!.colors) await UIColor.create(color)], + option.gradient!.stops!, + ); + await overlay.set_gradient(gradient); + + // if (option.gradient.radius != null) { + // await overlay.set_radius(option.gradient.radius.toInt()); + // } + } + + // 添加热力图 + await iosController!.addOverlay(overlay); + + pool.addAll(nodeList); + + return HeatmapOverlay.ios(overlay, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 将指定的经纬度列表(包括但不限于marker, polyline, polygon等)调整至同一屏幕中显示 + /// + /// [bounds]边界点形成的边界, [padding]地图内边距 + @override + Future zoomToSpan( + List bounds, { + EdgeInsets padding = const EdgeInsets.all(50), + bool animated = true, + }) async { + final double minLat = + await Stream.fromIterable(bounds).reduce((pre, cur) => pre.latitude < cur.latitude ? pre : cur).then((bottom) => bottom.latitude); + final double minLng = + await Stream.fromIterable(bounds).reduce((pre, cur) => pre.longitude < cur.longitude ? pre : cur).then((left) => left.longitude); + final double maxLat = await Stream.fromIterable(bounds).reduce((pre, cur) => pre.latitude > cur.latitude ? pre : cur).then((top) => top.latitude); + final double maxLng = + await Stream.fromIterable(bounds).reduce((pre, cur) => pre.longitude > cur.longitude ? pre : cur).then((right) => right.longitude); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 西南角 + final southWest = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(minLat, minLng); + // 东北角 + final northEast = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double(maxLat, maxLng); + + // 可视区域矩形 + final rect = + await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngBounds.create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(southWest, northEast); + + // 更新对象 android端由于单位是像素, 所以这里要乘以当前设备的像素密度 + final cameraUpdate = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBoundsRect( + rect, + (padding.left.toInt() * ui.window.devicePixelRatio).toInt(), + (padding.right.toInt() * ui.window.devicePixelRatio).toInt(), + ( * ui.window.devicePixelRatio).toInt(), + (padding.bottom.toInt() * ui.window.devicePixelRatio).toInt(), + ); + + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(cameraUpdate!); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(cameraUpdate!); + } + + pool + ..add(southWest) + ..add(northEast) + ..add(rect) + ..add(cameraUpdate); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // 由于屏幕坐标的(0, 0)左上角, 所以需要西北角和东南角 + // 西北角 + final northWest = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(maxLat, minLng); + // 东南角 + final southEast = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(minLat, maxLng); + + // 西北角屏幕坐标 + final northWestPoint = await MAMapPointForCoordinate(northWest); + // 东南角屏幕坐标 + final southEastPoint = await MAMapPointForCoordinate(southEast); + + // 矩形原点x + final x = await northWestPoint!.get_x(); + // 矩形原点y + final y = await northWestPoint.get_y(); + // 矩形宽度 + final width = ((await southEastPoint!.get_x())! - (await northWestPoint.get_x())!).abs(); + // 矩形高度 + final height = ((await southEastPoint.get_y())! - (await northWestPoint.get_y())!).abs(); + + // 矩形 + final rect = await MAMapRectMake(x!, y!, width, height); + + await iosController?.setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated( + rect!, + await UIEdgeInsets.create( +, + padding.left, + padding.bottom, + padding.right, + ), + animated, + ); + + pool + ..add(northWest) + ..add(southEast) + ..add(northWestPoint) + ..add(southEastPoint) + ..add(rect); + }, + ); + } + + // TODO 添加文字 + + /// 自定义地图 + /// + /// 三个参数对应自定义地图压缩包内的三个文件 + @override + Future setCustomMapStyle({ + String? styleDataPath, + String? styleExtraPath, + String? texturePath, + }) async { + Uint8List? styleData; + if (styleDataPath != null) { + styleData = await rootBundle.load(styleDataPath).then((byteData) => byteData.buffer.asUint8List()); + } + Uint8List? styleExtra; + if (styleExtraPath != null) { + styleExtra = await rootBundle.load(styleExtraPath).then((byteData) => byteData.buffer.asUint8List()); + } + Uint8List? texture; + if (texturePath != null) { + texture = await rootBundle.load(texturePath).then((byteData) => byteData.buffer.asUint8List()); + } + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 构造选项 + final option = await com_amap_api_maps_model_CustomMapStyleOptions.create__(); + await option.setEnable(true); + if (styleData != null) await option.setStyleData(styleData); + if (styleExtra != null) await option.setStyleExtraData(styleExtra); + if (texture != null) await option.setStyleTextureData(texture); + + await map!.setCustomMapStyle(option); + + pool.add(option); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // 构造选项 + final option = await MAMapCustomStyleOptions.create__(); + + if (styleData != null) { + final styleDataNSData = await NSData.createWithUint8List(styleData); + await option.set_styleData(styleDataNSData); + pool.add(styleDataNSData); + } + if (styleExtra != null) { + final styleExtraNSData = await NSData.createWithUint8List(styleExtra); + await option.set_styleExtraData(styleExtraNSData); + pool.add(styleExtraNSData); + } + if (texture != null) { + final textureNSData = await NSData.createWithUint8List(texture); + await option.set_styleTextureData(textureNSData); + pool.add(textureNSData); + } + + await iosController!.setCustomMapStyleOptions(option); + await iosController!.set_customMapStyleEnabled(true); + + pool.add(option); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置海量点点击监听事件 + Future setMultiPointClickedListener( + OnMultiPointClicked onMultiPointClicked, + ) async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final listener = await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_OnMultiPointClickListener.anonymous__(); + await map!.setOnMultiPointClickListener( + listener + ..onPointClick = (point) async { + final id = await point!.getCustomerId(); + final title = await point.getTitle(); + final snippet = await point.getSnippet(); + final object = await point.getObject(); + await onMultiPointClicked( + id!, + title!, + snippet!, + object as String, + ); + return true; + }, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final delegate = await MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped = (_, item) async { + final id = await item!.get_customID(); + final title = await item.get_title(); + final snippet = await item.get_subtitle(); + final object = await item.getJsonableProperty__(1); + await onMultiPointClicked(id!, title!, snippet!, object); + }; + // TODO 不知道委托该设置在哪里 + // await iosController.set_delegate(delegate); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加平滑移动marker + /// + /// 根据[options]批量创建Marker + @override + Future addSmoothMoveMarker( + SmoothMoveMarkerOption option, + ) async { + final latitudeBatch = => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = => e.longitude).toList(); + final iconData = await option.iconProvider.toImageData(createLocalImageConfiguration(state!.context)); + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 获取地图 + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + // 创建平滑移动marker对象 + final marker = await com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker.create__com_amap_api_maps_AMap(map!); + + // 创建marker的图标 + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(iconData); + final bitmapDescriptor = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + + // 设置图标 + await marker.setDescriptor(bitmapDescriptor!); + + // 动画途经点 + final points = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double(latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + + // 设置途经点 + await marker.setPoints(points); + // 设置动画时长 + await marker.setTotalDuration(option.duration.inSeconds); + // 执行动画 + await marker.startSmoothMove(); + + pool + ..add(bitmap) + ..add(bitmapDescriptor) + ..addAll(points); + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // await iosController.set_delegate( + // _iosMapDelegate..iosController = iosController, + // ); + + // 创建annotation + final annotation = await MAAnimatedAnnotation.create__(); + + // 动画途经点 + final points = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch(latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + + // 设置图片 + // 普通图片 + final icon = await UIImage.create(iconData); + await annotation.setIcon(icon); + + // 设置起始点 + await annotation.set_coordinate(points[0]); + + // 添加动画 + final animation = await annotation.addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback( + points, + points.length, + option.duration.inSeconds.toDouble(), + 'name', + (finished) {}, + ); + + await iosController!.addAnnotation(annotation); + + pool + ..addAll(points) + ..add(icon); + return SmoothMoveMarker.ios(iosController, animation, annotation); + }, + ); + } + + /// 添加海量点 + @override + Future addMultiPointOverlay( + MultiPointOption option, + ) async { + assert(option.pointList.isNotEmpty); + + final latitudeBatch = => it.coordinate.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = => it.coordinate.longitude).toList(); + final idBatch = =>; + final titleBatch = => it.title).toList(); + final snippetBatch = => it.snippet).toList(); + final objectBatch = => it.object).toList(); + Uint8List? iconData; + if (option.iconProvider != null) { + iconData = await option.iconProvider!.toImageData(createLocalImageConfiguration(state!.context)); + } + + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final overlayOptions = await com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlayOptions.create__(); + + final latLngBatch = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double(latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + + // 设置marker图标 + // 普通图片 + if (iconData != null) { + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(iconData); + final icon = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap); + await overlayOptions.icon(icon!); + + pool + ..add(bitmap) + ..add(icon); + } + + final multiPointOverlay = await map!.addMultiPointOverlay(overlayOptions); + + final multiPointList = await com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointItem.create_batch__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng(latLngBatch); + await multiPointList.setCustomerId_batch(idBatch.whereNotNull()); + await multiPointList.setTitle_batch(titleBatch.whereNotNull()); + await multiPointList.setSnippet_batch(snippetBatch.whereNotNull()); + await multiPointList.setObject_batch(objectBatch.whereNotNull()); + + await multiPointOverlay!.setItems(multiPointList); + + pool.addAll(latLngBatch); + return; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_delegate(_iosMapDelegate!); + + final overlay = await MAMultiPointOverlay.create__(); + + final length = option.pointList.length; + final pointItemList = await MAMultiPointItem.create_batch__(length); + + final latLngBatch = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch(latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + + // 设置marker图标 + // 普通图片 + final bitmap = await UIImage.create(iconData!); + await overlay.addProperty__(1, bitmap); + pool.add(bitmap); + await pointItemList.set_coordinate_batch(latLngBatch); + await pointItemList.set_customID_batch(idBatch.whereNotNull()); + await pointItemList.set_title_batch(titleBatch.whereNotNull()); + await pointItemList.set_subtitle_batch(snippetBatch.whereNotNull()); + await pointItemList.addJsonableProperty_batch(1, objectBatch.whereNotNull()); + + await overlay.initWithMultiPointItems(pointItemList); + + await iosController!.addOverlay(overlay); + + pool + ..addAll(pointItemList) + ..addAll(latLngBatch); + return MultiPointOverlay.ios(overlay, iosController); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图朝向 + /// + /// [bearing] 朝向角度, 单位为度(°), 范围为[0°,360°] + @override + Future setBearing(double bearing, {bool animated = true}) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final update = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.changeBearing(bearing); + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(update!); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(update!); + } + + pool.add(update); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + if (bearing < 0) bearing = 360 + (bearing % 360); + + final currentRotation = await iosController!.get_rotationDegree(); + if ((bearing - currentRotation!).abs() > 180) { + await iosController!.setRotationDegree_animated_duration( + 360 - bearing, + animated, + 0.3, + ); + } else { + await iosController!.setRotationDegree_animated_duration( + bearing, + animated, + 0.3, + ); + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图倾斜度 + @override + Future setTilt(double tilt, {bool animated = true}) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final update = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.changeTilt(tilt); + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate(update!); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(update!); + } + + pool.add(update); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.setCameraDegree_animated_duration( + tilt, + animated, + 0.3, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示/隐藏3D楼块效果 + @override + Future showBuildings(bool show) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + await map!.showBuildings(show); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showsBuildings(show); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示/隐藏地图上的文字标注 + @override + Future showMapText(bool show) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + await map!.showMapText(show); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_showsLabels(show); + }, + ); + } + + /// 一次性设置地图视角 + @override + Future setCameraPosition({ + required LatLng coordinate, + double? zoom, + double? tilt, + double? bearing, + bool animated = true, + Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), + }) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + final builder = await com_amap_api_maps_model_CameraPosition.builder(); + final latLng = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double( + coordinate.latitude, + coordinate.longitude, + ); + await builder!.target(latLng); + if (zoom != null) { + await builder.zoom(zoom); + } + if (tilt != null) { + await builder.tilt(tilt); + } + if (bearing != null) { + await builder.bearing(bearing!); + } + + final update = await com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition((await!); + if (animated) { + await map!.animateCamera__com_amap_api_maps_CameraUpdate__int__com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback( + update!, + duration.inMilliseconds, + await com_amap_api_maps_AMap_CancelableCallback.anonymous__(), + ); + } else { + await map!.moveCamera(update!); + } + + pool.add(update); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final status = await MAMapStatus.create__(); + final latLng = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude); + await status.set_centerCoordinate(latLng); + if (zoom != null) { + await status.set_zoomLevel(zoom); + } + if (tilt != null) { + await status.set_cameraDegree(tilt); + } + if (bearing != null) { + bearing = (bearing!.remainder(360) + 360).remainder(360); + final currentRotation = await iosController!.get_rotationDegree(); + if ((currentRotation! - bearing!).abs() > 180) { + double fixed = bearing!; + if (bearing! > 180) { + fixed = (bearing! - 360); + } else { + fixed = (360 + bearing!); + } + // debugPrint( + // 'currentRotation: $currentRotation, bearing: $bearing, 修正后bearing: $fixed'); + await status.set_rotationDegree(fixed); + } else { + await status.set_rotationDegree(bearing!); + // debugPrint('currentRotation: $currentRotation, bearing: $bearing'); + } + } + await iosController!.setMapStatus_animated_duration( + status, + animated, + duration.inMilliseconds / 1000, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 根据起点[from]和终点[to]坐标, 搜索出路径并将驾车路线规划结果[driveRouteResult]添加到地图上, 可以配置交通拥堵情况[trafficOption], + /// 路线的宽度[lineWidth], 自定纹理[customTexture]. + @override + Future addDriveRoute({ + required LatLng from, + required LatLng to, + List? passbyPointList, + TrafficOption? trafficOption, + double lineWidth = 10, + ImageProvider? customTexture, + }) async { + // 搜索路径 + final route = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDriveRoute( + from: from, + to: to, + passedByPoints: passbyPointList ?? [], + ); + + // 添加路径 + for (final path in await route.drivePathList) { + for (final step in await path.driveStepList) { + if (trafficOption?.show == true) { + for (final tmc in await step.tmsList) { + final status = await tmc.status; + Color statusColor =; + switch (status) { + case '缓行': + statusColor = Colors.yellow; + break; + case '拥堵': + statusColor =; + break; + case '未知': + statusColor =; + break; + default: + break; + } + await addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: await tmc.polyline, + strokeColor: statusColor, + width: lineWidth, + textureProvider: customTexture, + )); + } + } else { + await addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: await step.polyline, + width: lineWidth, + textureProvider: customTexture, + )); + } + } + } + } + + /// 添加地区轮廓 + /// + /// 地区名称[districtName], 轮廓宽度[width], 轮廓颜色[strokeColor], 填充颜色[fillColor] + /// + /// 由于一个省份可能包含多个区域, 比如浙江包含很多岛屿, 如果把岛屿也画进去, 那么会非常消耗性能. + /// 业务上而言, 我认为这些岛屿是否画进去基本上不影响使用, 所以增加了[onlyMainDistrict]参数 + /// 来控制是否只显示主要部分的边界, 如果你对地区完整度的需求非常高, 那么就把[onlyMainDistrict] + /// 设置为false, 随之而来像浙江这种地区的边界绘制起来就会非常慢. + /// 我的测试结果是MIX 3, release模式下需要5-6秒才能绘制完成. + /// + /// 采样率[sampleRate]可以控制经纬度列表的密度, 如果地区边界的经纬度列表长度非常长, 造成了卡顿, + /// 那么可以把采样率调低一点, 这样画出来的区域可能没有采样率为1时那么精确, 但是减小了经纬度列表长度, + /// 可以提升绘制速度. + @override + Future> addDistrictOutline( + String districtName, { + double width = 5, + Color strokeColor =, + Color fillColor = Colors.transparent, + bool onlyMainDistrict = true, + double sampleRate = 1.0, + }) async { + assert(districtName.isNotEmpty); + assert(sampleRate > 0 && sampleRate <= 1); + final district = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDistrict(districtName, showBoundary: true); + + final districtList = district.districtList; + if (districtList!.isNotEmpty) { + if (onlyMainDistrict) { + final sampler = Random(); + List boundary = district.districtList![0].boundary!.reduce((pre, next) => pre.length > next.length ? pre : next) + ..retainWhere((_) => sampler.nextDouble() <= sampleRate); + return [ + await addPolygon(PolygonOption( + coordinateList: boundary, + width: width, + strokeColor: strokeColor, + fillColor: fillColor, + )) + ]; + } else { + List> boundaryList = (district.districtList![0].boundary)!; + return [ + for (final boundary in boundaryList) + await addPolygon(PolygonOption( + coordinateList: boundary, + width: width, + strokeColor: strokeColor, + fillColor: fillColor, + )) + ]; + } + } else { + throw Exception('地区不存在'); + } + } + + /// 添加回放轨迹 + /// + /// [coordinateList] 路径经纬度列表 + /// [width] 路径宽度 + /// [strokeColor] 路径颜色 + /// [iconProvider] 移动marker的图标 + /// [duration] 移动时长 + @override + Future addPlaybackTrace( + List coordinateList, { + double width = 5, + Color strokeColor =, + required ImageProvider iconProvider, + required Duration duration, + }) async { + assert(coordinateList.isNotEmpty); + // 画轨迹线 + final polyline = await addPolyline(PolylineOption( + coordinateList: coordinateList, + width: width, + strokeColor: strokeColor, + )); + final marker = await addSmoothMoveMarker(SmoothMoveMarkerOption( + path: coordinateList, + duration: duration, + iconProvider: iconProvider, + )); + + return PlaybackTrace(marker, polyline); + } + + /// 设置最大缩放等级 + @override + Future setMaxZoomLevel(double zoomLevel) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + await map!.setMaxZoomLevel(zoomLevel); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_maxZoomLevel(zoomLevel); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置最小缩放等级 + @override + Future setMinZoomLevel(double zoomLevel) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + + await map!.setMinZoomLevel(zoomLevel); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_minZoomLevel(zoomLevel); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置地图锚点 + @override + Future setMapAnchor(double anchorU, double anchorV) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await map!.setPointToCenter(anchorU.toInt(), anchorV.toInt()); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final anchor = await CGPoint.create(anchorU, anchorV); + await iosController!.set_screenAnchor(anchor); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future setPadding(EdgeInsets padding) async { + debugPrint('高德地图没有setPadding对应接口'); + } + + @override + Future setFps(int fps) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final map = await androidController!.getMap(); + await map!.setRenderFps(fps); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosController!.set_maxRenderFrame(fps); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future dispose() async { + await _locateSubscription?.cancel(); + + await androidController?.onPause(); + await androidController?.onDestroy(); + + WidgetsBinding.instance?.removeObserver(this); + } + + @override + void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) { + super.didChangeAppLifecycleState(state); + debugPrint('didChangeAppLifecycleState: $state'); + // 因为这里的生命周期其实已经是App的生命周期了, 所以除了这里还需要在dispose里释放资源 + switch (state) { + case AppLifecycleState.resumed: + androidController?.onResume(); + break; + case AppLifecycleState.inactive: + break; + case AppLifecycleState.paused: + androidController?.onPause(); + break; + case AppLifecycleState.detached: + androidController?.onDestroy(); + break; + default: + break; + } + } +} + +extension ListX on List { + List whereNotNull() => where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/amap_service.dart b/lib/src/facade/amap_service.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b11097 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/amap_service.dart @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ +import 'dart:io'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher_string.dart'; + +import 'custom/android/PathSmoothTool.g.dart'; +import 'custom/ios/MALonLatPoint.g.dart'; +import 'custom/ios/MASmoothPathTool.g.dart'; +import 'extensions.dart'; + +export 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +/// 轨迹纠偏过程回调,一条轨迹分割为多个段,按索引顺序回调其中一段 [index]片段索引 [traceList]当前片段的经纬度列表 +typedef OnTraceProcessing = Future Function( + int index, + List traceList, +); + +/// 轨迹纠偏成功回调 [traceList]纠偏后的经纬度列表 [distance]路程 +typedef OnTraceFinished = Future Function( + List traceList, + int distance, +); + +/// 轨迹纠偏失败回调 +typedef OnTraceFailed = Future Function(int errorCode, String errorInfo); + +// final _traceListener = _TraceListener(); + +/// 除了地图以外的功能放在这里, 比如说sdk初始化 +class AmapService implements IMapService { + static AmapService instance = AmapService._(); + + AmapService._(); + + String? _webKey; + + /// 设置ios和android的app key + @override + Future init({ + String? iosKey, + String? androidKey, + String? webKey, + }) async { + _webKey = webKey; + if (iosKey != null) await AmapLocation.instance.init(iosKey: iosKey); + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + if (androidKey != null) { + await com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer.setApiKey(androidKey); + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + if (iosKey != null) await AmapCore.init(iosKey); + }, + ); + } + + /// 隐私是否已经展示 + Future updatePrivacyShow(bool value) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + await com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer.updatePrivacyShow( + context, value, true); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + MAMapView.updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo( + value + ? AMapPrivacyShowStatus.AMapPrivacyShowStatusDidShow + : AMapPrivacyShowStatus.AMapPrivacyShowStatusNotShow, + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus.AMapPrivacyInfoStatusDidContain, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 隐私是否已经同意 + Future updatePrivacyAgree(bool value) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + await com_amap_api_maps_MapsInitializer.updatePrivacyAgree( + context, + value, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await MAMapView.updatePrivacyAgree( + value + ? AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus.AMapPrivacyAgreeStatusDidAgree + : AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus.AMapPrivacyAgreeStatusNotAgree, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 计算两点间的直线距离 + /// + /// 计算点1[point1]和点2[point2]的距离 + Future calculateDistance(LatLng point1, LatLng point2) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 点1 + final _location1 = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng + .create__double__double(point1.latitude, point1.longitude); + // 点2 + final _location2 = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng + .create__double__double(point2.latitude, point2.longitude); + + // 计算结果 + final result = await com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils.calculateLineDistance( + _location1, _location2); + + // 释放两个点 + pool + ..add(_location1) + ..add(_location2); + + return result ?? 0; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // 点1 + final _location1 = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + point1.latitude, point1.longitude); + final mapPoint1 = await MAMapPointForCoordinate(_location1); + + // 点2 + final _location2 = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + point2.latitude, point2.longitude); + final mapPoint2 = await MAMapPointForCoordinate(_location2); + + // 计算结果 + final result = await MAMetersBetweenMapPoints(mapPoint1!, mapPoint2!); + + // 释放两个点相关的数据 + pool + ..add(_location1) + ..add(_location2) + ..add(mapPoint1) + ..add(mapPoint2); + + return result ?? 0; + }, + ); + } + + /// 转换其他坐标系到高德坐标系 + /// + /// [coordinate]待转换坐标, [fromType]待转换坐标的坐标系 + Future convertCoordinate( + LatLng coordinate, + CoordType fromType, + ) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 待转换坐标 + final targetCoordinate = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng + .create__double__double(coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude); + + // 转换器 + final converter = await com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + switch (fromType) { + case CoordType.GPS: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GPS); + break; + case CoordType.Google: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.GOOGLE); + break; + case CoordType.MapBar: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPBAR); + break; + case CoordType.Baidu: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.BAIDU); + break; + case CoordType.MapABC: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.MAPABC); + break; + case CoordType.SosoMap: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.SOSOMAP); + break; + case CoordType.Aliyun: + await converter + .from(com_amap_api_maps_CoordinateConverter_CoordType.ALIYUN); + break; + } + + await converter.coord(targetCoordinate); + + final result = await converter.convert(); + + // 释放两个点 + pool + ..add(targetCoordinate) + ..add(context) + ..add(converter) + ..add(result); + + return LatLng( + await result!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await result.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // 待转换坐标 + final targetCoord = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude); + + AMapCoordinateType type; + switch (fromType) { + case CoordType.GPS: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeGPS; + break; + case CoordType.Google: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeGoogle; + break; + case CoordType.MapBar: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeMapBar; + break; + case CoordType.Baidu: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeBaidu; + break; + case CoordType.MapABC: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeMapABC; + break; + case CoordType.SosoMap: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeSoSoMap; + break; + case CoordType.Aliyun: + type = AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeAliYun; + break; + } + + final result = await AMapCoordinateConvert(targetCoord, type); + + // 释放两个点相关的数据 + pool + ..add(targetCoord) + ..add(result); + + return LatLng(await result!.latitude ?? 0, await result.longitude ?? 0); + }, + ); + } + + /// 计算面积 + /// + /// 计算指定左上角[leftTop]和右下角[rightBottom]的矩形的面积 + Future calculateArea( + LatLng leftTop, + LatLng rightBottom, + ) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 点1 + final _location1 = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng + .create__double__double(leftTop.latitude, leftTop.longitude); + // 点2 + final _location2 = + await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double( + rightBottom.latitude, rightBottom.longitude); + + // 计算结果 + final result = await com_amap_api_maps_AMapUtils + .calculateArea__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng( + _location1, _location2); + + // 释放两个点 + pool + ..add(_location1) + ..add(_location2); + + return result ?? 0; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + // 点1 + final _location1 = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + leftTop.latitude, leftTop.longitude); + + // 点2 + final _location2 = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + rightBottom.latitude, rightBottom.longitude); + + // 计算结果 + final result = await MAAreaBetweenCoordinates(_location1, _location2); + + // 释放两个点相关的数据 + pool + ..add(_location1) + ..add(_location2); + + return result ?? 0; + }, + ); + } + + /// 调用高德地图导航 + /// + /// [target]目的地, [appName]当前应用名称, [dev]是否偏移(0:lat和lon是已经加密后的,不需要国测加密;1:需要国测加密) + /// !注意: iOS端需要在Info.plist配置白名单, 可以参考example工程的配置(LSApplicationQueriesSchemes), 具体文档详见 + Future navigateDrive( + LatLng target, { + String appName = 'appname', + int dev = 1, + }) async { + return platform( + android: (_) async { + final urlScheme = + 'androidamap://navi?sourceApplication=$appName&lat=${target.latitude}&lon=${target.longitude}&dev=$dev&style=2'; + if (await canLaunchUrlString(urlScheme)) { + await launchUrlString(urlScheme); + } else { + return Future.error('无法调起高德地图'); + } + }, + ios: (_) async { + final urlScheme = + 'iosamap://navi?sourceApplication=$appName&lat=${target.latitude}&lon=${target.longitude}&dev=$dev&style=2'; + if (await canLaunchUrlString(urlScheme)) { + await launchUrlString(urlScheme); + } else { + return Future.error('无法调起高德地图'); + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 调用高德地图骑行导航 + /// + /// [target]目的地, [appName]当前应用名称, [dev]是否偏移(0:lat和lon是已经加密后的,不需要国测加密;1:需要国测加密) + /// !注意: iOS端需要在Info.plist配置白名单, 可以参考example工程的配置(LSApplicationQueriesSchemes), 具体文档详见 + Future navigateRide( + LatLng target, { + String appName = 'appname', + int dev = 1, + RideType rideType =, + }) async { + final urlScheme = + 'amapuri://openFeature?featureName=OnRideNavi&rideType=${rideType.inString()}&sourceApplication=$appName&lat=${target.latitude}&lon=${target.longitude}&dev=$dev'; + if (await canLaunchUrlString(urlScheme)) { + await launchUrlString(urlScheme); + } else { + return Future.error('无法调起高德地图'); + } + } + + /// 轨迹纠偏 + /// + /// 指定轨迹id[traceId]和轨迹点列表[locationList], 处理过程回调为[onTraceProcessing], + /// 处理完成回调为[onTraceFinished], 处理失败回调为[onTraceFailed]. + Future queryProcessedTrace( + int traceId, + List locationList, { + OnTraceProcessing? onTraceProcessing, + OnTraceFinished? onTraceFinished, + OnTraceFailed? onTraceFailed, + }) async { + assert(locationList.length > 1); + // return platform( + // android: (pool) async { + // // 获取上下文 + // final applicationContext = await android_app_Application.get(); + // // 创建轨迹对象 + // final traceClient = await com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient + // .create__android_content_Context(applicationContext); + // + // // 开始对轨迹纠偏 + // await traceClient.queryProcessedTrace( + // traceId, + // await locationList.toAndroidModel(), + // com_amap_api_trace_LBSTraceClient.TYPE_AMAP, + // _traceListener + // .._onTraceProcessing = onTraceProcessing + // .._onTraceFinished = onTraceFinished + // .._onTraceFailed = onTraceFailed, + // ); + // }, + // ios: (pool) async { + // final traceManager = await MATraceManager.create__(); + // + // await traceManager + // .queryProcessedTraceWith_type_processingCallback_finishCallback_failedCallback( + // await locationList.toIOSModel(), + // AMapCoordinateType.AMapCoordinateTypeAMap, + // (int index, List points) async { + // if (onTraceProcessing != null) { + // await onTraceProcessing(index, await points.toDartModel()); + // } + // }, + // (List points, double distance) async { + // if (onTraceFinished != null) { + // await onTraceFinished( + // await points.toDartModel(), distance.toInt()); + // } + // }, + // (int errorCode, String errorDesc) { + // if (onTraceFailed != null) { + // onTraceFailed(errorCode, errorDesc); + // } + // }, + // ); + // }, + // ); + } + + /// 打开离线地图管理器 + Future openOfflineMapManager() async { + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + await startActivity( + com_amap_api_maps_offlinemap_OfflineMapActivity.name__); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await presentViewController("MAOfflineMapViewController"); + }, + ); + } + + /// 获取静态图片 + Future fetchStaticMapImage( + LatLng coordinate, { + int zoomLevel = 10, + Size size = const Size(400, 400), + }) async { + final url = + '${coordinate.longitude},${coordinate.latitude}&zoom=$zoomLevel&key=$_webKey&size=${size.width.toInt()}*${size.height.toInt()}'; + + debugPrint('拼接的url: $url'); + + HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient(); + var request = await httpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse(url)); + var response = await request.close(); + return consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(response); + } + + /// 轨迹平滑处理 + Future> pathSmooth( + List coordinateList, { + int intensity = 3, + double threshold = 0.3, + }) async { + if (coordinateList.isEmpty) return []; + + final latitudeBatch = => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = => e.longitude).toList(); + + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final pathSmooth = + await com_amap_api_maps_utils_PathSmoothTool.create__(); + await pathSmooth.setIntensity(intensity); + await pathSmooth.setThreshhold(threshold); + final result = await pathSmooth.pathOptimize( + await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double( + latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch)); + + final resultLatitudeBatch = await result.get_latitude_batch(); + final resultLongitudeBatch = await result.get_longitude_batch(); + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) + LatLng(resultLatitudeBatch[i] ?? 0, resultLongitudeBatch[i] ?? 0) + ]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final pathSmooth = await MASmoothPathTool.create__(); + await pathSmooth.set_intensity(intensity); + await pathSmooth.set_threshHold(threshold); + + final pointBatch = + await MALonLatPoint.create_batch__(coordinateList.length); + await pointBatch.set_lat_batch(latitudeBatch); + await pointBatch.set_lon_batch(longitudeBatch); + + final result = await pathSmooth.pathOptimize(pointBatch); + + final resultLatitudeBatch = await result.get_lat_batch(); + final resultLongitudeBatch = await result.get_lon_batch(); + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) + LatLng(resultLatitudeBatch[i], resultLongitudeBatch[i]) + ]; + }, + ); + } +} +// +// class _TraceListener extends java_lang_Object +// with com_amap_api_trace_TraceListener { +// OnTraceProcessing _onTraceProcessing; +// OnTraceFinished _onTraceFinished; +// OnTraceFailed _onTraceFailed; +// +// @override +// Future onTraceProcessing( +// int lineID, +// int index, +// List segments, +// ) async { +// await super.onTraceProcessing(lineID, index, segments); +// if (_onTraceProcessing != null) { +// await _onTraceProcessing(index, await segments.toDartModel()); +// } +// } +// +// @override +// Future onFinished( +// int lineID, +// List linepoints, +// int distance, +// int waitingtime, +// ) async { +// await super.onFinished(lineID, linepoints, distance, waitingtime); +// if (_onTraceFinished != null) { +// await _onTraceFinished(await linepoints.toDartModel(), distance); +// } +// } +// +// @override +// Future onRequestFailed(int lineID, String errorInfo) async { +// await super.onRequestFailed(lineID, errorInfo); +// if (_onTraceFailed != null) { +// await _onTraceFailed(lineID, errorInfo); +// } +// } +// } diff --git a/lib/src/facade/amap_view.widget.dart b/lib/src/facade/amap_view.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a743ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/amap_view.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +import 'dart:async'; +import 'dart:io'; +import 'dart:math'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; +import 'dart:ui'; +import 'dart:ui' as ui; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:uni_map_platform_interface/uni_map_platform_interface.dart'; + +import 'extensions.dart'; +import 'models.dart'; + +part 'amap_controller.dart'; + +typedef _OnMapCreated = Future Function(AmapController controller); + +/// 高德地图 Widget +class AmapView extends StatefulWidget { + const AmapView({ + Key? key, + this.onMapCreated, + this.mapType, + this.showZoomControl, + this.showCompass, + this.showScaleControl, + this.zoomGesturesEnabled, + this.scrollGesturesEnabled, + this.rotateGestureEnabled, + this.tiltGestureEnabled, + this.zoomLevel, + this.centerCoordinate, + this.tilt, + this.bearing, + this.markers, + this.onMarkerClicked, + this.onMapClicked, + this.onMapMoveStart, + this.onMapMoving, + this.onMapMoveEnd, + this.maskDelay = const Duration(seconds: 0), + this.mask, + this.autoRelease = true, + this.gestureRecognizers, + this.hybridComposition = false, + }) : assert( + zoomLevel == null || (zoomLevel >= 3 && zoomLevel <= 19), + '缩放范围为3-19', + ), + super(key: key); + + /// 地图创建完成回调 + final _OnMapCreated? onMapCreated; + + /// 地图类型 + final MapType? mapType; + + /// 是否显示缩放控件 + final bool? showZoomControl; + + /// 是否显示指南针控件 + final bool? showCompass; + + /// 是否显示比例尺控件 + final bool? showScaleControl; + + /// 是否使能缩放手势 + final bool? zoomGesturesEnabled; + + /// 是否使能滚动手势 + final bool? scrollGesturesEnabled; + + /// 是否使能旋转手势 + final bool? rotateGestureEnabled; + + /// 是否使能倾斜手势 + final bool? tiltGestureEnabled; + + /// 缩放级别 + /// + /// 地图的缩放级别一共分为 17 级,从 3 到 19. 数字越大,展示的图面信息越精细 + final double? zoomLevel; + + /// 中心点坐标 + final LatLng? centerCoordinate; + + /// 倾斜度 + final double? tilt; + + /// 地图朝向 + final double? bearing; + + /// 标记 + final List? markers; + + /// 标识点击回调 + final OnMarkerClicked? onMarkerClicked; + + /// 地图点击回调 + final OnMapClicked? onMapClicked; + + /// 地图开始移动回调 + final OnMapMove? onMapMoveStart; + + /// 地图移动中回调 + final OnMapMove? onMapMoving; + + /// 地图结束移动回调 + final OnMapMove? onMapMoveEnd; + + /// [PlatformView]创建时, 会有一下的黑屏, 这里提供一个在[PlatformView]初始化时, 盖住其黑屏 + /// 的遮罩, [maskDelay]配置延迟多少时间之后再显示地图, 默认不延迟, 即0. + final Duration maskDelay; + + /// 遮盖地图层的widget + final Widget? mask; + + /// 是否在dispose时释放amap_map_fluttify插件所创建的原生对象 + /// + /// 如果你在多个页面有地图widget时, 就设置为false, 防止第二个(以及后续的)地图页面dispose时, + /// 释放掉了第一个地图页面创建的原生对象, 导致第一个地图所有方法都失效. 在所有地图页面都被pop时, + /// 调用[releaseAmapObjectPool]来释放掉在地图页面期间创建的原生对象. + @Deprecated('已无需使用') + final bool autoRelease; + + /// 传递给PlatformView的手势识别器 + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + + final bool hybridComposition; + + @override + _AmapViewState createState() => _AmapViewState(); +} + +class _AmapViewState extends State { + AmapController? _controller; + + Widget _mask = Container(); + Widget? _widgetLayer; + + @override + void initState() { + super.initState(); + _mask = FutureBuilder( + future: Future.delayed(widget.maskDelay, () => false), + initialData: true, + builder: (context, snapshot) { + return Visibility( + visible: snapshot.requireData, + child: widget.mask ?? + Container( + color: Colors.white, + child: const Center(child: CupertinoActivityIndicator()), + ), + ); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final centerCoordinate = + widget.centerCoordinate ?? LatLng(39.91667, 116.41667); + if (Platform.isAndroid) { + return ScopedReleasePool( + tag: 'amap_map_fluttify', + child: Stack( + children: [ + if (_widgetLayer != null) _widgetLayer!, + com_amap_api_maps_TextureMapView_AndroidView( + hybridComposition: widget.hybridComposition, + params: { + 'mapType': widget.mapType?.index, + 'showZoomControl': widget.showZoomControl, + 'showCompass': widget.showCompass, + 'showScaleControl': widget.showScaleControl, + 'zoomGesturesEnabled': widget.zoomGesturesEnabled, + 'scrollGesturesEnabled': widget.scrollGesturesEnabled, + 'rotateGestureEnabled': widget.rotateGestureEnabled, + 'tiltGestureEnabled': widget.tiltGestureEnabled, + 'zoomLevel': widget.zoomLevel, + 'centerCoordinateLatitude': centerCoordinate.latitude, + 'centerCoordinateLongitude': centerCoordinate.longitude, + 'tilt': widget.tilt, + 'bearing': widget.bearing, + }, + gestureRecognizers: widget.gestureRecognizers, + onDispose: _onPlatformViewDispose, + onViewCreated: (controller) async { + _controller =, this); + + final bundle = await android_os_Bundle.create(); + await controller.onCreate(bundle); + + await _initAndroid(); + if (widget.onMapCreated != null) { + // 主动延迟300毫秒, 等待地图加载完成, 防止在onMapCreated里调用方法时空指针 + await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); + if (mounted) await widget.onMapCreated!(_controller!); + } + await bundle.release__(); + }, + ), + _mask, + ], + ), + ); + } else if (Platform.isIOS) { + return ScopedReleasePool( + tag: 'amap_map_fluttify', + child: Stack( + children: [ + if (_widgetLayer != null) _widgetLayer!, + MAMapView_UiKitView( + params: { + 'mapType': widget.mapType?.index, + 'showZoomControl': widget.showZoomControl, + 'showCompass': widget.showCompass, + 'showScaleControl': widget.showScaleControl, + 'zoomGesturesEnabled': widget.zoomGesturesEnabled, + 'scrollGesturesEnabled': widget.scrollGesturesEnabled, + 'rotateGestureEnabled': widget.rotateGestureEnabled, + 'tiltGestureEnabled': widget.tiltGestureEnabled, + 'zoomLevel': widget.zoomLevel, + 'centerCoordinateLatitude': centerCoordinate.latitude, + 'centerCoordinateLongitude': centerCoordinate.longitude, + 'tilt': widget.tilt, + 'bearing': widget.bearing, + }, + gestureRecognizers: widget.gestureRecognizers, + onDispose: _onPlatformViewDispose, + onViewCreated: (controller) async { + _controller = AmapController.ios(controller, this); + + await _initIOS(); + if (widget.onMapCreated != null) { + await widget.onMapCreated!(_controller!); + } + }, + ), + _mask, + ], + ), + ); + } else { + return const Center(child: Text('未实现的平台')); + } + } + + Future?> widgetToImageData(List markerList) async { + if (!mounted) return null; + + final completer = Completer>(); + final ratio = MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio; + + final globalKeyList = []; + for (int i = 0; i < markerList.length; i++) { + globalKeyList.add(GlobalKey()); + } + + setState(() { + _widgetLayer = Stack( + children: [ + for (int i = 0; i < markerList.length; i++) + RepaintBoundary(key: globalKeyList[i], child: markerList[i]) + ], + ); + }); + + // 等待一帧结束再获取图片数据 + WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((duration) async { + final result = []; + + try { + final futures = [ + for (final key in globalKeyList) + (key.currentContext?.findRenderObject() as RenderRepaintBoundary?) + ?.toImage(pixelRatio: ratio) + .then((image) => image.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png)) + .then((byteData) => byteData!.buffer.asUint8List()) + .then((data) => result.add(data)) + ]; + await Future.wait(futures.whereType()); + completer.complete(result); + } catch (e) { + completer.completeError('绘制(截图)过程出错, 中断渲染'); + return; + } finally { + // 清空 + if (mounted) { + setState(() { + _widgetLayer = null; + }); + } + } + }); + + return completer.future; + } + + // Future captureFromWidget( + // Widget widget, { + // Duration delay = const Duration(milliseconds: 20), + // double pixelRatio, + // BuildContext context, + // }) async { + // int retryCounter = 3; + // bool isDirty = false; + // + // Widget child = widget; + // + // if (context != null) { + // child = InheritedTheme.captureAll( + // context, + // MediaQuery(data: MediaQuery.of(context), child: child), + // ); + // } + // + // final RenderRepaintBoundary repaintBoundary = RenderRepaintBoundary(); + // + // Size logicalSize = ui.window.physicalSize / ui.window.devicePixelRatio; + // Size imageSize = ui.window.physicalSize; + // + // final RenderView renderView = RenderView( + // window: ui.window, + // child: RenderPositionedBox( + // alignment:, child: repaintBoundary), + // configuration: ViewConfiguration( + // size: logicalSize, + // devicePixelRatio: pixelRatio ?? 1.0, + // ), + // ); + // + // final PipelineOwner pipelineOwner = PipelineOwner(); + // final BuildOwner buildOwner = BuildOwner( + // focusManager: FocusManager(), + // onBuildScheduled: () { + // isDirty = true; + // }, + // ); + // + // pipelineOwner.rootNode = renderView; + // renderView.prepareInitialFrame(); + // + // final rootElement = RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter( + // container: repaintBoundary, + // child: Directionality( + // textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, + // child: child, + // ), + // ).attachToRenderTree(buildOwner); + // buildOwner.buildScope(rootElement); + // buildOwner.finalizeTree(); + // + // pipelineOwner.flushLayout(); + // pipelineOwner.flushCompositingBits(); + // pipelineOwner.flushPaint(); + // + // ui.Image image; + // + // do { + // isDirty = false; + // + // image = await repaintBoundary.toImage( + // pixelRatio: pixelRatio ?? (imageSize.width / logicalSize.width)); + // await Future.delayed(delay); + // if (isDirty) { + // buildOwner.buildScope(rootElement); + // buildOwner.finalizeTree(); + // pipelineOwner.flushLayout(); + // pipelineOwner.flushCompositingBits(); + // pipelineOwner.flushPaint(); + // } + // retryCounter--; + // } while (isDirty && retryCounter >= 0); + // + // final byteData = await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png); + // + // return byteData.buffer.asUint8List(); + // } + + Future _onPlatformViewDispose() async { + await _controller?.dispose(); + } + + Future _initAndroid() async { + if (widget.markers != null && widget.markers!.isNotEmpty) { + await _controller?.addMarkers(widget.markers!); + } + if (widget.onMarkerClicked != null) { + await _controller?.setMarkerClickedListener(widget.onMarkerClicked!); + } + if (widget.onMapClicked != null) { + await _controller?.setMapClickedListener(widget.onMapClicked!); + } + if (widget.onMapMoveStart != null || widget.onMapMoveEnd != null) { + await _controller?.setMapMoveListener( + onMapMoveStart: widget.onMapMoveStart, + onMapMoving: widget.onMapMoving, + onMapMoveEnd: widget.onMapMoveEnd, + ); + } + } + + Future _initIOS() async { + if (widget.markers != null && widget.markers!.isNotEmpty) { + await _controller?.addMarkers(widget.markers!); + } + if (widget.onMarkerClicked != null) { + await _controller?.setMarkerClickedListener(widget.onMarkerClicked!); + } + if (widget.onMapClicked != null) { + await _controller?.setMapClickedListener(widget.onMapClicked!); + } + if (widget.onMapMoveStart != null || widget.onMapMoveEnd != null) { + await _controller?.setMapMoveListener( + onMapMoveStart: widget.onMapMoveStart, + onMapMoving: widget.onMapMoving, + onMapMoveEnd: widget.onMapMoveEnd, + ); + } + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/custom/android/PathSmoothTool.g.dart b/lib/src/facade/custom/android/PathSmoothTool.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99f8671 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/custom/android/PathSmoothTool.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_maps_utils_PathSmoothTool extends java_lang_Object { + static const String name__ = 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_utils_PathSmoothTool__'); + return com_amap_api_maps_utils_PathSmoothTool()..refId = __result__.refId; + } + + Future setIntensity(int mIntensity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setIntensity', + {"mIntensity": mIntensity, "__this__": this}, + ); + } + + Future setThreshhold(double mThreshhold) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setThreshhold', + {"mThreshhold": mThreshhold, "__this__": this}, + ); + } + + Future setNoiseThreshhold(double mnoiseThreshhold) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::setNoiseThreshhold', + {"mnoiseThreshhold": mnoiseThreshhold, "__this__": this}, + ); + } + + Future> pathOptimize( + List originlist, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::pathOptimize', + {"originlist": originlist, "__this__": this}, + ); + + return __result__ + ?.map((e) => + AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(e)) + .whereType() + .toList() ?? + []; + } + + Future> + kalmanFilterPath__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_( + List originlist, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::kalmanFilterPath__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_', + {"originlist": originlist, "__this__": this}, + ); + + return __result__ + .map((e) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(e)) + .toList(); + } + + Future> removeNoisePoint( + List originlist, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::removeNoisePoint', + {"originlist": originlist, "__this__": this}, + ); + + return __result__ + .map((e) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(e)) + .toList(); + } + + Future + kalmanFilterPoint__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng( + com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng lastLoc, + com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng curLoc, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::kalmanFilterPoint__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng', + {"lastLoc": lastLoc, "curLoc": curLoc, "__this__": this}, + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + Future> + reducerVerticalThreshold__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_( + List inPoints, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.utils.PathSmoothTool::reducerVerticalThreshold__List_com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng_', + {"inPoints": inPoints, "__this__": this}, + ); + return __result__ + .map((e) => AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(e)) + .toList(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/custom/ios/MALonLatPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/facade/custom/ios/MALonLatPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..249dc45 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/custom/ios/MALonLatPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; + +class MALonLatPoint extends NSObject { + static const String name__ = 'MALonLatPoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static Future create__({bool init = true}) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel + .invokeMethod('ObjectFactory::createMALonLatPoint', {'init': init}); + return MALonLatPoint()..refId = __result__.refId; + } + + static Future> create_batch__( + int length, { + bool init = true, + }) async { + final List resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMALonLatPoint', + {'length': length, 'init': init}, + ); + return => MALonLatPoint()..refId = e.refId).toList(); + } + + Future get_lat() async { + return await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel + .invokeMethod("MALonLatPoint::get_lat", {'__this__': this}) ?? + 0; + } + + Future get_lon() async { + return await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel + .invokeMethod("MALonLatPoint::get_lon", {'__this__': this}) ?? + 0; + } + + Future set_lat(double lat) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MALonLatPoint::set_lat', + {'__this__': this, "lat": lat}); + } + + Future set_lon(double lon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MALonLatPoint::set_lon', + {'__this__': this, "lon": lon}); + } +} + +extension MALonLatPoint_Batch on List { + //region getters + Future> get_lat_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + "MALonLatPoint::get_lat_batch", + [ + for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__} + ], + ); + return (resultBatch as List).cast(); + } + + Future> get_lon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + "MALonLatPoint::get_lon_batch", + [ + for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__} + ], + ); + return (resultBatch as List).cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_lat_batch(List lat) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MALonLatPoint::set_lat_batch', [ + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) + {'__this__': this[__i__], "lat": lat[__i__]} + ]); + } + + Future set_lon_batch(List lon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MALonLatPoint::set_lon_batch', [ + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) + {'__this__': this[__i__], "lon": lon[__i__]} + ]); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/custom/ios/MASmoothPathTool.g.dart b/lib/src/facade/custom/ios/MASmoothPathTool.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98d7fed --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/custom/ios/MASmoothPathTool.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; + +import 'MALonLatPoint.g.dart'; + +class MASmoothPathTool extends NSObject { + static const String name__ = 'MASmoothPathTool'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + static Future create__({bool init = true}) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel + .invokeMethod('ObjectFactory::createMASmoothPathTool', {'init': init}); + return MASmoothPathTool()..refId = __result__.refId; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, + {bool init = true}) async { + final List resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMASmoothPathTool', + {'length': length, 'init': init}, + ); + return => MASmoothPathTool()..refId = e.refId).toList(); + } + + Future get_intensity() async { + return await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel + .invokeMethod("MASmoothPathTool::get_intensity", {'__this__': this}); + } + + Future get_threshHold() async { + return await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel + .invokeMethod("MASmoothPathTool::get_threshHold", {'__this__': this}); + } + + Future get_noiseThreshhold() async { + return await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + "MASmoothPathTool::get_noiseThreshhold", {'__this__': this}); + } + + Future set_intensity(int intensity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::set_intensity', + {'__this__': this, "intensity": intensity}, + ); + } + + Future set_threshHold(double threshHold) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::set_threshHold', + {'__this__': this, "threshHold": threshHold}, + ); + } + + Future set_noiseThreshhold(int noiseThreshhold) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::set_noiseThreshhold', + {'__this__': this, "noiseThreshhold": noiseThreshhold}, + ); + } + + Future> pathOptimize( + List originlist, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::pathOptimize', + {"originlist": originlist, "__this__": this}, + ); + return (__result__ as List) + .map((e) => MALonLatPoint()..refId = e.refId) + .toList(); + } + + Future> kalmanFilterPath( + List originlist, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::kalmanFilterPath', + {"originlist": originlist, "__this__": this}, + ); + + return (__result__ as List) + .map((e) => MALonLatPoint()..refId = e.refId) + .toList(); + } + + Future> removeNoisePoint( + List originlist) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::removeNoisePoint', + {"originlist": originlist, "__this__": this}, + ); + + return (__result__ as List) + .map((e) => MALonLatPoint()..refId = e.refId) + .toList(); + } + + Future kalmanFilterPoint_curLoc( + MALonLatPoint lastLoc, + MALonLatPoint curLoc, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::kalmanFilterPoint_curLoc', + {"lastLoc": lastLoc, "curLoc": curLoc, "__this__": this}, + ); + return MALonLatPoint()..refId = __result__.refId; + } + + Future> reducerVerticalThreshold( + List inPoints, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::reducerVerticalThreshold', + {"inPoints": inPoints, "__this__": this}, + ); + return (__result__ as List) + .map((e) => MALonLatPoint()..refId = e.refId) + .toList(); + } +} + +extension MASmoothPathTool_Batch on List { + Future> get_intensity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + "MASmoothPathTool::get_intensity_batch", + [ + for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__} + ], + ); + return (resultBatch as List).cast(); + } + + Future> get_threshHold_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + "MASmoothPathTool::get_threshHold_batch", + [ + for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__} + ], + ); + return (resultBatch as List).cast(); + } + + Future> get_noiseThreshhold_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + "MASmoothPathTool::get_noiseThreshhold_batch", + [ + for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__} + ], + ); + return (resultBatch as List).cast(); + } + + Future set_intensity_batch(List intensity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::set_intensity_batch', + [ + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) + {'__this__': this[__i__], "intensity": intensity[__i__]} + ], + ); + } + + Future set_threshHold_batch(List threshHold) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::set_threshHold_batch', + [ + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) + {'__this__': this[__i__], "threshHold": threshHold[__i__]} + ], + ); + } + + Future set_noiseThreshhold_batch(List noiseThreshhold) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'MASmoothPathTool::set_noiseThreshhold_batch', + [ + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) + {'__this__': this[__i__], "noiseThreshhold": noiseThreshhold[__i__]} + ], + ); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart b/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db495f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider_X + on com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider { + static Future create( + int width, + int height, + String urlTemplate, + ) async { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'com.amap.api.maps.model.UrlTileProviderX::create', + { + 'width': width, + 'height': height, + 'urlTemplate': urlTemplate, + }, + ); + return (await AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs< + com_amap_api_maps_model_UrlTileProvider>(result))!; + } +} + +extension RideTypeX on RideType { + String inString() { + switch (this) { + case RideType.elebike: + return 'elebike'; + case + return 'bike'; + default: + return 'bike'; + } + } +} + +// ignore: camel_case_types +class com_amap_api_maps_model_GradientX extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static Future create( + Int32List var1, + Float64List var2, + ) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_maps_model_Gradient__intArray__floatArrayX', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2}, + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } +} + +extension MAPointAnnotationX on MAPointAnnotation { + Future setIcon(UIImage icon) async { + await addProperty__(1, icon); + } + + Future setDraggable(bool draggable) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(2, draggable); + } + + Future setRotateAngle(double rotateAngle) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(3, rotateAngle); + } + + Future setInfoWindowEnabled(bool enable) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(4, enable); + } + + Future setAnchor(double anchorU, double anchorV) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(5, anchorU); + await addJsonableProperty__(6, anchorV); + } + + Future setObject(String object) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(7, object); + } + + Future setVisible(bool visible) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(10, visible); + } + + Future setIcons(List icons) async { + await addListProperty__(11, icons); + } + + Future setFps(int fps) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(12, fps); + } + + Future setOpacity(double opacity) async { + await addJsonableProperty__(13, opacity); + } +} + +extension MAPointAnnotationListX on List { + Future setIcon(List icon) async { + await addProperty_batch(1, icon); + } + + Future setDraggable(List draggable) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(2, draggable); + } + + Future setRotateAngle(List rotateAngle) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(3, rotateAngle); + } + + Future setInfoWindowEnabled(List enable) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(4, enable); + } + + Future setAnchor(List anchorU, List anchorV) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(5, anchorU); + await addJsonableProperty_batch(6, anchorV); + } + + Future setObject(List object) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(7, object); + } + + Future setVisible(List visible) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(10, visible); + } + + Future setFps(List fps) async { + await addJsonableProperty_batch(12, fps); + } +} + +extension LatLngX on LatLng { + Future toAndroidModel() async { + return com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double( + latitude, longitude); + } + + Future toIOSModel() async { + return CLLocationCoordinate2D.create(latitude, longitude); + } +} + +extension MarkerAnimationX on MarkerAnimation { + Future toAndroidModel() async { + com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation? result; + if (this is ScaleMarkerAnimation) { + result = await com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_ScaleAnimation + .create__float__float__float__float( + fromValue ?? 0, + toValue ?? 0, + fromValue ?? 0, + toValue ?? 0, + ); + } else if (this is AlphaMarkerAnimation) { + result = await com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AlphaAnimation + .create__float__float(fromValue ?? 0, toValue ?? 0); + } else if (this is RotateMarkerAnimation) { + result = await com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_RotateAnimation + .create__float__float(fromValue ?? 0, toValue ?? 0); + } else if (this is TranslateMarkerAnimation) { + final target = (this as TranslateMarkerAnimation).coordinate; + result = await com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_TranslateAnimation + .create__com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng( + await target.toAndroidModel()); + } else if (this is MarkerAnimationSet) { + final _this = this as MarkerAnimationSet; + result = await com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet + .create__boolean(true); + for (final ani in _this.animationSet!) { + await (result as com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_AnimationSet) + .addAnimation(await ani.toAndroidModel()); + } + return result; + } + // 重复执行的次数 比如1表示执行一次动画后, 再执行一次, 这里和ios端统一, 表示总共执行 + // 几次动画 参考 + await result?.setRepeatCount(repeatCount - 1); + await result?.setRepeatMode( + repeatMode == RepeatMode.Restart + ? com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation.RESTART + : com_amap_api_maps_model_animation_Animation.REVERSE, + ); + await result?.setDuration(duration.inMilliseconds); + + return result!; + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/list.x.dart b/lib/src/facade/list.x.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a1d225 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/list.x.dart @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:uni_map_platform_interface/uni_map_platform_interface.dart'; + +extension TraceLocationListX on List { + /// 转换为android对象 + Future> toAndroidModel() async { + final latitudeBatch = map((e) => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = map((e) => e.longitude).toList(); + final speedBatch = map((e) => e.speed).toList(); + final bearingBatch = map((e) => e.bearing).toList(); + final timeBatch = map((e) => e.time).toList(); + + return com_amap_api_trace_TraceLocation + .create_batch__double__double__float__float__long( + latitudeBatch, + longitudeBatch, + speedBatch, + bearingBatch, + timeBatch, + ); + } + + /// 转换为ios对象 + Future> toIOSModel() async { + final latitudeBatch = map((e) => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = map((e) => e.longitude).toList(); + final speedBatch = map((e) => e.speed).toList(); + final bearingBatch = map((e) => e.bearing).toList(); + final timeBatch = map((e) => e.time.toDouble()).toList(); + + final traceLocationBatch = await MATraceLocation.create_batch__(length); + final coordBatch = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch( + latitudeBatch, + longitudeBatch, + ); + await traceLocationBatch.set_loc_batch(coordBatch); + await traceLocationBatch.set_speed_batch(speedBatch); + await traceLocationBatch.set_angle_batch(bearingBatch); + await traceLocationBatch.set_time_batch(timeBatch); + + return traceLocationBatch; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLngListX + on List { + /// 转换为dart对象 + Future> toDartModel() async { + List result = []; + for (final item in this) { + result.add( + LatLng(await item.get_latitude() ?? 0, await item.get_longitude() ?? 0), + ); + } + return result; + } +} + +extension LatLngListX on List { + Future> toAndroidList() async { + final latitudeBatch = map((e) => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = map((e) => e.longitude).toList(); + return await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create_batch__double__double( + latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + } + + Future> toIOSList() async { + final latitudeBatch = map((e) => e.latitude).toList(); + final longitudeBatch = map((e) => e.longitude).toList(); + return await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create_batch( + latitudeBatch, longitudeBatch); + } +} + +extension MATracePointListX on List { + /// 转换为dart对象 + Future> toDartModel() async { + List result = []; + for (final item in this) { + result.add( + LatLng(await item.get_latitude() ?? 0, await item.get_longitude() ?? 0), + ); + } + return result; + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/models.dart b/lib/src/facade/models.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53dc6fc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/models.dart @@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/amap_map_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/com/amap/api/maps/model/LatLng.g.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:uni_map_platform_interface/uni_map_platform_interface.dart'; + +import '../android/android.export.g.dart'; +import '../ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'extensions.dart'; +import 'list.x.dart'; + +/// 地图标记 +class Marker implements IMarker { +; + + Marker.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_Marker? androidModel; + + MAPointAnnotation? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + /// 获取标题 + @override + Future get title async { + return platform( + android: (_) async => await androidModel!.getTitle() ?? '', + ios: (_) async => await iosModel!.get_title() ?? '', + ); + } + + /// 获取副标题 + @override + Future get snippet { + return platform( + android: (_) async => await androidModel!.getSnippet() ?? '', + ios: (_) async => await iosModel!.get_subtitle() ?? '', + ); + } + + /// 获取定位信息 + @override + Future get coordinate { + return platform( + android: (_) async { + final _location = await androidModel!.getPosition(); + return LatLng( + await _location!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await _location.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + }, + ios: (_) async { + final location = await iosModel!.get_coordinate(); + return LatLng( + await location!.latitude ?? 0, + await location.longitude ?? 0, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 获取自定义信息 + @override + Future get object { + return platform( + android: (_) { + return androidModel!.getObject().then((object) => object as String); + }, + ios: (_) { + return iosModel! + .getJsonableProperty__(7) + .then((object) => object as String); + }, + ); + } + + /// 删除marker + @override + Future remove() async { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeAnnotation(iosModel!), + ); + } + + /// 设置坐标 + @override + Future setCoordinate(LatLng coordinate) async { + return platform( + android: (_) async => androidModel!.setPosition( + await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng.create__double__double( + coordinate.latitude, + coordinate.longitude, + ), + ), + ios: (_) async { + final annotationView = + await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(iosModel!); + if (annotationView != null) { + final _coordinate = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + coordinate.latitude, + coordinate.longitude, + ); + await iosModel!.set_coordinate(_coordinate); + await annotationView.set_annotation(iosModel!); + } else { + debugPrint('当前_annotationView为null, 无法设置经纬度!'); + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置可见性 + @override + Future setVisible(bool visible) async { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.setVisible(visible), + ios: (_) async { + await iosModel!.setVisible(visible); + + final annotationView = + await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(iosModel!); + await annotationView?.setHidden(!visible); + }, + ); + } + + /// 显示弹窗 + @override + Future showInfoWindow() async { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.showInfoWindow(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.selectAnnotation_animated(iosModel!, true), + ); + } + + /// 关闭弹窗 + @override + Future hideInfoWindow() async { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.hideInfoWindow(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.deselectAnnotation_animated(iosModel!, true), + ); + } + + /// 设置图标 + @override + Future setIcon( + ImageProvider iconProvider, + ImageConfiguration configuration, + ) async { + final iconData = await iconProvider.toImageData(configuration); + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final bitmap = await android_graphics_Bitmap.create(iconData); + final icon = await com_amap_api_maps_model_BitmapDescriptorFactory + .fromBitmap(bitmap); + await androidModel!.setIcon(icon!); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final icon = await UIImage.create(iconData); + + // 这里和annotationView?.set_image看上去是做同一件事情, 但其实是针对两种不同情况 + // 如果marker是屏幕内, 那会直接走annotationView?.set_image; + // 如果不在屏幕内, 那么annotationView?.set_image不会被执行, 如果此marker后来 + // 进入到屏幕内后, 此时需要同步annotation的数据, 如果不给annotation设置值, 那么 + // 渲染的时候还是上次的图片 + await iosModel!.setIcon(icon); + final annotationView = + await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(iosModel!); + await annotationView?.set_image( + icon, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置动画 + @override + Future startAnimation(MarkerAnimation animation) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final _animation = await animation.toAndroidModel(); + await androidModel!.setAnimation(_animation); + await androidModel!.startAnimation(); + + pool.add(_animation); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final annotationView = + await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(iosModel!); + final imageView = await annotationView!.get_imageView(); + + if (animation is ScaleMarkerAnimation) { + await imageView?.scaleWithDuration( + fromValue: animation.fromValue!, + toValue: animation.toValue!, + duration: animation.duration, + repeatCount: animation.repeatCount, + repeatMode: animation.repeatMode.index, + ); + } else if (animation is AlphaMarkerAnimation) { + await imageView?.alphaWithDuration( + fromValue: animation.fromValue!, + toValue: animation.toValue!, + duration: animation.duration, + repeatCount: animation.repeatCount, + repeatMode: animation.repeatMode.index, + ); + } else if (animation is RotateMarkerAnimation) { + await imageView?.rotateWithDuration( + fromValue: animation.fromValue!, + toValue: animation.toValue!, + duration: animation.duration, + repeatCount: animation.repeatCount, + repeatMode: animation.repeatMode.index, + ); + } else if (animation is TranslateMarkerAnimation) { + // FIXME 地图移动后, 移动终点仍然在最开始设置的终点, 应该以经纬度作为标准而不是屏幕坐标 + await imageView?.translateWithDuration( + toValue: (await iosController!.convertCoordinate_toPointToView( + await animation.coordinate.toIOSModel(), + iosController!, + ))!, + duration: animation.duration, + repeatCount: animation.repeatCount, + repeatMode: animation.repeatMode.index, + ); + // TODO 修复 原先在delegate中的regionController目前被去掉了 + // async { + // debugPrint('地图移动'); + // await imageView?.translateWithDuration( + // toValue: await iosController.convertCoordinate_toPointToView( + // await animation.coordinate.toIOSModel(), + // iosController, + // ), + // duration: animation.duration, + // repeatCount: animation.repeatCount, + // repeatMode: animation.repeatMode.index, + // ); + // }); + } else if (animation is MarkerAnimationSet) { + await imageView?.groupWithDuration( + fromValue: + animation.animationSet!.map((e) => e.fromValue!).toList(), + toValue: animation.animationSet!.map((e) => e.toValue!).toList(), + keyPath: [ + for (final item in animation.animationSet!) + if (item is ScaleMarkerAnimation) + 'transform.scale' + else if (item is AlphaMarkerAnimation) + 'opacity' + else if (item is TranslateMarkerAnimation) + 'position' + else if (item is RotateMarkerAnimation) + 'transform.rotation', + ], + duration: animation.duration, + repeatCount: animation.repeatCount, + repeatMode: animation.repeatMode.index, + ); + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置角度 + @override + Future setAngle(double angle) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await androidModel!.setRotateAngle(angle); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final annotationView = + await iosController!.viewForAnnotation(iosModel!); + final imageView = await annotationView!.get_imageView(); + await imageView!.rotate(angle); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置标题 + @override + Future setTitle(String title) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await androidModel!.setTitle(title); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosModel!.set_title(title); + }, + ); + } + + /// 设置副标题 + @override + Future setSnippet(String snippet) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + await androidModel!.setSnippet(snippet); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await iosModel!.set_subtitle(snippet); + }, + ); + } +} + +/// 平滑移动点 +class SmoothMoveMarker implements ISmoothMoveMarker { +; + + SmoothMoveMarker.ios(this.iosController, this.iosAnimation, this.annotation); + + com_amap_api_maps_utils_overlay_SmoothMoveMarker? androidModel; + + MAMapView? iosController; + MAAnnotationMoveAnimation? iosAnimation; + MAAnimatedAnnotation? annotation; + + @override + Future remove() async { + return platform( + android: (pool) => androidModel!.removeMarker(), + ios: (pool) => iosController!.removeAnnotation(annotation!), + ); + } + + @override + Future stop() async { + return platform( + android: (pool) => androidModel!.stopMove(), + ios: (pool) => iosAnimation!.cancel(), + ); + } +} + +/// 折线 +class Polyline implements IPolyline { +; + + Polyline.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_Polyline? androidModel; + MAPolyline? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } + + /// 重新设置折线点列表 + /// + /// 可用于轨迹记录 + @override + Future setCoordinateList(List coordinateList) { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final androidCoordinateList = await coordinateList.toAndroidList(); + await androidModel!.setPoints(androidCoordinateList); + + pool.addAll(androidCoordinateList); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final iosCoordinateList = await coordinateList.toIOSList(); + await iosModel!.setPolylineWithCoordinates_count( + iosCoordinateList, + iosCoordinateList.length, + ); + + pool.addAll(iosCoordinateList); + }, + ); + } +} + +/// 多边形 +class Polygon implements IPolygon { +; + + Polygon.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_Polygon? androidModel; + MAPolygon? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } + + @override + Future contains(LatLng target) { + return platform( + android: (_) async { + final latLng = await com_amap_api_maps_model_LatLng + .create__double__double(target.latitude, target.longitude); + return await androidModel!.contains(latLng) == true; + }, + ios: (_) async { + final latLng = await CLLocationCoordinate2D.create( + target.latitude, target.longitude); + final point = await MAMapPointForCoordinate(latLng); + final bounds = await iosModel!.get_points(); + return (await MAPolygonContainsPoint(point!, bounds!, bounds.length))!; + }, + ); + } +} + +/// 圆形 +class Circle implements ICircle { +; + + Circle.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_Circle? androidModel; + MACircle? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } + + @override + Future setCoordinate(LatLng coordinate) { + // TODO: implement setCoordinate + throw UnimplementedError(); + } + + @override + Future setRadius(double radius) { + // TODO: implement setRadius + throw UnimplementedError(); + } +} + +/// 热力图 +class HeatmapOverlay implements IHeatmapOverlay { +; + + HeatmapOverlay.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay? androidModel; + MAHeatMapTileOverlay? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } +} + +/// 瓦片图 +class UrlTileOverlay implements IUrlTileOverlay { +; + + UrlTileOverlay.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_TileOverlay? androidModel; + MATileOverlay? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } +} + +/// 图片覆盖物 +class GroundOverlay implements IGroundOverlay { +; + + GroundOverlay.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController); + + com_amap_api_maps_model_GroundOverlay? androidModel; + MAGroundOverlay? iosModel; + MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } +} + +/// 海量点 +class MultiPointOverlay implements IMultiPointOverlay { + + : iosModel = null, + iosController = null; + + MultiPointOverlay.ios(this.iosModel, this.iosController) + : androidModel = null; + + final com_amap_api_maps_model_MultiPointOverlay? androidModel; + + final MAMultiPointOverlay? iosModel; + final MAMapView? iosController; + + @override + Future remove() { + return platform( + android: (_) => androidModel!.remove(), + ios: (_) => iosController!.removeOverlay(iosModel!), + ); + } +} + +/// 回放轨迹 +class PlaybackTrace implements IPlaybackTrace { + PlaybackTrace(this.marker, this.polyline); + + final ISmoothMoveMarker marker; + final IPolyline polyline; + + @override + Future remove() async { + await marker.remove(); + await polyline.remove(); + } + + @override + Future stop() async { + await marker.stop(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart b/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c0cb60 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +const kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec = FluttifyMessageCodec(tag: 'amap_map_fluttify'/*, androidCaster: AmapMapFluttifyAndroidAs, iosCaster: AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs*/); +const kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec = StandardMethodCodec(kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec); +const kAmapMapFluttifyChannel = MethodChannel('me.yohom/amap_map_fluttify', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec); +const kAmapMapFluttifyProjectName = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + +Future releaseAmapMapFluttifyPool() async { + final isCurrentPlugin = (Ref it) => it.tag__ == kAmapMapFluttifyProjectName; + await gGlobalReleasePool.where(isCurrentPlugin).release_batch(); + gGlobalReleasePool.removeWhere(isCurrentPlugin); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAAnimatableAnnotation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAAnimatableAnnotation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..accc943 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAAnimatableAnnotation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAAnimatableAnnotation_SUB extends NSObject with MAAnimatableAnnotation {} + +mixin MAAnimatableAnnotation on NSObject { + + + static MAAnimatableAnnotation subInstance() => _MAAnimatableAnnotation_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future step(double? timeDelta) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatableAnnotation@$refId::step([\'timeDelta\':$timeDelta])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::step', {"timeDelta": timeDelta, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isAnimationFinished() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatableAnnotation@$refId::isAnimationFinished([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::isAnimationFinished', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future shouldAnimationStart() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatableAnnotation@$refId::shouldAnimationStart([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::shouldAnimationStart', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future rotateDegree() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatableAnnotation@$refId::rotateDegree([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::rotateDegree', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension MAAnimatableAnnotation_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> step_batch(List timeDelta) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::step_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"timeDelta": timeDelta[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isAnimationFinished_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::isAnimationFinished_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> shouldAnimationStart_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::shouldAnimationStart_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> rotateDegree_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatableAnnotation::rotateDegree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAAnimatedAnnotation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAAnimatedAnnotation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25b29cc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAAnimatedAnnotation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAAnimatedAnnotation extends MAPointAnnotation with MAAnimatableAnnotation, MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAAnimatedAnnotation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAAnimatedAnnotation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAAnimatedAnnotation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_movingDirection() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnimatedAnnotation::get_movingDirection", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_movingDirection(double? movingDirection) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::set_movingDirection', {'__this__': this, "movingDirection": movingDirection}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback(List? coordinates, int? count, double? duration, String? name, void Function(bool? isFinished) completeCallback) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatedAnnotation@$refId::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates([\'count\':$count, \'duration\':$duration, \'name\':$name])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback', {"coordinates": coordinates, "count": count, "duration": duration, "name": name, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('void|BOOL#isFinished::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|BOOL#isFinished': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: completeCallback([\'isFinished\':${args['isFinished']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + completeCallback(args['isFinished']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback_stepCallback(List? coordinates, int? count, double? duration, String? name, void Function(bool? isFinished) completeCallback, void Function(MAAnnotationMoveAnimation? currentAni) stepCallback) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatedAnnotation@$refId::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates([\'count\':$count, \'duration\':$duration, \'name\':$name])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::addMoveAnimationWithKeyCoordinates_count_withDuration_withName_completeCallback_stepCallback', {"coordinates": coordinates, "count": count, "duration": duration, "name": name, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('void|BOOL#isFinished::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|BOOL#isFinished': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: completeCallback([\'isFinished\':${args['isFinished']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + completeCallback(args['isFinished']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + MethodChannel('void|MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*#currentAni::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|MAAnnotationMoveAnimation*#currentAni': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: stepCallback([\'currentAni\':${args['currentAni']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + stepCallback(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['currentAni'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> allMoveAnimations() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatedAnnotation@$refId::allMoveAnimations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::allMoveAnimations', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setNeedsStart() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnimatedAnnotation@$refId::setNeedsStart([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::setNeedsStart', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAAnimatedAnnotation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAAnimatedAnnotation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_movingDirection_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnimatedAnnotation::get_movingDirection_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_movingDirection_batch(List movingDirection) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::set_movingDirection_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "movingDirection": movingDirection[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> allMoveAnimations_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::allMoveAnimations_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNeedsStart_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnimatedAnnotation::setNeedsStart_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5174277 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAAnnotation_SUB extends NSObject with MAAnnotation {} + +mixin MAAnnotation on NSObject { + + + static MAAnnotation subInstance() => _MAAnnotation_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotation::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_title() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotation::get_title", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_subtitle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotation::get_subtitle", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + + Future set_title(String? title) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotation::set_title', {'__this__': this, "title": title}); + } + + Future set_subtitle(String? subtitle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotation::set_subtitle', {'__this__': this, "subtitle": subtitle}); + } + + + + Future setCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? newCoordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotation@$refId::setCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotation::setCoordinate', {"newCoordinate": newCoordinate, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension MAAnnotation_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> setCoordinate_batch(List newCoordinate) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotation::setCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"newCoordinate": newCoordinate[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationMoveAnimation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationMoveAnimation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b3836d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationMoveAnimation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAAnnotationMoveAnimation extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAAnnotationMoveAnimation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAAnnotationMoveAnimation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAAnnotationMoveAnimation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future name() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::name([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::name', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> coordinates() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::coordinates([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::coordinates', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future count() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::count([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::count', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future duration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::duration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::duration', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future elapsedTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::elapsedTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::elapsedTime', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future cancel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::cancel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::cancel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isCancelled() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::isCancelled([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::isCancelled', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future passedPointCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationMoveAnimation@$refId::passedPointCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::passedPointCount', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAAnnotationMoveAnimation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAAnnotationMoveAnimation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> name_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> coordinates_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::coordinates_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> count_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> duration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> elapsedTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::elapsedTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> cancel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::cancel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isCancelled_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::isCancelled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> passedPointCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationMoveAnimation::passedPointCount_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..322a1c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,513 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAAnnotationView extends UIView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAAnnotationView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAAnnotationView', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAAnnotationView', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_reuseIdentifier() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_reuseIdentifier", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_zIndex() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_zIndex", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_annotation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_annotation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_image() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_image", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_imageView() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_imageView", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_customCalloutView() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_customCalloutView", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_centerOffset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_centerOffset", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_calloutOffset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_calloutOffset", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_enabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_highlighted() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isHighlighted", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_selected() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isSelected", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_canShowCallout() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_canShowCallout", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_leftCalloutAccessoryView() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_leftCalloutAccessoryView", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_rightCalloutAccessoryView() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_rightCalloutAccessoryView", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_draggable() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isDraggable", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_dragState() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_dragState", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAAnnotationViewDragState(); + } + + Future get_canAdjustPositon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_canAdjustPositon", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_zIndex(int? zIndex) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_zIndex', {'__this__': this, "zIndex": zIndex}); + } + + Future set_annotation(MAAnnotation? annotation) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_annotation', {'__this__': this, "annotation": annotation}); + } + + Future set_image(UIImage? image) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_image', {'__this__': this, "image": image}); + } + + Future set_customCalloutView(MACustomCalloutView? customCalloutView) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_customCalloutView', {'__this__': this, "customCalloutView": customCalloutView}); + } + + Future set_centerOffset(CGPoint? centerOffset) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_centerOffset', {'__this__': this, "centerOffset": centerOffset}); + } + + Future set_calloutOffset(CGPoint? calloutOffset) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_calloutOffset', {'__this__': this, "calloutOffset": calloutOffset}); + } + + Future set_enabled(bool? enabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_enabled', {'__this__': this, "enabled": enabled}); + } + + Future set_highlighted(bool? highlighted) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_highlighted', {'__this__': this, "highlighted": highlighted}); + } + + Future set_selected(bool? selected) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_selected', {'__this__': this, "selected": selected}); + } + + Future set_canShowCallout(bool? canShowCallout) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_canShowCallout', {'__this__': this, "canShowCallout": canShowCallout}); + } + + Future set_leftCalloutAccessoryView(UIView? leftCalloutAccessoryView) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_leftCalloutAccessoryView', {'__this__': this, "leftCalloutAccessoryView": leftCalloutAccessoryView}); + } + + Future set_rightCalloutAccessoryView(UIView? rightCalloutAccessoryView) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_rightCalloutAccessoryView', {'__this__': this, "rightCalloutAccessoryView": rightCalloutAccessoryView}); + } + + Future set_draggable(bool? draggable) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_draggable', {'__this__': this, "draggable": draggable}); + } + + Future set_dragState(MAAnnotationViewDragState? dragState) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_dragState', {'__this__': this, "dragState": dragState?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_canAdjustPositon(bool? canAdjustPositon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_canAdjustPositon', {'__this__': this, "canAdjustPositon": canAdjustPositon}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setSelected_animated(bool? selected, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationView@$refId::setSelected([\'selected\':$selected, \'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::setSelected_animated', {"selected": selected, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier(MAAnnotation? annotation, String? reuseIdentifier) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationView@$refId::initWithAnnotation([\'reuseIdentifier\':$reuseIdentifier])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier', {"annotation": annotation, "reuseIdentifier": reuseIdentifier, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future prepareForReuse() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationView@$refId::prepareForReuse([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::prepareForReuse', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDragState_animated(MAAnnotationViewDragState? newDragState, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAnnotationView@$refId::setDragState([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::setDragState_animated', {"newDragState": newDragState?.toValue(), "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAAnnotationView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAAnnotationView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_reuseIdentifier_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_reuseIdentifier_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zIndex_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_zIndex_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_annotation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_annotation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_image_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_image_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_imageView_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_imageView_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_customCalloutView_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_customCalloutView_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_centerOffset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_centerOffset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_calloutOffset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_calloutOffset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_enabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_highlighted_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isHighlighted_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_selected_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isSelected_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_canShowCallout_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_canShowCallout_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_leftCalloutAccessoryView_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_leftCalloutAccessoryView_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_rightCalloutAccessoryView_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_rightCalloutAccessoryView_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_draggable_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_isDraggable_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_dragState_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_dragState_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMAAnnotationViewDragState()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_canAdjustPositon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAAnnotationView::get_canAdjustPositon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_zIndex_batch(List zIndex) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_zIndex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "zIndex": zIndex[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_annotation_batch(List annotation) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_annotation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "annotation": annotation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_image_batch(List image) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_image_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "image": image[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_customCalloutView_batch(List customCalloutView) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_customCalloutView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "customCalloutView": customCalloutView[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_centerOffset_batch(List centerOffset) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_centerOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "centerOffset": centerOffset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_calloutOffset_batch(List calloutOffset) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_calloutOffset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "calloutOffset": calloutOffset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_enabled_batch(List enabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_enabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "enabled": enabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_highlighted_batch(List highlighted) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_highlighted_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "highlighted": highlighted[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_selected_batch(List selected) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_selected_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "selected": selected[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_canShowCallout_batch(List canShowCallout) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_canShowCallout_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "canShowCallout": canShowCallout[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_leftCalloutAccessoryView_batch(List leftCalloutAccessoryView) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_leftCalloutAccessoryView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "leftCalloutAccessoryView": leftCalloutAccessoryView[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_rightCalloutAccessoryView_batch(List rightCalloutAccessoryView) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_rightCalloutAccessoryView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "rightCalloutAccessoryView": rightCalloutAccessoryView[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_draggable_batch(List draggable) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_draggable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "draggable": draggable[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_dragState_batch(List dragState) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_dragState_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "dragState": dragState[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_canAdjustPositon_batch(List canAdjustPositon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::set_canAdjustPositon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "canAdjustPositon": canAdjustPositon[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setSelected_animated_batch(List selected, List animated) async { + assert(selected.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::setSelected_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"selected": selected[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier_batch(List annotation, List reuseIdentifier) async { + assert(annotation.length == reuseIdentifier.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::initWithAnnotation_reuseIdentifier_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"annotation": annotation[__i__], "reuseIdentifier": reuseIdentifier[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> prepareForReuse_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::prepareForReuse_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDragState_animated_batch(List newDragState, List animated) async { + assert(newDragState.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAnnotationView::setDragState_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"newDragState": newDragState[__i__]?.toValue(), "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationViewDragState.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationViewDragState.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cd5d85 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAAnnotationViewDragState.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAAnnotationViewDragState { + MAAnnotationViewDragStateNone /* 0 */, + MAAnnotationViewDragStateStarting /* null */, + MAAnnotationViewDragStateDragging /* null */, + MAAnnotationViewDragStateCanceling /* null */, + MAAnnotationViewDragStateEnding /* null */ +} + +extension MAAnnotationViewDragStateToX on MAAnnotationViewDragState { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateNone: return 0; + case MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateStarting: return MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateStarting.index + 0; + case MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateDragging: return MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateDragging.index + 0; + case MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateCanceling: return MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateCanceling.index + 0; + case MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateEnding: return MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateEnding.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAAnnotationViewDragStateFromX on int { + MAAnnotationViewDragState toMAAnnotationViewDragState() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAAnnotationViewDragState.MAAnnotationViewDragStateNone; + default: return MAAnnotationViewDragState.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAArc.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAArc.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fb96b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAArc.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAArc extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAArc'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAArc', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAArc', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_startCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArc::get_startCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_passedCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArc::get_passedCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_endCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArc::get_endCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_startCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? startCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::set_startCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "startCoordinate": startCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_passedCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? passedCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::set_passedCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "passedCoordinate": passedCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_endCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? endCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::set_endCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "endCoordinate": endCoordinate}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? startCoordinate, CLLocationCoordinate2D? passedCoordinate, CLLocationCoordinate2D? endCoordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate', {"startCoordinate": startCoordinate, "passedCoordinate": passedCoordinate, "endCoordinate": endCoordinate}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAArc{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAArc_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_startCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArc::get_startCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_passedCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArc::get_passedCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_endCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArc::get_endCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_startCoordinate_batch(List startCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::set_startCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startCoordinate": startCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_passedCoordinate_batch(List passedCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::set_passedCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "passedCoordinate": passedCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_endCoordinate_batch(List endCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::set_endCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "endCoordinate": endCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate_batch(List startCoordinate, List passedCoordinate, List endCoordinate) async { + assert(startCoordinate.length == passedCoordinate.length && passedCoordinate.length == endCoordinate.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArc::arcWithStartCoordinate_passedCoordinate_endCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < startCoordinate.length; __i__++) {"startCoordinate": startCoordinate[__i__], "passedCoordinate": passedCoordinate[__i__], "endCoordinate": endCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAArcRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAArcRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91b3ba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAArcRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAArcRenderer extends MAOverlayPathRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAArcRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAArcRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAArcRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_arc() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArcRenderer::get_arc", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithArc(MAArc? arc) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAArcRenderer@$refId::initWithArc([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArcRenderer::initWithArc', {"arc": arc, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAArcRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAArcRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_arc_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAArcRenderer::get_arc_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithArc_batch(List arc) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAArcRenderer::initWithArc_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"arc": arc[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MABaseOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MABaseOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..193db15 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MABaseOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MABaseOverlay extends NSObject with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MABaseOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMABaseOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMABaseOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MABaseOverlay::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_boundingMapRect() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MABaseOverlay::get_boundingMapRect", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MABaseOverlay::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + Future set_boundingMapRect(MAMapRect? boundingMapRect) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MABaseOverlay::set_boundingMapRect', {'__this__': this, "boundingMapRect": boundingMapRect}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MABaseOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MABaseOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MABaseOverlay::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_boundingMapRect_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MABaseOverlay::get_boundingMapRect_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MABaseOverlay::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_boundingMapRect_batch(List boundingMapRect) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MABaseOverlay::set_boundingMapRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "boundingMapRect": boundingMapRect[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACircle.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACircle.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc05493 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACircle.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACircle extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACircle'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACircle', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACircle', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACircle::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACircle::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + Future set_radius(double? radius) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coord, double? radius) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate([\'radius\':$radius])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius', {"coord": coord, "radius": radius}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future circleWithMapRect(MAMapRect? mapRect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACircle::circleWithMapRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::circleWithMapRect', {"mapRect": mapRect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coord, double? radius) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACircle@$refId::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate([\'radius\':$radius])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius', {"coord": coord, "radius": radius, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACircle{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACircle_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACircle::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACircle::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius_batch(List coord, List radius) async { + assert(coord.length == radius.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::circleWithCenterCoordinate_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < coord.length; __i__++) {"coord": coord[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> circleWithMapRect_batch(List mapRect) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::circleWithMapRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < mapRect.length; __i__++) {"mapRect": mapRect[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius_batch(List coord, List radius) async { + assert(coord.length == radius.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircle::setCircleWithCenterCoordinate_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coord": coord[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACircleRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACircleRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68ba84b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACircleRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACircleRenderer extends MAOverlayPathRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACircleRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACircleRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACircleRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_circle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACircleRenderer::get_circle", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithCircle(MACircle? circle) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACircleRenderer@$refId::initWithCircle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircleRenderer::initWithCircle', {"circle": circle, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACircleRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACircleRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_circle_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACircleRenderer::get_circle_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithCircle_batch(List circle) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircleRenderer::initWithCircle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"circle": circle[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateBounds.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateBounds.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf72f04 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateBounds.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACoordinateBounds extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACoordinateBounds'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateBounds', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACoordinateBounds', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_northEast() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateBounds::get_northEast", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_southWest() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateBounds::get_southWest", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_northEast(CLLocationCoordinate2D? northEast) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateBounds::set_northEast', {'__this__': this, "northEast": northEast}); + } + + Future set_southWest(CLLocationCoordinate2D? southWest) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateBounds::set_southWest', {'__this__': this, "southWest": southWest}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACoordinateBounds{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACoordinateBounds_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_northEast_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateBounds::get_northEast_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_southWest_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateBounds::get_southWest_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_northEast_batch(List northEast) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateBounds::set_northEast_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "northEast": northEast[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_southWest_batch(List southWest) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateBounds::set_southWest_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "southWest": southWest[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateRegion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateRegion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9230b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateRegion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACoordinateRegion extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACoordinateRegion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateRegion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACoordinateRegion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateRegion::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_span() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateRegion::get_span", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_center(CLLocationCoordinate2D? center) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegion::set_center', {'__this__': this, "center": center}); + } + + Future set_span(MACoordinateSpan? span) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegion::set_span', {'__this__': this, "span": span}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACoordinateRegion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACoordinateRegion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateRegion::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_span_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateRegion::get_span_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_center_batch(List center) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegion::set_center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "center": center[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_span_batch(List span) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegion::set_span_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "span": span[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateSpan.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateSpan.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9b8595 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateSpan.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACoordinateSpan extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACoordinateSpan'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACoordinateSpan', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACoordinateSpan', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_latitudeDelta() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateSpan::get_latitudeDelta", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_longitudeDelta() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateSpan::get_longitudeDelta", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitudeDelta(double? latitudeDelta) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateSpan::set_latitudeDelta', {'__this__': this, "latitudeDelta": latitudeDelta}); + } + + Future set_longitudeDelta(double? longitudeDelta) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateSpan::set_longitudeDelta', {'__this__': this, "longitudeDelta": longitudeDelta}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACoordinateSpan{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACoordinateSpan_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_latitudeDelta_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateSpan::get_latitudeDelta_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_longitudeDelta_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACoordinateSpan::get_longitudeDelta_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitudeDelta_batch(List latitudeDelta) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateSpan::set_latitudeDelta_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "latitudeDelta": latitudeDelta[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_longitudeDelta_batch(List longitudeDelta) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateSpan::set_longitudeDelta_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "longitudeDelta": longitudeDelta[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..864bb43 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACoordinateType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MACoordinateType { + MACoordinateTypeBaidu /* 0 */, + MACoordinateTypeMapBar /* null */, + MACoordinateTypeMapABC /* null */, + MACoordinateTypeSoSoMap /* null */, + MACoordinateTypeAliYun /* null */, + MACoordinateTypeGoogle /* null */, + MACoordinateTypeGPS /* null */ +} + +extension MACoordinateTypeToX on MACoordinateType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeBaidu: return 0; + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeMapBar: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeMapBar.index + 0; + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeMapABC: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeMapABC.index + 0; + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeSoSoMap: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeSoSoMap.index + 0; + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeAliYun: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeAliYun.index + 0; + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeGoogle: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeGoogle.index + 0; + case MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeGPS: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeGPS.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MACoordinateTypeFromX on int { + MACoordinateType toMACoordinateType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MACoordinateType.MACoordinateTypeBaidu; + default: return MACoordinateType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fb9460 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACustomBuildingOverlay extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACustomBuildingOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomBuildingOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_defaultOption() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_defaultOption", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_customOptions() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_customOptions", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future addCustomOption(MACustomBuildingOverlayOption? option) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACustomBuildingOverlay@$refId::addCustomOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlay::addCustomOption', {"option": option, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeCustomOption(MACustomBuildingOverlayOption? option) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACustomBuildingOverlay@$refId::removeCustomOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlay::removeCustomOption', {"option": option, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACustomBuildingOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACustomBuildingOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_defaultOption_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_defaultOption_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_customOptions_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlay::get_customOptions_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> addCustomOption_batch(List option) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlay::addCustomOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"option": option[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> removeCustomOption_batch(List option) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlay::removeCustomOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"option": option[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlayOption.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlayOption.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df12c10 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlayOption.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACustomBuildingOverlayOption extends MAMultiPoint with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACustomBuildingOverlayOption'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlayOption', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomBuildingOverlayOption', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_height() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_height", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_heightScale() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_heightScale", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_topColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_topColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_sideColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_sideColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_visibile() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_visibile", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_height(double? height) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_height', {'__this__': this, "height": height}); + } + + Future set_heightScale(double? heightScale) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_heightScale', {'__this__': this, "heightScale": heightScale}); + } + + Future set_topColor(UIColor? topColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_topColor', {'__this__': this, "topColor": topColor}); + } + + Future set_sideColor(UIColor? sideColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_sideColor', {'__this__': this, "sideColor": sideColor}); + } + + Future set_visibile(bool? visibile) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_visibile', {'__this__': this, "visibile": visibile}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future optionWithCoordinates_count(List? coords, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates_count', {"coords": coords, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOptionWithCoordinates_count(List? coords, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACustomBuildingOverlayOption@$refId::setOptionWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::setOptionWithCoordinates_count', {"coords": coords, "count": count, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACustomBuildingOverlayOption{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACustomBuildingOverlayOption_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_height_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_height_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_heightScale_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_heightScale_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_topColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_topColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sideColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_sideColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_visibile_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::get_visibile_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_height_batch(List height) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_height_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "height": height[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_heightScale_batch(List heightScale) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_heightScale_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "heightScale": heightScale[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_topColor_batch(List topColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_topColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "topColor": topColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sideColor_batch(List sideColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_sideColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sideColor": sideColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_visibile_batch(List visibile) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::set_visibile_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "visibile": visibile[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> optionWithCoordinates_count_batch(List?> coords, List count) async { + assert(coords.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::optionWithCoordinates_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < coords.length; __i__++) {"coords": coords[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOptionWithCoordinates_count_batch(List?> coords, List count) async { + assert(coords.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayOption::setOptionWithCoordinates_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coords": coords[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02129b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_customBuildingOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::get_customBuildingOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithCustomBuildingOverlay(MACustomBuildingOverlay? customBuildingOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay', {"customBuildingOverlay": customBuildingOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_customBuildingOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::get_customBuildingOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithCustomBuildingOverlay_batch(List customBuildingOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer::initWithCustomBuildingOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customBuildingOverlay": customBuildingOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3b3048 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MACustomCalloutView extends UIView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MACustomCalloutView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMACustomCalloutView', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMACustomCalloutView', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_customView() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomCalloutView::get_customView", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_userData() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomCalloutView::get_userData", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_userData(dynamic userData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomCalloutView::set_userData', {'__this__': this, "userData": userData}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithCustomView(UIView? customView) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACustomCalloutView@$refId::initWithCustomView([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomCalloutView::initWithCustomView', {"customView": customView, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MACustomCalloutView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MACustomCalloutView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_customView_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomCalloutView::get_customView_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_userData_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MACustomCalloutView::get_userData_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_userData_batch(List userData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomCalloutView::set_userData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "userData": userData[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithCustomView_batch(List customView) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACustomCalloutView::initWithCustomView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"customView": customView[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAGeodesicPolyline.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAGeodesicPolyline.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01f1d09 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAGeodesicPolyline.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAGeodesicPolyline extends MAPolyline with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAGeodesicPolyline'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAGeodesicPolyline', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAGeodesicPolyline', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAGeodesicPolyline{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAGeodesicPolyline_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAGroundOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAGroundOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b34c59 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAGroundOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAGroundOverlay extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAGroundOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAGroundOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAGroundOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_icon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_icon", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_alpha() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_alpha", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_zoomLevel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_zoomLevel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_bounds() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_bounds", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_alpha(double? alpha) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::set_alpha', {'__this__': this, "alpha": alpha}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future groundOverlayWithBounds_icon(MACoordinateBounds? bounds, UIImage? icon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds_icon', {"bounds": bounds, "icon": icon}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate, double? zoomLevel, UIImage? icon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon', {"coordinate": coordinate, "zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "icon": icon}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon(MACoordinateBounds? bounds, UIImage? icon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGroundOverlay@$refId::setGroundOverlayWithBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon', {"bounds": bounds, "icon": icon, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate, double? zoomLevel, UIImage? icon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGroundOverlay@$refId::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon', {"coordinate": coordinate, "zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "icon": icon, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAGroundOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAGroundOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_icon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_icon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_alpha_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_alpha_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zoomLevel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_zoomLevel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_bounds_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlay::get_bounds_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_alpha_batch(List alpha) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::set_alpha_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "alpha": alpha[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> groundOverlayWithBounds_icon_batch(List bounds, List icon) async { + assert(bounds.length == icon.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithBounds_icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < bounds.length; __i__++) {"bounds": bounds[__i__], "icon": icon[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon_batch(List coordinate, List zoomLevel, List icon) async { + assert(coordinate.length == zoomLevel.length && zoomLevel.length == icon.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::groundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinate.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "icon": icon[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon_batch(List bounds, List icon) async { + assert(bounds.length == icon.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithBounds_icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"bounds": bounds[__i__], "icon": icon[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon_batch(List coordinate, List zoomLevel, List icon) async { + assert(coordinate.length == zoomLevel.length && zoomLevel.length == icon.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlay::setGroundOverlayWithCoordinate_zoomLevel_icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "icon": icon[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAGroundOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAGroundOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..406baef --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAGroundOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAGroundOverlayRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAGroundOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAGroundOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAGroundOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_groundOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlayRenderer::get_groundOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithGroundOverlay(MAGroundOverlay? groundOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGroundOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithGroundOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlayRenderer::initWithGroundOverlay', {"groundOverlay": groundOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAGroundOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAGroundOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_groundOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAGroundOverlayRenderer::get_groundOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithGroundOverlay_batch(List groundOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGroundOverlayRenderer::initWithGroundOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"groundOverlay": groundOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapGradient.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapGradient.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b57f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapGradient.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapGradient extends NSObject with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapGradient'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapGradient', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapGradient', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_colors() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapGradient::get_colors", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_startPoints() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapGradient::get_startPoints", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithColor_andWithStartPoints(List? colors, List? startPoints) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAHeatMapGradient@$refId::initWithColor([\'startPoints\':$startPoints])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapGradient::initWithColor_andWithStartPoints', {"colors": colors, "startPoints": startPoints, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapGradient{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapGradient_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_colors_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapGradient::get_colors_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_startPoints_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapGradient::get_startPoints_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithColor_andWithStartPoints_batch(List?> colors, List?> startPoints) async { + assert(colors.length == startPoints.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapGradient::initWithColor_andWithStartPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"colors": colors[__i__], "startPoints": startPoints[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapNode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapNode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f28074 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapNode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapNode extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapNode'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapNode', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapNode', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapNode::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_intensity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapNode::get_intensity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapNode::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + Future set_intensity(double? intensity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapNode::set_intensity', {'__this__': this, "intensity": intensity}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapNode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapNode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapNode::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_intensity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapNode::get_intensity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapNode::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_intensity_batch(List intensity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapNode::set_intensity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "intensity": intensity[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapTileOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapTileOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f97db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapTileOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapTileOverlay extends MATileOverlay with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapTileOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapTileOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapTileOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_data() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_data", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_opacity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_opacity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_gradient() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_gradient", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_allowRetinaAdapting() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_allowRetinaAdapting", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_data(List? data) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_data', {'__this__': this, "data": data}); + } + + Future set_radius(int? radius) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + Future set_opacity(double? opacity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_opacity', {'__this__': this, "opacity": opacity}); + } + + Future set_gradient(MAHeatMapGradient? gradient) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_gradient', {'__this__': this, "gradient": gradient}); + } + + Future set_allowRetinaAdapting(bool? allowRetinaAdapting) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_allowRetinaAdapting', {'__this__': this, "allowRetinaAdapting": allowRetinaAdapting}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapTileOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapTileOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_data_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_data_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_opacity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_opacity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_gradient_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_gradient_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_allowRetinaAdapting_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapTileOverlay::get_allowRetinaAdapting_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_data_batch(List?> data) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_data_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "data": data[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_opacity_batch(List opacity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_opacity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "opacity": opacity[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_gradient_batch(List gradient) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_gradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "gradient": gradient[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_allowRetinaAdapting_batch(List allowRetinaAdapting) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapTileOverlay::set_allowRetinaAdapting_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "allowRetinaAdapting": allowRetinaAdapting[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..237e11e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAHeatMapType { + MAHeatMapTypeSquare /* 1 */, + MAHeatMapTypeHoneycomb /* 2 */ +} + +extension MAHeatMapTypeToX on MAHeatMapType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAHeatMapType.MAHeatMapTypeSquare: return 1; + case MAHeatMapType.MAHeatMapTypeHoneycomb: return 2; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapTypeFromX on int { + MAHeatMapType toMAHeatMapType() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return MAHeatMapType.MAHeatMapTypeSquare; + case 2: return MAHeatMapType.MAHeatMapTypeHoneycomb; + default: return MAHeatMapType.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGrid.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGrid.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e91655 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGrid.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorGrid extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorGrid'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGrid', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGrid', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_inputNodes() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_inputNodes", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_color() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_color", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_inputNodes(List? inputNodes) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_inputNodes', {'__this__': this, "inputNodes": inputNodes}); + } + + Future set_color(UIColor? color) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_color', {'__this__': this, "color": color}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorGrid{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorGrid_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_inputNodes_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_inputNodes_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_color_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGrid::get_color_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_inputNodes_batch(List?> inputNodes) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_inputNodes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "inputNodes": inputNodes[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_color_batch(List color) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGrid::set_color_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "color": color[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridNode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridNode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a80ff3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridNode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorGridNode extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorGridNode'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridNode', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridNode', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorGridNode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorGridNode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridNode::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa449eb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_option() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::get_option", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_option(MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions? option) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::set_option', {'__this__': this, "option": option}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future heatMapOverlayWithOption(MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions? option) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption', {"option": option}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_option_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::get_option_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_option_batch(List option) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::set_option_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "option": option[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> heatMapOverlayWithOption_batch(List option) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < option.length; __i__++) {"option": option[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6092c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAHeatMapType(); + } + + Future get_visible() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_visible", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_inputGrids() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_inputGrids", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_minZoom() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_minZoom", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maxZoom() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_maxZoom", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type(MAHeatMapType? type) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_visible(bool? visible) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_visible', {'__this__': this, "visible": visible}); + } + + Future set_inputGrids(List? inputGrids) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_inputGrids', {'__this__': this, "inputGrids": inputGrids}); + } + + Future set_minZoom(double? minZoom) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_minZoom', {'__this__': this, "minZoom": minZoom}); + } + + Future set_maxZoom(double? maxZoom) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_maxZoom', {'__this__': this, "maxZoom": maxZoom}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMAHeatMapType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_visible_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_visible_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_inputGrids_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_inputGrids_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_minZoom_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_minZoom_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maxZoom_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::get_maxZoom_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_visible_batch(List visible) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "visible": visible[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_inputGrids_batch(List?> inputGrids) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_inputGrids_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "inputGrids": inputGrids[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_minZoom_batch(List minZoom) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_minZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "minZoom": minZoom[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_maxZoom_batch(List maxZoom) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions::set_maxZoom_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "maxZoom": maxZoom[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99bad4a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_heatOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::get_heatOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithHeatOverlay(MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay? heatOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithHeatOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::initWithHeatOverlay', {"heatOverlay": heatOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_heatOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::get_heatOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithHeatOverlay_batch(List heatOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer::initWithHeatOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"heatOverlay": heatOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorItem.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd590c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorItem extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorItem', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorItem', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_intensity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_intensity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_nodeIndices() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_nodeIndices", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_intensity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_intensity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_nodeIndices_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorItem::get_nodeIndices_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorNode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorNode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..900b91c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorNode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorNode extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorNode'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorNode', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorNode', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_weight() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_weight", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + Future set_weight(double? weight) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_weight', {'__this__': this, "weight": weight}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorNode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorNode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_weight_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorNode::get_weight_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_weight_batch(List weight) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorNode::set_weight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "weight": weight[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f5b770 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorOverlay extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_option() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::get_option", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_option(MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions? option) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::set_option', {'__this__': this, "option": option}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future heatMapOverlayWithOption(MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions? option) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption', {"option": option}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_option_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::get_option_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_option_batch(List option) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::set_option_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "option": option[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> heatMapOverlayWithOption_batch(List option) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlay::heatMapOverlayWithOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < option.length; __i__++) {"option": option[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..390d4c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAHeatMapType(); + } + + Future get_visible() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_visible", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_inputNodes() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_inputNodes", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_size() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_size", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_gap() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_gap", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_colors() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_colors", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_startPoints() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_startPoints", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + Future get_opacity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_opacity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type(MAHeatMapType? type) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_visible(bool? visible) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_visible', {'__this__': this, "visible": visible}); + } + + Future set_inputNodes(List? inputNodes) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_inputNodes', {'__this__': this, "inputNodes": inputNodes}); + } + + Future set_size(double? size) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_size', {'__this__': this, "size": size}); + } + + Future set_gap(double? gap) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_gap', {'__this__': this, "gap": gap}); + } + + Future set_colors(List? colors) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_colors', {'__this__': this, "colors": colors}); + } + + Future set_startPoints(List? startPoints) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_startPoints', {'__this__': this, "startPoints": startPoints}); + } + + Future set_opacity(double? opacity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_opacity', {'__this__': this, "opacity": opacity}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMAHeatMapType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_visible_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_visible_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_inputNodes_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_inputNodes_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_size_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_size_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_gap_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_gap_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_colors_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_colors_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_startPoints_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_startPoints_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_opacity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::get_opacity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_visible_batch(List visible) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "visible": visible[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_inputNodes_batch(List?> inputNodes) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_inputNodes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "inputNodes": inputNodes[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_size_batch(List size) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_size_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "size": size[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_gap_batch(List gap) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_gap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "gap": gap[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_colors_batch(List?> colors) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_colors_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "colors": colors[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startPoints_batch(List?> startPoints) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_startPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startPoints": startPoints[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_opacity_batch(List opacity) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions::set_opacity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "opacity": opacity[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb73bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_heatOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::get_heatOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithHeatOverlay(MAHeatMapVectorOverlay? heatOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender@$refId::initWithHeatOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::initWithHeatOverlay', {"heatOverlay": heatOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getHeatMapItem(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender@$refId::getHeatMapItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::getHeatMapItem', {"coordinate": coordinate, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_heatOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::get_heatOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithHeatOverlay_batch(List heatOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::initWithHeatOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"heatOverlay": heatOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHeatMapItem_batch(List coordinate) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender::getHeatMapItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAIndoorFloorInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAIndoorFloorInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e483dff --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAIndoorFloorInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAIndoorFloorInfo extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAIndoorFloorInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAIndoorFloorInfo', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAIndoorFloorInfo', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_floorName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_floorIndex() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorIndex", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_floorNona() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorNona", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isPark() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_isPark", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAIndoorFloorInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAIndoorFloorInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_floorName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_floorIndex_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorIndex_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_floorNona_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_floorNona_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isPark_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorFloorInfo::get_isPark_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAIndoorInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAIndoorInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2793b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAIndoorInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAIndoorInfo extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAIndoorInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAIndoorInfo', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAIndoorInfo', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_cnName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_cnName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_enName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_enName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_poiID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_poiID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_buildingType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_buildingType", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_activeFloorIndex() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorIndex", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_activeFloorInfoIndex() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorInfoIndex", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_floorInfo() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_floorInfo", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + Future get_numberOfFloor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfFloor", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_numberOfParkFloor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfParkFloor", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAIndoorInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAIndoorInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_cnName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_cnName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_enName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_enName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_poiID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_poiID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_buildingType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_buildingType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_activeFloorIndex_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorIndex_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_activeFloorInfoIndex_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_activeFloorInfoIndex_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_floorInfo_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_floorInfo_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_numberOfFloor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfFloor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_numberOfParkFloor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAIndoorInfo::get_numberOfParkFloor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MALineCapType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MALineCapType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fa0990 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MALineCapType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MALineCapType { + kMALineCapButt /* null */, + kMALineCapSquare /* null */, + kMALineCapArrow /* null */, + kMALineCapRound /* null */ +} + +extension MALineCapTypeToX on MALineCapType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MALineCapType.kMALineCapButt: return MALineCapType.kMALineCapButt.index + 0; + case MALineCapType.kMALineCapSquare: return MALineCapType.kMALineCapSquare.index + 0; + case MALineCapType.kMALineCapArrow: return MALineCapType.kMALineCapArrow.index + 0; + case MALineCapType.kMALineCapRound: return MALineCapType.kMALineCapRound.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MALineCapTypeFromX on int { + MALineCapType toMALineCapType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return MALineCapType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MALineDashType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MALineDashType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10d80fa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MALineDashType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MALineDashType { + kMALineDashTypeNone /* 0 */, + kMALineDashTypeSquare /* null */, + kMALineDashTypeDot /* null */ +} + +extension MALineDashTypeToX on MALineDashType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MALineDashType.kMALineDashTypeNone: return 0; + case MALineDashType.kMALineDashTypeSquare: return MALineDashType.kMALineDashTypeSquare.index + 0; + case MALineDashType.kMALineDashTypeDot: return MALineDashType.kMALineDashTypeDot.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MALineDashTypeFromX on int { + MALineDashType toMALineDashType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MALineDashType.kMALineDashTypeNone; + default: return MALineDashType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MALineJoinType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MALineJoinType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0337429 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MALineJoinType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MALineJoinType { + kMALineJoinBevel /* null */, + kMALineJoinMiter /* null */, + kMALineJoinRound /* null */ +} + +extension MALineJoinTypeToX on MALineJoinType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MALineJoinType.kMALineJoinBevel: return MALineJoinType.kMALineJoinBevel.index + 0; + case MALineJoinType.kMALineJoinMiter: return MALineJoinType.kMALineJoinMiter.index + 0; + case MALineJoinType.kMALineJoinRound: return MALineJoinType.kMALineJoinRound.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MALineJoinTypeFromX on int { + MALineJoinType toMALineJoinType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return MALineJoinType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d066a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMVTTileOverlay extends MATileOverlay with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMVTTileOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMVTTileOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_option() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlay::get_option", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future mvtTileOverlayWithOption(MAMVTTileOverlayOptions? option) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption', {"option": option}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMVTTileOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMVTTileOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_option_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlay::get_option_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> mvtTileOverlayWithOption_batch(List option) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlay::mvtTileOverlayWithOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < option.length; __i__++) {"option": option[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f4594f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMVTTileOverlayOptions extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMVTTileOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlayOptions', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMVTTileOverlayOptions', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_url() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_url", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_key() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_key", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_Id() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_Id", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_visible() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_visible", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_url(String? url) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_url', {'__this__': this, "url": url}); + } + + Future set_key(String? key) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_key', {'__this__': this, "key": key}); + } + + Future set_Id(String? Id) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_Id', {'__this__': this, "Id": Id}); + } + + Future set_visible(bool? visible) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_visible', {'__this__': this, "visible": visible}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMVTTileOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMVTTileOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_url_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_url_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_key_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_key_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_Id_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_Id_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_visible_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::get_visible_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_url_batch(List url) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_url_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "url": url[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_key_batch(List key) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_key_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "key": key[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_Id_batch(List Id) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_Id_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "Id": Id[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_visible_batch(List visible) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMVTTileOverlayOptions::set_visible_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "visible": visible[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d64d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer extends MATileOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapCustomStyleOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapCustomStyleOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16fe38c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapCustomStyleOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMapCustomStyleOptions extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMapCustomStyleOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMapCustomStyleOptions', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapCustomStyleOptions', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_styleData() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleData", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_styleDataOverseaPath() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleDataOverseaPath", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_styleId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_styleTextureData() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleTextureData", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_styleExtraData() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleExtraData", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_styleData(NSData? styleData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleData', {'__this__': this, "styleData": styleData}); + } + + Future set_styleDataOverseaPath(String? styleDataOverseaPath) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleDataOverseaPath', {'__this__': this, "styleDataOverseaPath": styleDataOverseaPath}); + } + + Future set_styleId(String? styleId) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleId', {'__this__': this, "styleId": styleId}); + } + + Future set_styleTextureData(NSData? styleTextureData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleTextureData', {'__this__': this, "styleTextureData": styleTextureData}); + } + + Future set_styleExtraData(NSData? styleExtraData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleExtraData', {'__this__': this, "styleExtraData": styleExtraData}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMapCustomStyleOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMapCustomStyleOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_styleData_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleData_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_styleDataOverseaPath_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleDataOverseaPath_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_styleId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_styleTextureData_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleTextureData_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_styleExtraData_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapCustomStyleOptions::get_styleExtraData_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_styleData_batch(List styleData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "styleData": styleData[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_styleDataOverseaPath_batch(List styleDataOverseaPath) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleDataOverseaPath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "styleDataOverseaPath": styleDataOverseaPath[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_styleId_batch(List styleId) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "styleId": styleId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_styleTextureData_batch(List styleTextureData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleTextureData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "styleTextureData": styleTextureData[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_styleExtraData_batch(List styleExtraData) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapCustomStyleOptions::set_styleExtraData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "styleExtraData": styleExtraData[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebc8a31 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMapPoint extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMapPoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMapPoint', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapPoint', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_x() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapPoint::get_x", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_y() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapPoint::get_y", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_x(double? x) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPoint::set_x', {'__this__': this, "x": x}); + } + + Future set_y(double? y) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPoint::set_y', {'__this__': this, "y": y}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMapPoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMapPoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_x_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapPoint::get_x_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_y_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapPoint::get_y_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_x_batch(List x) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPoint::set_x_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "x": x[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_y_batch(List y) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPoint::set_y_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "y": y[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapRect.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapRect.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e39d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapRect.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMapRect extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMapRect'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMapRect', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapRect', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_origin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapRect::get_origin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_size() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapRect::get_size", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin(MAMapPoint? origin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRect::set_origin', {'__this__': this, "origin": origin}); + } + + Future set_size(MAMapSize? size) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRect::set_size', {'__this__': this, "size": size}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMapRect{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMapRect_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_origin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapRect::get_origin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_size_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapRect::get_size_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin_batch(List origin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRect::set_origin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origin": origin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_size_batch(List size) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRect::set_size_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "size": size[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapRectCorner.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapRectCorner.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dd7ef2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapRectCorner.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAMapRectCorner { + MAMapRectCornerTopLeft /* 1<<0 */, + MAMapRectCornerTopRight /* 1<<1 */, + MAMapRectCornerBottomLeft /* 1<<2 */, + MAMapRectCornerBottomRight /* 1<<3 */, + MAMapRectCornerAllCorners /* ~0 */ +} + +extension MAMapRectCornerToX on MAMapRectCorner { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerTopLeft: return 1<<0; + case MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerTopRight: return 1<<1; + case MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerBottomLeft: return 1<<2; + case MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerBottomRight: return 1<<3; + case MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerAllCorners: return ~0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAMapRectCornerFromX on int { + MAMapRectCorner toMAMapRectCorner() { + switch (this) { + case const (1<<0): return MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerTopLeft; + case const (1<<1): return MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerTopRight; + case const (1<<2): return MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerBottomLeft; + case const (1<<3): return MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerBottomRight; + case const (~0): return MAMapRectCorner.MAMapRectCornerAllCorners; + default: return MAMapRectCorner.values[this + 1<<0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapSize.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapSize.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6ee84d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapSize.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMapSize extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMapSize'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMapSize', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapSize', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_width() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapSize::get_width", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_height() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapSize::get_height", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_width(double? width) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSize::set_width', {'__this__': this, "width": width}); + } + + Future set_height(double? height) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSize::set_height', {'__this__': this, "height": height}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMapSize{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMapSize_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_width_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapSize::get_width_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_height_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapSize::get_height_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_width_batch(List width) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSize::set_width_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "width": width[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_height_batch(List height) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSize::set_height_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "height": height[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfde2ec --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMapStatus extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMapStatus'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMapStatus', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapStatus', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_centerCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_centerCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_zoomLevel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_zoomLevel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_rotationDegree() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_rotationDegree", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cameraDegree() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_cameraDegree", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_screenAnchor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_screenAnchor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_centerCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? centerCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_centerCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "centerCoordinate": centerCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_zoomLevel(double? zoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_zoomLevel', {'__this__': this, "zoomLevel": zoomLevel}); + } + + Future set_rotationDegree(double? rotationDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_rotationDegree', {'__this__': this, "rotationDegree": rotationDegree}); + } + + Future set_cameraDegree(double? cameraDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_cameraDegree', {'__this__': this, "cameraDegree": cameraDegree}); + } + + Future set_screenAnchor(CGPoint? screenAnchor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_screenAnchor', {'__this__': this, "screenAnchor": screenAnchor}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate, double? zoomLevel, double? rotationDegree, double? cameraDegree, CGPoint? screenAnchor) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel, \'rotationDegree\':$rotationDegree, \'cameraDegree\':$cameraDegree])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor', {"coordinate": coordinate, "zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "rotationDegree": rotationDegree, "cameraDegree": cameraDegree, "screenAnchor": screenAnchor}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate, double? zoomLevel, double? rotationDegree, double? cameraDegree, CGPoint? screenAnchor) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapStatus@$refId::initWithCenterCoordinate([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel, \'rotationDegree\':$rotationDegree, \'cameraDegree\':$cameraDegree])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor', {"coordinate": coordinate, "zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "rotationDegree": rotationDegree, "cameraDegree": cameraDegree, "screenAnchor": screenAnchor, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMapStatus{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMapStatus_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_centerCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_centerCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zoomLevel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_zoomLevel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_rotationDegree_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_rotationDegree_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cameraDegree_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_cameraDegree_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_screenAnchor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapStatus::get_screenAnchor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_centerCoordinate_batch(List centerCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_centerCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "centerCoordinate": centerCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_zoomLevel_batch(List zoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_zoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_rotationDegree_batch(List rotationDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_rotationDegree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "rotationDegree": rotationDegree[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cameraDegree_batch(List cameraDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_cameraDegree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cameraDegree": cameraDegree[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_screenAnchor_batch(List screenAnchor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::set_screenAnchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "screenAnchor": screenAnchor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor_batch(List coordinate, List zoomLevel, List rotationDegree, List cameraDegree, List screenAnchor) async { + assert(coordinate.length == zoomLevel.length && zoomLevel.length == rotationDegree.length && rotationDegree.length == cameraDegree.length && cameraDegree.length == screenAnchor.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::statusWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < coordinate.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "rotationDegree": rotationDegree[__i__], "cameraDegree": cameraDegree[__i__], "screenAnchor": screenAnchor[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor_batch(List coordinate, List zoomLevel, List rotationDegree, List cameraDegree, List screenAnchor) async { + assert(coordinate.length == zoomLevel.length && zoomLevel.length == rotationDegree.length && rotationDegree.length == cameraDegree.length && cameraDegree.length == screenAnchor.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapStatus::initWithCenterCoordinate_zoomLevel_rotationDegree_cameraDegree_screenAnchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "rotationDegree": rotationDegree[__i__], "cameraDegree": cameraDegree[__i__], "screenAnchor": screenAnchor[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a850004 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAMapType { + MAMapTypeStandard /* 0 */, + MAMapTypeSatellite /* null */, + MAMapTypeStandardNight /* null */, + MAMapTypeNavi /* null */, + MAMapTypeBus /* null */ +} + +extension MAMapTypeToX on MAMapType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAMapType.MAMapTypeStandard: return 0; + case MAMapType.MAMapTypeSatellite: return MAMapType.MAMapTypeSatellite.index + 0; + case MAMapType.MAMapTypeStandardNight: return MAMapType.MAMapTypeStandardNight.index + 0; + case MAMapType.MAMapTypeNavi: return MAMapType.MAMapTypeNavi.index + 0; + case MAMapType.MAMapTypeBus: return MAMapType.MAMapTypeBus.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAMapTypeFromX on int { + MAMapType toMAMapType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAMapType.MAMapTypeStandard; + default: return MAMapType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Annotation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Annotation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a84e135 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Annotation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension Annotation on MAMapView { + //region getters + Future?> get_annotations() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_annotations", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + Future?> get_selectedAnnotations() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_selectedAnnotations", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + Future get_annotationVisibleRect() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_annotationVisibleRect", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_selectedAnnotations(List? selectedAnnotations) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_selectedAnnotations', {'__this__': this, "selectedAnnotations": selectedAnnotations}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future addAnnotation(MAAnnotation? annotation) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::addAnnotation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::addAnnotation', {"annotation": annotation, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addAnnotations(List? annotations) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::addAnnotations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::addAnnotations', {"annotations": annotations, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeAnnotation(MAAnnotation? annotation) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::removeAnnotation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::removeAnnotation', {"annotation": annotation, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeAnnotations(List? annotations) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::removeAnnotations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::removeAnnotations', {"annotations": annotations, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future viewForAnnotation(MAAnnotation? annotation) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::viewForAnnotation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::viewForAnnotation', {"annotation": annotation, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(String? identifier) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier([\'identifier\':$identifier])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier', {"identifier": identifier, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future selectAnnotation_animated(MAAnnotation? annotation, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::selectAnnotation([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::selectAnnotation_animated', {"annotation": annotation, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future deselectAnnotation_animated(MAAnnotation? annotation, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::deselectAnnotation([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::deselectAnnotation_animated', {"annotation": annotation, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showAnnotations_animated(List? annotations, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::showAnnotations([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::showAnnotations_animated', {"annotations": annotations, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showAnnotations_edgePadding_animated(List? annotations, UIEdgeInsets? insets, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::showAnnotations([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::showAnnotations_edgePadding_animated', {"annotations": annotations, "insets": insets, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+CustomMapStyle.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+CustomMapStyle.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d674cd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+CustomMapStyle.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension CustomMapStyle on MAMapView { + //region getters + Future get_customMapStyleEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_customMapStyleEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_customMapStyleEnabled(bool? customMapStyleEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_customMapStyleEnabled', {'__this__': this, "customMapStyleEnabled": customMapStyleEnabled}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setCustomMapStyleOptions(MAMapCustomStyleOptions? styleOptions) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setCustomMapStyleOptions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCustomMapStyleOptions', {"styleOptions": styleOptions, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Indoor.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Indoor.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..189cda7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Indoor.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension Indoor on MAMapView { + //region getters + Future get_showsIndoorMap() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMap", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showsIndoorMapControl() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsIndoorMapControl", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_indoorMapControlSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_indoorMapControlSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_showsIndoorMap(bool? showsIndoorMap) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMap', {'__this__': this, "showsIndoorMap": showsIndoorMap}); + } + + Future set_showsIndoorMapControl(bool? showsIndoorMapControl) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsIndoorMapControl', {'__this__': this, "showsIndoorMapControl": showsIndoorMapControl}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setIndoorMapControlOrigin(CGPoint? origin) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setIndoorMapControlOrigin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setIndoorMapControlOrigin', {"origin": origin, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCurrentIndoorMapFloorIndex(int? floorIndex) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setCurrentIndoorMapFloorIndex([\'floorIndex\':$floorIndex])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCurrentIndoorMapFloorIndex', {"floorIndex": floorIndex, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clearIndoorMapCache() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::clearIndoorMapCache([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::clearIndoorMapCache', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Overlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Overlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a4d106 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+Overlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension Overlay on MAMapView { + //region getters + Future?> get_overlays() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_overlays", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> overlaysInLevel(MAOverlayLevel? level) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::overlaysInLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::overlaysInLevel', {"level": level?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future addOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::addOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::addOverlay', {"overlay": overlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOverlays(List? overlays) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::addOverlays([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::addOverlays', {"overlays": overlays, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOverlay_level(MAOverlay? overlay, MAOverlayLevel? level) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::addOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::addOverlay_level', {"overlay": overlay, "level": level?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOverlays_level(List? overlays, MAOverlayLevel? level) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::addOverlays([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::addOverlays_level', {"overlays": overlays, "level": level?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::removeOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::removeOverlay', {"overlay": overlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeOverlays(List? overlays) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::removeOverlays([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::removeOverlays', {"overlays": overlays, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future insertOverlay_atIndex_level(MAOverlay? overlay, int? index, MAOverlayLevel? level) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::insertOverlay([\'index\':$index])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::insertOverlay_atIndex_level', {"overlay": overlay, "index": index, "level": level?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future insertOverlay_aboveOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay, MAOverlay? sibling) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::insertOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::insertOverlay_aboveOverlay', {"overlay": overlay, "sibling": sibling, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future insertOverlay_belowOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay, MAOverlay? sibling) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::insertOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::insertOverlay_belowOverlay', {"overlay": overlay, "sibling": sibling, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future insertOverlay_atIndex(MAOverlay? overlay, int? index) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::insertOverlay([\'index\':$index])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::insertOverlay_atIndex', {"overlay": overlay, "index": index, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex(int? index1, int? index2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::exchangeOverlayAtIndex([\'index1\':$index1, \'index2\':$index2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex', {"index1": index1, "index2": index2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex_atLevel(int? index1, int? index2, MAOverlayLevel? level) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::exchangeOverlayAtIndex([\'index1\':$index1, \'index2\':$index2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::exchangeOverlayAtIndex_withOverlayAtIndex_atLevel', {"index1": index1, "index2": index2, "level": level?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future exchangeOverlay_withOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay1, MAOverlay? overlay2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::exchangeOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::exchangeOverlay_withOverlay', {"overlay1": overlay1, "overlay2": overlay2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future rendererForOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::rendererForOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::rendererForOverlay', {"overlay": overlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future showOverlays_animated(List? overlays, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::showOverlays([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::showOverlays_animated', {"overlays": overlays, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future showOverlays_edgePadding_animated(List? overlays, UIEdgeInsets? insets, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::showOverlays([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::showOverlays_edgePadding_animated', {"overlays": overlays, "insets": insets, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getHittedPolylinesWith_traverseAll(CLLocationCoordinate2D? tappedCoord, bool? traverseAll) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::getHittedPolylinesWith([\'traverseAll\':$traverseAll])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::getHittedPolylinesWith_traverseAll', {"tappedCoord": tappedCoord, "traverseAll": traverseAll, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+UserLocation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+UserLocation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34e5a20 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView+UserLocation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension UserLocation on MAMapView { + //region getters + Future get_showsUserLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_showsUserLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_userLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_userLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_userLocationAccuracyCircle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_userLocationAccuracyCircle", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_userTrackingMode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_userTrackingMode", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAUserTrackingMode(); + } + + Future get_userLocationVisible() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isUserLocationVisible", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distanceFilter() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_distanceFilter", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_desiredAccuracy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_desiredAccuracy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_headingFilter() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_headingFilter", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_showsUserLocation(bool? showsUserLocation) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsUserLocation', {'__this__': this, "showsUserLocation": showsUserLocation}); + } + + Future set_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation(bool? customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation', {'__this__': this, "customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation": customizeUserLocationAccuracyCircleRepresentation}); + } + + Future set_userTrackingMode(MAUserTrackingMode? userTrackingMode) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_userTrackingMode', {'__this__': this, "userTrackingMode": userTrackingMode?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_distanceFilter(double? distanceFilter) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_distanceFilter', {'__this__': this, "distanceFilter": distanceFilter}); + } + + Future set_desiredAccuracy(double? desiredAccuracy) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_desiredAccuracy', {'__this__': this, "desiredAccuracy": desiredAccuracy}); + } + + Future set_headingFilter(double? headingFilter) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_headingFilter', {'__this__': this, "headingFilter": headingFilter}); + } + + Future set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically(bool? pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically', {'__this__': this, "pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically": pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically}); + } + + Future set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(bool? allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates', {'__this__': this, "allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates": allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setUserTrackingMode_animated(MAUserTrackingMode? mode, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setUserTrackingMode([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setUserTrackingMode_animated', {"mode": mode?.toValue(), "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future updateUserLocationRepresentation(MAUserLocationRepresentation? representation) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::updateUserLocationRepresentation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::updateUserLocationRepresentation', {"representation": representation, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..052e5d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMapView extends UIView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMapView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMapView', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMapView', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + static Future get_static_metalEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_metalEnabled", ); + return __result__; + } + + static Future get_static_terrainEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_terrainEnabled", ); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_mapType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_mapType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAMapType(); + } + + Future get_centerCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_centerCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_region() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_region", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_visibleMapRect() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_visibleMapRect", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_limitRegion() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_limitRegion", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_limitMapRect() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_limitMapRect", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_zoomLevel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_zoomLevel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_minZoomLevel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_minZoomLevel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maxZoomLevel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_maxZoomLevel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_rotationDegree() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_rotationDegree", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cameraDegree() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_cameraDegree", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_zoomEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isZoomEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_scrollEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isScrollEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_rotateEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isRotateEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_rotateCameraEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isRotateCameraEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showsBuildings() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsBuildings", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showsLabels() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsLabels", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showTraffic() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowTraffic", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_touchPOIEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_touchPOIEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showsCompass() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_showsCompass", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_compassOrigin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_compassOrigin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_compassSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_compassSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_showsScale() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_showsScale", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_scaleOrigin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_scaleOrigin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_scaleSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_scaleSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_logoCenter() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_logoCenter", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_logoSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_logoSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isAbroad() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isAbroad", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maxRenderFrame() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_maxRenderFrame", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isAllowDecreaseFrame() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isAllowDecreaseFrame", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_openGLESDisabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_openGLESDisabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_renderringDisabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_renderringDisabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_screenAnchor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_screenAnchor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_showsWorldMap() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsWorldMap", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_mapLanguage() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_mapLanguage", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_delegate(MAMapViewDelegate? delegate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + Future set_mapType(MAMapType? mapType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_mapType', {'__this__': this, "mapType": mapType?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_centerCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? centerCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_centerCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "centerCoordinate": centerCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_region(MACoordinateRegion? region) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_region', {'__this__': this, "region": region}); + } + + Future set_visibleMapRect(MAMapRect? visibleMapRect) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_visibleMapRect', {'__this__': this, "visibleMapRect": visibleMapRect}); + } + + Future set_limitRegion(MACoordinateRegion? limitRegion) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_limitRegion', {'__this__': this, "limitRegion": limitRegion}); + } + + Future set_limitMapRect(MAMapRect? limitMapRect) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_limitMapRect', {'__this__': this, "limitMapRect": limitMapRect}); + } + + Future set_zoomLevel(double? zoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_zoomLevel', {'__this__': this, "zoomLevel": zoomLevel}); + } + + Future set_minZoomLevel(double? minZoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_minZoomLevel', {'__this__': this, "minZoomLevel": minZoomLevel}); + } + + Future set_maxZoomLevel(double? maxZoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_maxZoomLevel', {'__this__': this, "maxZoomLevel": maxZoomLevel}); + } + + Future set_rotationDegree(double? rotationDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_rotationDegree', {'__this__': this, "rotationDegree": rotationDegree}); + } + + Future set_cameraDegree(double? cameraDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_cameraDegree', {'__this__': this, "cameraDegree": cameraDegree}); + } + + Future set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint(bool? zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint', {'__this__': this, "zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint": zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint}); + } + + Future set_zoomEnabled(bool? zoomEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_zoomEnabled', {'__this__': this, "zoomEnabled": zoomEnabled}); + } + + Future set_scrollEnabled(bool? scrollEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_scrollEnabled', {'__this__': this, "scrollEnabled": scrollEnabled}); + } + + Future set_rotateEnabled(bool? rotateEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_rotateEnabled', {'__this__': this, "rotateEnabled": rotateEnabled}); + } + + Future set_rotateCameraEnabled(bool? rotateCameraEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_rotateCameraEnabled', {'__this__': this, "rotateCameraEnabled": rotateCameraEnabled}); + } + + Future set_showsBuildings(bool? showsBuildings) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsBuildings', {'__this__': this, "showsBuildings": showsBuildings}); + } + + Future set_showsLabels(bool? showsLabels) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsLabels', {'__this__': this, "showsLabels": showsLabels}); + } + + Future set_showTraffic(bool? showTraffic) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showTraffic', {'__this__': this, "showTraffic": showTraffic}); + } + + Future set_touchPOIEnabled(bool? touchPOIEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_touchPOIEnabled', {'__this__': this, "touchPOIEnabled": touchPOIEnabled}); + } + + Future set_showsCompass(bool? showsCompass) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsCompass', {'__this__': this, "showsCompass": showsCompass}); + } + + Future set_compassOrigin(CGPoint? compassOrigin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_compassOrigin', {'__this__': this, "compassOrigin": compassOrigin}); + } + + Future set_showsScale(bool? showsScale) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsScale', {'__this__': this, "showsScale": showsScale}); + } + + Future set_scaleOrigin(CGPoint? scaleOrigin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_scaleOrigin', {'__this__': this, "scaleOrigin": scaleOrigin}); + } + + Future set_logoCenter(CGPoint? logoCenter) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_logoCenter', {'__this__': this, "logoCenter": logoCenter}); + } + + Future set_maxRenderFrame(int? maxRenderFrame) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_maxRenderFrame', {'__this__': this, "maxRenderFrame": maxRenderFrame}); + } + + Future set_isAllowDecreaseFrame(bool? isAllowDecreaseFrame) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_isAllowDecreaseFrame', {'__this__': this, "isAllowDecreaseFrame": isAllowDecreaseFrame}); + } + + Future set_openGLESDisabled(bool? openGLESDisabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_openGLESDisabled', {'__this__': this, "openGLESDisabled": openGLESDisabled}); + } + + Future set_renderringDisabled(bool? renderringDisabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_renderringDisabled', {'__this__': this, "renderringDisabled": renderringDisabled}); + } + + Future set_screenAnchor(CGPoint? screenAnchor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_screenAnchor', {'__this__': this, "screenAnchor": screenAnchor}); + } + + Future set_showsWorldMap(num? showsWorldMap) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsWorldMap', {'__this__': this, "showsWorldMap": showsWorldMap}); + } + + Future set_mapLanguage(num? mapLanguage) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_mapLanguage', {'__this__': this, "mapLanguage": mapLanguage}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setRegion_animated(MACoordinateRegion? region, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setRegion([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setRegion_animated', {"region": region, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future regionThatFits(MACoordinateRegion? region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::regionThatFits([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::regionThatFits', {"region": region, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setVisibleMapRect_animated(MAMapRect? mapRect, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setVisibleMapRect([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_animated', {"mapRect": mapRect, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future mapRectThatFits(MAMapRect? mapRect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::mapRectThatFits([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::mapRectThatFits', {"mapRect": mapRect, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future mapRectThatFits_edgePadding(MAMapRect? mapRect, UIEdgeInsets? insets) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::mapRectThatFits([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_edgePadding', {"mapRect": mapRect, "insets": insets, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated(MAMapRect? mapRect, UIEdgeInsets? insets, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setVisibleMapRect([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated', {"mapRect": mapRect, "insets": insets, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration(MAMapRect? mapRect, UIEdgeInsets? insets, bool? animated, double? duration) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setVisibleMapRect([\'animated\':$animated, \'duration\':$duration])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration', {"mapRect": mapRect, "insets": insets, "animated": animated, "duration": duration, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCenterCoordinate_animated(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setCenterCoordinate([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCenterCoordinate_animated', {"coordinate": coordinate, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomLevel_animated(double? zoomLevel, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setZoomLevel([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel, \'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setZoomLevel_animated', {"zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated(double? zoomLevel, CGPoint? pivot, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setZoomLevel([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel, \'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated', {"zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "pivot": pivot, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotationDegree_animated_duration(double? rotationDegree, bool? animated, double? duration) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setRotationDegree([\'rotationDegree\':$rotationDegree, \'animated\':$animated, \'duration\':$duration])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setRotationDegree_animated_duration', {"rotationDegree": rotationDegree, "animated": animated, "duration": duration, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCameraDegree_animated_duration(double? cameraDegree, bool? animated, double? duration) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setCameraDegree([\'cameraDegree\':$cameraDegree, \'animated\':$animated, \'duration\':$duration])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCameraDegree_animated_duration', {"cameraDegree": cameraDegree, "animated": animated, "duration": duration, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMapStatus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::getMapStatus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::getMapStatus', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setMapStatus_animated(MAMapStatus? status, bool? animated) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setMapStatus([\'animated\':$animated])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated', {"status": status, "animated": animated, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMapStatus_animated_duration(MAMapStatus? status, bool? animated, double? duration) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setMapStatus([\'animated\':$animated, \'duration\':$duration])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_duration', {"status": status, "animated": animated, "duration": duration, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCompassImage(UIImage? image) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setCompassImage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCompassImage', {"image": image, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future takeSnapshotInRect(CGRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::takeSnapshotInRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect', {"rect": rect, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future takeSnapshotInRect_withCompletionBlock(CGRect? rect, void Function(UIImage? resultImage, int? state) block) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::takeSnapshotInRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_withCompletionBlock', {"rect": rect, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: block([\'resultImage\':${args['resultImage']}, \'state\':${args['state']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + block(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['resultImage']), args['state']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + + Future takeSnapshotInRect_timeoutInterval_completionBlock(CGRect? rect, double? timeout, void Function(UIImage? resultImage, int? state) block) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::takeSnapshotInRect([\'timeout\':$timeout])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_timeoutInterval_completionBlock', {"rect": rect, "timeout": timeout, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|UIImage*#resultImage,NSInteger#state_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: block([\'resultImage\':${args['resultImage']}, \'state\':${args['state']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + block(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['resultImage']), args['state']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + + Future metersPerPointForZoomLevel(double? zoomLevel) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::metersPerPointForZoomLevel([\'zoomLevel\':$zoomLevel])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::metersPerPointForZoomLevel', {"zoomLevel": zoomLevel, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future convertCoordinate_toPointToView(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate, UIView? view) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::convertCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertCoordinate_toPointToView', {"coordinate": coordinate, "view": view, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView(CGPoint? point, UIView? view) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::convertPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView', {"point": point, "view": view, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future convertRegion_toRectToView(MACoordinateRegion? region, UIView? view) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::convertRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertRegion_toRectToView', {"region": region, "view": view, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future convertRect_toRegionFromView(CGRect? rect, UIView? view) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::convertRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertRect_toRegionFromView', {"rect": rect, "view": view, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future reloadMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::reloadMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::reloadMap', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clearDisk() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::clearDisk([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::clearDisk', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future reloadInternalTexture() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::reloadInternalTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::reloadInternalTexture', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future mapContentApprovalNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::mapContentApprovalNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::mapContentApprovalNumber', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future satelliteImageApprovalNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::satelliteImageApprovalNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::satelliteImageApprovalNumber', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future terrainApprovalNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::terrainApprovalNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::terrainApprovalNumber', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future forceRefresh() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::forceRefresh([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::forceRefresh', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setConstructingRoadEnable(bool? enabled) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView@$refId::setConstructingRoadEnable([\'enabled\':$enabled])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setConstructingRoadEnable', {"enabled": enabled, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(AMapPrivacyShowStatus? showStatus, AMapPrivacyInfoStatus? containStatus) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo', {"showStatus": showStatus?.toValue(), "containStatus": containStatus?.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyAgree(AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus? agreeStatus) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree', {"agreeStatus": agreeStatus?.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMapView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMapView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_static_metalEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_metalEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_static_terrainEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_terrainEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_mapType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_mapType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMAMapType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_centerCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_centerCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_region_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_region_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_visibleMapRect_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_visibleMapRect_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_limitRegion_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_limitRegion_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_limitMapRect_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_limitMapRect_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zoomLevel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_zoomLevel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_minZoomLevel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_minZoomLevel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maxZoomLevel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_maxZoomLevel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_rotationDegree_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_rotationDegree_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cameraDegree_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_cameraDegree_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_zoomEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isZoomEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_scrollEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isScrollEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_rotateEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isRotateEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_rotateCameraEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isRotateCameraEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showsBuildings_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsBuildings_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showsLabels_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsLabels_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showTraffic_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowTraffic_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_touchPOIEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_touchPOIEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showsCompass_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_showsCompass_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_compassOrigin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_compassOrigin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_compassSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_compassSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showsScale_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_showsScale_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_scaleOrigin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_scaleOrigin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_scaleSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_scaleSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_logoCenter_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_logoCenter_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_logoSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_logoSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_metersPerPointForCurrentZoom_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isAbroad_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isAbroad_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maxRenderFrame_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_maxRenderFrame_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isAllowDecreaseFrame_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isAllowDecreaseFrame_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_openGLESDisabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_openGLESDisabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_renderringDisabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_renderringDisabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_screenAnchor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_screenAnchor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showsWorldMap_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_isShowsWorldMap_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_mapLanguage_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMapView::get_mapLanguage_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_mapType_batch(List mapType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_mapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "mapType": mapType[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_centerCoordinate_batch(List centerCoordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_centerCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "centerCoordinate": centerCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_region_batch(List region) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_region_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "region": region[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_visibleMapRect_batch(List visibleMapRect) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_visibleMapRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "visibleMapRect": visibleMapRect[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_limitRegion_batch(List limitRegion) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_limitRegion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "limitRegion": limitRegion[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_limitMapRect_batch(List limitMapRect) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_limitMapRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "limitMapRect": limitMapRect[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_zoomLevel_batch(List zoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_zoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_minZoomLevel_batch(List minZoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_minZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "minZoomLevel": minZoomLevel[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_maxZoomLevel_batch(List maxZoomLevel) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_maxZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "maxZoomLevel": maxZoomLevel[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_rotationDegree_batch(List rotationDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_rotationDegree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "rotationDegree": rotationDegree[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cameraDegree_batch(List cameraDegree) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_cameraDegree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cameraDegree": cameraDegree[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint_batch(List zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint": zoomingInPivotsAroundAnchorPoint[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_zoomEnabled_batch(List zoomEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_zoomEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "zoomEnabled": zoomEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_scrollEnabled_batch(List scrollEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_scrollEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "scrollEnabled": scrollEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_rotateEnabled_batch(List rotateEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_rotateEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "rotateEnabled": rotateEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_rotateCameraEnabled_batch(List rotateCameraEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_rotateCameraEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "rotateCameraEnabled": rotateCameraEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showsBuildings_batch(List showsBuildings) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsBuildings_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsBuildings": showsBuildings[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showsLabels_batch(List showsLabels) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsLabels_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsLabels": showsLabels[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showTraffic_batch(List showTraffic) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showTraffic_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showTraffic": showTraffic[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_touchPOIEnabled_batch(List touchPOIEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_touchPOIEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "touchPOIEnabled": touchPOIEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showsCompass_batch(List showsCompass) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsCompass_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsCompass": showsCompass[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_compassOrigin_batch(List compassOrigin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_compassOrigin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "compassOrigin": compassOrigin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showsScale_batch(List showsScale) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsScale_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsScale": showsScale[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_scaleOrigin_batch(List scaleOrigin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_scaleOrigin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "scaleOrigin": scaleOrigin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_logoCenter_batch(List logoCenter) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_logoCenter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "logoCenter": logoCenter[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_maxRenderFrame_batch(List maxRenderFrame) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_maxRenderFrame_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "maxRenderFrame": maxRenderFrame[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_isAllowDecreaseFrame_batch(List isAllowDecreaseFrame) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_isAllowDecreaseFrame_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "isAllowDecreaseFrame": isAllowDecreaseFrame[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_openGLESDisabled_batch(List openGLESDisabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_openGLESDisabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "openGLESDisabled": openGLESDisabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_renderringDisabled_batch(List renderringDisabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_renderringDisabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "renderringDisabled": renderringDisabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_screenAnchor_batch(List screenAnchor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_screenAnchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "screenAnchor": screenAnchor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showsWorldMap_batch(List showsWorldMap) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_showsWorldMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsWorldMap": showsWorldMap[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_mapLanguage_batch(List mapLanguage) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::set_mapLanguage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "mapLanguage": mapLanguage[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setRegion_animated_batch(List region, List animated) async { + assert(region.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setRegion_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> regionThatFits_batch(List region) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::regionThatFits_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisibleMapRect_animated_batch(List mapRect, List animated) async { + assert(mapRect.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapRect": mapRect[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> mapRectThatFits_batch(List mapRect) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapRect": mapRect[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> mapRectThatFits_edgePadding_batch(List mapRect, List insets) async { + assert(mapRect.length == insets.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::mapRectThatFits_edgePadding_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapRect": mapRect[__i__], "insets": insets[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_batch(List mapRect, List insets, List animated) async { + assert(mapRect.length == insets.length && insets.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapRect": mapRect[__i__], "insets": insets[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration_batch(List mapRect, List insets, List animated, List duration) async { + assert(mapRect.length == insets.length && insets.length == animated.length && animated.length == duration.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setVisibleMapRect_edgePadding_animated_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapRect": mapRect[__i__], "insets": insets[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenterCoordinate_animated_batch(List coordinate, List animated) async { + assert(coordinate.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCenterCoordinate_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomLevel_animated_batch(List zoomLevel, List animated) async { + assert(zoomLevel.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setZoomLevel_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated_batch(List zoomLevel, List pivot, List animated) async { + assert(zoomLevel.length == pivot.length && pivot.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setZoomLevel_atPivot_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "pivot": pivot[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotationDegree_animated_duration_batch(List rotationDegree, List animated, List duration) async { + assert(rotationDegree.length == animated.length && animated.length == duration.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setRotationDegree_animated_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"rotationDegree": rotationDegree[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCameraDegree_animated_duration_batch(List cameraDegree, List animated, List duration) async { + assert(cameraDegree.length == animated.length && animated.length == duration.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCameraDegree_animated_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"cameraDegree": cameraDegree[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapStatus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::getMapStatus_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapStatus_animated_batch(List status, List animated) async { + assert(status.length == animated.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"status": status[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMapStatus_animated_duration_batch(List status, List animated, List duration) async { + assert(status.length == animated.length && animated.length == duration.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setMapStatus_animated_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"status": status[__i__], "animated": animated[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCompassImage_batch(List image) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setCompassImage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"image": image[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> takeSnapshotInRect_batch(List rect) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::takeSnapshotInRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"rect": rect[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> metersPerPointForZoomLevel_batch(List zoomLevel) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::metersPerPointForZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"zoomLevel": zoomLevel[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> convertCoordinate_toPointToView_batch(List coordinate, List view) async { + assert(coordinate.length == view.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertCoordinate_toPointToView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coordinate": coordinate[__i__], "view": view[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView_batch(List point, List view) async { + assert(point.length == view.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertPoint_toCoordinateFromView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"point": point[__i__], "view": view[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> convertRegion_toRectToView_batch(List region, List view) async { + assert(region.length == view.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertRegion_toRectToView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"region": region[__i__], "view": view[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> convertRect_toRegionFromView_batch(List rect, List view) async { + assert(rect.length == view.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::convertRect_toRegionFromView_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"rect": rect[__i__], "view": view[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> reloadMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::reloadMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clearDisk_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::clearDisk_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> reloadInternalTexture_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::reloadInternalTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> mapContentApprovalNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::mapContentApprovalNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> satelliteImageApprovalNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::satelliteImageApprovalNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> terrainApprovalNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::terrainApprovalNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> forceRefresh_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::forceRefresh_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setConstructingRoadEnable_batch(List enabled) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::setConstructingRoadEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"enabled": enabled[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch(List showStatus, List containStatus) async { + assert(showStatus.length == containStatus.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < showStatus.length; __i__++) {"showStatus": showStatus[__i__]?.toValue(), "containStatus": containStatus[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyAgree_batch(List agreeStatus) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapView::updatePrivacyAgree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < agreeStatus.length; __i__++) {"agreeStatus": agreeStatus[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMapViewDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMapViewDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f222a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMapViewDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAMapViewDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with MAMapViewDelegate {} + +mixin MAMapViewDelegate on NSObject { + + + static MAMapViewDelegate subInstance() => _MAMapViewDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapViewDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('MAMapViewDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'mapViewRegionChanged': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewRegionChanged?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewRegionChanged?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'animated\':${args['animated']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['animated']); + break; + case 'mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'animated\':${args['animated']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['animated']); + break; + case 'mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'animated\':${args['animated']}, \'wasUserAction\':${args['wasUserAction']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['animated'], args['wasUserAction']); + break; + case 'mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'animated\':${args['animated']}, \'wasUserAction\':${args['wasUserAction']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['animated'], args['wasUserAction']); + break; + case 'mapView_mapWillMoveByUser': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_mapWillMoveByUser?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'wasUserAction\':${args['wasUserAction']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_mapWillMoveByUser?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['wasUserAction']); + break; + case 'mapView_mapDidMoveByUser': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_mapDidMoveByUser?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'wasUserAction\':${args['wasUserAction']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_mapDidMoveByUser?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['wasUserAction']); + break; + case 'mapView_mapWillZoomByUser': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_mapWillZoomByUser?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'wasUserAction\':${args['wasUserAction']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_mapWillZoomByUser?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['wasUserAction']); + break; + case 'mapView_mapDidZoomByUser': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_mapDidZoomByUser?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'wasUserAction\':${args['wasUserAction']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_mapDidZoomByUser?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['wasUserAction']); + break; + case 'mapViewWillStartLoadingMap': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewWillStartLoadingMap?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewWillStartLoadingMap?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'mapViewDidFailLoadingMap_withError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewDidFailLoadingMap_withError?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewDidFailLoadingMap_withError?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'mapView_viewForAnnotation': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_viewForAnnotation?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'annotation\':${args['annotation']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_viewForAnnotation?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['annotation'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didAddAnnotationViews': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didAddAnnotationViews?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'views\':${args['views']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didAddAnnotationViews?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), (args['views'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()); + break; + case 'mapView_didSelectAnnotationView': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didSelectAnnotationView?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'view\':${args['view']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didSelectAnnotationView?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['view'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didDeselectAnnotationView': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didDeselectAnnotationView?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'view\':${args['view']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didDeselectAnnotationView?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['view'])); + break; + case 'mapViewWillStartLocatingUser': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewWillStartLocatingUser?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewWillStartLocatingUser?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'mapViewDidStopLocatingUser': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewDidStopLocatingUser?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewDidStopLocatingUser?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didUpdateUserLocation_updatingLocation': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didUpdateUserLocation_updatingLocation?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'userLocation\':${args['userLocation']}, \'updatingLocation\':${args['updatingLocation']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didUpdateUserLocation_updatingLocation?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['userLocation']), args['updatingLocation']); + break; + case 'mapViewRequireLocationAuth': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewRequireLocationAuth?.call([\'locationManager\':${args['locationManager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewRequireLocationAuth?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['locationManager'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didFailToLocateUserWithError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didFailToLocateUserWithError?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didFailToLocateUserWithError?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'view\':${args['view']}, \'newState\':${args['newState']}, \'oldState\':${args['oldState']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['view']), (args['newState'] as int).toMAAnnotationViewDragState(), (args['oldState'] as int).toMAAnnotationViewDragState()); + break; + case 'mapView_rendererForOverlay': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_rendererForOverlay?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'overlay\':${args['overlay']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_rendererForOverlay?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['overlay'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didAddOverlayRenderers': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didAddOverlayRenderers?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'overlayRenderers\':${args['overlayRenderers']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didAddOverlayRenderers?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), (args['overlayRenderers'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()); + break; + case 'mapView_annotationView_calloutAccessoryControlTapped': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_annotationView_calloutAccessoryControlTapped?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'view\':${args['view']}, \'control\':${args['control']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_annotationView_calloutAccessoryControlTapped?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['view']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['control'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'view\':${args['view']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['view'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'view\':${args['view']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['view'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didChangeUserTrackingMode_animated': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didChangeUserTrackingMode_animated?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'mode\':${args['mode']}, \'animated\':${args['animated']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didChangeUserTrackingMode_animated?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), (args['mode'] as int).toMAUserTrackingMode(), args['animated']); + break; + case 'mapView_didChangeOpenGLESDisabled': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didChangeOpenGLESDisabled?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'openGLESDisabled\':${args['openGLESDisabled']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didChangeOpenGLESDisabled?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), args['openGLESDisabled']); + break; + case 'mapView_didTouchPois': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didTouchPois?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'pois\':${args['pois']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didTouchPois?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), (args['pois'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()); + break; + case 'mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'coordinate\':${args['coordinate']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['coordinate'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'coordinate\':${args['coordinate']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['coordinate'])); + break; + case 'mapInitComplete': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapInitComplete?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapInitComplete?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didIndoorMapShowed': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didIndoorMapShowed?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'indoorInfo\':${args['indoorInfo']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didIndoorMapShowed?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['indoorInfo'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'indoorInfo\':${args['indoorInfo']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['indoorInfo'])); + break; + case 'mapView_didIndoorMapHidden': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapView_didIndoorMapHidden?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}, \'indoorInfo\':${args['indoorInfo']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapView_didIndoorMapHidden?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['indoorInfo'])); + break; + case 'offlineDataWillReload': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.offlineDataWillReload?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.offlineDataWillReload?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + case 'offlineDataDidReload': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.offlineDataDidReload?.call([\'mapView\':${args['mapView']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.offlineDataDidReload?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['mapView'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? mapViewRegionChanged; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? animated)? mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? animated)? mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? animated, bool? wasUserAction)? mapView_regionWillChangeAnimated_wasUserAction; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? animated, bool? wasUserAction)? mapView_regionDidChangeAnimated_wasUserAction; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? wasUserAction)? mapView_mapWillMoveByUser; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? wasUserAction)? mapView_mapDidMoveByUser; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? wasUserAction)? mapView_mapWillZoomByUser; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? wasUserAction)? mapView_mapDidZoomByUser; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? mapViewWillStartLoadingMap; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, NSError? error)? mapViewDidFailLoadingMap_withError; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotation? annotation)? mapView_viewForAnnotation; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, List? views)? mapView_didAddAnnotationViews; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotationView? view)? mapView_didSelectAnnotationView; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotationView? view)? mapView_didDeselectAnnotationView; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? mapViewWillStartLocatingUser; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? mapViewDidStopLocatingUser; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAUserLocation? userLocation, bool? updatingLocation)? mapView_didUpdateUserLocation_updatingLocation; + + Future Function(CLLocationManager? locationManager)? mapViewRequireLocationAuth; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, NSError? error)? mapView_didFailToLocateUserWithError; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotationView? view, MAAnnotationViewDragState? newState, MAAnnotationViewDragState? oldState)? mapView_annotationView_didChangeDragState_fromOldState; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAOverlay? overlay)? mapView_rendererForOverlay; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, List? overlayRenderers)? mapView_didAddOverlayRenderers; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotationView? view, UIControl? control)? mapView_annotationView_calloutAccessoryControlTapped; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotationView? view)? mapView_didAnnotationViewCalloutTapped; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAAnnotationView? view)? mapView_didAnnotationViewTapped; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAUserTrackingMode? mode, bool? animated)? mapView_didChangeUserTrackingMode_animated; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, bool? openGLESDisabled)? mapView_didChangeOpenGLESDisabled; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, List? pois)? mapView_didTouchPois; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate)? mapView_didSingleTappedAtCoordinate; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate)? mapView_didLongPressedAtCoordinate; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? mapInitComplete; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAIndoorInfo? indoorInfo)? mapView_didIndoorMapShowed; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAIndoorInfo? indoorInfo)? mapView_didIndoorMapFloorIndexChanged; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView, MAIndoorInfo? indoorInfo)? mapView_didIndoorMapHidden; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? offlineDataWillReload; + + Future Function(MAMapView? mapView)? offlineDataDidReload; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45dac49 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer extends MAPolylineRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_multiPolyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_strokeColors() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_strokeColors", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_gradient() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_isGradient", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strokeColors(List? strokeColors) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_strokeColors', {'__this__': this, "strokeColors": strokeColors}); + } + + Future set_gradient(bool? gradient) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_gradient', {'__this__': this, "gradient": gradient}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithMultiPolyline(MAMultiPolyline? multiPolyline) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer@$refId::initWithMultiPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline', {"multiPolyline": multiPolyline, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_multiPolyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_strokeColors_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_strokeColors_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_gradient_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::get_isGradient_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strokeColors_batch(List?> strokeColors) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_strokeColors_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strokeColors": strokeColors[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_gradient_batch(List gradient) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::set_gradient_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "gradient": gradient[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithMultiPolyline_batch(List multiPolyline) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"multiPolyline": multiPolyline[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7b6371 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiPoint extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiPoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPoint', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPoint', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_points() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPoint::get_points", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_pointCount() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPoint::get_pointCount", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cross180Longitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPoint::get_cross180Longitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiPoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiPoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_points_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPoint::get_points_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pointCount_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPoint::get_pointCount_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cross180Longitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPoint::get_cross180Longitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointItem.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeb0ae9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiPointItem extends NSObject with MAAnnotation, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiPointItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointItem', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPointItem', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_customID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_customID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_title() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_title", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_subtitle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_subtitle", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + Future set_customID(String? customID) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_customID', {'__this__': this, "customID": customID}); + } + + Future set_title(String? title) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_title', {'__this__': this, "title": title}); + } + + Future set_subtitle(String? subtitle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_subtitle', {'__this__': this, "subtitle": subtitle}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiPointItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiPointItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_customID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_customID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_title_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_title_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_subtitle_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointItem::get_subtitle_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_customID_batch(List customID) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_customID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "customID": customID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_title_batch(List title) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_title_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "title": title[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_subtitle_batch(List subtitle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointItem::set_subtitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "subtitle": subtitle[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1ab730 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiPointOverlay extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiPointOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPointOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_items() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlay::get_items", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithMultiPointItems(List? items) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMultiPointOverlay@$refId::initWithMultiPointItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlay::initWithMultiPointItems', {"items": items, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiPointOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiPointOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_items_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlay::get_items_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithMultiPointItems_batch(List?> items) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlay::initWithMultiPointItems_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"items": items[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06116d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_icon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_icon", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_pointSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_pointSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_anchor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_anchor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_multiPointOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_multiPointOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_delegate(MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate? delegate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + Future set_icon(UIImage? icon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_icon', {'__this__': this, "icon": icon}); + } + + Future set_pointSize(CGSize? pointSize) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_pointSize', {'__this__': this, "pointSize": pointSize}); + } + + Future set_anchor(CGPoint? anchor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_anchor', {'__this__': this, "anchor": anchor}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithMultiPointOverlay(MAMultiPointOverlay? multiPointOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithMultiPointOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::initWithMultiPointOverlay', {"multiPointOverlay": multiPointOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_icon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_icon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pointSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_pointSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_anchor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_anchor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_multiPointOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::get_multiPointOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_icon_batch(List icon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "icon": icon[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pointSize_batch(List pointSize) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_pointSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pointSize": pointSize[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_anchor_batch(List anchor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::set_anchor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "anchor": anchor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithMultiPointOverlay_batch(List multiPointOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer::initWithMultiPointOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"multiPointOverlay": multiPointOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b703ce5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate {} + +mixin MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate on NSObject { + + + static MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate subInstance() => _MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped?.call([\'renderer\':${args['renderer']}, \'item\':${args['item']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['renderer']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['item'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer? renderer, MAMultiPointItem? item)? multiPointOverlayRenderer_didItemTapped; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPolyline.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPolyline.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aa427f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiPolyline.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiPolyline extends MAPolyline with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiPolyline'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiPolyline', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiPolyline', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_drawStyleIndexes() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPolyline::get_drawStyleIndexes", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_drawStyleIndexes(List? drawStyleIndexes) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPolyline::set_drawStyleIndexes', {'__this__': this, "drawStyleIndexes": drawStyleIndexes}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiPolyline{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiPolyline_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_drawStyleIndexes_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiPolyline::get_drawStyleIndexes_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_drawStyleIndexes_batch(List?> drawStyleIndexes) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiPolyline::set_drawStyleIndexes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "drawStyleIndexes": drawStyleIndexes[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d19909f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer extends MAPolylineRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_multiPolyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_strokeTextureImages() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_strokeTextureImages", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strokeTextureImages(List? strokeTextureImages) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::set_strokeTextureImages', {'__this__': this, "strokeTextureImages": strokeTextureImages}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithMultiPolyline(MAMultiPolyline? multiPolyline) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer@$refId::initWithMultiPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline', {"multiPolyline": multiPolyline, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_multiPolyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_multiPolyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_strokeTextureImages_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::get_strokeTextureImages_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strokeTextureImages_batch(List?> strokeTextureImages) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::set_strokeTextureImages_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strokeTextureImages": strokeTextureImages[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithMultiPolyline_batch(List multiPolyline) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer::initWithMultiPolyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"multiPolyline": multiPolyline[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineCity.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..953b293 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineCity extends MAOfflineItem { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineCity'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineCity', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineCity', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_cityCode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineCity::get_cityCode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_cityCode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineCity::get_cityCode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItem.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5c9040 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineItem extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineItem'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItem', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItem', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_jianpin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_jianpin", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_pinyin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_pinyin", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_size() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_size", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_itemStatus() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_itemStatus", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAOfflineItemStatus(); + } + + Future get_downloadedSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_downloadedSize", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_jianpin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_jianpin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pinyin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_pinyin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_size_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_size_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_itemStatus_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_itemStatus_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMAOfflineItemStatus()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_downloadedSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItem::get_downloadedSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemCommonCity.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemCommonCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7a1a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemCommonCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineItemCommonCity extends MAOfflineCity { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineItemCommonCity'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemCommonCity', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItemCommonCity', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItemCommonCity::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_province(MAOfflineItem? province) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineItemCommonCity::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineItemCommonCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineItemCommonCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineItemCommonCity::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineItemCommonCity::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemMunicipality.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemMunicipality.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f709e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemMunicipality.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineItemMunicipality extends MAOfflineCity { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineItemMunicipality'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemMunicipality', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItemMunicipality', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineItemMunicipality{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineItemMunicipality_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemNationWide.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemNationWide.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7357bda --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemNationWide.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineItemNationWide extends MAOfflineCity { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineItemNationWide'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineItemNationWide', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineItemNationWide', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineItemNationWide{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineItemNationWide_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6e4541 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineItemStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAOfflineItemStatus { + MAOfflineItemStatusNone /* 0 */, + MAOfflineItemStatusCached /* null */, + MAOfflineItemStatusInstalled /* null */, + MAOfflineItemStatusExpired /* null */ +} + +extension MAOfflineItemStatusToX on MAOfflineItemStatus { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusNone: return 0; + case MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusCached: return MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusCached.index + 0; + case MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusInstalled: return MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusInstalled.index + 0; + case MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusExpired: return MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusExpired.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAOfflineItemStatusFromX on int { + MAOfflineItemStatus toMAOfflineItemStatus() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAOfflineItemStatus.MAOfflineItemStatusNone; + default: return MAOfflineItemStatus.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMap.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMap.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..001136c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMap.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineMap extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineMap'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineMap', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineMap', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_provinces() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_provinces", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_municipalities() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_municipalities", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_nationWide() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_nationWide", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_cities() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_cities", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_version() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_version", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future sharedOfflineMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setupWithCompletionBlock(void Function(bool? setupSuccess) block) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::setupWithCompletionBlock([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::setupWithCompletionBlock', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('void|BOOL#setupSuccess::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|BOOL#setupSuccess': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: block([\'setupSuccess\':${args['setupSuccess']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + block(args['setupSuccess']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + + Future downloadItem_shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground_downloadBlock(MAOfflineItem? item, bool? shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground, void Function(MAOfflineItem? downloadItem, MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus? downloadStatus, dynamic info) downloadBlock) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::downloadItem([\'shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground\':$shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::downloadItem_shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground_downloadBlock', {"item": item, "shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground": shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('MAOfflineMapDownloadBlock::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'MAOfflineMapDownloadBlock__': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: downloadBlock([\'downloadItem\':${args['downloadItem']}, \'downloadStatus\':${args['downloadStatus']}, \'info\':${args['info']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + downloadBlock(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['downloadItem']), (args['downloadStatus'] as int).toMAOfflineMapDownloadStatus(), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['info'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isDownloadingForItem(MAOfflineItem? item) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::isDownloadingForItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::isDownloadingForItem', {"item": item, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future pauseItem(MAOfflineItem? item) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::pauseItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::pauseItem', {"item": item, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future deleteItem(MAOfflineItem? item) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::deleteItem([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::deleteItem', {"item": item, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future cancelAll() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::cancelAll([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::cancelAll', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clearDisk() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::clearDisk([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::clearDisk', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future checkNewestVersion(void Function(bool? hasNewestVersion) newestVersionBlock) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMap@$refId::checkNewestVersion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::checkNewestVersion', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('MAOfflineMapNewestVersionBlock::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'MAOfflineMapNewestVersionBlock': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: newestVersionBlock([\'hasNewestVersion\':${args['hasNewestVersion']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + newestVersionBlock(args['hasNewestVersion']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineMap{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineMap_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_provinces_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_provinces_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_municipalities_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_municipalities_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nationWide_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_nationWide_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_cities_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_cities_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_version_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMap::get_version_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> sharedOfflineMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::sharedOfflineMap_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDownloadingForItem_batch(List item) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::isDownloadingForItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"item": item[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> pauseItem_batch(List item) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::pauseItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"item": item[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> deleteItem_batch(List item) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::deleteItem_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"item": item[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> cancelAll_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::cancelAll_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clearDisk_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMap::clearDisk_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6036c0a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus { + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusWaiting /* 0 */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusStart /* null */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusProgress /* null */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCompleted /* null */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCancelled /* null */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusUnzip /* null */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusFinished /* null */, + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusError /* null */ +} + +extension MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusToX on MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusWaiting: return 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusStart: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusStart.index + 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusProgress: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusProgress.index + 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCompleted: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCompleted.index + 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCancelled: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCancelled.index + 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusUnzip: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusUnzip.index + 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusFinished: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusFinished.index + 0; + case MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusError: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusError.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusFromX on int { + MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus toMAOfflineMapDownloadStatus() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusWaiting; + default: return MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapError.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapError.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8862eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapError.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAOfflineMapError { + MAOfflineMapErrorUnknown /* -1 */, + MAOfflineMapErrorCannotWriteToTmp /* -2 */, + MAOfflineMapErrorCannotOpenZipFile /* -3 */, + MAOfflineMapErrorCannotExpand /* -4 */ +} + +extension MAOfflineMapErrorToX on MAOfflineMapError { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorUnknown: return -1; + case MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorCannotWriteToTmp: return -2; + case MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorCannotOpenZipFile: return -3; + case MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorCannotExpand: return -4; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAOfflineMapErrorFromX on int { + MAOfflineMapError toMAOfflineMapError() { + switch (this) { + case -1: return MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorUnknown; + case -2: return MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorCannotWriteToTmp; + case -3: return MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorCannotOpenZipFile; + case -4: return MAOfflineMapError.MAOfflineMapErrorCannotExpand; + default: return MAOfflineMapError.values[this + -1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapViewController.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapViewController.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d1b892 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineMapViewController.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineMapViewController extends UIViewController { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineMapViewController'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineMapViewController', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineMapViewController', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_offlineMap() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMapViewController::get_offlineMap", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future sharedInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineMapViewController{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineMapViewController_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_offlineMap_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineMapViewController::get_offlineMap_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> sharedInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOfflineMapViewController::sharedInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineProvince.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineProvince.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b5dada --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOfflineProvince.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOfflineProvince extends MAOfflineItem { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOfflineProvince'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOfflineProvince', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOfflineProvince', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_cities() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineProvince::get_cities", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOfflineProvince{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOfflineProvince_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_cities_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOfflineProvince::get_cities_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b73e66 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAOverlay_SUB extends NSObject with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay {} + +mixin MAOverlay on MAAnnotation { + + + static MAOverlay subInstance() => _MAOverlay_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future coordinate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlay@$refId::coordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlay::coordinate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future boundingMapRect() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlay@$refId::boundingMapRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlay::boundingMapRect', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + +} + +extension MAOverlay_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> coordinate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlay::coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> boundingMapRect_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlay::boundingMapRect_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayLevel.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayLevel.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d1669e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayLevel.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAOverlayLevel { + MAOverlayLevelAboveRoads /* 0 */, + MAOverlayLevelAboveLabels /* null */ +} + +extension MAOverlayLevelToX on MAOverlayLevel { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAOverlayLevel.MAOverlayLevelAboveRoads: return 0; + case MAOverlayLevel.MAOverlayLevelAboveLabels: return MAOverlayLevel.MAOverlayLevelAboveLabels.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAOverlayLevelFromX on int { + MAOverlayLevel toMAOverlayLevel() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAOverlayLevel.MAOverlayLevelAboveRoads; + default: return MAOverlayLevel.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayPathRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayPathRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90596d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayPathRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOverlayPathRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOverlayPathRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOverlayPathRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOverlayPathRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_fillColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_fillColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_strokeColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_strokeColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_lineWidth() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineWidth", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_lineJoinType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineJoinType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMALineJoinType(); + } + + Future get_lineCapType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineCapType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMALineCapType(); + } + + Future get_miterLimit() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_miterLimit", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_lineDashType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineDashType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMALineDashType(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_fillColor(UIColor? fillColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_fillColor', {'__this__': this, "fillColor": fillColor}); + } + + Future set_strokeColor(UIColor? strokeColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_strokeColor', {'__this__': this, "strokeColor": strokeColor}); + } + + Future set_lineWidth(double? lineWidth) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineWidth', {'__this__': this, "lineWidth": lineWidth}); + } + + Future set_lineJoinType(MALineJoinType? lineJoinType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineJoinType', {'__this__': this, "lineJoinType": lineJoinType?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_lineCapType(MALineCapType? lineCapType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineCapType', {'__this__': this, "lineCapType": lineCapType?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_miterLimit(double? miterLimit) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_miterLimit', {'__this__': this, "miterLimit": miterLimit}); + } + + Future set_lineDashType(MALineDashType? lineDashType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineDashType', {'__this__': this, "lineDashType": lineDashType?.toValue()}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOverlayPathRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOverlayPathRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_fillColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_fillColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strokeColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_strokeColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lineWidth_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineWidth_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lineJoinType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineJoinType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMALineJoinType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lineCapType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineCapType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMALineCapType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_miterLimit_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_miterLimit_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lineDashType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayPathRenderer::get_lineDashType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMALineDashType()).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_fillColor_batch(List fillColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_fillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "fillColor": fillColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_strokeColor_batch(List strokeColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_strokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strokeColor": strokeColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_lineWidth_batch(List lineWidth) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lineWidth": lineWidth[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_lineJoinType_batch(List lineJoinType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineJoinType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lineJoinType": lineJoinType[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_lineCapType_batch(List lineCapType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineCapType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lineCapType": lineCapType[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_miterLimit_batch(List miterLimit) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_miterLimit_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "miterLimit": miterLimit[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_lineDashType_batch(List lineDashType) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayPathRenderer::set_lineDashType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lineDashType": lineDashType[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43ce1e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAOverlayRenderer extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_overlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_overlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_strokeImage() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeImage", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_strokeTextureID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeTextureID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_alpha() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_alpha", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_contentScale() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_contentScale", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strokeImage(UIImage? strokeImage) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::set_strokeImage', {'__this__': this, "strokeImage": strokeImage}); + } + + Future set_alpha(double? alpha) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::set_alpha', {'__this__': this, "alpha": alpha}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithOverlay(MAOverlay? overlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::initWithOverlay', {"overlay": overlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getViewMatrix() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::getViewMatrix([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getViewMatrix', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getProjectionMatrix() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::getProjectionMatrix([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getProjectionMatrix', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getOffsetPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::getOffsetPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getOffsetPoint', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMapZoomLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::getMapZoomLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getMapZoomLevel', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future glPointForMapPoint(MAMapPoint? mapPoint) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::glPointForMapPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glPointForMapPoint', {"mapPoint": mapPoint, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> glPointsForMapPoints_count(List? mapPoints, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::glPointsForMapPoints([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glPointsForMapPoints_count', {"mapPoints": mapPoints, "count": count, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future glWidthForWindowWidth(double? windowWidth) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::glWidthForWindowWidth([\'windowWidth\':$windowWidth])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glWidthForWindowWidth', {"windowWidth": windowWidth, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future glRender() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::glRender([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glRender', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future loadTexture(UIImage? textureImage) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::loadTexture([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::loadTexture', {"textureImage": textureImage, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future deleteTexture(int? textureId) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::deleteTexture([\'textureId\':$textureId])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::deleteTexture', {"textureId": textureId, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNeedsUpdate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAOverlayRenderer@$refId::setNeedsUpdate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::setNeedsUpdate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_overlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_overlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strokeImage_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeImage_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strokeTextureID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_strokeTextureID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_alpha_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_alpha_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_contentScale_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAOverlayRenderer::get_contentScale_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strokeImage_batch(List strokeImage) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::set_strokeImage_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strokeImage": strokeImage[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_alpha_batch(List alpha) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::set_alpha_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "alpha": alpha[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithOverlay_batch(List overlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::initWithOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"overlay": overlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getViewMatrix_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getViewMatrix_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProjectionMatrix_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getProjectionMatrix_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOffsetPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getOffsetPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMapZoomLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::getMapZoomLevel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> glPointForMapPoint_batch(List mapPoint) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glPointForMapPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapPoint": mapPoint[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> glPointsForMapPoints_count_batch(List?> mapPoints, List count) async { + assert(mapPoints.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glPointsForMapPoints_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"mapPoints": mapPoints[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> glWidthForWindowWidth_batch(List windowWidth) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glWidthForWindowWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"windowWidth": windowWidth[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> glRender_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::glRender_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> loadTexture_batch(List textureImage) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::loadTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"textureImage": textureImage[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> deleteTexture_batch(List textureId) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::deleteTexture_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"textureId": textureId[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNeedsUpdate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAOverlayRenderer::setNeedsUpdate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleColorGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleColorGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8314e25 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleColorGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAParticleColorGenerate_SUB extends NSObject with MAParticleColorGenerate {} + +mixin MAParticleColorGenerate on NSObject { + + + static MAParticleColorGenerate subInstance() => _MAParticleColorGenerate_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getColor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleColorGenerate@$refId::getColor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleColorGenerate::getColor', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + +} + +extension MAParticleColorGenerate_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getColor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleColorGenerate::getColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af77e57 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate extends NSObject with MAParticleRotationGenerate { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithRotate(double? rotate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate@$refId::initWithRotate([\'rotate\':$rotate])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate::initWithRotate', {"rotate": rotate, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithRotate_batch(List rotate) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate::initWithRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"rotate": rotate[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26011fd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate extends NSObject with MAParticleSizeGenerate { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithCurveX_Y_Z(double? x, double? y, double? z) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate@$refId::initWithCurveX([\'x\':$x, \'y\':$y, \'z\':$z])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate::initWithCurveX_Y_Z', {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithCurveX_Y_Z_batch(List x, List y, List z) async { + assert(x.length == y.length && y.length == z.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate::initWithCurveX_Y_Z_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"x": x[__i__], "y": y[__i__], "z": z[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleEmissionModuleOC.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleEmissionModuleOC.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0eaa6ae --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleEmissionModuleOC.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleEmissionModuleOC extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleEmissionModuleOC'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleEmissionModuleOC', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleEmissionModuleOC', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithEmissionRate_rateTime(int? rate, int? rateTime) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleEmissionModuleOC@$refId::initWithEmissionRate([\'rate\':$rate, \'rateTime\':$rateTime])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleEmissionModuleOC::initWithEmissionRate_rateTime', {"rate": rate, "rateTime": rateTime, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleEmissionModuleOC{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleEmissionModuleOC_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithEmissionRate_rateTime_batch(List rate, List rateTime) async { + assert(rate.length == rateTime.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleEmissionModuleOC::initWithEmissionRate_rateTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"rate": rate[__i__], "rateTime": rateTime[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f3e552 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setVelocityOverLife(MAParticleVelocityGenerate? velocity) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC@$refId::setVelocityOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setVelocityOverLife', {"velocity": velocity, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRotationOverLife(MAParticleRotationGenerate? rotation) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC@$refId::setRotationOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setRotationOverLife', {"rotation": rotation, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSizeOverLife(MAParticleSizeGenerate? size) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC@$refId::setSizeOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setSizeOverLife', {"size": size, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setColorOverLife(MAParticleColorGenerate? color) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC@$refId::setColorOverLife([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setColorOverLife', {"color": color, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setVelocityOverLife_batch(List velocity) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setVelocityOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"velocity": velocity[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRotationOverLife_batch(List rotation) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setRotationOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"rotation": rotation[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSizeOverLife_batch(List size) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setSizeOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"size": size[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setColorOverLife_batch(List color) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC::setColorOverLife_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"color": color[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d2aa24 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleOverlay extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_overlayOption() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlay::get_overlayOption", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future particleOverlayWithOption(MAParticleOverlayOptions? option) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption', {"option": option}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future updateOverlayOption(MAParticleOverlayOptions? overlayOption) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverlay@$refId::updateOverlayOption([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlay::updateOverlayOption', {"overlayOption": overlayOption, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_overlayOption_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlay::get_overlayOption_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> particleOverlayWithOption_batch(List option) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlay::particleOverlayWithOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < option.length; __i__++) {"option": option[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> updateOverlayOption_batch(List overlayOption) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlay::updateOverlayOption_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"overlayOption": overlayOption[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..136aa34 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleOverlayOptions extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleOverlayOptions'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayOptions', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlayOptions', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_visibile() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_visibile", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_loop() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_loop", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maxParticles() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_maxParticles", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_icon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_icon", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_startParticleSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_startParticleSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_particleLifeTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleLifeTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_particleStartColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_particleStartSpeed() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartSpeed", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_particleEmissionModule() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleEmissionModule", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_particleShapeModule() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleShapeModule", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_particleOverLifeModule() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleOverLifeModule", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_visibile(bool? visibile) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_visibile', {'__this__': this, "visibile": visibile}); + } + + Future set_duration(double? duration) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_loop(bool? loop) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_loop', {'__this__': this, "loop": loop}); + } + + Future set_maxParticles(int? maxParticles) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_maxParticles', {'__this__': this, "maxParticles": maxParticles}); + } + + Future set_icon(UIImage? icon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_icon', {'__this__': this, "icon": icon}); + } + + Future set_startParticleSize(CGSize? startParticleSize) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_startParticleSize', {'__this__': this, "startParticleSize": startParticleSize}); + } + + Future set_particleLifeTime(double? particleLifeTime) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleLifeTime', {'__this__': this, "particleLifeTime": particleLifeTime}); + } + + Future set_particleStartColor(MAParticleColorGenerate? particleStartColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartColor', {'__this__': this, "particleStartColor": particleStartColor}); + } + + Future set_particleStartSpeed(MAParticleVelocityGenerate? particleStartSpeed) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartSpeed', {'__this__': this, "particleStartSpeed": particleStartSpeed}); + } + + Future set_particleEmissionModule(MAParticleEmissionModuleOC? particleEmissionModule) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleEmissionModule', {'__this__': this, "particleEmissionModule": particleEmissionModule}); + } + + Future set_particleShapeModule(MAParticleShapeModule? particleShapeModule) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleShapeModule', {'__this__': this, "particleShapeModule": particleShapeModule}); + } + + Future set_particleOverLifeModule(MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC? particleOverLifeModule) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleOverLifeModule', {'__this__': this, "particleOverLifeModule": particleOverLifeModule}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleOverlayOptions{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleOverlayOptions_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_visibile_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_visibile_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_loop_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_loop_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maxParticles_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_maxParticles_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_icon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_icon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_startParticleSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_startParticleSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_particleLifeTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleLifeTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_particleStartColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_particleStartSpeed_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleStartSpeed_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_particleEmissionModule_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleEmissionModule_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_particleShapeModule_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleShapeModule_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_particleOverLifeModule_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayOptions::get_particleOverLifeModule_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_visibile_batch(List visibile) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_visibile_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "visibile": visibile[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_loop_batch(List loop) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_loop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "loop": loop[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_maxParticles_batch(List maxParticles) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_maxParticles_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "maxParticles": maxParticles[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_icon_batch(List icon) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_icon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "icon": icon[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startParticleSize_batch(List startParticleSize) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_startParticleSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startParticleSize": startParticleSize[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_particleLifeTime_batch(List particleLifeTime) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleLifeTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "particleLifeTime": particleLifeTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_particleStartColor_batch(List particleStartColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "particleStartColor": particleStartColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_particleStartSpeed_batch(List particleStartSpeed) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleStartSpeed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "particleStartSpeed": particleStartSpeed[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_particleEmissionModule_batch(List particleEmissionModule) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleEmissionModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "particleEmissionModule": particleEmissionModule[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_particleShapeModule_batch(List particleShapeModule) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleShapeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "particleShapeModule": particleShapeModule[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_particleOverLifeModule_batch(List particleOverLifeModule) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptions::set_particleOverLifeModule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "particleOverLifeModule": particleOverLifeModule[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71f5002 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future?> particleOverlayOptionsWithType(MAParticleOverlayType? particleType) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType', {"particleType": particleType?.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future?>> particleOverlayOptionsWithType_batch(List particleType) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory::particleOverlayOptionsWithType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < particleType.length; __i__++) {"particleType": particleType[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c8619f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleOverlayRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_particleOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayRenderer::get_particleOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithParticleOverlay(MAParticleOverlay? particleOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithParticleOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayRenderer::initWithParticleOverlay', {"particleOverlay": particleOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_particleOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAParticleOverlayRenderer::get_particleOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithParticleOverlay_batch(List particleOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleOverlayRenderer::initWithParticleOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"particleOverlay": particleOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4c9e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleOverlayType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAParticleOverlayType { + MAParticleOverlayTypeSunny /* 1 */, + MAParticleOverlayTypeRain /* null */, + MAParticleOverlayTypeSnowy /* null */, + MAParticleOverlayTypeHaze /* null */ +} + +extension MAParticleOverlayTypeToX on MAParticleOverlayType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeSunny: return 1; + case MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeRain: return MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeRain.index + 1; + case MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeSnowy: return MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeSnowy.index + 1; + case MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeHaze: return MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeHaze.index + 1; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAParticleOverlayTypeFromX on int { + MAParticleOverlayType toMAParticleOverlayType() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return MAParticleOverlayType.MAParticleOverlayTypeSunny; + default: return MAParticleOverlayType.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomColorGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomColorGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1be4145 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomColorGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleRandomColorGenerate extends NSObject with MAParticleColorGenerate { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleRandomColorGenerate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRandomColorGenerate', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleRandomColorGenerate', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2(double? r1, double? g1, double? b1, double? a1, double? r2, double? g2, double? b2, double? a2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleRandomColorGenerate@$refId::initWithBoundaryColorR1([\'r1\':$r1, \'g1\':$g1, \'b1\':$b1, \'a1\':$a1, \'r2\':$r2, \'g2\':$g2, \'b2\':$b2, \'a2\':$a2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRandomColorGenerate::initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2', {"r1": r1, "g1": g1, "b1": b1, "a1": a1, "r2": r2, "g2": g2, "b2": b2, "a2": a2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleRandomColorGenerate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleRandomColorGenerate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2_batch(List r1, List g1, List b1, List a1, List r2, List g2, List b2, List a2) async { + assert(r1.length == g1.length && g1.length == b1.length && b1.length == a1.length && a1.length == r2.length && r2.length == g2.length && g2.length == b2.length && b2.length == a2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRandomColorGenerate::initWithBoundaryColorR1_G1_B1_A1_R2_G2_B2_A2_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"r1": r1[__i__], "g1": g1[__i__], "b1": b1[__i__], "a1": a1[__i__], "r2": r2[__i__], "g2": g2[__i__], "b2": b2[__i__], "a2": a2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1deeda2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate extends NSObject with MAParticleVelocityGenerate { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2(double? x1, double? y1, double? z1, double? x2, double? y2, double? z2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate@$refId::initWithBoundaryValueX1([\'x1\':$x1, \'y1\':$y1, \'z1\':$z1, \'x2\':$x2, \'y2\':$y2, \'z2\':$z2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate::initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2', {"x1": x1, "y1": y1, "z1": z1, "x2": x2, "y2": y2, "z2": z2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2_batch(List x1, List y1, List z1, List x2, List y2, List z2) async { + assert(x1.length == y1.length && y1.length == z1.length && z1.length == x2.length && x2.length == y2.length && y2.length == z2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate::initWithBoundaryValueX1_Y1_Z1_X2_Y2_Z2_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"x1": x1[__i__], "y1": y1[__i__], "z1": z1[__i__], "x2": x2[__i__], "y2": y2[__i__], "z2": z2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRectShapeModule.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRectShapeModule.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc3d8fc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRectShapeModule.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleRectShapeModule extends NSObject with MAParticleShapeModule { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleRectShapeModule'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleRectShapeModule', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleRectShapeModule', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio(double? left, double? top, double? right, double? bottom, bool? isUseRatio) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleRectShapeModule@$refId::initWithLeft([\'left\':$left, \'top\':$top, \'right\':$right, \'bottom\':$bottom, \'isUseRatio\':$isUseRatio])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRectShapeModule::initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio', {"left": left, "top": top, "right": right, "bottom": bottom, "isUseRatio": isUseRatio, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleRectShapeModule{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleRectShapeModule_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio_batch(List left, List top, List right, List bottom, List isUseRatio) async { + assert(left.length == top.length && top.length == right.length && right.length == bottom.length && bottom.length == isUseRatio.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRectShapeModule::initWithLeft_top_right_bottom_useRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"left": left[__i__], "top": top[__i__], "right": right[__i__], "bottom": bottom[__i__], "isUseRatio": isUseRatio[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRotationGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRotationGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4dfa7b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleRotationGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAParticleRotationGenerate_SUB extends NSObject with MAParticleRotationGenerate {} + +mixin MAParticleRotationGenerate on NSObject { + + + static MAParticleRotationGenerate subInstance() => _MAParticleRotationGenerate_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getRotate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleRotationGenerate@$refId::getRotate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRotationGenerate::getRotate', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension MAParticleRotationGenerate_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getRotate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleRotationGenerate::getRotate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleShapeModule.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleShapeModule.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef6be79 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleShapeModule.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAParticleShapeModule_SUB extends NSObject with MAParticleShapeModule {} + +mixin MAParticleShapeModule on NSObject { + + + static MAParticleShapeModule subInstance() => _MAParticleShapeModule_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleShapeModule@$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleShapeModule::getPoint', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isRatioEnable() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleShapeModule@$refId::isRatioEnable([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleShapeModule::isRatioEnable', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension MAParticleShapeModule_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleShapeModule::getPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isRatioEnable_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleShapeModule::isRatioEnable_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17b9d9d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule extends NSObject with MAParticleShapeModule { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio(double? x, double? y, double? z, bool? isUseRatio) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule@$refId::initWithShapeX([\'x\':$x, \'y\':$y, \'z\':$z, \'isUseRatio\':$isUseRatio])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule::initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio', {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z, "isUseRatio": isUseRatio, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio_batch(List x, List y, List z, List isUseRatio) async { + assert(x.length == y.length && y.length == z.length && z.length == isUseRatio.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule::initWithShapeX_Y_Z_useRatio_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"x": x[__i__], "y": y[__i__], "z": z[__i__], "isUseRatio": isUseRatio[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleSizeGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleSizeGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc60626 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleSizeGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAParticleSizeGenerate_SUB extends NSObject with MAParticleSizeGenerate {} + +mixin MAParticleSizeGenerate on NSObject { + + + static MAParticleSizeGenerate subInstance() => _MAParticleSizeGenerate_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getSizeX(double? timeFrame) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleSizeGenerate@$refId::getSizeX([\'timeFrame\':$timeFrame])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeX', {"timeFrame": timeFrame, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSizeY(double? timeFrame) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleSizeGenerate@$refId::getSizeY([\'timeFrame\':$timeFrame])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeY', {"timeFrame": timeFrame, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSizeZ(double? timeFrame) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleSizeGenerate@$refId::getSizeZ([\'timeFrame\':$timeFrame])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeZ', {"timeFrame": timeFrame, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension MAParticleSizeGenerate_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getSizeX_batch(List timeFrame) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"timeFrame": timeFrame[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSizeY_batch(List timeFrame) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"timeFrame": timeFrame[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSizeZ_batch(List timeFrame) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleSizeGenerate::getSizeZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"timeFrame": timeFrame[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAParticleVelocityGenerate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleVelocityGenerate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c8d122 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAParticleVelocityGenerate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MAParticleVelocityGenerate_SUB extends NSObject with MAParticleVelocityGenerate {} + +mixin MAParticleVelocityGenerate on NSObject { + + + static MAParticleVelocityGenerate subInstance() => _MAParticleVelocityGenerate_SUB(); + + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + + Future getX() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleVelocityGenerate@$refId::getX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getX', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getY() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleVelocityGenerate@$refId::getY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getY', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getZ() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAParticleVelocityGenerate@$refId::getZ([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getZ', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + +} + +extension MAParticleVelocityGenerate_Batch on List { + //region methods + + Future> getX_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getX_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getY_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getY_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getZ_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAParticleVelocityGenerate::getZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPathShowRange.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPathShowRange.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db69801 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPathShowRange.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPathShowRange extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPathShowRange'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPathShowRange', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPathShowRange', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_begin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPathShowRange::get_begin", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_end() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPathShowRange::get_end", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_begin(double? begin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPathShowRange::set_begin', {'__this__': this, "begin": begin}); + } + + Future set_end(double? end) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPathShowRange::set_end', {'__this__': this, "end": end}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPathShowRange{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPathShowRange_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_begin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPathShowRange::get_begin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_end_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPathShowRange::get_end_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_begin_batch(List begin) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPathShowRange::set_begin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "begin": begin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_end_batch(List end) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPathShowRange::set_end_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "end": end[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationColor.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationColor.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0465b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationColor.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAPinAnnotationColor { + MAPinAnnotationColorRed /* 0 */, + MAPinAnnotationColorGreen /* null */, + MAPinAnnotationColorPurple /* null */ +} + +extension MAPinAnnotationColorToX on MAPinAnnotationColor { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAPinAnnotationColor.MAPinAnnotationColorRed: return 0; + case MAPinAnnotationColor.MAPinAnnotationColorGreen: return MAPinAnnotationColor.MAPinAnnotationColorGreen.index + 0; + case MAPinAnnotationColor.MAPinAnnotationColorPurple: return MAPinAnnotationColor.MAPinAnnotationColorPurple.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAPinAnnotationColorFromX on int { + MAPinAnnotationColor toMAPinAnnotationColor() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAPinAnnotationColor.MAPinAnnotationColorRed; + default: return MAPinAnnotationColor.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dd5d0a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPinAnnotationView extends MAAnnotationView { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPinAnnotationView'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPinAnnotationView', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPinAnnotationView', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_pinColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPinAnnotationView::get_pinColor", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toMAPinAnnotationColor(); + } + + Future get_animatesDrop() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPinAnnotationView::get_animatesDrop", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_pinColor(MAPinAnnotationColor? pinColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPinAnnotationView::set_pinColor', {'__this__': this, "pinColor": pinColor?.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_animatesDrop(bool? animatesDrop) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPinAnnotationView::set_animatesDrop', {'__this__': this, "animatesDrop": animatesDrop}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPinAnnotationView{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPinAnnotationView_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_pinColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPinAnnotationView::get_pinColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toMAPinAnnotationColor()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_animatesDrop_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPinAnnotationView::get_animatesDrop_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_pinColor_batch(List pinColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPinAnnotationView::set_pinColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pinColor": pinColor[__i__]?.toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_animatesDrop_batch(List animatesDrop) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPinAnnotationView::set_animatesDrop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "animatesDrop": animatesDrop[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPointAnnotation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPointAnnotation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27d0c30 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPointAnnotation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPointAnnotation extends MAShape with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPointAnnotation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPointAnnotation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPointAnnotation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPointAnnotation::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_lockedToScreen() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPointAnnotation::get_isLockedToScreen", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_lockedScreenPoint() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPointAnnotation::get_lockedScreenPoint", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPointAnnotation::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + Future set_lockedToScreen(bool? lockedToScreen) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedToScreen', {'__this__': this, "lockedToScreen": lockedToScreen}); + } + + Future set_lockedScreenPoint(CGPoint? lockedScreenPoint) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedScreenPoint', {'__this__': this, "lockedScreenPoint": lockedScreenPoint}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPointAnnotation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPointAnnotation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPointAnnotation::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lockedToScreen_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPointAnnotation::get_isLockedToScreen_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lockedScreenPoint_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPointAnnotation::get_lockedScreenPoint_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPointAnnotation::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_lockedToScreen_batch(List lockedToScreen) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedToScreen_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lockedToScreen": lockedToScreen[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_lockedScreenPoint_batch(List lockedScreenPoint) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPointAnnotation::set_lockedScreenPoint_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lockedScreenPoint": lockedScreenPoint[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPolygon.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPolygon.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aa2dde --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPolygon.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPolygon extends MAMultiPoint with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPolygon'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPolygon', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolygon', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future polygonWithCoordinates_count(List? coords, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates_count', {"coords": coords, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future polygonWithPoints_count(List? points, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints_count', {"points": points, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPolygonWithPoints_count(List? points, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygon@$refId::setPolygonWithPoints([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::setPolygonWithPoints_count', {"points": points, "count": count, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPolygonWithCoordinates_count(List? coords, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygon@$refId::setPolygonWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::setPolygonWithCoordinates_count', {"coords": coords, "count": count, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPolygon{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPolygon_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> polygonWithCoordinates_count_batch(List?> coords, List count) async { + assert(coords.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::polygonWithCoordinates_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < coords.length; __i__++) {"coords": coords[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> polygonWithPoints_count_batch(List?> points, List count) async { + assert(points.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::polygonWithPoints_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < points.length; __i__++) {"points": points[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolygonWithPoints_count_batch(List?> points, List count) async { + assert(points.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::setPolygonWithPoints_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"points": points[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolygonWithCoordinates_count_batch(List?> coords, List count) async { + assert(coords.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygon::setPolygonWithCoordinates_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coords": coords[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPolygonRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPolygonRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd6e04d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPolygonRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPolygonRenderer extends MAOverlayPathRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPolygonRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPolygonRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolygonRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_polygon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolygonRenderer::get_polygon", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithPolygon(MAPolygon? polygon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygonRenderer@$refId::initWithPolygon([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygonRenderer::initWithPolygon', {"polygon": polygon, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPolygonRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPolygonRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_polygon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolygonRenderer::get_polygon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithPolygon_batch(List polygon) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygonRenderer::initWithPolygon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"polygon": polygon[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPolyline.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPolyline.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42fa120 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPolyline.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPolyline extends MAMultiPoint with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPolyline'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPolyline', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolyline', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future polylineWithPoints_count(List? points, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints_count', {"points": points, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future polylineWithCoordinates_count(List? coords, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates_count', {"coords": coords, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPolylineWithPoints_count(List? points, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolyline@$refId::setPolylineWithPoints([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::setPolylineWithPoints_count', {"points": points, "count": count, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPolylineWithCoordinates_count(List? coords, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolyline@$refId::setPolylineWithCoordinates([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::setPolylineWithCoordinates_count', {"coords": coords, "count": count, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPolyline{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPolyline_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> polylineWithPoints_count_batch(List?> points, List count) async { + assert(points.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::polylineWithPoints_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < points.length; __i__++) {"points": points[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> polylineWithCoordinates_count_batch(List?> coords, List count) async { + assert(coords.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::polylineWithCoordinates_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < coords.length; __i__++) {"coords": coords[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolylineWithPoints_count_batch(List?> points, List count) async { + assert(points.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::setPolylineWithPoints_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"points": points[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolylineWithCoordinates_count_batch(List?> coords, List count) async { + assert(coords.length == count.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolyline::setPolylineWithCoordinates_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"coords": coords[__i__], "count": count[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAPolylineRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAPolylineRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7046842 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAPolylineRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAPolylineRenderer extends MAOverlayPathRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAPolylineRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAPolylineRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAPolylineRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_is3DArrowLine() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_is3DArrowLine", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_sideColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_sideColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_userInteractionEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_userInteractionEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_hitTestInset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_hitTestInset", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showRangeEnabled() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRangeEnabled", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showRange() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRange", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_is3DArrowLine(bool? is3DArrowLine) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_is3DArrowLine', {'__this__': this, "is3DArrowLine": is3DArrowLine}); + } + + Future set_sideColor(UIColor? sideColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_sideColor', {'__this__': this, "sideColor": sideColor}); + } + + Future set_userInteractionEnabled(bool? userInteractionEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_userInteractionEnabled', {'__this__': this, "userInteractionEnabled": userInteractionEnabled}); + } + + Future set_hitTestInset(double? hitTestInset) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_hitTestInset', {'__this__': this, "hitTestInset": hitTestInset}); + } + + Future set_showRangeEnabled(bool? showRangeEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRangeEnabled', {'__this__': this, "showRangeEnabled": showRangeEnabled}); + } + + Future set_showRange(MAPathShowRange? showRange) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRange', {'__this__': this, "showRange": showRange}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithPolyline(MAPolyline? polyline) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolylineRenderer@$refId::initWithPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::initWithPolyline', {"polyline": polyline, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAPolylineRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAPolylineRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_is3DArrowLine_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_is3DArrowLine_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sideColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_sideColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_userInteractionEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_userInteractionEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_hitTestInset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_hitTestInset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showRangeEnabled_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRangeEnabled_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showRange_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAPolylineRenderer::get_showRange_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_is3DArrowLine_batch(List is3DArrowLine) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_is3DArrowLine_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "is3DArrowLine": is3DArrowLine[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sideColor_batch(List sideColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_sideColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sideColor": sideColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_userInteractionEnabled_batch(List userInteractionEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_userInteractionEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "userInteractionEnabled": userInteractionEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_hitTestInset_batch(List hitTestInset) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_hitTestInset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "hitTestInset": hitTestInset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showRangeEnabled_batch(List showRangeEnabled) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRangeEnabled_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showRangeEnabled": showRangeEnabled[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showRange_batch(List showRange) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::set_showRange_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showRange": showRange[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithPolyline_batch(List polyline) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineRenderer::initWithPolyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"polyline": polyline[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAShape.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAShape.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c752c18 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAShape.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAShape extends MABaseOverlay with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAShape'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAShape', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAShape', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_title() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAShape::get_title", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_subtitle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAShape::get_subtitle", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_title(String? title) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAShape::set_title', {'__this__': this, "title": title}); + } + + Future set_subtitle(String? subtitle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAShape::set_subtitle', {'__this__': this, "subtitle": subtitle}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAShape{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAShape_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_title_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAShape::get_title_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_subtitle_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAShape::get_subtitle_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_title_batch(List title) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAShape::set_title_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "title": title[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_subtitle_batch(List subtitle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAShape::set_subtitle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "subtitle": subtitle[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay+CustomLoading.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay+CustomLoading.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c340f3f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay+CustomLoading.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension CustomLoading on MATileOverlay { + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future loadTileAtPath_result(MATileOverlayPath? path, void Function(NSData? tileData, NSError? error) result) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATileOverlay@$refId::loadTileAtPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::loadTileAtPath_result', {"path": path, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('void|NSData*#tileData,NSError*#error::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'void|NSData*#tileData,NSError*#error_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: result([\'tileData\':${args['tileData']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + result(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['tileData']), AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __result__; + } + + + Future cancelLoadOfTileAtPath(MATileOverlayPath? path) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATileOverlay@$refId::cancelLoadOfTileAtPath([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::cancelLoadOfTileAtPath', {"path": path, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f805e92 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlay.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATileOverlay extends MABaseOverlay with MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATileOverlay'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlay', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATileOverlay', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_tileSize() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_tileSize", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_minimumZ() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_minimumZ", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_maximumZ() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_maximumZ", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_URLTemplate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_URLTemplate", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_canReplaceMapContent() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_canReplaceMapContent", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_disableOffScreenTileLoading() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_disableOffScreenTileLoading", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_tileSize(CGSize? tileSize) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_tileSize', {'__this__': this, "tileSize": tileSize}); + } + + Future set_minimumZ(int? minimumZ) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_minimumZ', {'__this__': this, "minimumZ": minimumZ}); + } + + Future set_maximumZ(int? maximumZ) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_maximumZ', {'__this__': this, "maximumZ": maximumZ}); + } + + Future set_canReplaceMapContent(bool? canReplaceMapContent) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_canReplaceMapContent', {'__this__': this, "canReplaceMapContent": canReplaceMapContent}); + } + + Future set_disableOffScreenTileLoading(bool? disableOffScreenTileLoading) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_disableOffScreenTileLoading', {'__this__': this, "disableOffScreenTileLoading": disableOffScreenTileLoading}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithURLTemplate(String? URLTemplate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATileOverlay@$refId::initWithURLTemplate([\'URLTemplate\':$URLTemplate])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::initWithURLTemplate', {"URLTemplate": URLTemplate, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATileOverlay{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATileOverlay_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_tileSize_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_tileSize_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_minimumZ_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_minimumZ_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_maximumZ_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_maximumZ_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_URLTemplate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_URLTemplate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_canReplaceMapContent_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_canReplaceMapContent_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_disableOffScreenTileLoading_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlay::get_disableOffScreenTileLoading_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_tileSize_batch(List tileSize) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_tileSize_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tileSize": tileSize[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_minimumZ_batch(List minimumZ) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_minimumZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "minimumZ": minimumZ[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_maximumZ_batch(List maximumZ) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_maximumZ_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "maximumZ": maximumZ[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_canReplaceMapContent_batch(List canReplaceMapContent) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_canReplaceMapContent_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "canReplaceMapContent": canReplaceMapContent[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_disableOffScreenTileLoading_batch(List disableOffScreenTileLoading) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::set_disableOffScreenTileLoading_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "disableOffScreenTileLoading": disableOffScreenTileLoading[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithURLTemplate_batch(List URLTemplate) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlay::initWithURLTemplate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"URLTemplate": URLTemplate[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayPath.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayPath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be61183 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayPath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATileOverlayPath extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATileOverlayPath'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlayPath', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATileOverlayPath', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_x() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_x", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_y() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_y", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_contentScaleFactor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_contentScaleFactor", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_index() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_index", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requestId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_requestId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_x(int? x) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_x', {'__this__': this, "x": x}); + } + + Future set_y(int? y) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_y', {'__this__': this, "y": y}); + } + + Future set_contentScaleFactor(double? contentScaleFactor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_contentScaleFactor', {'__this__': this, "contentScaleFactor": contentScaleFactor}); + } + + Future set_index(int? index) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_index', {'__this__': this, "index": index}); + } + + Future set_requestId(int? requestId) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_requestId', {'__this__': this, "requestId": requestId}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATileOverlayPath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATileOverlayPath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_x_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_x_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_y_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_y_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_contentScaleFactor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_contentScaleFactor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_index_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_index_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requestId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayPath::get_requestId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_x_batch(List x) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_x_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "x": x[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_y_batch(List y) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_y_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "y": y[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_contentScaleFactor_batch(List contentScaleFactor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_contentScaleFactor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "contentScaleFactor": contentScaleFactor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_index_batch(List index) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_index_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "index": index[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requestId_batch(List requestId) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayPath::set_requestId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requestId": requestId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayRenderer.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayRenderer.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0746b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATileOverlayRenderer.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATileOverlayRenderer extends MAOverlayRenderer { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATileOverlayRenderer'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATileOverlayRenderer', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATileOverlayRenderer', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_tileOverlay() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayRenderer::get_tileOverlay", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future initWithTileOverlay(MATileOverlay? tileOverlay) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATileOverlayRenderer@$refId::initWithTileOverlay([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayRenderer::initWithTileOverlay', {"tileOverlay": tileOverlay, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future reloadData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATileOverlayRenderer@$refId::reloadData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayRenderer::reloadData', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATileOverlayRenderer{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATileOverlayRenderer_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_tileOverlay_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATileOverlayRenderer::get_tileOverlay_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> initWithTileOverlay_batch(List tileOverlay) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayRenderer::initWithTileOverlay_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"tileOverlay": tileOverlay[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> reloadData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATileOverlayRenderer::reloadData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATouchPoi.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATouchPoi.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8275322 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATouchPoi.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATouchPoi extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATouchPoi'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATouchPoi', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATouchPoi', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATouchPoi::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATouchPoi::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATouchPoi::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATouchPoi{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATouchPoi_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATouchPoi::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATouchPoi::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATouchPoi::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATraceDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATraceDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d5cd24 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATraceDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class _MATraceDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with MATraceDelegate {} + +mixin MATraceDelegate on NSObject { + + + static MATraceDelegate subInstance() => _MATraceDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('MATraceDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'traceManager_didTrace_correct_distance_withError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.traceManager_didTrace_correct_distance_withError?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}, \'locations\':${args['locations']}, \'tracePoints\':${args['tracePoints']}, \'distance\':${args['distance']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.traceManager_didTrace_correct_distance_withError?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager']), (args['locations'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), (args['tracePoints'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['distance'], AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'mapViewRequireLocationAuth': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.mapViewRequireLocationAuth?.call([\'locationManager\':${args['locationManager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.mapViewRequireLocationAuth?.call(AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(args['locationManager'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(MATraceManager? manager, List? locations, List? tracePoints, double? distance, NSError? error)? traceManager_didTrace_correct_distance_withError; + + Future Function(CLLocationManager? locationManager)? mapViewRequireLocationAuth; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATraceLocation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATraceLocation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a711e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATraceLocation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATraceLocation extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATraceLocation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATraceLocation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATraceLocation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_loc() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_loc", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_angle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_angle", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_speed() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_speed", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_time() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_time", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_loc(CLLocationCoordinate2D? loc) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_loc', {'__this__': this, "loc": loc}); + } + + Future set_angle(double? angle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_angle', {'__this__': this, "angle": angle}); + } + + Future set_speed(double? speed) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_speed', {'__this__': this, "speed": speed}); + } + + Future set_time(double? time) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_time', {'__this__': this, "time": time}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATraceLocation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATraceLocation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_loc_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_loc_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_angle_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_angle_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_speed_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_speed_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_time_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATraceLocation::get_time_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_loc_batch(List loc) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_loc_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "loc": loc[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_angle_batch(List angle) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_angle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "angle": angle[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_speed_batch(List speed) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_speed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "speed": speed[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_time_batch(List time) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceLocation::set_time_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "time": time[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATraceManager.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATraceManager.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50dc3fe --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATraceManager.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATraceManager extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATraceManager'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATraceManager', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATraceManager', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_delegate(MATraceDelegate? delegate) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future sharedInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATraceManager::sharedInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::sharedInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future queryProcessedTraceWith_type_processingCallback_finishCallback_failedCallback(List? locations, AMapCoordinateType? type, void Function(int? index, List? points) processingCallback, void Function(List? points, double? distance) finishCallback, void Function(int? errorCode, String? errorDesc) failedCallback) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATraceManager@$refId::queryProcessedTraceWith([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::queryProcessedTraceWith_type_processingCallback_finishCallback_failedCallback', {"locations": locations, "type": type?.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + MethodChannel('MAProcessingCallback::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'MAProcessingCallback_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: processingCallback([\'index\':${args['index']}, \'points\':${args['points']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + processingCallback(args['index'], (args['points'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + MethodChannel('MAFinishCallback::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'MAFinishCallback_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: finishCallback([\'points\':${args['points']}, \'distance\':${args['distance']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + finishCallback((args['points'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['distance']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + MethodChannel('MAFailedCallback::Callback@$refId', kAmapMapFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'MAFailedCallback_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: failedCallback([\'errorCode\':${args['errorCode']}, \'errorDesc\':${args['errorDesc']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + failedCallback(args['errorCode'], args['errorDesc']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future start() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATraceManager@$refId::start([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::start', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MATraceManager@$refId::stop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::stop', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATraceManager{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATraceManager_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> sharedInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::sharedInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> start_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::start_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATraceManager::stop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATracePoint.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATracePoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4778c31 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATracePoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MATracePoint extends NSObject with NSCoding { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MATracePoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMATracePoint', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMATracePoint', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_latitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATracePoint::get_latitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_longitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATracePoint::get_longitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitude(double? latitude) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATracePoint::set_latitude', {'__this__': this, "latitude": latitude}); + } + + Future set_longitude(double? longitude) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATracePoint::set_longitude', {'__this__': this, "longitude": longitude}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MATracePoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MATracePoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_latitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATracePoint::get_latitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_longitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MATracePoint::get_longitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitude_batch(List latitude) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATracePoint::set_latitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "latitude": latitude[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_longitude_batch(List longitude) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MATracePoint::set_longitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "longitude": longitude[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MATrafficStatus.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MATrafficStatus.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a47a162 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MATrafficStatus.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MATrafficStatus { + MATrafficStatusSmooth /* 1 */, + MATrafficStatusSlow /* null */, + MATrafficStatusJam /* null */, + MATrafficStatusSeriousJam /* null */ +} + +extension MATrafficStatusToX on MATrafficStatus { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusSmooth: return 1; + case MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusSlow: return MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusSlow.index + 1; + case MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusJam: return MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusJam.index + 1; + case MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusSeriousJam: return MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusSeriousJam.index + 1; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MATrafficStatusFromX on int { + MATrafficStatus toMATrafficStatus() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return MATrafficStatus.MATrafficStatusSmooth; + default: return MATrafficStatus.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAUserLocation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAUserLocation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4140a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAUserLocation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAUserLocation extends MAAnimatedAnnotation with MAAnimatableAnnotation, MAAnnotation, MAOverlay { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAUserLocation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAUserLocation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAUserLocation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_updating() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocation::get_isUpdating", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocation::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_heading() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocation::get_heading", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAUserLocation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAUserLocation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_updating_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocation::get_isUpdating_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocation::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_heading_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocation::get_heading_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAUserLocationRepresentation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAUserLocationRepresentation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08b5fa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAUserLocationRepresentation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +class MAUserLocationRepresentation extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'MAUserLocationRepresentation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_map_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createMAUserLocationRepresentation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchMAUserLocationRepresentation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_showsAccuracyRing() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsAccuracyRing", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showsHeadingIndicator() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsHeadingIndicator", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_fillColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_fillColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_strokeColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_strokeColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_lineWidth() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_lineWidth", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_locationDotBgColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotBgColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_locationDotFillColor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotFillColor", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_enablePulseAnnimation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_enablePulseAnnimation", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_image() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_image", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_showsAccuracyRing(bool? showsAccuracyRing) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsAccuracyRing', {'__this__': this, "showsAccuracyRing": showsAccuracyRing}); + } + + Future set_showsHeadingIndicator(bool? showsHeadingIndicator) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsHeadingIndicator', {'__this__': this, "showsHeadingIndicator": showsHeadingIndicator}); + } + + Future set_fillColor(UIColor? fillColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_fillColor', {'__this__': this, "fillColor": fillColor}); + } + + Future set_strokeColor(UIColor? strokeColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_strokeColor', {'__this__': this, "strokeColor": strokeColor}); + } + + Future set_lineWidth(double? lineWidth) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_lineWidth', {'__this__': this, "lineWidth": lineWidth}); + } + + Future set_locationDotBgColor(UIColor? locationDotBgColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotBgColor', {'__this__': this, "locationDotBgColor": locationDotBgColor}); + } + + Future set_locationDotFillColor(UIColor? locationDotFillColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotFillColor', {'__this__': this, "locationDotFillColor": locationDotFillColor}); + } + + Future set_enablePulseAnnimation(bool? enablePulseAnnimation) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_enablePulseAnnimation', {'__this__': this, "enablePulseAnnimation": enablePulseAnnimation}); + } + + Future set_image(UIImage? image) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_image', {'__this__': this, "image": image}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'MAUserLocationRepresentation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension MAUserLocationRepresentation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_showsAccuracyRing_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsAccuracyRing_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showsHeadingIndicator_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_showsHeadingIndicator_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_fillColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_fillColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strokeColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_strokeColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_lineWidth_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_lineWidth_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_locationDotBgColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotBgColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_locationDotFillColor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_locationDotFillColor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_enablePulseAnnimation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_enablePulseAnnimation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_image_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("MAUserLocationRepresentation::get_image_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_showsAccuracyRing_batch(List showsAccuracyRing) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsAccuracyRing_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsAccuracyRing": showsAccuracyRing[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showsHeadingIndicator_batch(List showsHeadingIndicator) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_showsHeadingIndicator_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showsHeadingIndicator": showsHeadingIndicator[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_fillColor_batch(List fillColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_fillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "fillColor": fillColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_strokeColor_batch(List strokeColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_strokeColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strokeColor": strokeColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_lineWidth_batch(List lineWidth) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_lineWidth_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lineWidth": lineWidth[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_locationDotBgColor_batch(List locationDotBgColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotBgColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "locationDotBgColor": locationDotBgColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_locationDotFillColor_batch(List locationDotFillColor) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_locationDotFillColor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "locationDotFillColor": locationDotFillColor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_enablePulseAnnimation_batch(List enablePulseAnnimation) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_enablePulseAnnimation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "enablePulseAnnimation": enablePulseAnnimation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_image_batch(List image) async { + await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAUserLocationRepresentation::set_image_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "image": image[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/MAUserTrackingMode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/MAUserTrackingMode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..731aad0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/MAUserTrackingMode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum MAUserTrackingMode { + MAUserTrackingModeNone /* 0 */, + MAUserTrackingModeFollow /* 1 */, + MAUserTrackingModeFollowWithHeading /* 2 */ +} + +extension MAUserTrackingModeToX on MAUserTrackingMode { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeNone: return 0; + case MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollow: return 1; + case MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollowWithHeading: return 2; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension MAUserTrackingModeFromX on int { + MAUserTrackingMode toMAUserTrackingMode() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeNone; + case 1: return MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollow; + case 2: return MAUserTrackingMode.MAUserTrackingModeFollowWithHeading; + default: return MAUserTrackingMode.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/NSValue+NSValueMAGeometryExtensions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/NSValue+NSValueMAGeometryExtensions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6aac13 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/NSValue+NSValueMAGeometryExtensions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +extension NSValueMAGeometryExtensions on NSValue { + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future valueWithMAMapPoint(MAMapPoint? mapPoint) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue::valueWithMAMapPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::valueWithMAMapPoint', {"mapPoint": mapPoint}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future valueWithMAMapSize(MAMapSize? mapSize) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue::valueWithMAMapSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::valueWithMAMapSize', {"mapSize": mapSize}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future valueWithMAMapRect(MAMapRect? mapRect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue::valueWithMAMapRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::valueWithMAMapRect', {"mapRect": mapRect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future valueWithMACoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue::valueWithMACoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::valueWithMACoordinate', {"coordinate": coordinate}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future MAMapPointValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue@$refId::MAMapPointValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::MAMapPointValue', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future MAMapSizeValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue@$refId::MAMapSizeValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::MAMapSizeValue', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future MAMapRectValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue@$refId::MAMapRectValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::MAMapRectValue', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future MACoordinateValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: NSValue@$refId::MACoordinateValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('NSValue::MACoordinateValue', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa19db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import '../facade/shared.g.dart'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +Future get MAOfflineMapErrorDomain async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getMAOfflineMapErrorDomain'); +} + +Future get MAOfflineMapDownloadReceivedSizeKey async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getMAOfflineMapDownloadReceivedSizeKey'); +} + +Future get MAOfflineMapDownloadExpectedSizeKey async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getMAOfflineMapDownloadExpectedSizeKey'); +} + +Future get kMAMapLayerCenterMapPointKey async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getkMAMapLayerCenterMapPointKey'); +} + +Future get kMAMapLayerZoomLevelKey async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getkMAMapLayerZoomLevelKey'); +} + +Future get kMAMapLayerRotationDegreeKey async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getkMAMapLayerRotationDegreeKey'); +} + +Future get kMAMapLayerCameraDegreeKey async { + return kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getkMAMapLayerCameraDegreeKey'); +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3edebbc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,801 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +Future MAPathShowRangeMake(double? begin, double? end) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPathShowRangeMake::MAPathShowRangeMake([\'begin\':$begin, \'end\':$end])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPathShowRangeMake::MAPathShowRangeMake', {"begin": begin, "end": end}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MACoordinateBoundsMake(CLLocationCoordinate2D? northEast, CLLocationCoordinate2D? southWest) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACoordinateBoundsMake::MACoordinateBoundsMake([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateBoundsMake::MACoordinateBoundsMake', {"northEast": northEast, "southWest": southWest}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MACoordinateSpanMake(double? latitudeDelta, double? longitudeDelta) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACoordinateSpanMake::MACoordinateSpanMake([\'latitudeDelta\':$latitudeDelta, \'longitudeDelta\':$longitudeDelta])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateSpanMake::MACoordinateSpanMake', {"latitudeDelta": latitudeDelta, "longitudeDelta": longitudeDelta}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MACoordinateRegionMake(CLLocationCoordinate2D? centerCoordinate, MACoordinateSpan? span) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACoordinateRegionMake::MACoordinateRegionMake([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegionMake::MACoordinateRegionMake', {"centerCoordinate": centerCoordinate, "span": span}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(CLLocationCoordinate2D? centerCoordinate, double? latitudinalMeters, double? longitudinalMeters) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance::MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance([\'latitudinalMeters\':$latitudinalMeters, \'longitudinalMeters\':$longitudinalMeters])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance::MACoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance', {"centerCoordinate": centerCoordinate, "latitudinalMeters": latitudinalMeters, "longitudinalMeters": longitudinalMeters}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? coordinate) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapPointForCoordinate::MAMapPointForCoordinate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPointForCoordinate::MAMapPointForCoordinate', {"coordinate": coordinate}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MACoordinateForMapPoint(MAMapPoint? mapPoint) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACoordinateForMapPoint::MACoordinateForMapPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateForMapPoint::MACoordinateForMapPoint', {"mapPoint": mapPoint}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MACoordinateRegionForMapRect(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACoordinateRegionForMapRect::MACoordinateRegionForMapRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACoordinateRegionForMapRect::MACoordinateRegionForMapRect', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion(MACoordinateRegion? region) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion::MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion::MAMapRectForCoordinateRegion', {"region": region}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude(double? latitude) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude::MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude([\'latitude\':$latitude])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude::MAMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude', {"latitude": latitude}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude(double? latitude) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude::MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude([\'latitude\':$latitude])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude::MAMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude', {"latitude": latitude}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMetersBetweenMapPoints(MAMapPoint? a, MAMapPoint? b) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMetersBetweenMapPoints::MAMetersBetweenMapPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMetersBetweenMapPoints::MAMetersBetweenMapPoints', {"a": a, "b": b}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAAreaBetweenCoordinates(CLLocationCoordinate2D? northEast, CLLocationCoordinate2D? southWest) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAreaBetweenCoordinates::MAAreaBetweenCoordinates([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAreaBetweenCoordinates::MAAreaBetweenCoordinates', {"northEast": northEast, "southWest": southWest}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectInset(MAMapRect? rect, double? dx, double? dy) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectInset::MAMapRectInset([\'dx\':$dx, \'dy\':$dy])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectInset::MAMapRectInset', {"rect": rect, "dx": dx, "dy": dy}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapRectUnion(MAMapRect? rect1, MAMapRect? rect2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectUnion::MAMapRectUnion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectUnion::MAMapRectUnion', {"rect1": rect1, "rect2": rect2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapSizeContainsSize(MAMapSize? size1, MAMapSize? size2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapSizeContainsSize::MAMapSizeContainsSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSizeContainsSize::MAMapSizeContainsSize', {"size1": size1, "size2": size2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectContainsPoint(MAMapRect? rect, MAMapPoint? point) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectContainsPoint::MAMapRectContainsPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectContainsPoint::MAMapRectContainsPoint', {"rect": rect, "point": point}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectIntersectsRect(MAMapRect? rect1, MAMapRect? rect2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectIntersectsRect::MAMapRectIntersectsRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectIntersectsRect::MAMapRectIntersectsRect', {"rect1": rect1, "rect2": rect2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectContainsRect(MAMapRect? rect1, MAMapRect? rect2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectContainsRect::MAMapRectContainsRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectContainsRect::MAMapRectContainsRect', {"rect1": rect1, "rect2": rect2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MACircleContainsPoint(MAMapPoint? point, MAMapPoint? center, double? radius) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACircleContainsPoint::MACircleContainsPoint([\'radius\':$radius])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircleContainsPoint::MACircleContainsPoint', {"point": point, "center": center, "radius": radius}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MACircleContainsCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? point, CLLocationCoordinate2D? center, double? radius) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MACircleContainsCoordinate::MACircleContainsCoordinate([\'radius\':$radius])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MACircleContainsCoordinate::MACircleContainsCoordinate', {"point": point, "center": center, "radius": radius}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline(MAMapPoint? point, List? polyline, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline::MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline::MAGetNearestMapPointFromPolyline', {"point": point, "polyline": polyline, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAPolygonContainsPoint(MAMapPoint? point, List? polygon, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygonContainsPoint::MAPolygonContainsPoint([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygonContainsPoint::MAPolygonContainsPoint', {"point": point, "polygon": polygon, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAPolygonContainsCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D? point, List? polygon, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolygonContainsCoordinate::MAPolygonContainsCoordinate([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolygonContainsCoordinate::MAPolygonContainsCoordinate', {"point": point, "polygon": polygon, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine(MAMapPoint? lineStart, MAMapPoint? lineEnd, MAMapPoint? point) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine::MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine::MAGetNearestMapPointFromLine', {"lineStart": lineStart, "lineEnd": lineEnd, "point": point}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAAreaForPolygon(List? coordinates, int? count) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAAreaForPolygon::MAAreaForPolygon([\'count\':$count])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAAreaForPolygon::MAAreaForPolygon', {"coordinates": coordinates, "count": count}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapPointMake(double? x, double? y) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapPointMake::MAMapPointMake([\'x\':$x, \'y\':$y])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPointMake::MAMapPointMake', {"x": x, "y": y}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapSizeMake(double? width, double? height) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapSizeMake::MAMapSizeMake([\'width\':$width, \'height\':$height])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSizeMake::MAMapSizeMake', {"width": width, "height": height}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapRectMake(double? x, double? y, double? width, double? height) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectMake::MAMapRectMake([\'x\':$x, \'y\':$y, \'width\':$width, \'height\':$height])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectMake::MAMapRectMake', {"x": x, "y": y, "width": width, "height": height}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); +} + +Future MAMapRectGetMinX(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetMinX::MAMapRectGetMinX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetMinX::MAMapRectGetMinX', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetMinY(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetMinY::MAMapRectGetMinY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetMinY::MAMapRectGetMinY', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetMidX(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetMidX::MAMapRectGetMidX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetMidX::MAMapRectGetMidX', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetMidY(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetMidY::MAMapRectGetMidY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetMidY::MAMapRectGetMidY', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetMaxX(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetMaxX::MAMapRectGetMaxX([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetMaxX::MAMapRectGetMaxX', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetMaxY(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetMaxY::MAMapRectGetMaxY([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetMaxY::MAMapRectGetMaxY', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetWidth(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetWidth::MAMapRectGetWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetWidth::MAMapRectGetWidth', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectGetHeight(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectGetHeight::MAMapRectGetHeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectGetHeight::MAMapRectGetHeight', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapPointEqualToPoint(MAMapPoint? point1, MAMapPoint? point2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapPointEqualToPoint::MAMapPointEqualToPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapPointEqualToPoint::MAMapPointEqualToPoint', {"point1": point1, "point2": point2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapSizeEqualToSize(MAMapSize? size1, MAMapSize? size2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapSizeEqualToSize::MAMapSizeEqualToSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapSizeEqualToSize::MAMapSizeEqualToSize', {"size1": size1, "size2": size2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectEqualToRect(MAMapRect? rect1, MAMapRect? rect2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectEqualToRect::MAMapRectEqualToRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectEqualToRect::MAMapRectEqualToRect', {"rect1": rect1, "rect2": rect2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectIsNull(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectIsNull::MAMapRectIsNull([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectIsNull::MAMapRectIsNull', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAMapRectIsEmpty(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAMapRectIsEmpty::MAMapRectIsEmpty([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAMapRectIsEmpty::MAMapRectIsEmpty', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAStringFromMapPoint(MAMapPoint? point) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAStringFromMapPoint::MAStringFromMapPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAStringFromMapPoint::MAStringFromMapPoint', {"point": point}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAStringFromMapSize(MAMapSize? size) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAStringFromMapSize::MAStringFromMapSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAStringFromMapSize::MAStringFromMapSize', {"size": size}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAStringFromMapRect(MAMapRect? rect) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAStringFromMapRect::MAStringFromMapRect([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAStringFromMapRect::MAStringFromMapRect', {"rect": rect}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAGetDirectionFromCoords(CLLocationCoordinate2D? fromCoord, CLLocationCoordinate2D? toCoord) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGetDirectionFromCoords::MAGetDirectionFromCoords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGetDirectionFromCoords::MAGetDirectionFromCoords', {"fromCoord": fromCoord, "toCoord": toCoord}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAGetDirectionFromPoints(MAMapPoint? fromPoint, MAMapPoint? toPoint) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGetDirectionFromPoints::MAGetDirectionFromPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGetDirectionFromPoints::MAGetDirectionFromPoints', {"fromPoint": fromPoint, "toPoint": toPoint}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine(MAMapPoint? point, MAMapPoint? lineBegin, MAMapPoint? lineEnd) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine::MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine::MAGetDistanceFromPointToLine', {"point": point, "lineBegin": lineBegin, "lineEnd": lineEnd}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} + +Future MAPolylineHitTest(List? linePoints, int? count, MAMapPoint? tappedPoint, double? lineWidth) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: MAPolylineHitTest::MAPolylineHitTest([\'count\':$count, \'lineWidth\':$lineWidth])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('MAPolylineHitTest::MAPolylineHitTest', {"linePoints": linePoints, "count": count, "tappedPoint": tappedPoint, "lineWidth": lineWidth}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a45503 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +export 'MATraceLocation.g.dart'; +export 'MAUserLocationRepresentation.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorItem.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineItemCommonCity.g.dart'; +export 'MAPolyline.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapType.g.dart'; +export 'MAOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MATouchPoi.g.dart'; +export 'MATracePoint.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleShapeModule.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC.g.dart'; +export 'MAIndoorFloorInfo.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapTileOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MABaseOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapView+Annotation.g.dart'; +export 'MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapGradient.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleSizeGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MATileOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAUserTrackingMode.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapNode.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineProvince.g.dart'; +export 'MAAnnotationMoveAnimation.g.dart'; +export 'MALineCapType.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MACircle.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapView+Indoor.g.dart'; +export 'MAMVTTileOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAAnnotation.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapSize.g.dart'; +export 'MATileOverlayPath.g.dart'; +export 'MACoordinateRegion.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapViewDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiPointItem.g.dart'; +export 'type_op.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineItemStatus.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineItemNationWide.g.dart'; +export 'MAOverlayLevel.g.dart'; +export 'MATrafficStatus.g.dart'; +export 'MACircleRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAAnimatedAnnotation.g.dart'; +export 'MACoordinateType.g.dart'; +export 'MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiPoint.g.dart'; +export 'MAArcRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapRect.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorGridNode.g.dart'; +export 'MAUserLocation.g.dart'; +export 'MAAnimatableAnnotation.g.dart'; +export 'MAPolygon.g.dart'; +export 'constants.g.dart'; +export 'MAPinAnnotationColor.g.dart'; +export 'MAPathShowRange.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineMap.g.dart'; +export 'MACustomCalloutView.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MATileOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleColorGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiPointOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiPolyline.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapCustomStyleOptions.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapStatus.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineCity.g.dart'; +export 'MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/MAAnnotationView.g.dart'; +export 'platformview/MAMapView.g.dart'; +export 'MAPointAnnotation.g.dart'; +export 'MAAnnotationView.g.dart'; +export 'MATileOverlay+CustomLoading.g.dart'; +export 'MAIndoorInfo.g.dart'; +export 'functions.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapView+UserLocation.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapType.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MACoordinateSpan.g.dart'; +export 'MAArc.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleEmissionModuleOC.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleRandomColorGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MAGroundOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleVelocityGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorGrid.g.dart'; +export 'MAGeodesicPolyline.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineItem.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleRotationGenerate.g.dart'; +export 'MACustomBuildingOverlayOption.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapView.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'MAGroundOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAOverlayPathRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'MAPolylineRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapPoint.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapView+Overlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineMapError.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapRectCorner.g.dart'; +export 'MAShape.g.dart'; +export 'MAMapView+CustomMapStyle.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleRectShapeModule.g.dart'; +export 'MALineDashType.g.dart'; +export 'MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MATraceManager.g.dart'; +export 'MATraceDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorNode.g.dart'; +export 'NSValue+NSValueMAGeometryExtensions.g.dart'; +export 'MAAnnotationViewDragState.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleOverlayType.g.dart'; +export 'MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineMapViewController.g.dart'; +export 'MAPolygonRenderer.g.dart'; +export 'MACoordinateBounds.g.dart'; +export 'MAMVTTileOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'MALineJoinType.g.dart'; +export 'MACustomBuildingOverlay.g.dart'; +export 'MAOfflineItemMunicipality.g.dart'; +export 'MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions.g.dart'; +export 'package:uni_map_platform_interface/uni_map_platform_interface.dart'; +export 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; +export '../facade/shared.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAAnnotationView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAAnnotationView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d76924 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAAnnotationView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef MAAnnotationViewCreatedCallback = void Function(MAAnnotationView controller); +typedef _OnUiKitViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class MAAnnotationView_UiKitView extends StatefulWidget { + const MAAnnotationView_UiKitView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + }) : super(key: key); + + final MAAnnotationViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnUiKitViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + + @override + _MAAnnotationView_UiKitViewState createState() => _MAAnnotationView_UiKitViewState(); +} + +class _MAAnnotationView_UiKitViewState extends State { + MAAnnotationView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + return UiKitView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/MAAnnotationView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = MAAnnotationView()..refId = 'MAAnnotationView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/platformview/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc66051 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MACustomCalloutView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef MACustomCalloutViewCreatedCallback = void Function(MACustomCalloutView controller); +typedef _OnUiKitViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class MACustomCalloutView_UiKitView extends StatefulWidget { + const MACustomCalloutView_UiKitView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + }) : super(key: key); + + final MACustomCalloutViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnUiKitViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + + @override + _MACustomCalloutView_UiKitViewState createState() => _MACustomCalloutView_UiKitViewState(); +} + +class _MACustomCalloutView_UiKitViewState extends State { + MACustomCalloutView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + return UiKitView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/MACustomCalloutView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = MACustomCalloutView()..refId = 'MACustomCalloutView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAMapView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAMapView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38e3051 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAMapView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef MAMapViewCreatedCallback = void Function(MAMapView controller); +typedef _OnUiKitViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class MAMapView_UiKitView extends StatefulWidget { + const MAMapView_UiKitView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + }) : super(key: key); + + final MAMapViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnUiKitViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + + @override + _MAMapView_UiKitViewState createState() => _MAMapView_UiKitViewState(); +} + +class _MAMapView_UiKitViewState extends State { + MAMapView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + return UiKitView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/MAMapView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = MAMapView()..refId = 'MAMapView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f38a641 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/platformview/MAPinAnnotationView.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + +typedef MAPinAnnotationViewCreatedCallback = void Function(MAPinAnnotationView controller); +typedef _OnUiKitViewDispose = Future Function(); + +class MAPinAnnotationView_UiKitView extends StatefulWidget { + const MAPinAnnotationView_UiKitView({ + Key? key, + this.onViewCreated, + this.onDispose, + this.params = const {}, + this.gestureRecognizers, + }) : super(key: key); + + final MAPinAnnotationViewCreatedCallback? onViewCreated; + final _OnUiKitViewDispose? onDispose; + final Map params; + final Set>? gestureRecognizers; + + @override + _MAPinAnnotationView_UiKitViewState createState() => _MAPinAnnotationView_UiKitViewState(); +} + +class _MAPinAnnotationView_UiKitViewState extends State { + MAPinAnnotationView? _controller; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final gestureRecognizers = widget.gestureRecognizers ?? >{ + Factory(() => EagerGestureRecognizer()), + }; + + return UiKitView( + viewType: 'me.yohom/MAPinAnnotationView', + gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers, + onPlatformViewCreated: _onViewCreated, + creationParamsCodec: kAmapMapFluttifyMessageCodec, + creationParams: widget.params, + ); + } + + void _onViewCreated(int id) async { + // 碰到一个对象返回的hashCode为0的情况, 造成和这个id冲突了, 这里用一个magic number避免一下 + // 把viewId转换为refId再使用, 使其与其他对象统一 + final refId = await viewId2RefId((2147483647 - id).toString()); + _controller = MAPinAnnotationView()..refId = 'MAPinAnnotationView:$refId'; + if (widget.onViewCreated != null) { + widget.onViewCreated!(_controller!); + } + } + + @override + void dispose() { + if (widget.onDispose != null) { + widget.onDispose!().whenComplete(() => _controller?.release__()); + } else { + _controller?.release__(); + } + super.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ded8819 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:amap_map_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_location_fluttify/amap_location_fluttify.dart'; + + +// type check +@optionalTypeArgs +Future AmapMapFluttifyIOSIs(dynamic __this__) async { + final typeName = T.toString(); + if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ is T; + } + else if (T == MAOfflineCity) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItemNationWide) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItemNationWide', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiPoint) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAGroundOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAGroundOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPolygonRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPolygonRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPinAnnotationView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPinAnnotationView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapNode) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapNode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapGradient) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapGradient', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapTileOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapTileOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapStatus) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapStatus', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPointAnnotation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPointAnnotation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACircle) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACircle', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAArcRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAArcRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAAnnotation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAAnnotation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAAnimatableAnnotation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAAnimatableAnnotation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineMapViewController) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineMapViewController', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapCustomStyleOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapCustomStyleOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPolygon) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPolygon', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPolyline) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPolyline', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAAnimatedAnnotation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAAnimatedAnnotation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridNode) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridNode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGrid) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGrid', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineProvince) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineProvince', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATileOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATileOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItem) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAGeodesicPolyline) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAGeodesicPolyline', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATouchPoi) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATouchPoi', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPathShowRange) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPathShowRange', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMVTTileOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItemMunicipality) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItemMunicipality', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiPolyline) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPolyline', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATraceDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATraceDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATraceManager) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATraceManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAIndoorFloorInfo) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAIndoorFloorInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAIndoorInfo) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAIndoorInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAPolylineRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAPolylineRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAAnnotationMoveAnimation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAAnnotationMoveAnimation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAShape) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAShape', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAAnnotationView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAAnnotationView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATileOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATileOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATileOverlayPath) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATileOverlayPath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACustomCalloutView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACustomCalloutView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItemCommonCity) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineItemCommonCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOfflineMap) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOfflineMap', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACircleRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACircleRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACoordinateBounds) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACoordinateBounds', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACoordinateSpan) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACoordinateSpan', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACoordinateRegion) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACoordinateRegion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapPoint) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapSize) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapSize', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapRect) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapRect', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleVelocityGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleVelocityGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleColorGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleColorGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleRandomColorGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRandomColorGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleRotationGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRotationGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleConstantRotationGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleSizeGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleSizeGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleCurveSizeGenerate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleEmissionModuleOC) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleEmissionModuleOC', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleShapeModule) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleShapeModule', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleSinglePointShapeModule', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleRectShapeModule) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleRectShapeModule', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverLifeModuleOC', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMVTTileOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMVTTileOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMVTTileOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMVTTileOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAUserLocation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAUserLocation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorNode) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorNode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorItem) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAHeatMapVectorOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointItem) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMultiPointOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACustomBuildingOverlayOption) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACustomBuildingOverlayOption', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACustomBuildingOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACustomBuildingOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATracePoint) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATracePoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MATraceLocation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMATraceLocation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAArc) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAArc', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAUserLocationRepresentation) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAUserLocationRepresentation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MABaseOverlay) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMABaseOverlay', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapView) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAMapViewDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAMapViewDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAOverlayPathRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAOverlayPathRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MAGroundOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMAGroundOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer) { + final result = await kAmapMapFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfMACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } + else { + return false; + } +} + +// type cast +// 给一个可选的泛型, 如果没有指定泛型就返回dynamic +@optionalTypeArgs +T? AmapMapFluttifyIOSAs(dynamic __this__) { + final typeName = T.toString(); + + if (__this__ == null) { + return null; + } else if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ as T; + } + else if (T == MAOfflineCity) { + return (MAOfflineCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItemNationWide) { + return (MAOfflineItemNationWide()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiPoint) { + return (MAMultiPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAGroundOverlay) { + return (MAGroundOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPolygonRenderer) { + return (MAPolygonRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPinAnnotationView) { + return (MAPinAnnotationView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapNode) { + return (MAHeatMapNode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapGradient) { + return (MAHeatMapGradient()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapTileOverlay) { + return (MAHeatMapTileOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapStatus) { + return (MAMapStatus()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPointAnnotation) { + return (MAPointAnnotation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACircle) { + return (MACircle()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAArcRenderer) { + return (MAArcRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAAnnotation) { + return (MAAnnotation.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAAnimatableAnnotation) { + return (MAAnimatableAnnotation.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineMapViewController) { + return (MAOfflineMapViewController()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapCustomStyleOptions) { + return (MAMapCustomStyleOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPolygon) { + return (MAPolygon()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlay) { + return (MAParticleOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPolyline) { + return (MAPolyline()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer) { + return (MAMultiColoredPolylineRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAAnimatedAnnotation) { + return (MAAnimatedAnnotation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOverlay) { + return (MAOverlay.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer) { + return (MAMultiTexturePolylineRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridNode) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorGridNode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGrid) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorGrid()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineProvince) { + return (MAOfflineProvince()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayRender()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATileOverlayRenderer) { + return (MATileOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItem) { + return (MAOfflineItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAGeodesicPolyline) { + return (MAGeodesicPolyline()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATouchPoi) { + return (MATouchPoi()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPathShowRange) { + return (MAPathShowRange()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer) { + return (MAMVTTileOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItemMunicipality) { + return (MAOfflineItemMunicipality()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorGridOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiPolyline) { + return (MAMultiPolyline()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATraceDelegate) { + return (MATraceDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATraceManager) { + return (MATraceManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate) { + return (MAMultiPointOverlayRendererDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer) { + return (MAMultiPointOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAIndoorFloorInfo) { + return (MAIndoorFloorInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAIndoorInfo) { + return (MAIndoorInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAPolylineRenderer) { + return (MAPolylineRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAAnnotationMoveAnimation) { + return (MAAnnotationMoveAnimation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAShape) { + return (MAShape()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAAnnotationView) { + return (MAAnnotationView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATileOverlay) { + return (MATileOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATileOverlayPath) { + return (MATileOverlayPath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACustomCalloutView) { + return (MACustomCalloutView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineItemCommonCity) { + return (MAOfflineItemCommonCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOfflineMap) { + return (MAOfflineMap()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACircleRenderer) { + return (MACircleRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlayRenderer) { + return (MAParticleOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACoordinateBounds) { + return (MACoordinateBounds()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACoordinateSpan) { + return (MACoordinateSpan()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACoordinateRegion) { + return (MACoordinateRegion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapPoint) { + return (MAMapPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapSize) { + return (MAMapSize()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapRect) { + return (MAMapRect()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleVelocityGenerate) { + return (MAParticleVelocityGenerate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate) { + return (MAParticleRandomVelocityGenerate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleColorGenerate) { + return (MAParticleColorGenerate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleRandomColorGenerate) { + return (MAParticleRandomColorGenerate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleRotationGenerate) { + return (MAParticleRotationGenerate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate) { + return (MAParticleConstantRotationGenerate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleSizeGenerate) { + return (MAParticleSizeGenerate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate) { + return (MAParticleCurveSizeGenerate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleEmissionModuleOC) { + return (MAParticleEmissionModuleOC()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleShapeModule) { + return (MAParticleShapeModule.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule) { + return (MAParticleSinglePointShapeModule()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleRectShapeModule) { + return (MAParticleRectShapeModule()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC) { + return (MAParticleOverLifeModuleOC()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlayOptions) { + return (MAParticleOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory) { + return (MAParticleOverlayOptionsFactory()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMVTTileOverlayOptions) { + return (MAMVTTileOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMVTTileOverlay) { + return (MAMVTTileOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOverlayRenderer) { + return (MAOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAUserLocation) { + return (MAUserLocation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorNode) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorNode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorItem) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorOverlayOptions()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAHeatMapVectorOverlay) { + return (MAHeatMapVectorOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointItem) { + return (MAMultiPointItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMultiPointOverlay) { + return (MAMultiPointOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACustomBuildingOverlayOption) { + return (MACustomBuildingOverlayOption()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACustomBuildingOverlay) { + return (MACustomBuildingOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATracePoint) { + return (MATracePoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MATraceLocation) { + return (MATraceLocation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAArc) { + return (MAArc()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAUserLocationRepresentation) { + return (MAUserLocationRepresentation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MABaseOverlay) { + return (MABaseOverlay()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapView) { + return (MAMapView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAMapViewDelegate) { + return (MAMapViewDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAOverlayPathRenderer) { + return (MAOverlayPathRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MAGroundOverlayRenderer) { + return (MAGroundOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer) { + return (MACustomBuildingOverlayRenderer()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } + + final FoundationFluttifyObject = FoundationFluttifyIOSAs(__this__); + if (FoundationFluttifyObject != null) { + return FoundationFluttifyObject; + } + final CoreLocationFluttifyObject = CoreLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__this__); + if (CoreLocationFluttifyObject != null) { + return CoreLocationFluttifyObject; + } + final AmapCoreFluttifyObject = AmapCoreFluttifyIOSAs(__this__); + if (AmapCoreFluttifyObject != null) { + return AmapCoreFluttifyObject; + } + final AmapSearchFluttifyObject = AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__this__); + if (AmapSearchFluttifyObject != null) { + return AmapSearchFluttifyObject; + } + final AmapLocationFluttifyObject = AmapLocationFluttifyIOSAs(__this__); + if (AmapLocationFluttifyObject != null) { + return AmapLocationFluttifyObject; + } + + // 匹配不到目标类型, 直接返回原对象 + debugPrint('匹配不到目标类型, 直接返回原对象'); + return __this__; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pubspec.lock b/pubspec.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f28c939 --- /dev/null +++ b/pubspec.lock @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +# Generated by pub +# See +packages: + amap_core_fluttify: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\amap_core_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.17.0" + amap_location_fluttify: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\amap_location_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.22.0" + amap_search_fluttify: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\amap_search_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.18.0" + async: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: async + sha256: "947bfcf187f74dbc5e146c9eb9c0f10c9f8b30743e341481c1e2ed3ecc18c20c" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.11.0" + boolean_selector: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: boolean_selector + sha256: "6cfb5af12253eaf2b368f07bacc5a80d1301a071c73360d746b7f2e32d762c66" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.1" + characters: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: characters + sha256: "04a925763edad70e8443c99234dc3328f442e811f1d8fd1a72f1c8ad0f69a605" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.3.0" + clock: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: clock + sha256: cb6d7f03e1de671e34607e909a7213e31d7752be4fb66a86d29fe1eb14bfb5cf + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.1.1" + collection: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: collection + sha256: ee67cb0715911d28db6bf4af1026078bd6f0128b07a5f66fb2ed94ec6783c09a + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.18.0" + core_location_fluttify: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\core_location_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.7.1" + fake_async: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: fake_async + sha256: "511392330127add0b769b75a987850d136345d9227c6b94c96a04cf4a391bf78" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.3.1" + flutter: + dependency: "direct main" + description: flutter + source: sdk + version: "0.0.0" + flutter_lints: + dependency: "direct dev" + description: + name: flutter_lints + sha256: b543301ad291598523947dc534aaddc5aaad597b709d2426d3a0e0d44c5cb493 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.0.4" + flutter_test: + dependency: "direct dev" + description: flutter + source: sdk + version: "0.0.0" + flutter_web_plugins: + dependency: transitive + description: flutter + source: sdk + version: "0.0.0" + foundation_fluttify: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\foundation_fluttify" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.13.0+1" + leak_tracker: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: leak_tracker + sha256: "3f87a60e8c63aecc975dda1ceedbc8f24de75f09e4856ea27daf8958f2f0ce05" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "10.0.5" + leak_tracker_flutter_testing: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: leak_tracker_flutter_testing + sha256: "932549fb305594d82d7183ecd9fa93463e9914e1b67cacc34bc40906594a1806" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.0.5" + leak_tracker_testing: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: leak_tracker_testing + sha256: "6ba465d5d76e67ddf503e1161d1f4a6bc42306f9d66ca1e8f079a47290fb06d3" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.0.1" + lints: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: lints + sha256: a2c3d198cb5ea2e179926622d433331d8b58374ab8f29cdda6e863bd62fd369c + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.0.1" + matcher: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: matcher + sha256: d2323aa2060500f906aa31a895b4030b6da3ebdcc5619d14ce1aada65cd161cb + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.12.16+1" + material_color_utilities: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: material_color_utilities + sha256: f7142bb1154231d7ea5f96bc7bde4bda2a0945d2806bb11670e30b850d56bdec + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.11.1" + meta: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: meta + sha256: bdb68674043280c3428e9ec998512fb681678676b3c54e773629ffe74419f8c7 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.15.0" + path: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: path + sha256: "087ce49c3f0dc39180befefc60fdb4acd8f8620e5682fe2476afd0b3688bb4af" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.9.0" + plugin_platform_interface: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: plugin_platform_interface + sha256: dbf0f707c78beedc9200146ad3cb0ab4d5da13c246336987be6940f026500d3a + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.3" + sky_engine: + dependency: transitive + description: flutter + source: sdk + version: "0.0.99" + source_span: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: source_span + sha256: "53e943d4206a5e30df338fd4c6e7a077e02254531b138a15aec3bd143c1a8b3c" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.10.0" + stack_trace: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: stack_trace + sha256: "73713990125a6d93122541237550ee3352a2d84baad52d375a4cad2eb9b7ce0b" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.11.1" + stream_channel: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: stream_channel + sha256: ba2aa5d8cc609d96bbb2899c28934f9e1af5cddbd60a827822ea467161eb54e7 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.2" + string_scanner: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: string_scanner + sha256: "556692adab6cfa87322a115640c11f13cb77b3f076ddcc5d6ae3c20242bedcde" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.2.0" + term_glyph: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: term_glyph + sha256: a29248a84fbb7c79282b40b8c72a1209db169a2e0542bce341da992fe1bc7e84 + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "1.2.1" + test_api: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: test_api + sha256: "5b8a98dafc4d5c4c9c72d8b31ab2b23fc13422348d2997120294d3bac86b4ddb" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "0.7.2" + uni_map_platform_interface: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + path: "D:\\FlutterProjects\\uni_map_platform_interface" + relative: false + source: path + version: "0.7.0-rc.0" + url_launcher: + dependency: "direct main" + description: + name: url_launcher + sha256: "698fa0b4392effdc73e9e184403b627362eb5fbf904483ac9defbb1c2191d809" + url: "" + source: hosted + 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"4eae912628763eb48fc214522e58e942fd16ce195407dbf45638239523c759a6" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.1" + url_launcher_web: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: url_launcher_web + sha256: "44d79408ce9f07052095ef1f9a693c258d6373dc3944249374e30eff7219ccb0" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.0.14" + url_launcher_windows: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: url_launcher_windows + sha256: "387e227c4b979034cc52afb11d66b04ed9b288ca1f45beeef39b2ea69e714fa5" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "3.0.2" + vector_math: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vector_math + sha256: "80b3257d1492ce4d091729e3a67a60407d227c27241d6927be0130c98e741803" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "2.1.4" + vm_service: + dependency: transitive + description: + name: vm_service + sha256: "5c5f338a667b4c644744b661f309fb8080bb94b18a7e91ef1dbd343bed00ed6d" + url: "" + source: hosted + version: "14.2.5" +sdks: + dart: ">=3.5.3 <4.0.0" + flutter: ">=3.18.0-18.0.pre.54" diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d4d96b --- /dev/null +++ b/pubspec.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +name: amap_map_fluttify +description: An `Amap` Map Component, Powered By `Fluttify` Compiler, A Dart Bindings Generator For Native SDK. +version: 2.0.2 + +environment: + sdk: ^3.5.3 + flutter: '>=3.3.0' + +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + + url_launcher: ^6.1.6 + uni_map_platform_interface: + git: + url: + foundation_fluttify: + git: + url: + core_location_fluttify: + git: + url: + amap_core_fluttify: + git: + url: + amap_search_fluttify: + git: + url: + amap_location_fluttify: + git: + url: + +dependency_overrides: + foundation_fluttify: + path: ..\foundation_fluttify +dev_dependencies: + flutter_test: + sdk: flutter + flutter_lints: any + +flutter: + plugin: + platforms: + android: + package: me.yohom.amap_map_fluttify + pluginClass: AmapMapFluttifyPlugin + ios: + pluginClass: AmapMapFluttifyPlugin \ No newline at end of file

    V?(99*E@gMPG&XZsu z2^Pq9G|>#nr)G#M!DVu-NnyfaTBU$O*Wd)g$dl+r7>F>Ah%ILy{K<|lTuE1_?d_cn zih3pJ}S!A#%$&rK=%G zBn<@`WqvJ6r_a!}>7uI-M!x4F9eh#0R*^>spO)KqX_~>S+X+OudD7~n5*b0r4MgBw1&CHAvIvm83%475usos8#vU9UwWwj6(?!nZ9%kz^;dJD^_9;F4n8z>| zxp0agnG{qi;9tPS3LJNEeGqdFBT0z}J)h>Fk_mj}TYAtM6uh15aVcoi`8V&+MsKRJ z->cO`RII-<^6UJUB!OaggWnylU%d`)b}hMk3=0#Q6?em7KAYgdVQ7<{Rm%)wGd>AZ z+jSL&C4MeDcUJEm6;mh{@=l{0= zXlPtZ(x{MsiRvP#o@10D1Jh_SDsjCL$4Mj)@{I^H(MVWI7x(|WYyOqp+Yj#?)kL>2 zR}HW70|=o(I6_4l(RmaWl?{$^=y2z+*p6`qL-M^2Mm?_iBJ&+SR5&2zxR-)-0TnJQ zA=a)W$^7uLB4HHEEn$1?zNEcCeyhhtFZJ)RK0_(TpcS{%XImouT&UVacQH6Ekom;_ z1cOvaAZBpBpcyriS`-Q+i-?96c^4oNVI+7UVL!m8*TG&BT0xtVRsv~fTjcrUZ)xu> zS@f5yRvugOxp$-y*Qi0zp-8tS_k46TZX?0Th4qe$Y2Y1l_u-P(;L5xaiGr}tjcOw; zR|u^joTQaNTGMCB(K9a;XcGPX)xtTmmAx)~;iazU3G;XPGx$GU?hSW!g{v6Uc z)sI}KgPf)$LSt9a_aA(*h~xj2ZIhCph)2=t@y53wL|JCDH?NEr(2$VkXnsYLJ* z2XEYGK_aV)RVSdIlpk>;zTxb^V|PB}UScUcj=@Xw`hzy{O4v1sa{}Jj@ydPg1;$GwS6g zy-|ZRoC1U*=&aJ%w<`?m4-3|LFynw^s4`szNkpgn0n3cb7>_6;U($UQ3R9P 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